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Aozora Bunko Reader PSP

From GameBrew
Aozora Bunko Reader
Last Updated2005/06/22

Blue Sky Collection Reader (青空文庫リーダー) is a vertical text reader for reading Aozara Bunko. Aozora Bunko is a digital library that provides free access to books whose copyrights have expired.

This application is inspired by RubyReader, it supports bookmarks and is entirely in Japanese.


Extract the archive and move the Aozora directory to ms0:/PSP/GAME/.

Download books from Aozora Bunko and place them in the Aozora directory.

To add custom background, place the image files (480x272 BMP) in the Aozara directory:

  • AOZORA_MENU.BMP (menu background)
  • AOZORA_TEXT.BMP (background while reading)

User guide

The reader recognizes furigana ruby tags 《》, but ignores the separator | and [ ] used for annotations.

You can jump to the location between sticky notes. This can be either the previous or the next sticky note.

You can also insert bookmarks to continue reading from where you left off.


  • Files larger than 4MB in size cannot be loaded.
  • Files with more than 100,000 lines, often due to excessive line breaks, cannot be processed.
  • The maximum number of sticky notes is set to 512.
  • Bookmarks and sticky notes are saved per file. However, files with the same name will share bookmark and sticky note, which may cause inconsistencies (e.g., with files like Readme.txt).
  • Bookmark and sticky note is saved when you return to the menu, so be sure to return to the menu or use the Home button before turning off the power.
  • Key settings and color configurations are also saved when you return to the menu. These settings are stored in the file Aozora.cfg.


Start - Options menu

Select - Go back

Square/Circle - Selection Up/Down

Cross/Triangle - Select, Change options


L/Cross - Next line

Triangle - Previous line

R+Cross/Triangle - Next/Previous page

Start - Add/Remove the sticky note

Square - Jump to next sticky note

Circle - Jump to previous sticky note

Vertical (reverse):

R/Right - Next line

Left - Previous line

L+Right/Left - Next/Previous page

Start - Add/Remove the sticky note

Down - Jump to next sticky note

Up - Jump to previous sticky note


L/Cross/Left - Next line

Triangle/Right - Previous line

R+Cross/Left - Next page

R+Triangle/Right - Previous page

Start - Add/Remove the sticky note

Square - Jump to next sticky note

Circle - Jump to previous sticky note



aozarabunkoreaderpsp2.jpg aozarabunkoreaderpsp3.jpg


V085 050622

  • It works even if the directory name is not the Aozora directory.
  • Added two fonts. made it possible to select Instead, the program got bigger.
  • You can now select the orientation of the text.
  • With key configuration.
  • Color configuration is also included.
  • Others.

V080 050610

  • Fixed issue with background color becoming distorted when *.BMP files are added.
  • Added a scrollbar.
  • Created vertical writing versions of 28 characters:
    • Adjusted: 、。,.ー~ ぁぃぅぇぉっゃゅょゎ アィゥェォッャュョヮ ヵヶ
    • Made adjustments for Nag10 font (slight repositioning of the font).
  • Added bookmarks and annotations.
    • Icons borrowed from this site (Thanks to Siya*ara for allowing the use).
  • Miscellaneous updates.

V030 050604

  • Removed beta status as there were no significant reports of crashes.
  • Added functionality to move one line down with the L button (thanks for pointing out this unexpected usage; it was a revelation).
  • Implemented page scrolling (8 lines) with R + × and R + △.
  • Fixed issue where long ruby annotations would cause the program to hang.
  • Properly displays ruby annotations that overlap with the previous line.
  • Adjusted 28 vertical writing characters:
    • Changed: 、。,.ー~ ぁぃぅぇぉっゃゅょゎ アィゥェォッャュョヮ ヵヶ
    • Slightly adjusted the ayu font for better balance.
    • Note: The attached BMP files won’t reflect these changes in the program.
  • Added icons. Thanks to those who created them.
  • Miscellaneous updates.

V000beta 050601

  • Initial release (for demonstration purposes only).

External links
