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Chovy-Sign | |
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Author | CBPS Team |
Type | PC Utilities |
Version | 2.0.4 |
License | GPL-3.0 |
Last Updated | 2024/01/11 |
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Chovy-Sign is an application that allows you to convert PSP and PS1 ISO's to be playable on unmodified PS Vita. The release was part of Project Chovy and was primarily created to allow PSP emulation on the PS Vita.
It requires a valid (official) PSP or PS1 license to work, a PSP DLC license should also work.
This tool is intended for making back up of the games that you actually own. The authors do not promote or condone piracy in any way.
User guide
Instructions can be found here.
Notes: ISOs made with Chovy-Sign are "clones" of the original "base game", if you delete any of them it deletes the license.rif which breaks all the other "clones". This can be fixed by re-downloading the base game off of the PSN or copying any "clone" over to your PS Vita again.
HOW TO Play PSP ISO's On PS VITA 3.71! NO CFW/ANY FIRMWARE! - (Tech James)
How To Play PSP Games On 3.71 FW Vita! *Without HENkaku/Trinity* (Nagato's Revenge)
Works on FW 3.71 (CFW and OFW).
- Fix a bug relating to icons
- Fix a bug where you cant turn on the psvimg build option again after disabling it again
- PS1 or PSP eboot.pbp can now be used to obtain either PS1 or PSP versionkey.
- this makes non un-henkaku'd vita equal with henkaku'd ones again-
- (this also makes KEYS.TXT kind of redundant, but whatever, i kept it in anyway.
- Fix some bin/cue parsing errors
- Add better error handling
- Add builds for the Linux operating system
- Add Support for games protected with the LibCrypt Copy Protection.
- Add Support to read .SBI files.
- Add a little settings menu to change between libcrypt methods (magic word / subchannel).
- Add option to force a different disc id.
- Fix a bug with Multi Disc and PSP Signatures not generating properly.
- Completely rewrote the entire thing.
- Added PS1 Support.
- Added key generation from rif using act.dat and idps.
- Made a command line version also.
- CHOVY-SIGN.exe now has an icon.
- Non-MINI's now show the #ChovyProject logo on bootup.
- Created my own version of PSVIMGTOOLS which runs faster and is more accurate to the .psvimg format.
- "Get keys from CMA" is now LIGHTSPEED.
- Now shows Progress Bar while signing the declaration of independance.
- CHOVY-GEN.exe is now intergrated into CHOVY.DLL.
- Fixed a bug where your CMA directory wouldnt be found automatically.
- Now works on 32-bit windows PC's
- MINI's games ISOs now show the "MINIS" boot screen
- Caught some execptions that wherent previously caught.
- First Release.
- SquallATF (for "PspCrypto" and "PBPResigner", and making PS1 Game signing possible, And discovering a bug in __sce_ebootpbp handling that makes it possible to use multi-disc games).
- Li: (for writing the original chovy-sign, Developing the GUI, finding the original psp bubbles method and, Sfo.NET A Simple SFO Parser.
- Writing the PS1 Disc Compresison algorithm, making it possible to use custom ISOs, Writing C# Implementation of PSVIMGTOOLS, Being transgender).
- dots-tb (for chovy-gen (__sce_ebootpbp signing).
- Sony Computer Enterainment: (For at3tool).
- yifanlu & xyz for the original psvimgtools.
- Mathieulh (Found psp signing keys?).
- Motoharu (For helping dots with __sce_ebootpbp).
- Davee (For finding the PS1 Signing Key).
- xlenore (For PS1 Cover Art).
- RupertAvery (For their fork of DiscUtils to add PS1 Support).
- SquallATF's PBPResigner and PSPCrypto were derived from : xdotnano (PSXTract).
- swarzesherz (sign_np).
- tpunix (kirk_engine).