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List of Switch PC utilities

From GameBrew
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PC Utilities

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Nsx Library Manager Another Lib Manager for NSP NSZ files. 0.4.3 ivaano 2025/03/15
PresenceClient-Rewritten Updated version of PresenceClient used for switch and discord rpc. 3.1 SylveonDeko 2024/10/30
Switch Game Merger Utility A NSP & XCI file merge utility. 1.2 LordZeuss 2024/10/22
NX Dump Client A client program for dumping over USB with nxdumptool. 1.1.3 v1993 2024/09/01
Nintendo Switch Online Rich Presence Connect your Nintendo Switch playing status to Discord! 1.4 MCMi460 2024/07/02
Ultimate Switch Hack Script A batch scripts automating a lot of things. 4.3.319 shadow2560 2024/02/21
NSZ NSZ - Homebrew compatible NSP/XCI compressor/decompressor. 4.6.1 nicoboss 2023/12/19
IPS Patch Creator AutoIPS sig Patcher. 1.5.6-6 mrdude 2023/10/25
LibHac & hactoolnet A library that reimplements parts of the Nintendo Switch OS. 0.19.0 Thealexbarney 2023/10/20
Firmware Version Inspector Get FW version from NAND dump. 2022 shchmue 2023/04/28
PointerSearcher-SE A pointer searcher for EdiZon SE dump file. 0.5.15b tomvita 2022/12/06
NSPsplitty Tool to split files targeted at the Nintendo Switch, also useful for general file splitting. 0.04 Aionmagan 2022/12/02
Horizon Linux Arm64 Linux patched to run programs for the Nintendo Switch (WIP). 2022 kentjhall 2022/09/10
NX Nand Manager Nintendo Switch NAND management tool: explore, backup, restore, mount, resize, create emunand, etc. (Windows). 5.2 eliboa 2022/04/20
Switch Cheat Code Manager A Nintendo Switch Cheat Code Management Tool. 1.0.2 solleo1989 2022/04/11
ProdKeys Manager A utility that helps you manage prod.keys files on your PC.​ 1.0 LITTOMA 2022/03/23
mii2studio This tool converts any Mii to the Mii Studio format used on Nintendo website and also renders them to PNGs. 2019 HEYimHeroic 2022/01/17
Edizon Categorizer A full fledged tool to create cheat files for atmosphere. 2021 Crashdummyy 2021/12/15
SDSetup The Ninite for your Nintendo Switch. 2021 noahc3 2021/09/28
PegaScape A user-friendly public frontend for common PegaSwitch scripts including Nereba, Caffeine, HBL and more. 2021 noahc3 2021/09/28
NSP Indexer PHP Indexer for Switch NSP. 2021 proconsule, jangrewe 2021/09/02
java-sx-boot-dat-creator-webui (POC) Converts any payload for fusee to an sx os boot.dat. 2021 choss 2021/07/13
Twili Homebrew debug monitor for the Nintendo Switch. 1.4.0 misson20000 2021/06/14
EmuTool Move partition Emu on another SD, Switch Emu type on SXOS and more. 0.2.9 TheyKilledKenny 2021/04/30
DeviceID Exosphere Builder Create a custom Exosphere binary to spoof the DeviceId. 0.18.1 PabloZaiden 2021/02/28
Fuse-Nx Utility tool that exposes the internals of various Nintendo Switch formats as a filesystem though FUSE. 1.1 averne 2021/02/24
Switch Serial Checker Tool Switch Serial Checker Tool. 1 AllenR-A 2021/01/17
YewMiiTools Tool to simplify conversion between Mii and TLoZ:BoTWs UMii. 0.3 EBLeifEricson 2021/01/07
nxDumpMerger Simple merger for Nintendo Switch dumped content. 1.0.0 emiyl 2020/12/07
NSC_Builder Nintendo Switch Cleaner and Builder. 1.01b julesontheroad 2020/10/08
Pointer Searcher for SX OS Tool to find cheats. 2020 Eiffel2018 2020/09/10
Switch Game Updates A Telegram bot to check and notify you about game updates. 0.0.6 evertonstz 2020/08/23
Daybreak NCA Converter Daybreak NCA Firmware files converter. 2020 GnK23 2020/08/16
switch-.uf2-files Want .uf2 files for your switch hacking needs? ask and link to the .bin payload you want, and I may get to it in my free time. 1.0.0 Switch-Hax-uf2 2020/07/22
splitNspSharp A Open Source Cross-Platform Legal NSP Splitter with a GUI. 1 joshua-software-dev 2020/06/19
Noexs Remote Debugger A graphical remote debugger for the Nintendo Switch. 1.1.2-tid mdbell 2020/06/19
AMS Cheat Button Assigner Atmosphere Cheat Code Button Assigner (GUI). 1.0 DarkFlare 2020/06/11
Hactool A tool to view information about, decrypt, and extract common file formats for the Nintendo Switch, especially Nintendo Content Archives. 1.4.0 SciresM 2020/06/02
Banana Yet another file splitter that can be used for NSP/XCI files or any other file. 1.2 SwitcherDude 2020/05/03
NoExes RAM Dump Parser A (WIP) raw RAM dump file parser from NoExes. 1.0.0 rydoginator 2020/05/01
Appstore Workbench A fast, cross-platform desktop homebrew multitool for Nintendo Switch, WiiU, Wii. 3.2 LyfeOnEdge 2020/03/11
HBUpdater A simple Python app for keeping your switch apps up-to-date using the GitHub API. 2.4 LyfeOnEdge 2020/01/25
Pointer Searcher Pointer searcher for Noexs dump file. 0.04 Takumi4685 2019/12/23
Ultimate Material Hactool GUI Another Hactool GUI. 1 bodyXY 2019/11/04
Modded emuGUIibo Modded emuGUIibo. 2019 mrdude 2019/10/27
hacBrewPack Make NCAs/NSPs from Nintendo Switch homebrews. 3.05 The-4n 2019/10/13
SXOS Hidden Emunand Backup Tool SXOS Hidden Emunand Backup Tool. 1.0 Horaldo 2019/10/12
Unofficial Appstore A WIP desktop GUI for the Homebrew Appstore. 1.8 LyfeOnEdge 2019/10/01
Labo VR Video Converter A simple GUI tool designed to convert pre-existing 180° VR video to the format that the Labo VR for Nintendo Switch uses. 0.5 EwanMac3 2019/09/16
SX OS - Cheat Assistant A simple Numeric to Hex converter. 2 soaresden 2019/09/03
XCIRepacker XCI Repacker and FS Content Type patches. 0.1 AcK77 2019/08/29
SARC Tool Tool for extracting and packing SARC files present in Nintendo EAD games. 0.5 aboood40091 2019/08/25
NCA-NSP-XCI to LayeredFS Extract NSP, NCA, XCI, Update all in one tool for LayeredFS. 1.6.4 Assasin1990 2019/07/29
LazyExtractorGUI Automagically Extracts NSP and XCIS. 2019 Tek9x 2019/05/19
nsZip NSP compressor/decompressor to reduce storage. 2.0.0p2 nicoboss 2019/04/30
NANDPart Windows application to resize the Nintendo Switch USER partition when a larger system NAND is installed. 2019 blawar 2019/04/25
4NXCI A tool for converting XCI (NX Card Image) files to NSP. 4.03 The-4n 2019/04/22
reNXpack Repack Nintendo Switch nsps to work on lower firmwares. 1.16 The-4n 2019/04/20
CFWsetup A simple tool for setting up CFW for the Nintendo Switch on a micro SD card. 0.7 LyfeOnEdge 2019/04/03
SplitNSP-Swift-GUI MacOS Split Nintendo Switch NSP to FAT32 friendly sizes. 1.3 FerasArabiat 2019/03/27
GetMyBru AIO Homebrew downloader for Wii, Wii U and Switch. 1.0.107 Dr.Hacknik 2019/03/16
sys-netcheat Android sys-netcheat Client for Android. wip cracker 2019/03/12
SysNetCheatGUI SysNetCheatGUI for sys-netCheat. mleeneg 2019/02/23
hacPack Build and Repack NCAs and NSPs. 1.36-r2 The-4n 2019/01/19
Switch SD to NSP Dumper Nintendo Switch SD to NSP Dumper. 1.10 CaitSith2 2019/01/12
java-xci-splitter Split, trim xci and nsp files for Nintendo Switch, written in java. 1.4.1 choss 2019/01/08
sys-netcheat Open-source cheat-engine for the Nintendo Switch. 1.3.4 jakibaki 2019/01/02
HACGUI A simple interface for extracting Nintendo Switch contents. 0.2 shadowninja108 2019/01/01
SDCard cleanup for MacOS SDCard cleanup script for for MacOS users. 1.3 rrocha 2018/12/20
XCI-to-Split-NSP For those on FAT32 and cannot convert XCI files larger than 4GB directly on the Switch. NuVanDibe 2018/12/10
Switch Safety A POC XCI and NSP verification tool. 0.01b ThisIsCheez 2018/12/02
hacbuild Build Nintendo Switch XCI and HFS0 files. 1.1 LucaCorigliano, JulesOnTheRoad 2018/11/04
Switch Screenshot organizer A PC program for organizing screenshots in your Switch album folder. 2018 Scarlet 2018/11/03
NSPack GUI for hacPack - make your own legal NSPs. 0.2 XorTroll 2018/11/03
nspbuild by ThatNerdyPikachu A tool that automates the process of creating homebrew NSPs for the Nintendo Switch. 1.1.1 ThatNerdyPikachu 2018/10/21
xci2nsp batch wrapper for 4nxci A batch converter shell script for xci files to nsp using 4NXCI. 2018 theoddtech 2018/10/18
auto_4nxci Batch XCI to NSP coversion and title renamer. 0.03 gamefreak955 2018/10/17
Split XCI Split XCI - Powershell script. 2018 mrdude 2018/10/15
splitNSP Splitting NSP files into 4GiB chunks so that they can be installed from FAT32 filesystems. 1.0.1 AnalogMan151 2018/10/08
dedbae xci2nsp A smarter, faster XCI to NSP converter. 2168-0002 2018/10/04
CertNXtractionPack Get your Switch cert from a NAND dump. 2018 SocraticBliss, SimonMKWii 2018/09/15
Horizon nand-dumper Open source horizon nand-dumper. 2018 asdfaaasssdddfff 2018/09/15
nspBuild Convert NCA to NSP Format using Python. 4.0 CVFireDragon, rkk 2018/09/10
XCI, NCA, NSP Extracting Batch file A Simple XCI, NCA, NSP Extracting Batch file (Just Drag and Drop) with Titlekey decrypt. 2 Bigjokker 2018/09/10
NX-Trimmer A simple batchfile to reduce padding and erase the update partition in XCI files, based on hacbuild. 0.4 JulesOnTheRoad 2018/09/06
XCI BUILDER A simple batchfile to convert Nintendo Switch nsp files (digital format) to xci files (cartridge format) based on hacbuild. 0.7 JulesOnTheRoad 2018/09/06
NSPVerify A tool for verifying large amounts of NSPs. 2018 caitsith2 2018/08/29
NSP Verifier A NSP verifier it verifies NSP. 2018 garoxas 2018/08/28
NAX0-Cryptor Encrypt (and decrypt) SD card NCAs. 2018 SimonMKWii 2018/08/25
X2N [GUI] A Graphical User Interface for 4NXCI. 0.0.1 Fix ScarletDreamz 2018/08/17
NCABuilder The first unofficial NCA builder for Switch titles. Heavily WIP. 0.1 SimonMKWii 2018/08/09
BymlConvert Easily Convert Byml files without The4thDimension. 176757f CVFireDragon 2018/08/07
NSPatch Patch NSP Files to require the minimum FW Version needed to decrypt it instead of any higher fw than that. 2.1 adrifcastr 2018/08/04
SplashMakerSwitch CFW Boot logo image converter. 1.1 ijuintekka 2018/08/01
NSP Version patcher NSP in-place firmware version patcher. 2018 rrocha 2018/08/01
HacDisk Mount Allows to open Switch eMMC RawNand dumps (and physical devices). 1.0.5-5 rajkosto 2018/07/27
SHAIO Switch Homebrew All In One. getraid 2018/07/23
ChoiDujour Converts Nintendo Switch firmware update packages to installable images/files that can be transferred to the device itself. 1.1.0 rajkosto 2018/07/21
XCI2TitleConverter Convert xci file to (almost) prepared title folder. 2.0.0 javilobo8 2018/07/05
hacbuildGUI Graphical User Interface for hacbuild. Written in C#. 1.1 adrifcastr 2018/07/03
CDNX CDN downloader for Switch (NX). 1.2 Reisyukaku 2018/06/24
XCI-Cutter tool A tool to remove unused space from XCI-Dumps. 2.4.2 Destiny1984 2018/06/21
ShogunTool Tool for downloading metadata from the Shogun server. 7 SimonMKWii 2018/06/11 A script to patch the code of games more easily, before layeredfs. 2018 tesnos6921 2018/06/03
nro-thumbnailer Create thumbnails of Switch homebrew (.nro) on your Linux Desktop. 0.0.2 carstene1ns 2018/06/01
Yasdu A collection of switch nand tools to dump, decrypt or browse/alter files on the switch fs. 0.1 DacoTaco 2018/05/26
HACDN# Dangerously download your Switch eShop purchases on your PC, Now in C#. 0.1.1 DeltaJordan 2018/05/18
httpnand Dump your nand over http. 2018 daanhenkek 2018/04/28
NSScreenshotMaker Put any image you want on your Switch Album. 1.0.2 cheuble 2018/04/14
PartialAesKeyCrack Multithreaded CPU-based (AES-NI accelerated, if possible) cracker for the Partial Key overwrite vulnerability in Switch secure-engine. 2 rajkosto 2018/04/10
Switch-Fightstick Proof-of-Concept LUFA Project for the Nintendo Switch. Pretends to be a HORI Pokken Pad which only prints Splatoon 2 Posts 2017 shinyquagsire23 2017/09/02

PC Utilities | Customization | Game Management | Emulation and Forwarders | Game Installer Companion | Network | Remote Play and Streaming | Developments


Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Switch Layout Editor A layout editor for the Nintendo Switch. beta15 FuryBaguette 2023/05/16
Switch Theme Injector Easily make custom themes. 4.7.1_2.7.1 exelix11 2022/10/14
NX-Game Icon Customizer Customize your Switch Game Icons. 1.4.0 hotshotz79 2022/05/12
Homebrew Menu Changer Tool Guide user through changing homebrew menu theme. 2021 Chardelyce 2021/12/16
EX BootLogo A Nintendo Switch Boot Logo Converter For CFW Hekate/Atmosphere. 2.0 KranKRival 2019/04/03
Custom Splash Script for ReiNX GUI Custom Splash Script for ReiNX GUI. 1.0 TheExpertNoob 2018/10/07
Joy-Con Toolkit Joy-Con Toolkit. 5.2.0 CTCaer 2018/04/24

PC Utilities | Customization | Game Management | Emulation and Forwarders | Game Installer Companion | Network | Remote Play and Streaming | Developments

Game Management

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
NxFileViewer Tool to view Nintendo Switch file. 3.0.2 Myster-Tee 2025/01/21
Switch Library Manager Complete solution to manage, organize and keep your local switch backup game library up to date . Cross platform, supports all game formats. 1.9.0 giwty, trembon 2024/10/16
Nintendo Switch Game Organizer Nintendo Switch Game Organizer for Windows. 1.2.1 MagicTouch 2024/02/14
XCI Explorer Mod XCI-Explorer Mod. View contents of XCI files and more. 1.50d mrdude2478 2020/07/11
Switch Backup Manager Complete Switch Backups management tool. 1.2.5 gibaBR 2019/11/25
NX Game Info Tool to read information from Nintendo Switch game files 0.7.1 garoxas 2019/11/10
Switch Backup Rename Help you find your Nintendo Switch backups in the mess of the SD card. 2.2.5 DavidBabel 2019/06/03
SwitchExplorer A simple GUI-based NCA explorer (also compatible with NSPs and XCIs). 1.2 simontime 2019/01/28
Explode A file explorer, designed with Nintendo game archives in mind. beta lucypoulton 2018/07/27
Title Switch GUI Backup Manager (with LayeredFS support!) for Win/Mac/Linux. 1.1 BETA nastys 2018/07/16
XCI Organizer XCI Organizer. 0.0.7 gibaBR 2018/07/05
XCIment Auto XCI file renaming tool. 1.1 WolfThatGoesMoo 2018/06/26

PC Utilities | Customization | Game Management | Emulation and Forwarders | Game Installer Companion | Network | Remote Play and Streaming | Developments

Emulation and Forwarders

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
NTON Nintendo Switch NRO to NSP Forwarder. 2.1.1 rlaphoenix 2024/01/20
Nintendo Switch Emulator Cheats Manager Install cheats for popular Nintendo Switch Emulators. 1.2.6 MagicTouch 2024/01/06
CaVE Database Manager A SNES, NES, N64, Genesis Switch Online modding App. 1.4.6 DarkAkuma 2023/05/26
Saturn2NSP Convert Saturn game to Nintendo Switch. 1.2 Markus00095 2023/04/23
Switch Army Knife (SAK) A tool that helps you manage XCI / NSP files on your Switch. 0.7.14 kempa 2022/04/05
N64 Hovercraft Create your own NSP Forwarder with NSO N64 Emulator. 2021 Imancol 2022/01/08
GUI for NSP Forwarder tool for 12+ GUI for NSP Forwarder tool for 12+. 0.12 Beta EddCase 2021/10/04
NSP Forwarder tool for 12+ NSP Forwarder tool for Switch. 2021 martinpham 2021/05/02
Nro2Nsp An Easy to use Nsp builder for Redirection or internally built nsps using nros and now Retroarch Rom forwarders. 3.3.6-beta4 Root-MtX 2020/02/21
NES ONLINE Game Injector MOD A modification of NES Online Injector. 1.4.0M KranKRival 2019/03/10
NES Online Game AutoInjector NES Online Game AutoInjector. 3.5 bodyXY 2018/10/11
nesomod A little tool that can help you to add new games to NES Online LayeredFS mods. 1.0 nitr077 2018/09/29

PC Utilities | Customization | Game Management | Emulation and Forwarders | Game Installer Companion | Network | Remote Play and Streaming | Developments

Game Installer Companion

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
NS-USBloader Awoo Installer and GoldLeaf uploader of the NSPs (and other files), RCM payload injector, application for split/merge files. 7.2 developersu 2024/10/31
GoldtreePy A python port of Quark by XorTroll (formerly Goldtree). 0.10 friedkeenan 2022/02/11
NUT GUI USB NUT GUI USB and Network installer for Tinfoil and SX Installer. 3.3 blawar 2021/07/15
PHPinfoil Simple PHP to serve your backups and eshop games to Tinfoil and DBI 0.2 TheyKilledKenny 2021/06/07
NS-USBloader Mobile Android version of the Tinfoil and GoldLeaf USB installer. 5.0 developersu 2020/12/01
Tinson Node A Tinfoil Title manager made with Node (and love). 2020 gianemi2 2020/11/02
Gofoil Simple server for tinfoil written in go. 1.0 Orygin 2020/07/13
SX Google Drive Token Generator A Google Drive OAuth token generator for use with SX Installer homebrew on Nintendo Switch. 1.0 lahma0 2019/10/17
PlatinumTree A GoldTree implementation in Java. 1.0.0-rc2 gudenau 2019/08/21
AluminumFoil USB Installer for GoldLeaf and TinFoil. nosmokingbandit 2019/06/08
Fluffy A Tinfoil and Goldleaf GUI. 2.9.2 fourminute 2019/05/26
Tinson Install every NSP directly on Switch through Tinfoil. 2019 gianemi2 2019/05/21
Local Gaming Mobility Assistant Access your Google Drive via DZ without any other software on your computer. 0.3 Aida-Enna 2019/03/15
TUG A Tinfoil USB GUI. 1.1 nxmango 2019/01/14
Boop Graphical Interface for Tinfoil Network Install. 2.0.0 miltoncandelero 2018/10/08

PC Utilities | Customization | Game Management | Emulation and Forwarders | Game Installer Companion | Network | Remote Play and Streaming | Developments


Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Switch FTP Sync Nintendo Switch FTP data-syncing utility. 0.1.7 ppkantorski 2024/07/16
90DNS NX DNS setup with BIND9 and nginx for blocking all Nintendo servers. 2021 LavaTech Team (AveSatanas, Luna) 2021/09/11
NXMineNS Nintendo Switch (And other) Console Minecraft DNS bypass tool. 0.0.3 nxminens 2021/05/14
lan-play-arm Switch lan-play project compiled for ARM processors. 0.2.3 metehankaygsz 2021/04/04
Minecraft Server Redirection Hack Minecraft Server Redirection Hack via DNS. 1.3.0 TheCyberQuake 2021/01/25
Iridium A graphical user interface for NXLink. 2.5.3 Flyken271 2020/09/12
Switch Lan Play Make you and your friends play games like in a LAN. 0.2.3 spacemeowx2 2020/06/21
SLP-Sharp Switch Lan-Play Relay Server in C#. 2020 bizzycola 2020/03/26
Lan Play Curses A Curses based GUI for switch-lan-play by spacemeowx2. 1 HamletDuFromage 2020/03/24
NxLink GUI Python 3 GUI for Nxlink in Python. 2019 KranKRival 2019/08/13
Lan Play GUI A graphical interface based on electron for lan play. 1.3.0 takashi1kun 2019/02/13
WebUI A web Interface for Lan-Play. 1.4 HotdogWithMustard 2019/02/06
yaDNS-NX Yet another DNS for connect your Switch to your WiFi without internet - In a docker! 2018 luiscassih 2018/08/03

PC Utilities | Customization | Game Management | Emulation and Forwarders | Game Installer Companion | Network | Remote Play and Streaming | Developments

Remote Play and Streaming

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
JoyCon Droid An application for devices on Android 9 and higher that lets you use your phone as a Switch controller. 1.0.92 TeamJCD 2024/07/24
SysBot.NET sys-botbase client for remote control automation of Nintendo Switch consoles. 2023 kwsch 2023/06/01
Retro Pico Switch Play Nintendo Switch Online N64 games using an Original N64 controller via a Raspberry Pi Pico. 4.0.0 DavidPagels 2023/04/25
Nintendo Switch Control Library A library for microcontrollers that uses Arduino to automate Nintendo Switch games. 1.3.1 lefmarna 2022/10/25
SKyNX+ Stream your PC games to your Nintendo Switch without Android. 1.6 DevL0rd, William Hackett 2022/05/02
Nintendo Switch Remote Control Remote play system for the Nintendo Switch. pre-release javmarina 2022/04/24
Switch Remote Play Stream your PC to your Switch. 1.0.0 Moehammered 2021/11/28
Sys-HidPlus-Client-RS An alternative client for sys-hidplus. 1.1.0-alpha.5 kenesu-h 2021/09/17
Joycontrol Emulate Nintendo Switch Controllers over Bluetooth. 2020 mart1nro 2020/12/19
Nintendo Switch I2S to S/PDIF I2S to S/PDIF conversion on SiPeed Tang Nano (GOWIN GW1N-LV1) which aims to convert Nintendo Switch internal I2S signal. 2020 puhitaku 2020/08/15
joycontrol-kb Emulate Nintendo Switch Controllers over Bluetooth. 2020 QueenLinuxGlitch 2020/08/12
joycontrol-ms Emulate Nintendo Switch Controllers over Bluetooth. 2020 marcus-stevenson 2020/07/08
switchXBOXcontroller Turn your Switch into an XBOX360 controller. 1.2 WerWolv98 2020/05/02
NXController Use PC keyboard to play Switch games (Windows/Mac OS/Linux). 1.0.1 wwwwwwzx 2020/02/03
CommunityController Pro controller Python Bot. 2019 ItsDeidara 2019/11/16
Switch Fightstick Code (Atmega32U4) Code for custom DIY-Arcadestick (ATMega32U4). 2019 fluffymadness 2019/03/30
In-Home-Switching Stream your favorite PC-Games to your Nintendo Switch. 0.1 jakibaki 2018/12/14
nvdec test Stream your PC games to the Switch (unfinished). 2018 orangutanfuzz 2018/10/16

PC Utilities | Customization | Game Management | Emulation and Forwarders | Game Installer Companion | Network | Remote Play and Streaming | Developments


Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
nx.js JavaScript runtime for Nintendo Switch homebrew applications. 0.0.63 TooTallNate 2025/02/06
Libnx Library for Switch Homebrew. 4.8.0 switchbrew 2024/11/25
LÖVE Potion LÖVE for Nintendo Homebrew. 3.0.1 lovebrew 2024/03/26
libusbhsfs USB Mass Storage Class Host + Filesystem Mounter static library for Nintendo Switch homebrew applications. 0.2.9 DarkMatterCore, XorTroll, Rhys Koedijk 2024/02/24
RenderDoc A stand-alone graphics debugging tool. 1.27 baldurk 2023/06/02
nimNX Working Nim app example. 0.1.0 dkgitdev 2022/11/29
Imgui Deko3d Example A Dear ImGui template project with deko3d backend for Switch. 2022 scturtle 2022/10/01
RussellNX A tool to build Nintendo Switch homebrew games using GameMaker Studio 2 runtime (no sdk or module required). 1.6.3 nkrapivin 2022/09/24
SwitchGDX A LibGDX Switch Backend. 0.2 TheLogicMaster 2022/08/28
NX in Rust Userland homebrew library for Nintendo Switch written entirely in Rust. 0.1 aarch64-switch-rs 2022/05/26
Borealis A hardware accelerated, controller and TV oriented UI library for PC and Nintendo Switch (libnx). 2021 natinusala 2021/04/16
LuaJIT LuaJIT ported for the Nintendo Switch. 2.1.0-beta3 capsterx 2020/11/06
SwiTAS A usable toolkit for creating Nintendo Switch TASes with homebrew 2.0.1 TheGreatRambler 2020/07/16
SFML Switch SFML switch port. Switch-2.3.x TomBebb 2020/06/28
switch_imgui Simple application using ImGUI (for Nintendo Switch homebrew development). 2020 MstrVLT 2020/05/30
libtesla The support library for Tesla overlays. 1.3.3 WerWolv 2020/04/16
SDL-easy It is SDL, but made even easier. A sdl wrapper library for the Nintendo Switch. 2019 ITotalJustice 2019/12/14
Plutonium An easy-to-use UI framework for Nintendo Switch homebrew. 0.2.1 XorTroll 2019/03/24
LoveStory A VisualNovel Library for LovePotion. 1.2 shrikey 2019/02/15
Libcross2D a little cross platform 2d library. 1.1 Cpasjuste 2018/12/05
Lua.js A C library to include Lua and Javascript sources in your C homebrew project. commit 348913a caHarkness 2018/11/06
Switch homebrew toolchain cmake Set of files to allow Switch homebrew development using cmake. 2018 jfmherokiller 2018/09/13
libtransistor-examples Test NROs for libtransistor. 2.1.1 ReSwitched Team 2018/09/12
libnx-SDL2 SDL2 partial implementation of libnx. 2018 rock88 2018/07/30
Brew.js C++ high-level JavaScript API for Nintendo 3DS/Switch (WIP). 1.0 XorTroll 2018/07/02
SDL for Switch SDL 1.2.15 port for Nintendo Switch. 0.2 nop90 2018/03/02
Joycon API for java A java library for the nintendo joy-con 1 elgoupil 2018/01/12
