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List of PSP homebrew applications

From GameBrew
Media Players | File Browsers | Utilities | System Tools | Operating Systems | Math | Music | Other

Media Players

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
LightMP3 A MP3/OGG Vorbis/FLAC/Atrac3+/WMA player designed to drain little energy from your battery. 2.0.0 RC4 661 sakya, ErikPshat 2017/05/03
Gamesonic Player Media player for PSP and PS Vita (eCFW). 0.2a franzes80 2015/02/22
PSP LyricShow Player Advance English/French translated version of PSP LyricShow Player + bugfixes. 1.11 EN/FR Sylwer, gadget2k 2012/05/15
Play List M Create music playlist for your PSP. 2.1 mpm88 2012/03/10
Moonshell for PSP Port of Moonshell for the PSP. 1.00 Beta moonlight 2011/11/22
PSP Mix Sound Choose two MP3 audio files and mix them. 2 Jorge_97 2011/10/25
PMPlayer Advance A PSP movie player. 3.1.5 cooleyes 2011/10/19
OpenTube MOD Mod of OpenTube v2 which allows you to watch youtube on PSP. 2 mod RaFa 2011/09/02
Unofficial PMPlayer for 6.60 PMP player advance for 6.60. Mod neur0n 2011/08/22
PSP Music Center A music player for the PSP powered by FFMpeg. r2 RNB_PSP 2011/08/18
OpenTube Video streaming application for PSP. 0.1 biscotteralacrevette 2011/05/30
PSP-DivX Player Video and audio player that supports a wide variety of formats. FW1.5+ Tim2001 2011/05/08
LuaMP3 JPN Japanese translated version of LuaMP3. 2 SAL 2011/02/27
Game Music Gear MX with VGMPlay An upgrade from the old GameMusicGear, with VGM support. 1.5 gama (silmarilion/theHobbit), maxo (rockMax) 2010/12/20
PSPlaylist A Karaoke and Audio player for PSP. 2.26 moikop 2010/08/31
Media Player Engine A simple media player (MP3, AA3, OGG) written in Lua. 2.0 DedDinO_94 2010/04/21
mdxplayer for PSP MXD player for the PSP. 0.01 TMK 2010/02/03
GO!Pod Mod of LightMP3 to give it a modern look. 2010 mipf 2010/01/23
Dj Pana Music player with several music effects options and visualizers. 0.5 Demo adrian-SAYA 2009/12/23
LuaMP3 MP3 player for PSP coded in Lua. 0.2 ac-portugal 2009/12/09
CueplayerPSP Cueplayer for the PSP written in C. 0.20 helloworld1 2009/11/03
PSPLyrics Music Player + Lyrics Viewer for the PSP. 0.1 Adrian Courrèges 2009/11/02
PSP LyricShow Player 0.98J Japanese localization of PSP LyricShow Player with many new features. jv6 Anonymous 2009/10/20
Future Player A lightweight player for different old-school module. 1.01 Paradise 2009/08/23
CoverFlow PSP Alpha version of a Cover Flow application. alpha homemister91 2009/05/19
MDX PLAYER for PSP Play MDX file. 0.1 BouKiCHi 2009/04/27
eKaraoke Karaoke on PSP. 1.0 J3r3mie 2009/03/02
PSPVorbo A streaming Ogg/Vorbis player for the PSP. 0.0.1 AJ Milne 2009/02/16
LightMP3 kai Battery-friendly MP3 player with Japanese file name support. 1.6.3 mascii 2009/02/14
VMP3 An MP3 player homebrew that contains 23 different visualizations. 1 mrafenne 2009/01/15
PMP VLC Player Play streaming media with VLC Player. 1.1 Build 10 Test JockyW, Team P86 2008/11/22
TLAFTMP3 MP3 player with visualizer. 2 tlaft 2008/10/13
PSPlayer Update version of PSPlayerMT. 2.0 kkman (nugi) 2008/09/23
PSP OTO Play MIDI/MP3/OggVorbis/WAV. test 2 shinshin319 2008/08/22
PSParticlePlayer MP3 player featuring visual effects from a particle engine. 1.0 MK2k 2008/08/15
Game Music Gear MX An upgrade from the old GameMusicGear. 1.3 gama (silmarilion/theHobbit), maxo (rockMax) 2008/08/13
TruFlow Advanced coverflow style music browser and player. 1.1 Da MerV 2008/07/23
PSP LyricShow Player A music player that displays lyrics synced with the song. 0.9.7 gadget2k 2008/07/07
MP3 ME Player Small text based MP3 player done in the style of a DOS/ANSI type app. 1.03 caliarbor 2008/06/29
Modo Ultra simple mod player. 10th Bastian Pflieger (wbb) 2008/06/16
PS-CoverFLow MP3 player application based on Cover Flow. 3.0 Animefreak345 2008/06/13
CoverFlow mod Modded version of Coverflow v2.5 with a more realistic layout. 3.0 ALIENWARE 2008/06/04
Ruckus DJ MOD Musically manipulate your MP3s using real DJ techniques. Loop Edition 1.1 CK 2008/06/01
Coverflow A MP3 player with a 3D inferface based off Cover Flow. 2.5 sony psp player 2008/05/22
VisMP3 Media Library Visualizer An MP3 player that supports playlists and Media Library to make them more organized. 0.1.2 arpaagent 2008/03/24
cintro for 3.xx PMF player app for 3xx kernels. 390 Coolj 2008/02/08
pspKaraoke Convert your PSP Slim into a Karaoke Machine. Beta Hyve (bee001) 2008/02/01
ModPlay Plays MOD, XM and IT files. 2007 Spike_132000 2007/11/20
PSP MilkyPlayer Full blown mod/xm/it replayer for PSP. 1.1 Titan 2007/10/22
FlacPlay Play FLAC audio files. beta jsharrad 2007/10/16
Xandu's Media Player Turn your PSP into an iPod. 1.2d Xandu 2007/08/18
Melody The standalone MP3 music player of Choice BETA 1.5. 1.0.4 xart 2007/08/14
Game Music Gear A music player that supports a variety of formats, such as OGG Vorbis, Amiga SC68, MP3, WAV, and FLAC. 0.1.0 gama (silmarilion/theHobbit) 2007/06/25
PSPRadio Online Streaming Music Client for the Sony PSP Console. 1.18.1400 Raf, Sandberg, jpfouch48 2007/04/08
Ruckus MP3 player designed for DJs. 1.0b1 Captain Dan 2006/09/09
Sirens Music player. Supports APE, FLAC, TTA, WAVPACK, MP3, OGG, WMA, MP4A(AAC), CUE. Formerly named CoolPlayer. 0.9.1 cooleyes 2006/09/07
Music Club MP3 and WMA player with LRC support. 1.2.9051 nj-zero 2006/09/05
ATTRAC3 Replay At3 playback. 2006 hitchhikr 2006/09/03
SimpleAmp A simple MP3 player that has nice interface graphics. Reborn Team Shadow 2006/07/28
PMP Mod PSP DivX/Xvid Player. 2.02 johnny 2006/07/17
Game Music Emu for PSP Port of Shay Green's Game Music Emu library for the PSP. 0.1 theHobbit 2006/07/13
MP3 Player An MP3 player with a simple UI. 2006 Eric Garner (distrex) 2006/06/27
PMP Mod AVC A special version of PMP Mod. Supports AVC video. 1.02 johnny 2006/06/24
PMF Player Test App A test app for playing PMF video files. 2006 magiK 2006/05/25
ATRAC3 Player Sample A simple atrac3 player. 3 moonlight 2006/05/01
PSP.Spectrum Lua-based audio analyser for PSP. 0.01 mrn 2006/03/30
PMP Mod M4g3 PMP Mod 1.02 + Network Support. 20160219 David Voswinkel 2006/02/19
PSPlayerMT A multimedia player for PSP. Test kkman (nugi) 2006/01/21
sexyPSF Port of sexyPSF to the PSP. 0.4.5-r1 - 1.1d yaneurao, weltall 2006/01/21
TiMidity++ 2.11.3 for PSP MIDI player for PSP. 23 Machiyuta 2005/11/05
PSP Tiny SID The first SID Player for the PSP. 0.1 Rainer Sinsch 2005/10/01
DJSP Audio Visual MP3 Player The premier audio visual MP3 player for the PSP. 0.14a Andy Fung 2005/08/26
AVI player Port of AVI player for GP32 console (aka GP Cinema). 0.2 Myungwoon go 2005/08/07
MikMod PSP Port of MikMod module player V3.0.3 to PSP. 1.2 Jim Shaw 2005/07/31
ST-Sound PSP ST Sound YM player. 1.1b Jim Shaw 2005/07/10

Media Players | File Browsers | Utilities | System Tools | Operating Systems | Math | Music | Other

File Browsers

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
CMFileManager PSP A multi-purpose file manager for the PSP, heavily inspired by the CM file manager design. 4.1 joel16 2021/12/26
PSP File Manager/Extractor An update version of Lua File Manager and Extraction GUI. 1.2 joel16 2014/01/22
PSPTreeExplorer File browser in Windows-style. 1.1 fix yuh0q223 2012/03/11
PSP File Browser A file browser using a clean intraFont. 1.00 LIGHT 2012/02/02
Zip Extractor Extract .zip files on your PSP. 1.00 Cold Eagle 2011/11/15
PSPCOXMANAGER File browser + manager. 1.2 Dark_Kendox 2011/10/05
PSP Claw Explorer A multi function explorer. 1.0 cam-maker 2011/09/05
RLX Compressor File compression/decompression tool. 0.52 Signed mafu 2011/04/24
Winrar, Winzip Extractor Modified version of Lua File Manager and Extraction GUI. 0.3 Ayrton990 2011/03/24
XManager File management app with music player and image viewer. Beta xerpi 2011/03/24
Multir3voluti0n A file explorer, UMD Loader and able to connect PSP via USB. 1.00 tonetex 2010/09/02
PSP Filer A File Manager for the PSP. 6.6 Mediumguage 2010/01/31
Explored File explorer fo your PSP. 2.2 adrian-SAYA 2010/01/21
Project Alpha An application with multiple features: file browser, music player, free up space in flash0, install themes and view the current status of the battery on the PSP. 1.1 Adrin 2009/09/01
PSPCleaner Allows you to safely delete some files on both the Memory Stick (pictures, themes, music) and Flash 1 (Internet history, cookies, cache). 1.5 Migueliziosop 2009/09/01
Appzer Lua browser for the PGE version of Lua Player. RC 0.01 FaT3oYCG 2009/07/06
Lua File Manager and Extraction GUI File manager and extraction. 0.2 corytheidiot 2009/04/12
ExploreMe GPL file browser. 0.92 MaxTheBest 2008/09/15
IBrowse Filebrowser shell for the PSP. 1 grafele 2008/08/21
File Browser A simple browser with several extra functions. 0.2 beta stuka120 2008/07/17
PSPlorer File explorer with some additional functions. 1.5 pspZorba 2008/05/25
FileAssistant++ An all purpose file browsing application. 3XX 71M 2008/04/07
Multi Tasker Capable of interacting with all sorts of media in a vast amount of file formats on your PSP. 2008 SG57 2008/03/20
System Player 101 Lua system browser (copy/move install file), mp3 player, img view. Updater homemister 2008/02/16
Browsr A file browser and launcher written in Lua with a few additional features. 0.2 Yongobongo 2007/10/06
PSP Filer Chs Chinese translated version of PSP Filer. 2.9+ Angelspsp 2007/02/17
File A file manager and audio player with lyrics support. 2007 psp_rk 2007/01/07
FileAssistant Ported to run on Firmware 2.8. 2.8 Killer Maniac 2006/12/10
fBrowserXP File browser script written in Lua. 1.0 fchaos, yoyomacy 2006/11/02
LuaMainframe A replacement for Lowser with addons. 0.1 BETA 1 Glynnder 2006/07/24
AnonymousTipsters RAR ZIP Able to extract RAR and ZIP files with PSP, with added support for passworded archives. 0.3 AnonymousTipster 2006/06/12
Lua FileManager A small and lightweight file browser. 0.10-beta3 Mallchin 2006/03/16
Remo Browser Local file browser. 0.6 Beta meridimus 2006/03/15
PSP Launcher A tiny file browser that can launch homebrew. 2005 Shazz 2005/07/18
PSP File Manager A file manager for the PSP. 0.3b2 Cpasjuste, Dbase 2005/07/07

Media Players | File Browsers | Utilities | System Tools | Operating Systems | Math | Music | Other


Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Chronoswitch Downgrader Firmware downgrader utility for the Playstation Portable. 7.6.1 DaveeFTW, TheZett, Krazynez 2024/11/20
Apollo Save Tool Apollo Save Tool (PSP). 1.3.2 bucanero 2024/07/20
themadump A homebrew that dumps your custom PSP theme into your Memory Stick. 1.0 Signed reha, PonpiK 2024/06/11
UmdImageCreator A program to dump the UMD. 1.7 saramibreak 2024/06/01
PKGi PSP A PlayStation Portable (PSP) package download tool. 1.1.0 bucanero 2024/03/03
PSP IDPS Dumper IDPS Dumper for PSP. 0.9 Yoti 2022/10/10
PSPInstaller An all in one downloader and installer for PSP Homebrew, Themes, Pictures and Utilities. Adrenaline Spike_132000 2017/06/22
PSP Depackager Install .pkg files on PSP. 3 qwikrazor87 2015/10/21
PopsDeco Extract pops prx for PRO. 0.15.151024 popsdeco 2015/01/24
Easy 6.20 Dualboot Able to use different 6.20 HENs in a single PSP. Rev.C Rinnegatamante 2014/05/21
138Menu An alternative menu for VHBL/CEF. L3 GUIDOBOT 2013/11/29
qwikMove An application that can quickly move large files and directories. 2 qwikrazor87 2013/04/18
Simple Clock A simple clock with alarm function. 1.01 signed Blazing Illusion 2013/04/10
pyMenu An alternative menu for PS Vita and PSP. 0.3.2 Acid_Snake 2013/03/29
MStoMS Copy files from Memory Stick to Memory Stick. 1.1 signed ABCanG 2012/12/14
PSPBatch Executes a batch file (pseudo) on PSP. 0.2 signed ABCanG 2012/11/23
UMD Dumper Ultimate Edition UMD dumper for Playstation Portable. Ultimate Edition Domingues Jonathan 2012/09/19
DORAKZ Folder creator, iso cache remover, web browser cache remover, SAVEDATA folder cleaner and 6.60 version.txt writer for PSP. 1.5L Damian Bevan (djbevan) 2012/08/22
PSPBPacker Edit Eboot on the PSP. 3 qwikrazor87 2012/07/24
PSPID3Editor A handy Lua app that can edit mp3 tags. 5 qwikrazor87 2012/05/03
LuaPlayer Plus Lua interpreter for PSP. r163 NaNnI, Rinnegatamante 2012/05/01
PSPlaylister Lua based app to create/edit playlists for music, videos and photos. 4 qwikrazor87 2012/04/24
UMD Killer UMD Dumper. 1.2 Avanaboy 2012/02/06
ISO Tool Manage and backup your UMD straight from your PSP. 1.981 Takka 2011/12/30
All Install Download and install homebrew, plugins, themes, gameboots and version.txt. New Version OuterHeaven 2011/12/23
SaveGame Saver Backup and restore your savedata files (SAVEDATA FOLDER). 0.1 fede94boss 2011/12/22
Battery Saver PRO A Lua-based app that monitor the charging status. Demo Team ESP 2011/12/09
Cleaner PSP Delete unnecessary files on the Memory Stick. Formerly PSP Boost. 3 Beta 1 Tutos14 2011/11/21
GaleriaMarkef Image gallery on your PSP. Beta3 markef 2011/08/16
AIP Automatically installs plugins on your PSP. 3.10 moikop 2011/08/11
UsbServer Use the PSP as a UsbWifi Adapter for the PC. 1.5 thecobra 2011/08/09
UMD Dumper Backup your UMD in ISO format. 1.0 fede94boss 2011/08/05
Dissidia Clocker Modify the PSP date and time from a homebrew. 1.0 suloku 2011/07/20
6-20/6-39 TN Xtended (aLoader2) TH-HEN extended with an integrated ISO-Loader (aLoader). Also known as aLoader2. 1 ardi 2011/06/20
Lock The Folder Set passwords for your folders and files on PSP. 1.1 knopper 2011/06/11
Memory Restore Create all the necessary folders on the Memory Stick. 2011 fede94boss 2011/06/11
Easy 6.20 Installer Allow you to install any version of HEN, CFW and CXMB for the original firmware 6.20. 1.1 beta fede94boss 2011/05/31
YAPM (a) Plugins Manager A feature-packed application that allows you to organize all your PRX plugins. 0.60 Strangelove 2011/05/30
PSP Util PSP utility tht has 9 smalls applications. 2011 Arage 56 2011/05/29
FolderCheck Creates all the essential folders which you will ever need on your PSP for you. 0.1 Shaplayer 2011/05/29
Hide Your Folders Utility to hide folders on a PSP. 0.2 Punker69 2011/05/23
5h4d0w's Seplugins Manager Allow you to enable and disable plugins without a computer. 1.6 final 5h4d0w 2011/05/22
Easy Version.txt Dumper Dump version.txt. 2011 Zooner 2011/05/21
FanFiction Net Browser A browser application for the popular website FanFiction.Net. 1.0a criptych 2011/05/21
LUA-Tool Collection of PSP utilities. 0.2 Shaplayer 2011/05/15
LuaHider Hide your things on the XMB. 0.1 Shaplayer 2011/05/10
PSP Manga FX Homebrew software for reading manga on PSP. 1.0 motoonsen 2011/05/09
HomeBrew Sorter GUI CN Chinese translated version of HomeBrew Sorter GUI. beta4 CN v2 2011/02/23
Recovery Menu T.U A recovery menu coded for HEN and CFW in eboot format. 0.2 KaZT.U 2011/02/13
FileSort Dump your flash and organize your files. 1.5 jackjason 2011/02/13
OpenIdea ISO Loader Load game backups directly from the XMB. 0.2 Beta 4 Dridri 2011/02/06
AX A download manager, plugin manager and MS browser. 2.37 Neutrosider 2011/01/05
Ultimate VSH Menu A plugin as a replacement for VSH menu with better functionality. final Total_Noob 2010/08/13
PSPMulti A collection of system utilities and homebrew games. 0.26 D!S (DSPSP) 2010/06/16
Adhoc File Transfer Transfer files from your PSP to another via WiFi connection. 0.7 signed Minerva 2010/04/29
LuaIDE Lua script editor with features including syntax highlighting, file management, and testing. 5 Oslord 2010/04/24
EjPSPReader Aozora Bunko reader and MP3 player. 1.9b EjPSP 2010/02/25
HomeBrew Sorter GUI homebrewSorter mod that supports Game Categories plugin and has a nice GUI. Beta 4 Sakya, Valentin, Suloku 2010/01/30
UMD Plus UMD dumper. 1.0 Boujack 2010/01/24
eboot exchange Extract, backup, and modify the EBOOT.BIN file from ISO/CSO files. 2.8 Takka 2009/12/15
Ocultador VLF Hide and unhide files on your Memory Stick. 1.0 va2ron1 2009/11/28
Homebrew Sorter for Game Categories Revised Mod of homebrewSorter for Game Categories Revised. 02 mascii 2009/11/02
PReSS A RSS reader for PSP. 0.4.1 Nino van Hooff (The Underminer) 2009/11/02
Todo Info Display remaining battery time, free space on the memory stick and the model of your PSP. 3 Ðαrk_Ðrαgøn-βlαck 2009/10/21
Game Decrypter Tool to decrypt EBOOT files of games with Firmware 5.55. 4 Yoshihiro 2009/10/08
Hardware Alarm Suite 2 for PSP Alarm that will wake up the PSP from either Sleep Mode or Powered Off (standby) mode. 2.7 bld 1730 Mr305 2009/10/05
PSPUtilities Offer a few functions inclucing hide folder, test console buttons and Pandoraize battery. 1.0 aleex.rg 2009/09/03
InfoVPSP Display various information on your PSP. 1.78 sergi70 2009/09/02
Perfect UMD Dumper A tool for creating ISO backups from UMDs. 1.1 Mediumgauge 2009/09/02
STuning Application for flashing PSP resources, such as waves, battery icon, volume bar. scenerybeta bugfix -EsTuArT- 2009/08/31
PSPassword Encrypt your data on PSP with a password. 0.2 Piker 2009/08/30
PSPTweaker A tool for various operations such as registry hacks, cleaning, and more. 2.0 ab5000 2009/08/20
Homebrew Sorter MOD Mod of homebrewSorter made for GAME5XX folder folder compatibility. MOD Migueliziosop 2009/07/12
PsPlugin Manager An application that installs some of the best plugins. 1.5 TheCraziness1 2009/07/08
PSP Black System A multi-utility homebrew. 0.3 NOS32 2009/06/23
Extended Power Save Settings Set the PSP's standard power-saving settings with precision down to the second. 02a mascii 2009/05/09
M33 Registry hacks Recreation of the M33 Registry Hacks function. 01 mascii 2009/05/09
AirCrack-PSP Port of AircrackDS. Test 0.57 Gaby_64 2009/04/05
pag3 A small yet complex html editor for PSP. 2009 pront0 2009/03/21
Play Everywhere A multi-purpose homebrew coded in Lua. 2.0 Team Geek Inside 2009/02/21
UMDumper Dump your Sony PSP games from the original UMD disk. 0.3.0D PhonicUK 2009/02/20
Phoenix Eeditor Text and image editor created with the PGE Lua by InsertWittyName. 0.01 Gogy (Samy) 2009/01/31
homebrewSorter Organize homebrew and ISO files in the XMB. 1.2.0 Sakya 2009/01/04
Shelling A utiliy homebrew. 1.0 Team VGT 2008/12/31
DualBoot PSP A homebrew that offer various shortcut options: launch homebrew, enable USB, put PSP on sleep mode, etc. 2008 Flomito, flav1994, Micksel2054 2008/12/09
Plugins Config Editor Edit plugin settings on CFW. 5xx Takeshi (たけし) 2008/12/05
Tool HB Modify the Title, Icon0, and Pic1 of an EBOOT file on the PSP. 1.1 Albandu51 2008/10/28
To Hide Hide/Unhide contents on the XMB. 4.0b sebas_94, TheBlackKnight 2008/09/27
X Installer App for 3.71+ that lets you download and install homebrew. Beta Klutsh 2008/09/10
Project0 An all-in-one application to configure your PSP. 1.5 Adrin 2008/08/31
Easycxmb Homebrew installer for CXMB version: Lite/Full. 3 stefyx7 2008/08/21
SED Chs Chinese translated version of SED. 2008 bluekiller 2008/08/20
QuickView Allow user to view images while listening to music. 2008 slicer4ever 2008/08/19
NeoHider Hide and show folders on Memory Stick. 1.0 M14_b2 2008/08/12
ChildBeGone Program to prevent others from messing with your PSP without permission. 1 Jonathan Holmes (crait) 2008/08/01
WakeUp Digital alarm clock that also plays MP3. 2 Trom_US 2008/06/27
Sleep'n'Wake Customizable PSP alarm clock with music and multilanguage interface. 1.99b MK2k 2008/06/27
Bermuda CS Multifunctional homebrew drawing and graphic design tool. 9CF bumuckl 2008/05/23
UMDrip Back up PSP UMDs to Memory Stick 5 Art 2008/05/21
Time Baby A multifunctional alarm clock, including moon phases, sunrise/sunset times, world time map, an MP3 player, and a stopwatch. 15d Art 2008/05/20
Eb0x Portable Eboot Extractor. 1.0 bumuckl 2008/05/16
PSP-PDA A set of PDA programs/utility applications for PSP. 1.3.2 rob_psp, Zx-81 2008/05/09
uDump Dump a UMD. 0.2 J3r3mie 2008/05/01
Psp Dos Utility homebrew that resembles the DOS console. 0.2 Dark Sidious 2008/03/22
SED (Savedata En/Decrypter) Decrypt and encrypt save files. 0.60 Raki 2008/03/19
CXMB Themes Changer Application for changing CXMB theme. 0.1 J3r3mie, Wallaby 2008/03/11
MUX Manage multiple UPDATE folders on your PSP. 2.1 KingSebo 2008/01/19
CreatDir Check and recreate all the 3.71 M33 / 3.52 M33 directories on the memstick. 0.3 for 3.xx Mirzab14 2008/01/06
Choice2 Homebrew organizer and launcher. Improved version of slimChoice. xart 2007/12/23
PSP Hide Files Hide ISOs, music, photos, videos, and other things on the XMB. 1.0 F Metal Alchemist 2007/12/21
playPSP Lua app + game. 1012 DGGC92 (ArkTRT) 2007/12/10
PSP GetXY Coordinate finder. 2007 Maxy_PSP 2007/10/29
PSPWOL Wake-On-LAN utility to wake a networked PC. 2.1 EvilDooinz 2007/10/21
iFind Luminos with YongoBongo Easy Installer A full-fledged portal application for PSP with features such as games, chat applications, as well as some new ones. 4.00 Yongobongo, Cronos Studios 2007/10/20
slimChoice Homebrew organizer/replacement menu for eLoader. 1.0.4 xart 2007/10/03
eLoader Run homebrew as FW1.50. 1.000 Noobz 2007/09/15
easyChoice Homebrew organizer and loader. 1.5 xart 2007/08/10
Choice easyChoice with additional features. Beta 1.1 xart 2007/07/22
Playlist Manager MP3 player + manage your playlists on the go. 2.0 mervsduh 2007/07/15
PSP Organize A collection of useful functions for your PSP. 4.0 Rc3 coldtoiletseat 2007/05/17
FirmwareAutoBooter A firmware loader designed for 1.00 debug. 2007 pj1115 2007/04/03
OE Homebrew Sorter A homebrew organizer for the PSP. 0.1 BETA LrdShaper 2007/03/25
PUNANI Helps you to manage homebrews that are in eboot format. 1.0 hallo007 2007/03/21
FlatEditPSP A fully functional text editor. 11.6.0 Flatmush 2007/03/15
PSP WiFile Transfer Transfer files between PC and PSP through WiFi. 1.0 A Luiz Pestana 2007/03/02
LABOKO for PSP Tool for modifying save data. 1.01.00 GAMELABO Software 2007/02/25
blackSPEED Measure the speed of the utilized Memory Stick Pro Duo. 2.0 Sebastian Schnell (Sebzzz) 2007/02/20
Links2 PSP Port Port of the open source browser Links2. 2.1pre23 PSP r1261 Raf, Danzel 2007/02/06
iFind Media Portal (iFind Pro Neeon) Portal application with a bundle of features. 3.0 Cronos Studios (lil_naruto, Yongobongo and whoelse) 2007/01/21
USB Special System Storage Mount and access UMD content and PSP system data on your PC. 1 Booster 2007/01/13
PSXReality Memory Stick Tester An app that help test the performance of Memory Sticks. 1.0 mavy 2007/01/08
Flash0/1 Free Space Calculator A program that attempts to determine how much free space is on your flash0. 3 FINAL kando, weltall 2007/01/01
NetConfigBackup Backup and restore network configurations from the PSP Chris Swindle 2006/12/13
PatchSFO Patch the EBOOT files to make them compatible with firmware 2.80. 2006 Noobz 2006/11/13
PSPWorldClock Display the current time around the globe. 0.5 Glynnder 2006/10/23
L:UA Unofficial Unofficial update of L:UA (Lua Utility Applications). 1.0.5 Xandu, Glynnder 2006/10/22
L:UA Lua Utility Applications (counter, button tester, stopwatch, pixel fixer). 1.0.2 Xandu 2006/10/20
uo_Ograniser Unofficial update of Ogranise by modsyn. 0.9.2se Hoshizora 2006/10/10
Install-o-tron An automatic homebrew installer that uses the PSP-Homebrew database to allow you to download and install homebrew directly to your PSP. 0.6 Fanjita, AlexRichter 2006/10/10
Binary Clock Shows the time in 24 hour clock format as in a BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) format. 1.0 HardHat, Teuras 2006/09/09
PSPLZMA Port of LZMA SDK (4.43) by Igor Pavlov. (7z compression) 1.0.0 mph 2006/07/30
UMD Dax Dumper Dump your UMD in DAX, ISO or GZIP format. Beta 0.2 Dark_AleX 2006/06/04
Ogranise Organize the icons for your homebrews (1.50). w_sce_ modsyn 2006/05/12
UMD Identifier Identifies UMDs by the code in in UMD_DATA.BIN. 0.2 harleyg, cppnewbie 2006/05/09
UMDTool Dump and launch UMD's with various settings. 0.2 SodR 2006/04/23
PSPicture Converter A proof-of-concept app that can convert images to different formats. 0.60 Glynnder 2006/03/28
PSPChat A simple instant message program. 1.1 youresam, LordSturm 2006/03/07
PSP Screen Capture Screen Capture app. 0.03 Nekokabu 2006/02/25
TwinTail LDE [EUC-JP] Japanese version of TwinTail LDE. 2.1 ema 2006/01/21
TwinTail LDE Text editor for LUA script. 2.1 ema 2006/01/21
MSTest Benchmark test program for your Memory Stick. 1.0 MIB.42 2006/01/21
Notepad for PSP Lua text editor based on ema’s ttlde with Simplified Chinese input. 3 FIXED ema, kris (kriswu) 2006/01/14
SaveHacker Modify gamesave. 0.1 Weltall 2006/01/05
Cheatworks PSP Type S A savedata editor. 0.10 beta1 Team n:exp 2006/01/04
UMD Dumper #Opt UMD dumper. 0.9 ALPHA 0 Team n:exp 2005/12/27
PSpoof Send file from your Memory Stick to another PSP via 2.0’s Photo Sharing. 2 modsyn, Cleatus of Troy AL 2005/12/12
New UMD Dumper Extract UMD images as ISO files on PSP. 0.2.0 darkcast Team n:exp 2005/11/09
Kitty Book Portable for PSP Read text file with your PSP. 1.2 Chris J 2005/10/05
Notepad A notepad program with a music player, image viewer, and address book. 1.3 rob_psp 2005/09/19
UMD Emulator ISO loader (for 1.50 only). 0.8C Humma Kavula 2005/09/18
Fastloader Load ISOs, can also dump UMDs, with the ability to split them into parts. 0.70 Humma Kavula 2005/08/21
PSPReader A text file reader (txt, html, c files). 1.1.2 Yu-Ju Lin 2005/08/19
Pixie Ebook Reader E-Book reader. BETA 2 Sasq (Jonas Minnberg) 2005/07/11
Media Players | File Browsers | Utilities | System Tools | Operating Systems | Math | Music | Other

System Tools

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
ARK Custom Firmware for the PSP and PS Vita. r167 ARK-4 Team 2025/03/21
swiver Automatically switch your PSP's current version.txt to any version's version.txt. 1.0 reha, PonpiK 2025/02/08
PSP Everest Mod of the original PSP Everest 2 by frostegater. 2.9 joel16 2024/12/19
PSPLinkusb General purpose homebrew/debugging toolkit for PSP (USB version). 3.2.0 pspdev 2024/06/15
pspIdent New PSPident named pspIdent. 3.1 Yoti 2024/03/02
Universal Flash Dumper PSP Flash Dumper that works on most firmware versions. 2.0 JoseAaronLopezGarcia 2024/01/25
PSPident Display system information for the PSP console. 0.79 jas0nuk, Yoti , TheZett 2023/08/17
spoofix Fix the 9.90 issue automatically. 0.1 reha 2023/06/11
NTPSP A NTP client for the Sony PlayStation Portable. 1.1 Joel16 2022/10/30
PSP CEX2DEX Converter PSP CEX2DEX Converter homebrew. 1.1 Yoti 2022/10/22
PSP Detective A tool to display information about the PSP. 2022 galaxyhaxz 2022/03/02
Infinity A tool that allows users to enable persistent custom firmware on their PlayStation Portable. 2.0.3 DaveeFTW 2021/05/05
LightSpeed An alternative launcher for LME CFW. 6.61 The Z, Frostegater 2015/01/21
DarkSpeed An alternative launcher for PRO LCFW. 6.61 The Z, Frostegater 2015/01/20
AlphaBase (A-Base) PSP Debug Bash and Multi-Environment Shell. 3.6.8 final DekraN (Wesker) 2014/08/25
PSPLink Debugging utility for the PSP. R1 TyRaNiD, Julian T, Rasmus B, John_K, 173210 2014/04/16
Reboot EBOOT A hombrew that reboots your console. signed hiroi01 2013/05/26
Shutdown EBOOT A homebrew that shutdown your console. signed hiroi01 2013/05/26
NAND DUMPER for 5.70 Dump NAND on a PSP Go with the initial Firmware version 5.70. 1.1 teck4 2013/03/07
PRO Custom Firmware Your handy gadget firmware for PSP Jailbreaking. Also known as Pro CFW/procfw/Pro Custom Firmware. pro-c2 Coldbird, Virtuous Flame (Liquidzigong), Team Pro 2013/02/01
PRXdecrypter Extract and decrypt PRX modules present in all official updates, custom firmware, games and demos. 2.7a fix jas0nuk, FreePlay, J416, Rahim-US 2012/09/22
PSP Module Checker Identify PSP model, motherboard and others. 4.0 Final J416, KuciMods, West-Li 2012/06/23
Key[s]Tester Test your PSP buttons and analog stick. 4.1 Yoti 2012/04/22
Multi Updater Allows user to carry multiple updates on the PSP. 0.8 tepsicore_93 (tepsicore) 2012/03/26
P-Tester PSP diagnostic tool. 2.0 Avanaboy 2012/03/17
PSP Everest by frostegater Display information about the PSP. 2 Rev 5 frostegater 2012/01/18
VERSiON.TXT SWiTCHER An universal manipulator for version. 1.1 Yoti 2011/11/05
6.60/6.39/6.38 Downgrader Port of Davee 6.60/6.39/6.38/6.35/6.31 downgrader. 4.1 some1 2011/08/27
New PSP Ident Provide an overview of your PSP system. 2011 fede94boss 2011/08/18
Multi-Tool A combination of Pandora tool and utility application. 1.0 jackjason 2011/05/30
Kernel Memory Dumper Dump kernel and boot memory into binary file. 2011 KuciMods 2011/05/09
Analogic PadCheker A app that lets you check the Analog Pad. Beta 1 Klozz 2011/04/11
PS3Jig PS3 Factory/Service Mode Jig Dongle for Sony PSP. 1.0 Brandon Wilson 2011/02/06
5.00M33 Folder+ like 5.50 Install 5.50 modules to 5.00M33 to allow folder hierarchy displaying. 0.01 hiroi01 2011/02/02
Flasher3 Flash your plugins into flash3. 2011 Zecoxao 2011/02/01
PSP Keys Test A handy app to check if your PSP's buttons are working properly. 3.0 DedDinO_94 2010/06/04
Free Spacer JPN Delete/Restore files in the PSP’s flash0. 2.5 TEST 03 P/HK 2010/02/19
Button Checker Check the analog stick and buttons on your PSP. signed hiroi01 2010/01/29
Nand Currency Modification of Cory1492's Open Source Nand Dumper. 1.4 angelsniper45 2009/09/22
PSP Tool A multi-purpose application to perform various general management functions with the console. 1.0 raing3 2009/08/01
PSXChecker Test PSP buttons, screen and speakers. 1.0 Xager 2009/07/17
PSPInfos Display information of the PSP. 1.00 Mapsp95 2009/02/01
F1Dumper & Manager Dump, restore and modify PSP flash1 firmware files. 2.6 Mickael2054 2009/01/14
PressMe Button tester. 0.0.3 stifpsp 2008/10/29
MS Gestion A utility to help manage your Memory Stick. 0.1 Dark Sidious 2008/08/30
nandTool PSP Maintenance application for PSP. 0.4 final neo cory1492 2008/08/20
Config Cleaner Delete, backup/restore registry file, dump nand image and format flash1. 3.00 Smokescreen 2008/08/11
MemoryStick-Tool Text-based homebrew for repairing a corrupted stick, create folders, dump Memory Stick MBR. 1.5 Gunner54 2008/08/08
RS Psar Dumper Dump Firmware from an Official Update Eboot. 3.5 Final Red Squirrel 2008/07/14
UPTInstaller An updated version of UPMSInstaller. 4 Sapphire The U.P.T. Team 2008/06/28
PSPRobot A small robot that tells you with information about your PSP. 0.1A J3r3mie 2008/06/07
Todo en Uno PSP Hw Dump and restore key system files. 1.0 Raisen 2008/05/10
UPMSInstaller Ultimate Pandora Memory Stick Installer. 4 Sapphire The U.P.M.S. Team 2008/04/08
PSP Tools A utility program that can Pandora-ize batteries, format Memory Sticks, and more. 0.1 Dark Sidious 2008/01/05
Test My Controls Button tester. 2.0 Final JohnnyMcKinney 2007/12/30
PSP-Info View information about your PSP. 1.5 basfreak 2007/12/25
PSPLock App to lock the PSP. 5 Bugfix Auraomega 2007/12/13
PSP SystemChecker View your PSP system info. Also known as PSP SystemRestore. Beta Maxy_PSP 2007/10/01
Open Source NAND Dumper Open source PSP NAND dumper for 3.xx. 0.1 cory1492 2007/09/29
KeyCleaner Check the contents of the keys in your IdStorage and dump them if necessary. 1.4 Chilly Willy 2007/09/16
IdStorage Manager Dump, view, edit, and verify idstorage keys. 1.3 Chilly Willy 2007/09/16
Space For Everything A tools that can remove unused features on the PSP. 1.9 Pirata Nervo 2007/09/01
PSP BuTT0nS Your solution for testing PSP buttons. 1.5 Putztuch 2007/07/21
Resurssiklunssi Decompress/compress RCO files. 0.3 Z33 2007/05/30
Eraser Flash Free up 2.7MB of space in the flash0. 0.1 Test30 2007/04/29
Outa-Space PSP Flash0 space free-ing application. 2007 pj1115 2007/04/03
Button Tester with Leet Graphics A simple butter tester app with 3D graphics. 2007 youresam 2007/03/17
HW Ident Print information via the NAND ID and the return of getpscode (0x100). 0.031 harleyg 2007/01/14
Bouton Testeur Test your buttons. Final Team XK 2006/11/25
PSP Game Pad Tester Button tester for 2.71 SE-A. 1.00 the unique warrior 2006/10/19
Control Tester Button tester and analog stick calibration app. 1.0 JohnnyMcKinney 2006/10/11
Flash Copy Dump flash0 and flash1. 1.3 gracz54 2006/04/15
PsysP Info Task manager for the PSP. 1.15b Alex Glynn (Glynnder) 2006/04/05
TaSkPSP A Lua application for viewing the status of your PSP. 0.4 ss13801 2006/03/23
PSP Task Manager A simple task manager based on PSysP Info. 0.10b Pedro Tropecêlo 2006/03/22
PSPInside The multipurpose PSP hacking and information tool. 0.9q Skywalker, Xor37h, Groepaz 2005/11/29
Firmware Dumper Firmware Dump Tool. 001 MobileHackerz 2005/06/15
Kernel Memory Dumper PSP A simple tool load in kernel mode and dump kernel memory and cop0 regs. 20050607 TyRaNiD 2005/06/07
PSP Dump PSP firmware dump program. 0.0 nem 2005/05/09

Media Players | File Browsers | Utilities | System Tools | Operating Systems | Math | Music | Other

Operating Systems

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
OneShell Multitasking Window environment developed using ONElua. Beta 03 OneShell Team 2016/02/06
CyanogenPSP An Android-like GUI replacement for the PSP XMB. 6.1 Final joel16 2015/12/29
Ubuntu 12 PSP Shell made from scratch based on Ubuntu. Alpha 1.9 Joel16 2014/03/22
Android Kit Kat PSP Edition PSP shell based on Android Kit Kat. 1.6 Beta Psgarsenal, joel16 2014/01/14
Windows 8 RT for PSP A PSP shell based on Windows 8 RT / PRO. 1.2 Beta Doga 2013/04/30
AbstractOS A shell that includes several applications and games (WIP). Alpha 0.1 Team ESP 2012/05/07
Fishell An operating system simulator (SIM-OS) that allows applications to run homebrew. 1.0 r3.5 zerozelta 2012/03/31
iShell A PSP shell in the style of Apple. 1.00 arropsy1 2011/12/14
PSPLiveArea A shell that replicates the PS Vita’s LiveArea interface. 1.5 Adula-Kun, Samir88Nasri 2011/12/10
UtilityShell A shell that contains commonly used features. 0.1 beta sergi70 2011/09/08
Xplora A feature packed file manager/shell for your PSP. 2 update 6 ne0h 2011/08/18
Honeycombo SHELL A shell inspired by Android OS. 2011 ike195, reksio12 2011/07/01
SHELL Shell replacement for PSP. 0.73.2 Arnold, A_Nub (arnoldbronson) 2011/06/18
MultiTasKing A complete multitasking windows environment for PSP. 301 carlosgs 2011/01/16
Cristal Sky Remake of Cristal Vista, a shell that simulates Windows Operating System. 01092010cs demo Miguel Arber (Arbr) 2010/09/05
Day-To-Day Utility A multifunctional application, capable of making backups and maintenance for your PSP. 1.00 Dark_Mizar 2010/08/31
IphoneV-PSP A shell that recreates the iPhone interface. 1.70 sergi70 2010/08/29
iR Shell Full shell replacement for the PSP XMB. 5.2 AhMan 2010/08/23
Cristal Vista A Windows Vista shell for the PSP. 7.0 demo Miguel Arber (Arbr) 2010/08/22
DarkWii A shell that imitates the Wii console menu. 0.5 TeamMex 2010/01/06
Ubuntu Portable A shell based on Ubuntu Linux. 1.0 moikop, stupidmf1 2009/12/26
GNX Project A complete shell with most of the tools you will need on PSP. 1.00 gnx-a Geniux 2009/09/03
VGT Evolution A multifunction homebrew with many utilities. 1 Team VGT 2009/09/02
Android A shell/alternative xmb with graphics similar to Android operating system. 1.0 return0000 2009/06/04
XMBShell A multipurpose application with a XMB interface. 1.00 Total_Noob 2009/03/22
Shell SYSTEM Shell written in Lua with utilities and a few minigames. 9.0 / BETA 4 0917725929 2009/02/11
Luna Fully customizable PSP shell. 74720 HyperHacker 2009/01/31
G-stion'R A multi utility homebrew application. 5 BETA 3 Fabrice (fablebosss1) 2009/01/21
Goodshell A Lua-based shell for the PSP. 3 Team PCT 2009/01/17
GNU/linux Ubuntu 7.10 PSP shell based on the Ubuntu. 0.2 Jack 2008/12/01
iLife PSP PSP shell made with Lua. 3 Nikocronaldo 2008/11/30
Xtremm Shell A PSP shell made in Lua. Final flav1994 2008/11/30
MyWindows Multi-window shell. 3.XX.6 demo Lordvisaris, Playa93, Aghio 2008/11/21
Linux Kubuntu KDE4 Mobile PSP shell demo. DEMO dridri85 2008/09/27
NervOS A shell replacement for PSP. 2.2 Pirata Nervo 2008/09/12
Wii Shell The first Wii shell for PSP. 0.2 CoDnX, Flomito 2008/08/31
MACXT Mac OS X shell for PSP. 4 Luaacro 2008/08/28
WinShell System that resembles the Windows XP. 80705 Trom_US 2008/07/05
iPhone Simulator A Lua shell with an iPhone interface. T2 J3r3mie 2008/06/19
Lua SysTem (LUASYS) A shell-like multi application tool. sp4 final R. Yonaba (SeanPaul223) 2008/06/17
MyPSPMenu A shell application to manage the programs on your PSP. r1 Cpasjuste 2008/06/02
ViWi An early version of a PSP shell made by Team Chilt. 0.3 Team Chilt 2008/04/19
Flux A PSP shell. Beta1 mov 2008/04/01
Windows Vista PSP Windows Vista shell for the PSP coded in Lua. 2 pspman16 2008/03/08
PSPVista PSP shell that emulates Windows Vista 0.8 Jack (Jack118218) 2008/02/23
uClinux on PSP Port of uClinux version 2.6 on to PSP. 0.22 Jackson Mo 2008/02/23
iPSPhone iPhone on PSP. 4.0 ArkTRT, PSPFreak.DE Dev Team 2008/02/04
XAVShell A PSP shell in development. 1.0.2 (Beta) The Ghost Team 2007/12/31
7WiN - Lua Windowing System PSP Lua Windowing System that supports Multi-Tasking. 1.00 Yongobongo 2007/07/08
PSPalm Palm OS on PSP. 1.5 ALPHA Fleyc 2007/07/05
SHL A shell with many functions like playing mp3s or viewing photos. 0.1 sony psp player 2007/05/30
Ultimate Lua Shell A simple PSP shell coded in Lua. Update Bob Hoil 2007/05/13
Windows Vista A Lua-based Windows Vista simulator/shell. 1.2 Fred89 (The-Muse) 2007/02/20
PSPHustlaz Shell with EBOOT / UMD loader, MP3 player, image viewer, etc. 0.4 Fixed 2.6,CRACKED!, PSP-KID, Rikardo_92 2007/01/27
UShell A shell coded in C++. 0.11 the unique warrior 2006/10/14
Vautex Shell An all-in-one Lua-based shell. BETA PopcOrn DeVil 2006/10/09
Devious A work in progress PSP shell. beta 0.5 Kevin, Tarek 2006/10/06
PSPosx A PSP shell that will view pictures, play music, browse files, execute homebrew. 0.1a beta Skinticket, Slasher, Xigency 2006/09/16
Dark Karnage OS-like shell for 1.0, 1.5 and 2.XX. 1.5 Lil13lazin, Sharko 2006/06/11
Artillery Shell A shell with text reader, image viewer, mp3 player, UMD loader and customizable theme. 0.2 The Artillery Team 2006/05/12
PSIX PSP shell with quality visuals. Lite 1.10 Naoneo 2006/04/25
YS-OS LUA shell. 1.8 Yossi Starz 2006/04/17
PSP-OSS PlayStation Portable Open-Source Shell. 0.3 PSP-OSS Team 2006/03/17
MasterXPiece A shell that includes an on-screen keyboard, calculator and 2 games. 2006 Jared Bruni 2006/01/23
Project Glass Eye Lua based GUI OS based on Microsoft OS. beta romero126 2005/12/31

Media Players | File Browsers | Utilities | System Tools | Operating Systems | Math | Music | Other


Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
gPlot++ A function plotter for PSP. 1.0 Geecko 2012/04/17
pspythagoras Quickly calculate the length of a missing side in a right angled triangle. 1.0 final JamesC 2011/08/21
AutoGrapher Graph, and do other functions fast and easily. 1.5 update 10$man 2011/04/27
OnScreenMessure Measure stuff with your PSP instead of using a ruler. 0.6 NoepDA_PSP 2009/12/27
GCD Calculator The greatest common divisor calculator. 1.0 stifpsp 2009/10/24
periodicpsp A full Periodic table of the elements for your PSP. 1.0 final JamesC (James) 2009/08/19
Fractal Universe Mandelbrot set fractal explorer. 5 Art 2009/07/08
CalculMp3 A scientific calculator with music support. 3 mrafenne 2009/03/07
PSPcalculette Basic calculator with trigonometric functions and a currency converter. 2 poool 2009/02/20
GEOMATH A utility similar to GeoGebra on PC. 0.1 Global Guardians Corp 2008/06/17
Spy Calculator A simple calculator program. 5 alexism14 2008/05/15
Poly Calcul PSP A calculator with basic functions. 1.1 Kenium 2008/04/23
IP Address Calculator IP address and subnet calculator/converter. 2 MrX256 2008/04/18
Academic Aid Scholastic Suite 6 Original name was Phyalgeom Aid, an educational application to aid students in physics, algebra, and geometry. rev.769 Mr305 2008/03/21
Algebra/Calculus Assistant A Lua app containing 7 useful mathematical functions. 0.2 andyauff 2008/03/07
Function Plotter Plot functions on the console. 2008 sony psp player 2008/02/10
PSP Cuadratica Solve second-degree equations with step-by-step calculations. 1.0 gokuhs 2007/12/12
Fibonacci calculator Simple calculator homebrew. 2007 MaxTheBest 2007/12/08
Easy PSP Calculator Capable as a basic calculator, as well as the abililty to perform simple functions of a scientific calculator. 2.0 pucelano 2007/08/21
PSP SpreadSheet A fully functional Spreadsheet. 2.00 pucelano 2007/08/20
Mandelbrot Fractal Generator A mandelbrot fractal rendering program with zoom feature. final gambiting 2007/08/20
Maxime Calculator A calculator with music player. 2.0 Pirato Nervo 2007/08/09
PSPExel A PSP adaptation of Microsoft Excel. 2007 Kandibu 2007/06/03
EinMal1 A small calculator homebrew. 2007 Dyspros 2007/02/28
Age Calculator An age calculator that lets you input your birth year and calculate your age. 1.0 Dark_Merlin 2007/01/07
PSP iCalculator Graphical mod of luaplayer's calculator example. 1.0 Xandu 2006/10/21
Math Formula Calculator Geometric calculator. 2006 PSPduh, EminentJonFrost 2006/05/03
Portable Graphix portablegraphixpsp.png 2006 JDourlens 2006/01/07
PSP Graph Graphing homebrew app. 0.02 MagicianFB 2005/09/23
PSP Calc Calculator that runs on the PSP. 0.1 Yamasan 2005/05/12

Media Players | File Browsers | Utilities | System Tools | Operating Systems | Math | Music | Other


Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Weezer - Say It Ain't So Weezer (Blue Album). 2023 EcoTerrorista 2023/07/30
ToneMatrix Programmable drum machine and sequencer for the PSP. 0.93 Babkock 2022/12/11
Beatbox Simple push-button drum sounds for PSP. 1.6 Babkock 2019/08/13
BeatBox PSP A beatboxer Soundboard. ultimate Viciado-TrueStory 2012/10/17
Take your Time - Anti Stress Audio Tool Relax user with animated landscapes surrounded by nature sounds. 2012 leviadragon 2012/08/20
Simule An instrument simulator with a variety of instruments to choose from. 3 Jepte 2012/05/26
AcordeonPSP Hohner accordion simulator. 1 MABZ 2011/06/26
iDrum A drums simulator for the PSP. 2.0 Benjamin999 2011/06/07
BeastieBox A Beastie Boys Beat Box. 1.3 signed Dman49 2011/05/29
Instant Rimshot! Play a rimshot. 2010 Ronnie 2010/07/25
EsMuPi A piano application with basic notes. 1.0 degmi 2010/03/15
SoundEffects Play different sound effects by pushing different buttons. 2 wethegreenpeople 2010/01/18
QMixer Emulates a DJs turntable, better known as DJ Mixer. 1.2 Qarl, Soulless 2010/01/15
PSPlay Music application that allows you to use various instruments. 1.0 amrcidiot 2009/11/14
iDaft PSP Daft Punk soundboard. 1 Miles 2009/11/06
PXDrum Cross-platform Drum machine. 1.2 James Higgs (Jum) 2009/06/10
Play!Piano Play piano on your PSP. BETA Lothaov 2009/05/05
PSP Daft Punk An adaptation of the flash game iDaft. 2 Miles 2009/04/12
PSP Soundboard A simple soundboard where you add your own sound effects. 0.1 Alpha corytheidiot 2009/01/12
Rock Station A muisc application that gives you the chance to jam away using both drums and guitar for hours on end. 2008 Blade_punk (Xsjado) 2008/12/22
Instant Rimshot PSP A homebrew inspired by 2008 Hideous 2008/11/12
PSPSeq Synthesis and Sequencing on the Sony Playstation Portable. 3.01 Ethan Bordeaux 2008/09/03
Planet Hively A musicdisk ported to PSP. 2008 Xeron/IRIS, Spot/Up Rough 2008/07/27
PSP Rhythm Homebrew audio sequencer for the Sony Playstation Portable. 8.0 Louie, Billy Iturzaeta 2008/07/02
Monome A musical homebrew. Final Antoine Letouzey (Guyver2) 2008/05/15
AIO Tuner An all in one tuner for your musical instruments. 2008 ai3gtmc 2008/03/19
PSP DRUM A Lua based drum simulator. 1.5 oma 2008/01/13
VDrum Drum kit simulator. 2.0 Xsjado (Blade_punk) 2007/12/13
VDJ Table DJ scratchtable. 1.0 Team MS 2007/12/11
Piano Station Portable A app with a 7-key piano and three drum sounds. 2.0 eculewatt 2007/09/01
GuitarBox Real time guitar effects processor. 1.52 Rocamatics 2007/05/11
GuitarHelper A guitar tuner assistant app. 0.5B GuitarGod1134, Joel Van 2007/04/06
metronomPSP A simple metronome for PSP. 1.2 saulotmalo 2007/03/23
Instrulator Also known as Drum Simulator. 0.3 Vermillion 2006/12/26
Napoleon Dynamite Soundboard Soundboard made in Lua. 1.0 Ryz_150 2006/12/19
PStruments Portable Guitare Play guitar with your PSP. 2006 CauXPROD 2006/12/12
LittleGPTracker A music tracker optimised to run on portable game consoles. 1.1h_043 Marc Resibois (Nostromo) 2006/11/11
Metronome for PSP A stand-alone metronome application. 0.2 willytarno 2006/10/30
PSP Metronome A simple metronome application. 0.1 ExxonValdeez 2006/09/18
PSP Memo Recorder Sample program that can record 60 seconds of audio and play it back afterwards. 0.7 lteixeira 2006/09/08
Guitar-Tuner A guitar tuner on PSP. 2006 Zion 2006/08/21
PSP Kick A sampled drum machine for PSP. 3.0 Noah Vawter, Nathan Wray 2006/04/01
PSP Bassline Test A basic TB-303 synthesizer. 2006 RCON 2006/02/07
Music Sequencer A basic music sequencer. 0.1 Knifa 2006/01/14

Media Players | File Browsers | Utilities | System Tools | Operating Systems | Math | Music | Other


Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
UMD Region Changer PSP games are region free, but a number of UMD Movies are region locked - this restriction is bypassed with this great app. 1.9 ARK-4 Team 2023/12/14
PSP Java Button Java button. 1.0.0 511V41 2021/05/04
Paint Lite A painting program coded in Lua. 0.3 b0001 MasterMen 2020/08/10
PS1 Undoc A PSP homebrew to dump custom PS1 DOCUMENT.DAT manuals. 1.0 qwikrazor87 2018/07/18
DokiDoki Stickers A small homebrew that diesplays Doki Doki Literature Club stickers. 2018 MasterMen 2018/06/04
Freeze viewer An image viewer. 0.91 村中昭雄 (STEAR) 2017/06/04
PSP-FTPD FTP server for the PSP. 2016-08-22 Zx-81 2016/08/22
FanMate A virtual fan to keep you virtually cool. 1.0 Jonathan Holmes (crait) 2015/11/30
Iconaute Change the icon of the storage memory appearing when you connected your PSP in your computer. 1.00 Team Zenyth 2015/05/25
Flashlight Classic PSP Turn your PSP into Flashlight. 2015 Sandroron (SGI) 2015/03/30
bookr by gtzampanakis PSP book reader. 8.2.0 gtzampanakis 2015/03/23
PSP OS A small homebrew that displays an old PC style boot screen. 0.3 Alpha Natethekid123 2014/11/08
Big LuaPlayer Lua scripting engine for PSP. 1.10 M4MSOFT 2014/09/24
PSPDrone An experimental remote control Drone using PSP. 0.5 DS_Marine 2014/04/28
FontConfirmation An application to check the built-in font of PSP. 0.1 ABCanG 2013/06/17
psTwit A Twitter client application. No longer in developement. beta7 Toxy 2013/06/15
Go Paint A painting application coded in Lua. 2.0 jepte 2013/06/01
MondayLoaderPSP Shows you how long the day has passed in %. 2013 yuh0q223 2013/03/03
Freeze owata+1 2ch browser for the PSP. 20130109 signed 村中昭雄 (STEAR) 2013/01/09
PSPedict A general Japanese - English dictionary. 0.6 + 6.60 fix PixelDragon, Batanen, Nakano, phels 2012/12/24
TakeYourTime AntiStress Mod version of Take your Time - Anti Stress Audio Tool. 2.00 NNNRT 2012/11/19
PSPdice Use this if you need a die or dice. 2012 Dragonxtamer650 2012/11/19
Wifihack Application that calculates the default password for some routers. 2.1 m.rr 2012/09/30
PSPInfo Show you all the information of your PSP. 4 m.rr 2012/08/13
Google Map Mod Google Map on PSP. 1.0 unknown 2012/06/22
Shoot Watch Hudson PSP Recreating the Hudson Shoot Watch on the PSP. 0.02 Samir88nasri 2012/06/12
PSPLight Use the PSP as a flashlight. 3.0 Virus, Saliom 2012/05/06
PSProverbes One proverb a day. 0.1 Applelo 2012/04/30
AnyLanguageStudy Unofficial An unofficial update of Vocabulary builder application for AnyLanguageStudy. 3.0 u2 passingby 2012/03/28
Nyan Cat PSP Nyan Cat for the PSP. 1.0 FouadtjuhMaster 2012/03/26
The Good Bookr PSP Bible Reader, based on Bookr ebook reader. 1.2.1 phosphorous 2012/02/17
HomebrewStore A homebrew store application for 2.50 avalon HomebrewStore Development Team 2012/01/29
PSP Catarom FX App for viewing the Comiket Catalog. 0.2 motoonsen 2011/12/24
Crazy eyes A quirky little app. 1.3 Killerfeeshy 2011/11/13
PSP Digi Comix Reader A modified version of PSPComic. 2011 Dx 2011/10/11
Bro Code The Bro Code from the sitcom How I Met Your Mother. Initial Team ESP 2011/10/09
Brainfuck for PSP PSP interpreter for Brainfuck. Beta アステル (asuteru72) 2011/09/26
Kanji King PSP Digital flash cards for all Hiragana, Katakana, Heisig Kanji and JLPT vocabulary. 11 iya 2011/09/20
PSPMarmiton An app that displays recipes (requires WiFi). 2011 Applelo 2011/09/19
AnyLanguageStudy Vocabulary builder application for leaning Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Spanish and French. 3.0 Nakano 2011/09/16
PSPMaps Access Google Maps and allow you to take screenshots of the map. 1.0 Xerpi, OoNEKERAFAoO 2011/09/06
Lua for you Learn how to programming the lua language. 1.0 Dioni0396 2011/09/06
everytweak Antivirus for PSP. 1.0 Comandillos 2011/08/17
xReader Text viewer, image viewer and music player. Fork of eBook reader. 1.3.0 rev1433 hrimfaxi (virtuous flame) 2011/07/13
xReader Mod Mod of xReader with new features designed for reading comics. 1.3.0 rev1433 suloku 2011/07/13
PSP Pass Finder Find your Parental Control passwords, PSN email and passwords. 2011 Plongeurspros, dynodzo 2011/07/09
HOS Recreation of the fictional OS from Mobile Police Patlabor. 2011 oppyokomio 2011/06/12
bookr by nct2k Modified bookr v0.7.1 to support viewing CHM/HTML file, using PSP Internet Browser. 8.1 Signed nct2k 2011/06/08
Facilitador Visit various useful PSP websites, social networks, news and music website. 0.2 sisinio (Drake19) 2011/06/02
PSP Battery Timer (nyan!) Homebrew that helps you measure the maximum battery life of your system, featuring the Nyan Cat. stealth update snailface 2011/05/27
The Fake Brick Prank application that pretends to destroy the flash memory of your PSP. 0.3 update Th3Alien (BlackGunZ/Adula/AlienSama) 2011/05/26
BattINF Display information about the battery. 1.4 Frostegater 2011/05/26
NMS A prank application that attempts to scare people who wants to play with your precious PSP. 3 (link is for v2 only) ASKidwai 2011/05/25
Vsh and Recovery Menu Flasher Gives your recovery menu a makeover. 1.71 Deutschlands 1, Doeppy 2011/05/08
PSPsych A random coin tossing and dice rolling application for your PSP. update Anuj Asher (Monk9899) 2011/05/03
CTorrent-DNH-DA Mod of CTorrentPSP by danzel. 1.5 append version r2 Daniel Ribeiro (DanielBR/ferion11) 2011/05/02
PsPixel Pixel art sketcher for PSP. 2.0 Alexandre Rimbot (Kinow) 2011/04/30
PSP Memo Japanese text editor for the PSP. 1.10 signed 村中昭雄 (STEAR) 2011/04/17
keyse HID keyboard and mouse driver for PSP. 2011 kgsws 2011/02/24
YamaIRC Internet Relay Chat(IRC) Client for the Zune HD and PSP devices. Beta 2 (signed) Yamagushi 2011/02/21
PSP IDoser Contain different sound files/waves that mimics the effect produced by certain drugs on the nervous system. 2011 Duende68 2011/02/16
PSPFCodes This lists PSP errors and explains what they mean. 2.0 stehn 2011/02/09
Tripprog Displays a hallucination-like effect with various shapes and colors. 0.9 Signed Babkock 2011/01/23
PSCrypter Sign EBOOTS from a PSP with OF, based on PrxEncrypter by bbtgp. 2.0 carlosgs 2011/01/20
CEP Chocodino Entertainment Pack, contain a game and light utilities. 2011 chocodino 2011/01/09
Freebox Remote PSP A remote control for the Freebox TV. 1.0 Miles 2010/12/26
PSPCalendar Calendar program inspired by Apple 2010 ac-portugal 2010/11/20
Zahlo Mania Calculate numerological interpretations based on your name and birthdate. 2010 justforfunny 2010/11/08
PSP Relax Contain 4 different sound therapies to help you to relax. 2010 Duende68 2010/10/30
MHU Free Store An online homebrew store. 1.12 Xenogears and Co. 2010/09/14
UCSPSPE Portable CSPSP map editor that runs on the PSP. RC5 Avery 2010/09/05
PSP Adhoc IM Adhoc Instant Messaging application. 6 qwikrazor87 2010/09/04
Attractive Pixelart App Create pixelart on PSP. 2010 mfcas 2010/08/29
Simple IME TEST Simple Input Method Editor. 1.00 村中昭雄 (STEAR) 2010/08/24
PSPDictionary Multi-language translator for PSP. 3.1.0 Gefa 2010/08/20
PSP Temperature Converter Convert temperature units (Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit). 1.1 Organized_Chaos 2010/08/14
CSBAW & CSBUG An avatar creator and userbar generator. 2 scenery beta Chimecho 2010/07/23
downPSP Download and install all the homebrews directly on the PSP. 2.22 carlosgs 2010/07/17
IR wave recorder Records IR waves on a PSP-1000. 1.10a 村中昭雄 (STEAR) 2010/06/13
MonAmi A prank homebrew app. 2010 supermagicien 2010/05/17
Blind Assistant PSP A software aiming to help visually impaired people through a set of technologies like voice recognition, voice synthesis, algorithms for artificial vision. CFW0006 Filippo Battaglia 2010/05/10
PSP Game Clock A simple game clock that can be used in the games of chess or Go. 2010 Andrew Church 2010/04/29
Stuck Pixel Sniper Stuck pixel fixer where you can target the affected pixel. update 1 cmbeke 2010/04/24
SonicBoomPSP A pranking app that plays a high pitched sound. beta1 wethegreenpeople 2010/03/26
PSPWeather Yahoo Yahoo Weather on PSP. 1.0 wassgha 2010/03/15
Record A app that lets you check out some extraordinary facts. 2010 jade2293 2010/02/26
Phone Repertory Phone directory app. 2010 Creative Team 2010/02/02
PsPixel Mod Mod version of PsPixel. 1 mod chocodino 2010/01/27
PSP Download Manager Download homebrew and wallpapers directly on the PSP. 0.0.3 UmbySpit93 2010/01/21
ASIV A Simple Image Viewer. 5 mootjeuh 2010/01/17
Dark Chance Generate lottery numbers. 1 Hakuryu188 2010/01/03
PSPALARM! An alarm clock app. 3.0 Ultra CoD3r-D 2009/12/31
AVEC GPS Vector map viewer capable of displaying and navigating maps. 8 Art 2009/12/29
Goodbye Mosquito A homebrew that aims to keep mosquitoes out of reach. 3 jade2293 2009/12/25
PortableBeer Similar to the mobile app iBeer. 0.7 N0ePDA_PSP 2009/12/14
PSP-Maps Able to view maps of Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps and Virtual Earth, also has an offline feature. 2.2 royale 2009/12/14
Ghastly Green Letters of Inferiocity An application that shows The Matrix effect. 2009 miinaturvat 2009/12/05
MultiCountdown Simultaneously display 4 countdown timers. 1.02 Shikei, poedel 2009/11/16
Ace's Notepad A simple notepad application for the PSP written in Lua. 2009 Ace Raven 2009/11/04
YourPlayer PSP Radio player that can access up to 143 internet radio stations. 2.6 R1 Black Eco 2009/11/01
CueCard 4 PSP A small Lua script for the xml files of CueCards. 0.001 beta Killer-Loop 2009/10/27
PSPMoney Currency converter. 3.0 uPSP_08 2009/10/01
Triple-DobleU An optimized web browser specifically for Scenebeta. 2009 trom_us 2009/09/03
warPSP A plugin application that serves as warXing suite (WiFi scanner). 1.0 BETA Ben Saraceno (caliFrag) 2009/09/03
Themetool An application for customizing PSP themes. 1.2 c Dark_Santi 2009/09/01
TxtoPS PSP Text Editor. V dangee 2009/09/01
FONTOOL Allows user to freely change the PSP menu screen and XMB font (format). 0.4 tepsicore_93 2009/09/01
LinternaSP Application with torch function, removal dead pixels on the screen and USB connection. 1.0 A-Einstein 2009/08/26
PSP Spirograph Draw spirographs on your PSP. 0.1 Freshmilk 2009/08/21
PSN License Manager A PlayStation Network License Manager. 0.40 Light_AleX 2009/08/19
ndSuperRes Superresolution algorithm under ND. 1.0 Filippo Battaglia (pegasus2000) 2009/07/06
PsJournal Journal app with password protection. Beta 0.1 TheCraziness1 2009/06/24
Astronomy for PSP An astronomical program. 4.3 HarPet Programming Group 2009/06/21
Gamebootools Able to change the gameboot using only our PSP with some additional functions. 3.0 el__QAT 2009/06/14
Pspaint Paint tool that allows up to 3 layers, 6 paint stroke settings and a virtual keyboard. 4.5 Bombe-H 2009/06/11
Flash Spacer Remove and back-ups files in flash0. Final alex_e 2009/06/06
Audio Mechanica Kai Mod of Audio Mechanica with button swapping, and a PSP-2000 specific version that allows for longer recording times. 02 mascii 2009/05/30
SK8 DICE for PSP Skateboard dice app. 2009 eXogan 2009/05/26
xDownloader Download and install homebrews directly from the PSP. 1.0 J3r3mie 2009/05/13
Directories Maker Utility the helps you to create all the necessary folders for the Memory Stick. 1.20 stifpsp 2009/05/11
MedPSP An app that diagnoses possible causes from 540 Symptoms in the database, 2.0 HarPet Programming Group 2009/05/08
Ultrasound Play ultrasound. 0.1 Hakuryu188, Ama919 2009/05/06
Bitmap Hunter Bitmap Hunter for Sony PSP. 5 Art 2009/05/01
FartiNator A prank homebrew that imitate fart sounds. 1.0 ONE JEZ 2009/04/27
PSP Easy Install Automatically install PSP games or programs throgh WiFi. Beta 2 Miles 2009/04/26
PSPWrite ASCII text editor for PSP. 1.2.1 bugfix Zx-81 2009/04/12
PSP-Magic PSP version of the famous mechanical drawing toy called Magic Screen. 1.0.1 Zx-81 (Ludovic.Jacomme) 2009/04/05
Etch a Sketch Portable Simulator of a classic children drawing board toy. 0.1 zeroXorXdieXskater 2009/03/30
PSP File Exporter A simple program to export files easy to C. 2009 Total_Noob 2009/03/22
Portable Wario Ware 10 micro-games inspired by Wario Ware. 1 The All Team 2009/03/22
DAPESi An improved version of the painting homebrew DAPES. alpha Shaolan, Elesthor 2009/03/21
TimeTrainer A Rubik Cube/Cup Stacker Trainer. 0.6 HardHat (teamsushi) 2009/03/21
Sopran Homebrew web browser (cancelled). R1 WIP6 bumuckl 2009/03/09
PSP Bible This app lets you read the Bible on your PSP. 2009 kehon 2009/03/03
LuaAPP Teach you to the basics of Lua programming. 2009 cristianoH 2009/03/02
Disco PSP An app that brings you the best 60's music, complemented with a slideshow of disco balls. 0.1 jade2293 2009/02/18
PSPNotes Make simple notes on the go. 2.0 Mickael2054 2009/02/15
Torche Change the screen color of the PSP. 2 BafS 2009/02/09
PSPixelUnlocker Unlock stuck pixels on your PSP screen. 0.1 Mickael2054 2009/02/09
PSPChrome A portal application that looks like the browser Google Chrome. 1.0 Damiaan Reijnaers (Damiaantjh) 2009/02/07
Audio Mechanica Digital audio recorder and effects processor program. 8d Art 2009/02/07
PSPWeb! Cam Use your PDP Go!Cam or Chotto Shot as a webcam for your PC via WiFi. 0.1 Roman Vaughan 2009/02/03
PSP PPG Download TV guide and view it on the PSP. 0.22 Richard Rose, Sebastien Delestaing 2009/01/30
Alcohol Engine Measure your blood alcohol content. 1 Beta Dark_World 2009/01/27
PSPWoord A web application/text editor. 1.5 Damiaan Reijnaers (Damiaantjh) 2009/01/11
LuaProg A text editor for editing LUA code. 1.0 novservant, Dark Sidious 2008/12/31
PSPFlash-Card A flashcard drilling application for the PSP. 0.5 HardHat 2008/12/30
3D Virtual Globe for PSP A virtual globe homebrew application. 0.53 Vitaliy (mifki) 2008/12/26
PSPSLX Homebrew that contains over 500 entries containing information about the PSP. 2 bumuckl, noel, Basti93 2008/12/26
The Portable Table of Elements Table of Elements on the PSP. 2008 MasterChafed 2008/12/22
TrickBrick A joke application that pretends to install 5.00M33 into the PSP. 5 Playboy21 2008/12/04
Chess Clock PSP An Analogue Chess/Game Clock Simulation. 1.1 MK2k 2008/12/02
Blabberbot An experimental text-to-speech program for plain text files. 2 Art 2008/11/24
SkyChart for the PSP Astronomy application for the PSP. 2.0 HarPet Programming Group 2008/11/12
PSPIRC An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client on the PSP. 1.1.6 Zx-81 2008/11/11
PSPSSH Port of Dropbear, a small SSH2 Server and Client, for PSP. 1.2.0 Zx-81 2008/11/10
BinaryWatch for PSP Display the current time in binary. 2008 V0odOo 2008/11/08
Gaydar A joke homebrew (gay + radar). 1.5 locofocos 2008/11/03
smallHex An easy-to-use Hex Editor for the PSP.. 1.4 Xeeynamo 2008/10/30
GamingTool A collection of games and utilities coded in Lua. 0.3 loicdu28 2008/10/30
PSPoste An email client designed specifically for PSP. beta7 David Cumming, Ben Biron, Sajeeth Cherian 2008/10/11
AFKIM: Instant Messenger for PSP An instant messaging application through Wifi connection, originally written by Danzel. 3.3.7 Danzel, Zx-81 2008/10/10
Text 2 Draw Create drawings using text characters. 0.1 J3r3mie 2008/10/09
Hello! Aprende Inglés A simple application that helps you learn English vocabulary and verbs, 2008 Dark_Zeus 2008/09/24
PSP Quran Quran on the PSP. 4.8c Nassime Ferhani 2008/09/23
Lua Kalender German calendar app. 9 Final Blutelf 2008/09/21
RoxPaint Lua coded MSPaint clone. 1.1 roxfox64 2008/09/21
PSP File Sharing Downloader A download manager for downloading from file sharing sites or HTTP links using WiFi connection. 1.50 Ruj89 2008/09/16
PSPComic A Comic Book Reader for the PSP. 1.0.1 Final Jeffrey P. (Archaemic), Christophe Rudyj (Kip) 2008/09/10
Love Calculator PSP Calculates your chances of dating someone simply by entering two names. 2 J3r3mie 2008/09/01
PSN Messenger Messenger app through the ad-hoc. 2 Fabrice (fablebosss1) 2008/09/01
SatFinder Portable Astronomy application for PSP. 1.3.2 Pedro J. 2008/09/01
Pixelizador Attempt to repair stuck pixels on PSP. 4.0 Team VGT 2008/08/29
LuaStation Lua editor for PSP. 1.5 Gogy (Samy) 2008/08/21
Info Portable Displays information about your PSP, including motherboard, CPU, region and battery life. 2.5 Gladiator 2008/08/20
PSP PDF PDF reader. Preview 2 Sauron-le-noir 2008/08/20
TruPhoto An alternative to the PSP built-in photo viewer. 2008 Da_MerV 2008/08/19
pspSecretary A scheduling application for PSP. 2008 ab5000 2008/08/19
PaintMIXER Clone of Microsoft Paint. 2.6.0 Gefa 2008/08/12
DAPES A painting homebrew applocation. 3.0.1 Shaolan 2008/08/09
mirCronometro Stopwatch. 1.0 Miro Mannino 2008/08/08
Psp Kanji Kanji learning software for the PSP. 2.3 Alpha Sammy Fatnassi (Aion) 2008/08/05
Multi-Die Virtual dice roller. 1 Jonathan Holmes (crait) 2008/08/01
p-twit! A Twitter client. 0.0.2 BadBoy_ 2008/07/25
ErrorF An application where you can look up a PSP error code. 2.60 Coco1230, Said0011 2008/07/24
VisualApplication A calculator, a WAW/MP3 player, a simple vocal synthesizer and OCR software. 0.3 andbad 2008/07/16
Pxl_Installer Download wallpaper and themes on the PSP. 1.3 Albandu51 2008/07/01
PSP StacklessPython Stackless Python 2.5 port for Sony PSP. 2.5.2-R1 Carlos Eduardo (carlosedp) 2008/07/01
PSP-Python Run Python scripts on the PSP. 2008 Fraca 2008/06/29
PSPBrainMachine Adapting Mitch Altman’s BrainMachine for the PSP. Demo MaxTheBest 2008/06/24
Whirlwind Of Colour A color mixer homebrew. 2 Marc6310 2008/06/21
cWatch A speedsolving timer. 1.00 Daniel Chan 2008/06/20
Chrono Poker An app that helps you manage poker blinds. 1.0 Stchristophe 2008/06/07
Time Evolution Stopwatch + Timer. 0.2 Dark Sidious 2008/06/06
PSP Speed Tool A homebrew to check your Internet download speed. 2 Team Chilt 2008/06/01
sdlBasic PSP port of sdlBasic (a multiplatform basic interpreter for BASIC). 0.6 deniska 2008/05/28
Seismometer Draw graphs with PSP Motion Kit values. 0.1 royale 2008/05/22
Pimp My Name A simple app for making custom name tags on your PSP. R4 Roland Yonaba (SeanPaul223) 2008/05/18
MacPortal A PSP web browser portal. 0.2 DutchEvil 2008/05/05
Get!T A file downloader with unzip function and more. 0.4 Team Chilt 2008/05/04
MapThis! 0.5.20 mod Modified version of the GPS navigation tool MapThis! by Deniska. 0.5.20 mod Art 2008/05/02
EuromillionPlayer Test your luck through this lottery simulator. 1.1 Kénium 2008/05/02
PSPVNC Portable VNC that allows you to access your PC desktop on your PSP using via WiFi connection. 1.2.8 Zx-81 2008/05/02
Marching Band Drill Writer Manage drill formations for marching bands. 0.25 andyauff 2008/04/28
FBI Archive A joke application coded in Lua. 2008 R. Yonaba (SeanPaul223) 2008/04/21
Sprite Maker XP Create/Edit sprite sheet in the format used by RPG Maker XP. 1.02 Akabane87 2008/04/11
PicoozIR Control your picooz/Fairy with your PSP. 4 Pacopad 2008/04/06
IR wave viewer Visualize IR wave in real time using the PSP IrDA port. 1.00 村中昭雄 (STEAR) 2008/03/25
PSP Calendar CN Chinese calendar. 2008 3G365编程浪子 2008/03/25
Find My Coordinates An application that helps Lua Coders to define their text position on the screen. 2008 R. Yonaba (SeanPaul223) 2008/03/21
Color Mixer Mix colors using RGB code. 0.2 Roland Yonaba (SeanPaul223) 2008/03/19
CTorrentPSP A torrent client for the PSP. 2008 Danzel 2008/03/18
Mustergenerator Generate abstract (random) art on the PSP. 0.1 DAanDASja 2008/03/02
JOKEtopia This program shows some "yo mamma jokes". 2 thecobra 2008/03/01
Meteo View weather on PSP. 2008 Sebastien Delestaing 2008/02/28
PCMonitor View PC CPU, RAM and Network Usage on your PSP. Alpha 5 darksaboteur 2008/02/26
BOUH! A prank homebrew that pretends to brick the console. Final kamelancien458 2008/02/23
NPaint Paint application. 2.4 NIGathan 2008/02/14
DTMF Dial An auto touch tone dialing phone book. 3 Art 2008/02/04
PSP phone dialer An app that generates DTMF tones. 0.02 Dragula96 2008/02/02
TRAILBLAZEPSP View and control a 2d PNG image in 3D. 1.2a dangee 2008/02/01
Furikup A phone application that allows you to make or receive phone calls via wifi. 0.1.12 Chris Swindle 2008/01/26
Wake2up An simple alarm clock. 2008 Poison 2008/01/13
Road Dog Wifi scanner for the PSP. 2d Art 2008/01/03
PSPQsteer Use your PSP as an remote controller for Qsteer. 1.0.0 Beta Pacopad 2007/12/22
Pixel Reveil Fix stuck pixels. 2007 pspflashsystem 2007/12/16
DhammapadaPSP A portable version of the Dhammapada. 1.0.0 Sakya 2007/12/12
LuaTileArranger Create maps for various games and applications directly on the PSP. 0.4 Lukas Meisterhofer (fujah) 2007/12/04
MapThis! GPS enabled map viewer for PSP A Global Positioning Navigation tool for PSP. 0.5.20 deniska 2007/11/20
D&D Tools for PSP Dice roller, HP tracker, and more. 2007 Grant 2007/11/16
PSPcw Write a document on the PSP. Public Beta 3 Dark_Moon (Becus25) 2007/11/05
School English A Spanish homebrew that helps you to learn English on the PSP. Beta Neo_Ace 2007/10/25
PSP Protection Password Add a password that you can specify to your PSP's boot. 0.4b Dark_Moon (Becus25) 2007/10/20
PiMPStreamer Stream movies/MP3s to your PSP. DickyDick1969 2007/10/19
VideoPSpy Unobtrusively keep private videos on your PSP. 3.0 transce080 2007/09/30
eyePSP Control your PSP with a Laser. Demo Ben Saraceno (caliFrag) 2007/09/27
GooMap A world map similar to MapThis. 2007 avovrepus 2007/09/27
PSPgraph A simple program that allows you to plot two points on a graph. updated waywardson 2007/09/18
Bonjour - The French Teacher Ann application that helps you to learn French. 1.0 placo23 2007/09/16
skyPSP Webcam Client and Server Suite. Update Ben Saraceno (caliFrag) 2007/09/16
JaPSPanese Practice your hiragana and katakana. 2007 transce080 2007/09/12
Time Traveler Find the standard time of each country in one place. 1.0 placo23 2007/09/12
Timers A multiple countdown timer (up to 10) application. 09 Beta Baly23 2007/09/06
Heavy Downloader Homebrew for bulk downloading files directly to your Memory Stick. 2007 Poison 2007/08/31
PSP Heart Rate Monitor Heart rate monitor app. 2 Art 2007/08/26
yPaint A painting homebrew for PSP. Based on original Windows Paint. anniversary Yongobongo 2007/08/22
Hey!! Mirame!! Eyes that move and blink. 1 Neo_Ace 2007/08/21
Ultimate Flash Operation Flasher application. 5.1 Almost219 2007/08/21
My Portuguese Teacher Teach you how to speak Portuguese. 1.0 Madcupid 2007/08/20
Slash-N-Flash A generic flasher which aims to be as user friendly as possible. 3 Slasher 2007/08/18
Manga2PSP A manga reader for the Sony PSP made with OSLib by Brunni. final Yodajr 2007/08/17
PSPVoc A Vocabulary trainer. 1.0 Kandibu 2007/07/26
Svino PSP Paket A multi-application. Alpha Lucy 2007/07/14
PSPMyAdmin Database administration tool. 1.0 JustChris 2007/07/09
vmap psp A vector MapViewer. 1.3 j5l 2007/07/03
PyPlayer Run Python script on the console. 0.1 Fantasymaster, Bigboss 2007/06/21
RosettaShard PSP Interpreter for The Rosetta Stone and custom flashcards. 0.9 foebea 2007/06/20
Unit Converter Convert one unit of measurement to another. 0.9 Access_Denied, Twin891 2007/06/13
Color Studio Lua app that helps you to find the RGB value. 1 andyauff 2007/06/13
babblr Windows Live PSP Messenger portal. 2.0 Cronos Studios, Yongobongo 2007/06/10
PokedexPSP Turn your PSP into a Pokedex. 2007 Xandu 2007/06/04
SRSG Simple Random Sentence Generator. If you like Engrish, you'll probably like the program. 0.3 Psyberjock 2007/05/30
Sloynik A program for reading StarDict text dictionaries. 1.1 Cy-4AH, Elidi 2007/05/30
PeP-Viewer An Imageviewer optimized to work with mangas and comics. 0.8 pensoffsky 2007/05/29
Etch-A-Sketch by webfeind A new Etch-A-Sketch clone. 1.0 webfeind 2007/05/29
Ico Applicator An app that lets you customize the icon of your PSP’s removable disk when connecting to the PC. 2 Jojodu0010, Marc6310 2007/05/27
PeeJay PSP Java MIDP Client. 0.2 DickyDick1969 2007/05/25
Chess Clock A simple chess clock for 2 players. 0.1 jjinkou2 2007/04/29
Scrabble Helper Help you find all possible words you can create in Scrabble. 0.1 gibbocool 2007/04/22
PSPFTP Allows your to download files from your personal computer (PC) via the PSP WiFi connection. 2.0 Spike_132000, Hoagie 2007/04/19
Ultimate Flasher PSP Flasher application for 3.3OE. 0.1 Shadow77340 2007/04/17
COW TIPS Display advices from a cow. 2007 Sektor 2007/04/16
Automotive conversions A homebrew application that carries out simple automotive conversions. 2007 Jason Stephenson (jay543_uk) 2007/04/15
Animales An education homebrew aimed at children over 3 years old. 1.0 Popito 2007/04/14
pspWeather Weather client for PSP. 2.0b mcdongle 2007/04/07
HTML Sound Hack + Flasher Flash custom sounds that are heard in the PSP's official web browser. 2007 pj1115 2007/04/03
MultiPixelFixer Fix stuck pixels. 2007 MexicanSnake 2007/03/25
LuMM - Lua Map Maker A basic 2D tile map editor for Lua games. 0.9 Merick 2007/03/24
ThemeFlasher A theme flasher. 2 ai3gtmc 2007/03/21
Ontgem A simple email and SMS app. 0.02 mooser 2007/03/21
Sheep Machine Counts sheep on your PSP screen. 2007 miNi 2007/03/21
LMV Lua Magazine Viewer A customizeable magazine viewing application. 2007 TacticalPenguin 2007/03/17
Brushes A drawing application which allows you draw with your own made brushes. 2.0 Kenny Lindahl (HaxxBlaster) 2007/03/06
Todo Espanol A Lua application that helps you learn Spanish. 0.05 andyauff 2007/02/26
eReader An application that can read ebooks, view image, play audio files in mp3 and wma formats. 1.6 aeolusc 2007/02/16
RPG Timer Help you to track time for RPGs such as Oblivion and Final Fantasy 11. 0.1 Cheez Pirate 2007/02/14
HomeBot A homebrew demo that greets you with a message. Alpha Fredo38 2007/02/10
PSP Vi Input text with IR keyboard. 0.02a Alpha Nullkill 2007/01/23
TyDoPad Write short notes with wireless IR keyboard. 0.01 beta madruscoe 2007/01/19
Quick Japanese! A quick Japanese reference guide. beta 1 HeaD_ShOt 2007/01/18
PSP Super Portable Calendar A personal organizer / interactive calendar. Beta 2 Tristan Cartledge (Reefbarman) 2007/01/14
PspDraw and PspNotepad Simple drawing and text editing homebrew. 2006 2006/12/23
PSP Animation Studio An animation app. 3 masonman 2006/12/23
PspEncyclopedia A pocket encyclopedia. 0.1 gunntims0103 2006/12/18
NDS-Killer A small Lua game. 2006 luLy 2006/12/03
PowerBALL Pick Helps you pick the Power Ball numbers. 2006 The Undead 2006/12/01
Coin Toss Virtual coins toss. 2006 The Undead 2006/11/26
PSP eMail and SMS Send email and SMS through WiFi. 2006 cools (theriddlingsphinx) 2006/11/22
PSP Currency Converter Currency Converter. 0.2 Yongobongo 2006/11/11
L:UA Periodic Table Periodic Table made in Lua. BETA Xandu 2006/11/10
Smoove Pixel, Tile and Sprite Editor. 0.92 Martin Wisniowski (020200) 2006/10/23
LuaFont TTF Browser View TTF files on the PSP. 2006 jbird 2006/10/22
Lua Based Command Prompt Command Prompt for the PSP. 0.1 alatnet 2006/10/11
LUA Reader View index.lua file on the PSP. beta benh 2006/10/07
PSP Redneck Also known as You might be a redneck if... 2006 Sketor 2006/09/09
Lua Text2Fone Send voice message through a web service. 2006 yoyomacy 2006/09/07
Image Illusion Experience the negative optical illusion. 2006 youresam 2006/09/04
Remonics An application that allows you to save short memos or thoughts. 1.1 Branin, LMelior 2006/08/23
LUA Whiteboard Simple drawing app written in Lua. Final benh 2006/08/22
Click Click Machine A button click counter. 2006 miNi 2006/08/21
ProgramLua A portable collection of Lua programming tutorials. 1.081506 Access_Denied (ARza), Appleseed629 2006/08/18
InterfaceLua InterfaceLua version of Luaplayer v0.17. 1.00 Alex Glynn (Glynnder) 2006/08/17
bookr A document reader for the Sony PSP with native PDF rendering. 0.7.1 ccm304, cpayeur 2006/08/15
Screen Repair Set (SRS) Tool to test the psp screen and attempt to revive dead pixels on your PSP. final SaulotMalo 2006/08/11
CollecTic An experimental game that uses existing WLAN points are used as game elements. 0.13 Jonas Hielscher 2006/08/11
PSPFtp Ftp client on your PSP based on LiQuiD8d FTP Client. 1.0 Zx-81 2006/08/06
PSPWeather A simple network software to view the local weather conditions on your PSP. 1.06 Zx-81 2006/07/27
PSMoz Ultra-high-pitched sound package that repels mosquito. 2.5 White Noise Raydar 2006/07/11
ID3PSP ID3v1 and v2 editor and reader. 1.0 TheEmulatorGuy 2006/07/08
Resident Evil Picture Viewer A simple program to view the pre-rendered 3D models. 2006 Jakob Getson (Jman420) 2006/06/26
Z-Mix Automated slideshow picture viewer with background music. 2.0 Zion 2006/06/24
FindC Find coordinates on the PSP. 1.1 Zeemon/PSPXavier 2006/06/14
PSPsms Program that can send SMS to cellphone. 0.3a1 floppydisk, therealnapster84 2006/06/02
PSLingo PSP language trainer. 20. Raydar 2006/05/31
PSPAlarm Simple alarm clock. 0.1 SodR 2006/05/24
Contacts Manage your contacts using a vcf file layout (vCard) 0.5 Cancan 2006/05/23
3Design A 3D editing program made in Lua. Alpha 0.4 butterballer360 2006/05/21
Flipbook Create simple flipbook animation. beta 0.1 MaSt3r_ShAk3 2006/05/16
Graphic Creator A paint-like app. 2.0 Kenny Lindahl (HaxxBlaster) 2006/05/13
PSPWarp An interactive image warping program. 0.3b soundinsekt 2006/05/06
Portable Meditation Engine A clone of Brainwave Generator. 05/02 Psilocybeing 2006/05/02
TVSP The Premier Free Location Free TV viewer 0.2a Lok Tai (Andy) Fung 2006/05/02
PSP Office An Office-style suite. Beta 0.2 Static, Sharko 2006/04/30
Paint Pad A simple Lua paint program. 1.00 Eric Garner (distrex) 2006/04/26
Peldet Telnet application for PSP. 0.8b Zx-81 2006/04/20
PSPTIMER A simple timer for the PSP. 3.00 Raion 2006/04/16
PSP is Away Allow remote access to your PSP. Preview01 Team n:exp 2006/04/16
BPPE Best Painting Program Ever. 0.99 Beta Glynnder 2006/04/11
PSP LuaPlayer ISO Edition Luaplayer packaged as an ISO file. 2006 PsPmad 2006/04/10
colorPlay Pixel-fixer-flipper-flasher type program that loops through all 16 million + possible colors. 16,777,216 Ben Saraceno (caliFrag) 2006/03/26
PSPAnimator Lua paint program with frames. 1.0b Kameku 2006/03/23
Ace Dictionary English - Chinese dictionary. 1.0 xwh1225 2006/03/22
Titan Homebrew Manager Download and install Hombrew from the web. 2006 McZonk 2006/03/21
MP3-ID3 MP3 tag reader. 0.01beta TheEmulatorGuy 2006/03/21
PSPJabber Instant message client for Jabber servers. 1.03 DavGav 2006/03/21
PSPDizaster Lua Paint PSPDizaster Lua Paint, a painting application for PSP. 4.0 PSP333 2006/03/21
PDWE - PSP DIZASTER WMA ENABLER A WMA Enabler for 2.60 PSP. 2006 Supa Sick 2006/03/21
Etch A Sketch A simple app that effectively simulates drawing on an Etch-A-Sketch. 1.0 Dark Killer 2006/03/20
PSPaint An entertaining simple drawing tool. 0.3b Aerol33t 2006/03/20
PSPIB Play Station Personal Information Book. 2006 Macca-Hacker, Trigun 2006/03/18
LITEspeed OSK plugin for TTLDE. 1.0 Liquid Jin 2006/03/07
F.O.S.K. for TTLDE The fastest OSK plugin for TTLDE. 0.1 mrn 2006/02/27
PSP PowerWord A Chinese/English dictionary app. 2006 KRIS 2006/02/20
CrazyPaint A basic painting homebrew, 3-0.5 Elevationsnow 2006/02/13
PSP-HTTPD PSP web server powered by LuaPlayer. 0.6 Elxx 2006/02/12
URL2PSP File transfer/download through WiFi. 01.1 David Beyer 2006/02/05
Tokes PS2 Remote PS2 Remote for PSP. 2006 Tokes 2006/02/02
iR Commander An Infra-Red Universal Remote Control software for Playstation Portable. 0.8 AhMan 2006/02/01
Atari VM Atari Assembly Language Virtual Machine. 0.2 Alpha Jared Bruni 2006/01/31
LuaLinker Remote file grabber for the PSP. 0.2 modsyn 2006/01/24
PSP Yabasic Player Port of ps2yabasic to the PSP. 1.0a Jim Shaw 2006/01/17
Learn the words Help children to learn words by associating them with images. 0.9a arobase 2006/01/15
PSPPDF Colorful PSP PDF reader. v0.2u1 da5id, Yale Huang 2006/01/12
PSPeb EPWING format dictionary search test homebrew. Test Unknown 2006/01/12
Penny Arcade Viewer for PSP Penny Arcade comic viewer. 2006 AkumaATR 2006/01/11
Woxy LoungeAct Grabber XML PodCast Retriever. 2006 modsyn 2006/01/04
Just Another Paint App A paint program written in Lua. 2005 ro0kie42 2005/12/20
PSP Professional Japanese Dictionary Japanese dictionary. Beta FAN 2005/12/18
TwinTail Lesson A program that teaches you how to use TwinTail LDE. 0.1 ema 2005/12/13
HSV A painting application coded in Lua. 2005 ema 2005/12/06
Quake 3 Bsp Map Viewer Allows you to view a Quake 3 BSP map file on the PSP. 0.1 PSmonkey 2005/11/07
cnreader Chinese txt files reader. 2.0 月光下的床, 飞翔的壳 2005/10/30
Kanji Flashcards Flashcards for the PSP written in Lua. 0.1 BETA karurosu 2005/10/26
ChronoAlarm A simple timer app. 1.0 ExxonValdeez 2005/10/18
PSPTimer A simple timer made in Lua. 2005 MagicianFB 2005/10/04
WiFi Jukebox A client/server application which sends MP3's from your PC to your PSP using WiFi. 0.1c 2005/09/28
PSPVI Command Line vi, C Compiler, and assembler for PSP. 0.4 Jim Steuert 2005/09/18
PSP Magazine Launcher An application for reading PSP magazines. 0.1 Kevin Thomas (dTMSr) 2005/09/05
Taoism Qi Control a rotating Yin Yang with the PSP Analog Stick. 2005 Po-Han Lin 2005/09/04
LUA TextReader Textfile viewing application written in Lua. 0.2 Mike Haggar (mikehaggar99) 2005/08/23
Button Logger This will print the button you press on the PSP. 1.0 MSX 2005/08/14
PSPSchedule Calendar schedule and address book app. 0.25 Quinnsoft (darkshadow88) 2005/08/13
YDICT English - Chinese dictionary. 0.2 ZYM 2005/07/26
PSP-ick A lock picking program. 2 Brad Dwyer (Yeldarb) 2005/07/20
JPEG Viewer for PSP JPG viewer. 0.53 maman_jv 2005/07/20
SecureText Secure/Desecure files using SecureText format. Ported from SecureText for Windows. 0.1 2005/07/15
Aozora Bunko Reader Aozora Bunko Reader for PSP. 0.85 henoheno 2005/06/22
TelecranPSP Drawing app like Etch a Sketch. 2005 KOSINUS 2005/06/20
Doom2 / Duke Nukem File Selector A small tool that allows you to switch between .wad files for Doom 2 and Duke Nukem 2005 Cpasjuste 2005/06/19
LuLines A homebrew program for PSP that allows you to view colorful patterns created with luminous lines. 1.1 edepot 2005/06/15
PSP Calendar Calendar on the PSP. 0.3 Yamasan 2005/05/22
He Button PSP Recreation of the famous button from the TV show Trivia no Izumi. 050516 MobileHackerz 2005/05/16
Text Viewer Support dump display and JANE log display. 0.5 osakana 2005/05/15
GB File Selector File selector for early release of RIN (Game Boy emulator). 0.04 MobileHackerz 2005/05/14
BMP Loader Display BMP files on the Memory Stick. 0.2 z-rwt 2005/05/14
BlueKVM Java Runtime Environment for the PSP (experimental). Also known as java4psp. Demo QPOINT Software Group 2001/01/15
