Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
FastVideoDS Player | Player for the FastVideoDS format (.fv). | 0.0.1 | Gericom | 2022/09/30 |
MPEG4 Player by Gericom | Video player for the NDS, a spinoff project from YoutubeDS. | 2019 | Gericom | 2019/11/28 |
Rocket Video Player | A video player for Nintendo DS and DSi. | 1.1 | RocketRobz | 2019/05/29 |
Tuna-viDS | Plays AVI files that contain Xvid encoded video and MP3 encoded audio. | 1.2 | Chishm | 2018/10/13 |
SSEQ Player i | Homebrew SSEQ player for Nintendo DS(i). | 1.1.1 | RocketRobz | 2018/02/16 |
XMid NITRO NDS | A MIDI player. | Final | Ruben | 2012/11/22 |
MoonShell | Well known multimedia player. | 2.1.0 child zwai | Moonlight, Infantile Paralysiser | 2012/05/04 |
SSEQ Player | Uses fincs SSEQ Player to play the music. | 2011 | KazoWAR | 2011/11/23 |
XM7Play | XM/MOD player. | r2011 | sverx | 2011/01/27 |
DSTwo iPlayer | Media player for DSTWO. | 1.1 | supercard | 2010/11/17 |
Online Jukebox DS | Shoutcast player for DS. | 2010 | The coon | 2010/08/20 |
Licks Media Player | MP3 Player, Ipod clone. | 1.02 | Lucas (originally by Lick) | 2010/03/03 |
A Tint of MENUdo - Player | Media player for MENUdo. | 2009 | soulanger | 2009/08/22 |
DSMediaCenter | A full-fledged homebrew launcher/movie player. | Final | Hillbilly | 2009/05/30 |
DSVideo | Video player and converter. | 1.10 | Dominic Ludlam | 2008/12/08 |
DbrowSer | File browser that can play mp3 and view jpg files. | 2008 | Tommie | 2008/09/05 |
MPEG4 Player | A MPEG4 Player for the DS. | 2008 | erspicu_brox | 2008/08/17 |
3dViewerDS | Play 3D video on a DS. | 0.1 | Tarosa | 2008/08/03 |
FAT PLAYER MIKMOD | A player module track. | 5 | Cid2mizard, Kukulcan | 2008/07/15 |
Spinal's Media Player | Movie player. | 1.0 | spinal | 2008/02/18 |
Advanced Sound Library | A sound library for the NDS. | 1.0 | Noda | 2007/12/02 |
DSMplay | Media player application that plays DSM files. | 0.8 | Infantile Paralysiser | 2007/09/15 |
mpdDS | Music Player Daemon (MDP) Client for Nintendo DS. | 0.2b mod | kuri, stripwax | 2007/09/05 |
NDSWebradio | Streaming web radio client. | 0.3 | yaouanK | 2007/08/12 |
SounDS | Play raw format sounds. | 2006 | The_Legend | 2006/08/21 |
SIDPlayerDS | Port of SIDPlayer,a replayer program for C64 music. | 2006 | Troy Davis (GPF) | 2006/08/20 |
DSAmp | Control Winamp from DS. | 1.0 | PadrinatoR | 2006/08/11 |
SylphAMP | Winamp-to-NDS interface. | 0.04 | Ficedula | 2006/07/04 |
YetAnOtherMp3Player | MP3 Player. | 3 | Birslip | 2006/05/20 |
Dissonance | Internet radio client for DS. | 0.2.1 | Dave Brady (matter.grey.) | 2006/05/17 |
MP3PLAY | MP3 player for GBAMP. | r10 | SaTa | 2006/03/19 |
PAMOD | Fully customizable modplayer. | 1.1 | Kleevah | 2005/11/10 |
PocketSPC | Emulates the audio hardware of the SNES, playing SPC sequence files. | 0.9 | gladius (Gary Linscott) | 2005/09/11 |
AuDS - Raw Sound Player | RAW sound player. | 2005 | Extreme Coder | 2005/08/11 |
More actions
Media Players | System Tools | File Browsers | Savegame Tools | Utilities | Music | Operating Systems | Math | Other |
Media Players
Media Players | System Tools | File Browsers | Savegame Tools | Utilities | Music | Operating Systems | Math | Other |
System Tools
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
NAND Title Manager | NAND title manager for DSi. | 0.3.0 | Epicpkmn11 (Pk11) | 2023/12/26 |
gbaxxdumper | A DS Download Play-compatible (flashme/haxxstation) GBA cart dumper over Wi-Fi. | 0.66 | RattletraPM | 2021/05/06 |
Title Manager for HiyaCFW | DSi Title Manager for HiyaCFW. | 0.7.1 | JeffRuLz | 2019/01/13 |
wooddumper4hiya | Wooddumper 3DS ported to HiyaCFW for DSi. | 2018 | ahezard | 2018/05/23 |
WoodDumper | Nintendo DS dumping tool. | r89 | No-Intro | 2015/05/19 |
Slot-2 Tester | Determines what is in the 2nd slot of the DS fat/lite. | 2013 | FUK-Team | 2013/09/09 |
PixelFixer for NDS and DS2 | Flashes the screen in different colors to unstuck pixels. | 2012 | BassAceGold | 2012/09/08 |
DS Button Counter | Check button presses, holds, and counts. | 1.0 | Kiaku | 2012/05/17 |
Simple Diagnosis | Use it to see if DS needs a new rubber pad or fixes. | 1.0 | Kiaku | 2012/05/17 |
NDS SAVES to SLOT-2 | Make valid backups of Nintendo DS games savedata and restore them. | 1.0 | marc_max | 2011/09/10 |
DS Test | A test application. | 1.0 | Mcat12 | 2011/07/20 |
DS Battery Life Timer | NDS application that shows battery life. | 3.1 | snailface | 2011/05/03 |
GhostBuster | Repair/correct the defects of ghosting that appears on DSi. | 2010 | spinal | 2010/12/11 |
Cng's Button Tester | Check if all buttons are working. | 1.0 | Crazyninjaguy | 2010/11/15 |
TTDSi Check | TTi Genuine or Fake Check program (Only for TTi). | 3.0 | ndstt | 2010/09/27 |
DiagnoDS | DS console tester. | 1.0 | AlmamuPP | 2010/09/01 |
Input Test DS | Hardware diagnostic utility to display debug information about Buttons, D-Pad and Touchscreen | 080210 | chpx | 2010/08.02 |
Comprobación de Botones | Buttons tester for DS. | Final | cheleon15 | 2010/06/22 |
3in1 SRAM test | Verify the SRAM memory of EZ 3in1. | 2 | Cory (cory1492) | 2010/01/26 |
NDS Backup Tool FTPd | Backup retail saves from DS to PC over WiFi. | 0.11 | Rudolph (Emperor) | 2009/11/25 |
TouchTest DS | Help diagnose the touchscreen. | 1.2 | briankealing (Brian Cyj) | 2009/08/24 |
Simple GBA Dumper | Reads a GBA cartridge and saves it to the Slot-1 flashcard via DLDI. | 2009 | leinad (n00bey) | 2009/08/19 |
DS Pixel Fix | Fix dead pixel on DS. | 2009 | MADcat1990 (Darkchild) | 2009/07/22 |
NDS Backup Tool Slot2 | DS rom/save dumper for DLDI supporting GBA slot flashcarts. | 0.4 | Rudolph | 2009/07/04 |
Dump NDS | Backup GBA game saves with Slot-1 flashcart. | 2008 | UnplayedNamer | 2008/12/10 |
GBA Backup Tool | SLOT-1 GBA back-up tool. | 0.21 | Rudolph (Emperor) | 2008/10/26 |
Super Cutre Botons | Buttons tester. | Beta 1.0 | Salsaman | 2008/09/27 |
Prueba de Botones | Button tester on NDS. | 0.8 | 0-00 (Mitec) | 2008/08/24 |
NDS Backup Tool Wifi | Backup/restore of SAVE data of NDS ROM using FTP of WiFi. | 0.31f | Rudolph | 2008/06/18 |
FAS1 (FlashAdvance Slot-1) | A tool to flash a FlashAdvance cartridge in Slot-2 from a Slot-1 device. | 1.5 | Smiths | 2008/02/10 |
DSCalibrate | A calibration application. | 0.9 | Arialia | 2007/12/22 |
memtestARM | Makes sure that your RAM pak is working fine. | 0.03 | Damian Yerrick (pineight), Rick Wong | 2007/09/25 |
DS Diag | Nintendo DS diagnostics tool. | 2.1 | TheOnlyEnglishRose (TD/teendev) | 2007/08/27 |
Speed tester for libfat | Tests how fast data can be read from the CF or SD card inserted into a GBA or DS through an adapter. | 20070806 | Damian Yerrick (pineight) | 2007/08/06 |
Diagnose | DS function tester. | 2007 | spinal | 2007/07/23 |
LCD Test | An application to check DS screens. | 2007 | KING CORN | 2007/06/09 |
GBALdr - EZ 3in1 | 3in1 loading tool. | 0.1 Final | cory1492 | 2007/04/27 |
Eepinator | A basic EEPROM backup tool. | 2007 | davr | 2007/03/31 |
DS BIOS Dumper | libfat/DLDI-enabled DS BIOS Dumper. | 2007 | RyanFB | 2007/02/25 |
DSBF_dump | Arm7/9 bios + firmware dumper. | 2007 | cory1492 | 2007/01/24 |
LoveLite | Change and permanantly save the brightness setting of your DS. | 1.4 Beta | Lick | 2006/11/20 |
Check NDS | Check the screen, touchscreen, buttons, speaker and microphone. | 2 | Bong@HKCC | 2006/07/19 |
El Hobito´s Wifi Setup App | PA_Lib WiFi setup app. | 0.2 | El Hobito | 2006/04/24 |
UpTime DS | Test energy-consumption of different cards and batteries. | 0.1 | freeman | 2006/03/19 |
NDS Bios Dumper | NDS Bios Dumper. | 20060206 | FluBBa | 2006/02/06 |
Touch Test | Find bad areas of NDS touch screen. | Demo | Unknown, posted by dovoto | 2006/01/05 |
DS firmware dumper | Firmware dumper (to CF card). | 2005 | Dark Fader | 2005/11/17 |
LCD Tester | Recover pixels vague. | Final | Kleevah | 2005/08/15 |
Media Players | System Tools | File Browsers | Savegame Tools | Utilities | Music | Operating Systems | Math | Other |
File Browsers
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
GodMode9i | A full access file browser for the Nintendo DS, DSi and 3DS consoles. | 3.7.0 | DS-Homebrew | 2024/11/16 |
File Manager | Manage files on card and send/receive files from other DS. | 0.6U | Padnoter | 2010/07/27 |
DsOS | Multifunction application. | 0.6 | Aurelio | 2009/08/22 |
DSKiosk | A homebrew organizer/launcher. | 1.2 | Kornflexx | 2009/06/16 |
Xsystem | Semi os/filebrowser like DS-DOS. | 2a | hacker013 | 2008/09/26 |
iFile | A lightweight file manager. | 0.15 | Darkchild | 2008/03/05 |
DSchedule | Organizer application compatible with ICal and Google calendar. | 20080303 | Samel | 2008/03/03 |
Bowser | Minimalistic browser for the NDS storage cards. | 080107 | Spaghetti DSDev (Samel) | 2008/01/07 |
DSFile | File browser application with editing functions. | 2 | calcprogrammer1 | 2007/08/21 |
NeoKey Fileviewer | An alternate fileviewer. | 2006 | D-loader | 2006/03/19 |
YetiBrowser | MK2/3 SD file browser/reader/editor/viewer. | 1.0 | Smealum | 2006/03/19 |
Media Players | System Tools | File Browsers | Savegame Tools | Utilities | Music | Operating Systems | Math | Other |
Savegame Tools
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
PTSM | Learn With Pokemon: Typing Adventure save manager. | 1.0 | kynex7510 | 2023/01/19 |
Typing Adventure Save Manager | Dump and restore savegames for Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure. | 1.0 | kynex7510 | 2023/01/19 |
pkmn-chest | A Pokemon Bank for the 3rd through 5th generation Pokemon games. | 2.2 | Pk11, Universal-Team | 2020/07/07 |
NDSi SaveDumper | Homebrew to dump and inject savefiles from original game cards on DSi. | 1.2 | edo9300 | 2018/08/24 |
DSI HBC NDS Save Backup Tool | A tool to dump NDS saves with your Nintendo DSI. | 1.3 | Ziggy644 | 2018/08/05 |
Nitro Hax | Cheat tool for official games running on the Nintendo DS. | 0.94 | Chishm | 2018/04/09 |
PPSE DS | Pokemon save editor. | r11 | Chase-san | 2012/05/31 |
DS Savegame Manager | A tool to rip and restore saves from commercial Nintendo DS (and GBA) game cartridges. | 0.3.0 RC1 | Pokedoc | 2011/08/15 |
UsrCheatUp | Update cheats from DS through Wi-Fi. | 2.9 | Giovanni | 2010/02/05 |
SavSend | Download the save-files from original cartridges to PC via WiFi. | Final | leinad (n00bey) | 2009/08/20 |
R6 Save Relocator | Automatically finds deserted .SAV files for Neoflash R6. | 1.0 | MK2k | 2009/06/17 |
Savsender | A simple EEPROM backup tool using WiFi. | 1.1b | brettk | 2009/05/26 |
EvoCheatUp | Modified version of UsrCheatUp. | 0.4.1 | SolidusRegime | 2008/08/17 |
RAC | Tool used to back up and restore the town on Animal Crossing: Wild World to a SLOT-2 device. | 2008 | Damian Yerrick (pineight) | 2008/01/01 |
SavReceiver | Client to receive save files sent by Savsender. | 0.1b | Starcom | 2007/06/22 |
SCDS1 Pokemon Cheat | A .scc Pokemon diamond Action Replay cheats for Supercard DS. | 2007 | -=M*C=- (Omura89) | 2007/06/06 |
dumpSRAM | Writes the contents of the SRAM onto your libfat-supported device. | 1.2 | sinclair44 | 2007/02/11 |
REIN | Utility for GBAMP to backup/restore game saves on the NDS cartridges. | r17 | SaTa | 2006/10/12 |
ReinMoon | Save Game editor. | 0.6 Beta | Sata, Infantile Paralysiser | 2006/09/08 |
Etool | Etool EZ4 version, a save manager. | 3.13b (EZ4) | cory1492 | 2006/07/16 |
QDSMS | SuperCard Save Manager. | 0.05 | Noda | 2006/04/23 |
Project DipStar | Reads cheat-code which was stored in the SRAM. | 2.51 | Imaha486 | 2006/02/12 |
Media Players | System Tools | File Browsers | Savegame Tools | Utilities | Music | Operating Systems | Math | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
ftpd NDS | FTP Server for 3DS/Switch/Linux/NDS. | 3.2.1 | mtheall | 2024/11/17 |
DSLibris | Text reader incorporating html support. | 1.5.2-2 | rhaleblian | 2024/07/08 |
Dsidl | QR based file downloader for the DSi. | 0.1.1 | Epicpkmn11 | 2023/12/11 |
NitroEdit | Nintendo DS(i) ROM editor for the Nintendo DS(i) consoles themselves. | 0.1 | XorTroll | 2021/07/21 |
ftpd-nds | Port of ftpd by mtheall. | 20190830 | asiekierka | 2019/08/30 |
streamer-ds | Capturing desktop and streaming it to NintendoDS. | 2018 | dbeef | 2018/07/30 |
DSFTP | FTP server for DS. | 2.6 | Bjoern Giesler, updated by Coto | 2018/03/01 |
edpJoyDS | Use DS as a multi-plaform gamepad/controller for PC and mobile. | 0.7.1 | edicpop | 2018/01/27 |
JPEG Viewer | Views JPEG images. | 0.3 | RobM | 2016/02/17 |
DSxReader | A text reader for the NDS. | 1.0.0 beta4 (build10) | nVjtk (crloop) | 2015/11/08 |
VocableDS | Vocabulary trainer. | b1.3 | frezziii | 2012/10/09 |
Wifi Voice Chat Client | Use NDS as a phone which allows WiFi Voice Chat. | 1.62 | aadz93 | 2012/06/27 |
Aozora Bunko NDS | Aozora Bunko reader. | 20120517 + Collection | MeRAMAN | 2012/05/17 |
BackupBuddy | Find files of the extensions on card and upload to an FTP server. | 0.9.1 | bigjoe2000 (Joe Ciagamitaro) | 2012/02/13 |
airscan | A Nintendo DS Wi-Fi access point scanner. | 1.0 | trou | 2011/10/16 |
Trimmer DS | Trim rom directly on NDS. | 1.1 | BboyFroX | 2011/10/14 |
Analog clock | A simple analog clock. | 0.1 Beta | Moonlight | 2011/05/16 |
IkuReader | A handy eBook reader application. | 0.65 | Chintoi | 2011/05/14 |
EOSTools | Able to download skins and maintain updates for Supercard. | 1.9 | fef51 | 2011/03/07 |
DS2Tools | Two tools in one: SkinUp and DataUp. | 1.4b | Fef51 | 2011/02/18 |
Stop Watch DS | Stopwatch for DS. | 0.2 | foxyi4 | 2011/02/18 |
Editor Master | Edit Lua scripts directly on DS. | 0.101 | Papymouge (Nicolas Mougeot) | 2011/02/04 |
MegaStopwatch | Megaman theme stop watch. | Final | Thungbard | 2010/12/29 |
iReader for DSTWO | Iphoto like image viewer. | 1.12 | Godslash | 2010/12/22 |
HomebreWifi | Download homebrew through wireless connection. | Beta 0.3 | xem | 2010/12/03 |
Comic Book DS | Comics reader. | 3.0 | Gnese (Paco_777) | 2010/11/29 |
DB Downloader | Automatically download cheats code that corresponds to linker. | 2.0 | javils | 2010/09/05 |
MasterSO | Shell for DS that includes a tester keys, MP3 player, sound recorder, notepad etc. | 1.0 | The Dark Master | 2010/09/05 |
DScritor | Create text writing on a handwriting. | 1.0 | miguel28 | 2010/08/21 |
ClockDS | Clock and alarm for the DS. | 1.0 | Stormwave | 2010/06/18 |
TextDS | Text viewer with edit function. | 2.43 | Stormwave | 2010/06/12 |
Simple GBA Mode Switcher | Boot a GBA cart in Slot-2 with Slot-1 DS flash carts. | 2007 | RyanFB | 2010/06/08 |
Volcano Browser | Web browser that supports Simplified Chinese. | R2.0 | Disaster Studio | 2010/03/16 |
The SMS Center | Able to send SMS to mobile phones with tremendous speed. | 3.0 | Michele Toriello (.:Mik:.) | 2010/03/12 |
NotePaint | Text editor and drawing tool. | 1.0 | RRRDGames | 2010/02/20 |
SQLDisplay | A simple visual database query program. | 2010 | Jennifer Taylor (DragonMinded) | 2010/02/14 |
Dolphin Reader | Txt and Html reader on DS. | 20100204 | Chris Liu | 2010/02/04 |
Remote Touch DS | Remote control your PC. | 0.6 | Tobias W. Kjeldsen | 2009/12/31 |
Bunjalloo | Simple web browser for the Nintendo DS. | 0.8 | quirkysoft | 2009/12/24 |
Notepad DS | Able to create, manage, edit and save custom notes. | Update 1.37 | pichubolt090 (Pichu-B) | 2009/11/28 |
Stoppuhr DS | A stopwatch with a little lapcomputer. | 2009 | Roman Adler | 2009/11/24 |
MyDsReader | Read documents in digital format (text, word, pdf, DAISY). | r1 | Robomotic | 2009/11/24 |
Reader & Translator | Opens txt files in utf8 encoding and allows associating a dictionary to translate unknown words. | 1.1a | memorydes | 2009/11/20 |
ContactsDS | A contacts organizer. | Update 0.02 | Hero2 | 2009/10/16 |
VoiceAlarmClock | Alarm clock with own recorded voice. | 1.0 | Master Sonic | 2009/09/15 |
Note DS | Create and edit notes on the DS. | 1.0 | carlo999 (from WhiteSceneGroup) | 2009/08/30 |
Just a clock... | A simple analog clock app. | 2009 | hoitjuh55 | 2009/08/29 |
DSecure | Flashcard security Homebrew. | 1.00 | Luca.Fraga | 2009/08/13 |
Cronometro | A stopwatch. | 2.0 | DanXZero | 2009/08/10 |
Multitouch Photoviewer | An image display application. | 2.0 | dragontje124 | 2009/07/17 |
Eagle - BMP Viewer | Program to display a BMP image. | 0.9 | DreamIsland | 2009/07/14 |
Word Ds | Text editor designed for nds that saves files in html format. | 0.6.1 | Frezzy | 2009/06/02 |
Reveil MP3 | MP3 Alarm Clock. | 2009 | squale76 | 2009/05/11 |
DSwiki | Offline Wikipedia Reader. | 0.3 Alpha 2 | OlliPolli | 2009/03/20 |
Ands pdf | PDF reader. | 1.4 | Albinofrenchy | 2009/03/17 |
DSBash | Web-Browser for Bash.org, QDB.us and German-Bash.org plus mp3 player. | Final | Leinad (n00bey) | 2009/03/14 |
DSpertator2 | MP3 Alarm Clock with other customizable features. | 2.0 | copete23 | 2009/02/28 |
BLARGH Text Editor | An implementation the HexInput text inputting method by Joe Strout. | r122 | anomalous_underdog | 2009/01/25 |
Super Alarma | An alarm clock with Super Mario World scenarios. | 2009 | emov2k4 | 2009-5-12 |
fileNinja | FTP Client for the DS. | 2008 | azaydius, irtehmongoose, justinparker | 2008/12/17 |
LED - Lua Editor DS | Lua script editor. | 1.2b | Gogy (Samy) | 2008/11/17 |
SunOL | An NDS official release list viewer. | 0.3 Final | Sundevds | 2008/11/11 |
DPhone | A iPhone clone. | 1.0 | Hillbilly | 2008/11/01 |
DSe Notepad | A notepad app originated by Enira. | 0.99 | TD9175 | 2008/11/01 |
VocabularioDS | Spanish French Dictionary. | 1.2 | SpixShadow | 2008/10/19 |
24ClockDS | The clock from the TV show 24. | 0.5 | Felix | 2008/10/12 |
Oclock | Alarm clock on DS. | 2008 | Cid2Mizard | 2008/09/13 |
Balik Bayan DevWifi | Send files from PC to DS via Wifi then automatically runs it. | 2008 | Soulanger, Filipino Brewed Coffee | 2008/08/21 |
Micro | A text editor like pico. | 2008 | Giacometti Luca (Samel) | 2008/08/19 |
DSHobro | DS HOmebrew BROwser. | 0.4 | Costello | 2008/07/28 |
Textview | Standalone text viewer. | 1.2b2 Standalone | JongHyuk Park (Bliss) | 2008/07/21 |
OtaClockDS | Port of Otacon desktop clock application. | RC2 | madcat1990 | 2008/06/17 |
Ds2ds | Allows user to send files without router or via a DS to another without size limit. | 3.2 | Kram | 2008/06/07 |
ComBox | Allow files transfer between 2 DS,computer and a FTP server on Internet. | 1.4 | lilou | 2008/04/26 |
JoyDS | Use NDS as a joypad using PPJoy. | 0.2 | luccax | 2008/04/19 |
Image Viewer | A document reader and image viewer for DSTWO. | 1.1 | Infantile Paralysiser | 2008/04/14 |
Morning Timer (Cooking Timer) | Clock app for DS. | 1.2 | Infantile Paralysiser | 2008/04/03 |
BACK TO THE FIRMWARE | A homebrew to boot DS firmware. | 1 | Yasu software | 2008/03/27 |
DS-DOS | MS-DOS type clone featuring a command line interface. | 0.50 | Shawn Winkels (wolped) | 2008/03/24 |
JabberDS | Jabber client. | 0.3 | theli | 2008/03/20 |
Reno Studio Neo Compo | A notepad software. | 2008 | hikkibjz (Wang Nannan) | 2008/03/18 |
sliDeS | Viewing photos (256 * 192) as Slide Show. | 1.1 | carcas42 (cracoucas42) | 2008/03/07 |
NewDictS | DS homebrew application for encyclopedias, dictionaries, translators and much more. | 8.5/8.7 | sesa | 2008/02/18 |
DS Dictionary | Turning your DS into a dictionary. | 1.1 | William Garrison | 2008/01/23 |
dsup | Similar to DSFTP and DS2DS. | 2008 | Samel | 2008/01/07 |
Wecker DS | Alarm clock with an mp3 file. | X-Mas | MystBoy | 2008/01/06 |
3in1 Expansion Pack | Allow user to load GBA ROMs from Flash Card Slot 1. | 1.9d | Rudolph | 2007/12/01 |
SvSiP | Use Nintendo DS as an actual phone. | 7th | Samuelv (Christine) | 2007/11/26 |
DSCompress | GZip utility to unzip zip files and GZip files. | 1.3 | Carpman | 2007/11/08 |
qDSed | A homebrew text reader. | 0.4 | QRT 071015 | 2007/10/16 |
OKIWI | Web browser on NDS. | 0.2 Alpha | Pedro J. Estébanez | 2007/09/06 |
Sleeper Killer | An alarm clock with special features. | 2007 | Mastertop101 | 2007/08/20 |
StopWatchDS | Basic stop watch application based on Timer Demo by Chris Liu. | 2008 Update | syntech (Martin Seibert) | 2007/08/13 |
dsZip | Compress/decompress .nds files directly on the Nintendo DS. | 0.01 Pre-alpha | pierluig | 2007/08/11 |
poffPad | Writing application that uses gestures to record alphabetic letters. | 0.2 | Poffy | 2007/08/08 |
DSIO | An interface allowing to interact with the DS in both senses (Send / Receive Data 8 bits). | 2007 | RefiX | 2007/08/03 |
miniDicoDS | Mini French dictionary - Japanese(romanji) dictionary. | 0.1 Alpha | yostane | 2007/07/31 |
Lilou FTP | Ftp client and server. Can download files from http. Can do DS to DS transfers. | 0.8 | Lilou | 2007/07/13 |
Mawaqeet DS | Muslim prayer time utility. | Beta | mzr603 | 2007/07/11 |
DSReader | Ebook reader. | 2007 | Eddie Park | 2007/07/05 |
DSNotes | Note application. | 2007 | Qwerpoi | 2007/07/02 |
TARSEditor | An editor designed for editing Lua scripts on the NDS. | 2007 | Tarosa | 2007/05/13 |
RealTimeClock Kai | Modified RealTimeClock example included with devkitPro 1.4.3. | 20070508 | Tarosa | 2007/05/08 |
DSMouse | Allows DS to become a mouse to control PC. | 0.3a | Dankredues | 2007/04/24 |
ReadMore | Ebooks reader in TXT format. | Alpha | bjoerngiesler | 2007/03/24 |
Binary Clock | A binary clock. | 2007 | Mastertop101 | 2007/03/20 |
Triplecard Sample | Sample code that uses all functions of the EZ 3in1 from a slot 1 card with read access. | 2007 | cory1492 | 2007/03/08 |
DSPhoto | Photo viewer. | 1.0 | Arialia | 2007/03/03 |
NDS English Chinese Dictionary | English-Chinese dictionary (R4 only). | 0.30 | Unknown | 2007/02/25 |
Txtwriter | Text editor optimized for easy, fast typing. | 0.3.2 | Sektor (originally by Alan Gerow) | 2007/01/14 |
IMGView | View pictures for R4/R4i. | 0.6 | R4ds | 2007/01/06 |
Reveil Humain | An alarm clock which plays MP3 files. | 2 | Birslip | 2007//05/01 |
EZ4skin - revision 7 | Skin GBA/NDS gfx and text for EZ4. | Revision 7 | cory1492 | 2006/09/07 |
Alarm Clock DS | An alarm clock homebrew. | 2006 | spinal | 2006/08/12 |
tftpds | Transfer a file and program a Flash Advance Pro cart over WiFi on Nintendo DS. | 2.3 | Sten Larsson, Gustav Munkby | 2006/08/01 |
Dillama | Control Xbox Media Center with DS (XBMC not Xbox 360). | 0.2 Beta | tsunami0ne | 2006/07/31 |
NDSkybook | A Japanese book reader. | 0.6 | mizunonds | 2006/07/20 |
DSBook | Text viewer. | ASCII-SC/EZ4 | cory1492 | 2006/07/14 |
wifitransfer | WiFi file transfer program. | 1.0 RC | Bafio | 2006/02/28 |
TextViewer for NDS | Text viewer for the DS. Has multiple file support with clean GUI for selecting. | 0.1 | Rich Whitehouse | 2005/09/23 |
Perpetual Calendar + Clock | Calendar and a clock. | 2005 | Taiyou | 2005/08/10 |
nDos | Includes note, reader, contact list and drawing apps. | 0.6 | Gally and Mollusk | 2005/08/10 |
Media Players | System Tools | File Browsers | Savegame Tools | Utilities | Music | Operating Systems | Math | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
NitrousTracker | DSi-compatible, enhanced fork of NitroTracker. | 0.4.13 | asiekierka | 2024/11/10 |
Melodoodler | A musical NDS toy. | 0.1 demo | Jan Vorisek (odditica) | 2022/07/03 |
op-1 | DS port of the Teenage Engineering OP-1. | 2016 | efairbanks | 2016/09/02 |
DSButtons | A soundboard for the DS, the name of which is based on iButtons. | 1.2 | FUK-Team | 2013/08/04 |
Musicly Ocarina | Playable Ocarina on NDS. | 0.02 | dereklarue | 2012/08/20 |
DS Daft | Daft Punk console. | 2.0 | Corenting | 2012/07/03 |
NDS-Oscilloscope | An oscilloscope for Nintendo DS. | 1.0 | Dabunew | 2011/10/12 |
Zelda SFX DS | Zelda NES music homebrew. | 0.1 | King Dodongo | 2011/09/10 |
TuneItDS | Guitar tuning tool. | 2011 | SimplexProductions | 2011/08/21 |
The Legend Of Zelda Symphony | Ocarina simulator which appeared in the game Legend of Zelda. | 0.0.2 | RDilus | 2011/07/27 |
Zelda Instruments | Sounds from the Zelda series. | 2 | Buck_7 | 2011/07/13 |
Midi Control DS | A kaoss clone, used to be MidiPad. | 2 | Benji7905 (Ben_j) | 2011/06/01 |
Dboy | A tracker-style sample sequencer. | 1.0.r28 13th | lsl (under demogroup Checkpoint) | 2011/05/13 |
Sonic Orbit | A sound manipulation homebrew. | 0.3.7 | Simon Kenny | 2011/02/11 |
Betablocker | Livecoding performance. | 1.0 | Dave Griffiths | 2011/01/27 |
LibXM7 | A C library to play XM (and MOD) modules using only ARM7 resources. | 1.06 | sverx | 2011/01/27 |
LAB.REC | A Lab recording homebrew. | WIP | Braware | 2010/12/01 |
ds-h | Change Nintendo DS into a harmonica. | Alpha | Braware | 2010/11/23 |
NDS BGMFILER | A music making application, features midi playback, keyboard, channel selection. | 20101115 | MeRAMAN | 2010/11/15 |
NDS Ocarina | A 4-hole ocarina for Nintendo DS. | 0.3 | danielps | 2010/08/31 |
Jazzier Suite | Aid musicians in improving ability to recognize pitch,read music,etc. | 2.0 | Gaz (Gareth Bennett) | 2010/08/09 |
Pulse DS | A MIDI synthesizer to produce Game-Boy-like sounds. | 1.6 | tobw | 2010/04/05 |
Kaos DS | An XY controller to adjust MIDI controls. | 1.5 | tobw | 2010/04/05 |
DS MIDI Keyboard | Acts as a MIDI keyboard. | 1.5 | tobw | 2010/04/04 |
Olas | Calming wave sound. | 0.1 | Naruto1994 | 2010/04/03 |
Piano DS | Virtual piano simulator. | 0.5 | CrashingThunder | 2010/03/22 |
DrumPad DS | Simple drum pad app. | 2010 | Whistlingboy | 2010/01/23 |
SenoDS | Music live sequencer for the Nintendo DS. | 0.9.1 | a128 | 2010/01/21 |
Drummer | A networked digital musical interface, allows multiple users to design and play a drum kit. | 0.2 | Andrea Bianchi, Woon Seung Yeo | 2010/01/18 |
ToneSynthDS | A NDS composer applications. | 0.24 | HotelSinus Sound Design | 2009/11/16 |
Sonic AS | MIDI player. | 1.1 | Ruben | 2009/10/24 |
IDaft DS | iDaft ported on the Nintendo DS. | 20090829 | Reyhn | 2009/08/29 |
SoundBoardDS | Similar to a DJs soundboard. | 2009 | BranMuffin | 2009/08/17 |
DsAPM? | Sounds of TV program called APM TV3. | 2.0 | Pikus | 2009/07/24 |
Solfege | Music theory application. | 2009 | GueX | 2009/06/06 |
DuckSlinger | Piano on DS. | r49 | Ken Snyder (coda) | 2009/04/24 |
Chords Book | A portable guitar with the ability to play free partitions. | 0.3 | Deuspi, Nob, Shinza | 2009/04/19 |
Caramelldansen NDS | Caramell Dansen Instant Movie Create...for NDS. | 0.3 | isabella | 2009/04/09 |
DS Synth | Sixteen mononphonic midi channel that you can control over WiFi. | 2 | Evan Morris | 2009/03/28 |
MyPiano | A 61 note virtual Piano for Nintendo DS. | 2009 | BranMuffin | 2009/03/12 |
Protein DScratch | Similar to ElectroPlankton concept. | 2009 | gorgull | 2009/01/22 |
DSMetronome | Metronome on NDS. | 1.0 | Demented | 2009/01/14 |
GrooveStep | Full featured music making application. | 1.0 | bioroid | 2008/12/25 |
GuitarSound DS | Guitar and bass tuner. | 1.5 | fooshi | 2008/12/19 |
DSolfege | Port of Solfege. | 2008 | pianopenguin | 2008/12/13 |
MIDI-Jammer | Graphical midi tool. | 3.0 | Andrew Buch | 2008/11/20 |
dDJs Silver | A Disc Jockey Table. | Silver | Braware (Clodoaldo-N) | 2008/10/10 |
CellDS | A flexible, programmable grid-based music sequencer. | 1.3 | Clone45 | 2008/10/04 |
String Tuner DS | Useful to tune guitars and other musical instruments. | 1.0 | Object65 | 2008/09/12 |
South Park Sound | Contains sounds of different characters from South Park. | Final | ATHUR6 | 2008/08/27 |
MyVirtualPiano | Play a piano on Nintendo DS. | 0.2 beta | Electronix | 2008/08/06 |
NitroTracker | A versatile tool for creating music. | 0.4 | 0xtob | 2008/07/10 |
glitchDS | A powerful cellular automation sequencer. | 1.4 | Clone45 | 2008/07/05 |
damcu | A wireless mix controller. | Preview | dan | 2008/07/04 |
NDS Original Music | A music demo created by replacing the song data from the NDS SOUND LECTURE published on MeRAMANs page. | 2008 | SPCC | 2008/07/01 |
Xylophono | Classic xylophone. | 2008 | Mars_Visage_Software | 2008/06/19 |
repeaterDS | Stuttering sample player. | 2008 | Clone45 | 2008/06/09 |
GuitarWare | A metronome for praticing music. | demo | Groove | 2008/04/26 |
Toy Piano | Sampled piano. | 2008 | Brian Grogan Jr | 2008/03/29 |
DStep | A live sequencer. | 2 | evil jed (ijed) | 2008/03/25 |
Tabbed | Guitar application. | 0.18a | Wizlon | 2008/03/20 |
Finger Drum | A simple virtual drum kit. | 2008 | Mathieu Veron | 2008/03/06 |
sniff_jazzbox | Converts the wlan-waves into sound waves. | 2007 | AND-OR (René Bauer, Beat Suter), Johannes Auer | 2007/12/08 |
FUDIKaosDS | Use NDS as a Kaospad style input to send messages over the wifi to music program. | 0.2 | Chris McCormick | 2007/12/02 |
DsKara | A karaoke application. | 1.2 | Graph05 | 2007/11/30 |
MIDIPad DS | An Kaoss Pad-like application. | 0.1a | Benji7905 (Ben_j) | 2007/08/11 |
Monome-DS | Simple simulation of a monome 40h like device with some artistic license. | 1.0 | Grizzly Adams | 2007/08/11 |
StrumMe | A sampled guitar. | 2007 | NeX | 2007/06/09 |
Bliptracker | NDS drum machine. | 1.0c | dan | 2007/06/03 |
DrumMe | A drum kit. | 2007 | NeX | 2007/06/01 |
myMeloDS | Piano-based music application. | 0.45 | T.Le (outphase), L.Yang (zoharmodifier) | 2007/05/29 |
dSTAR | Midi sequencer. | 05032007 | TheRain (Collin Meyer) | 2007/05/07 |
TabPro DS | Read guitar tabs on your DS. | 0.1 | BassAceGold | 2007/04/07 |
DSFret | An application to assist learning guitar. | 0.3 | Spag | 2007/02/01 |
DS Sampling Keyboard | Kind of like a Casio SK-1. | 1.2 | Tob | 2006/11/25 |
Sound Cells | An experimental synth. | 1.0 | Patryk | 2006/11/10 |
Piano Vero | A piano application to detect notes on keyboard. | 1.0 | Blackos | 2006/10/13 |
AXE DS | Chiptune solo. | 0.03 | Damian Yerrick (pineight) | 2006/09/12 |
DS Drum Machine (TR-909) | The Roland TR-909 drum machine on the DS. | 2006 | TheChuckster | 2006/06/21 |
Drummers | Digital musical interface for drum kit. | 2.0b | Lien | 2006/03/20 |
UkuleleDS | Virtual guitar tool. | 1.0 | patryk | 2005/11/06 |
Media Players | System Tools | File Browsers | Savegame Tools | Utilities | Music | Operating Systems | Math | Other |
Operating Systems
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
DSLinux | Port of Linux to the Nintendo DS handheld device. | 2010 | DSLinux team | 2013/06/21 |
DS Vista | An adaptation of the Vista operating system Windows Vista on DS. | 3 | Filou HB | 2011/11/23 |
ManuSO | Shell consists of a textpad, calculator and stopwatch and several games. | Halloween 2011 | ManuelVS | 2011/10/31 |
WiXP | Windows XP style homebrew. | 6.0 | ametller124 | 2011/08/23 |
RyOS | An alternative OS for Supercard DSTwo user. | 1.11 | RyoGem | 2011/03/22 |
MENUdo | Free homebrew operating system. | 2011 | Soulanger | 2011/01/26 |
DSOperators | Homebrew OS which features some applications and games. | 0.3 Final | WolfSpider | 2010/12/28 |
inferno-ds | Port of the Inferno operating system. | R175 | Noah Evans, Salva Peiró, Mechiel Lukkien | 2010/08/24 |
DS Me | An OS-like application. | 4.5 Final | Mikau, Plata | 2010/07/15 |
R4Menu | R4Menu for any flash cart. | 1.2 | spinal_cord (spinal) | 2010/06/20 |
mosds | A Shell application includes MP3 player, alarm, notepad, etc. | 4.0 | Mmuziek | 2010/06/07 |
Wii4DS | Simulates Wii system on DS. | 3.0 | hiei03 | 2009/12/18 |
SunOS | An open source OS for DS. | 102909 | SunDEV | 2009/10/29 |
X-Soft | With interchangeable skins environments, applications and games. | 10.0/1.0 | Master Sonic | 2009/10/04 |
DSuite | Contains a file browser and a contact list among other things. | 1.02 | Achilleas.k, ssjowowo | 2009/09/14 |
Winex DS | Refer to Windows as system window and icons are similar. | 3.0 | Froskito | 2009/09/11 |
WintenDoS | A simulation of Windows XP on DS. | 3.0 | Darkyesus, Niidhogg (Yann), Loran531, Manga-DS | 2009/08/20 |
DarkSO | NDS Operating System. | 2.0 | DarkSceneGroup | 2009/04/13 |
HWOS2 | Operating system that boots homebrew. | 2009 | Funkystuff (Alcohol Smurf) | 2009/03/19 |
DSBrowser - Dual Slot | A Multi-cart file browser. | 0.9 | Cornaljoe | 2008/08/20 |
DSBlue (mydsapp) | Wifi Modules, Scratch Pad, Remote Desktop, Calendar and Shoutcast support. | 2006 | ThaKilla | 2006/09/22 |
WinDS | Windowing systems includes several programs. | Compo Distro | LiraNuna | 2006/01/06 |
Media Players | System Tools | File Browsers | Savegame Tools | Utilities | Music | Operating Systems | Math | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
WireWorld DS | DS version of a cellular automation. | 1.0a | asiekierka | 2024/05/01 |
Cellular Automata DS | A homebrew cellular automata simulator. | 0.11.0 | aldatsa | 2020/04/17 |
Mandelbrot Set Explorer | A Mandelbrot generator. | 2012 | sverx | 2012/01/09 |
Maths Mate: Auto Algebra! | Able to work out simple algebra equation. | 0.2A | jpoopdog | 2011/09/10 |
MoonCalc | Calculator on DS. | 0.1 Beta | moonlight | 2011/02/16 |
ZogNC | Scientific calculator. | 0.18 | zogna | 2009/10/24 |
Handwriting Calculator | Inspired by the handwriting calculator from nokia labs. | 0.25 | Quipeace | 2009/09/14 |
TablesDS | Table of multiplication. | 2.1 | mrvbscript | 2009/08/11 |
Biorythm | A mathematical application of human biology. | 2009 | shyriu42 | 2009/02/14 |
Eigenmath DS | Free computer algebra system. | 1.0 | Leonel | 2009/02/01 |
GraphDS | Graphing calculator application. | 0.9.1 | Morgan Robertson | 2009/01/28 |
Mandelbrot | Find amazing designs in this simple formula which produces neat graphics. | 0.6 | davr | 2008/05/05 |
Mandelbrot Fractal (Fractal Junkie) | A fractal browser. | 2.0 | TheMagnitude | 2008/04/27 |
DS-HPCALC | HP11C and HP16C scientific calculator. | 1.0 | Jeff Laing | 2008/04/21 |
DS85 | Also named DS85, TI-85 scientific calculator emulator. | r3 | davr | 2007/07/31 |
NdsMandel | A fractal browser for the NintendoDS. | 2007 | yJay | 2007/07/30 |
MathomaticDS | Port of Mathomatic to the DS. | 2006 | davr | 2006/11/11 |
Function Calculator | A function calculator program similar to those on pocket computers. | 20060827 | Tarosa | 2006/08/27 |
Digit Solver | Turns DS into a calculator. | 1.00 | Mushroomfantasy | 2006/08/19 |
System of Linear Equations Solver | Solves systems of linear equations. | 0.03 | Tarosa | 2006/04/19 |
PA_calc | Simple calculator. | 2006 | jandujar | 2006/02/28 |
Calculator DS | Calculator app for the Nintendo DS. | 2005 | Lien | 2005/10/09 |
Media Players | System Tools | File Browsers | Savegame Tools | Utilities | Music | Operating Systems | Math | Other |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Attorney Online DS | Attorney Online client for the Nintendo DS. | 1.3 | Headshotnoby, stonedDiscord, Samevi | 2025/03/01 |
FSPDS | Flipnote Studio Player for Nintendo DS. | 1.0 | NotImplementedLife (N.I.L) | 2023/08/02 |
Burn2Slot | Re-programm GBA bootlegs on DS. | 0.4.3 | vrodin | 2022/12/22 |
pixelarter | A small pixel art program. | 0.1 | nectarboy | 2021/06/05 |
AnimEDS | A sprite/animation editor. | 2020 | PypeBros | 2020/08/11 |
MatrixDS | Random green numbers scroll across the screen. | 1.0.1 | FUK-Team | 2017/08/29 |
ASM-Interpreter DS | A simple assembly interpreter. It can be used to learn the basics of most assembly languages. | 2013 | GEMISIS | 2013/08/07 |
DSWave | Library for Micro Lua DS, resemble the wave effect of PSP. | 1.0 | RedHunter | 2012/11/06 |
DS Weather | Displays the current weather conditions with WiFi function. | 0.1 | WolfSpider | 2012/08/21 |
VibratorDS | A vibrator for the Nintendo DS. | 2012 | Nehrem | 2012/08/20 |
DS Sleep | Help user to fall asleep. | 1 | Filou HB | 2012/07/25 |
DSLamp | A torch on DS. | 2.2 | Corenting (Evandge) | 2012/07/03 |
Flickbook | Animation app for the Nintendo DS. | 0.3 | Masscat (Ben) | 2012/06/01 |
Ultimate Dog Tease | Port of one of the most viewed videos on Youtube. | 1.0 | klaatu42 (youtube) | 2012/05/12 |
Table Sixty-Nine | Find out if you are seated at table #69 in any radix. | 69.0 | Chris | 2012/05/10 |
rMMn DS | Calculate shortest path program for the metros net of Madrid. | 2.12.2 | mincemeatteam | 2012/04/15 |
Somebodys Watching Me | Video of Somebodys Watching Me by RnB artist Rockwell. | 2012 | rockleeace | 2012/03/18 |
Tiri | A typing Siri for DS. | 2.0 | EyKcir | 2012/03/18 |
Bible for NDS | Bible software for NDS, Lite, DSi and 3DS. | 1.2 | biblefornds | 2012/01/18 |
Carnet d'adresse | MicroLUA address book. | Update | Papymouge | 2012/01/01 |
AR Card Pack | Simulates the 3DS AR cards on an NDS, 3DS, or PSP. | 2.1 | snailface | 2011/12/29 |
DSKash | Remake of old currency converter GpKash. | 1.00 | Chris (TOX 014) | 2011/11/04 |
Alphablocks | Alphabet learning application for children. | 2.0 | icedaddy | 2011/10/27 |
Roast Of Mario | Port of a short Mario clip from the internet. | 2011 | Chadrcheze | 2011/10/15 |
DSTELNET | Connect to Telnet servers. | Alpha 2.0 | ILOVEPIE | 2011/09/16 |
Wildlife Greenhouse | Guide for camper with variety of edible plants. | 2011 | SimplexProductions | 2011/09/11 |
Gun Game | Remake of gun application. | 0.45 | rockleeace (chasegoree) | 2011/09/07 |
Ipod Touch Gun App For DS | A gun app from ipod touch. | 1.5 | rockleeace (chasegoree) | 2011/09/07 |
CC Creator | Create simple cartoons, using the famous memes circulating on the Internet. | 2.0 | Froskito | 2011/07/30 |
Enigma NDS | Enigma machine simulator. | 1.0 | mincemeatteam | 2011/07/01 |
CC Game | Includes 50 funny images or memes for a good laugh. | 1.0 | Dioni0396 | 2011/06/18 |
Pokething | Make your Pokemans come out of your DS. | 2.0 | snailface | 2011/06/14 |
Sudoky | Sudoku puzzles solver. | 1 | Bobiwan (Zbob) | 2011/06/07 |
MCinfoDS | With tons of info about Minecraft. | 2011 | ryoushi | 2011/05/30 |
SEDS (Sprite Editor) | Small drawing and animation tool. | 0.4 | PypeBros | 2011/05/29 |
TsumegoDS | A go utility for nintendo DS. | 26-05-11 | tryss | 2011/05/26 |
DS Star Chart | An application for stargazers. | 270411 | pokeball29 | 2011/04/28 |
Chinese Touch - Stroke Order | Chinese educational tool. | 1.5 | syslock | 2011/04/22 |
dspython | Port of the Python programming language for Nintendo DS. Based on NDSPython. | 2011 | Lorenzo Mancini | 2011/01/22 |
DuelDS | An assistant for the card game Yu-Gi-Oh! | 1.0 | Dr.Razor | 2011/01/04 |
Colors! | A simplistic digital painting application for NDS which inspired by using Wacom boards in Photoshop or Painter. | 1.1b | Jens Andersson | 2010/11/16 |
NDS GML Thingy | An application for recording gml scribbles on the DS. | 2010 | Aaron Gray | 2010/11/14 |
Avia: Tropic Edition | Free birdwatcher guide. | 2010 | SimplexProductions | 2010/10/09 |
flashcarDS | A Spaced Repetition flashcards application, similar to Anki. | 0.3 | nfinite | 2010/09/13 |
Tirada2 | Dice roller. | 2010 | Aguilera_87 | 2010/09/01 |
Dana O.S. | Includes 3 apps: flashlight, paint and fat. | 0.2 | Neoicek, javils | 2010/08/31 |
Etch | Paint app focused towards pixel art with other features. | 2010 | BassAceGold | 2010/08/10 |
GHPainter | Draw on DS using the Guitar Grip to pick colors. | 2010 | mjsdude | 2010/07/16 |
South Africa World Cup 2010 DS Manager | Manage the schedule and results of your favorite teams from World Cup. | 1.03 | cid2mizard | 2010/06/25 |
SuitekiDS | Spanish-Japanese and English-Japanese dictionaries. | 0.1a BETA1 | hispadic (Abel Camarena Bernabeu) | 2010/06/19 |
Metroid Gravity | Metroid Prime Hunters animation simulator. | 3.0 | disgepia | 2010/05/13 |
The Stiff Man X: The Parcel | Download the latest news and competitions through a server. | 1.0 | iFly3R, StudioPlatinum (PlatinumWindows) | 2010/04/29 |
TwitOnly | Japanese Twitter application. | 1.1 | Tarosa | 2010/04/17 |
CosmosDS | Information about solar system. | 2010 | mikethunder | 2010/04/05 |
DS Kanji Flash | Learning Japanese Kanji for Non-Japanese. | 0.5 | Bernhard Schelling (schellingb) | 2010/03/28 |
LoL | Contains 33 jokes. | 3.31 | APSSPA | 2010/03/27 |
SkinSelcter | Swap between multi-skins loaded on DS (for DSTT and YS menu). | EOS 0.01beta/TT 1.0/YS 2.0 | Tora Software | 2010/03/25 |
fb4ds | Facebook chat client. | 1.5 Final | Lino Maglione (linoma) | 2010/03/24 |
SK8 Dice | Port of the skating dice game which based on real dices for skaters. | 2010 | amchacon | 2010/01/25 |
Dice Roller DS | Tabletop dice roller. | 1.1 | Wisen | 2010/01/10 |
HandWritter (PaintIZFun) | Hand writing app that able to identify characters. Also known as PaintIZFun. | 1.01 | earth2222 (james sweeney) | 2010/01/06 |
OsoScript | A scripting language that runs on NDS. | 0.02 | Tarosa | 2010/01/04 |
Lampe DS | A simple flashlight application coded in Lua. | 1.4 | aurel2108 | 2009/12/29 |
The Magic Counter | An application for the card game Magic The Gathering. | 2009 | 4n4bol | 2009/12/23 |
Beup Live | Windows Live Messenger (formally MSN messenger) clone. | 0.7 | kevinC, HtheB | 2009/12/15 |
tapSpeedTest | A model on how fast an average (trained) user can tap up a given button combination. | 2009 | Ant6n | 2009/11/20 |
ASCII Art Maker | An ASCII art application. | 0.3.1 | XDPirate | 2009/11/09 |
Isofácil | Isometric drawing application with color. | 2009 | raultecnologia | 2009/10/25 |
JOZ2 3AM | Depicts 36 various Sourates from the 114 of the Coran. | P2 | Nabli Ahmed | 2009/09/25 |
Alphabet Arabe O Clic | Arabic educational application. | 2 | TSUKASA-SAMA (Nabli Ahmed) | 2009/09/20 |
Play Boot Ds | Contain several boot up screens of different gaming consoles. | 1.0 | Master Sonic | 2009/09/19 |
ChessClock | Turns Nintendo DS into a Chess Clock. | 2009 | guilhoboy | 2009/09/15 |
Animanatee | Flickbook style animation program. | 1.5b | DekuTree64 | 2009/09/13 |
FerretBoysFunbrew | A fun homebrew. | 8.3.14 | Ferretboy007 | 2009/09/05 |
ESpeak | Speech synthesizer for English and other languages. | Beta | n00bey | 2009/09/03 |
PikUsos DS | Contains a digital clock, flashlight, paint and more. | 2.0 | Pikus | 2009/09/01 |
MorseDS | Morse translator. | 0.2 | Aguilera_87 | 2009/08/31 |
ChaTchI | Chat on a server that stores the conversations. | 1.1 | eglomer | 2009/08/30 |
PikuLinterna DS | Simulates a flashlight on Nintendo DS. | 2.0 | Pikus | 2009/08/27 |
A Tint of MENUdo - Doodle | Paint tool for MENUdo. | 2009 | soulanger | 2009/08/22 |
UA Paint | Drawing application. | 1.3c | BassAceGold | 2009/08/20 |
Pintared | An advanced version of Telesketch. | 2009 | raultecnologia | 2009/08/17 |
Paint DS | A paint application. | 0.000011 | s_hansse | 2009/08/15 |
Japanese Hiragana & Katakana Review | Kana character review tool. | 20090813 | DesertDog (Multiple:Option) | 2009/08/13 |
Zatmar paint | Based on Paint from Windows. | 1.0 | zatmar | 2009/08/11 |
NDS Mii Maker | Create your own Mii. | 0.1 Beta | coincoin | 2009/07/24 |
GameUp | Utility for Nintendo DS that conclude the trilogy of the Up-Series homebrews. | 3.0 | Michele Toriello (.:Mik:., tamachan) | 2009/07/17 |
Poker Blinds Timer | Poker tournament blind timer. | 1.0 | der-Leo | 2009/07/16 |
NdéS | Virtual dice on DS. | 2.0 | coincoin | 2009/07/14 |
FlashDS | 8 color flash light for the NDS. | 2009 | coincoin | 2009/07/05 |
DSPlib | A library for PAlib. | 1.0 | Master Sonic (The Dark Master) | 2009/06/30 |
Paint DS | Paint application. | 2009 | ps991 | 2009/06/20 |
Telesketch | Pixel by pixel painter. | 2009 | raultecnologia | 2009/06/17 |
DS Twitter | Twitter client for the NDS. | 1.5 | Acdtrux | 2009/04/19 |
Meditation with Talah Rama | A meditation timer/guide for the DS. | Demo | backtothefuture | 2009/04/01 |
Paint Stylus | Another type of graphics editor Paint. | 0.1 Beta | RDilus | 2009/03/30 |
Health Monitoring Tool Kit | Health Monitoring Tool Kit for Diabetes. | 2009 | arrpirate | 2009/03/19 |
SutraDS | Portable kamasutra guide. | 2009 | Cid2Mizard | 2009/03/18 |
Kanji.es | Program to learn to write Japanese Kanji symbols. | 2.3 | zero@hidari | 2009/02/18 |
SkinUp | Manage and upgrade skin archive directly from Nintendo DS (Supercard DS One only). | 1.0 | Michele Toriello (.:Mik:., tamachan) | 2009/02/16 |
Sudoku Solver | An application that solve Sudoku puzzle. | 2009 | Krupkat | 2009/02/15 |
MegaHAL DS | Conversation simulator better known as a chatterbox. | 1 | cyberboy (asiekierka) | 2009/02/14 |
DSLevel | A spirit level application inspired by an application on Android. | 1.0 | Bootlegger | 2009/02/04 |
FavDS | Save and run NDS files by putting location in a text file. | 2009 | Xiao32 | 2009/02/02 |
DSBible | Bible-reading app.4 translations included. | 2.51 | Jeremy Ruten (Jeremysr) | 2009/01/25 |
MemoryDeS | Allow user to study and review vocabulary. | 1.2 | memorydes | 2009/01/23 |
Clirc | IRC client. | 0.05 Final | Cluster | 2009/01/22 |
DS2Key | Wardriving/Remote desktop tool. | 1.01 (r44+r52) | Sypherce | 2009/01/20 |
OSUp | A homebrew allows user to update through WiFi the OS of the flashcard. | 2.7 | Michele Toriello (.:Mik:.) | 2008/12/06 |
Walkie Talkie | Walkie-Talkie for the DS. | 0.3 | ericgies (Eric Giesselbach) | 2008/11/17 |
PIXELMAN | Sprite designing, testing and animation tool. | 0.93.2a | Sylus “Not Stylus” McFrederickson | 2008/11/05 |
bootFirmware | Boot firmware without taking out slot-1 card. | 2008 | playallday | 2008/10/28 |
DS Downloader | A debugging tool that can to download and execute .nds files over WiFi. | 0.3.1 for R4 | hiroshi | 2008/10/21 |
Kana DS | Japanese learner. | 2008 | Julio Gorgé (Lemon Team) | 2008/09/14 |
DSArsenal | Weapon viewer with information. | 2008 | karatekid1111 | 2008/09/11 |
FencingApp | A program for fencers, referees, directors, and coaches. | 2008 | Minty | 2008/09/09 |
DSettings | A GUI that shows the DS's Settings. | 2008 | Karatekid1111 | 2008/09/06 |
Zelda The Six Sages | Zelda animation simulator. | 0.51b | JuDelCo | 2008/09/05 |
systemTest | Able to see the language, time, color and more. | 0.1 | playallday | 2008/08/31 |
PolyTouch | Polygons painter. | 0.1 | RCK (René C. Kiesler) | 2008/08/28 |
WALLPAPER | Learn polish. | 0.1 | Tigro | 2008/08/24 |
sDepS | A pedometer for the Nintendo DS. | 1.0 | tobiasbp | 2008/08/21 |
Neko DS | Port of an old PC app. | 2008 | ThemePark | 2008/08/21 |
PAINT BLACK DS | An application for creating black and white drawings. | 1.2 | Cid2mizard, Kukulcan | 2008/08/19 |
DSliver | A text-based card library for MtG. | 0.25 | lyon4 | 2008/08/17 |
iChingDS | I Ching Readings. | 0.51 | Sam Malone | 2008/08/12 |
Linterna DS | A flashlight on DS with different colors to choose from. | 0.01 | Neopiro | 2008/08/10 |
brainf**kDS | An interpreter of the brainfuck esoteric programming language. | 1.0 | Chaz Schlarp (chuckstudios) | 2008/08/09 |
ThreaDS | A thread library for DS. | 20080806 | Spaghetti DSDev | 2008/08/07 |
Heero's HBDB | Cheatfiles for DSOrganize. | Update 0808 | Heero | 2008/07/22 |
Chuck Norris Facts DS | Include exceptional jokes of Chuck Norris. | 0.7 | MasterDje | 2008/07/19 |
Padict DS | Port of the Palm project Padict. | 2008 | bigS | 2008/07/14 |
DSVNC | VNC client for Nintendo DS to control the computer. | 0.3e | Thoduv | 2008/07/11 |
Japanese And English Phrase Converter | Translate English phrase to Japanese. | Demo | iainprice | 2008/07/04 |
Putzpie Etch A Sketch | Etch-a-Sketch for NDS. | 0.2.1 | Putzpie | 2008/07/02 |
DS2Win | Using DS to control your computer. | 0.82 | Monkeynz (Aaron Graham) | 2008/06/12 |
GIF/Card viewer for Magic: The Gathering | Card viewer for the card game: Magic The Gathering. | 2008 | Sylus101 (Sylus McFrederickson) | 2008/06/06 |
TAUNT DS | Send taunts to another DS via WiFi. | 0.2 | cid2mizard | 2008/06/04 |
AtYa | A Yahoo Messenger client. | 0.1 | atomsoft | 2008/06/01 |
ndsRo/eAthena Client | Client for eAthena servers for Ragnarok Online. | 2008 | n00bey (leinad) | 2008/05/16 |
Japanese Training | Japanese learning application . | 2008 | cuicui666 | 2008/05/14 |
Ranger DS | A GPS application. | 0.54 Alpha | Ranfer | 2008/04/27 |
Woctochat | Chatting app for the DS. | Client 0.3/Server 0.3 | Circus | 2008/03/29 |
dsf | Brainf**k interpreter. | 2008 | Samel | 2008/03/20 |
Motion Plotter | An app that draws lines. | 2008 | Sektor | 2008/03/20 |
Pocket Pixie DS | Graphics editor. | Alpha 3 | Morukutsu | 2008/03/20 |
Mediatheque DS | A library to manage your collection of comics/movies/stamps etc. | 1.0 | Cid2mizard | 2008/03/19 |
TelecranDS | An adaptation of telecran. | 1.2 | oxo | 2008/02/27 |
DSmaps | Google Maps viewer. | 0.2.1a | DMC | 2008/02/20 |
DSgf | A go game recorder and reviewer. | Alpha 2.11 | nio101 | 2008/02/10 |
DS KanjiDict | Kanji dictionary. | 0.2 | Eo | 2008/01/31 |
Scrabble Assistant DS | Assist players using the board version of Scrabble game. | 0.6b | Nicolas Pillot | 2008/01/31 |
Brandy Basic V for Dslinux | The Brandy BBC Basic V interpreter. | 1.19.DSL.02 | David Daniels, Hideki | 2008/01/17 |
Autoescuela DS | Practice driving tests to help getting a driver license. | 2008 | Zante | 2008/01/13 |
DiceDS | Tool for RPG player that want to play everytime. | 1.0 | Spaghetti DSDev | 2008/01/08 |
DS2PC | Remote administrator similar to Win2DS. | Demo | luis_mikau | 2008/01/06 |
PPaPP | Shows coordinates of the desired point with a Stylus. | 0.1 | Masterdje (Virtua Peanuts) | 2008/01/06 |
R4 DAT Decoder/Encoder | Decrypt/Encrypt _DS_MENU.DAT. For R4 users only. | 1.0 | Tarosa | 2008/01/03 |
draw-stereo | Stereogram drawing application. | 2007 | micromoog | 2007/12/20 |
Japanese Academy DS | An app designed to help learn Japanese characters. | 0.48 | iXs | 2007/11/04 |
Scrabble Dictionary | A potable way to look up words that are challenged while you are playing Scrabble. | 2007 | Binhh | 2007/10/27 |
Project JDS | Japanese characters learning application. | 1.30 | Ashai Rey (A.A. van Zoelen) | 2007/10/22 |
Dice Roller | Dice roller. | 0.5b | Rainbow | 2007/10/06 |
NDSMail | RSS and POP mail client. | 0.60 | Bronto | 2007/09/09 |
DSmerlin | A single character recognition engine clone. | 090507 | Stripwax | 2007/09/05 |
Mendeleiev | Periodic table and element information/list. | 0.9 | Masterdje (Virtua Peanuts) | 2007/08/29 |
KanjiDs | Japanese Kanji learner. | 2007 | LeToto | 2007/08/25 |
DSketch | Simple sketch drawing application. | Final | Samel | 2007/08/20 |
Treasures of Gaia | View the entire earth on DS via Google Maps. | 0.2 | Sébastien Thon | 2007/08/20 |
DSZhongwen | Learn the basics of Mandarin Chinese. | 1.0c | rrc2soft | 2007/08/15 |
DS Weather Report | A weather station on DS. | 0.5 | Sebastien Thon (stravingo) | 2007/08/05 |
Evolution: 28 years of consoles | An educational app about 28 years development of portable consoles. | 0.92 Beta | Masterdje (Virtua Peanuts) | 2007/07/28 |
Constellations DS | View and learn about stars and constellations. | 0.8 | Nameless | 2007/07/28 |
DSPadTilt | Turn DS into a motion sensing USB gamepad. | 2007 | KeithE | 2007/07/23 |
DSLiveWeather | Fetch the current weather information with WiFi. | 2007 | Liick (licklick) | 2007/07/12 |
AircrackDS | A small network security homebrew tool for DS. | 0.1 | moncul | 2007/06/28 |
Weight Watchers | Weight watching homebrew app. | 2007 | zeblackos | 2007/06/14 |
KnobsAndSlidersDS | Use NDS to control things remotely over WiFi. | 0.3 | Chris McCormick | 2007/05/25 |
AMAP4DS | Metro and bus maps viewer. | 3.2 | Christophe Andreani | 2007/05/23 |
DSAIM | An AIM/Icq client for the DS. | 0.03e | Ryan Kegel | 2007/05/07 |
httpexec | DS Download Play over HTTP. | 1.1 | Fling (Gered King) | 2007/05/06 |
Zz85's Rubik Cube Timer | App for Speed Cubing, for timing completion of puzzle. | 1.0 | Zz85 | 2007/05/01 |
3p - The Image App | A drawing app made with PAlib. | 1.01 | Shadow90 | 2007/04/23 |
Loituma Girl DS | An adaptation of some popular flash animations. | 1.1 | gnese | 2007/04/23 |
Phidias | A drawing program for Nintendo DS. | Full | Tapio Pyrhönen (Tassu) | 2007/04/20 |
FisiK (Fiches BAC) | A revision sheets LAC S. | 2007 | Beda | 2007/04/09 |
ComboCracker | Hack Master Locks. | 2007 | BassAceGold, j4vadrops | 2007/04/09 |
BramBram (DS-GPS) | A GPS application that works with DSerial and a GPS unit. | 1.3 | Ashai Rey | 2007/04/06 |
Pictoblog | Allows you to post hand drawn images to your Blog. | 0.2 | 0xtob | 2007/04/02 |
MapViewerDS | An easy to use map viewer. | neo | Mollusk | 2007/03/20 |
DSPad | Turn DS into a wireless gamepad. | 0.2b | Ced | 2007/03/20 |
IRCDS | IRC client with custom skin support. | 0.3d | Freemaan | 2007/03/20 |
DSLearnJ | Learn Japanese Kanji on the DS. | 0.5 | Zarxrax | 2007/03/16 |
Aireplay NDS | An attempt to port Aireplay (WiFi Packet injection software) to the NDS. | Early Build 0.3d | JSR | 2007/03/10 |
PaintPortPro | A simple drawing app. | 2007 | Shadow90 | 2007/03/07 |
DSCam | View your PC’s webcam on your DS. | Beta 0.3 | XParano | 2007/02/03 |
Amy The Chatterbot | Port of AineBot 0.8.12. | 2007 | DVSoftware | 2007/01/29 |
NDSPython | Port of Stackless Python 2.5. | 2007 | Richard Tew | 2007/01/28 |
X10do-DS | The ultimate X10 home automation controller. | 1.0 | PhoneGuy | 2007/01/23 |
MythRemote | A network remote control for MythTV frontends. | 0.2 | Grizzly Adams | 2007/01/22 |
GFXer | Painting application. | Alpha 1 | Mollusk | 2006/12/09 |
JapFR | Application to learn Japanese vocabulary. | 0.2 | benjamalin | 2006/11/07 |
EDICT Reader | Japanese dictionary. | 0.1.0 | eoryl | 2006/11/05 |
Crazy Paint | A small paint application with a few cool features. | 2.5 Beta | BassAceGold | 2006/11/02 |
DSSpeech Speech Synthesizer | DS port of a speech synth from Atari ST. | 1.5 | Headspin | 2006/11/01 |
SwordDrill Helper | Randomly displays text from the bible on you DS screen. | 2006 | DannyNewP | 2006/08/20 |
Draw On DS | Port of sketching application Sketches of Q. | 2006 | davr | 2006/07/26 |
SylphIRC | An IRC client for the NDS. | 0.05 | Ficedula | 2006/07/16 |
Wifi Chat | Homebrew Pictochat with online history. | 0.99 Beta | Bafio | 2006/05/04 |
DadoS | DS dice thrower for role playing games. | 0.1 Alpha | DKnight | 2006/05/01 |
LUAPaint | A simple drawing app made with DSLua. | 1.1 | Ohr GmbH | 2006/04/11 |
Alarma | Customize-able alarm. | 2005 | LIEN | 2005/10/24 |
PassMe2 SRAM Writer | Writes the SRAM in GBA mode for PassMe2. | 2005 | Pepsiman | 2005/10/01 |
rPaint | A paint like application for NDS. | 1.0 | Rafal Kozik (revo) | 2005/09/19 |
Flipbook | MSPaint-like drawing program. | 2005 | Sintax | 2005/08/09 |
NDS Thermometer | Thermometer. | 1.0 | SaTa. | 2005/08/03 |
dsPaint | Painting application. | 0.5 | DarkainMX | 2005/07/01 |