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Kitty Book Portable for PSP | |
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Author | Chris J |
Type | Utilities |
Version | 1.2 |
License | Freeware |
Last Updated | 2005/10/05 |
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Kitty Book Portable is a PSP homebrew that can read text file with your PSP. It can open various types of text files (normal, Unicode, and Unicode BE).
The content can be displayed in TrueType font, and you can adjust the font size. If you prefer not to use TrueType font, Kitty Book also includes a built-in font library.
Kitty Book Portable was developed in about 3 months with C++ and PSPSDK.
- Graphic user interface, icons, buttons, GUI file managers.
- Asc, Unicode and Unicode BE text supported
- True Type font display supported
- TTF Font display size adjustable.
- Memory cache built in. It draw the font quicker and reduces the memory stick access time, saves battery life,etc.
- Built-in 16 x 16 and 8 x 16 font library, working without TTF provided.
- Font color and back ground color adjustable.
- PSP Power saving mechanism used. You can read book for long time.
- 5 bookmark slots to remember 5 files and progress.
- Can load Normal text file up to 3MB. Unicode file up to 6MB.
- Not supported feature:
- Display and read html file with format: you can only read the source code of html.
- open zip file.
- listen mp3 file.
Extract directory KittyBookPortable to your /PSP/GAME/.
Some sample text files are included.
User guide
How to use
Run the app, press Browse Button.
In file manager, press Cross to select a text file to read.
The following text format are supported:
- Normal Text file (ANSI format).
- Unicode Text file.
- Unicode BigEndian Text file.
Changing the font and background
Wheher you are using TTF or not, you can change font and background 's color.
Enter Config window, press the color setting button, it opens a color setting menu, use Left/Right to change the RGB value to define the color.
To confirm, press Circle, to cancel the change, press Cross, after it's done, save and quit config window.
Using True Type Font
To use TTF, you must provide TTF like .TTC or .TTF file by yourself:
- Find a True Type Font file by yourself (i.e. C:\Windows\Fonts), for example:
- arial.TTF (Arial Font)
- cour.TTF (Courier New Font)
- comic.TTF (Commic Sans Font)
- SIMSUN.TTC (Chinese Song Ti Font)
- Copy a TrueTypeFont file to your PSP Memory Stick, to any path is fine.
- Kitty Book only uses ONE(1) TTF at one time, so just copy any one is fine. You don NOT have to copy all of them. For example: Copy SIMSUN.TTC to g:\ (assume g: is your memory stick 's drive)
To display Chinese / Japanese / Korea fonts, please use the proper font file:
- It won't work if you only use the English Font file (like cour.ttf).
- You must use the following font to display Asian fonts:
- Chinese GB: simsun.ttc (Song Ti Font), simfang.ttf (Fang Song Font)
- Chinese Big5: Refer to Chinese GB.
- Japanese: Refer to Chinese GB.
- (It may or may not work with Korean fonts, not tested).
Once you copied over the TTF file, launch Kitty Book, enter [Config] Menu, select the [use TrueTypeFont] box.
Press the [TTF File...] button, a file selector menu will pop up, please browse your Font file. Only TTF and TTC are allow to select.
After it's done, press Down to [Save and Done] button, press it (Circle) to save and quit the Config Window.
Changing TTF font's size
When your are using TTF, you can change the font size.
Enter config window, press UP/Down button to go to [Font Size] box, and press Left/Right to change the font size value. 16 to 50 is fine, it's the pixel size.
After it's done, save and quit config window.
Removing TTF font
Go to config window, use UP/Down to focus [use TrueTypeFont], press Cross to select or clear the box. Save and quit.
If you clear the select box, the Kitty Book will use the built-in 8 X 16 dots font for ASC chars and 16 X 16 Dot font for Chinese GB/Chinese Big5 /Jap...
In some cases you will find the file explorer cannot show the correct Chinese file name, it's because of the PSP OS' limitation, it's neither a bug of Kitty Book nor you got RPWT.
If after some actions your PSP goes to black screen and stop to responds, it's likely the software just performed a NULL pointer access. Don't worry. Your don't need to press any button then, just wait 10 seconds, the PSP will turn off by itself, You can turn on it after it's off.
Font file simsun.ttc is recommended to display ChineseGB/Big5/JP. The file size is about 10MB.
Circle - Confirm
Cross - Cancel, Quit
D-Pad - Navigate between items
Home - Quit to PSP system menu
File explorer:
Up/Down - Select different file
Circle - Launch the file
Cross - Quit the explore
Triangle - Force text viewer open the file (can read files like HTML, BIN)
Text viewer window:
Down/Up - Turn page down/up
Triangle - to save and load book mark
R/L - Turn page down/up fast
Right/Left - Turn down/up one line
Cross - Quit viewing the text
Analog Up/Down - Turn page up/down very fast
1.2 2005/10/05
- pls. note: songti.ttf has problem displaying english and numbers when using size 11. ( install it to Wnidows/fonts, the name is "unisun", you will see the problem in your textedit tool ( like ultraedit) But 12 is fine.
- english word related bug in 16 dots font fixed.
- Some Chinese display bugs fixed.
- Page turning logic enhanced again.
- Power saving logic enhanced. Some people complained that when he wanna quit the app and press [HOME], it's just too slow. This time I have opened a window for users want to quit quickly: Please exit to Main Window or to File Explorer Before you Press [HOME]. ( quick) Otherwise, if you press [HOME] when reading books( in the reading window) it takes about 2 seconds to quit. ( slow ) - Draw English and HanZi better.
1.1 2005/10/03
- Some people say they like really small fonts... So, in this version, font size can be changed from 11 to 50.
- Enhanced the page turning control: Even if you keep holding the [Down] [R-Trig], it doesn't turn pages. But if you keep holding the [Down] [R-Trig] for more than 1 seconds, it turns... And if you tap the key quickly, it turns the pages quickly..... Left, Right, Up,Down, L-R Trigger is dedicated for turning pages slowly. If you want turnning the pages like REAL FAST, please use Analog stick: KEEP HOLDING "Analog - down/up ". ( keep holding increases the step ).
1.0 2005/10/01
- First release.
- Thanks SONY to make such a good machine
- Thanks authors of PSPSDK, PSP Toolchain, it's a very Great tool/dev. env.
- Thanks GNU C++ tools.
- Thanks FreeType Project group for the FreeType ultility.
External links
- Official website - (archived)