Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
OpenLara | Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine. | 2020 | XProger | 2020/11/15 |
OdameX | Online multiplayer Doom port. | 0.70 | Michael Wood (Hyper_Eye) | 2014/03/26 |
xMadbomber | Port of Madbomber by Bill Kendrick. A game based on the Atari game Kaboom. | 1.0 | Neobomb | 2011/06/07 |
Streets of Rage Remake | xSorR is a port of BennuGD to run the Streets of Rage Remake. | 5 Update1 | A600 | 2011/04/21 |
XMugen-linux | Mugen Linux port. | Beta 0.4 | chips | 2006/03/27 |
Beats of RageX | Port of OpenBOR/Beats of Rage. | 4 | XPort | 2006/02/26 |
XBOMBERBOX2 | A multiplayer homebrew game inspired by BomberMan. | Beta 2 | Marcelpopo, farid | 2004/10/02 |
BarrageX | Port of Barrage by Michael Speck. | 1 | Reaper527 | 2004/06/15 |
XBOMBERBOX | Inspired the Hudson-award-winning series Bomberman. | 2003 | Marcelpopo | 2003/03/11 |
More actions
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
rawX | Port of Another World (Out of this World). | 1.00 | Lantus | 2004/05/09 |
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
HocoslamfyX | Port of Hocoslamfy, a Flappy Bird clone created from scratch. | 2020 | HCF | 2020/03/25 |
Super Transball 2 | Port of Super Transball 2. | 1.0 | Neobomb | 2012/08/25 |
VectoroidsX | Port of Vectoroids by Bill Kendrick. | 1.0 | Neobomb | 2011/11/21 |
MagneTron | A fast paced arcade game that will keep you on toes. | 1.2 | Steven De Toni | 2009/02/23 |
NJamX | A multiplayer PacMan-type game. Port of NJam. | 1 | XPort | 2006/08/14 |
xHeroes | Multiplayer Tron/Nibbles-type game. Port of Heroes. | 1 | XPort | 2006/08/14 |
GluttonX | An isometric view Pac-Man clone using graphics made in POV-Ray. | 2 | freakdave | 2004/07/04 |
Battle Pong X | A pong game with some extra features. | 1.0 | bmy6063 | 2004/04/30 |
PacMan3DX | 3D pacman clone. | beta 1.0.0 | Xfactor | 2002/09/18 |
WormS | A homebrew game similar to old snakes game. | Beta 2 | Xfactor | 2002/09/07 |
PacmanX | Classic Pacman for the Xbox. | Beta 1 | Xfactor | 2002/08/25 |
BreakoutX3D | Homebrew Xbox games made by Team XFactor. | 1.3 | Xfactor | 2002/08/09 |
X-PONG | 2-player pong game. | 1.0 | XL productions | 2002/07/22 |
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Chess Street Fighter 2 | A chess homebrew game. | 1.0 | HCF | 2013/05/31 |
Connect4 | Connect4 for the Xbox. | 1.1 | Jippie, Novahux | 2003/07/23 |
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Video Poker X | A video poker game based on Double Double Bonus Poker. | Final | ti85man | 2005/05/28 |
XTriad | Port of GLTriad. | 0.1 | Rich Whitehouse | 2005/03/18 |
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Game Engine
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
OpenBOR Xbox | OpenBOR port for the Xbox. | 3.2 Build 3698 | A600, Madmab | 2016/03/07 |
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
StepManiaX | A StepMania port for Xbox. | 12 | XPort | 2006/05/04 |
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Giddy 3: Somewhat Xbox Edition | Port of a DIzzy clone puzzle platformer Giddy 3: Reasonably Special Edition. | 1.1 | Neobomb | 2020/05/21 |
Hodex Unofficial | Heart of Darkness Engine (HODE) Xbox port. Update based on HODEX by MVG. | 2020 | Rocky5 | 2020/04/11 |
HODEX | Heart of Darkness Engine (HODE) Xbox port. | 2020 | MVG/Lantus | 2020/04/06 |
HydraX | Port of Hydra Castle Labyrinth by E. Hashimoto (aka Buster). | 1.0 | HCF | 2018/10/23 |
EdgarX | A platform game with lots of adventure, puzzles and tons of enemies. | 1.0 | HCF | 2017/06/22 |
AbbayeX | Port of the freeware platformer LAbbaye des Morts. | 1.0 | HCF | 2016/11/25 |
RockbotX | Oort of Rockbot (a fanmade Megaman clone). | 1.0 | HCF | 2014/10/15 |
xSKULL | Original game by Diogo Lapa and licensed to GECA soft. | 4.1 | GECA soft | 2013/07/13 |
Secret Maryo Chronicles X | Port of the game Secret Maryo Chronicles. | 1.0 | HCF | 2012/11/10 |
xMoG | Port of Maze of Glaious Remake v0.63 by Brain Games. | 1.0 | Neobomb | 2012/08/20 |
xBermuda | Port of Bermuda Syndrome interpreter by Gregory Montoir. | 0.1.4 | A600 | 2011/04/05 |
Ghost House War | Super Mario War: Halloween Edition. Mod of SMW. | 1.8 HE | General Guy, Link901, KingPepe, MC Jimmy, Mr Mister, Tanuki, XS197, Asgardreid, Gadouken, LKA, JJames19119 | 2008/11/06 |
Super Mario War | A stomp-battle multiplayer. | 1.8 Beta1 | Florian Hufsky, Two52 and contributors | 2008/05/21 |
CaveStoryX | Cave Story port for the Xbox. | 2 | XPort | 2007/09/14 |
BlobWarsX | Port of a slick/polished platformer from Parallel Realities. | 2 | XPort | 2006/08/14 |
ReminiscenceX | Port of the engine used in the game Flashback from Delphine Software. | 1.0.0 | Lantus | 2005/02/09 |
Jump 'n BumpX | A cute multiplayer platform game with bunnies. | 3 | freakdave | 2004/07/13 |
Pig-X | A fun little game with a twirling pig that stomps things. | 2 | Reaper527 | 2004/06/17 |
xRick | Port of Rick Dangerous. | 3 | Lantus | 2004/06/13 |
AmphetamineX | Port of a unique jump and run game Amphetamine. | 1.0 | XPort | 2004/06/04 |
PachiX | Port of the game Pachi el Marciano. | 1 | XPort | 2004/05/25 |
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
2H4Ux | Port of the game 2H4U: Too Hard For You to Xbox. | 1.0 | Neobomb | 2020/05/11 |
MeAndMyShadowX | Port of an indie puzzle game Me And My Shadow. | 1.0 | HCF | 2015/11/24 |
xArtShot | Port of an original game Art Shot. | 2013 | GECA soft | 2013/07/20 |
Biniax 2 | XBOX port of a challenging and logical puzzle game named BINIAX. | 1.0 | freakdave | 2009/12/21 |
Sokoban 3DX | A Sokoban game complete in DirectX 3D | 2009 | Shogun | 2009/11/30 |
Miss DrillerX | Clone of the popular game Mr.Driller. | 1 | freakdave | 2004/09/01 |
KMBXDelirium | A homebrew game similar to Puzzle Bobble. | 1.0 | KaMbiOkIkA | 2004/07/14 |
Abombniballx | Port of Abombniball by Martin Donlon. | 3.0 | freakdave | 2004/07/04 |
KMBXTetris | A Tetris Like created from scratch. | 1.0 | KaMbiOkIkA | 2004/06/24 |
Atom-X | Puzzle/strategy game. Port of SDL-Toms. | 2 | Reaper527 | 2004/06/17 |
BattleBlocksX | Tetris with weapons. Formerly BBX. | 1.0 | bbx | 2004/05/16 |
BakuBakuX 2 | Remake of Baku Baku X. | 2004 | SHiZNO | 2004/02/14 |
XSokoban - Konbanwa | Explore the maze and get all the teapots on the lawn. | 2003 | FuiRiPpu | 2003/12/09 |
Bubble Trouble SX | Clone of Bubble Trouble. | 1.0 | SHiZNO | 2003/11/28 |
BakuBakuX 1 | Clone of the Sega game Baku Baku. | 1.3 | SHiZNO | 2003/10/20 |
X-Pired | Boxxle type puzzle game. | 1 | XPort | 2003/10/14 |
MarblesX | A puzzle game similar to Boxxle/Sokoban. Port of LMarbles. | 1 | XPort | 2003/09/13 |
MirrorMagicX | Mirror Magic II for for XBox. | 1 | XPort | 2003/09/13 |
MineXweeper | Minesweeper clone. | 2003 | Team Jippie, Novahux | 2003/04/18 |
SensitiveX | A remake of the commodore 64 game Sensitive. | Final | Jamie Fuller | 2003/02/26 |
Ballzy | Port of Ballzy, an intense dramatic action-packed 3D puzzle game. | 1.0 | Team N-Vision | 2002/12/30 |
X-Marbles | Puzzle game based on a Pocket PC game Bubbles. | 0.5 Beta | Mastermind (BenJeremy) | 2002/08/14 |
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
RoadfighterX | Port of Road Fighter Remake by Brain Games. | 1.0 | Neobomb | 2012/08/23 |
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Role Playing
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
GriffonLegendX | Xbox port of the action RPG The Griffon Legend. | 2020 | Neobomb | 2020/07/26 |
Zelda - Time To Triumph | Port of the French homebrew Zelda trilogy. | 1.3 | Neobomb | 2020/07/26 |
ZeldaNSQx | Port of Zelda - Navis Quest. | 1.1 | Neobomb | 2020/06/04 |
Zelda - Oni Link Begins | Port of the French homebrew Zelda trilogy. | 1.0 | freakdave | 2011/10/08 |
Zelda - Return of the Hylian | Port of the French homebrew Zelda trilogy. | 1.0 | freakdave | 2011/10/07 |
xDink | Port of the adventure RPG Dink Smallwood. | 1.08 | A600 | 2011/04/30 |
GladiatorX | Port of OpenGlad. | 1 | XPort | 2004/06/04 |
ExultX - Ultima 7 | ExultX - Ultima 7 game engine for Xbox. | 1.0 | Stealth | 2004/01/12 |
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Raptor Call Of The Shadows Xbox | Raptor Call Of The Shadows console ports from reversed-engineered source code. | 0.5.0 | RetroGamer02, Ryan | 2024/03/16 |
OpenTyrianX | Port of OpenTyrian, a port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian. | 1.0 | Neobomb | 2019/10/21 |
Geca Blaster 2 | An arcade style homebrew shooter. | 1.0 | GECA soft | 2013/07/14 |
xTeeterTorture | A shooting game similar to Space Invaders/Galaga/Galaxian, but with a unique twist | 1.0 | Neobomb | 2011/11/28 |
Furbykill3d | Port of FurbyKill3D, a shooting game similar to Wolfenstein. | 1.2 Beta | richi902 | 2011/10/03 |
DefendguinX | Port of Defendguin by Bill Kendrick (New Breed Software). | 1.0 | Neobomb | 2011/08/25 |
Aliens Vs. Predator | An unofficial port of the PC version of Aliens Vs Predator Gold Edition. | 1.0 | SirLemonhead | 2009/02/11 |
Hyper Duel | A true OpenBoR shump. | 2008 | BonusJZ | 2008/09/27 |
Catacomb 3D | Port of CATACOMB 3-D through DOSXBox, a simple fantasy first-person shooter game. | 2008 | Unknown | 2008/02/16 |
Wolf3D OpenXDK Port | Wolfenstein 3D OpenXDK port. | 2006 | th0mas | 2006/07/20 |
AbuseX - Abuse for XBox | Port of the 2D action/shooting/platformer Abuse-SDL. | 1.0 | XPort | 2006/07/05 |
XDuke | Duke Nukem 3D port based on JFDuke3D. | 1.0 | A600 | 2006/06/17 |
xDescent | Port of the FPS PC-game Descent to Xbox. | 1.1 | A600 | 2006/06/17 |
Borg Nukem | Borg Nukem for the Xbox via xDuke by A600. | 1.0 | kef_Nukem, A600 | 2006/06/07 |
ShadowX | Port of Shadow Warrior based on JFShadowWarrior. | 1.0 | A600 | 2006/06/07 |
xHeretic | Port of the fantasy first person shooter Heretic. | 1.1 | A600 | 2006/05/14 |
xHexen | Port of the FPS Hexen. | 1.1 | A600 | 2006/05/14 |
Quake 3: Arena | Quake 3: Arena Xbox Port. | 1.0 | carcharius | 2005/11/05 |
Asteroids | Remake of the classic Asteroids arcade game. | 1.0 | Unknown | 2005/04/30 |
Doom Legacy | Port of Doom Legacy v1.42. | 0.05.142 Pre-Alpha | Carcharius | 2004/12/25 |
DOOM-X | Port of WinDoom based on DoomX by Lantus. | 2.2 Beta | Carcharius, LikkleBaer | 2004/12/19 |
Heroes Of RoswellX | Space shooter with 4 levels and big bosses. | 2004 | freakdave | 2004/07/30 |
KMBXXGalaga | An adaptation of Xgalaga on Xbox. | 1.0 | KaMbiOkIkA | 2004/07/22 |
KMBXSDLInvaders | Port of SDLInvaders. | 1.0 | KaMbiOkIkA | 2004/07/11 |
KMBXFormido | Port of Formido by Mika Halttunen. | 1.0 | KaMbiOkIkA | 2004/07/08 |
Shippy1984X | Port of an addictive and funny space invaders clone. | 1.0 | freakdave | 2004/07/07 |
Star Wars: A New Hope for Homebrew | A 3D homebrew shooter. | 1.3 | SHiZNO, PeteGabe | 2004/07/05 |
K.E.T.M.X | Kill Everything That Moves. | 1.0 | freakdave | 2004/07/05 |
Dodgin Diamond 2X | An old school arcade shoot em up. Original by Juan J. Martínez. | 2 | freakdave | 2004/07/04 |
SDL-FighterX | Port of SDL-Fighter. | 1 | freakdave | 2004/07/04 |
rRootageX | Defeat autocreated huge battleships. | 1.0 | questor/fused | 2004/06/20 |
Noiz2saX | An abstract shoot em up game original by Kenta Cho. | 1.1 | questor/fused | 2004/06/19 |
PowermangaX | Port of the 2D shooter Powermanga. | 1 | XPort | 2004/05/25 |
StarfighterX | Port of Starfighter, a polished 2D shooter with an upgrade system. | 1.0 | Xport | 2004/05/25 |
Quake2X-LE | Quake2 for Xbox consoles ported from Quake2Forge sources. | 1.00 | Lantus | 2004/05/08 |
QuakeX | Quake for Xbox consoles ported from SDLQuake. | 1.01 | Lantus | 2004/05/01 |
Kobo-X | Kobo Deluxe for XBox. | 1 | XPort | 2003/09/13 |
Maelstrom-X | Port of the game Maelstrom. | 1 | XPort | 2003/09/13 |
BlasteroidsX | An original game similar to Asteroids. | 1.2 Final | MorseKode | 2003/07/01 |
Duck Shoot | An open source duck shooting homebrew game. | 0.0.1 | xfactordev | 2003/05/31 |
ROTTX | Rise of the Triad port. | 1.2 | Lantus | 2003/04/13 |
InvaderX | Port of the classic PC game to Xbox. Also known as INVADER-X3. | 3.0 | lubby | 2002/09/17 |
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
RuXia 2018 | A retro soccer game based on BraXil 2014. | 2018 | HCF | 2018/06/14 |
BraXil 2014 | A retro soccer game for Xbox that simulate the Brazil 2014 Soccer World Cup. | 2014/06/02 | HCF | 2014/06/04 |
Fuel Crisis | A flying simulation. | Alpha | fuirippu | 2005/01/23 |
Xbox Open Transport Tycoon | Port of Open Transport Tycoon (OpenTTD). | 1.1-HCl | HCl | 2004/11/01 |
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Arcadian Tactics | A complete homebrew game featuring all the classical videogames characters. | 1.1 | HCF | 2012/03/27 |
xUrQuan | Port of The Ur-Quan Masters - an open-source port based on the action adventure game Star Control II. | 0.70 | A600 | 2011/07/04 |
Action | Adventure | Arcade | Board | Card | Game Engine | Music | Platform | Puzzle | Racing | Role Playing | Shooter | Simulation | Strategy | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Hamster's Escape | Escape from evil Hamster. | 2013 | GECA soft | 2013/07/14 |
Aftershock Pool SX | An original homebrew pool game. | 1.0 | SHiZNO | 2005/04/26 |
Madness Interactive SX | Clone of a flash game called Madness Interactive. | 1.0 | SHiZNO | 2005/03/22 |
Xmas Gift From XFD | Christmas theme game. | 2003 | Xfactor | 2003/12/24 |
Xlime | Remake of the Java game Slime by Quin Pendragon. | 1.0 | Xfactor | 2003/12/14 |