Port of Circle Jump, an open source mobile game made to help you learn to use Godot. | Action | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/02/19 | Circle Jump |
Wiiero port for PS TV. | Action | 1.2 | Grzybojad | 2019/01/13 | Wiiero |
Port of JumpNBump for PS Vita. | Action | 1.00 | rsn8887 | 2019/02/15 | Jump'n'Bump |
Port of ICEY for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | 初代NPC | 2024/03/27 | ICEY |
King of Machines port for PS Vita | Action | 1.0 | m1s3ry | 2021/03/20 | King of Machines |
Port of Solstice for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0.4 | withLogic | 2024/01/12 | Solstice Vita |
A unique, fast and challenging autorunner with a colorful twist. | Action | 1.0 | PatnosD | 2022/11/24 | Chameleon Run |
Clone of Crossy Road for PS Vita. | Action | 0.70 | MRKane | 2024/08/18 | Crossy Road Clone |
A 3D space game made with Unity. | Action | 2021 | LaDropZone | 2021/12/12 | Brico Laika |
Cuphead for PS Vita. | Action | 0.78 | PatnosDD | 2024/06/15 | Cuphead Vita |
Minicraft port for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2016/11/07 | Minicraft Vita |
Classic Bomberman clone on SDL2 and C++. | Action | 1.01 | Rufis01 | 2020/06/07 | Bomberman |
2D retro style dungeon game ported to the PS Vita. | Action | 1.0.1-vita.2 | ParallelProductions | 2023/02/07 | Super Dungeon Delve |
Port of Death Road to Canada for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante, CatoTheYounger | 2022/07/29 | Death Road to Canada Lite |
PS Vita port of Street Fighter One, using the Mugen engine. | Action | 1.1 | AnasHalideen | 2025/01/07 | SF1MR Vita |
Port of Shield Yield by Pelagic Reactor. | Action | 1.0 | Upper_Golf8078 | 2024/11/28 | Shield Yield |
A WIP Mugen interpreter for Dreamcast, Web, Vita and Windows. | Action | 1.5 | Captain Dreamcast | 2023/12/31 | Dolmexica Infinite |
Dig your way through to the core of the planet. | Action | Update | PatnosD, VSM GAMMER | 2023/04/28 | Dome Romantik |
Endless running game for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | Lapy | 2020/06/02 | NanoSpeed Gamer |
3D hack n slash game. | Action | 0.26 | JacobsPlayground | 2019/05/02 | Sword Journey |
Naruto themed fighting game. | Action | 2 | gambikules | 2019/10/05 | Naruto Boruto |
Remake of T-Rex by Google. | Action | 1.0 | Toni Dumancic | 2021/06/05 | T-Rex |
Port of a BlackMyth: Wukong fan game to the PS Vita. | Action | 0.6 | 左陀罗 | 2024/11/11 | BlackMyth: Wukong Pixel |
A small 2D action game. | Action | 1.0 | wonre | 2016/10/29 | Tactic Miner |
Recreation of Cuphead on the PS Vita. | Action | 1.0.1 | VitaDev | 2021/04/06 | Cuphead |
Multiplatform endless minigame. | Action | 1.0 | PolyMars | 2020/06/10 | Terri-Fried |
Port of Dstroy for PS Vita. | Action | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2020/12/07 | Dstroy Vita |
Port of Dungeon Rush for PS Vita. | Action | 01.00 | xfangfang | 2020/09/12 | DungeonRush PSV |
Dungeon crawler for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | VitaHEX games | 2019/04/18 | No More Dungeons! |
Swashbuckling arcade pirate combat game. | Action | Beta | MRKane | 2025/01/24 | Black Sails: Curse of the Deep |
PSX style parkour runner through a zombie wasteland. | Action | Beta | MRKane | 2025/01/24 | Road of Mailhem |
Port of This War of Mine for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | TheFloW, Rinnegatamante | 2022/03/30 | This War of Mine |
Port of Eldritch for PS Vita. | Action | 1.1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/09/24 | Eldritch Vita |
Short beat em up for PS Vita. | Action | demo | PolyDood | 2024/03/15 | OnePartyOneDungeon |
2D clone of Minecraft for PS Vita. | Action | 1.1 | MEGAgameBoy | 2024/05/24 | Tinycraft |
Port of Tomb Raider 1/Tomb Raider 2 Classic for PS Vita. | Action | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/02/14 | Tomb Raider 1 & 2 Classic Collection |
Recreation of the Flash game Trogdor. | Action | 2.21 | Mode8fx | 2024/08/13 | Trogdor Reburninated |
A game prototype made in Godot. | Action | 1.00 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/07/14 | Minitroid |
Port of SoulCalibur for PS Vita. | Action | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/12/05 | SoulCalibur Vita |
Port of Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy for the PS Vita. | Action | 0.9.1 | Rinnegatamante, TheFloW | 2023/09/05 | Fahrenheit Vita |
A CPU-only, from-scratch 3D game written in C, where you dodge blocks. | Action | 1.0 | Mode8fx | 2024/09/21 | Blockamok Remix |
Sci-fi exploration action game for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | WIDEGCG | 2023/09/23 | Feline Future |
Port of Undead Slayer for PS Vita. | Action | 2022 | Hao**qi (初代NPC) | 2022/03/18 | Undead Slayer |
A port/patch to make the game Flop Rocket (Android Version) playable on the PS Vita. | Action | 1.0.0 | MDashK | 2021/11/05 | Flop Rocket |
Port of Parkour Labs for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | SoyKhaler | 2023/09/28 | Parkour Labs |
Port of Ultimate Spider-Man: Total Mayhem for Vita. | Action | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante, TheFloW | 2025/02/26 | Ultimate Spiderman: Total Mayhem Vita |
Join a range of different weapons to your ship, and use your momentum to swing them into the enemies on the screen!” | Action | 1.0 | cyberthreat | 2021/09/26 | Joined at the Ship |
Double Dragon Reloaded Alternate Version (Vita fix, full game). | Action | 2021 | magggas, dragonz | 2021/10/22 | Double Dragon Reloaded Alternate |
Arcade style WW1 flight combat game with mission strategy. | Action | 0.42.5 Beta | MRKane | 2025/03/07 | Cartoon Combatt: Flying Circus |
PS Vita port of Monster Battlegrounds. | Action | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2024/03/18 | Monster Valley |
Port of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for PS Vita/PSTV based on the Mobile (Android) version of the game. | Action | 2.1 | TheFloW | 2021/08/28 | GTA: SA Vita |
Port of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars Android version to the PS Vita. | Action | 1.2 | TheFloW, Rinnegatamante | 2021/06/04 | GTA: CTW Vita |
A PS Vita port of Mad Bomber by Bill Kendrick. | Action | 1 | SonicMastr | 2020/01/14 | Mad Bomber Vita |
Port of Aerofoil for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/02/21 | Aerofoil Vita |
Double Dragon IV for Vita. | Action | 1.0 | Moqi01 | 2023/09/21 | Double Dragon IV |
Port of The friends of Ringo Ishikawa for PS Vita. | Action | 2023 | yeo | 2023/04/15 | The friends of Ringo Ishikawa |
Port of Altos Adventure for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | PatnosD | 2022/10/15 | Alto's Adventure |
A fun, fast paced, action, multiplayer homebrew game. | Action | 2021 | Erfg1 | 2021/11/18 | Hot Shot |
Fantasy-themed modernized Pacman. | Action | 0.8.203 | Sergorov | 2024/05/27 | Gnomopolis |
Port of Splinter Cell: Conviction for PS Vita. | Action | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2025/03/20 | Splinter Cell: Conviction Vita |
Port of Grave for PS Vita/PS TV. | Action | 1.0 | xanderten50 | 2021/01/13 | Grave |
Port of AM2R for PS Vita (unfinished). | Action | 1.41 | greaterchimera | 2017/09/08 | Another Metroid 2 Remake |
A 2D one-hit fighting game, made with Godot 3.2 and GodotSteam. | Action | 1.00 | Anas Halideen | 2023/04/30 | HYPERFIGHT Vita |
Fast-paced endless runner for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | arar7000 | 2021/07/26 | Astro Rush |
A shoot em up/beat em up style game for PS Vita/PSTV. | Action | 1.0 | Gremlin Software | 2020/06/27 | Attack of the Lettuce Munching Caterpillars |
A fighting game with 3D block-like graphics made with Unity. | Action | 0.96 | AngryDevs | 2020/06/21 | Vita Fighters |
Port of Galcon 2/BREAKFINITY for PS Vita. | Action | 0.9 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/11/06 | Hassey Collection |
Port of Backstab HD for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | gl33ntwine, Rinnegatamante | 2023/03/28 | Backstab HD Vita |
Port of hode, a rewrite of the engine used in the game Heart of Darkness made by Amazing Studio. | Action | 0.2.9d | Matthieu Milan (usineur) | 2020/11/23 | Heart of Darkness (hode) |
Port of Heart Potato, an original game made in 48 hours for Chillenium Game Jam. | Action | 1.0 | Discord Mods | 2023/04/17 | Heart Potato |
Streets of Rage Remake (BennuGD) port. | Action | 1.3 | isage | 2021/11/29 | Streets of Rage Remake |
Vampire Survivors clone for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | Edemfancypants | 2023/09/22 | Vita Reckoning |
Runner game for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | LuckTheGamers | 2019/11/23 | BitBot Runners |
Clone of Vampire Survivors for PS Vita. | Action | 1.1 | pelayodc | 2024/01/02 | Vita Surviving |
Port of Run From Reality. | Action | 1.0 | LuckTheGamers | 2019/08/17 | RunFromReality |
Arcade fighting game for PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | Almidasa Studios | 2023/09/23 | BonkBots! |
Port of Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition for PS Vita. | Action | 1.22 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/09/05 | SMB2SE Vita |
Port of Bully: Anniversary Edition for the PS Vita. | Action | 1.0 | TheFloW | 2021/06/05 | Bully: Anniversary Edition |
Katawa Shoujo port for PS Vita. | Adventure | 0.11 | sudovim | 2016/10/04 | Katawa Shoujo |
Shockolate (System Shock) port for PS Vita. | Adventure | 0.8.2-vita.1 | Northfear | 2022/02/21 | Shockolate |
VPK and Livearea Assets for Contract Demon by NomnomNami (RenPy Port). | Adventure | 1.0 | SonicMastr | 2021/09/21 | Contract Demon Vita |
Surviving game for PS Vita. | Adventure | 0.1.0a | VitaDev | 2021/05/27 | Lost on Island |
Port of Zelda3T for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.3.1 | usineur | 2018/09/11 | Zelda Time to Triumph |
Port of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. | Adventure | 1.2.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/06/08 | The Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past |
Zelda: Navis Quest port for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.1.1 | usineur | 2018/05/04 | Zelda Navi's Quest |
A comprehensive remaster of the 2012 release. | Adventure | 01.12 | avonder | 2024/10/18 | Katawa Shoujo R7 |
Port of Zelda: Oni Link Begins for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.5 | Rinnegatamante | 2018/05/02 | Zelda Oni Link Begins |
Zelda: Return of the Hylian port. | Adventure | 1.3 | usineur | 2018/05/08 | Zelda Return of the Hylian |
Ninja rabbits on your Vita. | Adventure | beta 1 | Alejandro Ramallo (Diggeloid) | 2022/08/20 | Lugaru HD |
Port of Zen and the Art of Transhumanism. | Adventure | 1.0.0 | m1s3ry | 2021/04/01 | Zen and the Art of Transhumanism |
Port of Uncharted 1/2 clone. | Adventure | 1.0 v2 | mrdivdiz | 2022/07/27 | Yet Another Unearthed Vita |
Port of McPixel 3 for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/09/24 | McPixel 3 Vita |
Port of meritous for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2020/12/06 | meritous |
An unofficial Doki Doki Literature Club port to Lua. | Adventure | 1.2.3 | LukeZGD | 2021/09/16 | DDLC-LOVE |
Port of Minit for PS Vita/PSTV. | Adventure | 1.1 | m1s3ry | 2021/04/10 | Minit |
Port of Dead Knight: Pocket Edition for Vita. | Adventure | 1.0 | Elizabeth (RODENT-CAT) | 2022/01/25 | Dead Knight Pocket Edition |
Open source game Waves: Let Me Sleep port for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.0 | Paulo | 2019/04/01 | Waves:Let Me Sleep |
Port of Super Mario World for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/06/07 | Super Mario World Vita |
Port of Superfluous Returnz for PS Vita. | Adventure | 0.5 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/07/09 | Superfluous Returnz Vita |
A fury game. | Adventure | 00.07 | Accomplished-Tour931 | 2024/09/07 | PASSWORD |
Vita Specific Patches and Application for Doki Doki Literature Club (Steam Version) using RenPy PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.01 | SonicMastr | 2021/09/16 | Doki Doki Literature Club Vita |
Port of Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga for PS Vita. | Adventure | 0.1 | gm666q | 2024/09/18 | LSWTCS Vita |
Explore an autumn park and play minigames. | Adventure | 0.9 | Anas Halideen | 2023/05/09 | Feather Park |
Help Sprouty find his family that got missing at a mysterious cave. | Adventure | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/05/10 | Sprouty's Quest |
Port of Night in the Woods for PS Vita. | Adventure | 0.5 | PatnosDD | 2024/01/26 | Night in the Woods |
A simple nostalgic text adventure PS Vita homebrew. | Adventure | 1.0 | joshaxey | 2016/08/23 | TextQuest |
A short visual novel/parody of the Vita scene. | Adventure | 2.3 beta | SonyUSA | 2017/10/01 | Season of Henkaku |
Port of Hollow Knight. | Adventure | 0.81 hotflix | PatnosDD | 2025/01/22 | Hollow Knight |
Port of The Call for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.0.1 | Paulo | 2019/04/02 | The Call |
Port of ERRE for PS Vita. A short game made during the Global Game Jam 2017. | Adventure | 1.0 | Paulo | 2019/03/31 | ERRE |
Rejected by her colleague he ran away crying going to nowhere accidentally warping to some mysterious place. | Adventure | 1.1 | nedmapagmahal | 2020/09/15 | The Great Adventures of NedMapagmahal |
Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine. | Adventure | 22.03.21 | XProger | 2021/03/22 | OpenLara |
Port of Thimbleweed Park for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/03/28 | Thimbleweed Park Vita |
Port of Everlasting Summer for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.6 | avonder | 2023/08/23 | Everlasting Summer Vita |
An Indie top-down adventure game. | Adventure | | LonelyPie Studio | 2023/05/04 | Evie |
Fade to Black port for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.0 | usineur | 2018/03/07 | Fade To Black |
Port of DUNGEON (ZORK: The Great Underground Empire - Part I) for PS Vita/PSTV. | Adventure | psv1.0.2 | robDevs | 2019/04/04 | Zork I |
Port of Swordigo for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/12/07 | Swordigo Vita |
Soulslike game for PS Vita. | Adventure | 0.2 | VitaHEX games | 2019/05/10 | Fallen Knights |
Port of Mighty Mike for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2025/02/01 | Mighty Mike Vita |
Interactive movie for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.0 | SoyKhaler | 2025/01/26 | La Deuda |
Port of Otto Matic for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2025/01/26 | OttoMatic Vita |
Port of Magical Literary Heroine Natsuki Saves The Literature Club. | Adventure | 1.02 | SilverCrow | 2022/04/04 | Magical Literary Heroine Natsuki Saves The Literature Club |
Port of Fate/Stay Night [Realta Nua]. Require original games. | Adventure | 1.1.2 | Alyinghood | 2022/10/05 | Fate/Stay Night [Realta Nua] - Ultimate Edition Port |
Port of Bugdom for the PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.3.4.vita.1 | ywnico | 2025/02/28 | Bugdom |
A PS Vita port of Fanwor. | Adventure | 2021 | Calistex | 2021/05/24 | Fanwor |
PS Vita port of the SDL2 implementation of the PC version of Plumbers Dont Wear Ties. | Adventure | 1.0 | Serph | 2021/12/26 | Plumbers Don't Wear Ties |
Port of The Swampies by bitmagine Studio. Help Swampies on their dangerous mission to recover their precious food and escape the maze. | Adventure | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/05/08 | The Swampies |
Port of Abbey of Crime for PS Vita/PSTV. | Adventure | 1.0 | Samuel85 | 2021/03/07 | Abbey of Crime |
A 2D Metroidvania video game port for Vita. | Adventure | 1.0.1 | m1s3ry | 2022/01/21 | Gato Roboto |
Port of Planetarian visual novel from legendary game studio, Key. | Adventure | 2024 | avonder | 2024/01/25 | Planetarian - The Dream of a Little Star |
Port of Air Pressure for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.0 | majonessyltetoy | 2022/11/28 | Air Pressure |
Port of Adastra for the PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.00 | BisexualCar | 2022/03/18 | Adastra |
Remaster of Girls are Weird for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.0 | BetterWinds | 2022/06/28 | Girls Are Weird Plus |
Port of Girls are Weird. | Adventure | 1.0 | 10TR!LL!ON Percent% | 2017/12/01 | Girls Are Weird |
Port of Going Nowhere for PS Vita. | Adventure | b27 | koleq | 2021/12/12 | Going Nowhere |
Port of Unsighted for PS Vita. | Adventure | 0.3 | PatnosDD | 2025/03/09 | Unsighted Vita |
Port of Gone Home for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.0.1 | Soup um | 2023/10/08 | Gone Home |
Flashback port for PS Vita. | Adventure | 0.4.2 | Enrique Somolinos Perez (Somo) | 2016/10/24 | REminiscence Vita |
Another World port for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.0 | Enrique Somolinos Perez | 2016/09/27 | Another World Vita |
Heart of the Alien port | Adventure | 1.0 | usineur | 2016/10/23 | HOTA |
Sci-Fi visual novel for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.11 | Sansigolo | 2023/03/07 | Red Moon of April |
Uncover an incredible adventure with Vera in Murder in Venice. | Adventure | 2022 | Bur | 2022/11/25 | Murder in Venice |
A game where you must find potatoes. | Adventure | 1.1 | MyLegGuy | 2017/07/10 | Happy Land |
Port of Love at First Sight. | Adventure | 1.0 | rlyx | 2022/06/30 | Vita First Sight |
Port of Resurgent for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.0 | Markus95 | 2021/08/14 | Resurgent by Markus95 |
Resurgent port for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.0.0 | m1s3ry | 2021/08/12 | Resurgent by m1s3ry |
Port of Kohana for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.02 | rlyx | 2022/03/20 | Vita Kohana |
Playstation Vita Port of Cradle Song Teaser by Dischan. | Adventure | 00.98 | Grimiku | 2024/06/01 | Cradle Song |
Port of Behind Every Great One for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.0 | m1s3ry | 2021/03/16 | Behind Every Great One |
Bermuda Syndrome port for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.4 | usineur | 2018/01/12 | Bermuda Vita |
Port of the PC Visual Novel Sakura Succubus 2 for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.1 | SilverCrow | 2022/04/07 | Sakura Succubus 2 |
Port of the PC Visual Novel Sakura Succubus 3 for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.1 | SilverCrow | 2022/04/07 | Sakura Succubus 3 |
Port of the PC Visual Novel Sakura Succubus 4 for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.1 | SilverCrow | 2022/04/06 | Sakura Succubus 4 |
Port of the PC Visual Novel Sakura Succubus 1 for PS Vita. | Adventure | 1.1 | SilverCrow | 2022/04/07 | Sakura Succubus |
Final Burn Neo port. Continuation of pFBA. | Arcade | 6.7.1 | Cpasjuste | 2023/09/11 | pFBN |
Arcade and console emulator. Port of FBNeo. | Arcade | 1.57 | Cpasjuste, rsn8887 | 2018/06/28 | pFBA |
A very good Arcade emulator for PS Vita. | Arcade | 1.0 beta 7.1 | Yizhi gai, froid_san | 2023/02/06 | FBA Lite |
Frogger clone for PS Vita/PS TV. | Arcade Games | 1.0.0 | Team789er | 2020/06/07 | Car Crossing |
Port of Slither Snake for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.0 | SpanishFreddy | 2023/03/23 | Slither.io Vita |
Snake game for PS Vita/PS TV. | Arcade Games | 2.0 | Ccoolguy | 2020/05/30 | Snake by Ccoolguy |
Snake clone for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 0.9 | JJH | 2020/09/05 | Snake by JJH |
Port of Space Cadet for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.1.1-VB2 | Axiom | 2021/09/29 | Space Cadet Pinball Vita |
Stacker arcade game for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.00 | Bunkai9448 | 2024/02/27 | Stacker for Vita |
Fanmade Helldivers 2’s mini game for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.0 | MEGAgameBoy | 2024/04/24 | Stratagem Hero Vita |
Pangea Software’s Billy Frontier for modern systems. | Arcade Games | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/12/02 | Billy Frontier Vita |
A breakout game for PlayStation Vita. | Arcade Games | 2021 | PatchesDoggo | 2021/11/20 | Super Pop-up Blocker 2000 |
Port of Destroy The Dot for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.0.1 | OrbitalFlagStudio | 2023/07/02 | Destroy The Dot |
Asteroids clone for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 0.52 | xanderten50 | 2021/11/10 | Temporary Space: Expanse |
Well-rounded game that makes you dizzy. | Arcade Games | 1.2.0 | thp | 2021/10/16 | Dzzee |
Flappy Bird clone for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.0 | Lapy | 2019/03/23 | El Pollo de Lapy |
Helicopter clone for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 2.0 | Lapy | 2019/03/23 | El Pollo |
Breakout clone made for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 0.3 | ddB0515 | 2016/08/01 | BreakVeetOut |
Port of Onslaught Arena for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.0 | PsJuan | 2023/09/22 | Onslaught Arena |
Port of fast-areas NEON for Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.0.1 | OrbitalFlagStudio | 2023/07/02 | fast-areas NEON |
A homebrew game created for the Ludum Dare 51. | Arcade Games | 1.0 | soultie | 2022/10/02 | Gravity Blocks |
Flappy Bird clone for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.21 | Creckeryop | 2020/04/08 | FlappyBird Classic |
Flappy Bird clone for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.0 | Moe_Baker | 2019/09/20 | Flappy Bird Vita |
Flappy Bird clone for the PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.3 | gambikules | 2016/08/19 | Flppy Bird |
Pong clone for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.10 | NamelessGhoul0 | 2017/09/06 | Pong |
BreakOut clone for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 2.0 | Dane64 | 2020/05/25 | VitOut |
Local multiplayer pong for 2 persons in the same console. | Arcade Games | 0.2 | SoyKhaler | 2023/02/28 | 2PlayersPong |
Port of Funky Smugglers for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/03/01 | Funky Smugglers Vita |
Port of Ben 10: OmniMix, an unofficial fangame of the Ben 10 franchise. | Arcade Games | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/03/04 | Ben 10: OmniMix |
Hellrider for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.0 | PatnosD | 2022/12/01 | Hellrider |
Air Hockey game for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 0.2 | LaGaipaG | 2016/10/04 | vitaAirHockey |
Another flappy bird clone. | Arcade Games | 2024 | Nameless Knight | 2024/07/31 | Flappy |
Vita port of Family Fisticuffs. | Arcade Games | 1.00 | zapchi | 2022/10/31 | Family Fisticuffs |
Clone of the classic game Pong for the PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.0 | nyorem | 2016/09/17 | VitaPong |
A snake game with smooth rotation made for the PS Vita with LibVita2D. | Arcade Games | 1.5 | Grzybojad | 2019/04/29 | vitaSnake |
Atari hit classic arcade game comes to the PS Vita system. | Arcade Games | 0.1 Beta + Network | KimsoftStudio | 2019/11/10 | Asteroids |
A Flappy Bird clone for the PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.0 | yukkurisinai | 2016/08/09 | Vita Flappy Bird |
Port of Pang Adventures for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/09/24 | Pang Adventures Vita |
Pacman clone for PS Vita. | Arcade Games | 1.0 | L0Wigh | 2021/06/07 | Vitaman |
Digital board game for PS Vita. | Board | 1.0 | Jonathan Holmes (crait) | 2020/06/06 | Kogre's Mountain |
A 3D style chess game with adhoc mode. | Board | 00.10 | DevDavisNunez, Gdljjrod | 2019/04/22 | Chess 3D |
Connect 4 game for PS Vita. | Board | 1.0 | Dane64 | 2020/05/03 | Connect Four |
Classic German board game for the PS Vita. | Board | 1.0 | Dane64 | 2020/06/27 | MaDn |
Yahtzee for the PS Vita; get the highest score to win. | Board | 1.0 | dragaron | 2018/01/21 | Yakzee |
Tic-Tac-Toe is an iteration of the game of the same name for the PS Vita. | Board | 1.2.2 | MEGAgameBoy | 2022/05/31 | Tic-Tac-Toe |
Connect4 game for PS Vita. | Board | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2016/08/01 | 4Rows |
A modern Othello for PS Vita. | Board | 1.1 | TheFloW | 2016/07/30 | ReversMe |
Custom bubbles creator for ScummVM. | Bubble Makers | 1.0 | DRok17 | 2021/06/21 | ScummVM Builder |
Create custom bubbles for several applications. | Bubble Makers | 1.8 | DRok17 | 2024/02/11 | Multi-Builder |
Generate PS Vita Livearea Bubbles for your Retroarch ROMS | Bubble Makers | 2021 | histefanhere | 2021/09/04 | Retroarch Bubble Generator |
Make custom bubbles for Pico-8 games on your Vita. | Bubble Makers | 0.1 | jtothebell | 2021/07/05 | Fake 08 Vita Launcher |
Create custom bubbles to boot ScummVM game directly from bubble. | Bubble Makers | 1.0 | cy33hc | 2020/11/09 | Scummvm Bubble Booter |
Create custom bubbles for Fake-08. | Bubble Makers | 1.0 | DRok17 | 2021/07/06 | Fake-08-Builder |
This tool will resize images to the required sizes for the Adrenaline Bubble Manager and also convert them to 8 bit png images. | Bubble Makers | 1.1 | AntHJ | 2021/05/27 | Adrenaline Bubble Helper |
Play GB/GBA games directly on your Livearea. | Bubble Makers | 1.0 | chronoss09 | 2023/06/25 | Game Boy Bulle Vita |
Create bubbles for PSP titles to use with Adrenaline Bubble Booter plugin. | Bubble Makers | 1.3 | Leecherman | 2020/09/27 | Adrenaline Bubble Booter Creator |
Tool to create custom bubbles for Daedalus X64 and RetroArch. | Bubble Makers | 3.1 | DRok17 | 2021/07/08 | RetroBuilder |
Create installable VPK Video Boxsets. | Bubble Makers | 1.426 | AntHJ | 2022/04/25 | Boxset Bubble Creator |
VPK repackaging tool. | Bubble Makers | 1.2 | DRok17 | 2021/06/10 | Bubble-Builder |
Spider solitaire clone. | Card | 1.2 | LeeStorm | 2016/08/21 | SpiderVita |
Singleplayer DouDiZhu. | Card | 0.01 | 左陀罗 | 2024/04/20 | DouDiZhu |
Port of Balatro for PS Vita. | Card | 0.11 | Daexxx, jafeth | 2025/02/25 | Balatro Vita |
Point and Click Adventures for old PC games. | Computer | 2.9.0 | Cpasjuste, rsn8887, ScummVM Team | 2024/12/23 | ScummVM |
ZX Spectrum 48k emulator. | Computer | 1.2.0 | Amnon-Dan Meir (ammeir) | 2021/01/26 | ZXVita |
Multiplatform Pico 8 player. | Computer | | jtothebell | 2023/03/11 | FAKE-08 |
Amiga 500/1200 emulator. | Computer | 2.10 | rsn8887, Cpasjuste | 2024/02/15 | UAE4ALL2 |
The UniPCemu (Universal PC emulator) emulator. | Computer | 2023 | Superfury1 | 2023/04/11 | UniPCemu |
Commodore 64 emulator. | Computer | 1.2 | Amnon-Dan Meir (ammeir) | 2020/12/19 | VICEVita |
Vita port of MegaZeux Game Creation System (emulator/interpreter). | Computer | 2.93c | MegaZeux developers | 2025/03/01 | MegaZeux Vita |
68k Macintosh emulator for PS Vita. | Computer | 0.33h | meetpatty, rsn8887 | 2021/04/06 | Basilisk II |
SNES emulator. | Console | 1 | Malachi, skogaby | 2017/01/15 | CATSFC-Libretro-Vita |
ChimeraSNES libretro core. | Console | 1.01 | jamsilva | 2023/10/01 | ChimeraSNES |
SNES emulator for the PS Vita. | Console | 1.1-HENkaku | skogaby, frangarcj | 2016/07/29 | Snes9xVITA |
N64 Emulator for PS Vita. Port of DaedalusX64. | Console | 0.6 | Rinnegatamante | 2020/12/13 | DaedalusX64-vitaGL |
Sega Genesis emulator, multiplatform port of Genesis Plus GX. | Console | 6.7.1 | Cpasjuste | 2023/09/11 | pGEN: Portable Genesis |
A nestopia port for Vita. | Console | 6.7.1 | Cpasjuste | 2023/09/11 | pNES: Portable NES |
SNES emulator for PS Vita. | Console | 6.7.1 | Cpasjuste | 2023/09/11 | pSNES: Portable Snes9x |
Sega Dreamcast emulator for PS Vita/PS TV. | Console | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/10/25 | Flycast Vita |
PS2 emulator Play! on Vita, ported by xerpi. | Console | 2020 | xerpi | 2020/04/02 | Play! PlayStation 2 Emulator |
Sega Genesis/Megadrive emulator. | Console | 1.7.5-H | frangarcj | 2016/07/29 | GenesisPlusGX |
Supafaust SNES core port for RetroArch Vita. | Console | 0.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/07/12 | Supafaust Core |
Sega Master System emulator. | Console | 1.3.1 | frangarcj | 2016/07/29 | SMSPlusVITA |
An advanced HEN which brings kernel access and plugins support. | Custom Firmwares | 0.11 | Team Molecule | 2018/02/21 | taiHEN |
Modified enso installer with extra features. | Custom Firmwares | 5.0 | SKGleba, Team Molecule | 2023/07/08 | enso ex Installer |
Custom Firmware 6.61 Adrenaline for the PSP Emulator. | Custom Firmwares | 7.1.7 | TheFloW, isage | 2024/01/27 | Adrenaline |
Unofficial update for iaiHEN. | Custom Firmwares | 0.12.2 | Cuevavirus | 2021/02/24 | taiHEN by cuevavirus |
Vita CFW installer. | Custom Firmwares | 1.4 | KuromeSan | 2020/08/25 | enso-dex |
Easy installer for Adrenaline. | Custom Firmwares | 1.15 | Freakler | 2017/06/22 | Adrenaline Easy Installer |
Native ePSP CFW with enhanced features. | Custom Firmwares | 7 | TheFloW | 2020/09/23 | Adrenaline |
Installer for 3.60 HENkaku Enso CFW. | Custom Firmwares | 1.1 | Team Molecule | 2018/08/26 | HENkaku Enso 3.60 Installer |
Installer for 3.65 Henkaku Enso CFW. | Custom Firmwares | 1.1 | Team Molecule, TheFloW | 2018/08/26 | Henkaku Enso 3.65 Installer |
Port of a 2D platformer template (KinematicBody) for the Godot Engine. | Demos | 1.0 | ParallelProductions | 2023/02/04 | 2D Platformer Demo |
Hotline Miami prototype port for PS Vita. | Demos | 0.1 | tijesef | 2019/06/12 | Cocaine Cowboy |
Antialiased 2D vector drawing library using PVR_PSP2 OpenGL ES v2. | Demos | 1.0 | joel16 | 2021/10/13 | nanovg-vita |
OpenGL Cube Demo using PVR_PSP2 Driver layer GPU libraries. | Demos | 1.0 | MR-Research | 2021/09/21 | Cube GLES2 - PVR PSP2 |
A 3D fighting game for PS Vita. | Demos | Demo | RetroGamer74 | 2019/04/23 | UFE |
Bad Apple!!! Mobile (PlayStation Mobile ver). | Demos | 2021 | PlayStationHaxor | 2021/02/21 | Bad Apple!!! Mobile |
Bad Apple Vita. | Demos | 1.0 | GrapheneCt | 2020/01/21 | Bad Apple Vita System |
ES2GEARS ported to PS Vita using FreeGLUT-Vita which utilizes Pigs-In-A-Blanket. | Demos | 1.0.1 | fmudanyali | 2020/11/21 | ES2GEARS |
C++ framework for Vita/Windows. | Demos | 0.1 | DrakonPL | 2018/01/24 | Andromeda Tests |
A short demo mix between Tlou and Resurgent. | Demos | demo | Markus95 | 2021/11/17 | Beginning of the end |
Dungeon crawler game for PS Vita. | Demos | demo | asdronin | 2021/11/18 | Very Obscure Souls |
A demo made with Unity. | Demos | 2021 | Aionmagan | 2021/10/08 | carProject |
An open world action game made by a fan of the series. | Demos | 0.2.2 | Rabisco | 2020/04/02 | Grand Theft Auto Vita |
PS Vita Port of Harvester. A 2D space exploration and mining game made with Godot. | Demos | 0.1.0 | ParallelProductions | 2023/02/04 | Harvester Vita |
Bad Apple with monoRLE graphical engine. | Demos | 1.0 | knight-ryu12, Princess of Sleeping | 2018/12/31 | Bad Apple Vita |
Samples that belong to the PSV 2DCore. | Demos | 1.12 | Matthias Seys (MSeys) | 2019/09/04 | PSV 2D Core Samples |
PS Vita exclusive DEMO of I WILL BE THERE. | Demos | demo | Tayfun Tuna | 2022/04/12 | I Will Be There |
Simple and Fast (using the GPU) 2D library for the PS Vita. | Developments | 2021 | xerpi | 2021/11/27 | vita2dlib |
ENet reliable UDP networking library. | Developments | 2016 | xyzz | 2016/08/15 | vita-enet |
This is sample homebrew that demonstrates how to integrate the MIPS processor into homebrews without the need of a kernel plugin. | Developments | 2020 | TheFloW | 2020/11/15 | VitaMips |
Tools to help speed up PS Vita Unity Development. | Developments | 1.3 | GlitcherOG, Jody3D | 2022/07/05 | PSVita Unity Utilities |
Runtime Shader Compiler library for PS Vita. | Developments | 1.5 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/04/03 | vitaShaRK |
Vita library compilation tool. | Developments | 2020 | kouta-kun | 2020/04/27 | Vua |
WebGL extention for Trilithium Javascript engine. | Developments | 1.0 | GrapheneCt | 2022/04/20 | TriGL |
SDK installer and package manager for $VITASDK. | Developments | 2022 | Vita SDK | 2022/11/17 | Vitadev Package Manager |
Simple and Fast (using the GPU) 2D library for the PS Vita with system mode applications support. | Developments | 1.46 | GrapheneCt | 2021/04/07 | VITA2DLIB_SYS |
A small batch file for vitacompanion plugin by devnoname120. | Developments | 1.2 | HRudy94 | 2019/07/26 | Vita DEVSCRIPT |
An experimental packer aiming to produce very small .vpk for Vita. | Developments | 1.0 | hitchhikr | 2024/03/03 | VitaPack |
Reverse engineering of Sony static library that is used in system applications and Music application to play audio files using SceShell resources. | Developments | 1.2 | GrapheneCt | 2021/09/04 | libShellAudio |
FMOD interface for PS Vita homebrew. | Developments | 1.1 | GrapheneCt | 2022/07/11 | FMOD-PSV |
SDL2 and SDL1.2 for PS Vita. | Developments | 2.0.8dev-20180523 | rsn8887 | 2018/05/24 | SDL2 |
Standalone Mono (C#) execution on PS Vita. | Developments | 1.0 | GrapheneCt | 2022/06/08 | VitaMonoLoader |
SDL_mixer for PS Vita. | Developments | 2020 | rsn8887 | 2020/12/14 | SDL Mixer |
SDL_net for PS Vita. | Developments | 2.0.1 | rsn8887 | 2017/12/09 | SDL_net |
SDL_ttf for PS Vita. | Developments | 2018 | rsn8887 | 2018/01/12 | SDL_ttf |
Python 3.11.1 and 2.7.18 Interpreters and Librarys for the PS Vita. | Developments | 1.0 | SonicMastr | 2021/01/27 | cpython-vita |
SDL_image for PS Vita. | Developments | 2018 | rsn8887 | 2018/01/12 | SDL_image |
Hardware accelerated OpenAL for PS Vita. | Developments | 1.1 | GrapheneCt | 2022/08/19 | vitaAL |
Driver layer GPU libraries and tests for PSP2. | Developments | 3.9 | GrapheneCt | 2023/01/24 | PVR_PSP2 |
A full native GXM port of Live2D Cubism 4 for PS Vita. | Developments | 1.0 | Live2D | 2021/02/24 | Live2D Cubism 4 |
openGL wrapper for PS Vita. | Developments | 0.3 | Rinnegatamante | 2020/11/13 | vitaGL |
A Piglet/ShaccCg Wrapper Library for OpenGL ES 2.0 Support on the Vita | Developments | 2.0 | SonicMastr | 2020/12/09 | Pigs in a Blanket |
VitaSDK library to integrate Mixologist trophies into your homebrew games. | Developments | 1.1 | island-games | 2021/12/03 | LibBartender |
Simple app settings dialog library for PS Vita. | Developments | 1.1 | GrapheneCt | 2021/11/20 | libAppSettings |
FreeGLUT Ported to Vita Using Pigs-In-A-Blanket. | Developments | 2020 | fmudanyali | 2020/11/20 | FreeGLUT Vita |
Vita GLFW3 port based on the Switch port for the PVR_PSP2. | Developments | 1.10 | SonicMastr | 2021/01/23 | GLFW Vita |
Allows you to test GameMaker: Studio games on the Sony PlayStation Vita via the networked Wi-Fi functionality. | Developments | 2019 | tijesef | 2019/07/23 | GM:S FastLauncher |
FLAC and FLAC++ libraries for PS Vita. | Developments | 1.3.2_vita | rsn8887 | 2017/12/04 | libFLAC |
A custom tiny lv0 framework for Playstation Vita. | Developments | 1.0 | SKGleba | 2020/05/17 | psp2spl |
Custom lv0 framework for Playstation Vita/TV. | Developments | 1.2 | SKGleba | 2019/12/23 | psp2renga |
Run Java/Kotlin Natively on the PS Vita generating C++ with ARC instead GC using JTransc. | Developments | wip | soywiz | 2016/09/19 | jmedialayer |
PS Vita bare-metal payload sample. | Developments | 2021 | xerpi | 2022/02/28 | libbaremetal |
An attempt at making an HDMI adapter for the Vita. | Developments | 2017 | yifanlu | 2017/12/30 | ngptv |
PSM Supplemented Mini GL ES. | Developments | 2020 | SonicMastr | 2020/16/30 | PSMGLES |
A 2D-based PS Vita Framework to ease development for apps and games, event-based. | Developments | 1.13 | Matthias Seys (MSeys) | 2019/09/23 | PSV 2D Core |
A hardware mod for OLED PS Vita that replaces the vestigial 3G modem with a USB microSD card adapter. | Developments | 2.1.1 | yifanlu | 2018/08/19 | PSVSD |
Extension library for SceShaccCg. | Developments | 1.0.1 | bythos14 | 2022/06/18 | SceShaccCgExt |
SDL2_gfx for PS Vita. | Developments | 2016 | Cpasjuste | 2016/10/13 | SDL2_gfx |
Easy homebrew development with LuaJIT. | Developments | 0.0.1-beta2 | Stary2001 | 2015/09/23 | vita-lua |
Quick h-encore is just a modification of the h-encore by TheFloW. | Exploits | 2018 | Yoti | 2018/12/25 | Q-Encore |
A simple tool that will help you if you have an emergency on HENkaku Ens? 3.65. | Exploits | 1.0 | Howling Wolf Naru-José (HWNJ), ChelseaFantasy | 2018/03/17 | S.O.S |
Updated version of SwitchKaKu. | Exploits | 2.0 | kylon | 2017/03/19 | Switchkaku MOD |
Extended Henkaku offline installer. | Exploits | 1.06 | luck | 2016/12/11 | Switchkaku |
Your Favourite FinalHE tool but preloaded with a LOT of you favourite and useful apps. | Exploits | 2.1c | AntHJ | 2022/05/11 | FinalHE All-in-One |
A set of tools to be used on low firmware while obtaining arbitrary kernel execution. | Exploits | 2020 | mathieulh | 2020/05/16 | PS Vita Early Kernel Exploit Toolbox |
Final h-encore, a tool to push h-encore exploit for PS VITA/PS TV automatically. | Exploits | 1.93 | soarqin | 2022/05/15 | Final h-encore |
WebKit+Kernel exploit chain for all PS Vita firmwares. | Exploits | 2022 | TheOfficialFloW | 2022/12/26 | HENlo |
Fully chained kernel exploit for the PS Vita on firmwares 3.65-3.73 | Exploits | 3.0 | Codiak101 | 2021/07/14 | H-Encore 2 Mod |
Fully chained kernel exploit for the PS Vita on firmwares 3.65-3.73 | Exploits | 1.0 | TheOfficialFloW | 2019/08/26 | H-Encore 2 |
Offline installer for Henkaku. | Exploits | 1.0 | xyzz | 2016/08/10 | Henkaku Offline Installer |
Inject userland ARM code through PSM. | Exploits | 2013 | yifanlu | 2013/07/28 | VitaInjector |
Run homebrew on the Vita. | Exploits | 0.3.4 | yifanlu | 2015/09/09 | Rejuvenate |
An RPC for Vita that supports ARM userland code execution. | Exploits | 2016 | yifanlu | 2016/01/25 | VitaDefiler |
Userland Vita Loader for loading unsigned executables on your Vita. | Exploits | 2018 | yifanlu | 2018/01/05 | Userland Vita Loader |
A webkit-based jailbreak for the Playstation Vita/TV units on firmwares 3.65-3.74. | Exploits | 1.0.4 | SKGleba | 2023/01/14 | HENlo JB |
Homebrew enabler for PS Vita. | Exploits | Rel.11 | henkaku | 2018/02/20 | HENkaku |
Trinity Exploit - Emulator Escape. | Exploits | 1.0 | TheFloW | 2019/05/05 | Trinity |
Fully chained kernel exploit for the PS Vita on firmwares 3.65-3.68. | Exploits | 2.0 | TheFloW | 2019/02/19 | H-encore |
Playstation Vita first_loader hack for prototype units on firmware 1.03. | Exploits | 2021 | SKGleba | 2021/09/29 | Broombroom |
FTP client for Play Station Vita. This useful application will allow you to connect to ftp servers, and manage your files. | File Browsers | 0.90 | David Nuñez (DavisDev) | 2017/08/11 | FTPzilla Vita |
Background FTP server for PS Vita | File Browsers | 3.24 | GrapheneCt | 2024/08/18 | BGFTP |
Multi-functional file manager for PS Vita, with support for 3.74. | File Browsers | 2.05 | RealYoti | 2024/07/30 | VitaShell Mod by Yoti |
Image Viewer for PS Vita/PS TV. | File Browsers | 1.40 | Joel16 | 2021/01/01 | VITAlbum |
Plugin manager for PS VIta. | File Browsers | 4.0 | kylon | 2022/01/10 | Plugins Manager |
Remote file manager for FTP, SMB, NFS and WebDAV protocols. | File Browsers | 1.12 | cy33hc | 2025/03/02 | ezRemote Client |
Casic FTP server for PS Vita. | File Browsers | 0.1 | Red7s | 2016/10/24 | FTPlaystation |
Multifunction shell for PS Vita. | File Browsers | 2.02 | TheFloW | 2020/01/19 | VitaShell |
Simple FTP Client App for Vita. | File Browsers | 1.52 | cy33hc | 2022/12/14 | Vita FTP Client |
Simple SMB Client App for Vita. | File Browsers | 1.04 | cy33hc | 2023/01/29 | Vita SMB Client |
Simple WebDAV Client App for Vita. | File Browsers | 1.02 | cy33hc | 2023/01/29 | Vita WebDAV Client |
An easy to use App Manager for managing your PS Vita apps/files and your PSP games. | File Browsers | 3.01 | ONElua | 2017/08/29 | AppManagerPlus |
Port of an engine used in Kirikiri Adventure Game 3 (KAG3) visual novels. | Game Engine | 1.0.3 | uyjulian | 2020/08/18 | Kirikiri for Playstation Vita |
A loader for libyoyo.so, the official GameMaker Studio Runner application for Android, for the PS Vita. | Game Engine | nightly | Rinnegatamante | 2023/09/12 | YoYo Loader |
Port of ONScripter for PS Vita. | Game Engine | 1.0 | yizhigai | 2022/07/07 | ONScripter Vita |
Port of xsystem35-sdl2 to the Playstation Vita. | Game Engine | 00.02 | nunuhara | 2022/02/14 | xsystem35-vita |
Godot Engine Vita Port based off of Stary2001 and EIREXE Contributions utilizing PVR_PSP2. | Game Engine | 3.5-rc5 | SonicMastr | 2022/07/13 | Godot Engine |
A Native RenPy Visual Novel Port for the PS Vita. | Game Engine | 1.0 | SonicMastr | 2021/09/17 | Ren'Py |
RPG Maker 2k/2k3 player. | Game Engine | 0.8.0 | EasyRPG Team, Rinnegatamante | 2023/04/29 | EasyRPG Player |
Port of ONScripter-jh for PA Vita. | Game Engine | | YuriSizuku, wetor | 2023/02/19 | ONScripter-jh |
Fighting game engine. | Game Engine | 1.2 | Cpasjuste, rsn8887, Plombo | 2020/10/02 | OpenBOR Vita |
3D Game Engine using RayCasting algorithm for Lua Player Plus. | Game Engine | 0.1 Alpha | Rinnegatamante | 2017/07/31 | RayCast3D Vita |
Port of March22 Interactive Novel engine to PS Vita, via LuaPlayerPlus. | Game Engine | 0.6.7 | Slynchy (InnocentSam) | 2016/10/05 | March22 Lua |
Ren'Py 8 port for Playstation Vita. | Game Engine | 0.1 | Grimiku | 2024/12/02 | Ren'Py Vita 8 |
Higurashi port for PS Vita. | Game Engine | 3.0.2 | MyLegGuy | 2021/01/15 | Higurashi Vita |
Ys Origin high-res assets restoration mod. | Game Hacks | 2020 | Dasutein | 2020/06/30 | Ys Origin - High-Res Assets Restoration |
Ys Origin complete translation, enhanced animated cutscenes, assets and soundtracks. | Game Hacks | 2021 | Ignis0011 | 2021/02/21 | Ys Origin Restoration and Enhancement Mods |
Swaps the opening movie with the original PS2 intro. | Game Hacks | 2021 | teakhanirons | 2019/12/22 | Persona 4 Golden PS2 Opening Movie Mod |
Minecraft 1.14.4 Texture Mods + Lighting Color Tweak. | Game Hacks | 2019 | Nebbix | 2019/08/28 | Minecraft 1.14.4 Texture and Shaders Color Pack |
CheatDevice Remastered (GTA LCS and VC Trainer). | Game Hacks | 1.0h2 | Freakler | 2025/01/06 | CheatDevice Remastered |
Guilty Gear ACXX+R Music mod, Opening scene Mod, Bubble icon mod. | Game Hacks | 2020 | Sprucius | 2020/04/27 | Guilty Gear ACXX+R Mod |
An altered config file from Borderlands 2 for the Vita for more fluid FPS. | Game Hacks | 2020 | Justalex95 | 2018/09/09 | Borderlands 2 Altered Config |
Salt and Sanctuary Balance Mod and Monster mod. | Game Hacks | 1.07 | Pax Empyrean | 2019/09/04 | Salt & Sanctuary Pax Empyrean's Balance Overhaul |
Minecraft: Enhanced Mod switched to the 1.83 version of the game (Update Aquatic). | Game Hacks | 1.0 | PG Team | 2023/09/20 | Minecraft: Enhanced Mod |
GTA III 10th Anniversary Edition mod. | Game Hacks | 1.2 | PG Team | 2021/11/11 | Revisited Trilogy: GTA III |
GTA Vice City 10th Anniversary Edition mod. | Game Hacks | 1.0 | PG Team | 2021/11/10 | Revisited Trilogy: GTA Vice City |
GTA San Andreas PC Anniversary Edition mod. | Game Hacks | 1.0 | PG Team | 2021/11/10 | Revisited Trilogy: GTA San Andreas |
A a mod for the game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA SA). | Game Hacks | 2.2 | Kaizo M | 2022/10/10 | Project Kaizo |
Binding of Isaac: Rebirth mod original by Praytix. | Game Hacks | 2016 | Zelkaar | 2016/09/01 | The Binding of Avatar |
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth all items at the start mod. Original by meat. | Game Hacks | 2016 | Red7s | 2016/09/03 | The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth All Items |
The Binding of Isaac Godmode mod. Original by MINDS3T. | Game Hacks | 2016 | Red7s | 2016/09/02 | The Binding Of Isaac: Godmode |
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth + Pokemon mod. Original by Thor Maan de Kok. | Game Hacks | 1.6 | Red7s | 2016/09/03 | The Binding of Pokemon |
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Dual Stick + Cheat engine for Vita. | Game Hacks | 2020 | W00lfwang | 2020/09/11 | Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Dual Stick for Vita |
Persona 4 Golden 1920x1080 and 1280x720 patch for Vita and PSTV. | Game Hacks | 1.0.1 | p4goldenhd | 2020/06/10 | Persona 4 Golden HD patch |
A Custom DLC mod for the game Superbeat XONiC on the PlayStation Vita. | Game Hacks | 0.7 | Nkekev | 2020/06/11 | Superbeat XONiC Extended |
Dragon Quest Builders Orchestral Overhaul mod. | Game Hacks | 2019 | Canzah, Preta, Infogram, SlowpokeVG | 2019/03/05 | Dragon Quest Builders Orchestral Overhaul Mod |
IA/VT -colorful- Add new songs + osu converter. | Game Hacks | 0.3.3 | MrComputerRevo | 2021/11/25 | IA/VT -colorful- Music Mod |
Sly Cooper 1, 2 and 3 HQ cutscenes mod (EU). | Game Hacks | 2020 | OrieZZ, Mxscr | 2021/08/08 | Sly Cooper 1, 2 & 3 HQ Cutscenes Mod |
Stardew Valley (Champloo) Anime Mod pack For VITA [rePatch] combines different anime style mods into 1. | Game Hacks | 2020 | ARobotOnTheMoon | 2020/05/18 | Stardew Valley (Champloo) Anime Mod pack |
Trails of Cold Steel I and II PC voices backported to the Vita versions. | Game Hacks | 2020 | Dasutein | 2020/03/01 | Trails of Cold Steel I & II PC voices Mod |
Texture packs for minecraft. | Game Hacks | 1.8 | Kanae | 2021/07/14 | MC PSVita |
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth x Zelda theme mod. Original by GrGrDoctorGurke. | Game Hacks | 2016 | Red7s | 2016/09/06 | The Legend of Isaac: Rebirth |
Max Payne PC Anniversary Edition mod. | Game Hacks | 1.1 | PG Team | 2021/11/10 | Max Payne Mod |
Need for Speed: Most Wanted mod with better AI and controls. | Game Hacks | 2021 | unknownpsvita | 2021/09/16 | Need for Speed: Most Wanted PSVita Redux |
Need for Speed: Most Wanted mod, added cop cars and the multiplayer exclusive ford fiesta for the single player. | Game Hacks | updated | Acceptable-Ad-3250 | 2022/02/28 | Need for Speed: Most Wanted Updated Gameplay |
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth rebalance mod by HTT. | Game Hacks | 2016 | Red7s | 2016/09/02 | Nuclear Apocalypse |
A patch to change the internal resolution for PSP GTA series. | Game Hacks | 0.3 | TheFloW | 2020/09/24 | GTA Native Resolution Patch |
Stackable items mod for Darkest Dungeon (US). | Game Hacks | 2019 | D4RK30 | 2019/10/22 | Darkest Dungeon Stackable Items MOD |
Rabi-Ribi with sharper PC sprites. | Game Hacks | 2020 | swosho | 2020/06/19 | Rabi-Ribi PC Sprites Mod |
The Binding of Isaac x Undertale Crossover Mod. Original by Cake and Wight. | Game Hacks | 2016 | Red7s | 2016/09/03 | The Binding of Undertale |
Enable the music from previously Japan-only Premium Anime and Sound Edition of Super Robot Wars V in the SEA English release of the game. | Game Hacks | 2019 | Canzah | 2019/03/30 | Super Robot Wars V Premium Anime & Sound Edition Patch |
Enable the music from previously Japan-only Premium Anime and Sound Edition of Super Robot Wars X in the SEA English release of the game. | Game Hacks | 2019 | Canzah | 2019/03/30 | Super Robot Wars X Premium Anime & Sound Edition Patch |
A collection of dual analog patches for PSP games on Adrenaline. | Game Hacks | 2020 | TheFloW | 2020/05/03 | Remastered Controls Collection |
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth visual overhaul mod by CaptainJack. | Game Hacks | 2016 | Red7s | 2016/09/02 | Super Smash Bros. Rebirth |
Super Heroine Chronicle translated patch (partial). | Game Hacks | 0.01 | azurekaito15 | 2017/04/13 | Super Heroine Chronicle Translation |
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth expansion mod by Tez. | Game Hacks | 2016 | Red7s | 2016/09/02 | The Agony of Isaac |
The Binding of Mario: Rebirth port to the PS Vita, original by Armando. | Game Hacks | 2016 | Red7s | 2016/09/04 | The Binding Of Mario |
The Binding of Isaac - The Binging of Legends port to PS Vita. Original by Spino. | Game Hacks | 2016 | Red7s | 2016/09/11 | The Binding Of Legends |
The Binding of Isaac: Heretic Mod by mlodyrevciu. | Game Hacks | 2016 | Red7s | 2016/09/03 | The Binding of Isaac: Heretic Mod |
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth rebalance mod originally by SkyNoKiseki. | Game Hacks | 2016 | Red7s | 2016/09/04 | SkyMod |
A one click installer for all the mods that have been ported to The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth Vita edition. | Game Hacks | 2016 | Red7s | 2016/09/29 | The Modding Of Isaac - The Binding Of Isaac Mod Installer |
Utilitly to convert mods the PC version of The Binding of Isaac to their console counterparts. | Hack Utilities | 2.2 | Red7s | 2016/09/13 | The Binding of Isaac Mod Conversion Kit |
Session ID calculator for Phantasy Star Online games. | Hack Utilities | 0.3 | Clem | 2017/09/28 | luaVitaSeccy |
Mod Manager for WipEout 2048 | Hack Utilities | 1.3.1 | bonkmaykr | 2024/07/04 | Firestar |
Savedata modifier for PS Vita. | Hack Utilities | 2.1.0 | OneRice07 | 2016/10/15 | GoHAN |
A convert PS3 content from the game Modnation Racers to the PS Vita. | Hack Utilities | 2024 | FineThenIWill | 2024/02/06 | Modnation Racers PS3 to Vita Content Conversion |
taiko_no_tatsujin_v (Taiko no Tatsujin V Tools). | Hack Utilities | 2016 | mariodon | 2016/09/24 | Taiko no Tatsujin V Tools |
An experimental NDS Emulator for ARM32/PS Vita. | Handheld | 0.5.0 | Grarak | 2025/01/12 | DSVita |
PoC NDS Emulator. | Handheld | 0.2 | MasterFeizz | 2016/08/09 | DeSmuME-Vita |
Neogeo Pocket Color emulator. | Handheld | 0.71.15 | frangarcj | 2016/07/29 | NeopopVITA |
Vita port of Tamatool, a Tamagotchi emulator. | Handheld | 0.1 | goodafternoon | 2024/07/10 | TamaTool Vita |
Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator. | Handheld | 1.3 | RossMeikleham | 2019/03/31 | PlutoBoy |
NDS emulator. | Handheld | Rolling Release | Hydr8gon | 2023/02/13 | NooDS |
GBA emulator. | Handheld | 0.10.5 | endrift | 2025/03/08 | mGBA |
Game Boy/CGB/SGB Emulator. Port of RealBoy. | Handheld | 1.2 | xerpi | 2016/08/02 | RealBoy |
Atari Linx emulator. Based on Libretro Handy core. | Handheld | 1.4-H | frangarcj | 2016/07/29 | HandyVITA |
Port of We Are Broken, a sinister vampire interrogation game. | Horror | 1.0.1 | m1s3ry | 2021/04/06 | We Are Broken |
Port of Keep in Mind for PS Vita. | Horror | 1.0 | PatnosD | 2024/03/29 | Keep In Mind Remastered |
A Unity port of original 2012 Slender: The Eight Pages. | Horror | 1.0 | Soup um | 2022/09/14 | Slender - The Eight Pages |
A game inspired by the original indie game Slender: The Eight Pages. | Horror | 7 Final | BurAndBY | 2021/12/16 | Slenderman Returns |
Port of Lynne for PS Vita/PS TV. | Horror | 1.01 | Just Fer | 2022/08/29 | Lynne |
A challenge based game inspired by the hit Netflix show. Created in Lua. | Horror | 1.0.0 | AntHJ | 2021/11/06 | Squid Game |
A little unsettling. | Horror | 1.0 | firstbober | 2024/03/23 | De, Shinde |
A Port of Slendrina 2D for PS Vita. | Horror | 1.1 | MaloneCZSD | 2024/10/08 | Slendrina 2D |
Pizza Delivery V0.1 and V0.2 for the Playstation Vita. | Horror | 0.1 | MaloneCZSD | 2024/09/02 | Pizza Delivery |
Port of the free indie horror game Vanish by 3DrunkMen. | Horror | beta | MaloneCZSD | 2024/07/22 | Vanish Vita |
A short, horror-themed Visual Novel about a midnight encounter with a mysterious being. | Horror | 1.11 | SilverCrow | 2022/04/03 | (Don't) Open Your Eyes |
Port of Bewilder House for PS Vita. | Horror | PreFinal | MaloneCZSD | 2024/07/22 | Bewilder House Vita |
clone of Garrys Mods Nextbot for PS Vita. | Horror | 0.1 | SoyKhaler | 2023/09/26 | NextBot For PSVita |
Survival horror game for PS Vita. | Horror | 0.2 | Josh Allen (noradninja) | 2023/09/22 | The Four of Us Are Dying |
A first person horror game, fan-made recreation of the P.T. teaser demo. | Horror | 1.0.1 | VitaHEX games | 2019/03/09 | The Hallway |
A recreation of all main 4 FNaF games for the PS Vita (WIP). | Horror | 0.5.0 | BasDEV | 2023/03/12 | FNaF: Allstars |
Port of the PC Visual Novel HIKE BACK for PS Vita. | Horror | 1.1 | SilverCrow | 2022/04/07 | Hike back Vita |
Recreation of FNAF2 for PS Vita. | Horror | 0.3.5 | AlexDev2 | 2022/03/04 | Five Night at Freddy's 2 Lite |
Recreation of FNAF4 for PS Vita. | Horror | 0.1.0 | AlexDev2 | 2022/08/27 | Five Night at Freddy's 4 Lite |
A clone of Five Nights at Freddys for PS Vita. | Horror | 1.0 | Kolbie5874 | 2021/02/22 | Five Nights at Freddy's |
Port of Echo for PS Vita. | Horror | 01.01 | TheRealMisterMemer | 2024/03/24 | Echo |
Port of Fran Bow - Chapter one for PS Vita. | Horror | 2.07 | hatoving | 2021/04/08 | Fran Bow - Chapter One |
Port of Fran Bow - Chapter Three for PS VIta. | Horror | 1.0 | hatoving | 2021/04/20 | Fran Bow - Chapter Three |
Port of Fran Bow - Chapter 2 for PS Vita. | Horror | 2.02 | hatoving | 2021/04/09 | Fran Bow - Chapter Two |
Port of Granny for PS Vita. | Horror | 1.2.0 | FreDEV | 2021/10/15 | Granny PSVita |
PS Vita fans can celebrate with a new exclusive horror game. | Horror | 0.1 | Sungrand Studios | 2023/10/25 | Silver Falls Survive |
Port of the horror game Midnight Shift Remake by Phantom. | Horror | 1.0 | DanCooper | 2022/05/14 | Midnight Shift Remake |
Port of the horror game Midnight Shift by Phantom. | Horror | 1.0 | DanCooper | 2022/05/14 | Midnight Shift |
Port of the horror game Urbex by Phantom. | Horror | 1.0 | DanCooper | 2022/05/14 | Urbex |
Port of Fran Bow - Chapter Four for PS Vita. | Horror | 1.0 | hatoving | 2021/07/18 | Fran Bow - Chapter Four |
Black by schivafrecce, a port for PS Vita. | Horror | 1.00 | deepestdrive | 2022/04/06 | Black VNVita |
Based on a creepypasta, the Backrooms brings a nostalgic feeling of being lost in endless piles of empty rooms. | Horror | 1.5.2 | MEGAgameBoy | 2022/09/09 | Backrooms |
Port of Baldis Basics Classics for PS Vita. | Horror | 1.4.3 | hatoving | 2020/08/12 | Baldi's Basics Classic |
Port of Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk by Nikita Kryukov (requires original game). | Horror | 1.04 | rlyx | 2022/07/30 | Vita Milk |
IMSCARED patch for YoYoLoader. | Horror | 1.2 | hatoving | 2022/05/08 | IMSCARED |
Port of Innyume, a japanese horror game where you are chased by smiley faces. | Horror | 1.8 | 4DSWorks | 2022/01/02 | Innyume |
Simple Graphing calculator. | Math | 0010 | Creckeryop | 2018/02/07 | VitaGraphs |
Calculator for PS Vita. | Math | 1.0 | Flappy Jesus | 2016/10/09 | Vita Calculator |
Stylish video player for PS Vita. | Media Players | 1.3 | AntHJ | 2022/04/17 | MVPlayer |
An Open Source PS Vita/TV MP4 player with 1080p playback and subtitle support. | Media Players | 1.01 | SonicMastr | 2021/04/09 | Vita-Media-Player |
A simple video player for PS Vita. | Media Players | 1.0 | AntHJ | 2022/05/11 | Simple Video Player |
PS Vita organya player. | Media Players | 1.0 | isage | 2023/05/17 | Ironhead |
Music Player for PS Vita. | Media Players | 2.10 | joel16 | 2019/07/18 | ElevenMPV - Eleven Music Player VITA |
Eleven Music Player PS Vita. | Media Players | 7.10 | GrapheneCt | 2022/11/19 | ElevenMPV-A |
Jellyfin client for PSVITA. | Media Players | 0.6.2 | dragonflylee | 2025/02/28 | Switchfin |
Online video streaming application: YouTube and more. | Media Players | 3.13 | GrapheneCt | 2023/06/12 | NetStream |
Video Player for PS Vita. | Media Players | 0.01a | Arkanite | 2018/02/27 | Vita Media Center |
Simple video player for PS Vita. | Media Players | 1.03 | yizhigai | 2022/12/10 | Vita Sample AVPlayer |
Sequentially plays MP3s stored in a PC HDD via WiFi. | Media Players | 0.57 | moody.b | 2018/10/05 | SeqMp3Player |
Turn M.C. Escher into a cool DJ. | Music | 2021 | dos | 2021/08/09 | DJescher |
Open-Source, Usable Osu! Client. Tailored and Adjusted for the Vita and Embedded. | Music | 1.20 | gl33ntwine | 2022/04/29 | Osu!octave |
Port of Geometry Dash for PS Vita. | Music | 1.02 | hatoving | 2024/01/26 | Geometry Dash Vita |
Listen to a group of singing potato. | Music | dee4c4e | dos, Holy Pangolin | 2021/08/07 | Non-Competitive Singing Potatoes |
A Dance Dance Revolution like game. | Music | 1.0.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/09/24 | Beat2x Vita |
Port of Beat Hazard 2 for PS Vita. | Music | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/03/13 | Beat Hazard 2 Vita |
Port of Isabelle Dance Studio for PS Vita. | Music | 1.02 | huckleberrypie, ParkingLotStudio | 2023/03/19 | Isabelle Dance Studio |
A homebrew PlayStation Vita soundboard application. | Music Apps | 1.0 | teakhanirons | 2020/05/03 | CoolBoardPlaysSounds |
Spotify Connect client for PS Vita. | Music Apps | 0.2.9 | michal4132 | 2023/01/04 | Cspot Vita |
A favorite FT2 compatible music tracker ported to PlayStation Vita. | Music Apps | 1.03 | TheMorc | 2023/06/19 | MilkyTracker Vita |
Unofficial port of Little Piggy Tracker (aka LittleGPTracker). | Music Apps | 1.4.3-bacon5-vita | isage | 2024/11/04 | LittleGPTracker |
Synth and stepsequencer for PS Vita. Clone of the famous nanoloop. | Music Apps | 0.77a | yoyz | 2017/04/18 | Picoloop |
Audio spectrum analyzer for PS Vita. | Music Apps | 0.1.6 | pyroesp | 2017/09/09 | vitaFFT |
Voice recorder for PS Vita. | Music Apps | 1.0 | VitaHEX games | 2017/08/31 | Voice Recorder Vita |
Autovpk allows you to install Adrenaline, Pkgj and Autoplugin in a minute. | Other Apps | 1.26 | theheroGAC | 2021/04/18 | Auto Installer vpk |
It is an app that allows direct connection to the CbpsDB store without manually entering the address | Other Apps | 1.0 | theheroGAC | 2020/06/08 | CbpsDB Direct |
An unofficial Youtube application for PS Vita based on SCE VSL framework. | Other Apps | 1.0 | GrapheneCt | 2021/02/17 | CBPSTube |
Simple application has totally enabled the download of files with https / http protocol on PS Vita. | Other Apps | 0.23 | Xa_904 | 2018/01/06 | File Downloader |
Simple application to access the gamesandconsoles.net site uses LUA and based on sources by Team OneLua. | Other Apps | 1.02 | theheroGAC | 2021/09/18 | GamesAndConsoles app |
Text editor for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.1.1 | jakibaki | 2016/09/06 | Simple Text Editor |
ePSP bubble cloner. | Other Apps | 1.1 | Markus95 | 2017/02/12 | Clonage Bulle ePSP |
Virtual encyclopedia of game systems. | Other Apps | 0.3 | VitaHEX games | 2020/10/04 | Consolepedia 3D |
An automatically creates the pkgi folder and injects the config.txt to speed up the operations with the pkgj tool. | Other Apps | 1.01 | Sam | 2018/09/22 | PKGJTXT Injector |
Simple interface to support beginners to use Ds3vita by xerpi. | Other Apps | 1.01 | David Nuñez (DavisDev) | 2018/05/03 | Easy Ds3 |
Copies Livearea app assets to appmeta folder. | Other Apps | 1.01 | cy33hc | 2020/09/30 | CopyIcons |
IRC client for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2016/09/15 | luaIrc |
PSV Trophies Fixer. | Other Apps | 1.1 | Yoti | 2018/03/21 | PSV Trophies Fixer |
Delete all dump files generated when the application crashes. | Other Apps | 1.1 | Princess of Sleeping | 2018/05/08 | Crash Dump Delete |
Lua interpreter for PS Vita. | Other Apps | Nightly | Rinnegatamante | 2020/01/16 | Lua Player Plus Vita |
App to ease adding new controllers support to ViXEn. | Other Apps | 1.0 | isage | 2023/03/24 | VXHelper |
View GitHub users, repos, and releases from a PS Vita. | Other Apps | Beta 2 | robDevs | 2020/01/08 | RepoHub |
Simple app to enhance the shortcuts on the PS Vita index menu. | Other Apps | 2.00 | ONELua Team | 2019/06/05 | Shortcuts Enhancer |
Decrypts content and installs decrypted content to the system. | Other Apps | 233.2zEx | BeniYukiMai | 2016/10/09 | MaiDumpTool |
Manga downloader for PS VIta. | Other Apps | 2.5 | MyLegGuy | 2019/03/07 | Manga Downloader |
A homebrew app that can unlock trophys for any game. | Other Apps | 1.5 | SilicaAndPina | 2019/08/31 | TropHAX Standalone Edition |
Small app that deletes the yyl.log file and then launches YoYo Loader Vita. | Other Apps | 1.0 | DRok17 | 2022/05/09 | Log Reset For YoYo Loader Vita |
Preview the trophies and their status for each game and delete trophies as desired. | Other Apps | 1.03 | ONElua Team | 2023/09/15 | Trophy Manager |
Simple application that opens a web browser to YouTube. | Other Apps | 1.07 | theheroGAC | 2019/05/15 | TubeVita |
Theme Manager for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 4.02 | Red Squirrel | 2024/05/08 | Custom Themes Manager |
Import multimedia contents to official apps. | Other Apps | 0.91 | cnsldv | 2017/05/17 | Vita Media Importer |
Ukrainian OS localization installer. | Other Apps | 0.9 | gl33ntwine & Danil_linaD | 2024/08/13 | Vitohlyad |
Load SELF files from MMC. | Other Apps | 0.2 | Voxel | 2017/01/08 | StemLoader |
DVD logo screensaver app. | Other Apps | 1.0 | Electric | 2020/03/30 | DVD Screensaver |
Force PocketStation on all PS1 titles. | Other Apps | 1.1 | SilicaAndPina | 2022/09/09 | PocketStationUnlocker |
A management tool for the VITA icon-layout and app database. | Other Apps | 1.20 | Deltaclock | 2017/10/25 | Database Manager |
App.db Database Updater for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 2.0 | KanadeEngel | 2016/12/31 | Database Updater |
PS Vita PHP 8.1 interpreter port. | Other Apps | 1.0 | isage | 2022/06/21 | PHP Player plus plus |
Mario Kart randomizer for the PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.00 | Tau5 | 2021/03/27 | Mkrandom |
Check if the console is enabled. | Other Apps | 1.2 | Draqen | 2017/08/01 | System Check Enabled |
Mod of VitaPad with updated controls. | Other Apps | 1.3 mod | DvaMishkiLapa | 2024/01/04 | VitaPad Mod |
Download Livearea/VitaShell themes from your PS Vita. | Other Apps | 2.1 | Mithrenes, xamthor | 2023/02/06 | TEMA |
E-book Reader (PCSC80012) translation + custom books PC companion app V2.0. | Other Apps | 24.01.2021 | GrapheneCt | 2021/01/24 | E-book Reader |
This app offers a simple select and install option for some of the most common apps for you Vita. | Other Apps | 1.0 | AntHJ | 2022/05/31 | Quick App Downloader |
A useful tool for those who want to manage and switch between different memory allocation setups on their PS Vita, SD2Vita, and other related devices. | Other Apps | 1.00 | AntHJ | 2022/03/22 | Memory Switcher |
Custom Bubbles/Livearea w/ Game Manuals. | Other Apps | 5.1 | Belickade | 2021/06/15 | AdrenalineDocs |
Hatsune Miku random image viewer. | Other Apps | 1.8 | null, EK720, Avellea, SonicMastr | 2024/11/04 | Miku Vu |
Manga/Comic reader for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 0.911 | Creckeryop | 2023/07/09 | Noboru |
Download and Update PS Vita titles. | Other Apps | 1.2 | Princess-of-Sleeping | 2018/06/20 | Title-Update-Downloader |
Creates a bubble for Adrenaline/ARK. | Other Apps | 3.1 | CelesteBlue | 2017/03/19 | ePSP Bubble Installer |
An application for drawing waves of the home screen as they are. | Other Apps | 2.1 | Princess-of-Sleeping | 2024/02/29 | psp2waveviewer |
Notepad++ clone for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 0.31 | Arkanite | 2017/03/19 | Notepad++ (VE) |
With this application, PS Vita/PS TV acts as a simple HTTP server. | Other Apps | 1.10 | Princess-of-Sleeping | 2020/06/12 | PSP2-HTTP-Server |
Notepad app for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.0 | VitaHEX games | 2017/09/15 | Notepad Vita |
A lightweighted homebrew downloader that uses VitaDB as source. | Other Apps | 2.1.0 | Electric, THEN00P | 2021/08/15 | EasyVPK |
Flash player on vita. | Other Apps | 1.0.5 | Moqi01 | 2024/10/01 | XnaFlashPlayer |
Toggle plugins related to playing on a big screen. | Other Apps | 1.0 | Kirezar | 2018/08/23 | EasySwitchVita |
Advanced theme manager for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 2.1 | kylon | 2019/01/14 | Theme Manager EX |
Procedural planets generator. | Other Apps | HENkaku | Primer0, Ruben_Wolfe | 2016/07/31 | Procedural Planets |
Custom Firmware 3.65 HENkaku Ens? Updater for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.0 | TheFloW | 2018/03/12 | 3.65 HENkaku Ensō Updater |
Realtime London trains tracker app. | Other Apps | 1.00 | Mysters789 | 2020/12/11 | TrainsLIVE - London |
Stream PC session to your PS Vita. | Other Apps | 0.8b | Arkanite | 2017/12/24 | PC Link |
Turn your PS Vita into a PNGtuber. | Other Apps | 0.4-beta | WolfgirlBreeder | 2023/08/14 | PNGLive |
Online ID changer for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.0 | theorywrong | 2017/02/10 | PS4 ReLink |
Hatsune Miku random image viewer. | Other Apps | 1.51 | null, EK720, SonicMastr | 2024/10/11 | Spiced Miku Vu |
Bypass PSN for PSM titles. | Other Apps | 2.1 | Yoti | 2019/12/03 | PSM Manager |
This application is an alternative for the PlayStation Store application. | Other Apps | 0.2.0 | cuevavirus | 2021/04/15 | PlayStation Mini Store |
Tool to aid memory card swapping between Vitas using HENkaku. | Other Apps | 1.0 | atreyu187 | 2016/08/15 | MemCardSwap with Icon |
PSP homebrews downloader. | Other Apps | 0.9b | Arkanite | 2017/05/26 | PSP Homebrew Browser |
Turn your PS Vita into a gamepad for your PC! | Other Apps | 1.3.0 | DvaMishkiLapa | 2024/12/16 | VitaOxiPad |
Mod of Vita Moonlight with support for 1280x720 and 1920x1080 resolutions. | Other Apps | 0.9.2 | GrapheneCt | 2020/12/01 | Vita Moonlight HD |
Install ARK-2 in 3.60 HENkaku. | Other Apps | 2.30 | ONElua Team (gdljjrod, DevdadisNunez) | 2017/06/28 | ArkFast |
Homebrew to sync savefiles with your drive. | Other Apps | 0.0.1 | add-le | 2023/11/06 | PS Vita Sync |
Installer and Configuration Tool for Pigs in a Blanket | Other Apps | 1.10 | SonicMastr | 2021/01/31 | PIB Configuration Tool |
Install 3.60 over 3.60. | Other Apps | 2018 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/08/04 | Firmware Reinstall |
Text translator for Play Station Vita. | Other Apps | 1.0 | ONElua Team (gdljjrod, DevdadisNunez) | 2017/03/10 | ONEtranslate |
Flashlight app for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.0 | Arkanite | 2017/07/10 | Flash Light |
Reset PS Vita Parental Control. | Other Apps | 2018 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/08/04 | Parental Control Bypass |
Lua Interpreter for PlayStation Vita. | Other Apps | 4.10 | ONElua Team | 2018/02/06 | ONEluaVita |
Fetches and reads json data about covid19. | Other Apps | beta 1 | robDevs | 2020/03/28 | covid19-data |
Decrypt/Encrypt Trophy Data Folders at mass. | Other Apps | 1.1 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/11/29 | TrophyDumper |
An app for PS Vita to make the process of subscribing to pewdiepie on youtube much easier. | Other Apps | 2018 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/12/03 | Subscribe To Pewdiepie |
Weather application for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.00 | joel16 | 2017/03/19 | VITAforecast |
Sets PS Vita date ahead by 10000 years to match up with the Holocene Calendar. | Other Apps | 2019 | SilicaAndPina | 2019/12/31 | HoloCeneSync |
fontRedirect plugin manager. | Other Apps | 1.0 | cxziaho | 2017/09/29 | fontInstaller |
An app store for the PS Vita. Browse, download, and launch Vita homebrews. | Other Apps | 0.92 | devnoname120 | 2020/04/20 | Vita Homebrew Browser |
3D Fractal Renderer based on a PC one for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.0 | Sjoerd Wouters (sjoerdwouters) | 2022/01/11 | Fractal3D |
Download homebrews directly from your PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.1 | SMOKE | 2016/09/22 | VPKMirror Direct Installer |
Bilibili client for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.5.1 | xfangfang | 2025/02/23 | wiliwili |
A simple app to Track the Wheel of the Year (made in GM:S) | Other Apps | 1.1 | KuromeSan | 2020/07/24 | Wheel of the Year |
VitaCord given new life, currently WIP. | Other Apps | 1.0.2 | WeegeeDEVELOPER | 2021/11/25 | VitaCord Reboot |
Turn your vita into (wired) dualshock 3. | Other Apps | 1.1 | isage | 2025/03/10 | ViViD |
Advanced camera app for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.1 | VitaHEX games | 2017/08/16 | Pro Camera Vita |
Utility to call URIs. | Other Apps | 0.1 | Freakler | 2016/08/23 | vita-uriCaller |
Moonlight Vita with support for LT/RT/LS/RS. | Other Apps | 0.7 | impiernonaito | 2020/04/28 | Moonlight Vita LT/RT/LS/RS Fix |
Wakes PS Vita on a set battery percentage. | Other Apps | 1.0 | CallmeBK | 2021/06/27 | VitaBatteryAlarm |
Switch between your PSN accounts on your Vita. | Other Apps | 2.4 | pendor | 2016/09/18 | AccountSwitcher |
Mandelbrot/Julia set explorer. | Other Apps | 0.1.2 | Imroy | 2020/12/20 | VitaBrot |
Configurator GUI for ps4linkcontrols plugin. | Other Apps | 0.1 | keltar | 2020/06/12 | ps4linkcontrols-gui |
Discord client for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.5fix1 | coderx31 | 2017/11/07 | VitaCord |
Official Vita client for VitaDB. | Other Apps | 2.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/08/15 | VitaDB Downloader |
Download files from HTTP links. | Other Apps | 0.1 | Voxel | 2016/12/06 | VitaDL |
Button remapper for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 00.10 | ShadowPrince | 2017/01/29 | AdvRemap |
Japanese learning utility for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.0 | BK | 2023/09/22 | Genki Vocab |
QR Decoder for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 0.2.1 | linhtinh11 | 2017/01/06 | qrdecoder |
Allows the user to change/delete PSN accounts without a system restore. | Other Apps | 1.2 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/08/04 | Simple Account Switcher |
Use your PS Vita as a PC controller. | Other Apps | 1.3 | Rinnegatamante | 2020/07/20 | VitaPad |
McDonalds eCDP Serial Code generator For PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.0 | SilicaAndPina | 2022/11/28 | eCDPKeygen |
Advanced Whitelister for PS TV. | Other Apps | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2021/04/06 | AntiBlacklist |
Replaces System Apps with VitaShell. | Other Apps | 1.2.6 | emiyl | 2018/04/07 | HBInjector |
Lock and Unlock your apps quickly and easily. | Other Apps | 1.2 | AntHJ | 2021/08/15 | AppLocker |
Clock for PS Vita, Design based on RedDeerGames AAA Clock for NS. | Other Apps | 1.0 | BurAndBY | 2021/12/06 | Clock Vita |
Spoof homebrew game to be a Vita game. | Other Apps | 0.01 | TerraCadenceRedux | 2016/09/11 | MolecularShell Disguisers |
Account Manager for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 0.91 | windsurfer1122 | 2019/09/01 | Vita Account Manager |
HackInformer redirecter for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.0 | HackInformer Staff | 2017/03/24 | HackInformer.com App |
PS Vita serial terminal. | Other Apps | 1.0 | isage | 2022/12/20 | Vfterm |
Trophy app for homebrews. | Other Apps | 1.0 | Island_Games | 2021/11/10 | Bartender |
PSX/PSP Livearea bubbles enhancer. | Other Apps | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2018/04/08 | RetroLivearea |
Shows current battery percentage. | Other Apps | 1.0 | Ruben_Wolfe | 2016/09/04 | Battery Indicator |
NVIDIA Moonlight Streamer port. | Other Apps | 0.9.3 | xyzz, d3m3vilurr, ShadowPrince | 2023/04/26 | Vita Moonlight |
Purge game logs and errors. | Other Apps | 2.0 | KanadeEngel | 2016/12/31 | History Deleter |
Savegames cheat application. | Other Apps | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/10/09 | rinCheat SE |
Checks for your net profile. | Other Apps | 0.1 | joel16 | 2017/03/17 | VITA Net Check |
3D Model Viewer for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/07/23 | Vita Object Loader |
Homebrew downloader for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 0.3 | D5C85B13876B8 | 2016/10/21 | Homebrew Downloader |
Download homebrews directly from PS Vita. | Other Apps | 0.95 | THEN00P | 2017/03/11 | Better Browser Downloader |
Homebrew Browser and Downloader for PS Vita with background downloads support. | Other Apps | 1.44 | M Ibrahim | 2024/09/12 | Better Homebrew Browser |
An app that automatically solves any Rubiks cube scheme thanks to Friedrich method. | Other Apps | 2020 | Anchitpatra | 2020/03/12 | Rubik's Cube Solver |
Stopwatch utility for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.0 | Anchitpatra | 2020/02/11 | Vita Timer by Anchitpatra |
Experimental Live2D face tracking software. | Other Apps | 0 | GrapheneCt | 2023/01/17 | LiveRig |
Stopwatch/timer for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.03 | sinusinu | 2020/02/11 | Vita Timer by sinusinu |
Document Reader for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 0.4.0a | pathway27 | 2018/10/14 | Bookr Mod Vita |
Manual reader for PS Vita. | Other Apps | 1.0 | BenMitnick | 2017/06/15 | VitaBooks |
Theme manager for VitaShell. | Other Apps | 1.0 | Ruben_Wolfe | 2016/09/02 | VitaShell Theme Manager |
This app can save current account data + activation data with the touch of a button and lets you transfer it to your PC with qcma as a PSP savedata. | Other Apps | 1.10 | BaltazaR4, ONElua Team | 2017/06/22 | Account Manager |
A simple app to clear out login details and run the sign up app allowing you to switch accounts. | Other Apps | 1.2 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/03/04 | Advanced Account Switcher |
Collection of emulators for various platforms. | Other Emulators | 1.20.0 | Libretro Team | 2025/01/05 | RetroArch |
CHIP-8/SCHIP-8 Emulator. | Other Emulators | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/10/17 | MicroCHIP |
Frontend for libretro cores including several cores. | Other Emulators | 1.10 | yizhigai, noword | 2024/06/17 | Emu4Vita Arch |
A frontend based on the Libretro API. | Other Emulators | 0.24 | noword | 2025/03/23 | Emu4Vita Plus |
Port of Sculptor for PS Vita. | Other Games | 1.2 | Rayc | 2023/02/24 | Sculptor Vita |
A re-creation of Shark! Shark! for PS Vita. | Other Games | 2023 | Jacob Fliss | 2023/04/07 | Shark! Shark! |
Kitten Cannon clone. | Other Games | 1.0 | Jonathan Holmes (crait) | 2016/08/27 | Chicken Launcher |
A topside view fighter game featuring tanks. | Other Games | 1.3 | Spartanfox | 2019/03/21 | Rocket Tank |
A Port of Coffee Talk for PS Vita. | Other Games | 1.35 | PatnosDD | 2024/04/10 | Coffee Talk Vita |
Collection of games made by Lapy. | Other Games | 1.0 | Lapy | 2021/01/26 | Lapy Games Collection |
Port of slime-vball for PS Vita/PS TV. | Other Games | 1.0/0 | Island_Games | 2022/09/05 | Slime vBall |
Port of Late Shift for PS Vita. | Other Games | 1.0.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/09/24 | Late Shift Vita |
An endless tunnel game made in Unity. | Other Games | 1.0 | roc6d | 2022/02/20 | Contrast |
A game where you have to port HENkaku to 3.80. | Other Games | 1.0 | SilicaAndPina | 2019/04/21 | Hello_World(); |
Cookie Clicker game for PS Vita. | Other Games | 0.2 | Creckeryop | 2017/11/19 | Cookie Clicker |
A short parody game made with Unity. | Other Games | 2019 | coderx31, dots_tb | 2019/04/23 | HHHSRP |
Pureya for PS Vita. | Other Games | 1.0 | PatnosDD | 2024/09/20 | Pureya |
Clone of Cup Critters. | Other Games | 1.0 | FantaHourglass | 2019/04/07 | Cup Critters |
Clone of MarmeladeBoy LCD console for PS Vita. | Other Games | 1.0 | Bunkai | 2023/08/07 | MarmaladeBoy LCD |
A minigame made for the Nomad Game Jam. | Other Games | d1537f0 | dos | 2022/11/16 | Boiled Corn |
Simple endless game for the PS Vita. Runs on Lua Player Plus Vita. | Other Games | 0.2 | gnmmarechal | 2017/03/17 | Starfield Vita |
Open source game ported to PS Vita. | Other Games | 1.02 | Paulo | 2019/04/01 | Me and The Castle |
An Apparently Normal Room for Playstation Vita. | Other Games | beta | MaloneCZSD | 2024/08/13 | An Apparently Normal Room |
Port of Desert Golfing for PS Vita. | Other Games | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/01/31 | Desert Golfing Vita |
Port of Neet Girl Date Night for PS Vita made using the Renpy Vita Dist Tools. | Other Games | 1.0 | raidengugga | 2024/08/14 | Neet Girl Date Night Vita |
Plug & Play for the PlayStation Vita (unfinished). | Other Games | Alpha | MaloneCZSD | 2024/07/23 | Plug & Play |
Port of Echo: Route 65 for PS Vita. | Other Games | 01.01 | TheRealMisterMemer | 2024/03/24 | Echo: Route 65 |
Avoid to be hit game. | Other Games | 1.0 | Modello | 2019/04/14 | The Orange Sunflower |
Port of Echo Moth for PS Vita. | Other Games | 1.0 | Paulo | 2019/04/07 | Echo Moth |
Minigame about avoiding falling objects. | Other Games | 1.0.0 | Domino | 2023/10/23 | Epicki Twój Stary |
A deckbuilder game for PS Vita. | Other Games | 1.0 | InquisitionImplied | 2019/04/23 | OpenSeason |
Avoid hitting walls and other cars for as long as possible. | Other Games | 1.01 | Lapy | 2019/04/18 | Overcome |
A fan-made collision game featuring characters from the visual novel Katawa Shoujo. | Other Games | 01.10 | avonder | 2024/10/18 | Katawa Crash |
A game i made randomly in Gamemaker 8.1. | Other Games | 1.2 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/11/28 | CreeperDiver |
GameMaker: Studio Homebrew Games. | Other Games | 2020 | SilicaAndPina | 2020/03/15 | ShepHard |
Labyrinth game for PS Vita. | Other Games | 1.0 | Aionmagan | 2023/11/04 | Flick |
An unfinished physics game. | Other Games | wip | TheFloW | 2016/09/04 | BubbleRide |
A mix of Cookie Clicker type games and hypercasual games. | Other Games | 11 | Bizzy, Usagi | 2021/01/20 | Highschool Blob Attack |
Port of Let's Golf 2 for PS Vita. | Other Games | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2025/02/27 | Let's Golf 2 Vita |
Port of Pocket Wonder Sport for PS Vita/PS TV. | Other Games | 1.0 | m1s3ry | 2021/04/13 | Pocket Wonder Sport |
Chain reaction game for PS Vita. | Other Games | 0.2 | SvennD | 2017/10/22 | vita-chain |
Port of Garuda. Enter the beautiful nightly world of Garuda. | Other Games | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/02/28 | Garuda |
Clone of Game and Watch Octopus game. | Other Games | 1.0 | JacobsPlayground | 2019/08/03 | G&W Octopus |
Collection of three minigames for PS Vita. | Other Games | 1.0 | Lapy | 2022/10/11 | Ghost of Tsushima Mini Games |
A decompilation of Temple Run. | Other Games | patch 2 | SnesFX | 2023/03/04 | Temple-De-Run |
Wanted! clone from SM64DS. | Other Games | 1.3 | Rinnegatamante | 2016/08/23 | vitaWanted |
A Vita Port of Lolicopocalypse, a game by quasist for Ludum Dare 24. | Other Games | 1.0 | dots-tb | 2020/01/13 | LolicopocalypseVita |
Hangman game for PS Vita. | Other Games | 1.1A-TH1 | Aurora, Jackiepooh, Rinnegatamante | 2018/04/06 | Vita Hangman - Touhou Edition |
Playstation Vita Port of Junipers Knot by Dischan. | Other Games | 0.99 | Grimiku | 2024/06/14 | Juniper's Knot Vita |
Port of Pickleball Pro for PS Vita. | Other Games | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/08/15 | Pickleball Vita |
Clicker game for PS Vita/PS TV. | Other Games | 1.0 | Ccoolguy | 2020/05/28 | Bit Clicker |
A simple game of Bop It! | Other Games | 1.0 | AntHJ | 2022/05/25 | BopIt |
Pokemon Go clone for PS Vita. | Other Games | 0.1.0 | VitaHEX games | 2017/11/30 | Vitamon GO |
Missile command style game. | Other Games | 1.03 | Lapy | 2019/04/03 | Save The Scene |
A command line interface that utilizes vitacompanion by devnoname120. | PC Utilities | 2019 | imcquee | 2019/08/14 | vitacompanion Command Line Interface |
Homebrew manager for PSV/PS3/PS4. | PC Utilities | 1.5 | MRGhidini | 2019/04/27 | Sony Homebrew Manager |
Signs PSX MCR files for use with the Vita PSP emulator. | PC Utilities | 1.1 | dots-tb | 2019/07/25 | vita-mcr2vmp |
Converts HTML Guides to Vita Manuals. | PC Utilities | 1.0 | RawBOT | 2022/05/19 | FAQ to Vita Manual Converter |
Server for Content Downloader. | PC Utilities | 1.0 | KuromeSan (SilicaAndPina) | 2020/07/06 | Content Downloader |
A streaming app which let you plug and play your PS Vita to your PC without hassle. | PC Utilities | 4 | lazydevyo | 2019/02/06 | PSVitaPlay |
Convert the region sectors of PS1 .bin disc images (without modifying the game display resolution). | PC Utilities | 1.02 | wad11656 | 2022/09/15 | SetRegion-GUI |
Install vpk files to your PS Vita with FTP. | PC Utilities | b3.0 | Llop1s | 2016/09/14 | FTP VPK Installer |
Run any PS1 or PSP game on any PS Vita (including OFW). | PC Utilities | 2.0.4 | CBPS Team | 2024/01/11 | Chovy-Sign |
A CXML de/compiler supporting PS4 and PS Vita CXML Files, such as rco, rcs and app.info. | PC Utilities | 11 | SilicaAndPina | 2022/09/07 | CXML Compiler |
Library to interact with Vita USB MTP protocol. | PC Utilities | 2013 | yifanlu | 2013/07/07 | VitaMTP |
Firefox extension to allow the old Valkyrie PlayStation Store to be loaded. | PC Utilities | 1.4 | KuromeSan (SilicaAndPina) | 2021/04/24 | ValkyrieStore |
Small script written in Python to dump PS Vita icons to the PC from Vita appmeta folder using FTP. | PC Utilities | 1.0.0 | Lvieira21 | 2020/10/15 | Vita Icon Downloader |
Convert .pkg to NoNpDrm format. | PC Utilities | 1.0 | ScarletDreamz | 2017/10/06 | NoMorePacKaGe |
VitaDock+ is the new and improved VitaDock software. | PC Utilities | 2.6 | SilentNightx | 2023/11/07 | VitaDock Plus |
Convert text guides to Vita manual PNG files. | PC Utilities | 1.3 | RawBOT | 2021/10/05 | Text to Vita Manual Converter |
A standalone utility to turn your PC into a dock for the PlayStation Vita. | PC Utilities | 1.0 | NekoMimi | 2022/10/31 | VitaDock Lite |
Python Tool to run through all the manual steps of patching a game for Trinity by TheOfficialFloW. | PC Utilities | 0.6 | bamhm182 | 2019/06/24 | FinTrinity |
Simple PS Vita tool which let you install VPK via QCMA. | PC Utilities | 1.05 | NunaticAlumina | 2016/10/03 | QuickInstaller |
Extract and upload game data/homebrew app via FTP to PS Vita directly on the fly. | PC Utilities | 0.6.1 | soywiz | 2017/08/27 | VitaOrganizer |
This program allows batch decryption of NPDRM encrypted PS Vita titles. | PC Utilities | 1.0.1 | SuleMareVientu | 2024/07/20 | PSVita NPDRM Decryptor |
Use your Ps Vita as an Android Controller. | PC Utilities | 1.2-beta | SonryP | 2017/01/20 | VitaMote for Android |
Utility to trim and restore PSV card images. | PC Utilities | 0.1 Alpha | pez2k | 2017/09/24 | PSVTrimmer |
An alternative PKG unpacker. | PC Utilities | 1.7 | RikuKH3 | 2017/10/07 | PS Vita PKG Unpacker |
A PC app that shows Game Names instead of Game IDs for your directories. | PC Utilities | 1.2 | i-snake-z | 2020/09/19 | Vitagamedir |
Transfer digital PSP games to PS Vita. | PC Utilities | 1.2 | KuromeSan | 2023/07/10 | Chovy-Trans |
Convert pkg files to zip ones. | PC Utilities | 2.6 | Yoti, mmozeiko, lusid1 | 2024/06/29 | pkg2zip |
PKG decrypter and extractor. | PC Utilities | 1.1 | st4rk, weaknespase | 2017/09/25 | PkgDecrypt |
A trophy building app for Vita Homebrew games. | PC Utilities | 1.0 | island-games | 2021/11/16 | Mixologist |
Convert videos to .PSHV format. | PC Utilities | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/09/25 | vid2pshv |
Create video bubbles for PS Vita. | PC Utilities | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/09/28 | Video Bubbles Creator |
Vita Homebrew Browser client for Android. | PC Utilities | beta-11 | Electric1447 | 2020/11/03 | VHBB-Android |
A simple to use GUI for Lua Player Plus. | PC Utilities | 1.0 | gnmmarechal | 2016/08/21 | Lua Player Plus Builder |
GUI for PSVIMGTools. | PC Utilities | 1.8.7 | MrGhidini | 2022/03/21 | Psvimgtools Easy Frontend |
Vita CMA backups decrypter/encrypter. | PC Utilities | 0.1 | yifanlu | 2017/02/20 | psvimgtools |
Tools for decrypting PS Vita PFS filesystem. | PC Utilities | 2.0 | motoharu | 2018/01/27 | psvpfstools |
Python .psv format manipulator and verification toolset. | PC Utilities | 0.1.0 | kageurufu | 2017/09/26 | psvtools |
Opensource implementation of Sony CMA. | PC Utilities | 0.4.1 | codestation | 2016/11/24 | Qcma |
Change Discord Rich Presence to PS Vita games. | PC Utilities | 1.0.0 | Electry | 2020/04/03 | VitaPresence |
Tool to create categories and repacks of Guess it! | PC Utilities | | Howling Wolf, ChelseaFantasy, FALLEN, Sliter, Solzodiac7 | 2021/06/06 | Guess It! Customization Tool |
PC library manager app. | PC Utilities | 0.5 | MatNyaga | 2019/12/08 | Vita Book Edit |
A community project started by xCorra which aimed to create and produce Switch-like docks for the PlayStation Vita. | PC Utilities | Final | CrashCortez | 2019/11/14 | VitaDock VLC |
BootAnimation creator for enso_ex and CBS-Manager. | PC Utilities | 2.0 | SKGleba | 2019/05/21 | PSP2-CBAnim |
A tool for getting proper serial numbers for psx games. | PC Utilities | 2020 | BertrandHustle | 2020/02/12 | PSX Scraper |
A small utility to create or edit unencrypted TROPHY.TRP files without the need of the Official Sony SDK. | PC Utilities | 0.1 | withLogic | 2023/09/03 | Vita TRP Builder |
GameMaker Studio 1.4.xxxx - PS Vita export tool. | PC Utilities | 1.7.7 | KuromeSan (SilicaAndPina) | 2021/12/13 | GayMaker |
A tool to assist with making your cheat file for rinCheat. | PC Utilities | 1.1 | Red7s | 2016/09/15 | rinCheat Assistant |
Updated psvpfstools with offline F00D crypto, tools by motoharu for decrypting PS Vita PFS filesystem. | PC Utilities | 2.2 | cuevavirus | 2019/08/25 | psvpfstools mod |
Improved server app for Vita Presence. Support for Discord Rich Presence game thumbnails. | PC Utilities | 0.1 | TheMightyV | 2020/06/21 | vita-presence-the-server |
A simple tool to manipulate Sony PSP(tm) PRX files. | PC Utilities | 1.0 | TheFloW | 2018/07/30 | prxtool |
VSCODE extension that utilizes vitacompanion by devnoname120. | PC Utilities | 1.1.1 | imcquee | 2019/08/12 | vitacompanion VSCode extension |
Custom themes creation helper. | PC Utilities | 1.0 | AntHJ | 2023/10/01 | Vita ThemeBUILDER & IconBUILDER |
A tool for configuring waveparam on Windows by connecting to PS Vita via USB. | PC Utilities | 1.0 | Princess-of-Sleeping | 2024/02/29 | psp2wpp-remote-conf |
Properly zzBlank and Format your SD card with the correct allocation and file system . This may also detect fake SD cards. | PC Utilities | 1.2 | AntHJ | 2021/07/13 | SD2Vita Helper Tool |
Decrypt and launch PSN Store Vita games without plugins. | PC Utilities | 2019 | botik | 2020/09/12 | Decrypt PSN Store Vita |
A bundle of RE tools for analyzing and modding PS Vita OS. | PC Utilities | 1.0 | Various authors | 2022/10/05 | PS Vita Reverse Engineering Tools |
Convert VNDS games to be usable with Higurashi-Vita. | PC Utilities | 1.4 | ideal-fire | 2020/10/07 | VNDSVitaConverter |
Decrypt Vita CMA backups. Original by Yifan Lu. | PC Utilities | 0.1-mod | soarqin | 2019/08/28 | psvimgtools by soarqin |
Jump Jump port for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | LuckTheGamers | 2019/08/25 | Jump Jump |
A fork of Sonic Nexus for PS Vita (WIP). | Platform | 2.0 | SnesFX | 2023/02/22 | Sonic Nexus |
Cave Story PS Vita port (based on CSE2). | Platform | 1.0.4 | IRUZZ | 2024/06/15 | Cave Story Vita |
Port of Celeste Classic for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | Decomius | 2021/03/06 | ccleste-vita |
Port of Kero Blaster for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.2 | kaaass | 2022/07/19 | Kero Blaster Vita |
Wizard Wizard - GM:S port for the PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | Crateboy, JeffRuLz345 | 2018/10/25 | Wizard Wizard |
Simple 2D platformer with wonky physics | Platform | 1.0 | stacksta | 2021/06/07 | Wonky Adventures |
A simple first person platformer. | Platform | 1.6 | MEGAgameBoy | 2023/09/06 | Simple FPS Platformer |
Port of Worminator 3 for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | Amnon-Dan Meir (ammeir) | 2021/05/09 | Worminator 3 |
Port of Commander Genius for PS Vita. | Platform | 3.0.9-vita.2 | Northfear | 2021/12/18 | Commander Genius |
Port of Leap of Faith for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | Markus95 | 2021/08/14 | Leap of Faith |
Port of LOVE for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | hatoving | 2021/06/05 | LOVE |
Port of Sonic 1 SMS Remake for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.9.2 | MDashK, Creative Araya | 2022/12/01 | Sonic 1 SMS Remake |
Port of Sonic The Hedgehog for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.1.0 | Xeeynamo | 2021/01/21 | Sonic 1 |
Port of Sonic 2 SMS Remake for PS Vita. | Platform | 2.9.2 | MDashK, Creative Araya | 2022/12/01 | Sonic 2 SMS Remake |
Port of Sonic The Hedgehog 2 for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.1.0 | Xeeynamo | 2021/01/21 | Sonic 2 |
Port of Sonic 3 A.I.R. (Angel Island Revisited). | Platform | beta-2 | MDashK, gl33ntwine, Rinnegatamante | 2024/04/26 | Sonic 3 A.I.R. |
Sonic CD port to the Vita using Sonic CD 11 Decompilation by Rubberduckycooly. | Platform | 0.2 | SonicMastr | 2021/01/05 | Sonic CD Vita by SonicMastr |
Port of Sonic CD for PS Vita/PS TV based on the decompilation of Sonic CD 2011. | Platform | 2 | Xeeynamo | 2021/01/05 | Sonic CD by Xeeynamo |
Port of Sonic Mania for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.1 | SonicMastr | 2023/09/06 | Sonic Mania Vita |
Port of Sonic SMS 3 Timelines for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | MDashK | 2023/07/30 | Sonic SMS 3 Timelines |
Fanmade Sonic game for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | bayashi | 2024/03/14 | Sonic The Hedgehog Run |
Port of Sonic Time Twisted for PS Vita. | Platform | | MEGAgameBoy | 2022/07/14 | Sonic Time Twisted |
Sonic fanmade game. | Platform | Demo | Soup um | 2021/05/11 | Sonic Vitality |
Port of Sonic Robo Blast 2 for PS Vita. | Platform | Feb. 12 | Rinnegatamante, DerpyBubblez | 2019/02/19 | Sonic Robo Blast 2 |
A 2.5D platform game in which you control a cube and have to face various challenges. | Platform | 2 | LuckTheGamers | 2019/05/01 | Cubik Adventure |
A fast-paced 3D platformer. | Platform | 1.1 | FantaHourglass | 2019/04/23 | Speedrun Vita |
Port of Spelunky Classic HD. | Platform | 1.0 | SiulPop | 2022/10/19 | Spelunky Classic HD |
Port of Sqrxz 3 to PS Vita/PSTV. | Platform | 1.05r | Retroguru Team | 2019/07/23 | SQRXZ 3 - Adventure for Love |
Port of Sqrxz 4 for PS Vita/PSTV. | Platform | 1.02 | Retroguru Team | 2019/04/15 | SQRXZ 4 - Cold Cash |
A fangame of Super Smash Bros franchise. | Platform | 0.02 | Project Team | 2021/01/24 | Super Fighter Bros |
Port of Starcatcher for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | withLogic | 2023/09/22 | Starcatcher |
Super Methane Brothers for the Vita. | Platform | 1.1 | usineur | 2018/04/20 | Methane |
An unfinished short platform game. | Platform | 2021 | poto-software | 2021/05/19 | None Left |
Mighty No. 9 for PS Vita (Homebrew Port). | Platform | demo | homebrewfather | 2024/03/11 | Mighty No. 9 |
A demo platformer inspired to the secret levels of Super Mario Sunshine. | Platform | 2.0 | SpanishFreddy | 2023/01/05 | Sunshine Cat |
Port of Super Mario War for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2020/12/03 | SuperMarioWar |
Port of Super Crate Box. | Platform | 2 | JeffRulz345 | 2021/12/30 | Super Crate Mod |
PS Vita port of Spinstar. | Platform | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/05/05 | Spinstar |
The (in)famous remake of the classic NES game Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers. | Platform | 1.0 | tijesef | 2019/02/09 | Chip and Dale: Remastered |
2D Platformer for PS Vita. | Platform | Build 531 | Vektast | 2016/08/18 | DeathRun To Vita |
Port of Super Mario BOOM for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | MEGAgameBoy | 2023/04/01 | Super Mario BOOM |
Port of Mobility! for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | Markus95 (Kus00095) | 2021/08/14 | Mobility |
Port of the Super Mario Maker fan game for the PS Vita. | Platform | | MEGAgameBoy | 2023/02/18 | Super Mario UniMaker |
Platformer for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | RetroGamer74 | 2019/04/26 | Super Pixel Run |
Fanmade Sonic game for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | bayashi | 2024/08/21 | Sonic Vita |
A fanmade 3D Super Mario game inspired in mechanics to Super Mario 64 and other 3D Super Mario games. | Platform | Demo | FantaHourglass | 2019/03/10 | Super Mario Vita |
Jump through challenging levels and stomp on the baddies. | Platform | 1.00 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/05/16 | Stomper |
A stealth-platformer made for the Godot Wild Jam #2. | Platform | 1.2 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/05/19 | Diver Down |
A tiny physics-based puzzle platformer. | Platform | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/05/20 | Bounce Restart |
Bounce, hookshot, glide, grind and mostly fall through a candy colored world.. | Platform | 1.1 | bokoyoss | 2023/09/28 | Dream Punk |
Port of the original game made by HarmonyHoney. | Platform | 1.1.6 | Thatoneham, Harmony Honey | 2024/11/01 | Tiny Crate Vita |
Port of Super Mario Bros X for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.3.7 | WohlSoft | 2025/01/21 | TheXTech (Super Mario Bros X) |
Port of The Blues Brothers: Jukebox Adventure engine reimplementation (SDL2) by Gregory Montoir. | Platform | 1.0 | gl33ntwine | 2022/01/17 | The Blues Brothers: Jukebox Adventure |
Port of Blues Brothers engine reimplementation (SDL2) by Gregory Montoir. | Platform | 1.0 | gl33ntwine | 2022/01/17 | The Blues Brothers |
Port of The Curse of Issyos by Locomalito. | Platform | 2022 | ivanproff | 2022/02/08 | The Curse of Issyos |
Platform game for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.1 | RetroGamer74 | 2019/02/26 | The Enchanted Forest |
A homebrew platformer. | Platform | 1.0 | VitaCreatorDeveloper | 2023/01/18 | Not Trust! |
Port of The Legend of Edgar for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.34 | Riviera71 | 2023/09/22 | The Legend of Edgar |
A dark Gameboy styled adventure platformer. | Platform | Beta | MRKane, Hypatia | 2025/01/24 | Chasing Dawn |
Port of Bugdom 2 for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2025/01/25 | Bugdom 2 Vita |
A cross-platform port of Hydra Castle Labyrinth. | Platform | 2023.09.08 | JeffRuLz | 2023/09/08 | OpenHCL |
Jazz Jackrabbit open source port for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.1 | usineur | 2018/04/13 | OpenJazz |
A short little 5 minute 2D Platformer game. | Platform | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/06/20 | Voidspike |
Moktar port for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | usineur | 2017/11/01 | OpenMoktar |
Platformer puzzle game for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | David Filipe, Isaque Sanches, João Antunes, Tiago Marques, Tekuno | 2021/03/10 | Torn |
A 2D side-scrolling action platformer with features of a metroidvania RPG. | Platform | 2022 | VS | 2022/09/16 | Toziuha Night - Order of the Alchemists |
Syobon Action (aka Cat Mario) port. | Platform | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/03/14 | OpenSyobon |
Titus port for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | usineur | 2017/11/01 | OpenTitus |
nxengine refactoring | Platform | 2.6.5 | nxengine | 2022/04/08 | NXEngine-evo |
A recreation of Super Mario Bros with widescreen patch and some added options. | Platform | 1.2.7 | WeegeeDEVELOPER | 2021/11/23 | uMario |
Its a simple but nice platformer for the PS Vita. | Platform | 1.4.1 | Cubic Games | 2021/10/09 | Hexagon Jumper |
A hard-as-nails platforming collectathon. | Platform | 2023 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/08/04 | Techmaniac |
Platformer game for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0.0 | Team789er | 2020/08/30 | Fishpod |
Port of Pekka Kana 2 for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/07/28 | Pekka Kana 2 Vita |
Super Mario 64 port for PS Vita. | Platform | 2021 | bythos14 | 2021/02/25 | Super Mario 64 Port |
3D Platformer for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | cojam | 2023/09/23 | Pinkshake |
Another uMario port for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.00 | Hammerill | 2022/06/21 | uMario Vita by Hammerill |
An enhanced port of Genesis Plus - accurate and portable Sega 8/16 bit emulator which adds widescreen, S2 2013 enhancements, and more. | Platform | 1.0.1HF | isage, xzyxzy | 2022/09/05 | Sonic 2 Community's Cut |
Wii/PS2 Sonic Unleashed demake for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.5 | UnrealDude06 | 2024/12/30 | Sonic Unleashed |
Old game I wrote many years ago as a joke. | Platform | 1.1 | Rufis01 | 2020/06/07 | Super Stoner 420 |
Sandbox platform game. | Platform | 0.2 | FrozenNoober | 2020/03/16 | FrozenEngine |
Port of Prehistorik 2 engine reimplementation (SDL2) by Gregory Montoir. | Platform | 1.0 | gl33ntwine | 2022/01/17 | Prehistorik 2 |
Port of This Is Not A Sorcerers Job by bitmagine Studio. | Platform | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/05/06 | This Is Not A Sorcerer's Job |
A small demo platformer with integrated level editor. | Platform | Demo | Borad Games | 2019/04/16 | AGWOAN |
An open-source port of Prince of Persia. | Platform | 1.12 | Cpasjuste | 2016/09/26 | Prince Of Persia |
A homebrew port/mod of Techmaniac by John Gabriel. | Platform | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/08/11 | Techmaniac THPG |
Port of Bananaguy to the PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/05/07 | Bananaguy |
Port of Geometrica. Traverse 30 levels by drawing solid lines and circles in this challenging puzzle game. | Platform | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/03/06 | Geometrica |
Abbaye Des Morts port for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/12/30 | Abbaye Des Morts Vita |
PS Vita port of Boni+, a retro-style platformer developed by Pistacho Duck. | Platform | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/02/27 | Boni+ |
Port of Animancer, a short metroidvania where you use your enemies habilities to explore. | Platform | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/05/21 | Animancer |
Port of a clone of Jump King for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.01 | Kalekki, Rcoroverss | 2025/03/16 | Jump King Vita |
An Untitled Story - GM:S port to the PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | JeffRulz345 | 2019/01/03 | An Untitled Story |
Port of Golfing Over it With Alva Majo for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | PatnosDD | 2024/01/26 | Golfing Over It with Alva Majo |
Hydra Castle Labyrinth port for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2018/03/09 | Hydra Castle Labyrinth Vita |
Fanmade platform game inspired by Halo. | Platform | 1.76 | VegettoSan | 2024/07/27 | Halo 2D |
Port of Red Runner for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | RetroGamer74 | 2019/03/06 | Red Runner |
Platform game for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.10 | Retroguru Team | 2019/04/29 | Hermes |
Mari0 (SMB/Portal mix-up) port. | Platform | 0.1 | isage | 2022/06/01 | Mari0 |
Gish port to PS Vita. | Platform | 1.2 | isage | 2022/07/15 | Gish |
Port of VVVVVV by Terry Cavanagh. | Platform | 2.3.4-vita | isage | 2021/11/25 | VVVVVV |
Roguelight port for PS Vita | Platform | 1.0 | m1s3ry | 2021/03/18 | Roguelight |
Platformer game for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.1 | ronikgames | 2020/07/10 | Ronister Adventure Demo |
Port of Blasphemous for PS Vita. | Platform | BETA.1 | gl00mm | 2024/06/12 | Blasphemous Vita |
INK port for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0.0 | m1s3ry | 2021/05/27 | INK |
Port of I Wanna Reach The Unity for the PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | MEGAgameBoy | 2023/02/26 | I Wanna Reach The Unity |
Hardcore platform game for PS Vita. | Platform | | Gurila Ware Games | 2021/04/23 | I Was Rebuilt |
An open-source port of Prince of Persia, based on the disassembly of the DOS version. | Platform | 1.7 | usineur | 2019/10/13 | SDL Prince of Persia |
A compilation of the first 3 Plumber games. Using the TheXTech engine. | Platform | 1.0 | BetterWinds | 2023/06/22 | Super Mario Power Pack |
2D platformer for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | Anchitpatra | 2019/10/30 | Bot-R |
Scrolling platform game for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | WIDEGCG | 2021/06/07 | Boxing Girl |
A new adventure starring an unknown character and reimagined from the perspective of JDSoft. | Platform | 1.1 | MEGAgameBoy | 2023/02/18 | Italian Plumber Adventures |
A cruel platform game born in Japan, the birthplace of Vita. | Platform | 1.4 | yungyong | 2023/08/23 | JUMPJUMPJUMPSTART!!! |
Port of the demo of Jailbreaker for PS Vita. | Platform | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/05/11 | Jailbreaker Vita |
2D game with soft body physics. | Platform | 1.1 | Marcin Ploska (Drakon) | 2020/03/22 | JellyCar |
taiHEN plugin for swapping X and O buttons. | Plugins | 0.2 | Scorpeg | 2016/12/20 | ButtonSwap |
Screenshot plugin for PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.0 | reprep, yifanlu | 2017/03/26 | Screenshot Enabler |
Read txts while playing a vita game. | Plugins | 0.1 | pathway27 | 2021/05/16 | Walk |
Password protect apps and games. | Plugins | 1.1 | qwikrazor87 | 2017/01/07 | c0ck blocker |
A plugin that keeps track of how long you played your games, and an app to show you the values. | Plugins | 1.1 | fmudanyali | 2020/09/26 | BetterTrackPlug |
Use your PS Vita as a USB keyboard. | Plugins | 1.1 | mswlandi | 2022/10/30 | VitaKeyboard |
FinalCheat/VitaCheat and database. | Plugins | Z06 | FinalCheat | 2018/12/27 | vitacheat |
Screenshot watermark disabler plugin. | Plugins | 1.0 | reprep | 2017/04/03 | Watermark Disabler |
Shellbat mod that adds controllers battery indicators. | Plugins | 2.0 | Codiak101 | 2021/07/18 | shellbat Codiak Mod |
Shows battery percentage on Livearea statusbar. | Plugins | r10 | nowrep | 2019/03/01 | Shellbat |
Trophy modifier for Wipeout 2048 (Hong Kong British version 1.04). | Plugins | 1.04 | vosman | 2017/03/01 | Wipeout 2048 Trainer |
Shows some info for the running app. | Plugins | 0.2 | Yoti | 2019/11/26 | ShowInfo Lite |
Param.sfo parser for PS Vita. | Plugins | 0.6 | Yoti | 2019/12/02 | ShowInfo |
Cheat plugin for Killzone Mercenary (1.12+DLC). | Plugins | 3 | vosman | 2017/01/22 | Killzone Trainer |
Cheat Plugin for World of Final Fantasy. | Plugins | 1.01 | vosman | 2016/11/24 | World of Final Fantasy Trainer |
DynaRec feature extender plugin for PS Vita. | Plugins | 0.3.1 | TheFloW, bythos14 | 2024/02/29 | kubridge |
Kernel-User bridge for basic I/O operations. | Plugins | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/08/30 | kuio |
Xbox One controller driver plugin. | Plugins | 3.3 | M Ibrahim | 2021/07/13 | X1Vita |
Adds seconds to Livearea clock. | Plugins | 1.0 | theorywrong | 2017/07/01 | Lastseconds |
SD2Vita driver installer. | Plugins | 4.0 | SKGleba | 2020/08/09 | YAMT |
Use PlayStation Store and sign-in on 3.60-3.65. | Plugins | 1.0.0 | cuevavirus | 2021/06/18 | reAuth |
Cheat plugin for Mortal Kombat. | Plugins | 0.1 | ermaccer | 2021/06/14 | MK9HookVita |
Native 960x544 HDMI output for PSTV. | Plugins | 1.4.0 | cuevavirus | 2020/03/09 | Sharpscale |
Spoof your mac address. | Plugins | 1.0 | Princess of Sleeping | 2021/04/17 | Mac Address Spoofer |
Cheat plugin for Soul Sacrifice Delta 1.3. | Plugins | 1.3 | vosman | 2016/10/26 | Soul Sacrifice Delta Trainer |
Plugin to add an enable / disable toggle for WiFi on PSTV (dolce) systems. | Plugins | 1.2 | Ibrahim778 | 2023/03/31 | DolceWiFi |
Allows you to patch vs0 by writing files to ux0:/vshPatch via a FIOS2 Overlay. | Plugins | 1.0 | KuromeSan | 2021/08/14 | vshPatch |
A Plugin to add buttons to quickly launch apps in the quickmenu. | Plugins | 1.3 | Ibrahim778 | 2022/05/16 | QuickLauncher |
Library for developers to easily add their own widgets, to the Vita Quick Menu. | Plugins | 2.5 | Ibrahim778 | 2022/05/16 | QuickMenuReborn |
Plugin to run HATSUNE MIKU AR STAGE app at any date/time. | Plugins | 1.1 | Avellea | 2024/01/25 | Mikuar |
Plug-in for disabling PS Vita analog stick and more. | Plugins | 1.2 | Hack-Usagi, Princess-of-Sleeping, Yoti | 2019/01/09 | AnalogStickDisable |
Custom boot splash for Henkaku enso. | Plugins | 1.0 | Princess of Sleeping | 2018/09/06 | PSP2-CustomBootSplash |
Customize Warning screen on startup | Plugins | 2 | TheFloW | 2018/07/27 | Custom Warning |
User agent spoofer plugin for PS Vita WebKit. | Plugins | 1.0 | GrapheneCt | 2022/05/18 | UserAgentSpoofer |
Enabled motion sensors on DS3/DS4. | Plugins | 1.2 | OperationNT | 2017/08/25 | DSMotion |
Mountpoint manager. | Plugins | 3.2 | CelesteBlue | 2020/01/11 | StorageMgr |
Connect up to 4 DS3/DS4 to your PS Vita. | Plugins | beta 5 | TheFloW | 2021/02/25 | MiniVitaTV |
A fork of MERLev reVita. | Plugins | 1.0 | Haasman0 | 2023/08/18 | reVita Mod |
Experimental savestate plugin. | Plugins | 0.1 | TheFloW | 2020/03/05 | déjàvu |
PS Vita Alien Shooter DLC unlocker. | Plugins | 2.0 | isage | 2022/06/18 | Alien Shooter DLC unlocker |
Enables rearpad usage in system menus. | Plugins | 0.1 | Voxel9 | 2020/10/22 | SysDualTouch |
PS Vita plugin to enable usb pairing between adrenaline and PS2/PS3. | Plugins | 0.1 | isage | 2023/05/14 | Adrenaline USB Enabler |
Allows to download any file from webbrowser. | Plugins | 5 | TheFloW | 2018/03/07 | Download Enabler |
PSN check bypass for apps. | Plugins | 0.1 | yifanlu | 2017/02/01 | Netcheck Bypass |
Advanced overclock and info plugin for PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.4 | GrapheneCt | 2023/05/05 | PSVshellPlus |
An experimental plugin for Adrenaline that allows you to play a few games in native resolution. | Plugins | 0.2 | TheOfficialFloW | 2020/10/11 | GE Patch |
A plugin to create a ram disk to mount at uma0. | Plugins | 1.40 | Princess of Sleeping | 2021/02/11 | Virtual mass storage |
Combination of ds3vita and ds4vita with added features. | Plugins | 1.1 | Mer1e, xerpi, Hydr8gon | 2021/05/15 | ds34vita |
Use a Dualshock 3 as PS Vita controller. | Plugins | beta 3 | xerpi | 2017/07/30 | ds3vita |
Adds ds4 touchpad support to PS TV/PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.1.3 | Mer1e | 2020/09/28 | ds4touch |
Disables lockscreen on PS Vita startup/resume. | Plugins | 2 | TheFloW | 2018/07/26 | NoLockScreen |
Use a DS4 on your PS Vita. | Plugins | hook | xerpi | 2020/03/24 | ds4vita |
Bypass DRM on PS Vita contents. | Plugins | 1.2 | TheFloW | 2018/03/08 | NoNpDrm |
Double tap screen to put Vita in standby. | Plugins | 1.1 | joel16 | 2020/11/14 | dt2s-Vita |
Removes some restrictions with power modes. | Plugins | 1.1 | Electry | 2019/11/04 | NoPowerLimits |
Bypass DRM on PSM contents. | Plugins | 1.5 | frangarcj | 2023/07/31 | NoPsmDrm |
Plugin that enables extra features for Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition. | Plugins | 000 | forcefiftythree | 2016/10/11 | DukeMod Plugin |
Disables PS Vita auto-sleep feature. | Plugins | 1.1 | NamelessGhoul0 | 2017/08/09 | nosleep |
Disabled trophy message on games bootup. | Plugins | 1 | TheFloW | 2018/07/26 | NoTrophyMsg |
A remake of taiHEN plugin that shows battery percent in statusbar. | Plugins | 1.1 | Princess-of-Sleeping | 2020/12/17 | Shellbat Mod Vita |
Custom trophies plugin for PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/08/29 | NoTrpDrm |
Delete activation warning message. | Plugins | 1.1 | Princess-of-Sleeping | 2020/06/12 | Red-Msg-Delete |
Extract vita boot image. | Plugins | 1.0 | Princess-of-Sleeping | 2018/07/17 | PSP2-Bootimage-Extractor |
Change CPU affinity mask of PS Vita system applications to all user cores. | Plugins | 2.0 | GrapheneCt | 2020/04/31 | AffinityChanger |
Home button light disabler for PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.2 | xerpi, reprep | 2017/08/16 | noled |
A framework for easily executing cmep code. | Plugins | 1.0 | Princess-of-Sleeping | 2022/01/01 | CmepMgr |
A VitaLinux/VitaOS boot menu for PS Vita and PS TV. | Plugins | 0.2 | CreepNT | 2020/10/13 | BootMenu |
Plugin for PS Vita that allows game mode applications to use system-reserved CPU core (CPU3). | Plugins | 1.4 | GrapheneCt | 2021/11/17 | CapUnlocker |
The overlap type coredump kernel module. | Plugins | | Princess-of-Sleeping | 2022/09/02 | faps-coredump |
Spoof CID (ConsoleID) on PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.0 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/03/19 | cidSpoofer |
Vita clocks OSD display. | Plugins | 1.0 | teakhanirons | 2019/11/08 | DerInClocKS |
Dynamic auto overclock/underclock for PlayStation Vita with taiHEN. | Plugins | 1.0 | Electry | 2018/07/10 | DynClockVita |
An always-on background FTP server plugin for PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.0 | teakhanirons | 2020/04/13 | ftpeverywhere |
Ethernet for retail vita. | Plugins | 1.1 | isage | 2022/09/24 | Vita generic RTL enabler |
Simple overclock plugin for taiHen. | Plugins | 1.2.1 | frangarcj | 2017/01/16 | oclockvita |
A plugin that adds some new features in HENkaku Settings. | Plugins | 1.0 | sharun | 2018/01/28 | HENkaku Settings Mod |
PSTV mouse/keyboard driver. | Plugins | 1.0 | isage | 2023/06/06 | TVIKEY |
Minimalist version of oclockvita plugin, sets the CPU/GPU to max without menu and key presses. | Plugins | 1.0 | reprep, frangarcj | 2017/05/08 | oclockvitaminimal |
Puts videoplayer in debug mode. | Plugins | 2019 | SilicaAndPina | 2019/10/10 | VideoDebug |
Plugin for extracting data from .MNH books. | Plugins | 1.0 | GrapheneCt | 2020/08/02 | HonRipper |
Kernel plugin Supports XXX-2000 and PS TV with partition imc0. | Plugins | 1.0 | Y-Sharun | 2018/02/03 | imc0-mount |
A Vita plugin to run programs that do not get decrypted properly. | Plugins | 1.1.1 | FAPS Team | 2021/12/20 | reF00D |
Turn your Vita into a fully functional PC gaming controller with rear touchpad controls. | Plugins | 2.0.0 | carlelieser | 2022/10/08 | VitaPad by carlelieser |
A plugin that lets you record the input you provide to your PS Vita and play it back whenever you need to. | Plugins | 2.0 | Rufis01 | 2021/10/08 | Magic Automatic Fake User Input |
Hide MAC address. | Plugins | 1.1 | Y-Sharun | 2018/02/17 | Mac-Address-Hidden |
Update of Lastseconds for HENkaku Ensō. | Plugins | 1.1 | theheroGAC | 2017/07/31 | Lastseconds Mod |
viimote mod with US/EU button layout and L2/R2 support. | Plugins | 1.0 | notagoodscientist | 2022/09/04 | VitaMote |
Makes the ULET-00726 v0.01 prototype playable. | Plugins | 1.1 | Freakler | 2022/07/19 | psp-manhuntunlock |
A plugin that blocks PSN presence and status posts. | Plugins | 1.0 | cuevavirus | 2021/04/04 | Moonshine |
Hides ux0:/app/AUTOPLUG2 from any app its loaded into. | Plugins | 1.0 | SilicaAndPina | 2022/08/24 | Hide Autoplugin |
Updated version of LastSeconds and Shellbat. Previously named ShellDateSecBat. | Plugins | 10 | OperationNT | 2019/08/19 | ShellSecBat |
Kernel plugin for PS Vita that provides API to run Toshiba MeP code on Venezia. | Plugins | 2.1 | GrapheneCt | 2022/09/02 | VVNZRunner |
Permanantly disable AVLS on AVLS-Forced Vitas. | Plugins | 0.1 | SilicaAndPina | 2017/10/08 | NoAVLS |
Universal trophy unlocker for PS Vita. | Plugins | 2.0 | SilicaAndPina | 2017/01/29 | TropHAX |
Blocks Official Apps and Homebrew from locking the PS button. | Plugins | 1.0 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/04/03 | noPsLock |
Bypass DRM Check in PspEmu on PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.05 | LiEnby | 2024/02/17 | NoPspEmuDrm |
Disables PS TV Whitelist for PSM Games. | Plugins | 1.0 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/10/10 | NoPsmWhitelist |
Unlocks hidden copy/paste feature in system software. | Plugins | 1.0 | GrapheneCt | 2021/04/29 | PasteUnlock |
Allows both touchpad remap. | Plugins | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/07/15 | TouchRemap |
Plugin that makes blurry textures sharper by changing scaling algorithm. | Plugins | 1.0 | MuxaJlbl4 | 2021/03/31 | Vita Nearest Neighbour |
Allows you to modify PSM Games, and also can be used to load PSM Homebrew. | Plugins | 1.1 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/04/12 | PSMPatch |
Keep track of the playtime in your games. | Plugins | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/05/01 | TrackPlug |
A plugin that makes sharp, unfiltered textures look smooth by changing the scaling algorithm. | Plugins | 1.0 | swosho | 2021/08/03 | Vita Bilinear |
Take proper PNG screenshots for PS1 games. | Plugins | 1.0 | cuevavirus | 2020/03/26 | PSOneScrot |
A modification of the VSH Menu taiHEN plugin. | Plugins | 1.420-2 | SHROOM | 2017/11/17 | PSV-VSH-Menu Mod |
Quick Menu Plus merges Quick Power, Quick Volume, and Rapidmenu. | Plugins | 2.0.0 | Team CBPS | 2020/09/10 | Quick Menu Plus |
Remaps L2/R2 to rear touchpad zones. | Plugins | 1.0 | Emiougus | 2020/07/18 | TriggerRemap |
A plugin to enable the Skype app on 3.65+. | Plugins | 1.0 | SilicaAndPina | 2019/01/12 | reSkype |
A sample demonstrates how to use shared framebuffer and initialize GXM in PS Vita applications running in system mode. | Plugins | 1.0 | GrapheneCt | 2020/03/21 | SharedFb-PSV |
Henkaku plugin which displays seconds and battery percent in status bar. | Plugins | 3-M3-F1 | Yoti | 2017/10/05 | ShellSecBat Mod |
RapidFire plugin. | Plugins | 0.3 | Rinnegatamante | 2019/01/20 | TurboPad |
Disable screen auto-dimming but keep auto-suspend. | Plugins | 1.0.1 | cuevavirus | 2020/09/25 | Staybright |
Takes a screenshot whenever you get a trophy. | Plugins | | Team CBPS | 2020/01/01 | TrophyShot |
Allows PS Vita streaming via USB. | Plugins | 1.7 | xerpi | 2020/09/23 | UDCD UVC |
Set CPU/GPU/BUS clock speeds to a low value, reducing battery drain. | Plugins | 1.0 | SHROOMKINGonDMT | 2018/01/25 | Uclockvita |
Simulate camera usage on PS TV. | Plugins | 1.2.1 | OperationNT | 2021/12/18 | FakeCamera |
This plugin allows you to use a DualSense controller in the same way as a Dualshock 4 controller on a PlayStation TV, or on a PlayStation Vita with MiniVitaTV. | Plugins | 1.0 | cuevavirus | 2021/05/21 | System-Integrated DualSense Driver for PlayStation TV |
Opposite of the oclockvitaminimal plugin, sets the CPU/GPU clocks to the min on application boot to save battery life. | Plugins | 1.420 | SHROOMKINGonDMT | 2017/10/31 | uclockvitaminimal |
CrashDump Enabler | Plugins | 1.0 | TheFloW | 2018/07/06 | CrashDump Enabler |
Unmount and Remount all drives on PS Vita, allowing RW Access. | Plugins | 1.0 | cxziaho | 2017/08/10 | unmount |
Mount SD2Vita as a fake game cartridge. | Plugins | 1.0 | SKGleba | 2021/05/16 | fakegc |
Unofficial updated version of Amphetamin. | Plugins | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2016/08/31 | uo_amphetamin |
Launch system applications with enlarged memory game in the background. | Plugins | 1.2 | GrapheneCt | 2020/04/21 | LowMemMode |
Driver for SD to Gamecard adapters. | Plugins | 1.0 | SonryP, xyzz | 2017/07/12 | uo_gamesd |
PS Vita taiHEN Plugin. Displays FPS amount. | Plugins | 420 | SHROOMKINGonDMT | 2018/09/25 | Vita-FPS |
Plugin that disables USB connection dialog. | Plugins | 3.03 | M Ibrahim | 2024/06/01 | USBDisable |
Screen filter plugin for PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.0 | David Nuñez (DavisDev) | 2017/04/04 | VitaFlux |
Fixes some of the glaring issues with Need for Speed: Most Wanted. | Plugins | 2020 | Electry | 2020/03/24 | NFSMW Settings |
Mounts USB storage as ux0:/ partition. | Plugins | 6 | yifanlu, TheFloW | 2018/06/26 | usbmc |
Use debug GXM module on retail PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.0 | GrapheneCt | 2021/03/16 | gxmdbg_r |
Kernel plugin that automatically mounts/redirects any storage device on any mount points you want. | Plugins | 0.1 | Electry | 2018/07/09 | VitaStorage |
Change lockscreen background wallpaper. | Plugins | 1.0.0 | cuevavirus | 2021/02/25 | Fruitpeel |
Fork of NoNpDrm by TheFloW. | Plugins | 1.5 | LMAN, SuleMareVientu | 2024/04/11 | NoNpDrm-LMAN |
An utility/remote shell to ease the development process on PS Vita devices. | Plugins | 2022.03.09 | Cpasjuste | 2022/03/09 | PSP2SHELL |
Plugin to set PS Vita brightness. | Plugins | 2.0 | devnoname120 | 2022/03/18 | vitabright |
File descriptor invalidation fix for PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.0 | TheFloW | 2020/10/27 | FdFix |
Multifunction plugin based on Ultimate VSH menu for the PSP. | Plugins | Test Build | joel16 | 2017/04/28 | Ultimate VSH Menu |
Cheat plugin for Uncharted: Golden Abyss. | Plugins | 1.03 | vosman | 2016/10/12 | Uncharted Trainer |
Silencer for shutter sound. | Plugins | 2020 | cuevavirus | 2020/05/05 | Quietshot |
A VSH menu taiHEN plugin for the PS Vita. | Plugins | 3.4 | joel16 | 2018/07/24 | PSV VSH Menu |
Kernel Plugin to make ux0:rePatch allow the modding of encrypted games similar to ux0:patch. | Plugins | 3.0 | dots-tb, CelesteBlue123, SilicaAndPina | 2018/11/19 | rePatch reDux0: |
Drivers for Virtual GC homebrew. | Plugins | 2.0 | motoharu | 2019/02/06 | PS Vita - Virtual Game Card |
Cheat plugin for Unit13. | Plugins | 1.01 | vosman | 2016/10/11 | Unit13 Trainer |
Make the tm0: partition read-only. | Plugins | 2017 | SilicaAndPina | 2017/08/02 | RoActDat |
Mount PC HDD as host0: partition. | Plugins | 1.0 | Cpasjuste | 2017/10/12 | usbhostfs |
Overclocking utility for PS Vita/PSTV. | Plugins | 1.2beta | Electry | 2020/10/04 | PSVshell |
Screen filter plugin for PS Vita. | Plugins | 0.5 | AppleIo | 2018/03/25 | vFlux |
Shows info about PS Vita games. | Plugins | 0.7 | Electry | 2019/02/10 | VGi |
Playstation Vita addcont ID dumper. | Plugins | 2020 | cuevavirus | 2020/08/20 | Addcont ID Dumper |
Stream your PS Vita to PC. | Plugins | 0.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/12/10 | VITA2PC |
Battery info viewer plugin. | Plugins | 1.4 | joel16 | 2017/05/11 | VITAbattery |
Battery info viewer plugin. | Plugins | 1.8 | Electric, Joel16 | 2021/06/13 | VITABatteryPlus |
A pseudo recovery menu for PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.0 | teakhanirons | 2020/06/07 | EmergencyMount |
Redirects system fonts usage from sa0: to ur0: partition. | Plugins | 1.0 | cxziaho | 2017/09/24 | fontRedirect |
Plugin to force language in games. | Plugins | 0.1 | xdanieldzd | 2018/07/31 | forcelang |
Spoofs QA flags. | Plugins | 0.1 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/08/04 | qaSpoofer |
Plugin that spoofs idu mode. | Plugins | 2018 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/08/04 | IDUSpoofer |
FPS counter plugin. | Plugins | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2018/07/11 | Framecounter |
Take BMP screenshots in any app + remove watermark. | Plugins | 1.3.1 | Princess of Sleeping | 2020/01/16 | bmpshot |
Minimalistic benchmarking plugin for PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/12/11 | ViBeS |
Screenshots enabler plugin for PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.0 | reprep | 2017/04/04 | Freescreenshots Plugin |
Enable video debug play mode with the ability to change sd0 and ux0 folder path from configuration file. | Plugins | 1 | alpakeno | 2020/06/03 | DePlayEnabler |
Change the LCD colour space with one click and force colour space settings in PSPEmu applications. | Plugins | 1.2.0 | lcd-colour-crunch | 2020/11/05 | LCD Colour Saturation 2 |
Take PNG screenshots in any app + remove watermark. | Plugins | 1.3 | xyzz | 2019/04/06 | pngshot |
Use a Wiimote as PS Vita controller. | Plugins | 1.2 | xerpi | 2018/01/18 | viimote |
This plugin can play a WAV file as a custom boot jingle on PS Vita / PS TV at boot. | Plugins | 1 | teakhanirons | 2020/06/07 | Vita-BootSound |
8BitDo Pro 2 controller driver plugin. | Plugins | 1.2 | M Ibrahim | 2021/07/20 | 8BitVita |
Show system information in settings app | Plugins | 1.1 | cuevavirus | 2020/08/27 | Sysident |
Simple vita plugin to remove watermarks from screenshots. | Plugins | 0.01 | TillusB | 2017/04/12 | nowatermarks |
Change keymap for Remote Play app. | Plugins | r7 | nowrep | 2018/07/12 | vita-ps4linkcontrols |
This plugin can display a 960x544 24 bit RGB BMP (BMP with no alpha) as custom boot splash on PS Vita / PS TV at boot. | Plugins | 2 | teakhanirons | 2020/05/18 | CustomBootSplashBMP |
A plugin to completely disable the 3g function of the PS Vita 3G. | Plugins | 1.0 | VictorGamer072YT | 2021/04/20 | vita3g-disable |
Driver for SD to Gamecard adapters. | Plugins | 1.6 | xyzz | 2019/08/31 | gamesd |
Easy-to-use SceSas and Audiodec library wrapper with system mode applications support. | Plugins | 1.21b | GrapheneCt | 2021/02/26 | libvitaSAS |
Start PSX/PSP apps from bubbles. | Plugins | 0.5 | Leecherman | 2017/08/15 | Adrenaline Bubble Booter |
Plugin to add a wave effect to Livearea background. | Plugins | 1.1.4 | Princess of Sleeping | 2023/03/22 | psp2wpp |
DualShock motion control support for PlayStation TV. | Plugins | 1.3.1 | MERLev | 2020/11/22 | DS34Motion |
Change the DS4 light bar color depending on the colors onscreen. | Plugins | 1.0 | Sarcastic cat | 2021/04/16 | DS4Ambi |
Change games resolution/FPS cap. | Plugins | 5.0.2 | Electry | 2019/12/29 | VitaGrafix |
lv0 secure_kernel syscall6 patch - can replace reF00d. | Plugins | 1.3 | SKGleba | 2020/04/15 | 0syscall6 |
The first overclock plugin for PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.0 | TheFloW | 2016/08/30 | amphetamin |
A true overclock application for the Vita (500MHz). | Plugins | Hotfix A | dots-tb | 2018/08/27 | LOLIcon |
Analogs deadzone manager/rescaler plugin. | Plugins | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2019/11/26 | AnalogsEnhancer |
Makes impose menu transparent! | Plugins | 1.0 | GrapheneCt | 2020/01/25 | TransparentImpose |
Mount/Unmount PS Vita partitions while in-game. | Plugins | 1.0 | Darkmet98 | 2016/09/12 | VitaMount |
Cheat plugin for PS Vita. | Plugins | 3.01 | OneRice07 | 2017/08/04 | GoHANmem |
High quality screenshot plugin. | Plugins | 1.1 | GrapheneCt | 2020/01/18 | QAscreenshot |
Control system audio volume without closing games. | Plugins | 1 | GrapheneCt | 2020/01/10 | Volume Control Pack |
Plugin to enable background music play for any game. | Plugins | 1.0.6 | musicpremium | 2021/03/02 | Music Premium |
A kernel module for communicating with Lego NXT from PS Vita. | Plugins | 2022 | isage | 2022/11/30 | libViLE |
Allows to access PSN on lower firmwares. | Plugins | 5 BETA | CelesteBlue | 2017/12/29 | ReNpDrm/ReStore |
rePatch plugin with homebrew app0: and Data migration support (move gamedata to different storage). | Plugins | 2.1 | SonicMastr | 2024/04/25 | rePatch reLoaded |
Removes PS TV Blacklist Checks (VITA/PSP/PS1/PSM). | Plugins | 1.0 | KuromeSan | 2019/12/19 | DolcePolce |
Rescaler replacement for PS Vita. | Plugins | 0.1 BETA | Rinnegatamante | 2019/01/27 | reRescaler |
Mono audio and channel balance plugin. | Plugins | 1.0.0 | cuevavirus | 2020/05/05 | Monaural |
Savedata decrypter and redirector for PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.2 | Princess of Sleeping, SuleMareVientu | 2024/07/13 | reSavedata |
Plugin for automatic volume level switching. | Plugins | 2.2.0 | cuevavirus | 2020/09/10 | JAV |
Remap controls and apply several actions controls related. | Plugins | 1.0.8 | Mer1e | 2021/05/16 | reVita |
Remaps right analog on ARK eCFW. | Plugins | 1.0 | reprep, TheFloW | 2017/04/23 | ArkRightAnalog |
Vita screenshots will be saved into a folder named after the game. | Plugins | 1.2 | dots-tb | 2020/02/03 | reScreeny |
A ds3 connection plugin for PS Vita. | Plugins | 1.0 | Princess of Sleeping | 2022/12/03 | SceDs3Ext |
Overclock plugin. 500mhz at all times + disable power limits plugin. | Plugins | 1.0 | teakhanirons | 2019/11/10 | LOLITA500/444 |
Launch an app on Enso startup. | Plugins | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/08/09 | AutoBoot |
Plugin that allows you to play game through adhoc mode over the internet. | Plugins | 2020 | Reptar | 2020/09/22 | Pro Online Client Mod |
Remap plugin for PS Vita/PS TV. | Plugins | 2.0.1 | Mer1e, Rinnegatamante, S1ngyy | 2020/07/21 | remaPSV2 |
background vpk downloader and installer. | Plugins | 1.1 | SKGleba | 2021/04/03 | bgvpk |
Redirects ux0 usage to other partitions. | Plugins | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2021/04/15 | hbRedirect |
A proper GUI recovery for the reset image, intended for enso_ex. | Plugins | 1.02 | SKGleba | 2021/07/12 | recoVery |
PS Vita FTDI driver. | Plugins | 1.0 | isage | 2022/12/20 | Libvf |
Prints debug output on screen. | Plugins | initial | SKGleba | 2020/11/13 | vlog |
Redirects sa0 to ur0, allows to safely mod sysdata (i.e fonts) on your enso PS Vita/TV. | Plugins | initial | SKGleba | 2021/07/28 | sa0tour0 |
Patches SceSettings to format SD2Vita instead of the Memory Card. | Plugins | initial | SKGleba | 2020/11/13 | mcfredir |
Hide MAC address in Settings app. | Plugins | 1.0 | Freakler | 2019/08/30 | Vita Macspoofer |
A small kernel-user bridge to manage the diag modules. | Plugins | initial | SKGleba | 2020/11/13 | pdbridge |
Makes cobra blackfin work on 3.60 and above. | Plugins | 1.0 | Li | 2024/01/14 | Python White Fin |
Use your PS Vita as an USB mouse. | Plugins | 0.1 | xerpi | 2017/01/06 | hidmouse |
Automatically clears games logs. | Plugins | 1 | NamelessGhoul0 | 2017/01/07 | History Wipe |
Multifunction plugin for PS Vita. | Plugins | 0.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2016/10/22 | rinCheat |
Clips recorder for PS Vita. | Plugins | 0.1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2021/04/22 | Vita Recorder |
taiHEN plugin to show battery percent in statusbar for IRS-1001 motherboard. | Plugins | 0.1.0 | leonardputra | 2023/12/28 | vita-shellbat IRS 1001 |
Improved version of Amphetamin plugin. | Plugins | 3.5 Beta 2 | BeatPlay | 2016/09/27 | Better Amphetamin |
ioPlus works by re-validating mount points that would previously be invalidated by a fios2 mount point causing files to be inaccessible by plugins. | Plugins | 0.1 | dots-tb | 2020/06/18 | ioPlus |
Adjust thread parameters to achieve max performance. | Plugins | 1.51 | GrapheneCt | 2020/08/15 | Thread Optimizer |
Plugin to improve PS Vita sequential I/O speeds. | Plugins | 1.0 | Bythos | 2023/10/24 | IOStaging |
PS Vita/PSTV x-input driver. | Plugins | 1.5 | isage | 2023/09/11 | ViXEn |
Use bluetooth controllers on your Vita. | Plugins | release | Hydr8gon | 2023/05/27 | VitaControl |
Idstorage dumper for PS Vita/PS TV. | Plugins | 1.0 | zecoxao | 2017/05/08 | idstorage dumper |
Development helper plugin. | Plugins | 1.00 | devnoname120 | 2019/06/25 | vitacompanion |
Networking for plugins. | Plugins | 2016 | dots-tb | 2016/09/07 | SyringE PoC |
Prevent games from disabling net features for battery consumption motivations. | Plugins | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/08/01 | InfiniteNet |
A plugin that adds right analog stick support to PSP games for Adrenaline eCFW. | Plugins | 1.1 | Freakler | 2017/08/21 | camera_patch_lite |
Anti-standby for susceptible audio devices. | Plugins | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/05/08 | BrownNoise |
Use the PS Vita as an USB PC controller. | Plugins | 0.4.1 | xerpi | 2018/07/25 | vitastick |
Savedata decrypter and redirecter plugin. | Plugins | 0.8 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/10/01 | SavedataPlus |
Dumper for kernel modules. | Plugins | 1.0 | Princess of Sleeping | 2018/03/07 | SceKernelModuleDumper |
Change DS4 lightbar color based on battery level. | Plugins | 1.3 | CallmeBK | 2021/05/28 | VolLightbarCtrlWithDS4 |
Disables camera shutter sound. | Plugins | 1.0 | Princess of Sleeping | 2018/03/21 | sceShutterSoundPlayDisable |
Disable front touchscreen. | Plugins | 1.0 | EchoDev, Rinnegatamante | 2017/06/21 | WDNF |
Plugin that allows you to take HD screenshots. | Plugins | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/05/02 | Screenie |
Rear touchpad disabler. | Plugins | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/04/19 | WDNR |
A (somewhat ridiculous) 2D platform puzzle game. | Puzzle | 1.0 | withLogic | 2022/01/08 | Water Closet |
Port of Candy Crisis for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/02/24 | Candy Crisis |
A visual puzzle/hidden object game. | Puzzle | 1.0 | Catarina Lopes, Isaque Sanches, Mariana Domingos, Tiago Quendera | 2021/06/05 | Where The F*ck Did I Get These Sunglasses |
A diverse and challenging puzzle/action game with stylistic roots in the arcade. | Puzzle | pre-v2 | Tear | 2018/12/09 | Shiromino |
Physics based tower builder game. | Puzzle | 1.3 | Cpasjuste | 2021/07/01 | Silly Tower |
Port of a clone of Wordle for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/08/21 | Wordle SDL |
Port of chro.mono 2 for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | thp | 2019/05/06 | chro.mono 2 |
Puzzle game for PS Vita/PS TV. | Puzzle | 2.6.6 | crait | 2021/03/17 | Circuit Dude |
Port of World of Goo for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.2.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/09/05 | World of Goo Vita |
Action puzzle game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | full | Sungrand Studios | 2024/06/22 | Clasherball |
Clone of Worlds Hardest Game, a popular flash game, for PS Vita/PS TV made in Unity. | Puzzle | 1.15 | Comet-Games | 2022/10/18 | Worlds Hardest Game Vita |
Port of Sleepwalkers Journey for the PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/03/04 | Sleepwalker's Journey Vita |
First Person 3D Maze solving game made with RayCast3D Engine. | Puzzle | 1.4 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/12/23 | Labyrinth 3D |
Multiplatfform puzzler game. | Puzzle | 1.0 | Retroguru Team | 2021/06/05 | Xump |
A game inspired by Geometry Dash wave gamemode. | Puzzle | 1.2.0 | Kaon | 2023/12/29 | Z2 |
A multi-platform mini retro puzzle game. | Puzzle | r66 | thp | 2021/07/09 | Loonies 8192 |
Zelda Picross port for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.1 | hatoving | 2022/08/31 | Zelda Picross |
Port of Zik-Zak for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/10/07 | Zik-Zak Vita |
Simple minesweeper written in C++ for PlayStation Vita. | Puzzle | 1.2.1 | Creckeryop | 2020/10/30 | MSweep |
Roll a cube around 25 stages, matching colored tiles to activate lifts and move barriers. | Puzzle | 1.0 | forthw, JeffRuLz345 | 2018/12/06 | Cubic Conundrum |
A clone of Cut the Rope for PS Vita made in Unity. | Puzzle | 1.0 | SpanishFreddy | 2023/02/20 | Cut The Rope Vita |
Brain training game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | JJH | 2020/08/12 | MemoryGame |
Basic 2D Puzzle Game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.00 | Freakler | 2017/01/05 | StarKiller 2D |
A puzzle game inspired by Ukrainian legend of Rukavychka (glove). | Puzzle | 5951be2 | Holy Pangolin | 2022/07/10 | Rukavychka |
Tetris clone for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | GUIDOBOT | 2016/08/03 | milieTetris |
Minesweeper clone for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.2 | LeeStorm | 2016/08/29 | Minesweeper |
Unofficial port of Long Spear by TecoSV. | Puzzle | 1.0 | PatnosD | 2023/04/30 | Long Spear |
Lights Out clone for the PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.01 | dragaron | 2018/01/21 | Blackout |
Port of Mirrormagic. | Puzzle | 1.12 | rsn8887 | 2019/01/22 | MirrorMagic |
Abstract game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | Isaque Sanches, Eva Vital | 2021/06/05 | Mirror |
Unofficial port of Tetraspace for PS Vita. | Puzzle | Alpha 0.6 | Upper_Golf8078 | 2024/12/02 | Tetraspace |
Port of Magic Tower based on the Unity remake. | Puzzle | 1.3.2 | akiragatsu | 2024/09/21 | MoTa for PS Vita |
A Hexagonal puzzle game/ZooKeeper clone. | Puzzle | 1.0 | caghandemir | 2019/06/09 | hexgem-vita |
Port of Monument Valley for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0.1 | hatoving | 2022/12/17 | Monument Valley |
Port of Professor Layton: Lost Future HD for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/09/26 | Professor Layton: Lost Future HD Vita |
Logic game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 0.2 | LeeStorm | 2016/08/22 | DoggyTwiceVT |
Platform/Puzzle-action game. | Puzzle | 2.5 | LazyOx199 | 2019/05/10 | My Bakku Pakku |
Sudoku for the PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.01 | dragaron | 2018/01/21 | Sudorku |
Simon clone for the PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.01 | dragaron | 2018/01/21 | Xerox |
Mobile ports of Neverball and Neverputt. | Puzzle | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/03/19 | Neverball Vita |
Tetris clone with Touhou theme | Puzzle | 0.7A-TH1 | Aurora, SvennD | 2018/03/29 | Tetromino - Touhou Edition |
Small puzzle game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 0.0.2 | NathanKewley | 2024/09/09 | Save The Bees |
Tetris alike game written in lua for the PS Vita. | Puzzle | 0.8 | SvennD | 2018/04/03 | Tetromino |
Remake of Japanese viral game ""Suika Game"" for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.1.0 | kaonkaon | 2024/09/13 | BreadToPIA |
A Lua-based (LPP) reimplementation of the Android puzzle game Flowit. | Puzzle | 1.0.5 | ywnico | 2024/08/04 | Flowit |
2048 on Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | dots-tb | 2016/08/04 | psp2048 |
Numpty Physics port for Vita. | Puzzle | 0.5 | Rinnegatamante, meetpatty | 2019/03/13 | Numpty Physics by Rinnegatamante |
A relaxing match 3 puzzle game with a twist. | Puzzle | 2.0 | sharkwouter | 2024/12/20 | OceanPop |
Port of Tile World for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | MOQI | 2023/09/21 | Tile World Vita |
Enigma port for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.11 | rsn8887 | 2018/09/10 | Enigma |
Port of UnityBubbleGame for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/03/14 | Everybody's Bubbles |
Reverse engineering Supaplex. | Puzzle | 7.1.2 | sergiou87 | 2020/08/21 | OpenSupaplex |
Port of Fire and Fondness: Enhanced Edition for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | withLogic | 2023/09/10 | Fire & Fondness: Enhanced Edition |
Port of Fire and Fondness 2 for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | withLogic | 2023/09/10 | Fire and Fondness 2 |
Rubik Cube game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | Anchitpatra | 2020/01/15 | V-Cube |
Small game powered by NotEngine. | Puzzle | 11.17.2016 | notnotme | 2016/11/17 | Flood It! |
PanelPop port for PS Vita/PS TV. | Puzzle | 0.0.3 | sharkwouter | 2020/12/12 | Panel-Pop |
3D puzzle game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | WZ | 2023/09/22 | Pause |
Sudoku game for Switch/Wii U/Vita/PC, made with C++/SDL2. | Puzzle | 1.3.2 | Mode8fx | 2024/05/02 | SuDokuL |
Nonogram game for PlayStation Vita. | Puzzle | 1.15 | Creckeryop | 2022/03/08 | PiCrest |
Port of Pickr3ds for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.1 | joel16 | 2017/04/17 | Pickr VITA |
Puzzle game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 2.1 | Grzybojad | 2019/09/03 | Pingo |
Freegemas is an open source version of the well known Bejeweled, built in C++ using SDL2. | Puzzle | 22.02 | JoseTomasTocino | 2022/02/16 | Freegemas |
Port of Please, Dont Touch Anything. | Puzzle | 1.0 | hatoving | 2021/04/08 | Please, Don't Touch Anything |
3D Tetris game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | bytelett | 2023/09/22 | ViTetris |
Vita Port of NumptyPhysics for PSP. | Puzzle | 0.3 | meetpatty | 2016/07/29 | Numpty Physics by meetpatty |
2048 port for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | FantaHourglass | 2019/02/10 | 2048-Vita |
Puzzle game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | Retroguru Team | 2019/05/24 | Fruit'Y |
A suspense puzzle game in disguise. | Puzzle | 1.2 | hatoving | 2022/12/10 | Pony Island |
Port of 7 Billion Humans for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/03/18 | 7 Billion Humans Vita |
Atari XL/XE Robbo port. | Puzzle | 0.68 | bomblik | 2017/01/28 | GNU Robbo |
Port of Professor Layton: Curious Village HD for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/09/24 | Professor Layton: Curious Village HD Vita |
Port of Professor Layton: Pandoras Box HD for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/09/24 | Professor Layton: Pandora's Box HD Vita |
A reverse tower defense game ported to PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.00 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/07/18 | King's Conquest |
Port of Plug Away! by dechro. | Puzzle | 1.2.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/03/26 | Plug Away! |
Solve physics puzzles and help a mystical creature escape in world of Psee. | Puzzle | 0.1 | aDeCon Production | 2024/03/05 | Psee Demo |
Simple Tetris Attack clone. | Puzzle | 2015 | cy33hc | 2016/09/06 | PuzzAttack4vita |
Hangman game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.1 | Jackiepooh, Rinnegatamante | 2017/09/08 | VitaHangman |
3D puzzle/exploration game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.1 | cojam | 2024/06/11 | Ancient Villa |
Sudoku game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.3 | Rinnegatamante | 2016/08/08 | VitaSudoku |
Port of TailTale by fumi2kick/rerofumi. Based off gameblabla’s version with fullscreen scaling. | Puzzle | 1 | dots-tb | 2020/01/20 | TailTale REsurrected |
Escape-room puzzle game. | Puzzle | 1.0 | João Eiras Antunes | 2021/06/05 | Ars Poetica |
People love listening to music. People love expressing their creativity. | Puzzle | a0 | BurAndBY | 2022/04/14 | Cylinder |
Action puzzle game involving blocks. | Puzzle | 1.0 | HisArmMan | 2021/06/07 | Happy Blocks |
Snake clone for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | Ruben_Wolfe | 2016/07/30 | RejuveSnake |
An award-winning puzzle game where you can change the rules by which you play. | Puzzle | 1.4 | gl33ntwine | 2022/09/09 | Baba Is You |
Narrative puzzle game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | Eva Vital, Isaque Sanches | 2021/06/05 | Have a Good One! |
Bad Piggies PS Vita port. | Puzzle | 1.4 | mrdivdiz | 2021/08/03 | Bad Piggies |
Vita port of Heboris, a Tetris clone. | Puzzle | 1.0 | L0Wigh (Thomas Mathiot) | 2022/01/21 | Heboris |
Port of Helltaker for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.1.0 | D3fau4 | 2020/09/07 | Helltaker |
Sudoku game for Vita. | Puzzle | 0.1 | Kuni59 | 2016/08/09 | Hendoku |
Tetris clone for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 2019 | LuckTheGamers | 2019/09/08 | Beat Master |
Rocks n Diamonds port for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.12 | rsn8887 | 2019/01/22 | Rocks'n'Diamonds |
Tetris Attack clone for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 0.01 | Flappy Jesus | 2016/10/02 | Bernard Chronicles |
Marble Madness like game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 2.1 | Spartanfox | 2022/04/01 | Rolly Poly |
Port of Human Resource Machine for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.3.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/09/05 | Human Resource Machine Vita |
Tower building game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | VitaHEX games | 2020/08/15 | Vita Stacks |
BlockOut II port for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 2017 | bomblik | 2017/02/20 | BlockOut II 2.5 |
Boggle game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 2.0 | SoulTieGames | 2024/05/28 | BoggleVita |
Mahjongg game for PS Vita. | Puzzle | 1.0 | nop90 | 2017/10/04 | SDL Lopan |
Port of Jet Car Stunts 2 for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/01/12 | Jet Car Stunts 2 Vita |
PS Vita port of Cannonball, an enhanced Outrun engine by djyt. | Racing | 1.05 | rsn8887 | 2018/03/22 | Cannonball |
Port of Cars, a game made by CST1229. | Racing | 1.2 | SiulPop | 2022/09/30 | Cars Vita |
Port of a modernized rewrite of Wipeout (1995) for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/02/02 | Wipeout Rewrite Vita |
Port of X-Racer for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.0 | Parking Lot Studio | 2020/09/19 | X-Racer by ParkingLotStudio |
Port of X-Racer for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.0 | roc6d | 2019/08/26 | X-Racer by roc6d |
Hey umm, your car will not brake anymore. So better clear all the levels to get it fixed I guess. | Racing | 1.0 | PatnosD | 2023/04/30 | HELP! NO BRAKE |
Port of Craxy Taxi Classic for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.2 | TheFloW, Rinnegatamante | 2022/06/14 | Crazy Taxi Vita |
3D arcade driving game. | Racing | 1.0 | VitaHEX games | 2017/08/06 | Crazy Traffic Jam 3D |
Port of Zombie Drive for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.0 | AJ170 | 2023/06/24 | Zombie Driver |
Open Source Engine/Death Rally [1996]. | Racing | 0.2.1 | Enrique Somolinos Perez | 2022/05/19 | dRally Vita |
Minit Fun Racer port for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.0.0 | m1s3ry | 2021/04/14 | Minit Fun Racer |
Arcade FPV drone race in syntwave style. | Racing | 1.0 | JacobsPlayground | 2019/07/02 | Super Drone Racer Ultra |
Mod of Crazy Traffic Jam 3D making it more challenging. | Racing | 2017 | KawaiiAurora | 2017/08/08 | Crazy Traffic Jam 3D Mod |
Bring sweet pain and destruction into this world! | Racing | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/03/09 | Donut Truck Apocalypse |
Port of supra mayro kratt for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.1 | MEGAgameBoy | 2022/04/03 | Supra Mayro Kratt |
Omnibus for the Playstation Vita. (Demo). | Racing | demo | MaloneCZSD | 2024/08/21 | Omnibus |
Port of Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.0 | Electry | 2021/10/03 | NFSHP Vita |
Port of Dethrace for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/12/30 | Dethrace Vita |
Port of RVGL for PS Vita with full online multiplayer support. | Racing | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/11/03 | RVGL |
Port of OpenMRac for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/09/10 | OpenMRac Vita |
Clone of Top Neon Rush for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.0 | aionmagan, elpichonart, GGuihurt | 2023/07/15 | Top Classic Plaigarized |
Port of Pangea Software’s racing game Cro-Mag Rally. | Racing | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/12/01 | Cro-Mag Rally Vita |
GameMaker: Studio Homebrew Games. | Racing | 2019 | SilicaAndPina | 2019/01/30 | Street Racing |
Port of Pako Forever for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.0.8 | PatnosD | 2022/07/30 | Pako Forever |
Port of Poppy Kart and Poppy Kart 2 for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/01/18 | Poppy Kart Collection |
Port of REDRIVER2 for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.0 | OsirizX | 2023/09/22 | REDRIVER2 |
Port of RVGL for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/07/30 | RVGL Loader Vita |
Port of Real-Time Racing Manager for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/03/26 | Real-Time Racing Manager Vita |
Arcade drive-by shooting action with heist game mechanics. | Racing | Alpha 0 | DanCooper | 2022/07/08 | Pako 2 |
Re-Volt: Community Edition by PG Team (Mod). | Racing | 1.0 | PG Team | 2023/05/13 | Re-Volt - Community Edition |
An extraordinarily fast racing game. | Racing | 3.0 | SpanishFreddy | 2023/01/14 | SanicBall |
Clone of Rocket League for PS Vita. | Racing | 1.0a | VitaDev | 2023/08/09 | Rocket Cars Vita |
Clone of Brick Race. | Racing | 1.0 | WIDEGCG | 2019/08/30 | BrickRace 1990 |
Fallout for PS Vita. | Role Playing | 1.1.0-vita.4 | Northfear | 2024/06/02 | Fallout CE |
A simple open source Godot 2d RPG game project like Zelda. | Role Playing | 0.1.0 | ParallelProductions | 2023/02/07 | Lango |
A Rogue Clone for PS Vita. | Role Playing | 1.02 | junisoft | 2022/12/26 | Rlone |
Action RPG for PS Vita. | Role Playing | 1.0 | Aramallo | 2021/06/07 | Crab Island |
Port of Crashlands for PS Vita. | Role Playing | 1.0.0 | m1s3ry | 2021/05/20 | Crashlands |
Fork of Exult (Ultima 7 Engine) to compile it as native Vita Homebrew. | Role Playing | 1.9 vita 2 | einmueller | 2022/06/22 | Exult - Ultima 7 |
Roguelike horror themed game. | Role Playing | 1.0 | Anchitpatra | 2019/12/22 | Deadly Hallows |
Port of Doom II RPG for PSVita. | Role Playing | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2025/01/19 | Doom II RPG Vita |
Roguelike game for PS Vita. | Role Playing | 1.0 | LuckTheGamers | 2019/08/28 | Dungeon Survivor |
Dungeon Crawler for PS Vita. | Role Playing | 1.0 | WIDEGCG | 2019/09/09 | The Lost Catacomb |
Port of the Android version of The World Ends With You for the PS Vita. | Role Playing | 1.1 | hatoving | 2023/08/17 | The World Ends With You: Solo Remix |
Port of Final Fantasy 3 (3D Remake) for PS Vita. | Role Playing | 1.1 | frangarcj, Rinnegatamante, TheFloW | 2021/09/01 | Final Fantasy 3 Vita |
Port of Final Fantasy IV (3D Remake) for PS VIta. | Role Playing | 1.3 | Rinnegatamante, frangarcj, TheFloW | 2023/09/01 | Final Fantasy 4 Vita |
Port of Final Fantasy IV: The After Years for PS Vita. | Role Playing | 1.0.1 | Rinnegatamante, frangarcj | 2023/09/05 | Final Fantasy IV: The After Years |
Port of Final Fantasy V for PS VIta. | Role Playing | 1.0 | frangarcj, Rinnegatamante, TheFloW | 2021/10/09 | Final Fantasy V Vita |
Port of Final Fantasy Dimensions for PS Vita. | Role Playing | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/03/28 | FFD-Vita |
Open source Fallout 2 port. | Role Playing | 1.3.0-vita.8 | Northfear | 2024/06/02 | Fallout 2 CE |
Port of Diablo for PS Vita/PS TV. | Role Playing | 1.5.4 | devilutionX Team | 2025/02/09 | DevilutionX |
Port of Flare engine for PS Vita. | Role Playing | 0.8 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/10/08 | Flare RPG |
Deltarune Chapter One port. | Role Playing | 2019 | tijesef | 2019/07/28 | Deltarune: Chapter One |
Procedurally generated dungeon crawler for PS Vita. | Role Playing | 1.0 | Vulcore Team | 2023/09/22 | A Maze Planet |
Topdown action science fiction RPG. | Role Playing | 0.1 | Island_Games (The Suicidal Robot) | 2017/03/21 | Galactic Federation |
Port of GemRB for PS Vita/PS TV. | Role Playing | 0.8.8-vita.7 | Northfear | 2021/10/31 | GemRB |
Port of Dink Smallwood HD for PS Vita/PS TV. | Role Playing | 1.3.1 | NabsiYa | 2023/04/26 | RTDink |
Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator Vita port. | Role Playing | 1.0 | isage | 2022/03/20 | Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator |
Port of PAL for PS Vita. | Role Playing | 1.3 | SDLPAL Team | 2019/09/09 | The Legend of Sword and Fairy |
Classics inspired JRPG for PS Vita. | Role Playing | alpha | Sungrand Studios | 2024/03/15 | Breath of Thunder |
Fan-made tribute to an early 80s ZX Spectrum classic Jetpac. | Shooter | 1.0 | Gremlin Software | 2021/08/12 | JetMan-3D |
Top-down shooter for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | Vlambeer, JeffRuLz345 | 2018/12/06 | Wasteland Kings by JeffRuLz345 |
Port of Blood for PS Vita/PS TV. | Shooter | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/11/16 | jfblood-vita |
Online multiplayer FPS for PS VIta. | Shooter | 0.1.30a | VitaDev | 2023/04/11 | Call of Vita: Hackzone |
Port of the 3D Realms game Duke Nukem 3D. | Shooter | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2021/07/20 | JFDuke3D |
Port of Shadow Warrior Classic for PS Vita/PS TV. | Shooter | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2021/08/17 | Shadow Warrior Classic Vita |
Port of Tekwar by William Shatner. | Shooter | 0.8 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/07/15 | jftekwar-vita |
Clone of Wild Gunman. | Shooter | 1.02 | Lapy | 2019/06/23 | Wild Gunman Remake |
K.E.T.M. (Kill Everything That Moves) port for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2017/12/29 | K.E.T.M. Vita |
Port of Catacomb II for the PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | l0wigh | 2023/06/02 | Catacomb Vita |
A third-person shooter for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.04 | RetroGamer74 | 2019/05/11 | Kill Em All |
Chocolate Doom port for PS Vita. | Shooter | 3.1 | fgsfds | 2020/10/24 | Chocolate Doom |
Short action game for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | captkuso | 2024/03/11 | Smash TV HD-2D |
2D demake of Left 4 Dead. | Shooter | 0.1.1 | AlexDev2, SiulPop | 2023/08/12 | Left 4 Dead 2 2D |
Port of ZGloom for PS Vita. | Shooter | 2.1.1 | JetStreamSham | 2021/09/20 | ZGloom Vita |
The End is Near. | Shooter | 1.0 | softwaregremlin | 2021/10/29 | Covid 19 Apocalypse |
Space shoot em up for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | GlitcherOG | 2022/02/02 | Protect The Earth |
3D FPS zombie survival game. | Shooter | 0.21 | VitaHEX games | 2019/02/15 | Zombiebound Reloaded |
Wave-based 3D FPS survival game. | Shooter | 0.1.0 | VitaHEX games | 2017/09/30 | Zombiebound |
Port of Mass Effect Infiltrator for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | gl33ntwine | 2022/11/21 | Mass Effect Infiltrator Vita |
Max Payne Mobile PS Vita port. | Shooter | r4 | fgsfds | 2021/02/18 | Max Payne PS Vita Port |
A PlayStation Vita Homebrew game inspired by Atari games like Spider Fighter. | Shooter | 0.1 | Sem van der Hoeven (SemvdH) | 2021/08/27 | Cybershot |
A game engine, aimed to provide compatibility with Half-Life Engine. | Shooter | Continuous | FWGS Team, fgsfdsfgs | 2023/04/18 | Xash3D FWGS |
Survival horror game for PS Vita. | Shooter | 0.08a | Parking Lot Studio | 2021/06/07 | Dark Paradigm |
High-octane drifting action ported to PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | PatnosD | 2023/04/30 | DriftR |
Shoot em up for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.05 | Lapy, Acekone, Dragonixplay | 2020/12/31 | Super Console Wars |
Loader of the Dead Space mobile game that allows to run it on PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.3 | gl33ntwine | 2023/01/13 | Dead Space Vita |
Shoot em up game for PS Vita. | Shooter | 2016 | Island_Games (The Suicidal Robot) | 2016/09/17 | Super Hero Chronicles |
Port of Defendguin for PS Vita/PS TV. | Shooter | 1.0 | Island Games | 2022/09/05 | Defendguin |
First person shooter inspired by Doom. | Shooter | 1.0 | WIDEGCG | 2021/06/05 | Demons Down |
Port of NRedneck for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2020/01/23 | NRedneck |
Fast paced top-down shooter for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0.3 | Novi | 2024/09/20 | Florpix |
Port of Nanosaur. | Shooter | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/08/17 | Nanosaur Vita |
Loader of Modern Combat 3 Android that allows to run it on a PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.1 | v-atamanenko | 2024/05/17 | Modern Combat 3 Vita |
FPS game inspired to DooM. | Shooter | 1.0.1 | gambikules | 2019/10/17 | DooM Vita |
Port of Doom64EX, a reverse-engineering project aimed to recreate Doom64 as close as possible with additional modding features. | Shooter | 1.0.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/09/17 | Doom64EX |
A faithful recreation of Call of Duty Zombies for the PlayStation Vita. | Shooter | 2.0.0-nightly | NZ:P Team, Rinnegatamante | nightly | Nazi Zombies: Portable |
Port of Doom RPG for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.1.0 | jakubito | 2024/03/08 | Doom RPG Vita |
A demake of the popular bullet hell game Ikaruga, released in 2002 for Dreamcast and 2003 for Gamecube. | Shooter | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/02/25 | nKaruga |
Asteroids clone for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.5.1 | xanderten50 | 2021/11/10 | Temporary Space |
Duck Hunt clone for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | Lapy | 2019/05/29 | Duck Hunt Remake |
Port of ReGameDLL Lite version (reverse-engineered Counter-Strike server DLL with bot support). Use with VitaXash3D. | Shooter | 1 | fgsfds | 2018/03/29 | ReGameLite |
Port of The Conduit HD for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | TheFloW, Rinnegatamante | 2023/03/11 | The Conduit HD Vita |
Port of EDuke32 for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.6 | Rinnegatamante | 2019/09/05 | EDuke32 Vita |
Port of Not a Hero for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/03/27 | Not A Hero Vita |
Bullet Hell game for PS Vita. Port of EUCLIOD for 3DS. | Shooter | r8 | HexZyle, Rinnegatamante | 2017/05/25 | EUCLIOD |
Port of Omega Strike for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | elpapadelospollitos | 2022/05/23 | Omega Strike Vita |
Online third-person shooter featuring jetpacks. | Shooter | 0.2 | VitaHEX games | 2021/05/29 | Thrust Shot |
Port of EnbornX for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/02/09 | EnbornX Vita |
2D Arena Shooter for PS Vita. | Shooter | 0.62 | lkclip | 2019/04/28 | To Pieces |
Free roaming FPS game for PS Vita/PS TV. | Shooter | 0.1 | VitaHEX games | 2020/12/21 | Tropical Zone |
Port of lilium-voyager (Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Holomatch multiplayer) for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/12/05 | vitaVoyager |
Port of the game Relic Hunters Zero for the PS4 and Vita. | Shooter | 1.00 | Rogue Snail, MDashK | 2022/07/31 | Relic Hunters Zero |
ioquake3 port for PS Vita (supports Quake III: Arena, Quake III: Team Arena, OpenArena, Urban Terror and Q3Rally). | Shooter | 1.3 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/11/29 | vitaQuakeIII |
A 3D arcade shooter made with Godot 3.4 ported to PS Vita. | Shooter | 0.1b | ParallelProductions | 2023/02/10 | Faraway Space |
Short multiplatform FPS game. | Shooter | 2.3.2 | POtO Software | 2025/02/06 | How to Rob A Gas Station |
Twin-stick shooter port for the PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | SoulTieGames | 2024/06/02 | FunkynFrank-Vita |
Port of Pangea Software’s Nanosaur II for modern systems. | Shooter | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/12/08 | Nanosaur 2 Vita |
A PS Vita port of CSPSP. | Shooter | 1.0 | CelloPoly314 | 2024/12/20 | CSPSV |
Port of OpenTyrian for the PS Vita. | Shooter | 16-09-19 | Cpasjuste | 2016/09/20 | vOpenTyrian |
Port of Sync Simple, a tunnel shooter original by xeronixworks. | Shooter | 1.0 | tijesef | 2019/02/02 | SYNC SIMPLE PSVita |
POOL is an arcade first-person arena shooter inspired by Doom, Quake, and a particular cue sport. | Shooter | 2019 | tijesef | 2019/06/22 | POOL [of Doom!] |
Port of Unreal for PS Vita. | Shooter | r5 | fgsfds | 2024/12/25 | Unreal Vita |
Port of Descent: FreeSpace - The Great War and Freespace 2 for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/09/24 | Freespace Collection |
Be a mutant, hoard kidneys, and flap your giblets in the breeze. It is an endless runner with guns. | Shooter | 1.0 | Loodanon | 2019/01/03 | Freeway Mutant |
Wasteland Kings PS Vita port (Nuclear Throne prototype). | Shooter | 2019 | Vlambeer, tijesef | 2019/06/18 | Wasteland Kings by tijesef |
Postal port for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2019/01/18 | Postal Vita |
Port of Doom 3 for PS Vita. Formerly named Potatoom. | Shooter | 0.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/03/07 | Potatoom 3 |
PrBoom Plus port for PS Vita/PS TV. | Shooter | 1.2 | fgsfds | 2020/11/07 | PrBoom Plus |
Port of 8 Bit Bayonetta for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | DanCooper | 2022/03/31 | 8 Bit Bayonetta |
Small Galaga type game for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.02 | Island_Games | 2021/12/02 | A Super Small SHMUP |
A port/patch to make the game Galactic Missile Defense (Steam Version) playable on the PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | MDashK | 2021/10/18 | Galactic Missile Defense |
Port of Abuse for PS Vita/PS TV. | Shooter | 0.8 | Rinnegatamante | 2021/04/13 | Abuse Vita |
3D space shoot em up. | Shooter | 0.1.0 | Akabane87 | 2017/09/03 | Project Void |
ProtoType (RType remake) port for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/07/11 | Prototype Vita |
PowerSlave/Exhumed port for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2020/01/28 | vitaExhumed |
Port of Get the F off my lawn. | Shooter | 1.0 | Paulo | 2019/04/02 | Get the F off my lawn |
Waves based TPS for PS Vita. | Shooter | 2024 | Balder, Brian Czernikowski | 2024/10/31 | Purified |
An OpenTyrin port for the Vita by Z80. | Shooter | 0.99 | Z80 | 2016/09/15 | OpenTyrin Vita |
Hexen II port for P Vita. | Shooter | 2.3 | Rinnegatamante | 2020/03/26 | vitaHexenII |
Port of Quakespasm Spiked, a modern Quake source port with high mods compatibility. | Shooter | 1.6 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/01/15 | Quakespasm-Spiked |
Clone of SUPERHOT for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.07 | MRKane, digradi | 2024/03/26 | VitaHot |
Port of Anarch for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.1 | Sugardrenaline | 2023/09/08 | Anarch Vita |
Side-scrolling shmup for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1 | xanderten50 | 2021/05/26 | Angel Collide |
A Bill Kendrick game based on Agendaroids/Asteroids. | Shooter | 1 | dots-tb | 2020/01/16 | Vectoroids |
Quake I port. | Shooter | 4.1 | Rinnegatamante | 2020/03/31 | vitaQuake |
Blast your way through those shapes in this Geometry Wars-inspired twin stick shooter. | Shooter | 1.2 | G33, MotoLegacy | 2019/01/28 | RPPHS |
Quake II port for PS Vita. | Shooter | 2.4 | Rinnegatamante | 2020/11/29 | vitaQuakeII |
Return to Castle Wolfenstein port for PS Vita. | Shooter | 0.6 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/02/23 | vitaRTCW |
Port of GUN GODZ for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | m1s3ry | 2021/06/07 | GUN GODZ |
port of the classic Wolfenstein 3d to Vita/PS TV (HENkaku). | Shooter | 1.7 | Rinnegatamante | 2020/11/30 | vitaWolfen |
Port of Xash3D-FWGS to the PS Vita. | Shooter | R4, mpfix | fgsfds | 2018/08/02 | vitaXash3D |
Port of a clone of Atlantis for PS Vita. | Shooter | 0.8 | xanderten50 | 2021/11/10 | Atlantis |
Doom 1/Doom 2 port for PS Vita based on DoomPSP. | Shooter | 1.1 | MrNetrix, aagallag | 2017/07/24 | Vita Doom |
Port of AvP Classic 2000 for PS Vita. | Shooter | 0.8 | Rinnegatamante | 2020/07/22 | AvP Gold Vita |
Blake Stone port for PS Vita. | Shooter | 0.3 | 01y | 2019/08/22 | BStone |
Shoot em up based on Super Hero Chronicles. | Shooter | 0.5 | Markus95 | 2019/06/07 | Resident Evil CODE:Vita |
Port of RigelEngine, a modern re-implementation of the classic DOS game Duke Nukem II. | Shooter | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/10/05 | RigelEngine Vita |
Port of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Mobile for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | TheFloW, Rinnegatamante | 2021/08/01 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vita |
Space shooter for Sony Vita. | Shooter | 2019 | d_pyro | 2019/08/28 | Space Shooter |
Shoot em up game for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | Lapy | 2020/04/13 | River Raid |
Clone of Asteroids for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1 | SomeonPC | 2021/10/23 | Rock Recker |
CDC Abuse port for Vita. | Shooter | 1.1 | isage (Sarcastic cat) | 2022/11/15 | CDC Abuse Vita |
Retro shoot-em up for PS Vita/PS TV. | Shooter | 0.0.2 | Narwher | 2020/06/11 | Howard |
Run and Gun game based on the Turrican game series for Playstation Vita. | Shooter | 0.9 | Amnon-Dan Meir (ammeir) | 2021/02/15 | Hurrican |
A Rise Of The Triad source port with additional gameplay options and more. | Shooter | 1.0 | Northfear | 2022/04/02 | Rise of the Triad |
Top-down shooter for PS Vita. | Shooter | 1.0 | JeffRulz345 | 2019/12/14 | Hyper Princess Pitch Vita |
Vertical scrolling shoot em up. | Shooter | 1.0 | Lapy | 2021/05/15 | Brain Splitter |
Run Blasphemer on PS Vita (Adrenaline). | Shooter | 2022 | HandsomeJack (BorderTrader) | 2022/09/13 | Blasphemer on Vita |
Port of Caesar 3 for PS Vita. | Simulation | 1.7.0 | devnoname120, Julius Team | 2021/10/15 | Julius Vita |
A Port of Will You Snail for PS Vita. | Simulation | 1.0 | avonder | 2024/06/11 | Will You Snail Vita |
Port of Siren Head Dating Sim for PS Vita. | Simulation | 1.01 | Rayc | 2023/09/22 | Siren Head Dating Sim |
Port of Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2 for PS Vita. | Simulation | 1.0 | hatoving | 2022/05/23 | CSD2Vita |
Port of Cook, Serve, Delicious! for PS Vita. | Simulation | 1.0 | MDashK | 2021/10/11 | Cook, Serve, Delicious! |
Game of Life clone. | Simulation | 0.2 | domis4 | 2017/01/04 | PSVita Game of Life |
A Minecraft Classic Server compatible with all Minecraft Classic Clients. | Simulation | 1.3 | Iridescence, MotoLegacy | 2022/12/02 | CrossCraft Classic |
A project that aims to implement Minecraft Java Edition: Classic Survival Test. It is not a clone. | Simulation | ST4 | Cross Craft Team | 2022/12/02 | CrossCraft SurvivalTest |
Part boss rush and part crawdad simulator. | Simulation | 1.0 | Bokonon (Matt Lempitsky), Yossarian | 2022/05/01 | Blue Bayou |
Goat Simulator clone in Mario theme. | Simulation | 0.2 | FantaHourglass | 2019/03/25 | Mushroom Kingdom Mayhem |
Moody walking simulator for PS Vita. | Simulation | 1.62 | soham | 2023/09/24 | MoodiWalkiSim Demo |
Idle mining arcade game. | Simulation | 1.00 | c0rtax | 2024/09/07 | IdleMiner |
A 3D Mini Golf game with lots of levels. | Simulation | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/09/01 | Neverputt Vita |
Drone simulator game for PS Vita. | Simulation | 1.0 | Haasman0 | 2023/08/14 | Drone Sim Vita |
Port of OpenTTD, an open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe. | Simulation | 0.3 | angguss | 2019/03/09 | OpenTTD |
Pirate-themed precodural game. | Simulation | 1.0 | crait | 2021/06/05 | Treasure Chasers |
Port of Tux Football for PS Vita/PSTV. | Simulation | 1.0 | Island_Games | 2022/09/11 | Tux Football Vita |
Port of PanComOS for PS Vita. | Simulation | 1.1 | hatoving | 2021/04/07 | PanComOS |
Port of Freeways for PS Vita. | Simulation | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/02/12 | Freeways Vita |
Frying game for PS Vita. | Simulation | 2.1 | LazyOx199 | 2019/02/13 | Frying Master |
Loader of Galaxy on Fire 2 that allows to run the game on PS Vita. | Simulation | 1.0 | gl33ntwine, PG Team | 2023/03/12 | Galaxy On Fire 2 Vita |
Reverse-engineered source code of Raft with PS Vita Port. | Simulation | 4.0 | BurAndBY, DanCooper | 2022/04/27 | Raft |
Port of RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic for PS Vita. | Simulation | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/02/06 | RCT Classic Vita |
Clone of Animal Crossing for PS Vita. | Simulation | 2.1 | Spartanfox | 2023/09/22 | Animal Vitas |
Simple graphics, realistic waiting simulatior. | Simulation | 1.1 | HWNJ | 2021/06/06 | Real Waiting Simulator |
Try to get them balls into the holes with minimum hits. | Simulation | 0.9.3 | cojam | 2024/06/06 | Hit 'Em Balls |
Roulette simulator for PS Vita. | Simulation | 1.0 | Gremlin Software | 2023/09/22 | Roulette Strategy Simulator Vita |
SDL2Sand is another implementation of the now-classic Falling Sand Game, old-school and minimalistic. | Simulation | 1.0 | gl33ntwine (Volodymyr) | 2022/01/20 | SDL2Sand |
Port of Wargus/War1gus, Warcraft 1/2 Mod that allows you to play Warcraft 1/2 with the Stratagus engine. | Strategy | 3.3.2-vita.3 | Northfear | 2022/08/15 | Wargus/War1gus - Warcraft 1/2 |
Cannon Fodder is an action-strategy shoot em up game developed by Sensible Software. | Strategy | 1.6.1 | isage | 2020/12/09 | OpenFodder Vita |
Port of Robot Lab by Dr Fink. | Strategy | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/05/04 | Dr Fink's Robot Lab Vita |
A roguelike deckbuilder tactics game. | Strategy | 1.0 | VSM GAMMER | 2023/05/21 | Gridlocke |
Port of Dune Legacy for PS Vita. | Strategy | 0.97.02-vita.1 | Northfear | 2023/12/15 | Dune Legacy |
Port of OpenXcom Extended for PS Vita. | Strategy | 7.10-vita.1 | Northfear | 2023/12/30 | OpenXcom Extended |
Port of OpenXcom, an open-source clone of the original X-Com. | Strategy | 1.0-vita.5 | Northfear | 2022/08/09 | X-COM: Terror From the Deep |
An epic base defense strategy game where you fight a continuous war. | Strategy | 1.1 | mrdivdiz | 2023/02/13 | Age of War |
Port of UFO: Alien Invasion for PS Vita. | Strategy | 0.5 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/04/13 | ufoai-vita |
Port of the Ur-Quan Masters project to the PS Vita system. | Strategy | 0.8.0.rev1 | argarak | 2022/03/03 | Ur-Quan Masters Vita |
Port of fheroes2, a recreation of the Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine. | Strategy | 1.1.6 | Northfear, fheroes2 Team | 2025/02/16 | fheroes2 Vita |
Port of Partia 1, Partia 2 and Partia 3 for Ps Vita. | Strategy | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/07/23 | Partia: The Granian Trilogy |
Port of Command and Conquer: Red Alert for PS Vita. | Strategy | 1.0-r914 | Northfear | 2023/12/23 | VanillaRA |
Port of Command and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn for PS Vita. | Strategy | 1.0-r914 | Northfear | 2023/12/23 | VanillaTD |
Port of Anomaly: Korea for PS Vita. | Strategy | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/03/06 | Anomaly: Korea Vita |
Port of Anomaly: Warzone Earth HD for PS Vita. | Strategy | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/03/08 | Anomaly: Warzone Earth HD Vita |
Port of Anomaly 2 for PS Vita. | Strategy | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/03/03 | Anomaly 2 Vita |
Port of Anomaly Defenders for PS Vita. | Strategy | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2023/03/01 | Anomaly Defenders Vita |
Caesar 3 port + Julius mod. | Strategy | 4.0.0 | Keriew | 2023/12/28 | Augustus |
Battleship game for PS Vita. | Strategy | 1.2 | DesiRED | 2016/08/17 | BattleShip Arena |
Heroes of Might and Magic III HD Edition wrapper/port for PS Vita. | Strategy | 1.2.3 | Northfear | 2024/02/24 | Heroes of Might and Magic III HD Edition |
Port of Machines at Wat 3 and Land Air Sea Warfare for PS Vita. | Strategy | 1.0 | Rinnegatamante | 2022/10/02 | Isotope 244 Collection |
A slimmed down variant of SKGleba yamt which does not rely on a config file. | System Tools | lite | AuroraWright | 2019/12/05 | YAMT Lite |
PS Vita Recovery menu using Enso 3.60 and 3.65. | System Tools | 1.03 PSTV | Ninoh-FOX | 2018/03/26 | HomeRecovery installer |
Discover your personal data of the PSN, the console and the speed of the CPU and RAM. | System Tools | 1.0 | theheroGAC | 2018/02/17 | My PSVITA Secret |
Installs any official firmware that is higher or same as your current. | System Tools | 1.0 | TheFloW | 2018/06/22 | Firmware Updater |
PS Vita 3G Disabler. | System Tools | 1.0 | KanadeEngel (Chihiro) | 2017/09/20 | PS Vita 3G Disabler |
Quick access to the Recovery Menu. | System Tools | 2017 | CelesteBlue | 2017/07/30 | Quick Recovery |
A tool to trigger automatic savedata backup feature on PS Vita. | System Tools | 1.00 | GrapheneCt | 2020/12/19 | QuickBackup |
Shoutdown, Reboot, Standby All-in-one pack. | System Tools | 1.0 | theheroGAC | 2020/08/23 | S.R.S |
A fork and update to the original VitaTester from 2016 by SMOKE and other contributors. | System Tools | 1.0 | Avellea, Pookette, NamelessGhoul0 | 2023/05/26 | VitaTester MOD |
A quick way to suspend your PS Vita. | System Tools | 1.0 | theheroGAC | 2020/08/23 | Standby Vita |
PS Vita Homebrew for changing time. | System Tools | 1.0 | BalisticksMain | 2020/05/14 | Time Machine |
Change bootlogo with a custom one. | System Tools | 3.1 | SKGleba | 2019/10/15 | Custom Boot Splash Manager |
Helps during MC swap process. | System Tools | 1.2 | SMOKE | 2016/09/02 | memcardswap |
An advanced backup tool for PS Vita. | System Tools | 1.03 | GrapheneCt | 2022/06/25 | VBackup |
Toolbox that makes homebrewing the Playstation Vita/TV easier. | System Tools | 1.2.1 | SKGleba | 2023/02/22 | VitaDeploy |
This is a VitaShell mod with added features. | System Tools | 2.09 | BenMitnicK | 2019/09/01 | VitaTweakBox |
Downgrader for PS Vita/PSTV. | System Tools | 2.3 | TheFloW, SKGleba | 2022/05/11 | Modoru |
Switch your mount point between ux0 and uma0 easily for your SD2Vita. | System Tools | 2.1 | AppleIo, wth | 2018/09/30 | Switch SD2Vita |
Installs REX (Retail-Debug) Firmware on a regular CEX Vita. | System Tools | 2.0 | SilicaAndPina | 2019/09/11 | CEX-2-REX |
A tool to make restoring your PS Vita faster. | System Tools | 2.0 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/08/04 | Fast Reset |
VSH Recovery Menu for your PS Vita. | System Tools | 1.00 | joel16 | 2017/08/06 | PSV VSH Recovery Menu |
Yet another vita input testing app. | System Tools | 1.0 | isage | 2024/02/04 | ViTesIn |
This homebrew rebuilds the database by deleting app.db. | System Tools | 1.02 | theheroGAC | 2017/07/23 | Rebuild Database |
Unique Device Identifiers manager for PlayStation Vita/TV. | System Tools | 1.0.0 | SKGleba | 2023/07/14 | psp2etoi |
Get activation data on a HENkaku enabled PlayStation Vita. | System Tools | 1.1 | ZombieWizzard | 2016/08/31 | Vita Activator |
A small utility that fixes most of PS Vita battery-related problems. | System Tools | 3.0.1 | SKGleba | 2023/01/08 | PSP2-batteryFixer |
Shows info about your PS Vita. | System Tools | 0.43 | Freakler | 2023/11/12 | PSVident |
Fully Disable/Remove Pre-Installed System Apps On Your PS Vita. | System Tools | 1.0 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/08/04 | System Apps Disabler |
Format your storages on the Vita itself. | System Tools | Initial | SKGleba | 2020/11/13 | storageFormat |
Set/clear show mode (requires TESTKIT Shell.self to work). | System Tools | 2018 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/08/04 | show-mode |
Extract PS Vita .PUP firmware updates. | System Tools | 1.3 | Princess of Sleeping | 2018/02/09 | PUP-Extractor |
The first system/hardware identity tool for the PS Vita. | System Tools | 0.7.4 | joel16 | 2017/10/17 | VITAident |
App showing console unique ID. | System Tools | 1.00 | Freakler | 2020/04/01 | vita-ConsoleID |
Display console info. | System Tools | 0.02 | Freakler | 2020/04/02 | vita-Fingerprint |
Enables or disables IDU (Demo) mode. | System Tools | 1.0 | xyzz | 2016/08/18 | VITA-IDU |
Hybrid Firmware toolset for Playstation Vita. | System Tools | 0.5 | SKGleba | 2020/04/16 | psp2hfw |
Enable RW access to read-only partitions (e.g. vs0, os0). Do not use it. | System Tools | #04d791c | Major_Tom | 2016/09/13 | VitaRW |
Test buttons input of your PS Vita. | System Tools | 1.3 | SMOKE | 2016/08/29 | VitaTester |
Move app from memory card (ux0:app/) to internal storage (ur0:app/), and vice-versa. | System Tools | 0.02 | Lupo511 | 2016/10/26 | Application Storage Manager |
A quick way to reboot the system. | System Tools | 1.1 | luck | 2016/11/03 | Reboot Shortcut |
Modified version of Registry Editor. | System Tools | 1.3 | devnoname120 | 2019/09/01 | RegistryEditor MOD |
Edit registry settings. | System Tools | 1.0 | Some1 | 2016/08/25 | RegistryEditor |
Min. firmware version manager for Playstation Vita/TV. | System Tools | 1.0 | SKGleba | 2019/11/05 | mincg |
Registry viewer, editor and profile saver. | System Tools | 1.0 | Codiak101 | 2022/01/09 | Registry Profiler |
Lsusb-alike app for PS Vita. | System Tools | 0.1 | isage | 2022/10/07 | Vita-lsusb |
Hardware tester for PS Vita. | System Tools | 1.0 | ifrit05 | 2016/08/13 | Vita Hardware Test |
Permanently enable/manage internal ux0 storage. | System Tools | 4.0 | SKGleba | 2020/07/20 | IMCUnlock |
A one-click internal ux storage enabler for PS Vita 1000. | System Tools | 4.0 | SKGleba | 2019/01/28 | IMCUnlockLite |
Swiss army knife of the Vita. Delete history, swap X/O, etc. | System Tools | 0.2 | Orion | 2016/08/31 | Vita Toolbox |
A device/partition manager for Playstation Vita. Also known as VBackup. | System Tools | 6.1 | SKGleba | 2018/08/29 | Vita-NDP |
Companion app for vitabright plugin. | System Tools | 1.1 | devnoname120 | 2020/12/21 | Vitabright Lut Editor |
Enable RW access to read-only partitions. | System Tools | 2018 | rtlsdr_is_fun | 2018/07/19 | VitaRW-min |
Alternative app launcher with an UI similar to the Nintendo Switch one. | Title Launchers | 0.1.2 | VitaHEX games | 2017/11/03 | SwitchView UI |
A custom launcher for Playstation Vita Package Installer, allowing user to choose pkg location. | Title Launchers | 1.0 | SKGleba | 2018/08/13 | PKGInstaller Launcher |
Installs custom shortcuts to multitasking menu (push PS button on LiveArea). | Title Launchers | 0.51 | 1upus | 2017/11/09 | QuickLaunch Installer for PS Vita |
VitaHex Launcher Custom unofficial version. | Title Launchers | 2.7.0 | BlackSheepBoy69 | 2025/01/19 | HexFlow Custom |
3D Coverflow launcher supports categories for retro games. Mod of HexFlow Launcher. | Title Launchers | 7.2.1 | jimbob4000 | 2025//02/08 | RetroFlow Launcher |
Applications launcher for PS Vita/PSTV. | Title Launchers | 3.9.6 | cy33hc | 2022/11/23 | Vita Launcher |
Customizer for Quick Menu shortcuts. | Title Launchers | 1.4 | DRok17 | 2021/10/12 | QuickLaunch Installer |
3D coverflow launcher for PS Vita. | Title Launchers | 0.5 | VitaHEX games | 2020/11/28 | HEXFlow Launcher |
Gekijouban Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica - The Battle Pentagram (translation project). | Translations | 0.4 | universal_eternity | 2023/08/26 | Madoka Magica: The Battle Pentagram Translation Project |
Zanki Zero English patch. | Translations | 0.9 fix | Nightwinter | 2020/10/13 | Zanki Zero English Patch |
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero Evolution English translation patch. | Translations | 0.7 | Trails from Zero Translation Team | 2022/02/05 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero Evolution English Patch |
Date-A-Live Twin Edition: Rio Reincarnation English translation patch. | Translations | 0.95 | froid_san | 2019/09/21 | Date-A-Live Twin Edition: Rio Reincarnation |
NEW GAME! -THE CHALLENGE STAGE!- machine translated English patch. | Translations | 2021 | battlefielder696 | 2021/06/01 | New Game! The Challenge Stage! English Patch |
Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi English patch. (18+) | Translations | 1.01 | Spazzery | 2022/01/23 | Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi |
Nelke and the Legendary Alchemist English translation and Digital Manual patch. | Translations | 2020 | Accelerator11, chinseng85 | 2020/03/19 | Nelke & the Legendary Alchemist English Translation and Digital Manual |
PhotoKano Kiss Translation Project (ENG, RUS, DEU). | Translations | 2022 | miraspectum | 2022/07/22 | PhotoKano Kiss English Translation |
Boku to Joi no Shinsatsu Nisshi - Unofficial Vita port AND English Translation Patch. | Translations | 1.0 | Spazzery | 2023/01/23 | Boku to Joi no Shinsatsu Nisshi |
Variable Barricade English translation. | Translations | 0.92 | FineThenIWill | 2022/11/10 | Variable Barricade English Patch |
Amamane English Machine Translation Patch (18+). | Translations | 1.0 | Spazzery | 2022/06/17 | Amamane |
Dragons Crown English/Undub patch. | Translations | 1.0 | AlternativeZero | 2019/05/01 | Dragon's Crown English Patch |
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 English retranslation patch. | Translations | 2018 | AlternativeZeroSubs | 2018/10/07 | Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 Retranslation RePatch |
Gintma Ranbu English Patch (99% translated). | Translations | 2 | Unknown | 2018/03/19 | Gintama Ranbu English Patch |
Ninki Seiyuu: How to Make a Pop Voice Actress (PCSG01111) English patch. | Translations | 0.9 | Spazzery | 2022/06/17 | Ninki Seiyuu Vita English Patch |
SaGa Scarlet Grace PoC English patch (partial). | Translations | 0.4 | ExData7 | 2021/10/20 | SaGa: Scarlet Grace English Patch |
Nights of Azure 2 English patch (partial). | Translations | Beta 1 | xyuunax | 2018/05/08 | Night Of Azure 2 - PSV English Patch |
Steins;Gate 0 translation improvement patch, with fixes for typos and mistranslations. It also added translated CGs and system graphics. | Translations | 1.0 | Spazzery | 2021/05/19 | Steins;Gate 0 English Translation Improvement Patch |
Steins;Gate: My Darlings Embrace full English patch. | Translations | 1.0 | Spazzery | 2021/01/20 | Steins;Gate: My Darling's Embrace English Patch |
UPPERS! English translation for game and DLC. | Translations | 0.97 | TheQuietOne, Bakura, froid_san, randomdice101 | 2019/10/10 | UPPERS! Translation Project |
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hackers Memory TV Anime Sound Edition English patch. | Translations | 2.1 | ofthriceandmen, froid_san, Wieurhel | 2024/02/10 | Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory Complete Definitive Edition |
Atelier Lydie and Suelle English translation patch (complete). | Translations | 2018 | juliosueiras | 2018/04/20 | Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings English |
Konosuba: Attack of the Destroyer full English translation. | Translations | 1.01 | TheRadziu | 2018/04/01 | Konosuba: Attack of the Destroyer English Patch |
Liar Princess and the Blind Prince English patch ported from the Switch version. | Translations | 2019 | froid_san | 2019/07/03 | The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince English Patch |
YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World English Translation Patch. | Translations | 2022 | chinseng85 | 2022/02/25 | YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World English Patch |
Catherine: Full Body JP - English/Spanish port with Japanese or English dub. | Translations | 1.0 | froid_san | 2020/04/12 | Catherine: Full Body Translation |
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC fully translated English patch. | Translations | 1.1a | the database, Snigs | 2018/07/26 | Trails in the Sky FC Evolution English Patch |
Steins;Gate: Linear Bound Phenogram English port. | Translations | 1.0 | RamennSoup, Spazzery | 2022/02/01 | Steins;Gate: Linear Bound Phenogram English Port |
Tales of Innocence R English patch (WIP). | Translations | 1.9 | Life Bottle team | 2024/06/23 | Tales of Innocence R English |
Robotics;Notes Elite full English Translation patch for Vita. | Translations | 1.0 | Hixty, froid_san, Spazzery | 2022/08/05 | Robotics;Notes Elite English Translation |
Piofiore: Fated Memories English Patch. | Translations | 1.00 | chinseng85 | 2022/05/24 | Piofiore: Fated Memories English Patch |
Attack on Titan 2 complete English translation + HQ movie patch. | Translations | 2020 | MODman01, Mxscr | 2020/12/12 | Attack on Titan 2 - English Patch |
Miracle Girls Festival English Patch. | Translations | 0.3 | TFritzelagram | 2021/01/12 | Miracle girls Festival English Patch |
Chaos;Child English Translation Improvement patch for Vita. | Translations | 1.0 | Zero999X, Spazzery | 2024/07/18 | Chaos;Child |
Chaos Rings III full translation patch. | Translations | 2016 | zzzzzzzzzzz | 2016/11/06 | Chaos Rings III Translation Project |
Clannad English Ver. for PS Vita. | Translations | 1.0 | FineThenIWill | 2023/02/24 | Clannad |
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Infinite Combate English patch. | Translations | 0.80 | froid_san | 2021/04/09 | Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Infinite Combate English Port |
Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Ignition full English translation. | Translations | 1.3 | VinceTea64 | 2023/08/23 | Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Ignition |
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax Ignition menu + logos translation patch. | Translations | 1.20 | Androu1 | 2016/10/31 | Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Ignition - Translation |
Diabolik Lovers Limited V Edition English patch. | Translations | 1.1 | Otogetranslations team | 2019/08/19 | Diabolik Lovers Limited V Edition English Patch |
Digimon World: Next Order Asia-English patch. | Translations | 2018 | Nobunaga, froid_san | 2018/07/17 | Digimon Story: Next Order English |
Gochumon Wa Usagi Desu Ka?? Wonderful Party! early English patch. | Translations | 2021 | battlefielder696 | 2021/12/27 | Is the order a rabbit?? Wonderful party! English Patch |
Grisaia Side Episode English Translation Patch for Vita. | Translations | 0.52 | Spazzery | 2023/11/26 | Grisaia no Kajitsu Side Episode |
Gun Gun Pixies English translation patch. | Translations | 0.98b | froid_san | 2019/11/02 | Gun Gun Pixies |
Hakuouki SSL fan translation patch. | Translations | 1.1.7 | HakuoGakuen, Otogelib | 2021/03/18 | Hakuouki SSL English Patch |
Blue Reflection English Patch. | Translations | 1 Fixed | Xperiagenerator, Ryugawa, swosho | 2019/07/09 | Blue Reflection English Patch |
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 English retranslation patch. | Translations | 0.90 | gilleh | 2016/09/12 | Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 Retranslation |
Full English translation patch for ISLAND. | Translations | 1.01 | FineThenIWill | 2023/12/01 | ISLAND |
Amagami in English for PS Vita. | Translations | 1.0 | FineThenIWill | 2025/03/20 | Amagami |
Kamen Rider Battride War Sousei English translation (partial). | Translations | 0.35 alpha | froid_san | 2019/02/17 | Kamen Rider Battride War Sousei English |
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 English mod patcher. | Translations | 0.90 | froid_san | 2019/05/03 | Dragon Quest Heroes 2 English |
Freedom Wars English Patch. | Translations | 2017 | Roah | 2017/07/15 | Freedom Wars English Patch |
Fushigi no Gensokyo TOD Reloaded English patch. | Translations | 2018 | Cinnamon | 2018/08/05 | Fushigi no Gensokyo TOD Reloaded English |
Love Live! School Idol Paradise series English translation project (POC). | Translations | 0.1 | dude2202 | 2022/03/29 | Love Live! School Idol Paradise English Translation Project |
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 English retranslation patch. | Translations | 2018 | AlternativeZeroSubs, Swosho | 2018/10/06 | Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 - Sisters Generation English Retranslation |
I am Setsuna English patch. | Translations | 1.1 | Ignis00 | 2016/12/17 | I am Setsuna English Patch |
IA/VT Colorful English Patch. | Translations | 1.1 | Nagato | 2016/09/18 | IA VT Colorful English Patch |
Itadaki Street Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary English patch (partial). | Translations | 0.14.2 | dude22072 | 2019/11/12 | Itadaki Street Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary English Translation |
Tales of Hearts R Infinite Evolve Jap/Dub + English Translation. | Translations | 1.0 | Life Bottle Productions | 2023/12/26 | Tales of Hearts: Infinite Evolve |
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd full translation patch. | Translations | 1.0 | the database, Snigs | 2019/02/12 | Trails in the Sky the 3rd Evolution English Patch |
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC full translation patch. | Translations | 1.1a | the database, Snigs | 2018/08/04 | Trails in the Sky SC Evolution English Patch |
Omega Labyrinth Z full English fan translation patch. | Translations | 0.95 | froid_san | 2021/03/19 | Omega Labyrinth Z Vita |
The Irregular at Magic High School - Out of Order translation patch. | Translations | 2018 | k7ra | 2018/03/25 | Mahouka Koukou no Retousei: Out of Order Translation |
Metal Max Xeno complete English patch. | Translations | 1.0 Hotfix | Knofbath | 2020/09/13 | Metal Max Xeno English |
The Princess Guide English patch based on the Switch version. | Translations | 0.8B | froid_san/happydance | 2019/07/17 | The Princess Guide English Patch |
Nights of Azure English Patch (partial). | Translations | 1.1 | DespairOfHarmony | 2020/01/24 | Nights of Azure English Patch |
Puyo Puyo Tetris English patch. | Translations | 0.9 | froid_san | 2018/10/24 | Puyo Puyo Tetris English |
Phantasy Star Nova English patch (partially translated). | Translations | 2023 | Arks-Layer | 2023/09/06 | Phantasy Star Nova English Patch |
Phantasy Star Online 2 English patch. | Translations | 2019 | Arks-Layer | 2019/08/21 | Phantasy Star Online 2 Vita English Patch |
Plastic Memories full English patch. | Translations | 2022 | Isla Execution Squad | 2022/12/24 | Plastic Memories Visual Novel English Patch |
Raging Loop English Ver. for PS Vita. | Translations | 1.01 | FineThenIWill | 2023/06/08 | Raging Loop English |
Rodem the Wild English Patch | Translations | 2021 | Graphene | 2021/05/26 | Rodem the Wild English patch. |
Kantai Collection Vita translation (work in progress). | Translations | 0.4.310 | wchristian | 2019/07/27 | Kancolle Kai Vita Translation |
Super Heroine Chronicle English translation patch (partial). | Translations | 0.5 | Tame421 | 2022/07/05 | Super Heroine Chronicle English |
Taiko Drum Master V Version English translation patch (partial). | Translations | 1.2 | TEAM FULL COMBO | 2019/04/08 | Taiko Drum Master: V Version - Translation Project |
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F with English subtitles patch. | Translations | 2019 | nepluvolapukas | 2019/06/26 | Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F with English subtitles |
Steins;Gate Elite PS Vita English translation patch. | Translations | 2.0 Beta | DanOl98 | 2019/03/13 | Steins;Gate Elite PSVita English Translation Patch |
Musou Stars (Warriors All-Stars) English patch. | Translations | 0.9a | froid_san | 2019/06/26 | Musou Stars English Patch |
Full English translation patch for AIR. | Translations | 1.01 | Spazzery | 2024/01/10 | Air English Translation Patch |
Partially translated English patch for Making*Lovers. | Translations | 0.1 | Spazzery | 2023/07/26 | Making*Lovers English Translation Patch |
To Love Ru Darkness: Battle Ecstasy - English translation. | Translations | 1.05 | froid_san | 2022/09/25 | To Love Ru Darkness: Battle Ecstasy |
Chinese social credit simulator. | Trivia | 2021 | ximer | 2021/10/07 | Chinese Social Credit Test |
Quiz game for PS Vita/PS TV. | Trivia | 1.0 | Lapy | 2019/07/01 | PS Scene Quiz |
Game of Life clone. | Trivia | 1.0 | Ruben_Wolfe | 2016/07/30 | Game of Life |
Multiplayer quiz game for PS Vita. | Trivia | 1.0 | Howling Wolf, ChelseaFantasy, FALLEN, Sliter, Solzodiac7 | 2021/06/06 | Guess It! |
Block System Update on PS Vita. | Utilities | 1.1 | SilicaAndPina | 2019/01/25 | UpdateBlocker |
Legal all-in-one one-click libshacccg.suprx installer. | Utilities | 1.2 | Rinnegatamante | 2024/11/15 | ShaRKBR33D |
Allow you to setup AdrBubbleBooter into your Adrenaline installation. Directly boot any PSP file (ISO/CSO/PBP/PSOne) from LiveArea Bubbles. | Utilities | 2020 | Leecherman | 2020/09/27 | Adrenaline Bubble Booter VPK Edition |
2-in-1 connection PS Vita (FTP+USB). | Utilities | 1.51 | theheroGAC | 2020/02/18 | Cross Connection |
Gets your Vita CID. | Utilities | 1.0 | Major_Tom | 2016/08/18 | VitaCID |
SceShaccCg extractor and decrypter. | Utilities | 1.3 | OsirizX | 2020/07/05 | ShaRKF00D |
Removes blacklist for Vita, PSP and PS1 set in place by Sony. | Utilities | 1.1 | Kankertje | 2016/07/29 | Vita TV Whitelister |
MMC swapper utility for PSV Slim/PSTV. | Utilities | 1.0 | cnsldv | 2017/05/04 | CardUnlock |
This application makes it easy to change the image displayed by CustomBootSplash. | Utilities | 1.1 | Princess-of-Sleeping | 2018/11/04 | CustomBootSplash Image Changer |
Easy Easy Downgrader/Updater for PS Vita. Formerly 365 U/D H. | Utilities | 1.03 | BaltazaR4 | 2019/03/26 | Easy Downgrader/Updater |
Power options + NoNpDrm games loader all together in one app. | Utilities | 2.01 | ONElua | 2017/11/06 | Easy Power Refresh |
FTP Server for the PS Vita. | Utilities | 1.1 | xerpi | 2016/08/02 | FTPVita |
Shutdowns your PS Vita. | Utilities | 1.0 | luck | 2016/11/03 | Shutdown Shortcut |
A tool to install the SD2VITA adapter on PS Vita. | Utilities | 1.6 | Yizhi gai | 2017/08/06 | gamesd.skprx installer |
Deletes the Vita game and error history. | Utilities | 2.0 | theheroGAC | 2017/10/24 | History Deleter Reboot by theheroGAC |
Color saturation enhancer for PSV Slim. | Utilities | 1.2.0 | Electric | 2020/09/13 | LCD Color Saturation |
Application to be able to backup the ur0:shell and ur0:appmeta folder on a memory card (or SD card). | Utilities | 0.91 | moody.b | 2018/07/11 | Home Screen Restore |
The Manager Plugins for PlayStation Vita. | Utilities | 0.20 | David Nuñez (DavisDev) | 2018/01/10 | PluginBox |
Backs up your licenses for purchased digital content for PSP, PS3, and PS Vita. | Utilities | 1.2.1 | cuevavirus | 2021/08/25 | RIF Ripper |
Bulk Archive/Backup PSM games. | Utilities | 1.1 | Eli Crystal | 2024/08/10 | Crystal Archiver |
A tool to simplify the installation and management of the drivers of the SD2VITA adapter. | Utilities | 2.28 | Yizhi gai, theheroGAC | 2022/09/03 | TF Card Plugin Tool |
PS Vita TCP Hosts and Ports Scanner. | Utilities | 0.10.0 | lp1 | 2025/01/10 | Vita Ports Scanner |
App to customize your bubbles. | Utilities | 1.0 | AntHJ | 2021/12/12 | Custom LiveArea |
A simple and automatic FTP for PS Vita in two touches. | Utilities | 1.02 | theheroGAC | 2018/02/18 | Two Touch FTP |
All-In-One kplugin + manager for PS Vita. | Utilities | 1.0 | SKGleba | 2019/01/31 | v-kaio |
A fork of vita-savmgr. | Utilities | 4.1.0 | Kylon | 2019/02/06 | Vita Save Manager Plus |
Set your vita volume level without using the buttons. | Utilities | 1.4.0 | inthecatsdreams | 2020/03/09 | Vita Volume |
Quick and easy way to remove/hide stock apps. | Utilities | 1.0 | AntHJ | 2021/12/12 | Stock App Remover |
An application to manage your PS Vita (Volume, Database, Battery, taihen etc). | Utilities | 2.2 | inthecatsdreams | 2021/04/23 | Vita Manager |
Enable the built-in Package Installer. | Utilities | 1.00 | Freakler | 2020/03/17 | vita-PKGEnabler |
Display the radio wave reception level of the currently connected WiFi. | Utilities | 0.02 | Moody.b | 2018/08/05 | WifiLevelMeter |
Offline Vita activator. | Utilities | FIX2 | MiraLaTijera, Draqen | 2017/08/14 | MLTactivator |
Whitelister homebrew for PSTV using v1 patch. Written in Lua, runs on Lua Player Plus R4. | Utilities | 1.0c | gnmmarechal | 2016/08/06 | Moon Whitelister |
Helper for MiniVitaTV plugin. | Utilities | 1.0 | xCorra | 2019/05/02 | Switch to PSTV |
Adrenaline States Manager. | Utilities | 1.20 | David Nuñez (DavisDev) | 2018/03/11 | Adrenaline States Manager |
Enables PKG Installer on 3.60 HENkaku Vita. | Utilities | 0.4 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/08/04 | Package Installer Enabler |
Re-activate your test/dev kit vita after it expires. | Utilities | 1.4 | SilicaAndPina | 2021/08/21 | testkit/devkit-activator |
Plugins downloader linked to VitaDB. | Utilities | 1.1.1 | THEN00P | 2020/06/10 | Easy Plugin |
A complete logging solution for any homebrew, user plugin, kernel plugin. | Utilities | 1.0 | isage | 2023/07/05 | Plog |
The Remastered Autoplugin 2. | Utilities | 1.40 | hedhehd | 2023/05/04 | AutoPlugin II Remaster |
Dump some PS Vita shared modules. Fork of vitaDump. | Utilities | 2016 | atreyu187 | 2016/08/09 | ModDump 3.60 |
Tool that semi-automates migration to an SD. | Utilities | 2.3b | AntHJ | 2024/04/30 | UX0 to SD CloneTool |
IDPS Dumper for PS Vita. | Utilities | 1.1 | Yoti | 2024/02/12 | PSV IDPS Dumper |
Controller vibrator for PSTV. | Utilities | 2-final | NamelessGhoul0 (DragonSnake) | 2016/10/22 | PSVibe |
Makes all RW partitons to Read Only. | Utilities | 2018 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/08/04 | VitaRO |
Shutdown/Reboot utility. It can also update and reset your database. Now featuring touch. | Utilities | 1.08 | McCallum99 | 2019/05/18 | Reboot or Shutdown |
Get PS Store bubble on TESTKIT/DEVKIT/REX. | Utilities | 2018 | SilicaAndPina | 2018/08/04 | Enable PlayStation Store |
Disable Auto AVLS feature. | Utilities | 1.0 | SKGleba | 2019/10/30 | VITA-NoAutoAvls |
A tiny tool to reboot and shutdown PSV. | Utilities | 0.01 | firedom | 2018/05/04 | Halt Restart PSV |
Plugins manager for PS Vita (vitamin/mai). | Utilities | 0.6 | NeoLTK | 2016/10/20 | VITAPluginsManager |
Multidownload files for Play Station Vita. | Utilities | 1.00 | David Nuñez (DavisDev) | 2018/09/13 | Multidownload-Vita |
Install/uninstall plugins with one click on ux0 or ur0 (ur0 for SD2VITA). | Utilities | 2.13 | Onelua Team | 2024/12/25 | Autoplugin 2 |
A simple to use UI which separates the installed games and apps into categories. Comes with a built in file explorer. | Utilities | 3.21 | ONElua Team | 2024/12/25 | ONEMenu for PSVita |
Replace Near bubble with VitaShell. | Utilities | 0.1 | gnmmarechal | 2018/03/16 | VSOI |
Create and organize your direct adrenaline bubbles. | Utilities | 6.20 | ONElua | 2023/07/24 | Adrenaline Bubble Manager |
Set a custom animation as console bootlogo. | Utilities | 1.1 | SKGleba | 2021/06/21 | vita-bootanim |
Chiaki Remote play PS5 Vita port. | Utilities | 0.0.2 | AAGaming00 | 2022/08/09 | VItaki |
Backup and Restore Utility. | Utilities | 2.00 BETA | joel16 | 2018/12/31 | Vita Backup |
Save valuable space on your memory card by shrinking unneeded manuals, language and video files to 0-Byte files. | Utilities | 1.1 | Dakor | 2016/11/26 | Game Shrinker |
A GUI Configurator for the VitaGrafix plugin. | Utilities | 3.0 | Kirezar | 2020/05/10 | VitaGrafix Configurator |
A one click installer that downloads and installs PSM runtime for the PS Vita. | Utilities | 2 | EliCrystal2001 | 2025/03/22 | Crystal PSM |
This app will allow you to quickly remount your prefered storage as UX0. | Utilities | 1.0 | AntHJ | 2023/01/19 | Quick Remounter |
A powerful toolbox for the PS Vita. | Utilities | 0.12pre2 | Harommel OddSock | 2025/03/20 | Rabbid MultiTool Vita |
An all in one solution that will help make setting up your Vita a lot more efficient. | Utilities | 2.0 | AntHJ | 2021/10/27 | VitaCompanion |
Multifunctional toolbox for PSVita. | Utilities | 0.1 | Harommel OddSock | 2024/11/17 | Rabbid MultiTool LPP-Vita |
Autoplugin for PS Vita. | Utilities | 4.21 | theheroGAC | 2020/02/29 | Autoplugin |
A random game launcher for PS Vita. | Utilities | 1.0 | jimbob4000 | 2023/12/30 | Random Vita Game Launcher |
Test Vita OLED Screen. | Utilities | 1.1 | SMOKE | 2016/07/30 | VitaScreenFlasher |
Tools to manage rePatch games. | Utilities | 1.10 | Eyeman | 2022/05/14 | rePatch Manager |
Save manager for PS Vita. | Utilities | 1.4.2 | bucanero | 2024/08/04 | Apollo Save Tool |
Utility to refresh app.db database. | Utilities | 6.0 | luck, kylon | 2022/07/30 | App.db Tool |
MolecularShell MOD for HENkaku. Now Access to all directories. | Utilities | 0.6 MOD | SMOKE | 2016/09/15 | MolecularShell MOD |
Start and stop LOLIcon without rebooting. | Utilities | 1.0.0 | cuevavirus | 2019/12/07 | LOLIcon Fast Switch |
An app to turn LOLIcon plugin on and off in a simple way. | Utilities | 0.01 | MERLev | 2019/12/07 | LOLIcon Switch |
Swaps X/O for Accept/Cancel. | Utilities | 1.0 | xyzz | 2016/08/11 | Vita Button Swapper |
Tool to create 1:1 backups of PSV Game Cartridges. | Utilities | 1.0 | Li | 2024/02/06 | GcToolKit |
Apps database sorter for PS Vita. | Utilities | 1.27 | Joel16 | 2024/05/12 | Vita Homebrew Sorter |
Create LiveArena launch bubbles for your favourite Retroarch games. | Utilities | 1.0 | AntHJ | 2021/11/19 | Retroarch Bubble Builder |
Simple app to restart your Vita/PSTV. | Utilities | 0.10 | devnoname120 | 2017/04/19 | Vita Restart |
Savegame dumper/restorer. | Utilities | 2.0.0 | d3m3vilurr | 2018/04/14 | Vita Save Manager |
Adds TLS 1.2 to enso enabled devices. | Utilities | 3.2.1 | SKGleba | 2023/01/18 | iTLS-Enso |
PS Vita game save cloud backup tool. | Utilities | 2024.02.28 | iamcco | 2024/02/28 | Save Cloud Vita |
First game dumper/decrypter for PS Vita/PSTV. | Utilities | 2.0 | Team FreeK (TheFloW, Major Tom, mr. gas) | 2016/09/09 | Vitamin |
A PS Vita application to convert between Retail and TestKit. | Utilities | 1.1 | TeamFAPS | 2022/01/09 | CEX2DEX |
Fake SD Card checker tool. | Utilities | 2.0b | AntHJ | 2024/04/30 | Is It Fake? |
Quickly and easily save and restore your bubbles layouts. | Utilities | 1.0 | AntHJ | 2021/12/12 | Bubble Recall |