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This page is for DS homebrew applications.
This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.
- Demo homebrews on DS (80 P)
- Homebrew loaders on DS (36 P)
- Maths applications on DS (22 P)
- Media players on DS (34 P)
- Music applications on DS (81 P)
- Operating systems on DS (22 P)
- Other applications on DS (217 P)
- System tools on DS (48 P)
- Utility applications on DS (154 P)
Pages in category "DS homebrew applications"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 697 total.
(previous page) (next page)3
- A Neko Story
- A Tint of MENUdo - Doodle
- A Tint of MENUdo - Player
- Advanced Sound Library
- AircrackDS
- Aireplay NDS
- Airscan
- Alarm Clock DS
- Alarma
- Alphabet Arabe O Clic
- Alphablocks
- Amy The Chatterbot
- Analog clock
- Ands-pdf
- Animanatee
- AnimEDS
- Another Life: Twin's Agony
- Aozora Bunko NDS
- ARcardPACK
- ARDSI Menu
- Ascaris DS
- ASCII Art Maker
- ASM-Interpreter DS
- Attorney Online DS
- AuDS
- Autoescuela DS
- Avia - Tropic Edition
- Back2fw
- BackupBuddy
- BAGPlug DS
- Balik Bayan DevWifi
- BetablockerDS
- Beup Live
- Bible for NDS
- Binary Clock
- Biorythm
- BitBox
- BLARGH Text Editor
- Blending Demo DS
- Bliptracker
- Boot GBA with Frame
- BootFirmware
- Bowser
- BrainfuckDS
- Brandy Basic V for Dslinux
- Bullet Rel Designer DS
- Bullet Rel DS
- Bunjalloo
- Burn2Slot
- CalcEmu
- Calculator DS
- CaramellDansen NDS
- Carnet d'adresse
- Castlevania Devilish Resemblance
- Cave Story DS Demos
- CC Creator
- CC Game
- CellsDS
- Cellular Automata DS
- CellWriterDS
- ChaTchI
- Check NDS
- ChessClock
- Chinese Touch
- ChorDS
- Christmas DS
- Chuck Norris Facts DS
- ClockDS
- Cng's Button Tester
- Colors!
- ComboCracker DS
- ComBox
- ComicbookDS
- Comprobación de Botones
- Constellations DS
- ContactsDS
- CosmosDS
- Counter Strike DS
- Crazy Paint DS
- Cream And Cheese
- Creature Tamer
- CreeboMe
- Cronometro
- DadoS
- Dana O.S.
- DarkSO
- DB Downloader
- Dboy
- DbrowSer
- DDJs Silver
- Death Chimp
- Defcon Zero
- DiagnoDS
- Diagnose
- Dice Roller (Rainbow)
- Dice Roller DS
- DiceDS
- Digit Solver
- Dillama
- Dissonance
- Dolphin Reader
- DPhone
- Draw
- Draw-Stereo
- DrumMe
- Drummer
- Drummers
- DrumPad DS
- DS Battery Life Timer
- DS Billboard Example
- DS BIOS Dumper
- DS Bloom
- DS Button Counter
- DS Chat
- DS Delay Line
- DS Demos
- DS Dictionary
- DS Downloader
- DS Drum Machine - TR-909
- DS firmware dumper
- DS Kanji Flash
- DS KanjiDict
- DS LCD Tester
- DS Maps
- DS Media Center
- DS MIDI Keyboard
- DS Sampling Keyboard
- DS Savegame Manager
- DS Sleep
- DS Star Chart
- DS Synth
- DS Test
- DS Twitter
- DS Vista
- DS Weather
- DS Weather Report
- Ds-h
- DS-Me
- DS2Key
- DS2Tools
- DS2Win
- DSAmp
- DsAPM?
- DSArsenal
- DSBash
- DSBF dump
- DSBible
- DSBlue
- DSBook
- DSBrowser - Dual Slot
- DSButtons
- DSCalibrate
- DSCam
- DSChannels
- DSchedule
- DSCompress
- DScovered
- DScritor
- DSDaft
- DSdiag
- DSe Notepad
- DSecure
- DSettings
- DSFile2
- DSFret
- DSgf
- DSGML Thingy
- DSHobro
- DSI HBC NDS Save Backup Tool
- DSi Homebrew Channel
- DSi4DS
- Dsidl
- Dsio
- DSision2
- DsKara
- DSKash