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Wolfenstein 3D | |
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Author | Zack, Chilly Willy |
Type | Shooter |
Version | 6.0 final |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2009/05/10 |
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Wolfenstein 3D (initially named as Wolf3D) is a PSP port based off HardHat's Wolf3D port V2.0. Source Included.
Aside from this homebrew application, it also requires contents from the actual Wolfenstein 3D games in order to play on PSP. It supports:
- Wolf3D Shareware version.
- Wolf3D Full version (both Floppy & CD versions).
- Spear Of Destiny Shareware version.
- Spear Of Destiny Full version.
- Spear Of Destiny Episode 2.
- Spear Of Destiny Episode 3.
- Unique Game Loader Menu to select your game.
- Full Sound Support.
- Full Music Support.
- Real Full Screen Support, Finally.
- Full Speed.
- PSP Slim Support.
- PSP Phat Support.
- Configurable Controls and mappings.
- Wolf3D Shareware version support.
- Wolf3D Full version support (both Floppy & CD versions).
- Spear Of Destiny Shareware version support.
- Spear Of Destiny Full version support.
- Spear Of Destiny Episode 2 support.
- Spear Of Destiny Episode 3 support.
- Game mods support (Only a few have been tested).
- Vsync. Game graphics are a lot smoother now, with a lot less ghosting.
- Cheat support. These must be done in-game by holding set buttons (see cheats).
- TV Out (Slim's only). Hold Triangle when the game starts.
- Change weapons and Analog or Dpad for movement, In-game.
Place the extracted Wolf3d folder into your GAME Folder in your PSP (ie. SONY PSP(I:)/PSP/GAME/).
Copy the following gamefiles from your disk or CD.
Same goes for Spear of Destiny Files (SOD). Also, make sure you're using the original files from SOD and/or Wolfenstein 3D. Other files such as modified ones or ones from pspdoom probably won't work.
Now copy the above files to /GAME/Wolf_3D/Files/(*whatever folder the game is)/ directory. In other words, if you have the Full version WL6 (Wolfenstein Full game) files, they need to be in *Wolf_3D(F) folder.
If you happen to be using the floppy version of the game, copy the contents of the floppy patch into the Wof3d_(F) folder, overwriting the original.
Depending on your PSP, make sure you're in the right mode of kernel (3.xx kernel, 4.xx kernel) in order for Wolf3d to load up.
Take into account certain plug-in's interfere with Wolf3d and cause it to not load up. Also make sure no config file is in any folder, same goes for save files.
User guide
Automap feature has been implemented for the latest version.
Cheat codes are available and can be activated during the game (God Mode and MLI).
D-Pad - Movement
Main menu:
Cross - Enter
Circle - Back/cancel
In game (whilst not holding Circle):
Cross - Fire (Ctrl)
Triangle - Open/Operate (Space)
Square - Run (Shift)
R - Strafe Right (Alt+Right)
L - Strafe Left (Alt+Left)
Up - Forward (Up)
Right - Turn Right (Right)
Down - Backward (Down)
Left - Turn Left (Left)
Start - Menu
Select - Menu (Esc)
Analog - Mouse move
In game (alternative - whilst holding Circle):
Cross - Fire
Circle - Open/Operate
Square - Run
R/L - Strafe right/left
Up - Weapon 1
Right - Weapon 2
Down - Weapon 3
Left - Weapon 4
Start - Enter
Select - Backspace
Hold Circle then press Analog Up - God Mode (Invincibility)
Hold Circle then press Analog Down - MLI (Chaingun, Machine gun, 99 Ammo, FUll Health, Both Keys)
Square+Select - Toggle Map on/off
D-Pad - Scroll around map
Cross+D-Pad - Scale the map
Triangle+Down - Show all Secret walls (brown for unseen, yellow as seen)
Triangle+Left - Show all Items (in yellow)
Triangle+Right - Show all Enemies (in red)
- New Gameloader - Re-wrote from scratch (Zack).
- Save File Name Now as map (Chilly Willy).
- Fixed DeathCam & Death Screen > more or less (Zack).
- Added AutoMap (Chilly Willy).
v5.0 Sound goodness & Major bugfixes - Final Version
- Fixed bug in gameloader where it would pick the wrong game sometimes (Zack).
- Added Fullscreen at last. Now fills the screen properly (Zack).
- Fully fixed the sound/music & Increased Volume (Chilly Willy).
- Added Tv out (Chilly Willy's New SDL Lib).
- Fixed menu dialogue box corruption bug (Zack).
- Improved menu control system - X = Confirm, //= Cancel/Back (Zack).
- Improved menu dialogue box text - Now easier to follow (Zack).
- Fixed bug that made a certain version of the wolf3d data files crash upon level 3 of wolf3d (Zack).
- Enabled pause feature (Zack).
- Improved cheat code input - now easier to do cheats (Zack).
- Fixed cheat activation sounds not playing (Zack).
- Now uses 1 Eboot for both cd and floppy files - (Floppy Files require you to apply a once off patch) (Zack).
- Made graphics buffer non-cacheable to avoid cache flooding (improves speed and FPS) (Chilly Willy).
- Fixed save and loading corruption bug, and made speed more or less instant (Chilly Willy).
- Save and Load gamestate taken from WolfGL; modified to fix checksum problem.
- Control Cleanup (Chilly Willy).
- Other various fixes (Zack).
Update Chilly Willy's Changes
- Fixed music.
- Fixed PSP SDL sound output.
- Rewrote sound code to output multiple sound effects simultaneously.
- Changed default volume to max.
- Changed SDL video flags to allow automatic TV support with my version of SDL that supports TV out.
- Made graphics buffer non-cacheable to avoid cache flooding (improves speed and FPS).
- Fixes to make app true 3.xx/4.xx app.
- Control Cleanup (Chilly Willy).
v4.8 Sound Improvements + Lots more
- Fixed Music. Only slight discrepancy ingame. Now proper Tempo too.
- Fixed Sounds. Guards voices are now normal pitch and tempo.
- Fixed Gaurds voices not finishing alert call & Death shout. They now say the full alert shout and full death shout sounds.
- Fixed bug in game loader where it wouldn't start if you had your game CPU speed set to 333mhz in XMB.
- Added Vsync. Game graphics are a lot smoother now, with a lot less ghosting.
- Added ability to change weapons ingame.To do so : DPad/Analog Up : Weapon 1 || DPad/Analog Down : Weapon 2 || DPad/Analog Left : Weapon 3 || Dpad/Analog Right : Weaon 4.
- Fixed crackling sound when pressing the door open button. Now doesn't crackle at all.
- Added ability to change between either Analog or Dpad for movement ingame. Hold the "L Trigger" and press "start" to use the dpad for movement, Hold the "R trigger" and press "Start" to use the analog for movement. Note Dpad is set as default, So use the listed command to change to analog if you wish.
- Added ingame quick save & quick load. Hold "Start" and press the "L trigger" to save, Hold "Select" and press the "L trigger" to load.
- Added cheat support. These must be done ingame by holding set buttons (see cheats.txt for list of cheats).
- Fixed bug in gameloader where you sometimes couldn't hear gunshot sound on game select.
- Fixed bug in gameloader that made it sometimes start the wrong game.
- Slight Code cleanup.
Update Game loader Menu v2.0
- Added background music.
- Added sound effect when cursor is over a game.
- Added sound effect upon selecting a game.
v4.7 Game Loader Menu + Sound Fix
- Added Game Loader Menu. Now you can select any game you want, expansions as well.
- Fixed Sound *Only a Test though*. Not really a fix but instead I sped up game in order to make the sound clean. Chipmunk voices are known and funny, and will be fixed later.
v4.6 Wolf3D Cd File Support
- Only for Wolf3d CD users (This won't run the files from the wolf3d floppy disk version. It is only for the CD version).
v4.5 Wolf 3D Full version Support
- Added Wolf 3D Full Version Support.
v4.0 Spear of Destiny Shareware & Full version Support
- Added Spear Of Destiny Full & Shareware support only.
- Expansion Packs work.
- Added Analog support. Analog support has been added to both the menu and ingame.
- Exit/Quit bug fixed. Game no longer crashes your PSP upon exit.
- Re-wrote Parts of the menu code. Now is more console specific. Some pointless options removed, lots renamed.
- Quit messages fixed. Remember been insulted every time you wanted to quit Wolf3d? Well the messages have been fixed now, so you can be.
- Change screen size option removed from menu, pointless.
- Code cleanup (quite a bit of it ).
- Fixed typo in Game title on release, icon0 and pic1.
- Various other fixes/clean-ups.
v3.0 Initial Release Spear of Destiny Shareware version
- PSP Phat Support.
- Added PSP Slim Support.
- Full Speed.
- Runs at 222mhz.
- Added Full Screen Support (as default, can be enlarged more however).
- Added Full Music Support (Crackly).
- Added Full Sound Support (Crackly).
Special Thanks:
- Hardhat for original port.
- ID for making the game shareware and for making such a classic game.
- pspsdk & toolchain guys.
- Zack for making this Wolfenstein port on any handheld available. Also for making the pspslim port, adding sound and music support, vsync, Cheats, unique game loader, fullscreen, full speed and making the game extremely stable. Of course tons of other great features mentioned in readme and the changelog.
- Chilly Willy for fixing the sound/music and a lot of other stuff mentioned in the Changelog.
- Thanks to Ashtr for continually finding bugs.
- And finally this port would not have been possible if it wasn't for the help of official beta tester Da1writer. Da1writer also made the readme/faq that comes bundled with each new release.
External links
- Exophase -
- DCEmu -!
- DCEmu -!-Its-here!-Perfect-Sound-Instant-Save-Load-amp-Lots-More!!