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List of GB homebrew applications

From GameBrew
Utilities | Music Apps | Music Disks | Math | Test Roms | Other


Title Description Version System Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version System Author(s) Updated
GBDebug View the memory in the Game Boy. A mini-assembler/disassembler is included. 1.3 DMG Jeff Frohwein 2000/01/04
Joypad Test Button tester. 1998 DMG Nick Kochakian 1998/02/01
EMSMenu EMS cart Multi-ROM Menu program. 1.2 CGB Ed Mandy (Flavor) 2000/09/29
Bung Multi-ROM Source code (GBDK 2.1.5) for Bung Multi-ROM Menu program. 2000 CGB Ed Mandy (Flavor) 2000/12/12
BH GOS Make your own multi-ROM ROM image. 1.0U CGB The Blue Hippo 2001/03/31
PocketVoice Multi-ROM Menu Multi-ROM Menu program for PocketVoice. 2.1 CGB Ed Mandy (Flavor) 2000/10/02
Game Boy Color Picker A utility to help with colorizing Game Boy games, or developing homebrew. 2022 CGB xenophile 2022/05/15
Work Master OS Russian multi tasking operating system. 3.0 CGB A.D.Inform 2005/09/07
GB-PDA Transform the Game Boy Color into a fully-functional Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). 4.5 CGB TeamKNOx 2002/05/19
LittleFM An alternative file manager for LSDj. 0.5.2 CGB nitro2k01 2016/11/21

Utilities | Music Apps | Music Disks | Math | Test Roms | Other

Music Apps

Title Description Version System Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version System Author(s) Updated
Frequency Modulation Synthesis FM waveform modulation test app. 2009 DMG Leaf 2009/04/10
Amenizer Amen Break Sample Masher. 2013 DMG nitro2k01 2013/02/11
Square Explore euclidean drum patterns on your Game Boy. 0.1 Alpha DMG soleil-alpin 2020/07/24
metro Simple metronome for the Game Boy. 1999 DMG Michael Hope 1999/01/05
Sound Demo An app that allows you to experiment with the sound channels. Fixed DMG Unknown, Fixed by Zalo 2020/10/07
GB SFX Generator A tool for making authentic Game Boy sound effects. 2015 DMG Patrick Rodriguez 2015/08/10
Rez A unique Gameboy synth ROM. 2012 DMG nitro2k01 2012/12/11
Sludgeon A simple 8-step-sequencer. 0.99002 DMG 8CYLINDER 2004/09/02
Sludgeon2 Continuation of Sludgeon. 2006 DMG 8CYLINDER 2006/12/20
Pounder A simple drumset. Every button triggers a drum-sound. 2.0 DMG 8CYLINDER 2004/09/02
UCBN Generates brownian and white noise with adjustable settings. 1.001 Final DMG 8CYLINDER 2004/09/02
Nerd-Rix A keyboard synthesizer also known as Ikinari Boper Easy Edition. 1.0 DMG Nira 2004/11/02
Ikinari Boper Keyboard synthesizer for the Game Boy. 1.5 DMG Nira 2004/01/01
Muddy GB Use the Game Boy as a musical instrument. 11 DMG s.o 2005/03/28
sass step-girl A semi-automatic step sequencer. 15 DMG s.o 2004/02/14
Droneboy Drone music application. 1.07 DMG purefunktion 2022/05/12
Chord A monophonic synth program. 1.06 DMG Erik Sigth (Humbletune) 2014/10/06
onputor 4-channel step-sequencer. B6 DMG romphax 2004/01/01
GB303 Wavetable-based TB-303 style synthesizer 1.0 DMG Furrtek 2016/10/24
Nanovoice 4-bit lofi synth. Demo DMG Oliver Wittchow, Julian Rohrhuber 2001/06/02
Faderfox Jr. A Game Boy and PC program that emulates Micromodul LX1, with expanded emulation for Faderfox LD2 and DJ1 models. 2008 DMG 8CYLINDER 2008/06/28
Beep Boop Boom Box A tone matrix-style music toy. 2015 DMG Patrick Rodriguez 2015/07/12
GB Electric Drum Live drum kit for the Game Boy. 2001 DMG Aleksi Eeben 2001/12/29
Lemon Player 1 Tracker to play a music on Game Boy (source code). 2.97a DMG G.Raimond (Lemon) 2000/08/26
NanoSynth 16 channels spectral sound synthesis. Demo DMG Oliver Wittchow, Julian Rohrhuber 1999/12/04
GBSoundXperimenter Sound register editor. 1.3 DMG MJCulross 1999/08/29
GBSoundXperimenter Mod Modified version of GBSoundXperimenter with different keypad routine and cart RAM saving. 1999 DMG Ken Kaarvik 1999/09/07
GB-Tracker A minimalistic music tracker. 990220 DMG BouKiChi 1999/02/20
waveform-gb Game Boy Wave Form Visualizer. 0.0.3 DMG dannye 2019/01/14
GameBoy Rhythm Box A sample drum kit for testing different sample rates. 16K CGB Leaf 2009/12/18
NSF Player for Gameboy Color Play NSF music on Game Boy Color. 2007 CGB Leaf 2007/05/10
Lemon Player 2 A more advanced version of the original Lemon Player. 0.01b CGB G.Raimond (Lemon) 2000/08/16
NSF Player for Gameboy Color ver.2 An improved version of GBNSF. 2009 CGB Leaf 2009/07/13
Game Boy Sound Manipulator Homebrew that provides on-device/on-emulator sound parameter editing. 1.1.1 CGB Abe Pralle 2022/01/08
Music Box An advanced GameBoy Color and GameBoy music and soundeffect system. 1.3 CGB Black Box 2001/02/26
Fatass A Fast Tracker II clone for the Game Boy Color. 2000 CGB Jeremy Evers 2000/07/18
Bleep A music maker for the Game Boy. prerelease/alpha CGB Andrew G. Crowell (Bananattack) 2014/07/08
Carillon Waveform Editor Modified version of Carillon which includes a waveform editor for Channel 3. 1.2 CGB Aleksi Eeben, nitro2k01 2017/01/12
GameBoy Music Compiler Play music using the Game Boy sound source. 2019 CGB Leaf 2019/10/03
mGB Nintendo Game Boy MIDI control for Arduinoboy. 1.3.3 CGB trash80 2012/12/21
Little Sound Dj Game Boy music editor. Also known as LSDj. 9.3.9 CGB Johan Kotlinski 2023/06/17
Carillon Player Music Engine for Game Boy and Game Boy Color. 1.2 CGB Aleksi Eeben 2001/01/09
Headache Boy Random noise generator. 2016 CGB frax91 2016/10/18

Utilities | Music Apps | Music Disks | Math | Test Roms | Other

Music Disks

Title Description Version System Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version System Author(s) Updated
Freebie-GBs 2019 LSDj-based spooky themed musical cartridge. 2019 DMG Various authors 2019/10/20
Lemon Tracker Demo A little music demo with 2 songs. 2000 DMG G.Raimond (Lemon) 2000/07/10
Badliz: The Great Strategy - Roblox Theme 2006 An audio demo of GBAudioPlayerV3, targeting the original DMG Game Boy. 2021 DMG jbshelton 2021/09/29
HELLO WORLD Game boy music cartridge. 2021 DMG S_TN, KATIKATAOKA, RON NELSON 2021/09/21
Spiral - Game Boy Music ROM A music ROM for the Game Boy. 2021 DMG Matt J Hart 2021/09/08
Apocalypse A simple music cartridge. 2021 DMG Graywyck 2021/09/30
Back To Space A Game Boy music cartridge. 2021 DMG Tronimal 2021/10/01
Zilogized A Game Boy soundtrack. 2021 DMG Kabcorp 2021/09/30
Jumalauta Christmas 2004 Musicdisk Christmas musicdisk. 2004 DMG Jumalauta 2004/12/14
Heebie-GBs 2014 A compilation of spooky tunes from various chiptune artists. 2014 DMG Various authors 2014/10/31
Total Malfunction A Game Boy chiptune made for for RetroKomp / Load Error 2017. 2017 DMG AceMan 2017/10/21
Hello_World! A Game Boy music album. 1.0.0 DMG Tronimal 2016/08/12
GB Studio Tracks vol. I A micro compilation of 3 songs written by Victor Valdez. 2020 DMG VHVS 2020/09/22
GB Studio Tracks Vol. 2 A micro compilation of 3 songs written by Victor Valdez. 2020 DMG VHVS 2020/12/31
Freebie-GBs 2018 Halloween themed cartridge album. 2018 DMG Various authors 2018/11/01
Pre-Teen Wasteland A music album for the Game Boy. 5 CGB Sloopygoop 2021/11/06
Mplay Demos A music player demo for the Game Boy. 1999 CGB Vibrants 1999/12/08
Paragon 5 Album Paragon 5 music album - realized as a GBC demo. 1999 CGB Paragon 5 1999/11/29
Channel 49 - First Strike A music demo with a cool bass/techno sound. 1.0 CGB Matt Stainton 2001/09/25
Mplay2 Demos Sound driver demotunes for the Game Boy Color. 2000 CGB Vibrants 2000/01/22
UGB Player Music, sound effects and sample system for Game Boy Color. Demo CGB Thalamus Interactive 1999/11/28
GB Monster Hunter Music Cart Music cart containing music and assets made for MCGB. 2021 CGB timisrllybored 2021/09/28

Utilities | Music Apps | Music Disks | Math | Test Roms | Other


Title Description Version System Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version System Author(s) Updated
Master Your Multiplication Multiplication game for children. 1999 DMG Unknown 1999/09/28
Math Drill 20 An addition/subtraction trainer for children. 1999 CGB Susan Cramer, Norm Cramer 1999/09/21

Utilities | Music Apps | Music Disks | Math | Test Roms | Other

Test Roms

Title Description Version System Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version System Author(s) Updated
Blargg's Gameboy hardware test ROMs A set of hardware test ROMs. 2010 DMG Blargg 2010/12/02
GB Runtime Terminal and basic graphcis test ROM. 1997 DMG Unknown 1997/08/04
Music Mod GameBoy Test A baisc homebrew that can play .MOD music using the Game Boy sound chip and the GBT Player library. 1.0 DMG Ryoga (jduranmaster) 2022/03/06
SFX for GameBoy A homebrew that allows to test some sound effects using the Game Boy sound chip. 2016 DMG Ryoga (jduranmaster) 2016/03/27
dmg-acid2 The Acid2 test, now for the original Game Boy. 1.0 DMG Matt Currie 2020/04/18
Benchmark for Gameboy A small program to test performance. 2005 DMG Leaf 2005/10/15
Telling LYs? A program to test a Game Boy emulators input entropy. 0.01 DMG Damian Yerrick 2018/11/11
144p Test Suite Size-optimized ports of 240p Test Suite by Artemio. 0.23 CGB Damian Yerrick 2023/03/03
cgb-acid2 The Acid2 test, now for Game Boy Color. 1.1 CGB Matt Currie 2020/04/14 A little Game Boy ROM that tries to determine which model/revision your device is. 0.4 CGB Matt Currie 2022/02/07 A ROM for identifying hardware and emulators through timing and initial register contents. 1.1 CGB nitro2k01 2022/09/17

Utilities | Music Apps | Music Disks | Math | Test Roms | Other


Title Description Version System Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version System Author(s) Updated
GB-DTMF A homebrew that demonstrate DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) system in telecommunication. 1.0 DMG Osamu Ohashi 2000/05/27
One Bit Paint Draw on a Game Boy screen. 1.0.0 DMG dreamlandgames 2021/09/30
GBClock Talking clock for Game Boy. 1.2 DMG Jeff Frohwein 1997/12/07
N64 Controller with Rumble Pak Support Functions as a crude Nintendo 64 controller if a Game Boy is wired properly to a Nintendo 64 controller jack. 1999 DMG Ken Kaarvik 1999/06/20
Windows 89 A simple operating system for the Game Boy. b06 DMG Villagerjj 2021/11/13
Blem! : Playstation Emulator for the GB A prank homebrew. 1999 DMG Unknown 1999/07/03
ClockBoy - The Other Alarm Clock Turn your Game Boy into an alarm clock. 2 DMG pixjuan 2021/12/09
D&D Character Sheet Demake A character sheet generator for the table-top RPG DnD 5E. 1.0-alpha DMG Psy 2021/09/30
breatheGB A mindfulness app for the Game Boy. 2020 DMG davidhaselb 2020/04/01
Calculator A simple calculator. 2017 DMG Eternity Ware Studios (jobalisk) 2017/05/28
BrainFox A Game Boy native BrainF*ck translator. 1.3 DMG Yprit 2021/09/30
gb_bannerprinter Use the Game Boy Printer to create banners. 1.5 DMG Christian Reinbacher 2022/05/18
DrawCircles An abstract art program. 1.1.0 DMG Tambalaya 2015/03/09
Stopwatch by Chris Simple stopwatch. 1 DMG Chris Antonellis 2011/11/01
RPN Calculator Reverse Polish Notation calculator on Game Boy. 1997 DMG Unknown 1997/08/04
Rumble test Test program that adds a cellular phone rumble motor to a cartridge. 1999 DMG Dark Fader 1999/12/11
Magic Screen (Etch-A-Sketch) The classic drawing toy on Game Boy. 1.1 DMG Ryoga (jduranmaster) 2022/03/24
Sketch Sketch game for Game Boy. Created using GBDK. 2018 DMG MateuszZet 2018/07/18
Solve Knight Solve the Knight games from any start position. 1.1 DMG Ventzislav Tzvetkov (drHirudo) 2003/12/21
DIGIT CLOCK Game Boy digital clock display simulator. 1.0 DMG NotImplementedLife 2021/06/21
blossom rom It is time to bloom // meditative Game Boy game. 2018 DMG Colorful Courier 2018/01/30
Game Boy D&D Character Sheet Create your D and D 5e character sheet on your Game Boy. 2021 DMG crraiig 2021/10/12
GB-Clock A program for MBC3 CART that controls the Real-Time Clock (RTC) function. 1999 DMG TeamKNOx 1999/01/04
Gabe Edit Morse code translator. 0.1 DMG Unknown 1998/09/17
Talking GB Hear your Gamy Boy talk. 1997 DMG Jeff Frohwein 1997/11/27
Gameboy Camera Test program for Game Boy Camera. 2000 DMG Dark Fader 2000/07/14
Random Number Generator A random number generator programmed for the Game Boy. 2016 DMG Ryoga (jduranmaster) 2016/03/27
Xidian A simple Chinese to English dictionary. 1.2 DMG Pui Binh Phan 2000/01/29
Hashcam Enable webcam support with the help of the modified Hash emulator. 1999 DMG Dark Fader 1999/12/08
GBSlides A simple GameBoy Powerpoint-like slides viewer. 1.0 DMG Kartones 2023/04/21 DES encryption on Game Boy. 1.0 DMG Sanqui 2018/03/29
StopWatch by Ken Multi-function stopwatch including lap and split counters. 1999 DMG Ken Kaarvik 1999/07/16
GB-KEY PS2 keyboard handler for Game Boy Color. 2000 CGB TeamKNOx 2000/06/30
IBM BarCode Reader Barcode reader handling by Game Boy Color. 2000 CGB TeamKNOx 2000/11/01
:Cue:C.A.T. Reader Cuecat reader handling by Game Boy Color. 2000 CGB TeamKNOx 2000/11/01
RS232 Talk to any RS232 device at 9600 baud with this utility. 1999 CGB Ken Kaarvik 1999/05/21
Sony Infrared Keyboard Reader Type on your Game Boy Color with this Infrared keyboard. 1999 CGB Ken Kaarvik 1999/05/21
Color Tuner Compares color on emulators vs. Game Boy Color by shading from dark to bright. 1.0.0 CGB Massimo Grasso 1999/10/13
iR Remote Controller Using Gameboy Color IR feature. 2000 CGB TeamKNOx 2000/08/06
RoReCon LEGO Mindstroms controller by Game Boy Color. 2000 CGB TeamKNOx 2000/03/19
IrViewer A visual tool that displays invisible infrared signals on GBC screen. 2000 CGB TeamKNOx 2000/03/26
OBGBTC Onboard Gameboy Tile Creator. 1.1 CGB E.Allen Soard 1999/06/09
GB Basic Run interpreted BASIC programs on GB/GBC. 2.1 CGB Jeff Frohwein 2001/02/17
GB-Phreak Enhancd DTMF Dialer for Phreaks. 1.0 CGB Osamu Ohashi 2000/11/01
Infra-Read Detects Infra-red signals by showing green streaks and noise. 1999 CGB Pan of Anthrox 1999/01/24
GB-GBS GPS receiver handling by Game Boy Color. 1.0 CGB TeamKNOx 2000/11/01
GameBoy Library GB Bunko and text converter. 2008 CGB Leaf 2008/01/04
GB-PDC Controller for PDC(2G) mobile phones with Japanese format. 1.0 CGB TeamKNOx 2000/01/01
GB-Shell Command Shell FrameWork for Game Boy Color. 2001 CGB TeamKNOx 2001/11/01
Universal Learning Remote Universal remote control reader. 1999 CGB Ken Kaarvik 1999/03/13
Watch Demo Watch demo for GBC. 2001 CGB Johnny13 2001/12/21
IBM Keyboard Reader Type on your Game Boy Color using an AT keyboard. 1999 CGB Ken Kaarvik 1999/03/30
Infrared Investigator Use your GBC to see what information is coming out of your collection of infrared remote controls. 2000 CGB Ken Kaarvik 2000/09/07
