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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team EX | |
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Author | holocron |
Type | Game Hacks |
Version | 1.2 |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2020/11/29 |
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team EX is a rom hack makes various changes to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team, intended to provide an improved QOL for the player and freshen the experience as a whole.
- Overhauled recruitment values.
- Secondary and fully evolved Pokémon are now easier to recruit.
- Legendaries and Kecleon have the same values as before.
- Automatic and manual party control modes thanks to Cipnit.
- Colorized TMs and scarves.
- New starter/partner abilities.
- Removed forced quicksave before most dungeons.
- Overhauled Wigglytuff’s shop. All non-legendary Friend Areas can be purchased at the beginning of the game for a fee of 1000p.
- Increased PP of certain moves.
- Several other changes (see changelog).
ROM information | |
Database match | Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team (USA, Australia) |
Database | No-Intro: Game Boy Advance (v. 20180816-092117) |
SHA-1 | 9F4CFC5B5F4859D17169A485462E977C7AAC2B89 |
CRC32 | DD0AC86C |
This patch comes in the form of an .ips file. To apply the patch you can use:
- Windows - Lunar IPS or Floating IPS.
- Linux - JIPS or lazy_ips.
- Mac - MultiPatch.
Version 1.2
- Ponyta has replaced Slugma in Fiery Field 1-5F.
- Weepinbell has replaced Gloom in Silent Chasm 5-9F (Gloom still appears in 1-4F).
- Victreebel has replaced Grovyle in Western Cave 45-49F (Grovyle still appears in 38-44F).
- Chansey now has a 5% chance to spawn in Western Cave 28-35F.
- Certain Legendaries may have been rendered unrecruitable by an unwillingness to give you their friend area.
- To remedy this, all legendary friend areas must now be purchased from Wigglytuff's postgame shop.
Version 1.1
- Added Cipnit's Complete Control hack. Control each member of your team individually by hitting L + Start.
- Changed Recruitment Values:
ShowList of recruitment values |
Version 1.0
- Starter Pokemon Changes:
- Bulbasaur family given Thick Fat ability.
- Squirtle family given Shell Armor ability.
- Charmander family given Intimidate ability.
- Meowth family given Dark type, Serene Grace ability. Meowth's Pickup replaced with Limber.
- Machop family given Vital Spirit ability. Machop evolves into Machoke at level 15, and Machoke evoles into Machamp at level 34, no Link Cable required.
- Eevee's Run Away replaced with Cute Charm.
- Psyduck family given Psychic type.
- Chikorita family given Chlorophyll ability.
- Totodile family given Rough Skin abilty.
- Cyndaquil family fiven Flash Fire ability.
- Treecko family given Shed Skin ability.
- Mudkip family given Swift Swim ability.
- Torchic family given Own Tempo ability.
- Other Pokemon Changes:
- Ratata family's Run Away replaced with Pickup.
- Doduo family's Run Away replaced with Compoundeyes.
- Ponyta family's Run Away replaced with Flame Body.
- Sentret family's Run Away replaced with Cute Charm.
- Dunsparce's Run Away replaced with Pure Power.
- Aipom's Run Away removed.
- Snubull family's Run Away replaced with Oblivious.
- Poochyena's Run Away replaced with Intimidate.
- this includes: Lapras, Magikarp, Aipom, Porygon2, Gyarados, Minun.
- Item Changes:
- Escape Orbs are now white in color.
- Reviver Seeds have a slighltly different coloration.
- Grimy Food now uses a purple Apple sprite.
- TMs are now color coded:
- Fighting and Ground TMs are reddish-brown.
- Normal and Dragon TMs are rainbow colored.
- Steel and Dark TMs are black.
- Ghost and Poison TMs are purple.
- Electric TMs are yellow.
- Psychic Tms are pink.
- Grass TMs are green.
- Water, Ice, and Flying TMs retain the standard blue.
- Fire TMs are brownish-red.
- HMs are now an orange-ish color.
- Held Items are now color coded.
- Warp, Sneak, Mobile, Trap, and Pass Scarves as well as Plain Ribbons are now white.
- Zinc, Detect, Twist, and Bounce Bands, as well as Def, and Dodge scarves are now blue.
- Persim and Pecha scarves are now purple.
- Diet Ribbon ans well as Patsy and Racket bands are now black.
- Heal and Joy Ribbons, No-Stick Cap, Weather Band and Friend Bow retain their pink color.
- Curve, Stamina, Power, and Pierce Bands as well as Tight and Munch Belts are reddish-brown.
- Special Bands are now Green.
- Gold Ribnons are now Gold.
- Move Changes (PP increased for the following moves):
- Sludge Bomb (12).
- Psychic (12).
- Ice Beam (12).
- Thunderbolt (12).
- Transform (22).
- Shadow Ball (14).
- Shadow Punch (17).
- Faint Attack (22).
- Ice Punch (17).
- Fire Punch (17).
- Quick Attack (17).
- Surf (12).
- Hydro Pump (10).
- Thunder (10).
- Fire Blast (10).
- Dragon Claw (17).
- Twister (17).
- Magical Leaf (15).
- Brick Break (15).
- Low Kick (12).
- Slash (15).
- Blaze Kick (15).
- Fly (15).
- Waterfall (14).
- Muddy Water (12).
- Friend Area Changes:
- All friend areas that can be purchased from Wigglytuff's Shop are available as soon as his shop opens. This excludes certain legendary friend areas.
- All friend areas cost a flat fee of 1000 Poke. This excludes the Aged Chambers, which are 500.
- Dungeon Changes:
- Added an unused tileset to Purity Forest.
- Pokemon in Tiny Woods can now be recruited.
- Removed forced quicksave before most dungeons.
Special thanks to Cipnit for his Complete Control Hack.
External links
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