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List of PSP PC utilities

From GameBrew
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File Operation | Theme Tools | PSP Streaming | Save and Game Managers | Development | PC Utilities

File Operation

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
PSPDocmakerGUI Remake 2024 GUI for docmaker by Dark_Alex with preview support and various text formatting options. 0.27 pav13 2024/11/28
POP-FE Python script to automate the process of fetching boxart and installing PS1 games (onto your PSP/VITA/PS2/PS3). 1.16 sahlberg 2024/09/22
PSPPack A Windows based packer / encrypter that can be used to create small sized executables. 1.4 hitchhikr 2024/01/19
ONScripter Multi Converter Image, audio and scenario converter for ONSforPSP. 1.4.8 Prince-of-sea, PC-CNT 2023/11/21
PSXPackager Convert Playstation disc images in various formats to PBP format and back. 1.6.3 RupertAvery 2023/10/13
maxcso A fast cso compressor. 1.13.0 Various authors 2021/05/02
Chovy-GM GameMaker 8.1 on PSP (and vita). 0.0.3 KuromeSan 2020/09/03
pkgrip Fast linux alternative for decrypting PS3/PSP pkgs. 1.0 qwikrazor87 2018/07/11
PSP ISO Renamer A small tool to rename (ISO\CSO) files. 1.5 LMAN (leecherman) 2018/04/02
PBPViewer Allows you to view/edit PBP contents and create a new PBP/PSCM.DAT/PARAM.SFO files with ease. 0.1 LMAN (leecherman) 2018/01/28
Sign~Fake NP Expert Sign~Fake PSP ISOs to PSN EBOOT.PBP format on the fly. 0.1 LMAN (leecherman) 2015/05/18
SFO Editor Edit or create PARAM SFO/SFX files on the fly. 0.1 LMAN (leecherman) 2015/04/11
ISO~PBP Converter Convert Between ISO and PBP formats. 0.1 LMAN (leecherman) 2015/03/18
PSN PKG Decryptor & Extractor Decrypt PS3 and PSP PKG file and extract the files from it. 1.85 LMAN (leecherman) 2015/02/04
CISO Multi Compressor Simple and the easy way to Compress\Decompress your own PSP ISO\CSO. 1.0 LMAN (leecherman) 2013/04/30
PSOne.Keys Generator Generate a valid PSOne Keys database to work with PSN PKG Decryptor and Extractor by LMAN. 1.0 LMAN (leecherman) 2013/01/30
WQSG UMD A handy tool to manipulate UMD ISO. 2013 WQSG 2013/01/15
PBP Unpacker/Packer Unpack and re-pack EBOOTs. 1.2 ReaperX 2011/03/04
EBOOT2ISO EBOOT to ISO converter. 1.1 SuperFury1 2009/10/10
PSX2PSP Convert PSX to PSP. 1.4.2 KingSquitter 2009/02/13
PSP Grader Create a Magic Memory Stick on PC. 008 Klutsh, RainMotorsports 2009/01/27
Renpad PSP Video Converter A free alternative of the Sony PSP Video converter. Beta Reverseenergy 2008/03/31
RS-GUI PopStationMD A GUI that makes easier to use Dark_Alexs popstation_md command line tool. 3.0 Red Squirrel 2008/03/02
Yet Another Cso Compressor Compress PSP ISOs into smaller CSO files. kapoue3 2008/01/14
PBPCat An alternative to bin2o that can add extra files into an EBOOT.PBP. Update Flatmush 2007/08/07
PSP Game Structure Utility Rearrange your game menu on your PSP. 2007 Blade Hunter 2007/02/18
IceTea Convert your old PSX CD's for use in the Sony PSP system. 1.3 tommydanger 2007/02/04
PSP DocMaker GUI GUI for docmaker by Dark_Alex that allows you to create PSX game manual. (DOCUMENT.DAT). 0.21 Win/Linux TheNameless 2007/01/11
UMDGen A Windows utility that allows you to edit PSP ISO images. 4.00 UMDGen Team 2006/12/11
PSPBrew PBP editing tool. 0.91 Stefano Russello (puffo83) 2006/10/27
PSP 2.71 Homebrew Fixer GUI GUI for Coldbird's 2.71 SE Homebrew Fixer. 2006 Dragula96 2006/10/12
2.71 SE Homebrew Fixer Fix corrupted data icons on 2.71 SE-A. 1.0 Coldbird 2006/10/11
AVItoPMP Advanced Tool for converting video into .pmp format. 1.2.0 uNn99 2006/07/19
Upspear PSP manager for PC. 0.15 SukkoPera 2006/03/16
PSPEnc A gui for FFMPEG that converts mp4 file compatible with PSP. 1.01 johnny 2005/09/20
PBP Setting Create custom PBP’s for FW1.50/1.0. 1.8 hk 2005/07/07
PBP Unpacker A tool for reading and editing PSP PBP files. It can also read and write SFO files. 0.94 pdc 2005/06/17
PSP MS Management Tool A tool for managing files on the PSP’s Memory Stick. 2.08.01 468 2005/02/07

File Operation | Theme Tools | PSP Streaming | Save and Game Managers | Development | PC Utilities

PC Utilities

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
PSPGameTool Tools for adding/editing games/saves for PSP/PS Vita. 1.01B xFN10x 2024/04/28
Aiseirigh A universal Unbricker for every PSP! 0.1 DaveeFTW, TheZett 2024/04/18
Protrekkr with PSP Replay Routine Tracker/Synth program. 2.6.7 hitchhikr 2024/04/13
JPCSP PSP Emulator written in Java. r0318d15e jpcsp 2021/01/26
Play List M PC Create music playlist for your PSP. 2.1 mpm88 2012/03/15
CSPSP Server Server application for CSPSP, a homebrew game for the Sony PSP. 1.51 nakatu92 2011/09/13
pspHBSortTool Homebrew organisation (use with GameCategories plugin). 3.0.0 PartQual 2011/02/22
PSP Html Book Maker Convert text file into an HTML formatted document. 1.0 Damon88 2010/09/06
PSPi A windows implementation of Sonys SCSI commands for the PSP. 0.5 BETA RainMotorsports 2009/03/19
TEXT Index maker A text index maker for PSP browser. 090310 rerofumi (K.Kunikane) 2009/03/10
Miro Lua IDE for Lua. 2.6 omerjks 2008/11/22
Miro Savedata Suite Manage save files. 1.0 Miro Mannino 2008/07/13
PSP Auto Transfer Transfer files to PSP by drag and drop. Final 1.0 Dr4iNLiF3 2008/04/06
PSP iTunes Controller Control iTunes wirelessly from your PSP web browser. Beta 2 Ooblik 2008/02/28
Gmax2PSP A maxscript that you can use to create 3D models for PSP. 6 alatnet 2007/03/22
PSP Re-map Re-map the PSPs buttons using CWCheat. 1 Auraomega 2007/03/08
PSP Corruption Fixer Remove corrupted files on the Memory Stick. 2006 Joe 2006/09/07
EASY Corruption Fixer Help fixing file corruption on the Memory Stick. 2006 uber0ne 2006/08/04
jpegbook Text To JPEG Converter. 2.1.1 rerofumi (K.Kunikane) 2006/03/29
Simple PSP Copy Bulk rename AVC-encoded video files that can be played on the PSP. 2005 Berklee 2005/12/16
PSickoPortable Organize your PSP homebrew icons and hide unwanted corrupted data icons. 0.2b SicKo 2005/07/27
PSPGridJpeg Convert table into images to view on the PSP. 0.7 LupinⅢ 2005/04/27
Moji Find A program that can create a find a letter game in JPEG format. 050425 rerofumi (K.Kunikane) 2005/04/25
Maze Generator for PSP/JPEG Generate a maze and save it as a JPEG image. 050418 rerofumi (K.Kunikane) 2005/04/18
Takahashi Method Presentation Maker A small program that generates presentation style images from text files. 050416 rerofumi (K.Kunikane) 2005/04/16
PPF-O-Matic Tool for applying PlayStation Patch Format (PPF) files under Windows. 3.0 Paradox 2001/11/27

File Operation | Theme Tools | PSP Streaming | Save and Game Managers | Development | PC Utilities

Theme Tools

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
RCOMage A general purpose RCO creation/manipulation tool. 1.1.1 ZiNgA BuRgA 2018/11/21
Xmb Multi Customizer Theme tool. beta 3 takeshi 2009/01/06
CTF Manager A simple GUI for CTF/unCTF tools. 5 Red Squirrel 2008/11/09
XMB Icons Enabler/Disabler A simple tool for Windows that allows you to change the XMB icons of your PSP. 2 Red Squirrel 2008/07/02
Topmenu Generator Generates topmenu_plugin with custom icons for the XMB. 1.1 uber0ne 2007/01/04

File Operation | Theme Tools | PSP Streaming | Save and Game Managers | Development | PC Utilities

PSP Streaming

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Remote Joy Lite Allows user to use a computer screen instead of a PSP screen. 20a TyRaNiD 2018/03/22
PSPdisp A program package that allows you to use PSP as an additional monitor under Windows. 0.6.1 JJS 2016/01/01

File Operation | Theme Tools | PSP Streaming | Save and Game Managers | Development | PC Utilities

Save and Game Managers

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
PSP SaveData Encrypter\Decrypter GUI A GUI tool to decrypt/encrypt PSP Savedata files on PC. 2014 LMAN (leecherman) 2014/02/05
SED-PC PC version of the PSP savedata encrypter/decrypter. 2 hgoel0974 2014/02/03

File Operation | Theme Tools | PSP Streaming | Save and Game Managers | Development | PC Utilities


Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
OSLib Modv2 A modded version of OSLib 2.10 and OSLib MOD. 1.3.0 dogo 2024/09/03
PSPSDK Set of tools and libraries designed to let developers compile their own software for the PSP system. 1.0+beta2 Open Source 2021/04/06
Stardust Engine An easy to use and beautiful game engine for PSP (Win/Mac OS X/Linux). 0.5 Nathan Bourgeois (IridescentRose) 2020/10/09
openTri A game engine for the Playstation Portable. 2020 Tomaz, Raphael, InsertWittyName 2020/06/05
Lua PSP Dev-Kit Contains documentations and varies demos/examples for developing Lua projects. Rev 1 MasterMen 2018/10/13
PSPuht Library to use head or hand tracking in yours applications. 1.2.0 Mcidclan 2010/06/23
OSLib MOD A modified version of the OSLib. 1.1.1 Sakya 2010/02/24
Joyau A Ruby interpeter. 1.0.2 Kode 2010/02/02
Easy3Dcpp A library containing a collection of functions that makes it easier for devs to use the PSP 3D engine. 2009 Mootjeuh 2009/11/07
PSPConstructor PSP game maker. Updated CBaroX 2009/09/06
Box2D on PSP Port of Box2D physics engine on Sony PSP console. 2009 Marcin Ploska (Drakon) 2009/03/25
Allegro PSP Allegro PSP port based on the 4.3.10plus Allegro version. final user diedel 2009/01/20
Allegro-PSP Allegro 4.2.2 port to PSP. 1-alpha1 Sausage 2008/10/08
LP2PGE LuaPlayer/PGE script translator, utility for PGE Lua on PSP. 2008 dangee 2008/10/06
Isometric Engine + Isometric Collision Creator Lua library that manages collision systems and display priorities on either an isometric or classic map. 0.1 dungeon 2008/08/29
IRNIKA Nikkai Thumboard (PKB-800) driver. Runs in LuaPlayer. 1.51 (Alpha) dangee 2008/02/01
OldSchool Library (OSLib) A 2D graphics library for PSP, also known as OSLib. 2.10 Florian Brönnimann (Brunni) 2007/12/02
ME MP3 Library Media Engine MP3 Playback module for LuaPlayer 0.20. 2007 jsharrad 2007/06/14
GALPSP A graphic adventure library for PSP. 0.200b1 FINAL Karurosu 2007/06/05
sfxMixerTT-PSP A very simple SFX mixer. 1.0 Ville Helin (ttsuras) 2007/05/19
Old School Library OSLib Sprites Lib Library builds on top of OSLib for creating animated sprites. 2007 phosphorous 2007/03/20
LUALibrary Lua library with a WIP keyboard text input system. 1.00 beta romero126 2006/10/08
Wav Loader A simple interface for utilising the MikMod library to play WAV files. 0.1 David Perry (Insomniac) 2006/08/18
Font Loader A simple interface for utilising the freetype2 library. 0.1 David Perry (Insomniac) 2006/07/27
CrossGTA Library to develop homebrew for the GTA exploit. 2006 Jared Bruni 2006/01/21
