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From GameBrew

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Title Details Type COUNT(*)
Title Details Type COUNT(*)
Bomberman Classic Bomberman clone on SDL2 and C++. Action 78
OpenLara Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine. Adventure 77
FBA Lite A very good Arcade emulator for PS Vita. Arcade 3
Gravity Blocks A homebrew game created for the Ludum Dare 51. Arcade Games 36
Yakzee Yahtzee for the PS Vita; get the highest score to win. Board 8
Fake 08 Vita Launcher Make custom bubbles for Pico-8 games on your Vita. Bubble Makers 12
SpiderVita Spider solitaire clone. Card 3
Basilisk II 68k Macintosh emulator for PS Vita. Computer 8
Play! PlayStation 2 Emulator PS2 emulator Play! on Vita, ported by xerpi. Console 12
taiHEN by cuevavirus Unofficial update for iaiHEN. Custom Firmwares 9
Cube GLES2 - PVR PSP2 OpenGL Cube Demo using PVR_PSP2 Driver layer GPU libraries. Demos 17
PSVSD A hardware mod for OLED PS Vita that replaces the vestigial 3G modem with a USB microSD card adapter. Developments 42
VitaInjector Inject userland ARM code through PSM. Exploits 20
AppManagerPlus An easy to use App Manager for managing your PS Vita apps/files and your PSP games. File Browsers 12
Godot Engine Godot Engine Vita Port based off of Stary2001 and EIREXE Contributions utilizing PVR_PSP2. Game Engine 13
Revisited Trilogy: GTA III GTA III 10th Anniversary Edition mod. Game Hacks 46
The Binding of Isaac Mod Conversion Kit Utilitly to convert mods the PC version of The Binding of Isaac to their console counterparts. Hack Utilities 6
PlutoBoy Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator. Handheld 9
FNaF: Allstars A recreation of all main 4 FNaF games for the PS Vita (WIP). Horror 36
VitaGraphs Simple Graphing calculator. Math 2
ElevenMPV-A Eleven Music Player PS Vita. Media Players 11
DJescher Turn M.C. Escher into a cool DJ. Music 7
CoolBoardPlaysSounds A homebrew PlayStation Vita soundboard application. Music Apps 7
PlayStation Mini Store This application is an alternative for the PlayStation Store application. Other Apps 131
Emu4Vita Arch Frontend for libretro cores including several cores. Other Emulators 4
CreeperDiver A game i made randomly in Gamemaker 8.1. Other Games 50
prxtool A simple tool to manipulate Sony PSP(tm) PRX files. PC Utilities 58
NXEngine-evo nxengine refactoring Platform 116
VVNZRunner Kernel plugin for PS Vita that provides API to run Toshiba MeP code on Venezia. Plugins 240
Blackout Lights Out clone for the PS Vita. Puzzle 100
Crazy Traffic Jam 3D Mod Mod of Crazy Traffic Jam 3D making it more challenging. Racing 34
Exult - Ultima 7 Fork of Exult (Ultima 7 Engine) to compile it as native Vita Homebrew. Role Playing 27
ReGameLite Port of ReGameDLL Lite version (reverse-engineered Counter-Strike server DLL with bot support). Use with VitaXash3D. Shooter 109
Blue Bayou Part boss rush and part crawdad simulator. Simulation 28
Gridlocke A roguelike deckbuilder tactics game. Strategy 22
Vita Activator Get activation data on a HENkaku enabled PlayStation Vita. System Tools 52
QuickLaunch Installer for PS Vita Installs custom shortcuts to multitasking menu (push PS button on LiveArea). Title Launchers 8
Miracle girls Festival English Patch Miracle Girls Festival English Patch. Translations 81
Chinese Social Credit Test Chinese social credit simulator. Trivia 4
Adrenaline Bubble Manager Create and organize your direct adrenaline bubbles. Utilities 86
Type COUNT(*)
Type COUNT(*)
Action 78
Adventure 77
Arcade 3
Arcade Games 36
Board 8
Bubble Makers 12
Card 3
Computer 8
Console 12
Custom Firmwares 9
Demos 17
Developments 42
Exploits 20
File Browsers 12
Game Engine 13
Game Hacks 46
Hack Utilities 6
Handheld 9
Horror 36
Math 2
Media Players 11
Music 7
Music Apps 7
Other Apps 131
Other Emulators 4
Other Games 50
PC Utilities 58
Platform 116
Plugins 240
Puzzle 100
Racing 34
Role Playing 27
Shooter 109
Simulation 28
Strategy 22
System Tools 52
Title Launchers 8
Translations 81
Trivia 4
Utilities 86
Description Type Version Author(s) Last Updated Title
Description Type Version Author(s) Last Updated Title
Port of Circle Jump, an open source mobile game made to help you learn to use Godot. Action 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/02/19 Circle Jump
Wiiero port for PS TV. Action 1.2 Grzybojad 2019/01/13 Wiiero
Port of JumpNBump for PS Vita. Action 1.00 rsn8887 2019/02/15 Jump'n'Bump
Port of ICEY for PS Vita. Action 1.0 初代NPC 2024/03/27 ICEY
King of Machines port for PS Vita Action 1.0 m1s3ry 2021/03/20 King of Machines
Port of Solstice for PS Vita. Action 1.0.4 withLogic 2024/01/12 Solstice Vita
A unique, fast and challenging autorunner with a colorful twist. Action 1.0 PatnosD 2022/11/24 Chameleon Run
Clone of Crossy Road for PS Vita. Action 0.70 MRKane 2024/08/18 Crossy Road Clone
A 3D space game made with Unity. Action 2021 LaDropZone 2021/12/12 Brico Laika
Cuphead for PS Vita. Action 0.78 PatnosDD 2024/06/15 Cuphead Vita
Minicraft port for PS Vita. Action 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2016/11/07 Minicraft Vita
Classic Bomberman clone on SDL2 and C++. Action 1.01 Rufis01 2020/06/07 Bomberman
2D retro style dungeon game ported to the PS Vita. Action 1.0.1-vita.2 ParallelProductions 2023/02/07 Super Dungeon Delve
Port of Death Road to Canada for PS Vita. Action 1.0 Rinnegatamante, CatoTheYounger 2022/07/29 Death Road to Canada Lite
PS Vita port of Street Fighter One, using the Mugen engine. Action 1.1 AnasHalideen 2025/01/07 SF1MR Vita
Port of Shield Yield by Pelagic Reactor. Action 1.0 Upper_Golf8078 2024/11/28 Shield Yield
A WIP Mugen interpreter for Dreamcast, Web, Vita and Windows. Action 1.5 Captain Dreamcast 2023/12/31 Dolmexica Infinite
Dig your way through to the core of the planet. Action Update PatnosD, VSM GAMMER 2023/04/28 Dome Romantik
Endless running game for PS Vita. Action 1.0 Lapy 2020/06/02 NanoSpeed Gamer
3D hack n slash game. Action 0.26 JacobsPlayground 2019/05/02 Sword Journey
Naruto themed fighting game. Action 2 gambikules 2019/10/05 Naruto Boruto
Remake of T-Rex by Google. Action 1.0 Toni Dumancic 2021/06/05 T-Rex
Port of a BlackMyth: Wukong fan game to the PS Vita. Action 0.6 左陀罗 2024/11/11 BlackMyth: Wukong Pixel
A small 2D action game. Action 1.0 wonre 2016/10/29 Tactic Miner
Recreation of Cuphead on the PS Vita. Action 1.0.1 VitaDev 2021/04/06 Cuphead
Multiplatform endless minigame. Action 1.0 PolyMars 2020/06/10 Terri-Fried
Port of Dstroy for PS Vita. Action 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2020/12/07 Dstroy Vita
Port of Dungeon Rush for PS Vita. Action 01.00 xfangfang 2020/09/12 DungeonRush PSV
Dungeon crawler for PS Vita. Action 1.0 VitaHEX games 2019/04/18 No More Dungeons!
Swashbuckling arcade pirate combat game. Action Beta MRKane 2025/01/24 Black Sails: Curse of the Deep
PSX style parkour runner through a zombie wasteland. Action Beta MRKane 2025/01/24 Road of Mailhem
Port of This War of Mine for PS Vita. Action 1.0 TheFloW, Rinnegatamante 2022/03/30 This War of Mine
Port of Eldritch for PS Vita. Action 1.1.1 Rinnegatamante 2023/09/24 Eldritch Vita
Short beat em up for PS Vita. Action demo PolyDood 2024/03/15 OnePartyOneDungeon
2D clone of Minecraft for PS Vita. Action 1.1 MEGAgameBoy 2024/05/24 Tinycraft
Port of Tomb Raider 1/Tomb Raider 2 Classic for PS Vita. Action 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2024/02/14 Tomb Raider 1 & 2 Classic Collection
Recreation of the Flash game Trogdor. Action 2.21 Mode8fx 2024/08/13 Trogdor Reburninated
A game prototype made in Godot. Action 1.00 VSM GAMMER 2023/07/14 Minitroid
Port of SoulCalibur for PS Vita. Action 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2024/12/05 SoulCalibur Vita
Port of Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy for the PS Vita. Action 0.9.1 Rinnegatamante, TheFloW 2023/09/05 Fahrenheit Vita
A CPU-only, from-scratch 3D game written in C, where you dodge blocks. Action 1.0 Mode8fx 2024/09/21 Blockamok Remix
Sci-fi exploration action game for PS Vita. Action 1.0 WIDEGCG 2023/09/23 Feline Future
Port of Undead Slayer for PS Vita. Action 2022 Hao**qi (初代NPC) 2022/03/18 Undead Slayer
A port/patch to make the game Flop Rocket (Android Version) playable on the PS Vita. Action 1.0.0 MDashK 2021/11/05 Flop Rocket
Port of Parkour Labs for PS Vita. Action 1.0 SoyKhaler 2023/09/28 Parkour Labs
Port of Ultimate Spider-Man: Total Mayhem for Vita. Action 1.2 Rinnegatamante, TheFloW 2025/02/26 Ultimate Spiderman: Total Mayhem Vita
Join a range of different weapons to your ship, and use your momentum to swing them into the enemies on the screen!” Action 1.0 cyberthreat 2021/09/26 Joined at the Ship
Double Dragon Reloaded Alternate Version (Vita fix, full game). Action 2021 magggas, dragonz 2021/10/22 Double Dragon Reloaded Alternate
Arcade style WW1 flight combat game with mission strategy. Action 0.42.5 Beta MRKane 2025/03/07 Cartoon Combatt: Flying Circus
PS Vita port of Monster Battlegrounds. Action 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2024/03/18 Monster Valley
Port of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for PS Vita/PSTV based on the Mobile (Android) version of the game. Action 2.1 TheFloW 2021/08/28 GTA: SA Vita
Port of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars Android version to the PS Vita. Action 1.2 TheFloW, Rinnegatamante 2021/06/04 GTA: CTW Vita
A PS Vita port of Mad Bomber by Bill Kendrick. Action 1 SonicMastr 2020/01/14 Mad Bomber Vita
Port of Aerofoil for PS Vita. Action 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2023/02/21 Aerofoil Vita
Double Dragon IV for Vita. Action 1.0 Moqi01 2023/09/21 Double Dragon IV
Port of The friends of Ringo Ishikawa for PS Vita. Action 2023 yeo 2023/04/15 The friends of Ringo Ishikawa
Port of Altos Adventure for PS Vita. Action 1.0 PatnosD 2022/10/15 Alto's Adventure
A fun, fast paced, action, multiplayer homebrew game. Action 2021 Erfg1 2021/11/18 Hot Shot
Fantasy-themed modernized Pacman. Action 0.8.203 Sergorov 2024/05/27 Gnomopolis
Port of Splinter Cell: Conviction for PS Vita. Action 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2025/03/20 Splinter Cell: Conviction Vita
Port of Grave for PS Vita/PS TV. Action 1.0 xanderten50 2021/01/13 Grave
Port of AM2R for PS Vita (unfinished). Action 1.41 greaterchimera 2017/09/08 Another Metroid 2 Remake
A 2D one-hit fighting game, made with Godot 3.2 and GodotSteam. Action 1.00 Anas Halideen 2023/04/30 HYPERFIGHT Vita
Fast-paced endless runner for PS Vita. Action 1.0 arar7000 2021/07/26 Astro Rush
A shoot em up/beat em up style game for PS Vita/PSTV. Action 1.0 Gremlin Software 2020/06/27 Attack of the Lettuce Munching Caterpillars
A fighting game with 3D block-like graphics made with Unity. Action 0.96 AngryDevs 2020/06/21 Vita Fighters
Port of Galcon 2/BREAKFINITY for PS Vita. Action 0.9 Rinnegatamante 2022/11/06 Hassey Collection
Port of Backstab HD for PS Vita. Action 1.0 gl33ntwine, Rinnegatamante 2023/03/28 Backstab HD Vita
Port of hode, a rewrite of the engine used in the game Heart of Darkness made by Amazing Studio. Action 0.2.9d Matthieu Milan (usineur) 2020/11/23 Heart of Darkness (hode)
Port of Heart Potato, an original game made in 48 hours for Chillenium Game Jam. Action 1.0 Discord Mods 2023/04/17 Heart Potato
Streets of Rage Remake (BennuGD) port. Action 1.3 isage 2021/11/29 Streets of Rage Remake
Vampire Survivors clone for PS Vita. Action 1.0 Edemfancypants 2023/09/22 Vita Reckoning
Runner game for PS Vita. Action 1.0 LuckTheGamers 2019/11/23 BitBot Runners
Clone of Vampire Survivors for PS Vita. Action 1.1 pelayodc 2024/01/02 Vita Surviving
Port of Run From Reality. Action 1.0 LuckTheGamers 2019/08/17 RunFromReality
Arcade fighting game for PS Vita. Action 1.0 Almidasa Studios 2023/09/23 BonkBots!
Port of Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition for PS Vita. Action 1.22 Rinnegatamante 2023/09/05 SMB2SE Vita
Port of Bully: Anniversary Edition for the PS Vita. Action 1.0 TheFloW 2021/06/05 Bully: Anniversary Edition
Katawa Shoujo port for PS Vita. Adventure 0.11 sudovim 2016/10/04 Katawa Shoujo
Shockolate (System Shock) port for PS Vita. Adventure 0.8.2-vita.1 Northfear 2022/02/21 Shockolate
VPK and Livearea Assets for Contract Demon by NomnomNami (RenPy Port). Adventure 1.0 SonicMastr 2021/09/21 Contract Demon Vita
Surviving game for PS Vita. Adventure 0.1.0a VitaDev 2021/05/27 Lost on Island
Port of Zelda3T for PS Vita. Adventure 1.3.1 usineur 2018/09/11 Zelda Time to Triumph
Port of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Adventure 1.2.1 Rinnegatamante 2024/06/08 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past
Zelda: Navis Quest port for PS Vita. Adventure 1.1.1 usineur 2018/05/04 Zelda Navi's Quest
A comprehensive remaster of the 2012 release. Adventure 01.12 avonder 2024/10/18 Katawa Shoujo R7
Port of Zelda: Oni Link Begins for PS Vita. Adventure 1.5 Rinnegatamante 2018/05/02 Zelda Oni Link Begins
Zelda: Return of the Hylian port. Adventure 1.3 usineur 2018/05/08 Zelda Return of the Hylian
Ninja rabbits on your Vita. Adventure beta 1 Alejandro Ramallo (Diggeloid) 2022/08/20 Lugaru HD
Port of Zen and the Art of Transhumanism. Adventure 1.0.0 m1s3ry 2021/04/01 Zen and the Art of Transhumanism
Port of Uncharted 1/2 clone. Adventure 1.0 v2 mrdivdiz 2022/07/27 Yet Another Unearthed Vita
Port of McPixel 3 for PS Vita. Adventure 1.1.1 Rinnegatamante 2023/09/24 McPixel 3 Vita
Port of meritous for PS Vita. Adventure 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2020/12/06 meritous
An unofficial Doki Doki Literature Club port to Lua. Adventure 1.2.3 LukeZGD 2021/09/16 DDLC-LOVE
Port of Minit for PS Vita/PSTV. Adventure 1.1 m1s3ry 2021/04/10 Minit
Port of Dead Knight: Pocket Edition for Vita. Adventure 1.0 Elizabeth (RODENT-CAT) 2022/01/25 Dead Knight Pocket Edition
Open source game Waves: Let Me Sleep port for PS Vita. Adventure 1.0 Paulo 2019/04/01 Waves:Let Me Sleep
Port of Super Mario World for PS Vita. Adventure 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2024/06/07 Super Mario World Vita
Port of Superfluous Returnz for PS Vita. Adventure 0.5 Rinnegatamante 2023/07/09 Superfluous Returnz Vita
A fury game. Adventure 00.07 Accomplished-Tour931 2024/09/07 PASSWORD
Vita Specific Patches and Application for Doki Doki Literature Club (Steam Version) using RenPy PS Vita. Adventure 1.01 SonicMastr 2021/09/16 Doki Doki Literature Club Vita
Port of Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga for PS Vita. Adventure 0.1 gm666q 2024/09/18 LSWTCS Vita
Explore an autumn park and play minigames. Adventure 0.9 Anas Halideen 2023/05/09 Feather Park
Help Sprouty find his family that got missing at a mysterious cave. Adventure 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/05/10 Sprouty's Quest
Port of Night in the Woods for PS Vita. Adventure 0.5 PatnosDD 2024/01/26 Night in the Woods
A simple nostalgic text adventure PS Vita homebrew. Adventure 1.0 joshaxey 2016/08/23 TextQuest
A short visual novel/parody of the Vita scene. Adventure 2.3 beta SonyUSA 2017/10/01 Season of Henkaku
Port of Hollow Knight. Adventure 0.81 hotflix PatnosDD 2025/01/22 Hollow Knight
Port of The Call for PS Vita. Adventure 1.0.1 Paulo 2019/04/02 The Call
Port of ERRE for PS Vita. A short game made during the Global Game Jam 2017. Adventure 1.0 Paulo 2019/03/31 ERRE
Rejected by her colleague he ran away crying going to nowhere accidentally warping to some mysterious place. Adventure 1.1 nedmapagmahal 2020/09/15 The Great Adventures of NedMapagmahal
Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine. Adventure 22.03.21 XProger 2021/03/22 OpenLara
Port of Thimbleweed Park for PS Vita. Adventure 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2023/03/28 Thimbleweed Park Vita
Port of Everlasting Summer for PS Vita. Adventure 1.6 avonder 2023/08/23 Everlasting Summer Vita
An Indie top-down adventure game. Adventure LonelyPie Studio 2023/05/04 Evie
Fade to Black port for PS Vita. Adventure 1.0 usineur 2018/03/07 Fade To Black
Port of DUNGEON (ZORK: The Great Underground Empire - Part I) for PS Vita/PSTV. Adventure psv1.0.2 robDevs 2019/04/04 Zork I
Port of Swordigo for PS Vita. Adventure 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2024/12/07 Swordigo Vita
Soulslike game for PS Vita. Adventure 0.2 VitaHEX games 2019/05/10 Fallen Knights
Port of Mighty Mike for PS Vita. Adventure 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2025/02/01 Mighty Mike Vita
Interactive movie for PS Vita. Adventure 1.0 SoyKhaler 2025/01/26 La Deuda
Port of Otto Matic for PS Vita. Adventure 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2025/01/26 OttoMatic Vita
Port of Magical Literary Heroine Natsuki Saves The Literature Club. Adventure 1.02 SilverCrow 2022/04/04 Magical Literary Heroine Natsuki Saves The Literature Club
Port of Fate/Stay Night [Realta Nua]. Require original games. Adventure 1.1.2 Alyinghood 2022/10/05 Fate/Stay Night [Realta Nua] - Ultimate Edition Port
Port of Bugdom for the PS Vita. Adventure 1.3.4.vita.1 ywnico 2025/02/28 Bugdom
A PS Vita port of Fanwor. Adventure 2021 Calistex 2021/05/24 Fanwor
PS Vita port of the SDL2 implementation of the PC version of Plumbers Dont Wear Ties. Adventure 1.0 Serph 2021/12/26 Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
Port of The Swampies by bitmagine Studio. Help Swampies on their dangerous mission to recover their precious food and escape the maze. Adventure 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/05/08 The Swampies
Port of Abbey of Crime for PS Vita/PSTV. Adventure 1.0 Samuel85 2021/03/07 Abbey of Crime
A 2D Metroidvania video game port for Vita. Adventure 1.0.1 m1s3ry 2022/01/21 Gato Roboto
Port of Planetarian visual novel from legendary game studio, Key. Adventure 2024 avonder 2024/01/25 Planetarian - The Dream of a Little Star
Port of Air Pressure for PS Vita. Adventure 1.0 majonessyltetoy 2022/11/28 Air Pressure
Port of Adastra for the PS Vita. Adventure 1.00 BisexualCar 2022/03/18 Adastra
Remaster of Girls are Weird for PS Vita. Adventure 1.0 BetterWinds 2022/06/28 Girls Are Weird Plus
Port of Girls are Weird. Adventure 1.0 10TR!LL!ON Percent% 2017/12/01 Girls Are Weird
Port of Going Nowhere for PS Vita. Adventure b27 koleq 2021/12/12 Going Nowhere
Port of Unsighted for PS Vita. Adventure 0.3 PatnosDD 2025/03/09 Unsighted Vita
Port of Gone Home for PS Vita. Adventure 1.0.1 Soup um 2023/10/08 Gone Home
Flashback port for PS Vita. Adventure 0.4.2 Enrique Somolinos Perez (Somo) 2016/10/24 REminiscence Vita
Another World port for PS Vita. Adventure 1.0 Enrique Somolinos Perez 2016/09/27 Another World Vita
Heart of the Alien port Adventure 1.0 usineur 2016/10/23 HOTA
Sci-Fi visual novel for PS Vita. Adventure 1.11 Sansigolo 2023/03/07 Red Moon of April
Uncover an incredible adventure with Vera in Murder in Venice. Adventure 2022 Bur 2022/11/25 Murder in Venice
A game where you must find potatoes. Adventure 1.1 MyLegGuy 2017/07/10 Happy Land
Port of Love at First Sight. Adventure 1.0 rlyx 2022/06/30 Vita First Sight
Port of Resurgent for PS Vita. Adventure 1.0 Markus95 2021/08/14 Resurgent by Markus95
Resurgent port for PS Vita. Adventure 1.0.0 m1s3ry 2021/08/12 Resurgent by m1s3ry
Port of Kohana for PS Vita. Adventure 1.02 rlyx 2022/03/20 Vita Kohana
Playstation Vita Port of Cradle Song Teaser by Dischan. Adventure 00.98 Grimiku 2024/06/01 Cradle Song
Port of Behind Every Great One for PS Vita. Adventure 1.0 m1s3ry 2021/03/16 Behind Every Great One
Bermuda Syndrome port for PS Vita. Adventure 1.4 usineur 2018/01/12 Bermuda Vita
Port of the PC Visual Novel Sakura Succubus 2 for PS Vita. Adventure 1.1 SilverCrow 2022/04/07 Sakura Succubus 2
Port of the PC Visual Novel Sakura Succubus 3 for PS Vita. Adventure 1.1 SilverCrow 2022/04/07 Sakura Succubus 3
Port of the PC Visual Novel Sakura Succubus 4 for PS Vita. Adventure 1.1 SilverCrow 2022/04/06 Sakura Succubus 4
Port of the PC Visual Novel Sakura Succubus 1 for PS Vita. Adventure 1.1 SilverCrow 2022/04/07 Sakura Succubus
Final Burn Neo port. Continuation of pFBA. Arcade 6.7.1 Cpasjuste 2023/09/11 pFBN
Arcade and console emulator. Port of FBNeo. Arcade 1.57 Cpasjuste, rsn8887 2018/06/28 pFBA
A very good Arcade emulator for PS Vita. Arcade 1.0 beta 7.1 Yizhi gai, froid_san 2023/02/06 FBA Lite
Frogger clone for PS Vita/PS TV. Arcade Games 1.0.0 Team789er 2020/06/07 Car Crossing
Port of Slither Snake for PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.0 SpanishFreddy 2023/03/23 Vita
Snake game for PS Vita/PS TV. Arcade Games 2.0 Ccoolguy 2020/05/30 Snake by Ccoolguy
Snake clone for PS Vita. Arcade Games 0.9 JJH 2020/09/05 Snake by JJH
Port of Space Cadet for PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.1.1-VB2 Axiom 2021/09/29 Space Cadet Pinball Vita
Stacker arcade game for PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.00 Bunkai9448 2024/02/27 Stacker for Vita
Fanmade Helldivers 2’s mini game for PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.0 MEGAgameBoy 2024/04/24 Stratagem Hero Vita
Pangea Software’s Billy Frontier for modern systems. Arcade Games 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2024/12/02 Billy Frontier Vita
A breakout game for PlayStation Vita. Arcade Games 2021 PatchesDoggo 2021/11/20 Super Pop-up Blocker 2000
Port of Destroy The Dot for PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.0.1 OrbitalFlagStudio 2023/07/02 Destroy The Dot
Asteroids clone for PS Vita. Arcade Games 0.52 xanderten50 2021/11/10 Temporary Space: Expanse
Well-rounded game that makes you dizzy. Arcade Games 1.2.0 thp 2021/10/16 Dzzee
Flappy Bird clone for PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.0 Lapy 2019/03/23 El Pollo de Lapy
Helicopter clone for PS Vita. Arcade Games 2.0 Lapy 2019/03/23 El Pollo
Breakout clone made for PS Vita. Arcade Games 0.3 ddB0515 2016/08/01 BreakVeetOut
Port of Onslaught Arena for PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.0 PsJuan 2023/09/22 Onslaught Arena
Port of fast-areas NEON for Vita. Arcade Games 1.0.1 OrbitalFlagStudio 2023/07/02 fast-areas NEON
A homebrew game created for the Ludum Dare 51. Arcade Games 1.0 soultie 2022/10/02 Gravity Blocks
Flappy Bird clone for PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.21 Creckeryop 2020/04/08 FlappyBird Classic
Flappy Bird clone for PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.0 Moe_Baker 2019/09/20 Flappy Bird Vita
Flappy Bird clone for the PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.3 gambikules 2016/08/19 Flppy Bird
Pong clone for PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.10 NamelessGhoul0 2017/09/06 Pong
BreakOut clone for PS Vita. Arcade Games 2.0 Dane64 2020/05/25 VitOut
Local multiplayer pong for 2 persons in the same console. Arcade Games 0.2 SoyKhaler 2023/02/28 2PlayersPong
Port of Funky Smugglers for PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2023/03/01 Funky Smugglers Vita
Port of Ben 10: OmniMix, an unofficial fangame of the Ben 10 franchise. Arcade Games 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/03/04 Ben 10: OmniMix
Hellrider for PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.0 PatnosD 2022/12/01 Hellrider
Air Hockey game for PS Vita. Arcade Games 0.2 LaGaipaG 2016/10/04 vitaAirHockey
Another flappy bird clone. Arcade Games 2024 Nameless Knight 2024/07/31 Flappy
Vita port of Family Fisticuffs. Arcade Games 1.00 zapchi 2022/10/31 Family Fisticuffs
Clone of the classic game Pong for the PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.0 nyorem 2016/09/17 VitaPong
A snake game with smooth rotation made for the PS Vita with LibVita2D. Arcade Games 1.5 Grzybojad 2019/04/29 vitaSnake
Atari hit classic arcade game comes to the PS Vita system. Arcade Games 0.1 Beta + Network KimsoftStudio 2019/11/10 Asteroids
A Flappy Bird clone for the PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.0 yukkurisinai 2016/08/09 Vita Flappy Bird
Port of Pang Adventures for PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2024/09/24 Pang Adventures Vita
Pacman clone for PS Vita. Arcade Games 1.0 L0Wigh 2021/06/07 Vitaman
Digital board game for PS Vita. Board 1.0 Jonathan Holmes (crait) 2020/06/06 Kogre's Mountain
A 3D style chess game with adhoc mode. Board 00.10 DevDavisNunez, Gdljjrod 2019/04/22 Chess 3D
Connect 4 game for PS Vita. Board 1.0 Dane64 2020/05/03 Connect Four
Classic German board game for the PS Vita. Board 1.0 Dane64 2020/06/27 MaDn
Yahtzee for the PS Vita; get the highest score to win. Board 1.0 dragaron 2018/01/21 Yakzee
Tic-Tac-Toe is an iteration of the game of the same name for the PS Vita. Board 1.2.2 MEGAgameBoy 2022/05/31 Tic-Tac-Toe
Connect4 game for PS Vita. Board 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2016/08/01 4Rows
A modern Othello for PS Vita. Board 1.1 TheFloW 2016/07/30 ReversMe
Custom bubbles creator for ScummVM. Bubble Makers 1.0 DRok17 2021/06/21 ScummVM Builder
Create custom bubbles for several applications. Bubble Makers 1.8 DRok17 2024/02/11 Multi-Builder
Generate PS Vita Livearea Bubbles for your Retroarch ROMS Bubble Makers 2021 histefanhere 2021/09/04 Retroarch Bubble Generator
Make custom bubbles for Pico-8 games on your Vita. Bubble Makers 0.1 jtothebell 2021/07/05 Fake 08 Vita Launcher
Create custom bubbles to boot ScummVM game directly from bubble. Bubble Makers 1.0 cy33hc 2020/11/09 Scummvm Bubble Booter
Create custom bubbles for Fake-08. Bubble Makers 1.0 DRok17 2021/07/06 Fake-08-Builder
This tool will resize images to the required sizes for the Adrenaline Bubble Manager and also convert them to 8 bit png images. Bubble Makers 1.1 AntHJ 2021/05/27 Adrenaline Bubble Helper
Play GB/GBA games directly on your Livearea. Bubble Makers 1.0 chronoss09 2023/06/25 Game Boy Bulle Vita
Create bubbles for PSP titles to use with Adrenaline Bubble Booter plugin. Bubble Makers 1.3 Leecherman 2020/09/27 Adrenaline Bubble Booter Creator
Tool to create custom bubbles for Daedalus X64 and RetroArch. Bubble Makers 3.1 DRok17 2021/07/08 RetroBuilder
Create installable VPK Video Boxsets. Bubble Makers 1.426 AntHJ 2022/04/25 Boxset Bubble Creator
VPK repackaging tool. Bubble Makers 1.2 DRok17 2021/06/10 Bubble-Builder
Spider solitaire clone. Card 1.2 LeeStorm 2016/08/21 SpiderVita
Singleplayer DouDiZhu. Card 0.01 左陀罗 2024/04/20 DouDiZhu
Port of Balatro for PS Vita. Card 0.11 Daexxx, jafeth 2025/02/25 Balatro Vita
Point and Click Adventures for old PC games. Computer 2.9.0 Cpasjuste, rsn8887, ScummVM Team 2024/12/23 ScummVM
ZX Spectrum 48k emulator. Computer 1.2.0 Amnon-Dan Meir (ammeir) 2021/01/26 ZXVita
Multiplatform Pico 8 player. Computer jtothebell 2023/03/11 FAKE-08
Amiga 500/1200 emulator. Computer 2.10 rsn8887, Cpasjuste 2024/02/15 UAE4ALL2
The UniPCemu (Universal PC emulator) emulator. Computer 2023 Superfury1 2023/04/11 UniPCemu
Commodore 64 emulator. Computer 1.2 Amnon-Dan Meir (ammeir) 2020/12/19 VICEVita
Vita port of MegaZeux Game Creation System (emulator/interpreter). Computer 2.93c MegaZeux developers 2025/03/01 MegaZeux Vita
68k Macintosh emulator for PS Vita. Computer 0.33h meetpatty, rsn8887 2021/04/06 Basilisk II
SNES emulator. Console 1 Malachi, skogaby 2017/01/15 CATSFC-Libretro-Vita
ChimeraSNES libretro core. Console 1.01 jamsilva 2023/10/01 ChimeraSNES
SNES emulator for the PS Vita. Console 1.1-HENkaku skogaby, frangarcj 2016/07/29 Snes9xVITA
N64 Emulator for PS Vita. Port of DaedalusX64. Console 0.6 Rinnegatamante 2020/12/13 DaedalusX64-vitaGL
Sega Genesis emulator, multiplatform port of Genesis Plus GX. Console 6.7.1 Cpasjuste 2023/09/11 pGEN: Portable Genesis
A nestopia port for Vita. Console 6.7.1 Cpasjuste 2023/09/11 pNES: Portable NES
SNES emulator for PS Vita. Console 6.7.1 Cpasjuste 2023/09/11 pSNES: Portable Snes9x
Sega Dreamcast emulator for PS Vita/PS TV. Console 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2022/10/25 Flycast Vita
PS2 emulator Play! on Vita, ported by xerpi. Console 2020 xerpi 2020/04/02 Play! PlayStation 2 Emulator
Sega Genesis/Megadrive emulator. Console 1.7.5-H frangarcj 2016/07/29 GenesisPlusGX
Supafaust SNES core port for RetroArch Vita. Console 0.1 Rinnegatamante 2023/07/12 Supafaust Core
Sega Master System emulator. Console 1.3.1 frangarcj 2016/07/29 SMSPlusVITA
An advanced HEN which brings kernel access and plugins support. Custom Firmwares 0.11 Team Molecule 2018/02/21 taiHEN
Modified enso installer with extra features. Custom Firmwares 5.0 SKGleba, Team Molecule 2023/07/08 enso ex Installer
Custom Firmware 6.61 Adrenaline for the PSP Emulator. Custom Firmwares 7.1.7 TheFloW, isage 2024/01/27 Adrenaline
Unofficial update for iaiHEN. Custom Firmwares 0.12.2 Cuevavirus 2021/02/24 taiHEN by cuevavirus
Vita CFW installer. Custom Firmwares 1.4 KuromeSan 2020/08/25 enso-dex
Easy installer for Adrenaline. Custom Firmwares 1.15 Freakler 2017/06/22 Adrenaline Easy Installer
Native ePSP CFW with enhanced features. Custom Firmwares 7 TheFloW 2020/09/23 Adrenaline
Installer for 3.60 HENkaku Enso CFW. Custom Firmwares 1.1 Team Molecule 2018/08/26 HENkaku Enso 3.60 Installer
Installer for 3.65 Henkaku Enso CFW. Custom Firmwares 1.1 Team Molecule, TheFloW 2018/08/26 Henkaku Enso 3.65 Installer
Port of a 2D platformer template (KinematicBody) for the Godot Engine. Demos 1.0 ParallelProductions 2023/02/04 2D Platformer Demo
Hotline Miami prototype port for PS Vita. Demos 0.1 tijesef 2019/06/12 Cocaine Cowboy
Antialiased 2D vector drawing library using PVR_PSP2 OpenGL ES v2. Demos 1.0 joel16 2021/10/13 nanovg-vita
OpenGL Cube Demo using PVR_PSP2 Driver layer GPU libraries. Demos 1.0 MR-Research 2021/09/21 Cube GLES2 - PVR PSP2
A 3D fighting game for PS Vita. Demos Demo RetroGamer74 2019/04/23 UFE
Bad Apple!!! Mobile (PlayStation Mobile ver). Demos 2021 PlayStationHaxor 2021/02/21 Bad Apple!!! Mobile
Bad Apple Vita. Demos 1.0 GrapheneCt 2020/01/21 Bad Apple Vita System
ES2GEARS ported to PS Vita using FreeGLUT-Vita which utilizes Pigs-In-A-Blanket. Demos 1.0.1 fmudanyali 2020/11/21 ES2GEARS
C++ framework for Vita/Windows. Demos 0.1 DrakonPL 2018/01/24 Andromeda Tests
A short demo mix between Tlou and Resurgent. Demos demo Markus95 2021/11/17 Beginning of the end
Dungeon crawler game for PS Vita. Demos demo asdronin 2021/11/18 Very Obscure Souls
A demo made with Unity. Demos 2021 Aionmagan 2021/10/08 carProject
An open world action game made by a fan of the series. Demos 0.2.2 Rabisco 2020/04/02 Grand Theft Auto Vita
PS Vita Port of Harvester. A 2D space exploration and mining game made with Godot. Demos 0.1.0 ParallelProductions 2023/02/04 Harvester Vita
Bad Apple with monoRLE graphical engine. Demos 1.0 knight-ryu12, Princess of Sleeping 2018/12/31 Bad Apple Vita
Samples that belong to the PSV 2DCore. Demos 1.12 Matthias Seys (MSeys) 2019/09/04 PSV 2D Core Samples
PS Vita exclusive DEMO of I WILL BE THERE. Demos demo Tayfun Tuna 2022/04/12 I Will Be There
Simple and Fast (using the GPU) 2D library for the PS Vita. Developments 2021 xerpi 2021/11/27 vita2dlib
ENet reliable UDP networking library. Developments 2016 xyzz 2016/08/15 vita-enet
This is sample homebrew that demonstrates how to integrate the MIPS processor into homebrews without the need of a kernel plugin. Developments 2020 TheFloW 2020/11/15 VitaMips
Tools to help speed up PS Vita Unity Development. Developments 1.3 GlitcherOG, Jody3D 2022/07/05 PSVita Unity Utilities
Runtime Shader Compiler library for PS Vita. Developments 1.5 Rinnegatamante 2023/04/03 vitaShaRK
Vita library compilation tool. Developments 2020 kouta-kun 2020/04/27 Vua
WebGL extention for Trilithium Javascript engine. Developments 1.0 GrapheneCt 2022/04/20 TriGL
SDK installer and package manager for $VITASDK. Developments 2022 Vita SDK 2022/11/17 Vitadev Package Manager
Simple and Fast (using the GPU) 2D library for the PS Vita with system mode applications support. Developments 1.46 GrapheneCt 2021/04/07 VITA2DLIB_SYS
A small batch file for vitacompanion plugin by devnoname120. Developments 1.2 HRudy94 2019/07/26 Vita DEVSCRIPT
An experimental packer aiming to produce very small .vpk for Vita. Developments 1.0 hitchhikr 2024/03/03 VitaPack
Reverse engineering of Sony static library that is used in system applications and Music application to play audio files using SceShell resources. Developments 1.2 GrapheneCt 2021/09/04 libShellAudio
FMOD interface for PS Vita homebrew. Developments 1.1 GrapheneCt 2022/07/11 FMOD-PSV
SDL2 and SDL1.2 for PS Vita. Developments 2.0.8dev-20180523 rsn8887 2018/05/24 SDL2
Standalone Mono (C#) execution on PS Vita. Developments 1.0 GrapheneCt 2022/06/08 VitaMonoLoader
SDL_mixer for PS Vita. Developments 2020 rsn8887 2020/12/14 SDL Mixer
SDL_net for PS Vita. Developments 2.0.1 rsn8887 2017/12/09 SDL_net
SDL_ttf for PS Vita. Developments 2018 rsn8887 2018/01/12 SDL_ttf
Python 3.11.1 and 2.7.18 Interpreters and Librarys for the PS Vita. Developments 1.0 SonicMastr 2021/01/27 cpython-vita
SDL_image for PS Vita. Developments 2018 rsn8887 2018/01/12 SDL_image
Hardware accelerated OpenAL for PS Vita. Developments 1.1 GrapheneCt 2022/08/19 vitaAL
Driver layer GPU libraries and tests for PSP2. Developments 3.9 GrapheneCt 2023/01/24 PVR_PSP2
A full native GXM port of Live2D Cubism 4 for PS Vita. Developments 1.0 Live2D 2021/02/24 Live2D Cubism 4
openGL wrapper for PS Vita. Developments 0.3 Rinnegatamante 2020/11/13 vitaGL
A Piglet/ShaccCg Wrapper Library for OpenGL ES 2.0 Support on the Vita Developments 2.0 SonicMastr 2020/12/09 Pigs in a Blanket
VitaSDK library to integrate Mixologist trophies into your homebrew games. Developments 1.1 island-games 2021/12/03 LibBartender
Simple app settings dialog library for PS Vita. Developments 1.1 GrapheneCt 2021/11/20 libAppSettings
FreeGLUT Ported to Vita Using Pigs-In-A-Blanket. Developments 2020 fmudanyali 2020/11/20 FreeGLUT Vita
Vita GLFW3 port based on the Switch port for the PVR_PSP2. Developments 1.10 SonicMastr 2021/01/23 GLFW Vita
Allows you to test GameMaker: Studio games on the Sony PlayStation Vita via the networked Wi-Fi functionality. Developments 2019 tijesef 2019/07/23 GM:S FastLauncher
FLAC and FLAC++ libraries for PS Vita. Developments 1.3.2_vita rsn8887 2017/12/04 libFLAC
A custom tiny lv0 framework for Playstation Vita. Developments 1.0 SKGleba 2020/05/17 psp2spl
Custom lv0 framework for Playstation Vita/TV. Developments 1.2 SKGleba 2019/12/23 psp2renga
Run Java/Kotlin Natively on the PS Vita generating C++ with ARC instead GC using JTransc. Developments wip soywiz 2016/09/19 jmedialayer
PS Vita bare-metal payload sample. Developments 2021 xerpi 2022/02/28 libbaremetal
An attempt at making an HDMI adapter for the Vita. Developments 2017 yifanlu 2017/12/30 ngptv
PSM Supplemented Mini GL ES. Developments 2020 SonicMastr 2020/16/30 PSMGLES
A 2D-based PS Vita Framework to ease development for apps and games, event-based. Developments 1.13 Matthias Seys (MSeys) 2019/09/23 PSV 2D Core
A hardware mod for OLED PS Vita that replaces the vestigial 3G modem with a USB microSD card adapter. Developments 2.1.1 yifanlu 2018/08/19 PSVSD
Extension library for SceShaccCg. Developments 1.0.1 bythos14 2022/06/18 SceShaccCgExt
SDL2_gfx for PS Vita. Developments 2016 Cpasjuste 2016/10/13 SDL2_gfx
Easy homebrew development with LuaJIT. Developments 0.0.1-beta2 Stary2001 2015/09/23 vita-lua
Quick h-encore is just a modification of the h-encore by TheFloW. Exploits 2018 Yoti 2018/12/25 Q-Encore
A simple tool that will help you if you have an emergency on HENkaku Ens? 3.65. Exploits 1.0 Howling Wolf Naru-José (HWNJ), ChelseaFantasy 2018/03/17 S.O.S
Updated version of SwitchKaKu. Exploits 2.0 kylon 2017/03/19 Switchkaku MOD
Extended Henkaku offline installer. Exploits 1.06 luck 2016/12/11 Switchkaku
Your Favourite FinalHE tool but preloaded with a LOT of you favourite and useful apps. Exploits 2.1c AntHJ 2022/05/11 FinalHE All-in-One
A set of tools to be used on low firmware while obtaining arbitrary kernel execution. Exploits 2020 mathieulh 2020/05/16 PS Vita Early Kernel Exploit Toolbox
Final h-encore, a tool to push h-encore exploit for PS VITA/PS TV automatically. Exploits 1.93 soarqin 2022/05/15 Final h-encore
WebKit+Kernel exploit chain for all PS Vita firmwares. Exploits 2022 TheOfficialFloW 2022/12/26 HENlo
Fully chained kernel exploit for the PS Vita on firmwares 3.65-3.73 Exploits 3.0 Codiak101 2021/07/14 H-Encore 2 Mod
Fully chained kernel exploit for the PS Vita on firmwares 3.65-3.73 Exploits 1.0 TheOfficialFloW 2019/08/26 H-Encore 2
Offline installer for Henkaku. Exploits 1.0 xyzz 2016/08/10 Henkaku Offline Installer
Inject userland ARM code through PSM. Exploits 2013 yifanlu 2013/07/28 VitaInjector
Run homebrew on the Vita. Exploits 0.3.4 yifanlu 2015/09/09 Rejuvenate
An RPC for Vita that supports ARM userland code execution. Exploits 2016 yifanlu 2016/01/25 VitaDefiler
Userland Vita Loader for loading unsigned executables on your Vita. Exploits 2018 yifanlu 2018/01/05 Userland Vita Loader
A webkit-based jailbreak for the Playstation Vita/TV units on firmwares 3.65-3.74. Exploits 1.0.4 SKGleba 2023/01/14 HENlo JB
Homebrew enabler for PS Vita. Exploits Rel.11 henkaku 2018/02/20 HENkaku
Trinity Exploit - Emulator Escape. Exploits 1.0 TheFloW 2019/05/05 Trinity
Fully chained kernel exploit for the PS Vita on firmwares 3.65-3.68. Exploits 2.0 TheFloW 2019/02/19 H-encore
Playstation Vita first_loader hack for prototype units on firmware 1.03. Exploits 2021 SKGleba 2021/09/29 Broombroom
FTP client for Play Station Vita. This useful application will allow you to connect to ftp servers, and manage your files. File Browsers 0.90 David Nuñez (DavisDev) 2017/08/11 FTPzilla Vita
Background FTP server for PS Vita File Browsers 3.24 GrapheneCt 2024/08/18 BGFTP
Multi-functional file manager for PS Vita, with support for 3.74. File Browsers 2.05 RealYoti 2024/07/30 VitaShell Mod by Yoti
Image Viewer for PS Vita/PS TV. File Browsers 1.40 Joel16 2021/01/01 VITAlbum
Plugin manager for PS VIta. File Browsers 4.0 kylon 2022/01/10 Plugins Manager
Remote file manager for FTP, SMB, NFS and WebDAV protocols. File Browsers 1.12 cy33hc 2025/03/02 ezRemote Client
Casic FTP server for PS Vita. File Browsers 0.1 Red7s 2016/10/24 FTPlaystation
Multifunction shell for PS Vita. File Browsers 2.02 TheFloW 2020/01/19 VitaShell
Simple FTP Client App for Vita. File Browsers 1.52 cy33hc 2022/12/14 Vita FTP Client
Simple SMB Client App for Vita. File Browsers 1.04 cy33hc 2023/01/29 Vita SMB Client
Simple WebDAV Client App for Vita. File Browsers 1.02 cy33hc 2023/01/29 Vita WebDAV Client
An easy to use App Manager for managing your PS Vita apps/files and your PSP games. File Browsers 3.01 ONElua 2017/08/29 AppManagerPlus
Port of an engine used in Kirikiri Adventure Game 3 (KAG3) visual novels. Game Engine 1.0.3 uyjulian 2020/08/18 Kirikiri for Playstation Vita
A loader for, the official GameMaker Studio Runner application for Android, for the PS Vita. Game Engine nightly Rinnegatamante 2023/09/12 YoYo Loader
Port of ONScripter for PS Vita. Game Engine 1.0 yizhigai 2022/07/07 ONScripter Vita
Port of xsystem35-sdl2 to the Playstation Vita. Game Engine 00.02 nunuhara 2022/02/14 xsystem35-vita
Godot Engine Vita Port based off of Stary2001 and EIREXE Contributions utilizing PVR_PSP2. Game Engine 3.5-rc5 SonicMastr 2022/07/13 Godot Engine
A Native RenPy Visual Novel Port for the PS Vita. Game Engine 1.0 SonicMastr 2021/09/17 Ren'Py
RPG Maker 2k/2k3 player. Game Engine 0.8.0 EasyRPG Team, Rinnegatamante 2023/04/29 EasyRPG Player
Port of ONScripter-jh for PA Vita. Game Engine YuriSizuku, wetor 2023/02/19 ONScripter-jh
Fighting game engine. Game Engine 1.2 Cpasjuste, rsn8887, Plombo 2020/10/02 OpenBOR Vita
3D Game Engine using RayCasting algorithm for Lua Player Plus. Game Engine 0.1 Alpha Rinnegatamante 2017/07/31 RayCast3D Vita
Port of March22 Interactive Novel engine to PS Vita, via LuaPlayerPlus. Game Engine 0.6.7 Slynchy (InnocentSam) 2016/10/05 March22 Lua
Ren'Py 8 port for Playstation Vita. Game Engine 0.1 Grimiku 2024/12/02 Ren'Py Vita 8
Higurashi port for PS Vita. Game Engine 3.0.2 MyLegGuy 2021/01/15 Higurashi Vita
Ys Origin high-res assets restoration mod. Game Hacks 2020 Dasutein 2020/06/30 Ys Origin - High-Res Assets Restoration
Ys Origin complete translation, enhanced animated cutscenes, assets and soundtracks. Game Hacks 2021 Ignis0011 2021/02/21 Ys Origin Restoration and Enhancement Mods
Swaps the opening movie with the original PS2 intro. Game Hacks 2021 teakhanirons 2019/12/22 Persona 4 Golden PS2 Opening Movie Mod
Minecraft 1.14.4 Texture Mods + Lighting Color Tweak. Game Hacks 2019 Nebbix 2019/08/28 Minecraft 1.14.4 Texture and Shaders Color Pack
CheatDevice Remastered (GTA LCS and VC Trainer). Game Hacks 1.0h2 Freakler 2025/01/06 CheatDevice Remastered
Guilty Gear ACXX+R Music mod, Opening scene Mod, Bubble icon mod. Game Hacks 2020 Sprucius 2020/04/27 Guilty Gear ACXX+R Mod
An altered config file from Borderlands 2 for the Vita for more fluid FPS. Game Hacks 2020 Justalex95 2018/09/09 Borderlands 2 Altered Config
Salt and Sanctuary Balance Mod and Monster mod. Game Hacks 1.07 Pax Empyrean 2019/09/04 Salt & Sanctuary Pax Empyrean's Balance Overhaul
Minecraft: Enhanced Mod switched to the 1.83 version of the game (Update Aquatic). Game Hacks 1.0 PG Team 2023/09/20 Minecraft: Enhanced Mod
GTA III 10th Anniversary Edition mod. Game Hacks 1.2 PG Team 2021/11/11 Revisited Trilogy: GTA III
GTA Vice City 10th Anniversary Edition mod. Game Hacks 1.0 PG Team 2021/11/10 Revisited Trilogy: GTA Vice City
GTA San Andreas PC Anniversary Edition mod. Game Hacks 1.0 PG Team 2021/11/10 Revisited Trilogy: GTA San Andreas
A a mod for the game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA SA). Game Hacks 2.2 Kaizo M 2022/10/10 Project Kaizo
Binding of Isaac: Rebirth mod original by Praytix. Game Hacks 2016 Zelkaar 2016/09/01 The Binding of Avatar
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth all items at the start mod. Original by meat. Game Hacks 2016 Red7s 2016/09/03 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth All Items
The Binding of Isaac Godmode mod. Original by MINDS3T. Game Hacks 2016 Red7s 2016/09/02 The Binding Of Isaac: Godmode
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth + Pokemon mod. Original by Thor Maan de Kok. Game Hacks 1.6 Red7s 2016/09/03 The Binding of Pokemon
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Dual Stick + Cheat engine for Vita. Game Hacks 2020 W00lfwang 2020/09/11 Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Dual Stick for Vita
Persona 4 Golden 1920x1080 and 1280x720 patch for Vita and PSTV. Game Hacks 1.0.1 p4goldenhd 2020/06/10 Persona 4 Golden HD patch
A Custom DLC mod for the game Superbeat XONiC on the PlayStation Vita. Game Hacks 0.7 Nkekev 2020/06/11 Superbeat XONiC Extended
Dragon Quest Builders Orchestral Overhaul mod. Game Hacks 2019 Canzah, Preta, Infogram, SlowpokeVG 2019/03/05 Dragon Quest Builders Orchestral Overhaul Mod
IA/VT -colorful- Add new songs + osu converter. Game Hacks 0.3.3 MrComputerRevo 2021/11/25 IA/VT -colorful- Music Mod
Sly Cooper 1, 2 and 3 HQ cutscenes mod (EU). Game Hacks 2020 OrieZZ, Mxscr 2021/08/08 Sly Cooper 1, 2 & 3 HQ Cutscenes Mod
Stardew Valley (Champloo) Anime Mod pack For VITA [rePatch] combines different anime style mods into 1. Game Hacks 2020 ARobotOnTheMoon 2020/05/18 Stardew Valley (Champloo) Anime Mod pack
Trails of Cold Steel I and II PC voices backported to the Vita versions. Game Hacks 2020 Dasutein 2020/03/01 Trails of Cold Steel I & II PC voices Mod
Texture packs for minecraft. Game Hacks 1.8 Kanae 2021/07/14 MC PSVita
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth x Zelda theme mod. Original by GrGrDoctorGurke. Game Hacks 2016 Red7s 2016/09/06 The Legend of Isaac: Rebirth
Max Payne PC Anniversary Edition mod. Game Hacks 1.1 PG Team 2021/11/10 Max Payne Mod
Need for Speed: Most Wanted mod with better AI and controls. Game Hacks 2021 unknownpsvita 2021/09/16 Need for Speed: Most Wanted PSVita Redux
Need for Speed: Most Wanted mod, added cop cars and the multiplayer exclusive ford fiesta for the single player. Game Hacks updated Acceptable-Ad-3250 2022/02/28 Need for Speed: Most Wanted Updated Gameplay
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth rebalance mod by HTT. Game Hacks 2016 Red7s 2016/09/02 Nuclear Apocalypse
A patch to change the internal resolution for PSP GTA series. Game Hacks 0.3 TheFloW 2020/09/24 GTA Native Resolution Patch
Stackable items mod for Darkest Dungeon (US). Game Hacks 2019 D4RK30 2019/10/22 Darkest Dungeon Stackable Items MOD
Rabi-Ribi with sharper PC sprites. Game Hacks 2020 swosho 2020/06/19 Rabi-Ribi PC Sprites Mod
The Binding of Isaac x Undertale Crossover Mod. Original by Cake and Wight. Game Hacks 2016 Red7s 2016/09/03 The Binding of Undertale
Enable the music from previously Japan-only Premium Anime and Sound Edition of Super Robot Wars V in the SEA English release of the game. Game Hacks 2019 Canzah 2019/03/30 Super Robot Wars V Premium Anime & Sound Edition Patch
Enable the music from previously Japan-only Premium Anime and Sound Edition of Super Robot Wars X in the SEA English release of the game. Game Hacks 2019 Canzah 2019/03/30 Super Robot Wars X Premium Anime & Sound Edition Patch
A collection of dual analog patches for PSP games on Adrenaline. Game Hacks 2020 TheFloW 2020/05/03 Remastered Controls Collection
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth visual overhaul mod by CaptainJack. Game Hacks 2016 Red7s 2016/09/02 Super Smash Bros. Rebirth
Super Heroine Chronicle translated patch (partial). Game Hacks 0.01 azurekaito15 2017/04/13 Super Heroine Chronicle Translation
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth expansion mod by Tez. Game Hacks 2016 Red7s 2016/09/02 The Agony of Isaac
The Binding of Mario: Rebirth port to the PS Vita, original by Armando. Game Hacks 2016 Red7s 2016/09/04 The Binding Of Mario
The Binding of Isaac - The Binging of Legends port to PS Vita. Original by Spino. Game Hacks 2016 Red7s 2016/09/11 The Binding Of Legends
The Binding of Isaac: Heretic Mod by mlodyrevciu. Game Hacks 2016 Red7s 2016/09/03 The Binding of Isaac: Heretic Mod
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth rebalance mod originally by SkyNoKiseki. Game Hacks 2016 Red7s 2016/09/04 SkyMod
A one click installer for all the mods that have been ported to The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth Vita edition. Game Hacks 2016 Red7s 2016/09/29 The Modding Of Isaac - The Binding Of Isaac Mod Installer
Utilitly to convert mods the PC version of The Binding of Isaac to their console counterparts. Hack Utilities 2.2 Red7s 2016/09/13 The Binding of Isaac Mod Conversion Kit
Session ID calculator for Phantasy Star Online games. Hack Utilities 0.3 Clem 2017/09/28 luaVitaSeccy
Mod Manager for WipEout 2048 Hack Utilities 1.3.1 bonkmaykr 2024/07/04 Firestar
Savedata modifier for PS Vita. Hack Utilities 2.1.0 OneRice07 2016/10/15 GoHAN
A convert PS3 content from the game Modnation Racers to the PS Vita. Hack Utilities 2024 FineThenIWill 2024/02/06 Modnation Racers PS3 to Vita Content Conversion
taiko_no_tatsujin_v (Taiko no Tatsujin V Tools). Hack Utilities 2016 mariodon 2016/09/24 Taiko no Tatsujin V Tools
An experimental NDS Emulator for ARM32/PS Vita. Handheld 0.5.0 Grarak 2025/01/12 DSVita
PoC NDS Emulator. Handheld 0.2 MasterFeizz 2016/08/09 DeSmuME-Vita
Neogeo Pocket Color emulator. Handheld 0.71.15 frangarcj 2016/07/29 NeopopVITA
Vita port of Tamatool, a Tamagotchi emulator. Handheld 0.1 goodafternoon 2024/07/10 TamaTool Vita
Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator. Handheld 1.3 RossMeikleham 2019/03/31 PlutoBoy
NDS emulator. Handheld Rolling Release Hydr8gon 2023/02/13 NooDS
GBA emulator. Handheld 0.10.5 endrift 2025/03/08 mGBA
Game Boy/CGB/SGB Emulator. Port of RealBoy. Handheld 1.2 xerpi 2016/08/02 RealBoy
Atari Linx emulator. Based on Libretro Handy core. Handheld 1.4-H frangarcj 2016/07/29 HandyVITA
Port of We Are Broken, a sinister vampire interrogation game. Horror 1.0.1 m1s3ry 2021/04/06 We Are Broken
Port of Keep in Mind for PS Vita. Horror 1.0 PatnosD 2024/03/29 Keep In Mind Remastered
A Unity port of original 2012 Slender: The Eight Pages. Horror 1.0 Soup um 2022/09/14 Slender - The Eight Pages
A game inspired by the original indie game Slender: The Eight Pages. Horror 7 Final BurAndBY 2021/12/16 Slenderman Returns
Port of Lynne for PS Vita/PS TV. Horror 1.01 Just Fer 2022/08/29 Lynne
A challenge based game inspired by the hit Netflix show. Created in Lua. Horror 1.0.0 AntHJ 2021/11/06 Squid Game
A little unsettling. Horror 1.0 firstbober 2024/03/23 De, Shinde
A Port of Slendrina 2D for PS Vita. Horror 1.1 MaloneCZSD 2024/10/08 Slendrina 2D
Pizza Delivery V0.1 and V0.2 for the Playstation Vita. Horror 0.1 MaloneCZSD 2024/09/02 Pizza Delivery
Port of the free indie horror game Vanish by 3DrunkMen. Horror beta MaloneCZSD 2024/07/22 Vanish Vita
A short, horror-themed Visual Novel about a midnight encounter with a mysterious being. Horror 1.11 SilverCrow 2022/04/03 (Don't) Open Your Eyes
Port of Bewilder House for PS Vita. Horror PreFinal MaloneCZSD 2024/07/22 Bewilder House Vita
clone of Garrys Mods Nextbot for PS Vita. Horror 0.1 SoyKhaler 2023/09/26 NextBot For PSVita
Survival horror game for PS Vita. Horror 0.2 Josh Allen (noradninja) 2023/09/22 The Four of Us Are Dying
A first person horror game, fan-made recreation of the P.T. teaser demo. Horror 1.0.1 VitaHEX games 2019/03/09 The Hallway
A recreation of all main 4 FNaF games for the PS Vita (WIP). Horror 0.5.0 BasDEV 2023/03/12 FNaF: Allstars
Port of the PC Visual Novel HIKE BACK for PS Vita. Horror 1.1 SilverCrow 2022/04/07 Hike back Vita
Recreation of FNAF2 for PS Vita. Horror 0.3.5 AlexDev2 2022/03/04 Five Night at Freddy's 2 Lite
Recreation of FNAF4 for PS Vita. Horror 0.1.0 AlexDev2 2022/08/27 Five Night at Freddy's 4 Lite
A clone of Five Nights at Freddys for PS Vita. Horror 1.0 Kolbie5874 2021/02/22 Five Nights at Freddy's
Port of Echo for PS Vita. Horror 01.01 TheRealMisterMemer 2024/03/24 Echo
Port of Fran Bow - Chapter one for PS Vita. Horror 2.07 hatoving 2021/04/08 Fran Bow - Chapter One
Port of Fran Bow - Chapter Three for PS VIta. Horror 1.0 hatoving 2021/04/20 Fran Bow - Chapter Three
Port of Fran Bow - Chapter 2 for PS Vita. Horror 2.02 hatoving 2021/04/09 Fran Bow - Chapter Two
Port of Granny for PS Vita. Horror 1.2.0 FreDEV 2021/10/15 Granny PSVita
PS Vita fans can celebrate with a new exclusive horror game. Horror 0.1 Sungrand Studios 2023/10/25 Silver Falls Survive
Port of the horror game Midnight Shift Remake by Phantom. Horror 1.0 DanCooper 2022/05/14 Midnight Shift Remake
Port of the horror game Midnight Shift by Phantom. Horror 1.0 DanCooper 2022/05/14 Midnight Shift
Port of the horror game Urbex by Phantom. Horror 1.0 DanCooper 2022/05/14 Urbex
Port of Fran Bow - Chapter Four for PS Vita. Horror 1.0 hatoving 2021/07/18 Fran Bow - Chapter Four
Black by schivafrecce, a port for PS Vita. Horror 1.00 deepestdrive 2022/04/06 Black VNVita
Based on a creepypasta, the Backrooms brings a nostalgic feeling of being lost in endless piles of empty rooms. Horror 1.5.2 MEGAgameBoy 2022/09/09 Backrooms
Port of Baldis Basics Classics for PS Vita. Horror 1.4.3 hatoving 2020/08/12 Baldi's Basics Classic
Port of Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk by Nikita Kryukov (requires original game). Horror 1.04 rlyx 2022/07/30 Vita Milk
IMSCARED patch for YoYoLoader. Horror 1.2 hatoving 2022/05/08 IMSCARED
Port of Innyume, a japanese horror game where you are chased by smiley faces. Horror 1.8 4DSWorks 2022/01/02 Innyume
Simple Graphing calculator. Math 0010 Creckeryop 2018/02/07 VitaGraphs
Calculator for PS Vita. Math 1.0 Flappy Jesus 2016/10/09 Vita Calculator
Stylish video player for PS Vita. Media Players 1.3 AntHJ 2022/04/17 MVPlayer
An Open Source PS Vita/TV MP4 player with 1080p playback and subtitle support. Media Players 1.01 SonicMastr 2021/04/09 Vita-Media-Player
A simple video player for PS Vita. Media Players 1.0 AntHJ 2022/05/11 Simple Video Player
PS Vita organya player. Media Players 1.0 isage 2023/05/17 Ironhead
Music Player for PS Vita. Media Players 2.10 joel16 2019/07/18 ElevenMPV - Eleven Music Player VITA
Eleven Music Player PS Vita. Media Players 7.10 GrapheneCt 2022/11/19 ElevenMPV-A
Jellyfin client for PSVITA. Media Players 0.6.2 dragonflylee 2025/02/28 Switchfin
Online video streaming application: YouTube and more. Media Players 3.13 GrapheneCt 2023/06/12 NetStream
Video Player for PS Vita. Media Players 0.01a Arkanite 2018/02/27 Vita Media Center
Simple video player for PS Vita. Media Players 1.03 yizhigai 2022/12/10 Vita Sample AVPlayer
Sequentially plays MP3s stored in a PC HDD via WiFi. Media Players 0.57 moody.b 2018/10/05 SeqMp3Player
Turn M.C. Escher into a cool DJ. Music 2021 dos 2021/08/09 DJescher
Open-Source, Usable Osu! Client. Tailored and Adjusted for the Vita and Embedded. Music 1.20 gl33ntwine 2022/04/29 Osu!octave
Port of Geometry Dash for PS Vita. Music 1.02 hatoving 2024/01/26 Geometry Dash Vita
Listen to a group of singing potato. Music dee4c4e dos, Holy Pangolin 2021/08/07 Non-Competitive Singing Potatoes
A Dance Dance Revolution like game. Music 1.0.1 Rinnegatamante 2023/09/24 Beat2x Vita
Port of Beat Hazard 2 for PS Vita. Music 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2023/03/13 Beat Hazard 2 Vita
Port of Isabelle Dance Studio for PS Vita. Music 1.02 huckleberrypie, ParkingLotStudio 2023/03/19 Isabelle Dance Studio
A homebrew PlayStation Vita soundboard application. Music Apps 1.0 teakhanirons 2020/05/03 CoolBoardPlaysSounds
Spotify Connect client for PS Vita. Music Apps 0.2.9 michal4132 2023/01/04 Cspot Vita
A favorite FT2 compatible music tracker ported to PlayStation Vita. Music Apps 1.03 TheMorc 2023/06/19 MilkyTracker Vita
Unofficial port of Little Piggy Tracker (aka LittleGPTracker). Music Apps 1.4.3-bacon5-vita isage 2024/11/04 LittleGPTracker
Synth and stepsequencer for PS Vita. Clone of the famous nanoloop. Music Apps 0.77a yoyz 2017/04/18 Picoloop
Audio spectrum analyzer for PS Vita. Music Apps 0.1.6 pyroesp 2017/09/09 vitaFFT
Voice recorder for PS Vita. Music Apps 1.0 VitaHEX games 2017/08/31 Voice Recorder Vita
Autovpk allows you to install Adrenaline, Pkgj and Autoplugin in a minute. Other Apps 1.26 theheroGAC 2021/04/18 Auto Installer vpk
It is an app that allows direct connection to the CbpsDB store without manually entering the address Other Apps 1.0 theheroGAC 2020/06/08 CbpsDB Direct
An unofficial Youtube application for PS Vita based on SCE VSL framework. Other Apps 1.0 GrapheneCt 2021/02/17 CBPSTube
Simple application has totally enabled the download of files with https / http protocol on PS Vita. Other Apps 0.23 Xa_904 2018/01/06 File Downloader
Simple application to access the site uses LUA and based on sources by Team OneLua. Other Apps 1.02 theheroGAC 2021/09/18 GamesAndConsoles app
Text editor for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.1.1 jakibaki 2016/09/06 Simple Text Editor
ePSP bubble cloner. Other Apps 1.1 Markus95 2017/02/12 Clonage Bulle ePSP
Virtual encyclopedia of game systems. Other Apps 0.3 VitaHEX games 2020/10/04 Consolepedia 3D
An automatically creates the pkgi folder and injects the config.txt to speed up the operations with the pkgj tool. Other Apps 1.01 Sam 2018/09/22 PKGJTXT Injector
Simple interface to support beginners to use Ds3vita by xerpi. Other Apps 1.01 David Nuñez (DavisDev) 2018/05/03 Easy Ds3
Copies Livearea app assets to appmeta folder. Other Apps 1.01 cy33hc 2020/09/30 CopyIcons
IRC client for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2016/09/15 luaIrc
PSV Trophies Fixer. Other Apps 1.1 Yoti 2018/03/21 PSV Trophies Fixer
Delete all dump files generated when the application crashes. Other Apps 1.1 Princess of Sleeping 2018/05/08 Crash Dump Delete
Lua interpreter for PS Vita. Other Apps Nightly Rinnegatamante 2020/01/16 Lua Player Plus Vita
App to ease adding new controllers support to ViXEn. Other Apps 1.0 isage 2023/03/24 VXHelper
View GitHub users, repos, and releases from a PS Vita. Other Apps Beta 2 robDevs 2020/01/08 RepoHub
Simple app to enhance the shortcuts on the PS Vita index menu. Other Apps 2.00 ONELua Team 2019/06/05 Shortcuts Enhancer
Decrypts content and installs decrypted content to the system. Other Apps 233.2zEx BeniYukiMai 2016/10/09 MaiDumpTool
Manga downloader for PS VIta. Other Apps 2.5 MyLegGuy 2019/03/07 Manga Downloader
A homebrew app that can unlock trophys for any game. Other Apps 1.5 SilicaAndPina 2019/08/31 TropHAX Standalone Edition
Small app that deletes the yyl.log file and then launches YoYo Loader Vita. Other Apps 1.0 DRok17 2022/05/09 Log Reset For YoYo Loader Vita
Preview the trophies and their status for each game and delete trophies as desired. Other Apps 1.03 ONElua Team 2023/09/15 Trophy Manager
Simple application that opens a web browser to YouTube. Other Apps 1.07 theheroGAC 2019/05/15 TubeVita
Theme Manager for PS Vita. Other Apps 4.02 Red Squirrel 2024/05/08 Custom Themes Manager
Import multimedia contents to official apps. Other Apps 0.91 cnsldv 2017/05/17 Vita Media Importer
Ukrainian OS localization installer. Other Apps 0.9 gl33ntwine & Danil_linaD 2024/08/13 Vitohlyad
Load SELF files from MMC. Other Apps 0.2 Voxel 2017/01/08 StemLoader
DVD logo screensaver app. Other Apps 1.0 Electric 2020/03/30 DVD Screensaver
Force PocketStation on all PS1 titles. Other Apps 1.1 SilicaAndPina 2022/09/09 PocketStationUnlocker
A management tool for the VITA icon-layout and app database. Other Apps 1.20 Deltaclock 2017/10/25 Database Manager
App.db Database Updater for PS Vita. Other Apps 2.0 KanadeEngel 2016/12/31 Database Updater
PS Vita PHP 8.1 interpreter port. Other Apps 1.0 isage 2022/06/21 PHP Player plus plus
Mario Kart randomizer for the PS Vita. Other Apps 1.00 Tau5 2021/03/27 Mkrandom
Check if the console is enabled. Other Apps 1.2 Draqen 2017/08/01 System Check Enabled
Mod of VitaPad with updated controls. Other Apps 1.3 mod DvaMishkiLapa 2024/01/04 VitaPad Mod
Download Livearea/VitaShell themes from your PS Vita. Other Apps 2.1 Mithrenes, xamthor 2023/02/06 TEMA
E-book Reader (PCSC80012) translation + custom books PC companion app V2.0. Other Apps 24.01.2021 GrapheneCt 2021/01/24 E-book Reader
This app offers a simple select and install option for some of the most common apps for you Vita. Other Apps 1.0 AntHJ 2022/05/31 Quick App Downloader
A useful tool for those who want to manage and switch between different memory allocation setups on their PS Vita, SD2Vita, and other related devices. Other Apps 1.00 AntHJ 2022/03/22 Memory Switcher
Custom Bubbles/Livearea w/ Game Manuals. Other Apps 5.1 Belickade 2021/06/15 AdrenalineDocs
Hatsune Miku random image viewer. Other Apps 1.8 null, EK720, Avellea, SonicMastr 2024/11/04 Miku Vu
Manga/Comic reader for PS Vita. Other Apps 0.911 Creckeryop 2023/07/09 Noboru
Download and Update PS Vita titles. Other Apps 1.2 Princess-of-Sleeping 2018/06/20 Title-Update-Downloader
Creates a bubble for Adrenaline/ARK. Other Apps 3.1 CelesteBlue 2017/03/19 ePSP Bubble Installer
An application for drawing waves of the home screen as they are. Other Apps 2.1 Princess-of-Sleeping 2024/02/29 psp2waveviewer
Notepad++ clone for PS Vita. Other Apps 0.31 Arkanite 2017/03/19 Notepad++ (VE)
With this application, PS Vita/PS TV acts as a simple HTTP server. Other Apps 1.10 Princess-of-Sleeping 2020/06/12 PSP2-HTTP-Server
Notepad app for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.0 VitaHEX games 2017/09/15 Notepad Vita
A lightweighted homebrew downloader that uses VitaDB as source. Other Apps 2.1.0 Electric, THEN00P 2021/08/15 EasyVPK
Flash player on vita. Other Apps 1.0.5 Moqi01 2024/10/01 XnaFlashPlayer
Toggle plugins related to playing on a big screen. Other Apps 1.0 Kirezar 2018/08/23 EasySwitchVita
Advanced theme manager for PS Vita. Other Apps 2.1 kylon 2019/01/14 Theme Manager EX
Procedural planets generator. Other Apps HENkaku Primer0, Ruben_Wolfe 2016/07/31 Procedural Planets
Custom Firmware 3.65 HENkaku Ens? Updater for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.0 TheFloW 2018/03/12 3.65 HENkaku Ensō Updater
Realtime London trains tracker app. Other Apps 1.00 Mysters789 2020/12/11 TrainsLIVE - London
Stream PC session to your PS Vita. Other Apps 0.8b Arkanite 2017/12/24 PC Link
Turn your PS Vita into a PNGtuber. Other Apps 0.4-beta WolfgirlBreeder 2023/08/14 PNGLive
Online ID changer for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.0 theorywrong 2017/02/10 PS4 ReLink
Hatsune Miku random image viewer. Other Apps 1.51 null, EK720, SonicMastr 2024/10/11 Spiced Miku Vu
Bypass PSN for PSM titles. Other Apps 2.1 Yoti 2019/12/03 PSM Manager
This application is an alternative for the PlayStation Store application. Other Apps 0.2.0 cuevavirus 2021/04/15 PlayStation Mini Store
Tool to aid memory card swapping between Vitas using HENkaku. Other Apps 1.0 atreyu187 2016/08/15 MemCardSwap with Icon
PSP homebrews downloader. Other Apps 0.9b Arkanite 2017/05/26 PSP Homebrew Browser
Turn your PS Vita into a gamepad for your PC! Other Apps 1.3.0 DvaMishkiLapa 2024/12/16 VitaOxiPad
Mod of Vita Moonlight with support for 1280x720 and 1920x1080 resolutions. Other Apps 0.9.2 GrapheneCt 2020/12/01 Vita Moonlight HD
Install ARK-2 in 3.60 HENkaku. Other Apps 2.30 ONElua Team (gdljjrod, DevdadisNunez) 2017/06/28 ArkFast
Homebrew to sync savefiles with your drive. Other Apps 0.0.1 add-le 2023/11/06 PS Vita Sync
Installer and Configuration Tool for Pigs in a Blanket Other Apps 1.10 SonicMastr 2021/01/31 PIB Configuration Tool
Install 3.60 over 3.60. Other Apps 2018 SilicaAndPina 2018/08/04 Firmware Reinstall
Text translator for Play Station Vita. Other Apps 1.0 ONElua Team (gdljjrod, DevdadisNunez) 2017/03/10 ONEtranslate
Flashlight app for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.0 Arkanite 2017/07/10 Flash Light
Reset PS Vita Parental Control. Other Apps 2018 SilicaAndPina 2018/08/04 Parental Control Bypass
Lua Interpreter for PlayStation Vita. Other Apps 4.10 ONElua Team 2018/02/06 ONEluaVita
Fetches and reads json data about covid19. Other Apps beta 1 robDevs 2020/03/28 covid19-data
Decrypt/Encrypt Trophy Data Folders at mass. Other Apps 1.1 SilicaAndPina 2018/11/29 TrophyDumper
An app for PS Vita to make the process of subscribing to pewdiepie on youtube much easier. Other Apps 2018 SilicaAndPina 2018/12/03 Subscribe To Pewdiepie
Weather application for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.00 joel16 2017/03/19 VITAforecast
Sets PS Vita date ahead by 10000 years to match up with the Holocene Calendar. Other Apps 2019 SilicaAndPina 2019/12/31 HoloCeneSync
fontRedirect plugin manager. Other Apps 1.0 cxziaho 2017/09/29 fontInstaller
An app store for the PS Vita. Browse, download, and launch Vita homebrews. Other Apps 0.92 devnoname120 2020/04/20 Vita Homebrew Browser
3D Fractal Renderer based on a PC one for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.0 Sjoerd Wouters (sjoerdwouters) 2022/01/11 Fractal3D
Download homebrews directly from your PS Vita. Other Apps 1.1 SMOKE 2016/09/22 VPKMirror Direct Installer
Bilibili client for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.5.1 xfangfang 2025/02/23 wiliwili
A simple app to Track the Wheel of the Year (made in GM:S) Other Apps 1.1 KuromeSan 2020/07/24 Wheel of the Year
VitaCord given new life, currently WIP. Other Apps 1.0.2 WeegeeDEVELOPER 2021/11/25 VitaCord Reboot
Turn your vita into (wired) dualshock 3. Other Apps 1.1 isage 2025/03/10 ViViD
Advanced camera app for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.1 VitaHEX games 2017/08/16 Pro Camera Vita
Utility to call URIs. Other Apps 0.1 Freakler 2016/08/23 vita-uriCaller
Moonlight Vita with support for LT/RT/LS/RS. Other Apps 0.7 impiernonaito 2020/04/28 Moonlight Vita LT/RT/LS/RS Fix
Wakes PS Vita on a set battery percentage. Other Apps 1.0 CallmeBK 2021/06/27 VitaBatteryAlarm
Switch between your PSN accounts on your Vita. Other Apps 2.4 pendor 2016/09/18 AccountSwitcher
Mandelbrot/Julia set explorer. Other Apps 0.1.2 Imroy 2020/12/20 VitaBrot
Configurator GUI for ps4linkcontrols plugin. Other Apps 0.1 keltar 2020/06/12 ps4linkcontrols-gui
Discord client for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.5fix1 coderx31 2017/11/07 VitaCord
Official Vita client for VitaDB. Other Apps 2.1 Rinnegatamante 2024/08/15 VitaDB Downloader
Download files from HTTP links. Other Apps 0.1 Voxel 2016/12/06 VitaDL
Button remapper for PS Vita. Other Apps 00.10 ShadowPrince 2017/01/29 AdvRemap
Japanese learning utility for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.0 BK 2023/09/22 Genki Vocab
QR Decoder for PS Vita. Other Apps 0.2.1 linhtinh11 2017/01/06 qrdecoder
Allows the user to change/delete PSN accounts without a system restore. Other Apps 1.2 SilicaAndPina 2018/08/04 Simple Account Switcher
Use your PS Vita as a PC controller. Other Apps 1.3 Rinnegatamante 2020/07/20 VitaPad
McDonalds eCDP Serial Code generator For PS Vita. Other Apps 1.0 SilicaAndPina 2022/11/28 eCDPKeygen
Advanced Whitelister for PS TV. Other Apps 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2021/04/06 AntiBlacklist
Replaces System Apps with VitaShell. Other Apps 1.2.6 emiyl 2018/04/07 HBInjector
Lock and Unlock your apps quickly and easily. Other Apps 1.2 AntHJ 2021/08/15 AppLocker
Clock for PS Vita, Design based on RedDeerGames AAA Clock for NS. Other Apps 1.0 BurAndBY 2021/12/06 Clock Vita
Spoof homebrew game to be a Vita game. Other Apps 0.01 TerraCadenceRedux 2016/09/11 MolecularShell Disguisers
Account Manager for PS Vita. Other Apps 0.91 windsurfer1122 2019/09/01 Vita Account Manager
HackInformer redirecter for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.0 HackInformer Staff 2017/03/24 App
PS Vita serial terminal. Other Apps 1.0 isage 2022/12/20 Vfterm
Trophy app for homebrews. Other Apps 1.0 Island_Games 2021/11/10 Bartender
PSX/PSP Livearea bubbles enhancer. Other Apps 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2018/04/08 RetroLivearea
Shows current battery percentage. Other Apps 1.0 Ruben_Wolfe 2016/09/04 Battery Indicator
NVIDIA Moonlight Streamer port. Other Apps 0.9.3 xyzz, d3m3vilurr, ShadowPrince 2023/04/26 Vita Moonlight
Purge game logs and errors. Other Apps 2.0 KanadeEngel 2016/12/31 History Deleter
Savegames cheat application. Other Apps 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2017/10/09 rinCheat SE
Checks for your net profile. Other Apps 0.1 joel16 2017/03/17 VITA Net Check
3D Model Viewer for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2017/07/23 Vita Object Loader
Homebrew downloader for PS Vita. Other Apps 0.3 D5C85B13876B8 2016/10/21 Homebrew Downloader
Download homebrews directly from PS Vita. Other Apps 0.95 THEN00P 2017/03/11 Better Browser Downloader
Homebrew Browser and Downloader for PS Vita with background downloads support. Other Apps 1.44 M Ibrahim 2024/09/12 Better Homebrew Browser
An app that automatically solves any Rubiks cube scheme thanks to Friedrich method. Other Apps 2020 Anchitpatra 2020/03/12 Rubik's Cube Solver
Stopwatch utility for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.0 Anchitpatra 2020/02/11 Vita Timer by Anchitpatra
Experimental Live2D face tracking software. Other Apps 0 GrapheneCt 2023/01/17 LiveRig
Stopwatch/timer for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.03 sinusinu 2020/02/11 Vita Timer by sinusinu
Document Reader for PS Vita. Other Apps 0.4.0a pathway27 2018/10/14 Bookr Mod Vita
Manual reader for PS Vita. Other Apps 1.0 BenMitnick 2017/06/15 VitaBooks
Theme manager for VitaShell. Other Apps 1.0 Ruben_Wolfe 2016/09/02 VitaShell Theme Manager
This app can save current account data + activation data with the touch of a button and lets you transfer it to your PC with qcma as a PSP savedata. Other Apps 1.10 BaltazaR4, ONElua Team 2017/06/22 Account Manager
A simple app to clear out login details and run the sign up app allowing you to switch accounts. Other Apps 1.2 SilicaAndPina 2018/03/04 Advanced Account Switcher
Collection of emulators for various platforms. Other Emulators 1.20.0 Libretro Team 2025/01/05 RetroArch
CHIP-8/SCHIP-8 Emulator. Other Emulators 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2017/10/17 MicroCHIP
Frontend for libretro cores including several cores. Other Emulators 1.10 yizhigai, noword 2024/06/17 Emu4Vita Arch
A frontend based on the Libretro API. Other Emulators 0.24 noword 2025/03/23 Emu4Vita Plus
Port of Sculptor for PS Vita. Other Games 1.2 Rayc 2023/02/24 Sculptor Vita
A re-creation of Shark! Shark! for PS Vita. Other Games 2023 Jacob Fliss 2023/04/07 Shark! Shark!
Kitten Cannon clone. Other Games 1.0 Jonathan Holmes (crait) 2016/08/27 Chicken Launcher
A topside view fighter game featuring tanks. Other Games 1.3 Spartanfox 2019/03/21 Rocket Tank
A Port of Coffee Talk for PS Vita. Other Games 1.35 PatnosDD 2024/04/10 Coffee Talk Vita
Collection of games made by Lapy. Other Games 1.0 Lapy 2021/01/26 Lapy Games Collection
Port of slime-vball for PS Vita/PS TV. Other Games 1.0/0 Island_Games 2022/09/05 Slime vBall
Port of Late Shift for PS Vita. Other Games 1.0.1 Rinnegatamante 2023/09/24 Late Shift Vita
An endless tunnel game made in Unity. Other Games 1.0 roc6d 2022/02/20 Contrast
A game where you have to port HENkaku to 3.80. Other Games 1.0 SilicaAndPina 2019/04/21 Hello_World();
Cookie Clicker game for PS Vita. Other Games 0.2 Creckeryop 2017/11/19 Cookie Clicker
A short parody game made with Unity. Other Games 2019 coderx31, dots_tb 2019/04/23 HHHSRP
Pureya for PS Vita. Other Games 1.0 PatnosDD 2024/09/20 Pureya
Clone of Cup Critters. Other Games 1.0 FantaHourglass 2019/04/07 Cup Critters
Clone of MarmeladeBoy LCD console for PS Vita. Other Games 1.0 Bunkai 2023/08/07 MarmaladeBoy LCD
A minigame made for the Nomad Game Jam. Other Games d1537f0 dos 2022/11/16 Boiled Corn
Simple endless game for the PS Vita. Runs on Lua Player Plus Vita. Other Games 0.2 gnmmarechal 2017/03/17 Starfield Vita
Open source game ported to PS Vita. Other Games 1.02 Paulo 2019/04/01 Me and The Castle
An Apparently Normal Room for Playstation Vita. Other Games beta MaloneCZSD 2024/08/13 An Apparently Normal Room
Port of Desert Golfing for PS Vita. Other Games 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2024/01/31 Desert Golfing Vita
Port of Neet Girl Date Night for PS Vita made using the Renpy Vita Dist Tools. Other Games 1.0 raidengugga 2024/08/14 Neet Girl Date Night Vita
Plug & Play for the PlayStation Vita (unfinished). Other Games Alpha MaloneCZSD 2024/07/23 Plug & Play
Port of Echo: Route 65 for PS Vita. Other Games 01.01 TheRealMisterMemer 2024/03/24 Echo: Route 65
Avoid to be hit game. Other Games 1.0 Modello 2019/04/14 The Orange Sunflower
Port of Echo Moth for PS Vita. Other Games 1.0 Paulo 2019/04/07 Echo Moth
Minigame about avoiding falling objects. Other Games 1.0.0 Domino 2023/10/23 Epicki Twój Stary
A deckbuilder game for PS Vita. Other Games 1.0 InquisitionImplied 2019/04/23 OpenSeason
Avoid hitting walls and other cars for as long as possible. Other Games 1.01 Lapy 2019/04/18 Overcome
A fan-made collision game featuring characters from the visual novel Katawa Shoujo. Other Games 01.10 avonder 2024/10/18 Katawa Crash
A game i made randomly in Gamemaker 8.1. Other Games 1.2 SilicaAndPina 2018/11/28 CreeperDiver
GameMaker: Studio Homebrew Games. Other Games 2020 SilicaAndPina 2020/03/15 ShepHard
Labyrinth game for PS Vita. Other Games 1.0 Aionmagan 2023/11/04 Flick
An unfinished physics game. Other Games wip TheFloW 2016/09/04 BubbleRide
A mix of Cookie Clicker type games and hypercasual games. Other Games 11 Bizzy, Usagi 2021/01/20 Highschool Blob Attack
Port of Let's Golf 2 for PS Vita. Other Games 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2025/02/27 Let's Golf 2 Vita
Port of Pocket Wonder Sport for PS Vita/PS TV. Other Games 1.0 m1s3ry 2021/04/13 Pocket Wonder Sport
Chain reaction game for PS Vita. Other Games 0.2 SvennD 2017/10/22 vita-chain
Port of Garuda. Enter the beautiful nightly world of Garuda. Other Games 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/02/28 Garuda
Clone of Game and Watch Octopus game. Other Games 1.0 JacobsPlayground 2019/08/03 G&W Octopus
Collection of three minigames for PS Vita. Other Games 1.0 Lapy 2022/10/11 Ghost of Tsushima Mini Games
A decompilation of Temple Run. Other Games patch 2 SnesFX 2023/03/04 Temple-De-Run
Wanted! clone from SM64DS. Other Games 1.3 Rinnegatamante 2016/08/23 vitaWanted
A Vita Port of Lolicopocalypse, a game by quasist for Ludum Dare 24. Other Games 1.0 dots-tb 2020/01/13 LolicopocalypseVita
Hangman game for PS Vita. Other Games 1.1A-TH1 Aurora, Jackiepooh, Rinnegatamante 2018/04/06 Vita Hangman - Touhou Edition
Playstation Vita Port of Junipers Knot by Dischan. Other Games 0.99 Grimiku 2024/06/14 Juniper's Knot Vita
Port of Pickleball Pro for PS Vita. Other Games 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2024/08/15 Pickleball Vita
Clicker game for PS Vita/PS TV. Other Games 1.0 Ccoolguy 2020/05/28 Bit Clicker
A simple game of Bop It! Other Games 1.0 AntHJ 2022/05/25 BopIt
Pokemon Go clone for PS Vita. Other Games 0.1.0 VitaHEX games 2017/11/30 Vitamon GO
Missile command style game. Other Games 1.03 Lapy 2019/04/03 Save The Scene
A command line interface that utilizes vitacompanion by devnoname120. PC Utilities 2019 imcquee 2019/08/14 vitacompanion Command Line Interface
Homebrew manager for PSV/PS3/PS4. PC Utilities 1.5 MRGhidini 2019/04/27 Sony Homebrew Manager
Signs PSX MCR files for use with the Vita PSP emulator. PC Utilities 1.1 dots-tb 2019/07/25 vita-mcr2vmp
Converts HTML Guides to Vita Manuals. PC Utilities 1.0 RawBOT 2022/05/19 FAQ to Vita Manual Converter
Server for Content Downloader. PC Utilities 1.0 KuromeSan (SilicaAndPina) 2020/07/06 Content Downloader
A streaming app which let you plug and play your PS Vita to your PC without hassle. PC Utilities 4 lazydevyo 2019/02/06 PSVitaPlay
Convert the region sectors of PS1 .bin disc images (without modifying the game display resolution). PC Utilities 1.02 wad11656 2022/09/15 SetRegion-GUI
Install vpk files to your PS Vita with FTP. PC Utilities b3.0 Llop1s 2016/09/14 FTP VPK Installer
Run any PS1 or PSP game on any PS Vita (including OFW). PC Utilities 2.0.4 CBPS Team 2024/01/11 Chovy-Sign
A CXML de/compiler supporting PS4 and PS Vita CXML Files, such as rco, rcs and PC Utilities 11 SilicaAndPina 2022/09/07 CXML Compiler
Library to interact with Vita USB MTP protocol. PC Utilities 2013 yifanlu 2013/07/07 VitaMTP
Firefox extension to allow the old Valkyrie PlayStation Store to be loaded. PC Utilities 1.4 KuromeSan (SilicaAndPina) 2021/04/24 ValkyrieStore
Small script written in Python to dump PS Vita icons to the PC from Vita appmeta folder using FTP. PC Utilities 1.0.0 Lvieira21 2020/10/15 Vita Icon Downloader
Convert .pkg to NoNpDrm format. PC Utilities 1.0 ScarletDreamz 2017/10/06 NoMorePacKaGe
VitaDock+ is the new and improved VitaDock software. PC Utilities 2.6 SilentNightx 2023/11/07 VitaDock Plus
Convert text guides to Vita manual PNG files. PC Utilities 1.3 RawBOT 2021/10/05 Text to Vita Manual Converter
A standalone utility to turn your PC into a dock for the PlayStation Vita. PC Utilities 1.0 NekoMimi 2022/10/31 VitaDock Lite
Python Tool to run through all the manual steps of patching a game for Trinity by TheOfficialFloW. PC Utilities 0.6 bamhm182 2019/06/24 FinTrinity
Simple PS Vita tool which let you install VPK via QCMA. PC Utilities 1.05 NunaticAlumina 2016/10/03 QuickInstaller
Extract and upload game data/homebrew app via FTP to PS Vita directly on the fly. PC Utilities 0.6.1 soywiz 2017/08/27 VitaOrganizer
This program allows batch decryption of NPDRM encrypted PS Vita titles. PC Utilities 1.0.1 SuleMareVientu 2024/07/20 PSVita NPDRM Decryptor
Use your Ps Vita as an Android Controller. PC Utilities 1.2-beta SonryP 2017/01/20 VitaMote for Android
Utility to trim and restore PSV card images. PC Utilities 0.1 Alpha pez2k 2017/09/24 PSVTrimmer
An alternative PKG unpacker. PC Utilities 1.7 RikuKH3 2017/10/07 PS Vita PKG Unpacker
A PC app that shows Game Names instead of Game IDs for your directories. PC Utilities 1.2 i-snake-z 2020/09/19 Vitagamedir
Transfer digital PSP games to PS Vita. PC Utilities 1.2 KuromeSan 2023/07/10 Chovy-Trans
Convert pkg files to zip ones. PC Utilities 2.6 Yoti, mmozeiko, lusid1 2024/06/29 pkg2zip
PKG decrypter and extractor. PC Utilities 1.1 st4rk, weaknespase 2017/09/25 PkgDecrypt
A trophy building app for Vita Homebrew games. PC Utilities 1.0 island-games 2021/11/16 Mixologist
Convert videos to .PSHV format. PC Utilities 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2017/09/25 vid2pshv
Create video bubbles for PS Vita. PC Utilities 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2017/09/28 Video Bubbles Creator
Vita Homebrew Browser client for Android. PC Utilities beta-11 Electric1447 2020/11/03 VHBB-Android
A simple to use GUI for Lua Player Plus. PC Utilities 1.0 gnmmarechal 2016/08/21 Lua Player Plus Builder
GUI for PSVIMGTools. PC Utilities 1.8.7 MrGhidini 2022/03/21 Psvimgtools Easy Frontend
Vita CMA backups decrypter/encrypter. PC Utilities 0.1 yifanlu 2017/02/20 psvimgtools
Tools for decrypting PS Vita PFS filesystem. PC Utilities 2.0 motoharu 2018/01/27 psvpfstools
Python .psv format manipulator and verification toolset. PC Utilities 0.1.0 kageurufu 2017/09/26 psvtools
Opensource implementation of Sony CMA. PC Utilities 0.4.1 codestation 2016/11/24 Qcma
Change Discord Rich Presence to PS Vita games. PC Utilities 1.0.0 Electry 2020/04/03 VitaPresence
Tool to create categories and repacks of Guess it! PC Utilities Howling Wolf, ChelseaFantasy, FALLEN, Sliter, Solzodiac7 2021/06/06 Guess It! Customization Tool
PC library manager app. PC Utilities 0.5 MatNyaga 2019/12/08 Vita Book Edit
A community project started by xCorra which aimed to create and produce Switch-like docks for the PlayStation Vita. PC Utilities Final CrashCortez 2019/11/14 VitaDock VLC
BootAnimation creator for enso_ex and CBS-Manager. PC Utilities 2.0 SKGleba 2019/05/21 PSP2-CBAnim
A tool for getting proper serial numbers for psx games. PC Utilities 2020 BertrandHustle 2020/02/12 PSX Scraper
A small utility to create or edit unencrypted TROPHY.TRP files without the need of the Official Sony SDK. PC Utilities 0.1 withLogic 2023/09/03 Vita TRP Builder
GameMaker Studio 1.4.xxxx - PS Vita export tool. PC Utilities 1.7.7 KuromeSan (SilicaAndPina) 2021/12/13 GayMaker
A tool to assist with making your cheat file for rinCheat. PC Utilities 1.1 Red7s 2016/09/15 rinCheat Assistant
Updated psvpfstools with offline F00D crypto, tools by motoharu for decrypting PS Vita PFS filesystem. PC Utilities 2.2 cuevavirus 2019/08/25 psvpfstools mod
Improved server app for Vita Presence. Support for Discord Rich Presence game thumbnails. PC Utilities 0.1 TheMightyV 2020/06/21 vita-presence-the-server
A simple tool to manipulate Sony PSP(tm) PRX files. PC Utilities 1.0 TheFloW 2018/07/30 prxtool
VSCODE extension that utilizes vitacompanion by devnoname120. PC Utilities 1.1.1 imcquee 2019/08/12 vitacompanion VSCode extension
Custom themes creation helper. PC Utilities 1.0 AntHJ 2023/10/01 Vita ThemeBUILDER & IconBUILDER
A tool for configuring waveparam on Windows by connecting to PS Vita via USB. PC Utilities 1.0 Princess-of-Sleeping 2024/02/29 psp2wpp-remote-conf
Properly zzBlank and Format your SD card with the correct allocation and file system . This may also detect fake SD cards. PC Utilities 1.2 AntHJ 2021/07/13 SD2Vita Helper Tool
Decrypt and launch PSN Store Vita games without plugins. PC Utilities 2019 botik 2020/09/12 Decrypt PSN Store Vita
A bundle of RE tools for analyzing and modding PS Vita OS. PC Utilities 1.0 Various authors 2022/10/05 PS Vita Reverse Engineering Tools
Convert VNDS games to be usable with Higurashi-Vita. PC Utilities 1.4 ideal-fire 2020/10/07 VNDSVitaConverter
Decrypt Vita CMA backups. Original by Yifan Lu. PC Utilities 0.1-mod soarqin 2019/08/28 psvimgtools by soarqin
Jump Jump port for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 LuckTheGamers 2019/08/25 Jump Jump
A fork of Sonic Nexus for PS Vita (WIP). Platform 2.0 SnesFX 2023/02/22 Sonic Nexus
Cave Story PS Vita port (based on CSE2). Platform 1.0.4 IRUZZ 2024/06/15 Cave Story Vita
Port of Celeste Classic for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 Decomius 2021/03/06 ccleste-vita
Port of Kero Blaster for PS Vita. Platform 1.2 kaaass 2022/07/19 Kero Blaster Vita
Wizard Wizard - GM:S port for the PS Vita. Platform 1.0 Crateboy, JeffRuLz345 2018/10/25 Wizard Wizard
Simple 2D platformer with wonky physics Platform 1.0 stacksta 2021/06/07 Wonky Adventures
A simple first person platformer. Platform 1.6 MEGAgameBoy 2023/09/06 Simple FPS Platformer
Port of Worminator 3 for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 Amnon-Dan Meir (ammeir) 2021/05/09 Worminator 3
Port of Commander Genius for PS Vita. Platform 3.0.9-vita.2 Northfear 2021/12/18 Commander Genius
Port of Leap of Faith for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 Markus95 2021/08/14 Leap of Faith
Port of LOVE for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 hatoving 2021/06/05 LOVE
Port of Sonic 1 SMS Remake for PS Vita. Platform 1.9.2 MDashK, Creative Araya 2022/12/01 Sonic 1 SMS Remake
Port of Sonic The Hedgehog for PS Vita. Platform 1.1.0 Xeeynamo 2021/01/21 Sonic 1
Port of Sonic 2 SMS Remake for PS Vita. Platform 2.9.2 MDashK, Creative Araya 2022/12/01 Sonic 2 SMS Remake
Port of Sonic The Hedgehog 2 for PS Vita. Platform 1.1.0 Xeeynamo 2021/01/21 Sonic 2
Port of Sonic 3 A.I.R. (Angel Island Revisited). Platform beta-2 MDashK, gl33ntwine, Rinnegatamante 2024/04/26 Sonic 3 A.I.R.
Sonic CD port to the Vita using Sonic CD 11 Decompilation by Rubberduckycooly. Platform 0.2 SonicMastr 2021/01/05 Sonic CD Vita by SonicMastr
Port of Sonic CD for PS Vita/PS TV based on the decompilation of Sonic CD 2011. Platform 2 Xeeynamo 2021/01/05 Sonic CD by Xeeynamo
Port of Sonic Mania for PS Vita. Platform 1.1 SonicMastr 2023/09/06 Sonic Mania Vita
Port of Sonic SMS 3 Timelines for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 MDashK 2023/07/30 Sonic SMS 3 Timelines
Fanmade Sonic game for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 bayashi 2024/03/14 Sonic The Hedgehog Run
Port of Sonic Time Twisted for PS Vita. Platform MEGAgameBoy 2022/07/14 Sonic Time Twisted
Sonic fanmade game. Platform Demo Soup um 2021/05/11 Sonic Vitality
Port of Sonic Robo Blast 2 for PS Vita. Platform Feb. 12 Rinnegatamante, DerpyBubblez 2019/02/19 Sonic Robo Blast 2
A 2.5D platform game in which you control a cube and have to face various challenges. Platform 2 LuckTheGamers 2019/05/01 Cubik Adventure
A fast-paced 3D platformer. Platform 1.1 FantaHourglass 2019/04/23 Speedrun Vita
Port of Spelunky Classic HD. Platform 1.0 SiulPop 2022/10/19 Spelunky Classic HD
Port of Sqrxz 3 to PS Vita/PSTV. Platform 1.05r Retroguru Team 2019/07/23 SQRXZ 3 - Adventure for Love
Port of Sqrxz 4 for PS Vita/PSTV. Platform 1.02 Retroguru Team 2019/04/15 SQRXZ 4 - Cold Cash
A fangame of Super Smash Bros franchise. Platform 0.02 Project Team 2021/01/24 Super Fighter Bros
Port of Starcatcher for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 withLogic 2023/09/22 Starcatcher
Super Methane Brothers for the Vita. Platform 1.1 usineur 2018/04/20 Methane
An unfinished short platform game. Platform 2021 poto-software 2021/05/19 None Left
Mighty No. 9 for PS Vita (Homebrew Port). Platform demo homebrewfather 2024/03/11 Mighty No. 9
A demo platformer inspired to the secret levels of Super Mario Sunshine. Platform 2.0 SpanishFreddy 2023/01/05 Sunshine Cat
Port of Super Mario War for PS Vita. Platform 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2020/12/03 SuperMarioWar
Port of Super Crate Box. Platform 2 JeffRulz345 2021/12/30 Super Crate Mod
PS Vita port of Spinstar. Platform 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/05/05 Spinstar
The (in)famous remake of the classic NES game Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers. Platform 1.0 tijesef 2019/02/09 Chip and Dale: Remastered
2D Platformer for PS Vita. Platform Build 531 Vektast 2016/08/18 DeathRun To Vita
Port of Super Mario BOOM for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 MEGAgameBoy 2023/04/01 Super Mario BOOM
Port of Mobility! for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 Markus95 (Kus00095) 2021/08/14 Mobility
Port of the Super Mario Maker fan game for the PS Vita. Platform MEGAgameBoy 2023/02/18 Super Mario UniMaker
Platformer for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 RetroGamer74 2019/04/26 Super Pixel Run
Fanmade Sonic game for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 bayashi 2024/08/21 Sonic Vita
A fanmade 3D Super Mario game inspired in mechanics to Super Mario 64 and other 3D Super Mario games. Platform Demo FantaHourglass 2019/03/10 Super Mario Vita
Jump through challenging levels and stomp on the baddies. Platform 1.00 VSM GAMMER 2023/05/16 Stomper
A stealth-platformer made for the Godot Wild Jam #2. Platform 1.2 VSM GAMMER 2023/05/19 Diver Down
A tiny physics-based puzzle platformer. Platform 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/05/20 Bounce Restart
Bounce, hookshot, glide, grind and mostly fall through a candy colored world.. Platform 1.1 bokoyoss 2023/09/28 Dream Punk
Port of the original game made by HarmonyHoney. Platform 1.1.6 Thatoneham, Harmony Honey 2024/11/01 Tiny Crate Vita
Port of Super Mario Bros X for PS Vita. Platform 1.3.7 WohlSoft 2025/01/21 TheXTech (Super Mario Bros X)
Port of The Blues Brothers: Jukebox Adventure engine reimplementation (SDL2) by Gregory Montoir. Platform 1.0 gl33ntwine 2022/01/17 The Blues Brothers: Jukebox Adventure
Port of Blues Brothers engine reimplementation (SDL2) by Gregory Montoir. Platform 1.0 gl33ntwine 2022/01/17 The Blues Brothers
Port of The Curse of Issyos by Locomalito. Platform 2022 ivanproff 2022/02/08 The Curse of Issyos
Platform game for PS Vita. Platform 1.1 RetroGamer74 2019/02/26 The Enchanted Forest
A homebrew platformer. Platform 1.0 VitaCreatorDeveloper 2023/01/18 Not Trust!
Port of The Legend of Edgar for PS Vita. Platform 1.34 Riviera71 2023/09/22 The Legend of Edgar
A dark Gameboy styled adventure platformer. Platform Beta MRKane, Hypatia 2025/01/24 Chasing Dawn
Port of Bugdom 2 for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2025/01/25 Bugdom 2 Vita
A cross-platform port of Hydra Castle Labyrinth. Platform 2023.09.08 JeffRuLz 2023/09/08 OpenHCL
Jazz Jackrabbit open source port for PS Vita. Platform 1.1 usineur 2018/04/13 OpenJazz
A short little 5 minute 2D Platformer game. Platform 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/06/20 Voidspike
Moktar port for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 usineur 2017/11/01 OpenMoktar
Platformer puzzle game for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 David Filipe, Isaque Sanches, João Antunes, Tiago Marques, Tekuno 2021/03/10 Torn
A 2D side-scrolling action platformer with features of a metroidvania RPG. Platform 2022 VS 2022/09/16 Toziuha Night - Order of the Alchemists
Syobon Action (aka Cat Mario) port. Platform 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2017/03/14 OpenSyobon
Titus port for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 usineur 2017/11/01 OpenTitus
nxengine refactoring Platform 2.6.5 nxengine 2022/04/08 NXEngine-evo
A recreation of Super Mario Bros with widescreen patch and some added options. Platform 1.2.7 WeegeeDEVELOPER 2021/11/23 uMario
Its a simple but nice platformer for the PS Vita. Platform 1.4.1 Cubic Games 2021/10/09 Hexagon Jumper
A hard-as-nails platforming collectathon. Platform 2023 VSM GAMMER 2023/08/04 Techmaniac
Platformer game for PS Vita. Platform 1.0.0 Team789er 2020/08/30 Fishpod
Port of Pekka Kana 2 for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2022/07/28 Pekka Kana 2 Vita
Super Mario 64 port for PS Vita. Platform 2021 bythos14 2021/02/25 Super Mario 64 Port
3D Platformer for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 cojam 2023/09/23 Pinkshake
Another uMario port for PS Vita. Platform 1.00 Hammerill 2022/06/21 uMario Vita by Hammerill
An enhanced port of Genesis Plus - accurate and portable Sega 8/16 bit emulator which adds widescreen, S2 2013 enhancements, and more. Platform 1.0.1HF isage, xzyxzy 2022/09/05 Sonic 2 Community's Cut
Wii/PS2 Sonic Unleashed demake for PS Vita. Platform 1.5 UnrealDude06 2024/12/30 Sonic Unleashed
Old game I wrote many years ago as a joke. Platform 1.1 Rufis01 2020/06/07 Super Stoner 420
Sandbox platform game. Platform 0.2 FrozenNoober 2020/03/16 FrozenEngine
Port of Prehistorik 2 engine reimplementation (SDL2) by Gregory Montoir. Platform 1.0 gl33ntwine 2022/01/17 Prehistorik 2
Port of This Is Not A Sorcerers Job by bitmagine Studio. Platform 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/05/06 This Is Not A Sorcerer's Job
A small demo platformer with integrated level editor. Platform Demo Borad Games 2019/04/16 AGWOAN
An open-source port of Prince of Persia. Platform 1.12 Cpasjuste 2016/09/26 Prince Of Persia
A homebrew port/mod of Techmaniac by John Gabriel. Platform 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/08/11 Techmaniac THPG
Port of Bananaguy to the PS Vita. Platform 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/05/07 Bananaguy
Port of Geometrica. Traverse 30 levels by drawing solid lines and circles in this challenging puzzle game. Platform 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/03/06 Geometrica
Abbaye Des Morts port for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2017/12/30 Abbaye Des Morts Vita
PS Vita port of Boni+, a retro-style platformer developed by Pistacho Duck. Platform 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/02/27 Boni+
Port of Animancer, a short metroidvania where you use your enemies habilities to explore. Platform 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/05/21 Animancer
Port of a clone of Jump King for PS Vita. Platform 1.01 Kalekki, Rcoroverss 2025/03/16 Jump King Vita
An Untitled Story - GM:S port to the PS Vita. Platform 1.0 JeffRulz345 2019/01/03 An Untitled Story
Port of Golfing Over it With Alva Majo for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 PatnosDD 2024/01/26 Golfing Over It with Alva Majo
Hydra Castle Labyrinth port for PS Vita. Platform 1.1.1 Rinnegatamante 2018/03/09 Hydra Castle Labyrinth Vita
Fanmade platform game inspired by Halo. Platform 1.76 VegettoSan 2024/07/27 Halo 2D
Port of Red Runner for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 RetroGamer74 2019/03/06 Red Runner
Platform game for PS Vita. Platform 1.10 Retroguru Team 2019/04/29 Hermes
Mari0 (SMB/Portal mix-up) port. Platform 0.1 isage 2022/06/01 Mari0
Gish port to PS Vita. Platform 1.2 isage 2022/07/15 Gish
Port of VVVVVV by Terry Cavanagh. Platform 2.3.4-vita isage 2021/11/25 VVVVVV
Roguelight port for PS Vita Platform 1.0 m1s3ry 2021/03/18 Roguelight
Platformer game for PS Vita. Platform 1.1 ronikgames 2020/07/10 Ronister Adventure Demo
Port of Blasphemous for PS Vita. Platform BETA.1 gl00mm 2024/06/12 Blasphemous Vita
INK port for PS Vita. Platform 1.0.0 m1s3ry 2021/05/27 INK
Port of I Wanna Reach The Unity for the PS Vita. Platform 1.0 MEGAgameBoy 2023/02/26 I Wanna Reach The Unity
Hardcore platform game for PS Vita. Platform Gurila Ware Games 2021/04/23 I Was Rebuilt
An open-source port of Prince of Persia, based on the disassembly of the DOS version. Platform 1.7 usineur 2019/10/13 SDL Prince of Persia
A compilation of the first 3 Plumber games. Using the TheXTech engine. Platform 1.0 BetterWinds 2023/06/22 Super Mario Power Pack
2D platformer for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 Anchitpatra 2019/10/30 Bot-R
Scrolling platform game for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 WIDEGCG 2021/06/07 Boxing Girl
A new adventure starring an unknown character and reimagined from the perspective of JDSoft. Platform 1.1 MEGAgameBoy 2023/02/18 Italian Plumber Adventures
A cruel platform game born in Japan, the birthplace of Vita. Platform 1.4 yungyong 2023/08/23 JUMPJUMPJUMPSTART!!!
Port of the demo of Jailbreaker for PS Vita. Platform 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/05/11 Jailbreaker Vita
2D game with soft body physics. Platform 1.1 Marcin Ploska (Drakon) 2020/03/22 JellyCar
taiHEN plugin for swapping X and O buttons. Plugins 0.2 Scorpeg 2016/12/20 ButtonSwap
Screenshot plugin for PS Vita. Plugins 1.0 reprep, yifanlu 2017/03/26 Screenshot Enabler
Read txts while playing a vita game. Plugins 0.1 pathway27 2021/05/16 Walk
Password protect apps and games. Plugins 1.1 qwikrazor87 2017/01/07 c0ck blocker
A plugin that keeps track of how long you played your games, and an app to show you the values. Plugins 1.1 fmudanyali 2020/09/26 BetterTrackPlug
Use your PS Vita as a USB keyboard. Plugins 1.1 mswlandi 2022/10/30 VitaKeyboard
FinalCheat/VitaCheat and database. Plugins Z06 FinalCheat 2018/12/27 vitacheat
Screenshot watermark disabler plugin. Plugins 1.0 reprep 2017/04/03 Watermark Disabler
Shellbat mod that adds controllers battery indicators. Plugins 2.0 Codiak101 2021/07/18 shellbat Codiak Mod
Shows battery percentage on Livearea statusbar. Plugins r10 nowrep 2019/03/01 Shellbat
Trophy modifier for Wipeout 2048 (Hong Kong British version 1.04). Plugins 1.04 vosman 2017/03/01 Wipeout 2048 Trainer
Shows some info for the running app. Plugins 0.2 Yoti 2019/11/26 ShowInfo Lite
Param.sfo parser for PS Vita. Plugins 0.6 Yoti 2019/12/02 ShowInfo
Cheat plugin for Killzone Mercenary (1.12+DLC). Plugins 3 vosman 2017/01/22 Killzone Trainer
Cheat Plugin for World of Final Fantasy. Plugins 1.01 vosman 2016/11/24 World of Final Fantasy Trainer
DynaRec feature extender plugin for PS Vita. Plugins 0.3.1 TheFloW, bythos14 2024/02/29 kubridge
Kernel-User bridge for basic I/O operations. Plugins 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2017/08/30 kuio
Xbox One controller driver plugin. Plugins 3.3 M Ibrahim 2021/07/13 X1Vita
Adds seconds to Livearea clock. Plugins 1.0 theorywrong 2017/07/01 Lastseconds
SD2Vita driver installer. Plugins 4.0 SKGleba 2020/08/09 YAMT
Use PlayStation Store and sign-in on 3.60-3.65. Plugins 1.0.0 cuevavirus 2021/06/18 reAuth
Cheat plugin for Mortal Kombat. Plugins 0.1 ermaccer 2021/06/14 MK9HookVita
Native 960x544 HDMI output for PSTV. Plugins 1.4.0 cuevavirus 2020/03/09 Sharpscale
Spoof your mac address. Plugins 1.0 Princess of Sleeping 2021/04/17 Mac Address Spoofer
Cheat plugin for Soul Sacrifice Delta 1.3. Plugins 1.3 vosman 2016/10/26 Soul Sacrifice Delta Trainer
Plugin to add an enable / disable toggle for WiFi on PSTV (dolce) systems. Plugins 1.2 Ibrahim778 2023/03/31 DolceWiFi
Allows you to patch vs0 by writing files to ux0:/vshPatch via a FIOS2 Overlay. Plugins 1.0 KuromeSan 2021/08/14 vshPatch
A Plugin to add buttons to quickly launch apps in the quickmenu. Plugins 1.3 Ibrahim778 2022/05/16 QuickLauncher
Library for developers to easily add their own widgets, to the Vita Quick Menu. Plugins 2.5 Ibrahim778 2022/05/16 QuickMenuReborn
Plugin to run HATSUNE MIKU AR STAGE app at any date/time. Plugins 1.1 Avellea 2024/01/25 Mikuar
Plug-in for disabling PS Vita analog stick and more. Plugins 1.2 Hack-Usagi, Princess-of-Sleeping, Yoti 2019/01/09 AnalogStickDisable
Custom boot splash for Henkaku enso. Plugins 1.0 Princess of Sleeping 2018/09/06 PSP2-CustomBootSplash
Customize Warning screen on startup Plugins 2 TheFloW 2018/07/27 Custom Warning
User agent spoofer plugin for PS Vita WebKit. Plugins 1.0 GrapheneCt 2022/05/18 UserAgentSpoofer
Enabled motion sensors on DS3/DS4. Plugins 1.2 OperationNT 2017/08/25 DSMotion
Mountpoint manager. Plugins 3.2 CelesteBlue 2020/01/11 StorageMgr
Connect up to 4 DS3/DS4 to your PS Vita. Plugins beta 5 TheFloW 2021/02/25 MiniVitaTV
A fork of MERLev reVita. Plugins 1.0 Haasman0 2023/08/18 reVita Mod
Experimental savestate plugin. Plugins 0.1 TheFloW 2020/03/05 déjàvu
PS Vita Alien Shooter DLC unlocker. Plugins 2.0 isage 2022/06/18 Alien Shooter DLC unlocker
Enables rearpad usage in system menus. Plugins 0.1 Voxel9 2020/10/22 SysDualTouch
PS Vita plugin to enable usb pairing between adrenaline and PS2/PS3. Plugins 0.1 isage 2023/05/14 Adrenaline USB Enabler
Allows to download any file from webbrowser. Plugins 5 TheFloW 2018/03/07 Download Enabler
PSN check bypass for apps. Plugins 0.1 yifanlu 2017/02/01 Netcheck Bypass
Advanced overclock and info plugin for PS Vita. Plugins 1.4 GrapheneCt 2023/05/05 PSVshellPlus
An experimental plugin for Adrenaline that allows you to play a few games in native resolution. Plugins 0.2 TheOfficialFloW 2020/10/11 GE Patch
A plugin to create a ram disk to mount at uma0. Plugins 1.40 Princess of Sleeping 2021/02/11 Virtual mass storage
Combination of ds3vita and ds4vita with added features. Plugins 1.1 Mer1e, xerpi, Hydr8gon 2021/05/15 ds34vita
Use a Dualshock 3 as PS Vita controller. Plugins beta 3 xerpi 2017/07/30 ds3vita
Adds ds4 touchpad support to PS TV/PS Vita. Plugins 1.1.3 Mer1e 2020/09/28 ds4touch
Disables lockscreen on PS Vita startup/resume. Plugins 2 TheFloW 2018/07/26 NoLockScreen
Use a DS4 on your PS Vita. Plugins hook xerpi 2020/03/24 ds4vita
Bypass DRM on PS Vita contents. Plugins 1.2 TheFloW 2018/03/08 NoNpDrm
Double tap screen to put Vita in standby. Plugins 1.1 joel16 2020/11/14 dt2s-Vita
Removes some restrictions with power modes. Plugins 1.1 Electry 2019/11/04 NoPowerLimits
Bypass DRM on PSM contents. Plugins 1.5 frangarcj 2023/07/31 NoPsmDrm
Plugin that enables extra features for Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition. Plugins 000 forcefiftythree 2016/10/11 DukeMod Plugin
Disables PS Vita auto-sleep feature. Plugins 1.1 NamelessGhoul0 2017/08/09 nosleep
Disabled trophy message on games bootup. Plugins 1 TheFloW 2018/07/26 NoTrophyMsg
A remake of taiHEN plugin that shows battery percent in statusbar. Plugins 1.1 Princess-of-Sleeping 2020/12/17 Shellbat Mod Vita
Custom trophies plugin for PS Vita. Plugins 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2023/08/29 NoTrpDrm
Delete activation warning message. Plugins 1.1 Princess-of-Sleeping 2020/06/12 Red-Msg-Delete
Extract vita boot image. Plugins 1.0 Princess-of-Sleeping 2018/07/17 PSP2-Bootimage-Extractor
Change CPU affinity mask of PS Vita system applications to all user cores. Plugins 2.0 GrapheneCt 2020/04/31 AffinityChanger
Home button light disabler for PS Vita. Plugins 1.2 xerpi, reprep 2017/08/16 noled
A framework for easily executing cmep code. Plugins 1.0 Princess-of-Sleeping 2022/01/01 CmepMgr
A VitaLinux/VitaOS boot menu for PS Vita and PS TV. Plugins 0.2 CreepNT 2020/10/13 BootMenu
Plugin for PS Vita that allows game mode applications to use system-reserved CPU core (CPU3). Plugins 1.4 GrapheneCt 2021/11/17 CapUnlocker
The overlap type coredump kernel module. Plugins Princess-of-Sleeping 2022/09/02 faps-coredump
Spoof CID (ConsoleID) on PS Vita. Plugins 1.0 SilicaAndPina 2018/03/19 cidSpoofer
Vita clocks OSD display. Plugins 1.0 teakhanirons 2019/11/08 DerInClocKS
Dynamic auto overclock/underclock for PlayStation Vita with taiHEN. Plugins 1.0 Electry 2018/07/10 DynClockVita
An always-on background FTP server plugin for PS Vita. Plugins 1.0 teakhanirons 2020/04/13 ftpeverywhere
Ethernet for retail vita. Plugins 1.1 isage 2022/09/24 Vita generic RTL enabler
Simple overclock plugin for taiHen. Plugins 1.2.1 frangarcj 2017/01/16 oclockvita
A plugin that adds some new features in HENkaku Settings. Plugins 1.0 sharun 2018/01/28 HENkaku Settings Mod
PSTV mouse/keyboard driver. Plugins 1.0 isage 2023/06/06 TVIKEY
Minimalist version of oclockvita plugin, sets the CPU/GPU to max without menu and key presses. Plugins 1.0 reprep, frangarcj 2017/05/08 oclockvitaminimal
Puts videoplayer in debug mode. Plugins 2019 SilicaAndPina 2019/10/10 VideoDebug
Plugin for extracting data from .MNH books. Plugins 1.0 GrapheneCt 2020/08/02 HonRipper
Kernel plugin Supports XXX-2000 and PS TV with partition imc0. Plugins 1.0 Y-Sharun 2018/02/03 imc0-mount
A Vita plugin to run programs that do not get decrypted properly. Plugins 1.1.1 FAPS Team 2021/12/20 reF00D
Turn your Vita into a fully functional PC gaming controller with rear touchpad controls. Plugins 2.0.0 carlelieser 2022/10/08 VitaPad by carlelieser
A plugin that lets you record the input you provide to your PS Vita and play it back whenever you need to. Plugins 2.0 Rufis01 2021/10/08 Magic Automatic Fake User Input
Hide MAC address. Plugins 1.1 Y-Sharun 2018/02/17 Mac-Address-Hidden
Update of Lastseconds for HENkaku Ensō. Plugins 1.1 theheroGAC 2017/07/31 Lastseconds Mod
viimote mod with US/EU button layout and L2/R2 support. Plugins 1.0 notagoodscientist 2022/09/04 VitaMote
Makes the ULET-00726 v0.01 prototype playable. Plugins 1.1 Freakler 2022/07/19 psp-manhuntunlock
A plugin that blocks PSN presence and status posts. Plugins 1.0 cuevavirus 2021/04/04 Moonshine
Hides ux0:/app/AUTOPLUG2 from any app its loaded into. Plugins 1.0 SilicaAndPina 2022/08/24 Hide Autoplugin
Updated version of LastSeconds and Shellbat. Previously named ShellDateSecBat. Plugins 10 OperationNT 2019/08/19 ShellSecBat
Kernel plugin for PS Vita that provides API to run Toshiba MeP code on Venezia. Plugins 2.1 GrapheneCt 2022/09/02 VVNZRunner
Permanantly disable AVLS on AVLS-Forced Vitas. Plugins 0.1 SilicaAndPina 2017/10/08 NoAVLS
Universal trophy unlocker for PS Vita. Plugins 2.0 SilicaAndPina 2017/01/29 TropHAX
Blocks Official Apps and Homebrew from locking the PS button. Plugins 1.0 SilicaAndPina 2018/04/03 noPsLock
Bypass DRM Check in PspEmu on PS Vita. Plugins 1.05 LiEnby 2024/02/17 NoPspEmuDrm
Disables PS TV Whitelist for PSM Games. Plugins 1.0 SilicaAndPina 2018/10/10 NoPsmWhitelist
Unlocks hidden copy/paste feature in system software. Plugins 1.0 GrapheneCt 2021/04/29 PasteUnlock
Allows both touchpad remap. Plugins 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2017/07/15 TouchRemap
Plugin that makes blurry textures sharper by changing scaling algorithm. Plugins 1.0 MuxaJlbl4 2021/03/31 Vita Nearest Neighbour
Allows you to modify PSM Games, and also can be used to load PSM Homebrew. Plugins 1.1 SilicaAndPina 2018/04/12 PSMPatch
Keep track of the playtime in your games. Plugins 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2017/05/01 TrackPlug
A plugin that makes sharp, unfiltered textures look smooth by changing the scaling algorithm. Plugins 1.0 swosho 2021/08/03 Vita Bilinear
Take proper PNG screenshots for PS1 games. Plugins 1.0 cuevavirus 2020/03/26 PSOneScrot
A modification of the VSH Menu taiHEN plugin. Plugins 1.420-2 SHROOM 2017/11/17 PSV-VSH-Menu Mod
Quick Menu Plus merges Quick Power, Quick Volume, and Rapidmenu. Plugins 2.0.0 Team CBPS 2020/09/10 Quick Menu Plus
Remaps L2/R2 to rear touchpad zones. Plugins 1.0 Emiougus 2020/07/18 TriggerRemap
A plugin to enable the Skype app on 3.65+. Plugins 1.0 SilicaAndPina 2019/01/12 reSkype
A sample demonstrates how to use shared framebuffer and initialize GXM in PS Vita applications running in system mode. Plugins 1.0 GrapheneCt 2020/03/21 SharedFb-PSV
Henkaku plugin which displays seconds and battery percent in status bar. Plugins 3-M3-F1 Yoti 2017/10/05 ShellSecBat Mod
RapidFire plugin. Plugins 0.3 Rinnegatamante 2019/01/20 TurboPad
Disable screen auto-dimming but keep auto-suspend. Plugins 1.0.1 cuevavirus 2020/09/25 Staybright
Takes a screenshot whenever you get a trophy. Plugins Team CBPS 2020/01/01 TrophyShot
Allows PS Vita streaming via USB. Plugins 1.7 xerpi 2020/09/23 UDCD UVC
Set CPU/GPU/BUS clock speeds to a low value, reducing battery drain. Plugins 1.0 SHROOMKINGonDMT 2018/01/25 Uclockvita
Simulate camera usage on PS TV. Plugins 1.2.1 OperationNT 2021/12/18 FakeCamera
This plugin allows you to use a DualSense controller in the same way as a Dualshock 4 controller on a PlayStation TV, or on a PlayStation Vita with MiniVitaTV. Plugins 1.0 cuevavirus 2021/05/21 System-Integrated DualSense Driver for PlayStation TV
Opposite of the oclockvitaminimal plugin, sets the CPU/GPU clocks to the min on application boot to save battery life. Plugins 1.420 SHROOMKINGonDMT 2017/10/31 uclockvitaminimal
CrashDump Enabler Plugins 1.0 TheFloW 2018/07/06 CrashDump Enabler
Unmount and Remount all drives on PS Vita, allowing RW Access. Plugins 1.0 cxziaho 2017/08/10 unmount
Mount SD2Vita as a fake game cartridge. Plugins 1.0 SKGleba 2021/05/16 fakegc
Unofficial updated version of Amphetamin. Plugins 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2016/08/31 uo_amphetamin
Launch system applications with enlarged memory game in the background. Plugins 1.2 GrapheneCt 2020/04/21 LowMemMode
Driver for SD to Gamecard adapters. Plugins 1.0 SonryP, xyzz 2017/07/12 uo_gamesd
PS Vita taiHEN Plugin. Displays FPS amount. Plugins 420 SHROOMKINGonDMT 2018/09/25 Vita-FPS
Plugin that disables USB connection dialog. Plugins 3.03 M Ibrahim 2024/06/01 USBDisable
Screen filter plugin for PS Vita. Plugins 1.0 David Nuñez (DavisDev) 2017/04/04 VitaFlux
Fixes some of the glaring issues with Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Plugins 2020 Electry 2020/03/24 NFSMW Settings
Mounts USB storage as ux0:/ partition. Plugins 6 yifanlu, TheFloW 2018/06/26 usbmc
Use debug GXM module on retail PS Vita. Plugins 1.0 GrapheneCt 2021/03/16 gxmdbg_r
Kernel plugin that automatically mounts/redirects any storage device on any mount points you want. Plugins 0.1 Electry 2018/07/09 VitaStorage
Change lockscreen background wallpaper. Plugins 1.0.0 cuevavirus 2021/02/25 Fruitpeel
Fork of NoNpDrm by TheFloW. Plugins 1.5 LMAN, SuleMareVientu 2024/04/11 NoNpDrm-LMAN
An utility/remote shell to ease the development process on PS Vita devices. Plugins 2022.03.09 Cpasjuste 2022/03/09 PSP2SHELL
Plugin to set PS Vita brightness. Plugins 2.0 devnoname120 2022/03/18 vitabright
File descriptor invalidation fix for PS Vita. Plugins 1.0 TheFloW 2020/10/27 FdFix
Multifunction plugin based on Ultimate VSH menu for the PSP. Plugins Test Build joel16 2017/04/28 Ultimate VSH Menu
Cheat plugin for Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Plugins 1.03 vosman 2016/10/12 Uncharted Trainer
Silencer for shutter sound. Plugins 2020 cuevavirus 2020/05/05 Quietshot
A VSH menu taiHEN plugin for the PS Vita. Plugins 3.4 joel16 2018/07/24 PSV VSH Menu
Kernel Plugin to make ux0:rePatch allow the modding of encrypted games similar to ux0:patch. Plugins 3.0 dots-tb, CelesteBlue123, SilicaAndPina 2018/11/19 rePatch reDux0:
Drivers for Virtual GC homebrew. Plugins 2.0 motoharu 2019/02/06 PS Vita - Virtual Game Card
Cheat plugin for Unit13. Plugins 1.01 vosman 2016/10/11 Unit13 Trainer
Make the tm0: partition read-only. Plugins 2017 SilicaAndPina 2017/08/02 RoActDat
Mount PC HDD as host0: partition. Plugins 1.0 Cpasjuste 2017/10/12 usbhostfs
Overclocking utility for PS Vita/PSTV. Plugins 1.2beta Electry 2020/10/04 PSVshell
Screen filter plugin for PS Vita. Plugins 0.5 AppleIo 2018/03/25 vFlux
Shows info about PS Vita games. Plugins 0.7 Electry 2019/02/10 VGi
Playstation Vita addcont ID dumper. Plugins 2020 cuevavirus 2020/08/20 Addcont ID Dumper
Stream your PS Vita to PC. Plugins 0.2 Rinnegatamante 2017/12/10 VITA2PC
Battery info viewer plugin. Plugins 1.4 joel16 2017/05/11 VITAbattery
Battery info viewer plugin. Plugins 1.8 Electric, Joel16 2021/06/13 VITABatteryPlus
A pseudo recovery menu for PS Vita. Plugins 1.0 teakhanirons 2020/06/07 EmergencyMount
Redirects system fonts usage from sa0: to ur0: partition. Plugins 1.0 cxziaho 2017/09/24 fontRedirect
Plugin to force language in games. Plugins 0.1 xdanieldzd 2018/07/31 forcelang
Spoofs QA flags. Plugins 0.1 SilicaAndPina 2018/08/04 qaSpoofer
Plugin that spoofs idu mode. Plugins 2018 SilicaAndPina 2018/08/04 IDUSpoofer
FPS counter plugin. Plugins 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2018/07/11 Framecounter
Take BMP screenshots in any app + remove watermark. Plugins 1.3.1 Princess of Sleeping 2020/01/16 bmpshot
Minimalistic benchmarking plugin for PS Vita. Plugins 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2022/12/11 ViBeS
Screenshots enabler plugin for PS Vita. Plugins 1.0 reprep 2017/04/04 Freescreenshots Plugin
Enable video debug play mode with the ability to change sd0 and ux0 folder path from configuration file. Plugins 1 alpakeno 2020/06/03 DePlayEnabler
Change the LCD colour space with one click and force colour space settings in PSPEmu applications. Plugins 1.2.0 lcd-colour-crunch 2020/11/05 LCD Colour Saturation 2
Take PNG screenshots in any app + remove watermark. Plugins 1.3 xyzz 2019/04/06 pngshot
Use a Wiimote as PS Vita controller. Plugins 1.2 xerpi 2018/01/18 viimote
This plugin can play a WAV file as a custom boot jingle on PS Vita / PS TV at boot. Plugins 1 teakhanirons 2020/06/07 Vita-BootSound
8BitDo Pro 2 controller driver plugin. Plugins 1.2 M Ibrahim 2021/07/20 8BitVita
Show system information in settings app Plugins 1.1 cuevavirus 2020/08/27 Sysident
Simple vita plugin to remove watermarks from screenshots. Plugins 0.01 TillusB 2017/04/12 nowatermarks
Change keymap for Remote Play app. Plugins r7 nowrep 2018/07/12 vita-ps4linkcontrols
This plugin can display a 960x544 24 bit RGB BMP (BMP with no alpha) as custom boot splash on PS Vita / PS TV at boot. Plugins 2 teakhanirons 2020/05/18 CustomBootSplashBMP
A plugin to completely disable the 3g function of the PS Vita 3G. Plugins 1.0 VictorGamer072YT 2021/04/20 vita3g-disable
Driver for SD to Gamecard adapters. Plugins 1.6 xyzz 2019/08/31 gamesd
Easy-to-use SceSas and Audiodec library wrapper with system mode applications support. Plugins 1.21b GrapheneCt 2021/02/26 libvitaSAS
Start PSX/PSP apps from bubbles. Plugins 0.5 Leecherman 2017/08/15 Adrenaline Bubble Booter
Plugin to add a wave effect to Livearea background. Plugins 1.1.4 Princess of Sleeping 2023/03/22 psp2wpp
DualShock motion control support for PlayStation TV. Plugins 1.3.1 MERLev 2020/11/22 DS34Motion
Change the DS4 light bar color depending on the colors onscreen. Plugins 1.0 Sarcastic cat 2021/04/16 DS4Ambi
Change games resolution/FPS cap. Plugins 5.0.2 Electry 2019/12/29 VitaGrafix
lv0 secure_kernel syscall6 patch - can replace reF00d. Plugins 1.3 SKGleba 2020/04/15 0syscall6
The first overclock plugin for PS Vita. Plugins 1.0 TheFloW 2016/08/30 amphetamin
A true overclock application for the Vita (500MHz). Plugins Hotfix A dots-tb 2018/08/27 LOLIcon
Analogs deadzone manager/rescaler plugin. Plugins 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2019/11/26 AnalogsEnhancer
Makes impose menu transparent! Plugins 1.0 GrapheneCt 2020/01/25 TransparentImpose
Mount/Unmount PS Vita partitions while in-game. Plugins 1.0 Darkmet98 2016/09/12 VitaMount
Cheat plugin for PS Vita. Plugins 3.01 OneRice07 2017/08/04 GoHANmem
High quality screenshot plugin. Plugins 1.1 GrapheneCt 2020/01/18 QAscreenshot
Control system audio volume without closing games. Plugins 1 GrapheneCt 2020/01/10 Volume Control Pack
Plugin to enable background music play for any game. Plugins 1.0.6 musicpremium 2021/03/02 Music Premium
A kernel module for communicating with Lego NXT from PS Vita. Plugins 2022 isage 2022/11/30 libViLE
Allows to access PSN on lower firmwares. Plugins 5 BETA CelesteBlue 2017/12/29 ReNpDrm/ReStore
rePatch plugin with homebrew app0: and Data migration support (move gamedata to different storage). Plugins 2.1 SonicMastr 2024/04/25 rePatch reLoaded
Removes PS TV Blacklist Checks (VITA/PSP/PS1/PSM). Plugins 1.0 KuromeSan 2019/12/19 DolcePolce
Rescaler replacement for PS Vita. Plugins 0.1 BETA Rinnegatamante 2019/01/27 reRescaler
Mono audio and channel balance plugin. Plugins 1.0.0 cuevavirus 2020/05/05 Monaural
Savedata decrypter and redirector for PS Vita. Plugins 1.2 Princess of Sleeping, SuleMareVientu 2024/07/13 reSavedata
Plugin for automatic volume level switching. Plugins 2.2.0 cuevavirus 2020/09/10 JAV
Remap controls and apply several actions controls related. Plugins 1.0.8 Mer1e 2021/05/16 reVita
Remaps right analog on ARK eCFW. Plugins 1.0 reprep, TheFloW 2017/04/23 ArkRightAnalog
Vita screenshots will be saved into a folder named after the game. Plugins 1.2 dots-tb 2020/02/03 reScreeny
A ds3 connection plugin for PS Vita. Plugins 1.0 Princess of Sleeping 2022/12/03 SceDs3Ext
Overclock plugin. 500mhz at all times + disable power limits plugin. Plugins 1.0 teakhanirons 2019/11/10 LOLITA500/444
Launch an app on Enso startup. Plugins 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2017/08/09 AutoBoot
Plugin that allows you to play game through adhoc mode over the internet. Plugins 2020 Reptar 2020/09/22 Pro Online Client Mod
Remap plugin for PS Vita/PS TV. Plugins 2.0.1 Mer1e, Rinnegatamante, S1ngyy 2020/07/21 remaPSV2
background vpk downloader and installer. Plugins 1.1 SKGleba 2021/04/03 bgvpk
Redirects ux0 usage to other partitions. Plugins 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2021/04/15 hbRedirect
A proper GUI recovery for the reset image, intended for enso_ex. Plugins 1.02 SKGleba 2021/07/12 recoVery
PS Vita FTDI driver. Plugins 1.0 isage 2022/12/20 Libvf
Prints debug output on screen. Plugins initial SKGleba 2020/11/13 vlog
Redirects sa0 to ur0, allows to safely mod sysdata (i.e fonts) on your enso PS Vita/TV. Plugins initial SKGleba 2021/07/28 sa0tour0
Patches SceSettings to format SD2Vita instead of the Memory Card. Plugins initial SKGleba 2020/11/13 mcfredir
Hide MAC address in Settings app. Plugins 1.0 Freakler 2019/08/30 Vita Macspoofer
A small kernel-user bridge to manage the diag modules. Plugins initial SKGleba 2020/11/13 pdbridge
Makes cobra blackfin work on 3.60 and above. Plugins 1.0 Li 2024/01/14 Python White Fin
Use your PS Vita as an USB mouse. Plugins 0.1 xerpi 2017/01/06 hidmouse
Automatically clears games logs. Plugins 1 NamelessGhoul0 2017/01/07 History Wipe
Multifunction plugin for PS Vita. Plugins 0.1 Rinnegatamante 2016/10/22 rinCheat
Clips recorder for PS Vita. Plugins 0.1.1 Rinnegatamante 2021/04/22 Vita Recorder
taiHEN plugin to show battery percent in statusbar for IRS-1001 motherboard. Plugins 0.1.0 leonardputra 2023/12/28 vita-shellbat IRS 1001
Improved version of Amphetamin plugin. Plugins 3.5 Beta 2 BeatPlay 2016/09/27 Better Amphetamin
ioPlus works by re-validating mount points that would previously be invalidated by a fios2 mount point causing files to be inaccessible by plugins. Plugins 0.1 dots-tb 2020/06/18 ioPlus
Adjust thread parameters to achieve max performance. Plugins 1.51 GrapheneCt 2020/08/15 Thread Optimizer
Plugin to improve PS Vita sequential I/O speeds. Plugins 1.0 Bythos 2023/10/24 IOStaging
PS Vita/PSTV x-input driver. Plugins 1.5 isage 2023/09/11 ViXEn
Use bluetooth controllers on your Vita. Plugins release Hydr8gon 2023/05/27 VitaControl
Idstorage dumper for PS Vita/PS TV. Plugins 1.0 zecoxao 2017/05/08 idstorage dumper
Development helper plugin. Plugins 1.00 devnoname120 2019/06/25 vitacompanion
Networking for plugins. Plugins 2016 dots-tb 2016/09/07 SyringE PoC
Prevent games from disabling net features for battery consumption motivations. Plugins 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2017/08/01 InfiniteNet
A plugin that adds right analog stick support to PSP games for Adrenaline eCFW. Plugins 1.1 Freakler 2017/08/21 camera_patch_lite
Anti-standby for susceptible audio devices. Plugins 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2017/05/08 BrownNoise
Use the PS Vita as an USB PC controller. Plugins 0.4.1 xerpi 2018/07/25 vitastick
Savedata decrypter and redirecter plugin. Plugins 0.8 Rinnegatamante 2017/10/01 SavedataPlus
Dumper for kernel modules. Plugins 1.0 Princess of Sleeping 2018/03/07 SceKernelModuleDumper
Change DS4 lightbar color based on battery level. Plugins 1.3 CallmeBK 2021/05/28 VolLightbarCtrlWithDS4
Disables camera shutter sound. Plugins 1.0 Princess of Sleeping 2018/03/21 sceShutterSoundPlayDisable
Disable front touchscreen. Plugins 1.0 EchoDev, Rinnegatamante 2017/06/21 WDNF
Plugin that allows you to take HD screenshots. Plugins 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2017/05/02 Screenie
Rear touchpad disabler. Plugins 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2017/04/19 WDNR
A (somewhat ridiculous) 2D platform puzzle game. Puzzle 1.0 withLogic 2022/01/08 Water Closet
Port of Candy Crisis for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2023/02/24 Candy Crisis
A visual puzzle/hidden object game. Puzzle 1.0 Catarina Lopes, Isaque Sanches, Mariana Domingos, Tiago Quendera 2021/06/05 Where The F*ck Did I Get These Sunglasses
A diverse and challenging puzzle/action game with stylistic roots in the arcade. Puzzle pre-v2 Tear 2018/12/09 Shiromino
Physics based tower builder game. Puzzle 1.3 Cpasjuste 2021/07/01 Silly Tower
Port of a clone of Wordle for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2022/08/21 Wordle SDL
Port of chro.mono 2 for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 thp 2019/05/06 chro.mono 2
Puzzle game for PS Vita/PS TV. Puzzle 2.6.6 crait 2021/03/17 Circuit Dude
Port of World of Goo for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.2.1 Rinnegatamante 2022/09/05 World of Goo Vita
Action puzzle game for PS Vita. Puzzle full Sungrand Studios 2024/06/22 Clasherball
Clone of Worlds Hardest Game, a popular flash game, for PS Vita/PS TV made in Unity. Puzzle 1.15 Comet-Games 2022/10/18 Worlds Hardest Game Vita
Port of Sleepwalkers Journey for the PS Vita. Puzzle 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2023/03/04 Sleepwalker's Journey Vita
First Person 3D Maze solving game made with RayCast3D Engine. Puzzle 1.4 Rinnegatamante 2017/12/23 Labyrinth 3D
Multiplatfform puzzler game. Puzzle 1.0 Retroguru Team 2021/06/05 Xump
A game inspired by Geometry Dash wave gamemode. Puzzle 1.2.0 Kaon 2023/12/29 Z2
A multi-platform mini retro puzzle game. Puzzle r66 thp 2021/07/09 Loonies 8192
Zelda Picross port for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.1 hatoving 2022/08/31 Zelda Picross
Port of Zik-Zak for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2023/10/07 Zik-Zak Vita
Simple minesweeper written in C++ for PlayStation Vita. Puzzle 1.2.1 Creckeryop 2020/10/30 MSweep
Roll a cube around 25 stages, matching colored tiles to activate lifts and move barriers. Puzzle 1.0 forthw, JeffRuLz345 2018/12/06 Cubic Conundrum
A clone of Cut the Rope for PS Vita made in Unity. Puzzle 1.0 SpanishFreddy 2023/02/20 Cut The Rope Vita
Brain training game for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 JJH 2020/08/12 MemoryGame
Basic 2D Puzzle Game for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.00 Freakler 2017/01/05 StarKiller 2D
A puzzle game inspired by Ukrainian legend of Rukavychka (glove). Puzzle 5951be2 Holy Pangolin 2022/07/10 Rukavychka
Tetris clone for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 GUIDOBOT 2016/08/03 milieTetris
Minesweeper clone for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.2 LeeStorm 2016/08/29 Minesweeper
Unofficial port of Long Spear by TecoSV. Puzzle 1.0 PatnosD 2023/04/30 Long Spear
Lights Out clone for the PS Vita. Puzzle 1.01 dragaron 2018/01/21 Blackout
Port of Mirrormagic. Puzzle 1.12 rsn8887 2019/01/22 MirrorMagic
Abstract game for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 Isaque Sanches, Eva Vital 2021/06/05 Mirror
Unofficial port of Tetraspace for PS Vita. Puzzle Alpha 0.6 Upper_Golf8078 2024/12/02 Tetraspace
Port of Magic Tower based on the Unity remake. Puzzle 1.3.2 akiragatsu 2024/09/21 MoTa for PS Vita
A Hexagonal puzzle game/ZooKeeper clone. Puzzle 1.0 caghandemir 2019/06/09 hexgem-vita
Port of Monument Valley for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0.1 hatoving 2022/12/17 Monument Valley
Port of Professor Layton: Lost Future HD for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2023/09/26 Professor Layton: Lost Future HD Vita
Logic game for PS Vita. Puzzle 0.2 LeeStorm 2016/08/22 DoggyTwiceVT
Platform/Puzzle-action game. Puzzle 2.5 LazyOx199 2019/05/10 My Bakku Pakku
Sudoku for the PS Vita. Puzzle 1.01 dragaron 2018/01/21 Sudorku
Simon clone for the PS Vita. Puzzle 1.01 dragaron 2018/01/21 Xerox
Mobile ports of Neverball and Neverputt. Puzzle 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2023/03/19 Neverball Vita
Tetris clone with Touhou theme Puzzle 0.7A-TH1 Aurora, SvennD 2018/03/29 Tetromino - Touhou Edition
Small puzzle game for PS Vita. Puzzle 0.0.2 NathanKewley 2024/09/09 Save The Bees
Tetris alike game written in lua for the PS Vita. Puzzle 0.8 SvennD 2018/04/03 Tetromino
Remake of Japanese viral game ""Suika Game"" for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.1.0 kaonkaon 2024/09/13 BreadToPIA
A Lua-based (LPP) reimplementation of the Android puzzle game Flowit. Puzzle 1.0.5 ywnico 2024/08/04 Flowit
2048 on Vita. Puzzle 1.0 dots-tb 2016/08/04 psp2048
Numpty Physics port for Vita. Puzzle 0.5 Rinnegatamante, meetpatty 2019/03/13 Numpty Physics by Rinnegatamante
A relaxing match 3 puzzle game with a twist. Puzzle 2.0 sharkwouter 2024/12/20 OceanPop
Port of Tile World for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 MOQI 2023/09/21 Tile World Vita
Enigma port for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.11 rsn8887 2018/09/10 Enigma
Port of UnityBubbleGame for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2022/03/14 Everybody's Bubbles
Reverse engineering Supaplex. Puzzle 7.1.2 sergiou87 2020/08/21 OpenSupaplex
Port of Fire and Fondness: Enhanced Edition for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 withLogic 2023/09/10 Fire & Fondness: Enhanced Edition
Port of Fire and Fondness 2 for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 withLogic 2023/09/10 Fire and Fondness 2
Rubik Cube game for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 Anchitpatra 2020/01/15 V-Cube
Small game powered by NotEngine. Puzzle 11.17.2016 notnotme 2016/11/17 Flood It!
PanelPop port for PS Vita/PS TV. Puzzle 0.0.3 sharkwouter 2020/12/12 Panel-Pop
3D puzzle game for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 WZ 2023/09/22 Pause
Sudoku game for Switch/Wii U/Vita/PC, made with C++/SDL2. Puzzle 1.3.2 Mode8fx 2024/05/02 SuDokuL
Nonogram game for PlayStation Vita. Puzzle 1.15 Creckeryop 2022/03/08 PiCrest
Port of Pickr3ds for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.1 joel16 2017/04/17 Pickr VITA
Puzzle game for PS Vita. Puzzle 2.1 Grzybojad 2019/09/03 Pingo
Freegemas is an open source version of the well known Bejeweled, built in C++ using SDL2. Puzzle 22.02 JoseTomasTocino 2022/02/16 Freegemas
Port of Please, Dont Touch Anything. Puzzle 1.0 hatoving 2021/04/08 Please, Don't Touch Anything
3D Tetris game for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 bytelett 2023/09/22 ViTetris
Vita Port of NumptyPhysics for PSP. Puzzle 0.3 meetpatty 2016/07/29 Numpty Physics by meetpatty
2048 port for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 FantaHourglass 2019/02/10 2048-Vita
Puzzle game for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 Retroguru Team 2019/05/24 Fruit'Y
A suspense puzzle game in disguise. Puzzle 1.2 hatoving 2022/12/10 Pony Island
Port of 7 Billion Humans for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2023/03/18 7 Billion Humans Vita
Atari XL/XE Robbo port. Puzzle 0.68 bomblik 2017/01/28 GNU Robbo
Port of Professor Layton: Curious Village HD for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2023/09/24 Professor Layton: Curious Village HD Vita
Port of Professor Layton: Pandoras Box HD for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2023/09/24 Professor Layton: Pandora's Box HD Vita
A reverse tower defense game ported to PS Vita. Puzzle 1.00 VSM GAMMER 2023/07/18 King's Conquest
Port of Plug Away! by dechro. Puzzle 1.2.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/03/26 Plug Away!
Solve physics puzzles and help a mystical creature escape in world of Psee. Puzzle 0.1 aDeCon Production 2024/03/05 Psee Demo
Simple Tetris Attack clone. Puzzle 2015 cy33hc 2016/09/06 PuzzAttack4vita
Hangman game for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.1 Jackiepooh, Rinnegatamante 2017/09/08 VitaHangman
3D puzzle/exploration game for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.1 cojam 2024/06/11 Ancient Villa
Sudoku game for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.3 Rinnegatamante 2016/08/08 VitaSudoku
Port of TailTale by fumi2kick/rerofumi. Based off gameblabla’s version with fullscreen scaling. Puzzle 1 dots-tb 2020/01/20 TailTale REsurrected
Escape-room puzzle game. Puzzle 1.0 João Eiras Antunes 2021/06/05 Ars Poetica
People love listening to music. People love expressing their creativity. Puzzle a0 BurAndBY 2022/04/14 Cylinder
Action puzzle game involving blocks. Puzzle 1.0 HisArmMan 2021/06/07 Happy Blocks
Snake clone for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 Ruben_Wolfe 2016/07/30 RejuveSnake
An award-winning puzzle game where you can change the rules by which you play. Puzzle 1.4 gl33ntwine 2022/09/09 Baba Is You
Narrative puzzle game for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 Eva Vital, Isaque Sanches 2021/06/05 Have a Good One!
Bad Piggies PS Vita port. Puzzle 1.4 mrdivdiz 2021/08/03 Bad Piggies
Vita port of Heboris, a Tetris clone. Puzzle 1.0 L0Wigh (Thomas Mathiot) 2022/01/21 Heboris
Port of Helltaker for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.1.0 D3fau4 2020/09/07 Helltaker
Sudoku game for Vita. Puzzle 0.1 Kuni59 2016/08/09 Hendoku
Tetris clone for PS Vita. Puzzle 2019 LuckTheGamers 2019/09/08 Beat Master
Rocks n Diamonds port for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.12 rsn8887 2019/01/22 Rocks'n'Diamonds
Tetris Attack clone for PS Vita. Puzzle 0.01 Flappy Jesus 2016/10/02 Bernard Chronicles
Marble Madness like game for PS Vita. Puzzle 2.1 Spartanfox 2022/04/01 Rolly Poly
Port of Human Resource Machine for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.3.1 Rinnegatamante 2023/09/05 Human Resource Machine Vita
Tower building game for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 VitaHEX games 2020/08/15 Vita Stacks
BlockOut II port for PS Vita. Puzzle 2017 bomblik 2017/02/20 BlockOut II 2.5
Boggle game for PS Vita. Puzzle 2.0 SoulTieGames 2024/05/28 BoggleVita
Mahjongg game for PS Vita. Puzzle 1.0 nop90 2017/10/04 SDL Lopan
Port of Jet Car Stunts 2 for PS Vita. Racing 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2024/01/12 Jet Car Stunts 2 Vita
PS Vita port of Cannonball, an enhanced Outrun engine by djyt. Racing 1.05 rsn8887 2018/03/22 Cannonball
Port of Cars, a game made by CST1229. Racing 1.2 SiulPop 2022/09/30 Cars Vita
Port of a modernized rewrite of Wipeout (1995) for PS Vita. Racing 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2024/02/02 Wipeout Rewrite Vita
Port of X-Racer for PS Vita. Racing 1.0 Parking Lot Studio 2020/09/19 X-Racer by ParkingLotStudio
Port of X-Racer for PS Vita. Racing 1.0 roc6d 2019/08/26 X-Racer by roc6d
Hey umm, your car will not brake anymore. So better clear all the levels to get it fixed I guess. Racing 1.0 PatnosD 2023/04/30 HELP! NO BRAKE
Port of Craxy Taxi Classic for PS Vita. Racing 1.2 TheFloW, Rinnegatamante 2022/06/14 Crazy Taxi Vita
3D arcade driving game. Racing 1.0 VitaHEX games 2017/08/06 Crazy Traffic Jam 3D
Port of Zombie Drive for PS Vita. Racing 1.0 AJ170 2023/06/24 Zombie Driver
Open Source Engine/Death Rally [1996]. Racing 0.2.1 Enrique Somolinos Perez 2022/05/19 dRally Vita
Minit Fun Racer port for PS Vita. Racing 1.0.0 m1s3ry 2021/04/14 Minit Fun Racer
Arcade FPV drone race in syntwave style. Racing 1.0 JacobsPlayground 2019/07/02 Super Drone Racer Ultra
Mod of Crazy Traffic Jam 3D making it more challenging. Racing 2017 KawaiiAurora 2017/08/08 Crazy Traffic Jam 3D Mod
Bring sweet pain and destruction into this world! Racing 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/03/09 Donut Truck Apocalypse
Port of supra mayro kratt for PS Vita. Racing 1.1 MEGAgameBoy 2022/04/03 Supra Mayro Kratt
Omnibus for the Playstation Vita. (Demo). Racing demo MaloneCZSD 2024/08/21 Omnibus
Port of Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit for PS Vita. Racing 1.0 Electry 2021/10/03 NFSHP Vita
Port of Dethrace for PS Vita. Racing 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2024/12/30 Dethrace Vita
Port of RVGL for PS Vita with full online multiplayer support. Racing 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2024/11/03 RVGL
Port of OpenMRac for PS Vita. Racing 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2023/09/10 OpenMRac Vita
Clone of Top Neon Rush for PS Vita. Racing 1.0 aionmagan, elpichonart, GGuihurt 2023/07/15 Top Classic Plaigarized
Port of Pangea Software’s racing game Cro-Mag Rally. Racing 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2024/12/01 Cro-Mag Rally Vita
GameMaker: Studio Homebrew Games. Racing 2019 SilicaAndPina 2019/01/30 Street Racing
Port of Pako Forever for PS Vita. Racing 1.0.8 PatnosD 2022/07/30 Pako Forever
Port of Poppy Kart and Poppy Kart 2 for PS Vita. Racing 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2023/01/18 Poppy Kart Collection
Port of REDRIVER2 for PS Vita. Racing 1.0 OsirizX 2023/09/22 REDRIVER2
Port of RVGL for PS Vita. Racing 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2022/07/30 RVGL Loader Vita
Port of Real-Time Racing Manager for PS Vita. Racing 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2023/03/26 Real-Time Racing Manager Vita
Arcade drive-by shooting action with heist game mechanics. Racing Alpha 0 DanCooper 2022/07/08 Pako 2
Re-Volt: Community Edition by PG Team (Mod). Racing 1.0 PG Team 2023/05/13 Re-Volt - Community Edition
An extraordinarily fast racing game. Racing 3.0 SpanishFreddy 2023/01/14 SanicBall
Clone of Rocket League for PS Vita. Racing 1.0a VitaDev 2023/08/09 Rocket Cars Vita
Clone of Brick Race. Racing 1.0 WIDEGCG 2019/08/30 BrickRace 1990
Fallout for PS Vita. Role Playing 1.1.0-vita.4 Northfear 2024/06/02 Fallout CE
A simple open source Godot 2d RPG game project like Zelda. Role Playing 0.1.0 ParallelProductions 2023/02/07 Lango
A Rogue Clone for PS Vita. Role Playing 1.02 junisoft 2022/12/26 Rlone
Action RPG for PS Vita. Role Playing 1.0 Aramallo 2021/06/07 Crab Island
Port of Crashlands for PS Vita. Role Playing 1.0.0 m1s3ry 2021/05/20 Crashlands
Fork of Exult (Ultima 7 Engine) to compile it as native Vita Homebrew. Role Playing 1.9 vita 2 einmueller 2022/06/22 Exult - Ultima 7
Roguelike horror themed game. Role Playing 1.0 Anchitpatra 2019/12/22 Deadly Hallows
Port of Doom II RPG for PSVita. Role Playing 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2025/01/19 Doom II RPG Vita
Roguelike game for PS Vita. Role Playing 1.0 LuckTheGamers 2019/08/28 Dungeon Survivor
Dungeon Crawler for PS Vita. Role Playing 1.0 WIDEGCG 2019/09/09 The Lost Catacomb
Port of the Android version of The World Ends With You for the PS Vita. Role Playing 1.1 hatoving 2023/08/17 The World Ends With You: Solo Remix
Port of Final Fantasy 3 (3D Remake) for PS Vita. Role Playing 1.1 frangarcj, Rinnegatamante, TheFloW 2021/09/01 Final Fantasy 3 Vita
Port of Final Fantasy IV (3D Remake) for PS VIta. Role Playing 1.3 Rinnegatamante, frangarcj, TheFloW 2023/09/01 Final Fantasy 4 Vita
Port of Final Fantasy IV: The After Years for PS Vita. Role Playing 1.0.1 Rinnegatamante, frangarcj 2023/09/05 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
Port of Final Fantasy V for PS VIta. Role Playing 1.0 frangarcj, Rinnegatamante, TheFloW 2021/10/09 Final Fantasy V Vita
Port of Final Fantasy Dimensions for PS Vita. Role Playing 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2024/03/28 FFD-Vita
Open source Fallout 2 port. Role Playing 1.3.0-vita.8 Northfear 2024/06/02 Fallout 2 CE
Port of Diablo for PS Vita/PS TV. Role Playing 1.5.4 devilutionX Team 2025/02/09 DevilutionX
Port of Flare engine for PS Vita. Role Playing 0.8 Rinnegatamante 2023/10/08 Flare RPG
Deltarune Chapter One port. Role Playing 2019 tijesef 2019/07/28 Deltarune: Chapter One
Procedurally generated dungeon crawler for PS Vita. Role Playing 1.0 Vulcore Team 2023/09/22 A Maze Planet
Topdown action science fiction RPG. Role Playing 0.1 Island_Games (The Suicidal Robot) 2017/03/21 Galactic Federation
Port of GemRB for PS Vita/PS TV. Role Playing 0.8.8-vita.7 Northfear 2021/10/31 GemRB
Port of Dink Smallwood HD for PS Vita/PS TV. Role Playing 1.3.1 NabsiYa 2023/04/26 RTDink
Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator Vita port. Role Playing 1.0 isage 2022/03/20 Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator
Port of PAL for PS Vita. Role Playing 1.3 SDLPAL Team 2019/09/09 The Legend of Sword and Fairy
Classics inspired JRPG for PS Vita. Role Playing alpha Sungrand Studios 2024/03/15 Breath of Thunder
Fan-made tribute to an early 80s ZX Spectrum classic Jetpac. Shooter 1.0 Gremlin Software 2021/08/12 JetMan-3D
Top-down shooter for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 Vlambeer, JeffRuLz345 2018/12/06 Wasteland Kings by JeffRuLz345
Port of Blood for PS Vita/PS TV. Shooter 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2022/11/16 jfblood-vita
Online multiplayer FPS for PS VIta. Shooter 0.1.30a VitaDev 2023/04/11 Call of Vita: Hackzone
Port of the 3D Realms game Duke Nukem 3D. Shooter 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2021/07/20 JFDuke3D
Port of Shadow Warrior Classic for PS Vita/PS TV. Shooter 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2021/08/17 Shadow Warrior Classic Vita
Port of Tekwar by William Shatner. Shooter 0.8 Rinnegatamante 2023/07/15 jftekwar-vita
Clone of Wild Gunman. Shooter 1.02 Lapy 2019/06/23 Wild Gunman Remake
K.E.T.M. (Kill Everything That Moves) port for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2017/12/29 K.E.T.M. Vita
Port of Catacomb II for the PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 l0wigh 2023/06/02 Catacomb Vita
A third-person shooter for PS Vita. Shooter 1.04 RetroGamer74 2019/05/11 Kill Em All
Chocolate Doom port for PS Vita. Shooter 3.1 fgsfds 2020/10/24 Chocolate Doom
Short action game for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 captkuso 2024/03/11 Smash TV HD-2D
2D demake of Left 4 Dead. Shooter 0.1.1 AlexDev2, SiulPop 2023/08/12 Left 4 Dead 2 2D
Port of ZGloom for PS Vita. Shooter 2.1.1 JetStreamSham 2021/09/20 ZGloom Vita
The End is Near. Shooter 1.0 softwaregremlin 2021/10/29 Covid 19 Apocalypse
Space shoot em up for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 GlitcherOG 2022/02/02 Protect The Earth
3D FPS zombie survival game. Shooter 0.21 VitaHEX games 2019/02/15 Zombiebound Reloaded
Wave-based 3D FPS survival game. Shooter 0.1.0 VitaHEX games 2017/09/30 Zombiebound
Port of Mass Effect Infiltrator for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 gl33ntwine 2022/11/21 Mass Effect Infiltrator Vita
Max Payne Mobile PS Vita port. Shooter r4 fgsfds 2021/02/18 Max Payne PS Vita Port
A PlayStation Vita Homebrew game inspired by Atari games like Spider Fighter. Shooter 0.1 Sem van der Hoeven (SemvdH) 2021/08/27 Cybershot
A game engine, aimed to provide compatibility with Half-Life Engine. Shooter Continuous FWGS Team, fgsfdsfgs 2023/04/18 Xash3D FWGS
Survival horror game for PS Vita. Shooter 0.08a Parking Lot Studio 2021/06/07 Dark Paradigm
High-octane drifting action ported to PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 PatnosD 2023/04/30 DriftR
Shoot em up for PS Vita. Shooter 1.05 Lapy, Acekone, Dragonixplay 2020/12/31 Super Console Wars
Loader of the Dead Space mobile game that allows to run it on PS Vita. Shooter 1.3 gl33ntwine 2023/01/13 Dead Space Vita
Shoot em up game for PS Vita. Shooter 2016 Island_Games (The Suicidal Robot) 2016/09/17 Super Hero Chronicles
Port of Defendguin for PS Vita/PS TV. Shooter 1.0 Island Games 2022/09/05 Defendguin
First person shooter inspired by Doom. Shooter 1.0 WIDEGCG 2021/06/05 Demons Down
Port of NRedneck for PS Vita. Shooter 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2020/01/23 NRedneck
Fast paced top-down shooter for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0.3 Novi 2024/09/20 Florpix
Port of Nanosaur. Shooter 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2022/08/17 Nanosaur Vita
Loader of Modern Combat 3 Android that allows to run it on a PS Vita. Shooter 1.1 v-atamanenko 2024/05/17 Modern Combat 3 Vita
FPS game inspired to DooM. Shooter 1.0.1 gambikules 2019/10/17 DooM Vita
Port of Doom64EX, a reverse-engineering project aimed to recreate Doom64 as close as possible with additional modding features. Shooter 1.0.1 Rinnegatamante 2022/09/17 Doom64EX
A faithful recreation of Call of Duty Zombies for the PlayStation Vita. Shooter 2.0.0-nightly NZ:P Team, Rinnegatamante nightly Nazi Zombies: Portable
Port of Doom RPG for PS Vita. Shooter 1.1.0 jakubito 2024/03/08 Doom RPG Vita
A demake of the popular bullet hell game Ikaruga, released in 2002 for Dreamcast and 2003 for Gamecube. Shooter 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2022/02/25 nKaruga
Asteroids clone for PS Vita. Shooter 1.5.1 xanderten50 2021/11/10 Temporary Space
Duck Hunt clone for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 Lapy 2019/05/29 Duck Hunt Remake
Port of ReGameDLL Lite version (reverse-engineered Counter-Strike server DLL with bot support). Use with VitaXash3D. Shooter 1 fgsfds 2018/03/29 ReGameLite
Port of The Conduit HD for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 TheFloW, Rinnegatamante 2023/03/11 The Conduit HD Vita
Port of EDuke32 for PS Vita. Shooter 1.6 Rinnegatamante 2019/09/05 EDuke32 Vita
Port of Not a Hero for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0.1 Rinnegatamante 2024/03/27 Not A Hero Vita
Bullet Hell game for PS Vita. Port of EUCLIOD for 3DS. Shooter r8 HexZyle, Rinnegatamante 2017/05/25 EUCLIOD
Port of Omega Strike for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 elpapadelospollitos 2022/05/23 Omega Strike Vita
Online third-person shooter featuring jetpacks. Shooter 0.2 VitaHEX games 2021/05/29 Thrust Shot
Port of EnbornX for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2024/02/09 EnbornX Vita
2D Arena Shooter for PS Vita. Shooter 0.62 lkclip 2019/04/28 To Pieces
Free roaming FPS game for PS Vita/PS TV. Shooter 0.1 VitaHEX games 2020/12/21 Tropical Zone
Port of lilium-voyager (Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Holomatch multiplayer) for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2024/12/05 vitaVoyager
Port of the game Relic Hunters Zero for the PS4 and Vita. Shooter 1.00 Rogue Snail, MDashK 2022/07/31 Relic Hunters Zero
ioquake3 port for PS Vita (supports Quake III: Arena, Quake III: Team Arena, OpenArena, Urban Terror and Q3Rally). Shooter 1.3 Rinnegatamante 2024/11/29 vitaQuakeIII
A 3D arcade shooter made with Godot 3.4 ported to PS Vita. Shooter 0.1b ParallelProductions 2023/02/10 Faraway Space
Short multiplatform FPS game. Shooter 2.3.2 POtO Software 2025/02/06 How to Rob A Gas Station
Twin-stick shooter port for the PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 SoulTieGames 2024/06/02 FunkynFrank-Vita
Port of Pangea Software’s Nanosaur II for modern systems. Shooter 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2024/12/08 Nanosaur 2 Vita
A PS Vita port of CSPSP. Shooter 1.0 CelloPoly314 2024/12/20 CSPSV
Port of OpenTyrian for the PS Vita. Shooter 16-09-19 Cpasjuste 2016/09/20 vOpenTyrian
Port of Sync Simple, a tunnel shooter original by xeronixworks. Shooter 1.0 tijesef 2019/02/02 SYNC SIMPLE PSVita
POOL is an arcade first-person arena shooter inspired by Doom, Quake, and a particular cue sport. Shooter 2019 tijesef 2019/06/22 POOL [of Doom!]
Port of Unreal for PS Vita. Shooter r5 fgsfds 2024/12/25 Unreal Vita
Port of Descent: FreeSpace - The Great War and Freespace 2 for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0.1 Rinnegatamante 2023/09/24 Freespace Collection
Be a mutant, hoard kidneys, and flap your giblets in the breeze. It is an endless runner with guns. Shooter 1.0 Loodanon 2019/01/03 Freeway Mutant
Wasteland Kings PS Vita port (Nuclear Throne prototype). Shooter 2019 Vlambeer, tijesef 2019/06/18 Wasteland Kings by tijesef
Postal port for PS Vita. Shooter 1.1 Rinnegatamante 2019/01/18 Postal Vita
Port of Doom 3 for PS Vita. Formerly named Potatoom. Shooter 0.1 Rinnegatamante 2023/03/07 Potatoom 3
PrBoom Plus port for PS Vita/PS TV. Shooter 1.2 fgsfds 2020/11/07 PrBoom Plus
Port of 8 Bit Bayonetta for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 DanCooper 2022/03/31 8 Bit Bayonetta
Small Galaga type game for PS Vita. Shooter 1.02 Island_Games 2021/12/02 A Super Small SHMUP
A port/patch to make the game Galactic Missile Defense (Steam Version) playable on the PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 MDashK 2021/10/18 Galactic Missile Defense
Port of Abuse for PS Vita/PS TV. Shooter 0.8 Rinnegatamante 2021/04/13 Abuse Vita
3D space shoot em up. Shooter 0.1.0 Akabane87 2017/09/03 Project Void
ProtoType (RType remake) port for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2023/07/11 Prototype Vita
PowerSlave/Exhumed port for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2020/01/28 vitaExhumed
Port of Get the F off my lawn. Shooter 1.0 Paulo 2019/04/02 Get the F off my lawn
Waves based TPS for PS Vita. Shooter 2024 Balder, Brian Czernikowski 2024/10/31 Purified
An OpenTyrin port for the Vita by Z80. Shooter 0.99 Z80 2016/09/15 OpenTyrin Vita
Hexen II port for P Vita. Shooter 2.3 Rinnegatamante 2020/03/26 vitaHexenII
Port of Quakespasm Spiked, a modern Quake source port with high mods compatibility. Shooter 1.6 Rinnegatamante 2023/01/15 Quakespasm-Spiked
Clone of SUPERHOT for PS Vita. Shooter 1.07 MRKane, digradi 2024/03/26 VitaHot
Port of Anarch for PS Vita. Shooter 1.1 Sugardrenaline 2023/09/08 Anarch Vita
Side-scrolling shmup for PS Vita. Shooter 1 xanderten50 2021/05/26 Angel Collide
A Bill Kendrick game based on Agendaroids/Asteroids. Shooter 1 dots-tb 2020/01/16 Vectoroids
Quake I port. Shooter 4.1 Rinnegatamante 2020/03/31 vitaQuake
Blast your way through those shapes in this Geometry Wars-inspired twin stick shooter. Shooter 1.2 G33, MotoLegacy 2019/01/28 RPPHS
Quake II port for PS Vita. Shooter 2.4 Rinnegatamante 2020/11/29 vitaQuakeII
Return to Castle Wolfenstein port for PS Vita. Shooter 0.6 Rinnegatamante 2023/02/23 vitaRTCW
Port of GUN GODZ for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 m1s3ry 2021/06/07 GUN GODZ
port of the classic Wolfenstein 3d to Vita/PS TV (HENkaku). Shooter 1.7 Rinnegatamante 2020/11/30 vitaWolfen
Port of Xash3D-FWGS to the PS Vita. Shooter R4, mpfix fgsfds 2018/08/02 vitaXash3D
Port of a clone of Atlantis for PS Vita. Shooter 0.8 xanderten50 2021/11/10 Atlantis
Doom 1/Doom 2 port for PS Vita based on DoomPSP. Shooter 1.1 MrNetrix, aagallag 2017/07/24 Vita Doom
Port of AvP Classic 2000 for PS Vita. Shooter 0.8 Rinnegatamante 2020/07/22 AvP Gold Vita
Blake Stone port for PS Vita. Shooter 0.3 01y 2019/08/22 BStone
Shoot em up based on Super Hero Chronicles. Shooter 0.5 Markus95 2019/06/07 Resident Evil CODE:Vita
Port of RigelEngine, a modern re-implementation of the classic DOS game Duke Nukem II. Shooter 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2022/10/05 RigelEngine Vita
Port of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Mobile for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 TheFloW, Rinnegatamante 2021/08/01 Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vita
Space shooter for Sony Vita. Shooter 2019 d_pyro 2019/08/28 Space Shooter
Shoot em up game for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 Lapy 2020/04/13 River Raid
Clone of Asteroids for PS Vita. Shooter 1 SomeonPC 2021/10/23 Rock Recker
CDC Abuse port for Vita. Shooter 1.1 isage (Sarcastic cat) 2022/11/15 CDC Abuse Vita
Retro shoot-em up for PS Vita/PS TV. Shooter 0.0.2 Narwher 2020/06/11 Howard
Run and Gun game based on the Turrican game series for Playstation Vita. Shooter 0.9 Amnon-Dan Meir (ammeir) 2021/02/15 Hurrican
A Rise Of The Triad source port with additional gameplay options and more. Shooter 1.0 Northfear 2022/04/02 Rise of the Triad
Top-down shooter for PS Vita. Shooter 1.0 JeffRulz345 2019/12/14 Hyper Princess Pitch Vita
Vertical scrolling shoot em up. Shooter 1.0 Lapy 2021/05/15 Brain Splitter
Run Blasphemer on PS Vita (Adrenaline). Shooter 2022 HandsomeJack (BorderTrader) 2022/09/13 Blasphemer on Vita
Port of Caesar 3 for PS Vita. Simulation 1.7.0 devnoname120, Julius Team 2021/10/15 Julius Vita
A Port of Will You Snail for PS Vita. Simulation 1.0 avonder 2024/06/11 Will You Snail Vita
Port of Siren Head Dating Sim for PS Vita. Simulation 1.01 Rayc 2023/09/22 Siren Head Dating Sim
Port of Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2 for PS Vita. Simulation 1.0 hatoving 2022/05/23 CSD2Vita
Port of Cook, Serve, Delicious! for PS Vita. Simulation 1.0 MDashK 2021/10/11 Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Game of Life clone. Simulation 0.2 domis4 2017/01/04 PSVita Game of Life
A Minecraft Classic Server compatible with all Minecraft Classic Clients. Simulation 1.3 Iridescence, MotoLegacy 2022/12/02 CrossCraft Classic
A project that aims to implement Minecraft Java Edition: Classic Survival Test. It is not a clone. Simulation ST4 Cross Craft Team 2022/12/02 CrossCraft SurvivalTest
Part boss rush and part crawdad simulator. Simulation 1.0 Bokonon (Matt Lempitsky), Yossarian 2022/05/01 Blue Bayou
Goat Simulator clone in Mario theme. Simulation 0.2 FantaHourglass 2019/03/25 Mushroom Kingdom Mayhem
Moody walking simulator for PS Vita. Simulation 1.62 soham 2023/09/24 MoodiWalkiSim Demo
Idle mining arcade game. Simulation 1.00 c0rtax 2024/09/07 IdleMiner
A 3D Mini Golf game with lots of levels. Simulation 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2022/09/01 Neverputt Vita
Drone simulator game for PS Vita. Simulation 1.0 Haasman0 2023/08/14 Drone Sim Vita
Port of OpenTTD, an open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe. Simulation 0.3 angguss 2019/03/09 OpenTTD
Pirate-themed precodural game. Simulation 1.0 crait 2021/06/05 Treasure Chasers
Port of Tux Football for PS Vita/PSTV. Simulation 1.0 Island_Games 2022/09/11 Tux Football Vita
Port of PanComOS for PS Vita. Simulation 1.1 hatoving 2021/04/07 PanComOS
Port of Freeways for PS Vita. Simulation 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2024/02/12 Freeways Vita
Frying game for PS Vita. Simulation 2.1 LazyOx199 2019/02/13 Frying Master
Loader of Galaxy on Fire 2 that allows to run the game on PS Vita. Simulation 1.0 gl33ntwine, PG Team 2023/03/12 Galaxy On Fire 2 Vita
Reverse-engineered source code of Raft with PS Vita Port. Simulation 4.0 BurAndBY, DanCooper 2022/04/27 Raft
Port of RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic for PS Vita. Simulation 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2024/02/06 RCT Classic Vita
Clone of Animal Crossing for PS Vita. Simulation 2.1 Spartanfox 2023/09/22 Animal Vitas
Simple graphics, realistic waiting simulatior. Simulation 1.1 HWNJ 2021/06/06 Real Waiting Simulator
Try to get them balls into the holes with minimum hits. Simulation 0.9.3 cojam 2024/06/06 Hit 'Em Balls
Roulette simulator for PS Vita. Simulation 1.0 Gremlin Software 2023/09/22 Roulette Strategy Simulator Vita
SDL2Sand is another implementation of the now-classic Falling Sand Game, old-school and minimalistic. Simulation 1.0 gl33ntwine (Volodymyr) 2022/01/20 SDL2Sand
Port of Wargus/War1gus, Warcraft 1/2 Mod that allows you to play Warcraft 1/2 with the Stratagus engine. Strategy 3.3.2-vita.3 Northfear 2022/08/15 Wargus/War1gus - Warcraft 1/2
Cannon Fodder is an action-strategy shoot em up game developed by Sensible Software. Strategy 1.6.1 isage 2020/12/09 OpenFodder Vita
Port of Robot Lab by Dr Fink. Strategy 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2024/05/04 Dr Fink's Robot Lab Vita
A roguelike deckbuilder tactics game. Strategy 1.0 VSM GAMMER 2023/05/21 Gridlocke
Port of Dune Legacy for PS Vita. Strategy 0.97.02-vita.1 Northfear 2023/12/15 Dune Legacy
Port of OpenXcom Extended for PS Vita. Strategy 7.10-vita.1 Northfear 2023/12/30 OpenXcom Extended
Port of OpenXcom, an open-source clone of the original X-Com. Strategy 1.0-vita.5 Northfear 2022/08/09 X-COM: Terror From the Deep
An epic base defense strategy game where you fight a continuous war. Strategy 1.1 mrdivdiz 2023/02/13 Age of War
Port of UFO: Alien Invasion for PS Vita. Strategy 0.5 Rinnegatamante 2023/04/13 ufoai-vita
Port of the Ur-Quan Masters project to the PS Vita system. Strategy 0.8.0.rev1 argarak 2022/03/03 Ur-Quan Masters Vita
Port of fheroes2, a recreation of the Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine. Strategy 1.1.6 Northfear, fheroes2 Team 2025/02/16 fheroes2 Vita
Port of Partia 1, Partia 2 and Partia 3 for Ps Vita. Strategy 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2022/07/23 Partia: The Granian Trilogy
Port of Command and Conquer: Red Alert for PS Vita. Strategy 1.0-r914 Northfear 2023/12/23 VanillaRA
Port of Command and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn for PS Vita. Strategy 1.0-r914 Northfear 2023/12/23 VanillaTD
Port of Anomaly: Korea for PS Vita. Strategy 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2023/03/06 Anomaly: Korea Vita
Port of Anomaly: Warzone Earth HD for PS Vita. Strategy 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2023/03/08 Anomaly: Warzone Earth HD Vita
Port of Anomaly 2 for PS Vita. Strategy 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2023/03/03 Anomaly 2 Vita
Port of Anomaly Defenders for PS Vita. Strategy 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2023/03/01 Anomaly Defenders Vita
Caesar 3 port + Julius mod. Strategy 4.0.0 Keriew 2023/12/28 Augustus
Battleship game for PS Vita. Strategy 1.2 DesiRED 2016/08/17 BattleShip Arena
Heroes of Might and Magic III HD Edition wrapper/port for PS Vita. Strategy 1.2.3 Northfear 2024/02/24 Heroes of Might and Magic III HD Edition
Port of Machines at Wat 3 and Land Air Sea Warfare for PS Vita. Strategy 1.0 Rinnegatamante 2022/10/02 Isotope 244 Collection
A slimmed down variant of SKGleba yamt which does not rely on a config file. System Tools lite AuroraWright 2019/12/05 YAMT Lite
PS Vita Recovery menu using Enso 3.60 and 3.65. System Tools 1.03 PSTV Ninoh-FOX 2018/03/26 HomeRecovery installer
Discover your personal data of the PSN, the console and the speed of the CPU and RAM. System Tools 1.0 theheroGAC 2018/02/17 My PSVITA Secret
Installs any official firmware that is higher or same as your current. System Tools 1.0 TheFloW 2018/06/22 Firmware Updater
PS Vita 3G Disabler. System Tools 1.0 KanadeEngel (Chihiro) 2017/09/20 PS Vita 3G Disabler
Quick access to the Recovery Menu. System Tools 2017 CelesteBlue 2017/07/30 Quick Recovery
A tool to trigger automatic savedata backup feature on PS Vita. System Tools 1.00 GrapheneCt 2020/12/19 QuickBackup
Shoutdown, Reboot, Standby All-in-one pack. System Tools 1.0 theheroGAC 2020/08/23 S.R.S
A fork and update to the original VitaTester from 2016 by SMOKE and other contributors. System Tools 1.0 Avellea, Pookette, NamelessGhoul0 2023/05/26 VitaTester MOD
A quick way to suspend your PS Vita. System Tools 1.0 theheroGAC 2020/08/23 Standby Vita
PS Vita Homebrew for changing time. System Tools 1.0 BalisticksMain 2020/05/14 Time Machine
Change bootlogo with a custom one. System Tools 3.1 SKGleba 2019/10/15 Custom Boot Splash Manager
Helps during MC swap process. System Tools 1.2 SMOKE 2016/09/02 memcardswap
An advanced backup tool for PS Vita. System Tools 1.03 GrapheneCt 2022/06/25 VBackup
Toolbox that makes homebrewing the Playstation Vita/TV easier. System Tools 1.2.1 SKGleba 2023/02/22 VitaDeploy
This is a VitaShell mod with added features. System Tools 2.09 BenMitnicK 2019/09/01 VitaTweakBox
Downgrader for PS Vita/PSTV. System Tools 2.3 TheFloW, SKGleba 2022/05/11 Modoru
Switch your mount point between ux0 and uma0 easily for your SD2Vita. System Tools 2.1 AppleIo, wth 2018/09/30 Switch SD2Vita
Installs REX (Retail-Debug) Firmware on a regular CEX Vita. System Tools 2.0 SilicaAndPina 2019/09/11 CEX-2-REX
A tool to make restoring your PS Vita faster. System Tools 2.0 SilicaAndPina 2018/08/04 Fast Reset
VSH Recovery Menu for your PS Vita. System Tools 1.00 joel16 2017/08/06 PSV VSH Recovery Menu
Yet another vita input testing app. System Tools 1.0 isage 2024/02/04 ViTesIn
This homebrew rebuilds the database by deleting app.db. System Tools 1.02 theheroGAC 2017/07/23 Rebuild Database
Unique Device Identifiers manager for PlayStation Vita/TV. System Tools 1.0.0 SKGleba 2023/07/14 psp2etoi
Get activation data on a HENkaku enabled PlayStation Vita. System Tools 1.1 ZombieWizzard 2016/08/31 Vita Activator
A small utility that fixes most of PS Vita battery-related problems. System Tools 3.0.1 SKGleba 2023/01/08 PSP2-batteryFixer
Shows info about your PS Vita. System Tools 0.43 Freakler 2023/11/12 PSVident
Fully Disable/Remove Pre-Installed System Apps On Your PS Vita. System Tools 1.0 SilicaAndPina 2018/08/04 System Apps Disabler
Format your storages on the Vita itself. System Tools Initial SKGleba 2020/11/13 storageFormat
Set/clear show mode (requires TESTKIT Shell.self to work). System Tools 2018 SilicaAndPina 2018/08/04 show-mode
Extract PS Vita .PUP firmware updates. System Tools 1.3 Princess of Sleeping 2018/02/09 PUP-Extractor
The first system/hardware identity tool for the PS Vita. System Tools 0.7.4 joel16 2017/10/17 VITAident
App showing console unique ID. System Tools 1.00 Freakler 2020/04/01 vita-ConsoleID
Display console info. System Tools 0.02 Freakler 2020/04/02 vita-Fingerprint
Enables or disables IDU (Demo) mode. System Tools 1.0 xyzz 2016/08/18 VITA-IDU
Hybrid Firmware toolset for Playstation Vita. System Tools 0.5 SKGleba 2020/04/16 psp2hfw
Enable RW access to read-only partitions (e.g. vs0, os0). Do not use it. System Tools #04d791c Major_Tom 2016/09/13 VitaRW
Test buttons input of your PS Vita. System Tools 1.3 SMOKE 2016/08/29 VitaTester
Move app from memory card (ux0:app/) to internal storage (ur0:app/), and vice-versa. System Tools 0.02 Lupo511 2016/10/26 Application Storage Manager
A quick way to reboot the system. System Tools 1.1 luck 2016/11/03 Reboot Shortcut
Modified version of Registry Editor. System Tools 1.3 devnoname120 2019/09/01 RegistryEditor MOD
Edit registry settings. System Tools 1.0 Some1 2016/08/25 RegistryEditor
Min. firmware version manager for Playstation Vita/TV. System Tools 1.0 SKGleba 2019/11/05 mincg
Registry viewer, editor and profile saver. System Tools 1.0 Codiak101 2022/01/09 Registry Profiler
Lsusb-alike app for PS Vita. System Tools 0.1 isage 2022/10/07 Vita-lsusb
Hardware tester for PS Vita. System Tools 1.0 ifrit05 2016/08/13 Vita Hardware Test
Permanently enable/manage internal ux0 storage. System Tools 4.0 SKGleba 2020/07/20 IMCUnlock
A one-click internal ux storage enabler for PS Vita 1000. System Tools 4.0 SKGleba 2019/01/28 IMCUnlockLite
Swiss army knife of the Vita. Delete history, swap X/O, etc. System Tools 0.2 Orion 2016/08/31 Vita Toolbox
A device/partition manager for Playstation Vita. Also known as VBackup. System Tools 6.1 SKGleba 2018/08/29 Vita-NDP
Companion app for vitabright plugin. System Tools 1.1 devnoname120 2020/12/21 Vitabright Lut Editor
Enable RW access to read-only partitions. System Tools 2018 rtlsdr_is_fun 2018/07/19 VitaRW-min
Alternative app launcher with an UI similar to the Nintendo Switch one. Title Launchers 0.1.2 VitaHEX games 2017/11/03 SwitchView UI
A custom launcher for Playstation Vita Package Installer, allowing user to choose pkg location. Title Launchers 1.0 SKGleba 2018/08/13 PKGInstaller Launcher
Installs custom shortcuts to multitasking menu (push PS button on LiveArea). Title Launchers 0.51 1upus 2017/11/09 QuickLaunch Installer for PS Vita
VitaHex Launcher Custom unofficial version. Title Launchers 2.7.0 BlackSheepBoy69 2025/01/19 HexFlow Custom
3D Coverflow launcher supports categories for retro games. Mod of HexFlow Launcher. Title Launchers 7.2.1 jimbob4000 2025//02/08 RetroFlow Launcher
Applications launcher for PS Vita/PSTV. Title Launchers 3.9.6 cy33hc 2022/11/23 Vita Launcher
Customizer for Quick Menu shortcuts. Title Launchers 1.4 DRok17 2021/10/12 QuickLaunch Installer
3D coverflow launcher for PS Vita. Title Launchers 0.5 VitaHEX games 2020/11/28 HEXFlow Launcher
Gekijouban Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica - The Battle Pentagram (translation project). Translations 0.4 universal_eternity 2023/08/26 Madoka Magica: The Battle Pentagram Translation Project
Zanki Zero English patch. Translations 0.9 fix Nightwinter 2020/10/13 Zanki Zero English Patch
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero Evolution English translation patch. Translations 0.7 Trails from Zero Translation Team 2022/02/05 The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero Evolution English Patch
Date-A-Live Twin Edition: Rio Reincarnation English translation patch. Translations 0.95 froid_san 2019/09/21 Date-A-Live Twin Edition: Rio Reincarnation
NEW GAME! -THE CHALLENGE STAGE!- machine translated English patch. Translations 2021 battlefielder696 2021/06/01 New Game! The Challenge Stage! English Patch
Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi English patch. (18+) Translations 1.01 Spazzery 2022/01/23 Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi
Nelke and the Legendary Alchemist English translation and Digital Manual patch. Translations 2020 Accelerator11, chinseng85 2020/03/19 Nelke & the Legendary Alchemist English Translation and Digital Manual
PhotoKano Kiss Translation Project (ENG, RUS, DEU). Translations 2022 miraspectum 2022/07/22 PhotoKano Kiss English Translation
Boku to Joi no Shinsatsu Nisshi - Unofficial Vita port AND English Translation Patch. Translations 1.0 Spazzery 2023/01/23 Boku to Joi no Shinsatsu Nisshi
Variable Barricade English translation. Translations 0.92 FineThenIWill 2022/11/10 Variable Barricade English Patch
Amamane English Machine Translation Patch (18+). Translations 1.0 Spazzery 2022/06/17 Amamane
Dragons Crown English/Undub patch. Translations 1.0 AlternativeZero 2019/05/01 Dragon's Crown English Patch
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 English retranslation patch. Translations 2018 AlternativeZeroSubs 2018/10/07 Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 Retranslation RePatch
Gintma Ranbu English Patch (99% translated). Translations 2 Unknown 2018/03/19 Gintama Ranbu English Patch
Ninki Seiyuu: How to Make a Pop Voice Actress (PCSG01111) English patch. Translations 0.9 Spazzery 2022/06/17 Ninki Seiyuu Vita English Patch
SaGa Scarlet Grace PoC English patch (partial). Translations 0.4 ExData7 2021/10/20 SaGa: Scarlet Grace English Patch
Nights of Azure 2 English patch (partial). Translations Beta 1 xyuunax 2018/05/08 Night Of Azure 2 - PSV English Patch
Steins;Gate 0 translation improvement patch, with fixes for typos and mistranslations. It also added translated CGs and system graphics. Translations 1.0 Spazzery 2021/05/19 Steins;Gate 0 English Translation Improvement Patch
Steins;Gate: My Darlings Embrace full English patch. Translations 1.0 Spazzery 2021/01/20 Steins;Gate: My Darling's Embrace English Patch
UPPERS! English translation for game and DLC. Translations 0.97 TheQuietOne, Bakura, froid_san, randomdice101 2019/10/10 UPPERS! Translation Project
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hackers Memory TV Anime Sound Edition English patch. Translations 2.1 ofthriceandmen, froid_san, Wieurhel 2024/02/10 Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory Complete Definitive Edition
Atelier Lydie and Suelle English translation patch (complete). Translations 2018 juliosueiras 2018/04/20 Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings English
Konosuba: Attack of the Destroyer full English translation. Translations 1.01 TheRadziu 2018/04/01 Konosuba: Attack of the Destroyer English Patch
Liar Princess and the Blind Prince English patch ported from the Switch version. Translations 2019 froid_san 2019/07/03 The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince English Patch
YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World English Translation Patch. Translations 2022 chinseng85 2022/02/25 YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World English Patch
Catherine: Full Body JP - English/Spanish port with Japanese or English dub. Translations 1.0 froid_san 2020/04/12 Catherine: Full Body Translation
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC fully translated English patch. Translations 1.1a the database, Snigs 2018/07/26 Trails in the Sky FC Evolution English Patch
Steins;Gate: Linear Bound Phenogram English port. Translations 1.0 RamennSoup, Spazzery 2022/02/01 Steins;Gate: Linear Bound Phenogram English Port
Tales of Innocence R English patch (WIP). Translations 1.9 Life Bottle team 2024/06/23 Tales of Innocence R English
Robotics;Notes Elite full English Translation patch for Vita. Translations 1.0 Hixty, froid_san, Spazzery 2022/08/05 Robotics;Notes Elite English Translation
Piofiore: Fated Memories English Patch. Translations 1.00 chinseng85 2022/05/24 Piofiore: Fated Memories English Patch
Attack on Titan 2 complete English translation + HQ movie patch. Translations 2020 MODman01, Mxscr 2020/12/12 Attack on Titan 2 - English Patch
Miracle Girls Festival English Patch. Translations 0.3 TFritzelagram 2021/01/12 Miracle girls Festival English Patch
Chaos;Child English Translation Improvement patch for Vita. Translations 1.0 Zero999X, Spazzery 2024/07/18 Chaos;Child
Chaos Rings III full translation patch. Translations 2016 zzzzzzzzzzz 2016/11/06 Chaos Rings III Translation Project
Clannad English Ver. for PS Vita​. Translations 1.0 FineThenIWill 2023/02/24 Clannad
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Infinite Combate English patch. Translations 0.80 froid_san 2021/04/09 Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Infinite Combate English Port
Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Ignition full English translation. Translations 1.3 VinceTea64 2023/08/23 Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Ignition
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax Ignition menu + logos translation patch. Translations 1.20 Androu1 2016/10/31 Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Ignition - Translation
Diabolik Lovers Limited V Edition English patch. Translations 1.1 Otogetranslations team 2019/08/19 Diabolik Lovers Limited V Edition English Patch
Digimon World: Next Order Asia-English patch. Translations 2018 Nobunaga, froid_san 2018/07/17 Digimon Story: Next Order English
Gochumon Wa Usagi Desu Ka?? Wonderful Party! early English patch. Translations 2021 battlefielder696 2021/12/27 Is the order a rabbit?? Wonderful party! English Patch
Grisaia Side Episode English Translation Patch for Vita. Translations 0.52 Spazzery 2023/11/26 Grisaia no Kajitsu Side Episode
Gun Gun Pixies English translation patch. Translations 0.98b froid_san 2019/11/02 Gun Gun Pixies
Hakuouki SSL fan translation patch. Translations 1.1.7 HakuoGakuen, Otogelib 2021/03/18 Hakuouki SSL English Patch
Blue Reflection English Patch. Translations 1 Fixed Xperiagenerator, Ryugawa, swosho 2019/07/09 Blue Reflection English Patch
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 English retranslation patch. Translations 0.90 gilleh 2016/09/12 Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 Retranslation
Full English translation patch for ISLAND. Translations 1.01 FineThenIWill 2023/12/01 ISLAND
Amagami in English for PS Vita. Translations 1.0 FineThenIWill 2025/03/20 Amagami
Kamen Rider Battride War Sousei English translation (partial). Translations 0.35 alpha froid_san 2019/02/17 Kamen Rider Battride War Sousei English
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 English mod patcher. Translations 0.90 froid_san 2019/05/03 Dragon Quest Heroes 2 English
Freedom Wars English Patch. Translations 2017 Roah 2017/07/15 Freedom Wars English Patch
Fushigi no Gensokyo TOD Reloaded English patch. Translations 2018 Cinnamon 2018/08/05 Fushigi no Gensokyo TOD Reloaded English
Love Live! School Idol Paradise series English translation project (POC). Translations 0.1 dude2202 2022/03/29 Love Live! School Idol Paradise English Translation Project
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 English retranslation patch. Translations 2018 AlternativeZeroSubs, Swosho 2018/10/06 Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 - Sisters Generation English Retranslation
I am Setsuna English patch. Translations 1.1 Ignis00 2016/12/17 I am Setsuna English Patch
IA/VT Colorful English Patch. Translations 1.1 Nagato 2016/09/18 IA VT Colorful English Patch
Itadaki Street Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary English patch (partial). Translations 0.14.2 dude22072 2019/11/12 Itadaki Street Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary English Translation
Tales of Hearts R Infinite Evolve Jap/Dub + English Translation. Translations 1.0 Life Bottle Productions 2023/12/26 Tales of Hearts: Infinite Evolve
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd full translation patch. Translations 1.0 the database, Snigs 2019/02/12 Trails in the Sky the 3rd Evolution English Patch
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC full translation patch. Translations 1.1a the database, Snigs 2018/08/04 Trails in the Sky SC Evolution English Patch
Omega Labyrinth Z full English fan translation patch. Translations 0.95 froid_san 2021/03/19 Omega Labyrinth Z Vita
The Irregular at Magic High School - Out of Order translation patch. Translations 2018 k7ra 2018/03/25 Mahouka Koukou no Retousei: Out of Order Translation
Metal Max Xeno complete English patch. Translations 1.0 Hotfix Knofbath 2020/09/13 Metal Max Xeno English
The Princess Guide English patch based on the Switch version. Translations 0.8B froid_san/happydance 2019/07/17 The Princess Guide English Patch
Nights of Azure English Patch (partial). Translations 1.1 DespairOfHarmony 2020/01/24 Nights of Azure English Patch
Puyo Puyo Tetris English patch. Translations 0.9 froid_san 2018/10/24 Puyo Puyo Tetris English
Phantasy Star Nova English patch (partially translated). Translations 2023 Arks-Layer 2023/09/06 Phantasy Star Nova English Patch
Phantasy Star Online 2 English patch. Translations 2019 Arks-Layer 2019/08/21 Phantasy Star Online 2 Vita English Patch
Plastic Memories full English patch. Translations 2022 Isla Execution Squad 2022/12/24 Plastic Memories Visual Novel English Patch
Raging Loop English Ver. for PS Vita. Translations 1.01 FineThenIWill 2023/06/08 Raging Loop English
Rodem the Wild English Patch Translations 2021 Graphene 2021/05/26 Rodem the Wild English patch.
Kantai Collection Vita translation (work in progress). Translations 0.4.310 wchristian 2019/07/27 Kancolle Kai Vita Translation
Super Heroine Chronicle English translation patch (partial). Translations 0.5 Tame421 2022/07/05 Super Heroine Chronicle English
Taiko Drum Master V Version English translation patch (partial). Translations 1.2 TEAM FULL COMBO 2019/04/08 Taiko Drum Master: V Version - Translation Project
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F with English subtitles patch. Translations 2019 nepluvolapukas 2019/06/26 Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F with English subtitles
Steins;Gate Elite PS Vita English translation patch. Translations 2.0 Beta DanOl98 2019/03/13 Steins;Gate Elite PSVita English Translation Patch
Musou Stars (Warriors All-Stars) English patch. Translations 0.9a froid_san 2019/06/26 Musou Stars English Patch
Full English translation patch for AIR. Translations 1.01 Spazzery 2024/01/10 Air English Translation Patch
Partially translated English patch for Making*Lovers. Translations 0.1 Spazzery 2023/07/26 Making*Lovers English Translation Patch
To Love Ru Darkness: Battle Ecstasy - English translation. Translations 1.05 froid_san 2022/09/25 To Love Ru Darkness: Battle Ecstasy
Chinese social credit simulator. Trivia 2021 ximer 2021/10/07 Chinese Social Credit Test
Quiz game for PS Vita/PS TV. Trivia 1.0 Lapy 2019/07/01 PS Scene Quiz
Game of Life clone. Trivia 1.0 Ruben_Wolfe 2016/07/30 Game of Life
Multiplayer quiz game for PS Vita. Trivia 1.0 Howling Wolf, ChelseaFantasy, FALLEN, Sliter, Solzodiac7 2021/06/06 Guess It!
Block System Update on PS Vita. Utilities 1.1 SilicaAndPina 2019/01/25 UpdateBlocker
Legal all-in-one one-click libshacccg.suprx installer. Utilities 1.2 Rinnegatamante 2024/11/15 ShaRKBR33D
Allow you to setup AdrBubbleBooter into your Adrenaline installation. Directly boot any PSP file (ISO/CSO/PBP/PSOne) from LiveArea Bubbles. Utilities 2020 Leecherman 2020/09/27 Adrenaline Bubble Booter VPK Edition
2-in-1 connection PS Vita (FTP+USB). Utilities 1.51 theheroGAC 2020/02/18 Cross Connection
Gets your Vita CID. Utilities 1.0 Major_Tom 2016/08/18 VitaCID
SceShaccCg extractor and decrypter. Utilities 1.3 OsirizX 2020/07/05 ShaRKF00D
Removes blacklist for Vita, PSP and PS1 set in place by Sony. Utilities 1.1 Kankertje 2016/07/29 Vita TV Whitelister
MMC swapper utility for PSV Slim/PSTV. Utilities 1.0 cnsldv 2017/05/04 CardUnlock
This application makes it easy to change the image displayed by CustomBootSplash. Utilities 1.1 Princess-of-Sleeping 2018/11/04 CustomBootSplash Image Changer
Easy Easy Downgrader/Updater for PS Vita. Formerly 365 U/D H. Utilities 1.03 BaltazaR4 2019/03/26 Easy Downgrader/Updater
Power options + NoNpDrm games loader all together in one app. Utilities 2.01 ONElua 2017/11/06 Easy Power Refresh
FTP Server for the PS Vita. Utilities 1.1 xerpi 2016/08/02 FTPVita
Shutdowns your PS Vita. Utilities 1.0 luck 2016/11/03 Shutdown Shortcut
A tool to install the SD2VITA adapter on PS Vita. Utilities 1.6 Yizhi gai 2017/08/06 gamesd.skprx installer
Deletes the Vita game and error history. Utilities 2.0 theheroGAC 2017/10/24 History Deleter Reboot by theheroGAC
Color saturation enhancer for PSV Slim. Utilities 1.2.0 Electric 2020/09/13 LCD Color Saturation
Application to be able to backup the ur0:shell and ur0:appmeta folder on a memory card (or SD card). Utilities 0.91 moody.b 2018/07/11 Home Screen Restore
The Manager Plugins for PlayStation Vita. Utilities 0.20 David Nuñez (DavisDev) 2018/01/10 PluginBox
Backs up your licenses for purchased digital content for PSP, PS3, and PS Vita. Utilities 1.2.1 cuevavirus 2021/08/25 RIF Ripper
Bulk Archive/Backup PSM games. Utilities 1.1 Eli Crystal 2024/08/10 Crystal Archiver
A tool to simplify the installation and management of the drivers of the SD2VITA adapter. Utilities 2.28 Yizhi gai, theheroGAC 2022/09/03 TF Card Plugin Tool
PS Vita TCP Hosts and Ports Scanner. Utilities 0.10.0 lp1 2025/01/10 Vita Ports Scanner
App to customize your bubbles. Utilities 1.0 AntHJ 2021/12/12 Custom LiveArea
A simple and automatic FTP for PS Vita in two touches. Utilities 1.02 theheroGAC 2018/02/18 Two Touch FTP
All-In-One kplugin + manager for PS Vita. Utilities 1.0 SKGleba 2019/01/31 v-kaio
A fork of vita-savmgr. Utilities 4.1.0 Kylon 2019/02/06 Vita Save Manager Plus
Set your vita volume level without using the buttons. Utilities 1.4.0 inthecatsdreams 2020/03/09 Vita Volume
Quick and easy way to remove/hide stock apps. Utilities 1.0 AntHJ 2021/12/12 Stock App Remover
An application to manage your PS Vita (Volume, Database, Battery, taihen etc). Utilities 2.2 inthecatsdreams 2021/04/23 Vita Manager
Enable the built-in Package Installer. Utilities 1.00 Freakler 2020/03/17 vita-PKGEnabler
Display the radio wave reception level of the currently connected WiFi. Utilities 0.02 Moody.b 2018/08/05 WifiLevelMeter
Offline Vita activator. Utilities FIX2 MiraLaTijera, Draqen 2017/08/14 MLTactivator
Whitelister homebrew for PSTV using v1 patch. Written in Lua, runs on Lua Player Plus R4. Utilities 1.0c gnmmarechal 2016/08/06 Moon Whitelister
Helper for MiniVitaTV plugin. Utilities 1.0 xCorra 2019/05/02 Switch to PSTV
Adrenaline States Manager. Utilities 1.20 David Nuñez (DavisDev) 2018/03/11 Adrenaline States Manager
Enables PKG Installer on 3.60 HENkaku Vita. Utilities 0.4 SilicaAndPina 2018/08/04 Package Installer Enabler
Re-activate your test/dev kit vita after it expires. Utilities 1.4 SilicaAndPina 2021/08/21 testkit/devkit-activator
Plugins downloader linked to VitaDB. Utilities 1.1.1 THEN00P 2020/06/10 Easy Plugin
A complete logging solution for any homebrew, user plugin, kernel plugin. Utilities 1.0 isage 2023/07/05 Plog
The Remastered Autoplugin 2. Utilities 1.40 hedhehd 2023/05/04 AutoPlugin II Remaster
Dump some PS Vita shared modules. Fork of vitaDump. Utilities 2016 atreyu187 2016/08/09 ModDump 3.60
Tool that semi-automates migration to an SD. Utilities 2.3b AntHJ 2024/04/30 UX0 to SD CloneTool
IDPS Dumper for PS Vita. Utilities 1.1 Yoti 2024/02/12 PSV IDPS Dumper
Controller vibrator for PSTV. Utilities 2-final NamelessGhoul0 (DragonSnake) 2016/10/22 PSVibe
Makes all RW partitons to Read Only. Utilities 2018 SilicaAndPina 2018/08/04 VitaRO
Shutdown/Reboot utility. It can also update and reset your database. Now featuring touch. Utilities 1.08 McCallum99 2019/05/18 Reboot or Shutdown
Get PS Store bubble on TESTKIT/DEVKIT/REX. Utilities 2018 SilicaAndPina 2018/08/04 Enable PlayStation Store
Disable Auto AVLS feature. Utilities 1.0 SKGleba 2019/10/30 VITA-NoAutoAvls
A tiny tool to reboot and shutdown PSV. Utilities 0.01 firedom 2018/05/04 Halt Restart PSV
Plugins manager for PS Vita (vitamin/mai). Utilities 0.6 NeoLTK 2016/10/20 VITAPluginsManager
Multidownload files for Play Station Vita. Utilities 1.00 David Nuñez (DavisDev) 2018/09/13 Multidownload-Vita
Install/uninstall plugins with one click on ux0 or ur0 (ur0 for SD2VITA). Utilities 2.13 Onelua Team 2024/12/25 Autoplugin 2
A simple to use UI which separates the installed games and apps into categories. Comes with a built in file explorer. Utilities 3.21 ONElua Team 2024/12/25 ONEMenu for PSVita
Replace Near bubble with VitaShell. Utilities 0.1 gnmmarechal 2018/03/16 VSOI
Create and organize your direct adrenaline bubbles. Utilities 6.20 ONElua 2023/07/24 Adrenaline Bubble Manager
Set a custom animation as console bootlogo. Utilities 1.1 SKGleba 2021/06/21 vita-bootanim
Chiaki Remote play PS5 Vita port. Utilities 0.0.2 AAGaming00 2022/08/09 VItaki
Backup and Restore Utility. Utilities 2.00 BETA joel16 2018/12/31 Vita Backup
Save valuable space on your memory card by shrinking unneeded manuals, language and video files to 0-Byte files. Utilities 1.1 Dakor 2016/11/26 Game Shrinker
A GUI Configurator for the VitaGrafix plugin. Utilities 3.0 Kirezar 2020/05/10 VitaGrafix Configurator
A one click installer that downloads and installs PSM runtime for the PS Vita. Utilities 2 EliCrystal2001 2025/03/22 Crystal PSM
This app will allow you to quickly remount your prefered storage as UX0. Utilities 1.0 AntHJ 2023/01/19 Quick Remounter
A powerful toolbox for the PS Vita. Utilities 0.12pre2 Harommel OddSock 2025/03/20 Rabbid MultiTool Vita
An all in one solution that will help make setting up your Vita a lot more efficient. Utilities 2.0 AntHJ 2021/10/27 VitaCompanion
Multifunctional toolbox for PSVita. Utilities 0.1 Harommel OddSock 2024/11/17 Rabbid MultiTool LPP-Vita
Autoplugin for PS Vita. Utilities 4.21 theheroGAC 2020/02/29 Autoplugin
A random game launcher for PS Vita. Utilities 1.0 jimbob4000 2023/12/30 Random Vita Game Launcher
Test Vita OLED Screen. Utilities 1.1 SMOKE 2016/07/30 VitaScreenFlasher
Tools to manage rePatch games. Utilities 1.10 Eyeman 2022/05/14 rePatch Manager
Save manager for PS Vita. Utilities 1.4.2 bucanero 2024/08/04 Apollo Save Tool
Utility to refresh app.db database. Utilities 6.0 luck, kylon 2022/07/30 App.db Tool
MolecularShell MOD for HENkaku. Now Access to all directories. Utilities 0.6 MOD SMOKE 2016/09/15 MolecularShell MOD
Start and stop LOLIcon without rebooting. Utilities 1.0.0 cuevavirus 2019/12/07 LOLIcon Fast Switch
An app to turn LOLIcon plugin on and off in a simple way. Utilities 0.01 MERLev 2019/12/07 LOLIcon Switch
Swaps X/O for Accept/Cancel. Utilities 1.0 xyzz 2016/08/11 Vita Button Swapper
Tool to create 1:1 backups of PSV Game Cartridges. Utilities 1.0 Li 2024/02/06 GcToolKit
Apps database sorter for PS Vita. Utilities 1.27 Joel16 2024/05/12 Vita Homebrew Sorter
Create LiveArena launch bubbles for your favourite Retroarch games. Utilities 1.0 AntHJ 2021/11/19 Retroarch Bubble Builder
Simple app to restart your Vita/PSTV. Utilities 0.10 devnoname120 2017/04/19 Vita Restart
Savegame dumper/restorer. Utilities 2.0.0 d3m3vilurr 2018/04/14 Vita Save Manager
Adds TLS 1.2 to enso enabled devices. Utilities 3.2.1 SKGleba 2023/01/18 iTLS-Enso
PS Vita game save cloud backup tool. Utilities 2024.02.28 iamcco 2024/02/28 Save Cloud Vita
First game dumper/decrypter for PS Vita/PSTV. Utilities 2.0 Team FreeK (TheFloW, Major Tom, mr. gas) 2016/09/09 Vitamin
A PS Vita application to convert between Retail and TestKit. Utilities 1.1 TeamFAPS 2022/01/09 CEX2DEX
Fake SD Card checker tool. Utilities 2.0b AntHJ 2024/04/30 Is It Fake?
Quickly and easily save and restore your bubbles layouts. Utilities 1.0 AntHJ 2021/12/12 Bubble Recall
