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TowerDefense | |
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General | |
Author | wplaat |
Type | Strategy |
Version | 0.98 |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2011/03/24 |
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Source | |
Wii TowerDefense is a classic 2D action game where you must defend your base from waves of enemies.
- 2D gameboard with special graphical effects.
- WiiMote device support.
- 18 game maps.
- 6 weapon systems.
- 25 enemy types.
- Nice background music.
- Nice game sound effects.
- Game score is stored local and on internet.
If you are using the Homebrew Channel, just copy the TowerDefense directory from the archive into the apps directory on the root of your SD card.
If you are using another loader, you need the boot.dol and all maps & sprites files.
Consult the documentation for your loader of choice for the appropriate location to place these files. Launch the game using your loader.
Note: If the game crash during startup. Check if the WiFi or Ethernet network is enabled else the game will not work.
User guide
Protect your base with all kind of defense systems and kill all the waves of enemies. If ten enemies reach the base the game is over. Good luck!
It is possible to modify the map layout/images yourself. The map layout is stored in a xml file and per map a subdirectory exist with all used png map images.
PlaatSoft Wii TowerDefense - Gameplay (PlaatSoft)
Version 0.98 2011/03/24
- GUI:
- Update menu screen information.
- Improve deployment Wiimote cursor position.
- Added WarQuest intro screen.
- Core:
- Some performance tuning.
- General:
- Correct include files.
- Build game with devkitPPC r21 compiler.
Version 0.97 2010/09/13
- GUI:
- Update menu screen information.
- Core:
- Improve wave release time calculation.
- Solve random freeze problem during startup of game.
- General:
- Build game with devkitPPC r21 compiler.
Version 0.96 2010/089/11
- GUI:
- Update menu screen information.
- Core:
- Use GRRLIB 4.3.0 as graphical engine.
- libpng was updated to version 1.4.2
- libjpeg was updated to version 8b
- zlib was updated to version 1.2.5
- FreeType was updated to 2.3.12
- General:
- Maintenance release.
- Build game with devkitPPC r21 compiler.
Version 0.95 2010/03/31
- GUI:
- Update menu screen information.
- Core:
- WiiMote timeout increase from 60 to 300 seconds.
- Improve stability.
- Use libfat 1.0.7 as disk access engine.
- Use libogc 1.8.3 as Wii interface engine
- General:
- Make source code compliant with r21 compiler.
- Build game with devkitPPC r21 compiler.
Version 0.94 2010/02/05
- GUI:
- Improve video initialization.
- Overall FPS has improved 50 percent. Thanks Crayon.
- Lots of other small GUI changes.
- Core:
- Mixed the weapon fire mode a little bit more.
- Nuke is 500 dollar cheaper.
- Increase http buffer size to 10Kb.
- General:
- Added inline source code remarks in javadoc style.
- Use Doxygen (windows tool) to create HTML source code documentation.
- Use GrrLib 4.2.1 BETA library (Now native FreeType support available).
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
Version 0.93 2010/01/22
- GUI:
- Added weapon fire mode information on weapon help screen.
- Improve weapon reload delay initialisation.
- Added donate screen.
- Bugfix: Weapon fire sprites were 22 degree misaligned.
- Core:
- Introduce different weapon fire modes.
- Fire at enemy in range nearest to base (Gun / Rifle)
- Fire at enemy in range with highest energy level (Cannon / Missile)
- Fire at fastest enemy in range (Laser / Nuke)
- Rebalance weapon specifications. Mix features more.
- Optimised some draw methods for beter performance. Thanks Crayon.
- General:
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
Version 0.92 2010/01/16
- GUI:
- Added 6 animated weapons. Thanks Applicant.
- Improve enemy animated sprite frame sequence.
- Improve help and level select screens.
- Lots of other small changes.
- Core:
- Weapons now fire on strongest enemy in range.
- Increase bonus money when wave is cleared.
- Increase initial weapon power.
- Decrease weapon prices.
- Added weapon sell functionality with minus button.
- User initials are now default based on Wii nickname.
- Bugfix: Monsters can not be shooted before launch.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
Version 0.91 2010/01/09
- GUI:
- Added 25 animated enemy sprites. Thanks Applicant.
- Added game setting screen.
- Added intro screen 3.
- Improve winter theme sprites.
- Improve first help screen.
- Improve main menu screen.
- Lots of other small GUI changes.
- Core:
- Make game harder to play.
- Less start money.
- Enemy minimum / maximum speed depend on wave nr.
- Increase weapon prices.
- Increase maximum concurrent monsters in action.
- Decrease weapons effective range.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
Version 0.90 2010/01/02
- GUI:
- Improve background images.
- Remove some english typos.
- Improve first intro screen.
- Added WiiMote control help screen.
- Core:
- Improve first music track.
- Enable B button for faster building.
- Enable left and right button for faster weapon type selection.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
Version 0.80 2009/12/30
- GUI:
- Added map id column to local highscore screen.
- Improve background images.
- Remove typo (nuck->nuke).
- Added 60Hz (640×480 pixel) TV Mode support
- Improve sound setting screen.
- Optimised enemy images.
- Core:
- Adapt game parameters to make game play better.
- Increase start money depending on game level.
- Enemy walk speed is now a randomized value.
- Map id information is added to webservice call.
- Only scores above 20.000 points are send to webservice.
- Store the best 100 entries in the local highscore.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
Version 0.70 2009/12/27
- GUI:
- Added “Easy, Medium, Hard” level select screen.
- Added six medium level and six hard level maps.
- Added version information is webservice call.
- BugFix: Highscore screens now show correct amount of entries.
- Core:
- Adapted weapon specifications (Weapons are more powerfull).
- Adapted enemy specifications (enemies are less powerfull).
- Adapted six easy maps to be more easy.
- Increase enemy walk speed after each 20 waves.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
Version 0.60 2009/12/24
- GUI:
- Update credit screen.
- Improve game information panel design.
- Show price and strengh information about new weapons.
- Show detail information about selected weapon.
- Show mini enemies moving on map select screen.
- Bugfix: Map six background images are now showed correct.
- Snap weapons to 32×32 grid.
- Core:
- Increase enemy walk speed after each 25 waves.
- Only allow to build weapons on land (not bridges or road).
- Not allowed anymore to stack weapons on same place.
- BugfiX: The rumble is now working for all the four WiiMotes.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
Version 0.50 2009/12/20
- First official release for the Wii Homebrew Scene.
- Process most of the comments of the Beta testers.
- GUI:
- Improve “Game Over” screen.
- Improve game information panel on screen.
- Improve scroll bar button design.
- Improve Help text.
- Core:
- Reduced amount of enemies in one wave.
- Increase user initials for 3 to 6 digits.
- Balance sound effect volume.
- Improve weapons upgrade ranges.
- Use GRRLib v4.2.0 as graphic engine.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
Version 0.45 2009/12/18
- GUI:
- Added game map 4, 5 and 6.
- Show when weapon upgrade is not possible anymore.
- Added reload bar move weapon.
- Added remaining energy bar below the base.
- Rendering realtime grid examples on map select screen.
- Added help screen two and three.
- Added “Quit Game” screen.
- Placing weapons under the information panel is not allowed anymore.
- Added today and global Highscore screen.
- Added release notes screen.
- Added dynamic weapon placement on the gameboard
- General:
- Load map images (sprites) directly from SdCard.
- Improve objects cleanup when stopping game.
- Limit weapon upgrade levels.
- Added WiiMote rumble support when pointer is on a button.
- Improve button pointer detection area.
- Added bonus cash (score) when wave is cleared
- Added network thread:
- Fetch latest available version information from internet.
- Fetch latest release notes information from internet.
- Fetch Global and today highscore from internet.
- Added functionality to store game score on internet.
- Added Release Notes screen.
- Added Google analistics network calls.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
Version 0.40 2009/12/12
- GUI:
- Added music & effect control screen.
- Added wave launch button on game board.
- Added game information panel.
- Added functionality to upgrade power, range and rate of.
- Added Map Select menu screen.
- Added Local highscore screen.
- Added User Initials screen.
- Added Credits screen.
- Added Help screen.
- Improve main menu screen.
- Core:
- Added basic weapon fire graphic effect.
- Added event engine.
- Added nigh tracks background music.
- Added game sound effects.
- Added continues monster wave principle.
- Added functionality to load/save local highscore from/to SD card.
- Added functionality to load/save game settings from/to SD card.
- Added functionality to make screenshots (Press + button).
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
Version 0.30 2009/12/06
- GUI:
- Added third game map.
- Added water and bridge map component.
- Added very basic main menu screen.
- Core:
- Added gameOver detection
- Improve memory usage (load classes dynamicly when needed).
- Added functionality that weapons can fire.
- Added more comment to source code.
- Added state machine functionality.
- Align monster movement on grid.
- Use libogc 1.8.1 library as Wii interface engine.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
Version 0.2 2009/11/29
- Added four WiiMote controllers support.
- Added two game maps.
- Added functionality to load a map from a xml file.
- Ported my GRRLIB freeType extention to work with GRRLIB 4.1.1.
- Ported trace library from C to C++.
- Use GRRLib v4.1.1 as graphic engine.
- Use libfat v1.0.6 as disk access engine.
- Use libmxml v2.6 library as xml engine.
- Use libogc v1.8.0 library as Wii interface engine.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
Version 0.10 2009/11/21
- Started programming in C++.
- Finding free graphics for game.
- Setup basic directory structure for new project.
- Store source code in Google code SVN repository.
- Shango46, Many thanks for the nice graphics you developed.
- My family for there support during the development.
- Everybody in the Wii homebrew scene.
External links
- Author's website -
- GitHub -