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Mass Effect Infiltrator Vita | |
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General | |
Author | gl33ntwine |
Type | Shooter |
Version | 1.0 |
License | MIT License |
Last Updated | 2022/11/21 |
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Mass Effect: Infiltrator is an iOS/Android-exclusive Third-Person Shooter with RPG Elements released as a tie-in game to Mass Effect 3. The players take control of Randall Ezno, a Cerberus Operative that ends up at odds with Cerberus's plans for himself and his coworkers. Much shooting and backstabbery ensues.
This repository contains a loader of the Android release of Mass Effect: Infiltrator, based on the Android SO Loader by TheFloW. The loader provides a tailored, minimalistic Android-like environment to run the official ARMv6 game executable on the PS Vita.
Note: This software does not contain the original code, executables, assets, or other non-redistributable parts of the original game product. The authors of this work do not promote or condone piracy in any way. To launch and play the game on their PS Vita device, users must possess their own legally obtained copy of the game in form of an .apk file.
- libshacccg.suprx (use ShaRKBR33D to install)
- kubridge.skprx
- fd_fix.skprx OR repatch_ex.skprx
- Game Data Files: Android
Install the required plugins:
- Install kubridge.skprx and fd_fix.skprx by copying kubridge.skprx and fd_fix.skprx to your taiHEN plugins folder (usually ur0:tai) and adding two entries to your config.txt under *KERNEL:
*KERNEL ur0:tai/kubridge.skprx ur0:tai/fd_fix.skprx
- Note: Don't install fd_fix.skprx if you're using the rePatch plugin.
- Unlike the Dead Space Mobile port, there is no requirement for kubridge.skprx version. Any version should work.
- Make sure you have libshacccg.suprx in the ur0:/data/ folder on your console. If you don't, use ShaRKBR33D to get it quickly and easily.
Install the game + game files:
- Legally obtain your copy of Mass Effect: Infiltrator in a form of an .apk file. Make sure that your game is v1.0.58.
- If you have it installed on your phone, you can get all the required files directly from it or by using any APK extractor you can find on Google Play.
- Verify that your build is exactly the correct one using sha1sum (can also be found as an online tool).
- sha1sum for lib/armeabi/ must be ea58b733d3d267ab639431b50539542faa43f0d0
- Open the .apk with any zip explorer (like 7-Zip) and extract all folders from the .apk into ux0:data/masseffect on your Vita. Example of correct resulting path: ux0:data/masseffect/lib/armeabi/
- If your .apk was less than 100MB of size, you also need assets ("cache").
- You need to run the game at least once on your device so that it downloads the required files, and then you can find them at /sdcard/Android/data/
- Copy all files and folders from there to ux0:data/masseffect/assets/ on your Vita.
- Example of correct resulting path: ux0:data/masseffect/assets/AssetInfo.indicate, ux0:data/masseffect/assets/published/data/
- Finally, install MassEffectInfiltrator.vpk (from Releases).
(Optional but strongly recommended) Install PSVshell to overclock your device to 500Mhz.
Don't forget that the port has a configurator/companion app you can launch form live area by clicking on "Settings" in the bottom left corner.
Left Analog/Right Analog - Move/Control camera
L/R - Aim*/Fire
D-Pad Left/Right - Ability Selector/Weapon Selector
D-Pad Up/Down - Next/Previous Ability/Weapon
Cross - Interact, Confirm (in menu)
Circle - Melee Attack, Back (in menu)
Square - Stealth, Cloak
Triangle - Ability Activation
Start - Open Menu
Note that Aim* (L Trigger) is not hold-to-aim. You click once to activate aim mode, and once again to deactivate it.
Known issues
- After you die or quit to menu and resume game, you may see the long loading screen telling you that you should wait for about 40 seconds. This is a side effect of fixing another, game-breaking bug, and most likely can not be helped.
- In intensive combat scenes, framerate can degrade to ~20 FPS.
- Aiming with sniper rifle can get very stuttery.
- Help menu and exit game button in main menu don't work. Most likely, won't be fixed.
- Sometimes game can start with no sound. Just close it and start again.
- Andy "The FloW" Nguyen for the original .so loader.
- Rinnegatamante for VitaGL and lots of help with understanding and debugging the loader and translating shaders.
- CatoTheYounger for tremendous amount of testing. Not the hero we deserved, but the one we need.
- Once13One for his beautiful LiveArea assets.
- Andiweli, mmtechnodrone, SoulEaterGames: backers of the bounty for this port.
External links
- GitHub -
- Twitter -
- Patreon -
- VitaDB -