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From GameBrew
TypeOther Apps
Last Updated2024/12/16

VitaOxiPad is a client-server application that turns your PS Vita into (almost) a DualShock 4. The PS Vita acts as a server to which the PC client will be connected within the local network (WiFi).

Based on VitaPad by Rinnegatamante and Rust-based VitaPad by saidsay-so.


  • Windows Client:
    • D-Pad, Buttons and Sticks.
    • L1 and R1 (Press only).
    • L2/R2 and L3/R3 emulation (Can be used of the back or front PS Vita digitizer, and the PS Vita's L1/R1).
    • Select and Start.
    • Accelerometer and gyroscope (A little less accurate than the DualShock 4).
    • DualShock 4 digitizer emulation (Supports front and rear digitizer for multi-touch DualShock 4 emulation).
    • DualShock 4 digitizer button (Works as a quick tap on the digitizer. Supports front and rear digitizer).
    • Any configuration (You can choose from ready-made configurations).
    • Changing the sound volume (Volume Up = Select + R1, Volume Down = Select + L1).
    • DS4Windows support (You need to enable Virtual Controller Support[*]).

[*] - Virtual Controller Support can be found in the schmaldeo DS4Windows fork. This option can be found in Settings -> Device Options -> Virtual Controller Support.


Install the Server on PS Vita:

  • Ensure your PS Vita is set up for homebrew applications.
  • Download the VitaOxiPad.vpk file.
  • Use VitaShell or another package manager to install the .vpk on your PS Vita.

Install the Client on Windows:

  • Download the latest VitaOxiPad-x64.exe of VitaOxiPad-x32.exe from the releases page.
  • Install ViGEmBus on your PC.
  • Run the VitaOxiPad-x64.exe or VitaOxiPad-x32.exe and enter your PS Vita's IP address.

User guide

$ VitaOxiPad-x64.exe --help
Usage: VitaOxiPad-x64.exe <ip> [-p <port>] [-c <config>] [--polling-interval <polling-interval>] [-d]

Create a virtual controller and fetch its data from a Vita over the network.

Positional Arguments:
  ip                IP address of the Vita to connect to

  -p, --port        port to connect to (default: 5000)
  -c, --config      buttons and touchpads config (default: standart)
                    polling interval in microseconds (minimum = 6000)
  -d, --debug       enable debug mode
  -v, --version     show version information
  -s, --sample-config
                    print sample config file
  --help            display usage information

Saving config

VitaOxiPad searches for the config file in the following locations:

  • Current Executable Directory: config.toml
  • User's Home Directory: ~/vitaoxipad.toml or ~/.config/vitaoxipad.toml
  • Windows Path:C:\Users\%username%\vitaoxipad\vitaoxipad.toml

If no config file is found, default settings will be used.

With the --sample-config feature, you can generate a sample configuration file for VitaOxiPad. This output can be redirected to a vitaoxipad.toml file, allowing you to save your configuration options and avoid the need to specify flags each time you run the application.

To create a config file, run the following command:

VitaOxiPad-x64.exe --sample-config > vitaoxipad.toml

This will create a vitaoxipad.toml file in the current directory with sample configuration options.

Using Static IP

If your router allows it, A static IP can be assigned to the PS Vita in the Wi-Fi router settings, allowing this IP address to be saved in the vitaoxipad.toml configuration file. This setup enables VitaOxiPad to run without the need to specify the IP address as a flag each time.

To set this up, the vitaoxipad.toml file should be edited to include the static IP address in the ip_address field:


Now, you can launch VitaOxiPad without any flags, and it will automatically use the IP address specified in the configuration file.


There are currently 4 DualShock 4 configurations emulations that can be selected at client startup:

Configurations name PS Vita L1\R1 PS Vita front digitizer PS Vita rear digitizer
standart L1\R1 L3\R3 L2\R2
alt_triggers L2\R2 L3\R3 L1\R1
rear_touchpad L1\R1 upper area - L2\R2, lower area - L3\R3 DualShock 4 digitizer
front_touchpad L1\R1 DualShock 4 digitizer upper area - L2\R2, lower area - L3\R3

To better understand the emulation behavior, you can run 3D Controller Overlay after connecting your PS Vita.



  • PC sound control function is assigned to the PS Vita's volume keys (#29);
  • PS button support added (#29);
  • Fixed a problem with triggers in alt_triggers configuration;
  • Redesigned the PS Vita app interface (#29).


  • Added experimental support for Linux (#24);
  • Added ability to adjust PC volume (#27);
  • It is now possible to use configuration file instead of arguments at startup (#14) (thanks to santarl);
  • DS4 touchpad click emulation now happens via a quick tap of the selected PS Vita digitizer;
  • Separated general description and build instructions in Readme (#26).


  • Added PS Vita's battery percentage and WiFi connection quality information to the screen (7833d4e);
  • PS Vita battery information is also sent to the emulated gamepad on PC. This can be seen, for example, in DS4Windows (9becbed);
  • App screen is now refreshed about once per second. You can reduce the power consumption with PSVshell or the like even further if you need to;
  • README is now much more user friendly (b6bd34d);
  • Client application dependencies have been updated to the latest compatible version (bab4903).


  • Console does not go to sleep when idle with active connection (9e73d6b);
  • IP of connected client is shown on the display (22d97e2);
  • Updated the application icon, as well as the startup background (c7c0b96 38e3920);
  • VirusTotal check added to Workflow (ac26e07 6624616);
  • Added license file (769a09d);
  • Created GIF-demo (f23a187);
  • Added targets for sending and receiving error dump to Cmake build script (fe5ead4);
  • Fixed an issue with the application crashing about an hour after launch (fee76da);
  • Minor network logic improvements (ff3948a);
  • Pulled system call logic and logic for building various data structures to a better place (e88f34c);
  • Added more logs (02e2f84);
  • Packets with invalid timestamp are no longer sent to the client (ce21a2d);
  • Removed unnecessary dependencies (a27826d);
  • Added a note about DS4Windows (ef630f6 8dca4ef);
  • Various changes to the Readme (22477db);
  • Various improvements to Workflow (ee490d1 7d47128);
  • Various minor server improvements (buffer handling, data structures, comments, etc) (6d52992 b95c01f eaa9c23 e58e19b 65bc522);


  • First Release.


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