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Table structure:
- title - String
- image - File
- description - String
- author - String
- lastupdated - String
- contributor - String
- portedby - String
- type - String
- version - String
- license - String
- language - String
- format - String
- download - URL
- downloadraw - URL
- website - URL
- source - URL
- discussion - URL
- donation - URL
This table has 2,925 rows altogether.
Page | title | image | description | author | lastupdated | contributor | portedby | type | version | license | language | format | download | downloadraw | website | source | discussion | donation |
1337bells PSP (edit) | 1337bells | Portable version of the Flash game Winterbells. | ro0kie42 | 2007/04/04 | Other Games | 2007 | Mixed | |||||||||||
15 Puzzle PSP (edit) | 15 Puzzle | A sliding tile puzzle game. | OlegO | 2009/07/01 | Puzzle | release 1 | GNU GPLv2 | |||||||||||
1945 PSP (edit) | 1945 | A demo of a scrolling shooter. | shiftybill | 2005/12/18 | Shooter | Demo | Mixed | |||||||||||
1945 The War Is Now PSP (edit) | 1945 The War Is Now | Shooter game, clone of the arcade game 1945. | Gefa | 2008/08/16 | Arcade Games | 1.1.0 | Mixed | |||||||||||
1D Game PSP (edit) | 1D Game | A game that takes place in one-dimensional space. | Sandroron (SGI) | 2014/03/31 | Arcade Games | 2.0 Beta | Mixed | |||||||||||
2.71 SE Homebrew Fixer PSP (edit) | 2.71 SE Homebrew Fixer | Fix corrupted data icons on 2.71 SE-A. | Coldbird | 2006/10/11 | File Operation | 1.0 | Mixed | |||||||||||
2124 PSP (edit) | 2124 | A dinky RPG-style game demo. | Cameron Korb (PsPhReaK) | 2006/12/06 | Role Playing | 0.2a | Mixed | |||||||||||
2D Side Scroller PSP (edit) | 2D Side Scroller | Test game for a 2D game engine. | Raptor85 | 2008/09/19 | Demos | 2008 | Mixed | |||||||||||
2DEarth Demo PSP (edit) | 2DEarth Demo | Game engine for animation and maps. | Lordvisaris | 2009/06/05 | Demos | Demo | Mixed | |||||||||||
2P Pong PSP (edit) | 2P Pong | Lua-based Pong game for 2 players. | Spiderjames | 2006/08/19 | Arcade Games | R1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
3D ArcadePSP (edit) | 3D ArcadePSP | A tech demo based on the frontend for emulators for the PC called 3D Arcade. | spanner | 2009/05/14 | Demos | Demo | Mixed | |||||||||||
3D Chess PSP (edit) | 3D Chess | 2 Player 3D Chess game. | Mofig | 2005/09/11 | Board | 2005 | Mixed | |||||||||||
3D Cube PSP (edit) | 3D Cube | 3D cube that runs in Lua. | alatnet | 2006/05/08 | Demos | 3b | Mixed | |||||||||||
3D GDS PSP (edit) | 3D GDS | 3D Game Development Set, aim to assist PSPGL user. | saulotmalo, SG57 | 2008/03/18 | Game Engine | 2008 | Mixed | |||||||||||
3D Pong PSP (edit) | 3D Pong | Pong in 3D. | Slasher (Team-Duck) | 2006/12/28 | Arcade Games | 0.1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
3D Roll PSP (edit) | 3d Roll | Control a ball and land on the platform without hitting the spikes. | Chimecho | 2011/05/04 | Arcade Games | 2.3d | Mixed | |||||||||||
3D Room Demo PSP (edit) | 3D Room Demo | A simple demo. | waywardson | 2008/02/29 | Demos | demo | Mixed | |||||||||||
3D Tic Tac Toe PSP (edit) | 3D Tic Tac Toe | 3 dimensional tick tac toe. | LMelior | 2006/08/29 | Board | Update | Mixed | |||||||||||
3D Tic Tac Toe PSP - Multiplayer Mod (edit) | 3D Tic tac toe - Multiplayer Mod | 3 dimensional tick tac toe with 2 players option. | Moonchild | 2006/09/04 | Board | 2006 | Mixed | |||||||||||
3D Vector Balls PSP (edit) | 3D Vector Balls | Vector balls demo. | Aerol33t | 2005/07/28 | Demos | 2005 | Mixed | |||||||||||
3D Virtual Globe for PSP (edit) | 3D Virtual Globe for PSP | A virtual globe homebrew application. | Vitaliy (mifki) | 2008/12/26 | Other | 0.53 | Mixed | |||||||||||
3D-Luck PSP (edit) | 3D-Luck | A simple 3D game made with Godot engine. | technicaljicama | 2023/04/23 | Puzzle | 2023 | Mixed | |||||||||||
3Design PSP (edit) | 3Design | A 3D editing program made in Lua. | butterballer360 | 2006/05/21 | Other | Alpha 0.4 | Mixed | |||||||||||
40 Days and 40 Nights of Rain PSP (edit) | 40 Days and 40 Nights of Rain | An unofficial port of a visual novel by ZIGZAG. | ZIGZAG | 2010/03/15 | Adventure | 2010 | Mixed | |||||||||||
48 Hour Pong PSP (edit) | 48 Hour Pong | 3D Pong game made in 48 hours. | David Perry (Insomniac) | 2006/10/30 | Arcade Games | Rev-D | Mixed | |||||||||||
4S - Side Scrolling Space Shooter PSP (edit) | 4S - Side Scrolling Space Shooter | A retro style space shoot em up. | KL | 2010/08/23 | Shooter | 2010 | Mixed | |||||||||||
4^2 PSP (edit) | 4² (Four-suqare) | Based on a ball game named Four-Square. | coolguy5678 | 2008/06/12 | Action | 2.0 | Mixed | |||||||||||
5h4d0ws Seplugins Manager PSP (edit) | 5h4d0ws Seplugins Manager | Allow you to enable and disable plugins without a computer. | 5h4d0w | 2011/05/22 | Utilities | 1.6 final | Mixed | |||||||||||
6-20 6-39 TN Xtended PSP (edit) | 6-20/6-39 TN Xtended (aLoader2) | TH-HEN extended with an integrated ISO-Loader (aLoader). Also known as aLoader2. | ardi | 2011/06/20 | Utilities | 1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
6-60 6-39 6-38 Downgrader PSP (edit) | 6.60/6.39/6.38 Downgrader | Port of Davee 6.60/6.39/6.38/6.35/6.31 downgrader. | some1 | 2011/08/27 | System Tools | 4.1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
6-60 plugins on 6-61 (edit) | 6.60 plugins on 6.61 | A simple plugin that allows 6.60 CFW plugins to work on 6.61 CFW, Infinity and Adrenaline. | Davee | 2016/02/14 | Plugins | 2016 | Mixed | |||||||||||
7nigma Area 1 PSP (edit) | 7nigma Area 1 | 3D point-and-click exploration game for PSP. | m-c/d | 2021/02/17 | Puzzle | 2021 | Mixed | |||||||||||
7th Dragon 2020 English Translation PSP (edit) | 7th Dragon 2020 English Translation | 7th Dragon 2020 full translation patch. | Pokeytax | 2016/03/28 | Translations | 0.91 | Mixed | |||||||||||
7th Dragon 2020-II English Translation PSP (edit) | 7th Dragon 2020-II English Translation | 7th Dragon 2020-II English translation patch. | Pokeytax | 2018/10/22 | Translations | 0.91 | Mixed | |||||||||||
7WiN PSP (edit) | 7WiN - Lua Windowing System | PSP Lua Windowing System that supports Multi-Tasking. | Yongobongo | 2007/07/08 | Operating Systems | 1.00 | Creative Commons | |||||||||||
8 Out PSP (edit) | 8 Out! | Find the 8 Out! App on your PSP. | Team HnR | 2012/01/08 | Other Games | 0.1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
A Boy and His Dog PSP (edit) | A Boy and His Dog | Guide your dog pal to reach the goal, by toggling switches and pressing buttons to create platform. | ColdPie | 2005/12/03 | Platform | 2005 | Mixed | |||||||||||
A Dance of Fire and Ice PSP (edit) | A Dance of Fire and Ice PSP | An unofficial adaptation of A Dance of Fire and Ice for the PSP. | Yerson Games | 2023/12/03 | Music Games | 0.1.0 | Mixed | [Download from URL] |
A Happy Valentine PSP (edit) | A Happy Valentine | Short side story to 40 Days and 40 Nights of Rain. | ZIGZAG | 2008/02/21 | Adventure | 1.0e | Mixed | |||||||||||
A present by Candyfloss PSP (edit) | A present by Candyfloss | An unofficial port of a Chinese visual novel, based on the Japanese manga/amine The World God Only Knows. | 泠汀·草 | 2010/11/28 | Adventure | 2011 | Mixed | |||||||||||
A shooter PSP (edit) | a shooter | A classic shooter em up game in an early stage. | sigutis | 2009/08/18 | Shooter | 2009 | Mixed | |||||||||||
A Warrior Journey PSP (edit) | A Warrior Journey | Travel through an island full of monsters to become a real warrior. | leviadragon | 2008/08/21 | Shooter | 2008 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Aap Lander PSP (edit) | AAP LANDER | A Lunar Lander inspired game. | BlackShark | 2008/03/24 | Arcade Games | 2 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Abes Amazing Adventure PSP (edit) | Abe's Amazing Adventure | Port of an original homebrew platformer, Abes Amazing Adventure. | Zack | 2008/08/21 | Platform | 2008 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Abillities PSP (edit) | Abillities | A fast reaction game. | Gunner54 | 2007/07/08 | Other Games | 1.0 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Abombniball PSP (edit) | Abombniball PSP | Port of Abombniballx | freakdave | 2006/04/11 | Puzzle | 2 | GPL-2.0 | |||||||||||
Abuse-SDL for PSP (edit) | Abuse-SDL | Port of Abuse-SDL (side-scrolling action game) for the PSP. | JJS | 2012/12/26 | Action | 0.8 r1 | GNU GPLv2 | |||||||||||
Academic Aid Scholastic Suite 6 PSP (edit) | Academic Aid Scholastic Suite 6 | Original name was Phyalgeom Aid, an educational application to aid students in physics, algebra, and geometry. | Mr305 | 2008/03/21 | Math | rev.769 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Ace Dictionary PSP (edit) | Ace Dictionary | English - Chinese dictionary. | xwh1225 | 2006/03/22 | Other | 1.0 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Ace of Space PSP (edit) | Ace of Space | A 2D shooter. | BlackShark | 2007/04/30 | Shooter | 1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Ace's Notepad PSP (edit) | Ace's Notepad | A simple notepad application for the PSP written in Lua. | Ace Raven | 2009/11/04 | Other | 2009 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Acnos Energizer PSP (edit) | Acno's Energizer | PSP port of Acnos Energizer. | alatnet | 2006/01/27 | Puzzle | AlphaBeta1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
AcordeonPSP (edit) | AcordeonPSP | Hohner accordion simulator. | MABZ | 2011/06/26 | Music | 1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Action ou Verite PSP (edit) | Action ou Verite | Homebrew conversion of Truth or Dare. | jade2293 | 2009/10/04 | Trivia | 3 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Adhoc File Transfer PSP (edit) | Adhoc File Transfer | Transfer files from your PSP to another via WiFi connection. | Minerva | 2010/04/29 | Utilities | 0.7 signed | Mixed | |||||||||||
AdhocToUSB Mod PSP (edit) | Adhoc To USB Mod | Mod version of Yuki-mi Adhoc To USB to to support 6.xx. | neur0n | 2011/08/20 | Plugins | 2 mod for 6xx | Mixed | |||||||||||
AdhocToUSB PSP (edit) | Adhoc To USB | For playing Ad Hoc enabled games over the Internet using XLink Kai without the need for a PC wireless adaptor. | yuki-mi | 2010/06/04 | Plugins | 0.2 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Adivina adivinanza PSP (edit) | Adivina adivinanza | Entertain your company with riddles. | pepingo el hacker | 2011/08/28 | Trivia | sb edition | Mixed | |||||||||||
Aereo TeamMex PSP (edit) | Aereo TeamMex | Horizontal scrolling shooter with boss fight. | sting18 | 2011/08/23 | Shooter | beta-1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
AFKIM Away From Keyboard Instant Messenger PSP (edit) | AFKIM: Instant Messenger for PSP | An instant messaging application through Wifi connection, originally written by Danzel. | Danzel, Zx-81 | 2008/10/10 | Other | 3.3.7 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Age Calculator PSP (edit) | Age Calculator | An age calculator that lets you input your birth year and calculate your age. | Dark_Merlin | 2007/01/07 | Math | 1.0 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Age of Empires II PSP (edit) | Age of Empires II PSP | Age of Empires homebrew test demo. | MasterMen | 2020/10/03 | Demos | 0.2 indev b0002 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Age of Empires PSP (edit) | Age of Empires PSP | A clone of Age of Empires in early development stage. | CoderX (Team Matrix) | 2006/04/29 | Demos | 0.1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Age Of Nations PSP (edit) | Age Of Nations | Real Time Strategy game inspired by the Age of Empires on PC. | SeanPaul223 | 2010/08/18 | Strategy | rc1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
AgenaWorld PSP (edit) | AgenaWorld | A space shooting game similar to the Homeworld PC game. | edepot | 2009/05/11 | Shooter | 1.8 | Mixed | |||||||||||
AGS for PSP (edit) | AGS for PSP | Adventure Game Studio runtime engine for the PSP. | JJS | 2013/12/14 | Game Engine | 3.3.0 | Artistic License 2.0 | |||||||||||
AIO Tuner PSP (edit) | AIO Tuner | An all in one tuner for your musical instruments. | ai3gtmc | 2008/03/19 | Music | 2008 | Mixed | |||||||||||
AIP PSP (edit) | AIP | Automatically installs plugins on your PSP. | moikop | 2011/08/11 | Utilities | 3.10 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Air Hockey PSP (edit) | Air Hockey | One-on-one table hockey game. | Kenium | 2008/07/05 | Arcade Games | 1.0 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Air PSP - English Translation (edit) | Air | Air PSP English patch. | patr0805 | 2020/02/13 | Translations | 0.9 | N/A | |||||||||||
AirCrack-PSP (edit) | AirCrack-PSP | Port of AircrackDS. | Gaby_64 | 2009/04/05 | Utilities | Test 0.57 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Airstrike PSP (edit) | Airstrike PSP | A 2D biplane dogfighting game, originally from | Cpasjuste | 2007/04/19 | Arcade Games | 2007 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Aiseirigh PSP (edit) | Aiseirigh | A universal Unbricker for every PSP! | DaveeFTW, TheZett | 2024/04/18 | PC Utilities | 0.1 | MIT | |||||||||||
AITetris PSP (edit) | AITetris | A simple tetris engine with AI. | TerryHau | 2005/08/09 | Demos | 2005 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Akakiki - Akane-tan Kiki Ippatsu for PSP (edit) | Akakiki - Akane-tan Kiki Ippatsu for PSP | Port of the Japanese doujin game Akakiki - Akane-tan Kiki Ippatsu. | SYGNAS, DADA | 2006/05/27 | Platform | 2006 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Alchemy PSP (edit) | Alchemy | A game that combines gaming with science. | Zed, Sandroron, fantastic | 2013/05/30 | Puzzle | 1.0.4 Signed | Mixed | |||||||||||
Alcohol Engine PSP (edit) | Alcohol Engine | Measure your blood alcohol content. | Dark_World | 2009/01/27 | Other | 1 Beta | Mixed | |||||||||||
Alex the Allegator 4 Color Edition PSP (edit) | Alex the Allegator 4 Color Edition | Adaptation of the game Alex the Allegator 4 on PSP. | MK2k | 2009/02/14 | Platform | r1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Alexitron's journey to learn GML PSP (edit) | Alexitrón's journey to learn GML | Get rid of those Drag and Drop icons! | alexitron | 2023/07/30 | Platform | 2023 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Algebra Calculus Assistant PSP (edit) | Algebra/Calculus Assistant | A Lua app containing 7 useful mathematical functions. | andyauff | 2008/03/07 | Math | 0.2 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Alice in Pasta Crocket PSP (edit) | Alice in: Pasta Crocket | You must destroy a lemon pie by smashing a ball into it. | 240-185 (Yoshi Noir) | 2014/11/24 | Other Games | 2.00 Final | BSD-3-Clause | |||||||||||
Alientetris PSP (edit) | Alientetris | Mod of HaCKaH. | ALIENWARE | 2006/03/18 | Puzzle | 2006 | Mixed | |||||||||||
All Install PSP (edit) | All Install | Download and install homebrew, plugins, themes, gameboots and version.txt. | OuterHeaven | 2011/12/23 | Utilities | New Version | Mixed | |||||||||||
All or Nothing PSP (edit) | All or Nothing | Guess whether the next card will be higher or lower than the previous one. | elpresi | 2006/11/01 | Card | Freeware | Mixed | |||||||||||
Allegro PSP (edit) | Allegro PSP | Allegro PSP port based on the 4.3.10plus Allegro version. | diedel | 2009/01/20 | Development | final user | Mixed | |||||||||||
Allegro-PSP (edit) | Allegro-PSP | Allegro 4.2.2 port to PSP. | Sausage | 2008/10/08 | Development | 1-alpha1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Alley Cat PSP (edit) | Alley Cat PSP | Repack of the 1984 computer game (now available for free). | Unknown | 2021/07/30 | Action | 2021 | Mixed | |||||||||||
ALoader PSP (edit) | aLoader | Plugin that can run ISOs and CSOs directly from the XMB. | ardi | 2011/03/17 | Plugins | 1.25 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Alpha Flame PSP (edit) | Alpha Flame | A psychodelic visual demo. | Jared Bruni | 2006/02/08 | Demos | Screen Capture | Mixed | |||||||||||
Alpha Gear PSP (edit) | Alpha Gear | A mod for Super Mini Mario V3. | Matty19908 | 2006/04/02 | Platform | 1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Alpha Team Six PSP (edit) | Alpha Team Six | A mod of Kurok released as an April Fools joke. | F.A.N.G.S | 2013/04/13 | Shooter | Rev 10 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Alpha TrIs PSP (edit) | Alpha TrIs | TicTacToe written in Lua. | Alpha DevTeam | 2009/07/13 | Strategy | 2.0 | Mixed | |||||||||||
AlphaAttackPSP (edit) | AlphaAttackPSP | Clone of Alpha Attack. | Montrob | 2006/09/04 | Other Games | Final | Mixed | |||||||||||
AlphaBase PSP (edit) | AlphaBase (A-Base) | PSP Debug Bash and Multi-Environment Shell. | DekraN (Wesker) | 2014/08/25 | System Tools | 3.6.8 final | Mixed | |||||||||||
Alternative VSHMenu PSP (edit) | Alternative VSH Menu | An alternative VSHMenu plugin for the M33 Custom Firmware. | Red Squirrel | 2008/09/21 | Plugins | 6.1 | Mixed | |||||||||||
AlwaysUSB PSP (edit) | AlwaysUSB | Allows USB connection at all time even during gameplay. | volotax | 2012/03/17 | Plugins | 1.7 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Amoebax PSP (edit) | Amoebax | Port of an action puzzle game Amoebax. | Riviera71 | 2011/05/29 | Puzzle | 2011 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Amy Zing and the Amazing Mazes PSP (edit) | Amy Zing and the Amazing Mazes | A small maze solving game. | Ant512 | 2017/11/29 | Puzzle | 2017 | Mixed | |||||||||||
Analog Block PSP (edit) | Analog Block | Completely disables the input from the PSP analog stick, useful if the control is not working properly. | neur0n | 2012/06/15 | Plugins | 1 | GPL-3.0 | |||||||||||
Analogic PadCheker PSP (edit) | Analogic PadCheker | A app that lets you check the Analog Pad. | Klozz | 2011/04/11 | System Tools | Beta 1 | Mixed |