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List of Wii U homebrew applications

From GameBrew
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File Browsers

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
vgedit+ Text editor for the Nintendo Wii U. 2.2.1 Vgmoose 2025/03/08
WiiU-Shell NX-Shell port for the Nintendo WiiU. 1.08 rw-r-r-0644, kenny1983, GaryOderNichts, Xpl0itU 2022/10/16
FTPiiU Everywhere FTPiiu everywhere. 0.2 Dimok 2017/03/14
FTPiiU Everywhere CBHC A fork of ftpiiu for cbhc. 0.4u2 Dimok, Fix94 2016/12/29
FTPiiU WiiU FTP Server. 0.4 Dimok 2016/11/02

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Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Wii U Reboot A simple app that restarts your Wii U. 1.2.1 Fangal-Airbag 2025/04/22
Aroma Updater Update Aroma (and some additional plugins/modules) directly on console. 0.2.3 Maschell 2024/05/07
TCP Gecko TCP Gecko Installer engine homebrew app for game modding and research. 2.53 Various authors 2024/03/25
EnvSwap Autoboot switching between Aroma and Tiramisu. 1.0.2 envSwap Squad 2023/07/05
Sign C2W Patcher WUHB Unlock Wii VC processor from default 729mhz to 1.215ghz (but in wuhb). 1.0 MysticFlipFlop 2022/09/23
Menu Sort Sorts items on Wii U Menu. 1.2.0 Yardape8000, doino-gretchenliev 2020/08/13
SDGeckiine Geckiine, but with SDCafiine and TCPGecko. 1.1 Sheldon10095 2020/03/26
WiiU Video Mode Changer Temporarily change the displayed video mode. 1.0 FiX94 2017/11/30
SDCafiine On-the-fly replacing of files. 1.4 Maschell 2017/09/03
F**kYouStick Temporary disable the Left Analog Stick. 1.0 Maschell 2017/05/13
Spiik Region and Language changer for WiiU games. 0.1b Phoenix 2017/03/12
Shutdown Shuts down your console. 1.0 CreeperMario 2017/01/23
Geckiine TCPGecko and Cafiine combined. 1.1 Varies authors 2016/11/07

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Backup Tools

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
SaveMii WUT Port Savegame manager for the Nintendo Wii U. Port of SaveMii. 1.6.5i Xpl0itU 2025/01/20
Dumpling A simple, all-in-one Wii U file dumper. 2.7.4 Crementif, Emiyl 2024/05/12
WUDD - Wii U Disc Dumper Wii U Disc Dumper. 1.2.2 Maschell 2023/01/10
disc2app WUT Port Dump installable app files from Wii U game. 1.3 Xpl0itU (DaThinkingChair), EyeKey, Fix94 2022/06/12
Wii U Nand Dumper Create full dump of the NAND. 0.4 koolkdev 2021/03/26
sm4sh2sd Dump Sm4sh from disc or NAND to your SD card. 0.2 thefungus 2017/10/21
Wudump Dump raw images from a WiiU disc. 1.6 FIX94 2017/10/16
SaveMii Mod Save manager homebrew for the Nintendo Wii U. 1.2.0.mod5 GabyPCgeeK 2017/08/13
SaveMii WiiU/vWii savegame manager. 1.2.0 Ryuzaki_MrL 2017/04/10
disc2app Dump disc content (.app/-h3/.tmd/.cert/.tik files) from a Wii U game disc. 1.0 EyeKey, FIX94 2017/02/11
Tik2SD Dump WiiU tickets to SD. 1.1u2 FIX94 2017/01/07
SEEPROM2SD Dump Wii U Serial EEPROM to SD card. 1.0 Dimok 2016/11/22
OTP2SD Dump OTP key via IOSU to SD. 1.0 Dimok 2016/11/22
FT2SD A file tree dumper. 0.1 Dimok 2016/11/17
FSDumper Dump files from your SLC/MLC. 0.1 Crediar 2016/11/16
Saviine A tool to dump and inject your Wii U game saves. 1.1b Maschell 2016/05/12
DDD WiiU Title Dumper. 0.3 Dimok 2016/04/26
Dumpiine Dump game's RPX and RPL. 1.0 Golden45 2015/10/04

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System Tools

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
ww-43db-patcher Patches WiiWare aspect ratio database (43DB) from the vWii System Menu U8 archive in Wii U consoles. 0.4 DarkMatterCore 2024/09/22
Button Tester A button tester for the Wii U. 2.2 TheHighTide 2024/08/12
NUSspli Lite A simple package installer. 1.152 DaThinkingChair, Pokese303, V10lator 2024/07/20
AutobootModule Boot into the Wii U Menu, Homebrew Channel, vWii System Menu or vWii Homebrew Channel. 0.3.1 GaryOderNichts, Maschell 2024/07/16
Environment Loader An environment loader for Wii U. 0.3.2 Maschell 2024/07/06
Payload-Loader Installer A userfriendly and safe installer to inject a 'payload.elf-loader' into the Health and Safety application via FailST. 0.1.1 Maschell 2024/05/07
CustomRPXLoader Custom loader for .rpx files that can be used with any payload.elf loader. 0.1.3 Maschell 2024/05/06
Wii U Recovery Menu Recovery Menu for the Nintendo Wii U. 0.6 GaryOderNichts 2023/08/19
WUP Installer GX2 WUHB WUHB port of WUP Installer GX2. 1.3.1 Fangal 2023/06/18
WiiUIdent Display info about IOSU's memory devices. Formerly mdinfo. 1.1 GaryOderNichts 2023/04/01
USBHide On console USB format nag stopper. 1.4 Xpl0itU 2023/02/12
SigpatchesModuleWiiU This is a module meant to be executed via the EnvironmentLoader, for example, using the Tiramisu Environment, on the Wii U. 1.0 marco-calautti 2023/01/30
Ticket Cleaner Deletes unused tickets on a Wii U. 1.9 V10lator 2022/12/18
UFDiine Wii U update folder deleter. 2.0 GaryOderNichts 2022/10/19
vWii Decaffeinator Restore your vWii. 2.0 GaryOderNichts 2020/09/09
GamepadTester Test your WiiU Gamepad. 0.1a vincent-coding 2020/05/05
vWii NAND Restorer Restore your vWii NAND backups from your Wii U. 2.0 GaryOderNichts 2020/03/29
Controller Test A demo of the QuickSDL game engine. 0.9.3 xhp-creations 2019/10/19
DRC-Test Test and read/write some values on the WiiU Gamepad (DRC). 1.2 Pokes303 2019/09/12
WUP Installer GX2 WiiU public title installer. 1.3_r21 Dj_Skual 2018/01/02
Sign C2W Patcher Signature patcher and cafe2wii redirect. 0.3 FIX94 2017/09/29
Simple Signature Check Patcher Simple signature check patcher. 0.1 Dimok 2016/12/13
WUP Installer Y Mod WUP Installer mod that supports multiple install folders. 1.3 Yardape8000 2016/11/20
CFW Booter Boot a Custom Firmware file. 1.0 kanye_west, dimok, and others 2016/11/07
WUP Installer WiiU public title installer. HBL Crediar, Dimok 2016/11/07
OTP via IOSU Display OTP key via IOSU kernel exploit. 1.1 Donald Trump 2016/11/07
HID-TEST Displays input from HID devices. 0.1 Maschell 2016/08/04
NNU Patcher Nintendo eShop Update Patcher. 0.1 Dibas 2016/05/01
Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii. 2013 Dr Clipper, ZRicky11, dmm, FIX94 2013/03/20

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Title Launchers

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Homebrew Launcher WiiU Homebrew Launcher. 1.5 Dimok 2022/01/04
Loadiine GX2 Loads games from SD card. 0.3 Dimok, Cyan, Maschell, n1ghty, dibas 2017/10/15
Loadiine GX2 Y Mod Loads DLC from SD card. y1.0.1 Yardape8000 2016/11/03
OurLoader Region free disk loader for Wii U. 1.0 OurBrew (coc4tm) 2016/10/12
Loadiine The first WiiU SD-card backup loader. 4.0 Golden45, Dimok 2016/02/06

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Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
LiveSynthesisU PoC Live sound synthesis on the Wii U. 1.0 QuarkTheAwesome 2016/09/05

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Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Bloopair Allows connecting controllers from other consoles like native Wii U Pro Controllers on the Wii U. 1.0.2 GaryOderNichts 2025/01/04
MiisendU Wii U A UsendMii client. 1.4.0 Crayon2000 2024/12/27
Moonlight Wii U Moonlight Wii U port. 1.6 GaryOderNichts 2024/02/21
Compat Title Installer Install the Homebrew Channel to the vWii Menu from Wii U Mode. 1.6 Xpl0itU (DaThinkingChair), TheLordScruffy 2023/07/13
Homebrew App Store Download and install homebrew apps on the console. 2.3.2 Vgmoose 2023/03/23
ThemeMii Wii U theme manager. 1.8 Xpl0itU (DaThinkingChair) 2022/12/14
NTRView 3DS to WiiU screen streaming (WIP). 0.6 ashquarky, ZestyTS, vaguerant 2022/09/12
CloseHBL Closes the Homebrew Launcher. 1.0 Fangal 2022/01/08
MiisendU Wii A UsendMii client for the Wii. 0.0.1 Crayon2000 2021/11/24
Wii U VNC WIP VNC client for Wii U. 0.5 rw-r-r_0644, Compucat 2019/04/07
Useless Homebrew A Useless Homebrew port. 1.0 Rydian, Tcm0 2018/06/04
HID to VPAD Little tool to use a HID-Device as WiiU GamePad. 0.9k Maschell 2018/02/17
Diibugger HBL A debugger for Wii U. 1.00 jam1garner 2017/12/11
SwapDRC Swap DRC for TV-Only Wii U games. 1.3.1 OatmealDome, Yahya14 2017/07/28
SwipSwapMe Switch TV display onto the gamepad. 0.2 Maschell 2017/07/21
HBL DPAD Loads WiiU homebrew from SD card and from network. 2017 Dimok, Creepermario 2017/07/16
Clock Watch the time. 1.0 Dylon99 2017/05/03
LameIRCU Lame IRC Client. 2.03 brienj 2017/03/13
RemotePad Control your computer from the Wii U through the network. 0.5 rw-r-r_0644 2017/01/27
WiiAlarmU WiiU Alarm Clock. 1.0 opendata 2017/01/22
HBL2HBC Boot from HBL to HBC or app. 1.1 FIX94 2017/01/05
U-Paint A painter for Wii U. 3.0 brienj 2017/01/04
HID Keyboard Monitor Wii U HID Keyboard test program. 1.0 rw-r-r_0644 2016/11/07
GC to VPAD A WiiU patcher to replace the GamePad input with the GameCube adapter. 2015 FIX94 2015/10/09
