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Pokemon Flora Sky | |
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General | |
Author | 12345 (SKY) |
Type | Game Hacks |
Version | Main + Complement Dex |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2011/08/05 |
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Pokémon Flora Sky is a GBA rom hack by 12345 based on Pokémon Emerald.
- Gen IV and V Pokemon.
- New Story.
- New Event For Legendary Pokemon.
- New Character.
- 386 Pokemon in the hack with new Sprites, 4th and 5th Sprites.
- New Moves.
- New Map.
- New Items.
- New HM.
- New Minigame.
- Day Night System, Daily Events.
- Main Legendary (In Story): Shaymin, Giratina, Dialga. After beat E4: Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquza, Mew, Arceus.
- And more.
ROM information | |
Original game | Pokémon Emerald |
File | EMERALD (US - BPEE) |
The patch is in UPS format. You can use NUPS Patcher or online tool ROM Patcher JS.
Make sure you use the right Emerald Rom Base. If you are using NUPS Patcher, choose Ignore where it says If file is invalid.
User guide
You'll come to a land with many mysteries of the legendary Pokemon. After the battle between Dialga and Palkia, the portal between Torn World - the world of Giratina and real world is opened. Giratina appears and brings many unanticapated dangers. And you must close this portal before its too late.
Meanwhile, Team Magma and Aqua are seeking the legendary Fire and Water type Pokemon to dominate their world. Together with other friends, our hero will prevent the heat of the legendary Pokemon by the actions of Team Magma and Aqua. What will help Groudon and Kyogre calm down?
Note: Back up many saves when you play any hack just in case.
Pokemon Flora Sky World Map |
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New Evoluton Methods for old Pokemon | |
Marakacchi | Cacnea max happiness day |
Cacturne | Cacnea max happiness night |
Alakazam | Kadabra Lv35 |
Machamp | Machoke Lv40 |
Golem | Graveler Lv40 |
Slowbro | Max happiness day |
Slowking | Max happiness night |
Magnezone | Magneton ThunderStone |
Togekiss | Togetic SunStone |
Chirachino | Chilarmy max happiness |
Gengar | Haunter Moon Stone |
Vileplume | Gloom Lv40 |
Steelix | Onix Lv40 |
Gliscor | Gligar max happiness night |
Mamoswine | Piloswine Lv40 |
Froslass | Snorunt max happiness night |
Glalie | Snorunt max happiness day |
Kingdra | Seadra Water Stone |
Electivire | Electabuzz Lv48 |
Magmortar | Magmar Lv 48 |
Gallade | Kirlia Sun Stone |
Porygon 2 | Prygon max happiness |
Porygon Z | Porygon 2 Sun Stone |
Dusknoir | Dusclops max happiness night |
Honchkrow | Murkrow max happiness night |
Mismagius | Misdreavus Moon Stone |
Scizor | Scyther Sun Stone |
Weavile | Sneasel Moon Stone |
Roserade | Roselia Sun Stone |
Gorebyss | Clamperl Sun Stone |
Huntail | Clamperl Water Stone |
ShayminSky | Shaymin Glacidea |
Q. After Dialga/Giratina Event at the Mystic Town (1st badge). Where should I go next?
Back to Small Town and go to Route D.
Q. How can I find the Platepics Gym Leader?
After you beat Team Magma at the Platepics Research Center, exchange the B-Ticket for a Mach Bike in Route E.
Use it and go down from the eastern of the city.
Q. Where do I get HM Cut?
It's called "Air Cutter" in this game, you'll nead 4th badge to have it. It's in Searound Underground.
Q. Where do I find Water/Fire/Thunder Stones?
Route S (you need to use Dive). Malias Library (Water Stone), Polar Forest (hidden, Water Stone), Mt. Fiery (Fire Stone, have to 4th badge), Route L (Thunderstone, after you got the Secret Potion - 5th badge)... After you beat the E4 second round, you can buy them at Froster Town.
Q. Where's Dive, Strength, Fly, Waterfall?
HM Dive is in Dark Cave. Youll need Strength, Rock Smash, and Surf. You can obtain HM Strength in Safari Zone if you got the 3rd badge.
And Fly from old woman at Pulhia City after you received the 6th badge. HM waterfall is in Water Cave.
Q. Azuril blocked my way. How can I pass? (I have 5th badge, what will I do next?)
You need 5th badge and get the Gold-Pass at Route AB. Then, go to Goden City...
(If you can use Surf, you can go many places. You can train your Pokemon or do some mini events...)
Q. Something blocked the Teaes Gym. How can I go through?
That's 7th gym. If you got 6 badges, you need an item named SCOPE to see the hidden thing there.
Mr. Scope at Ocepac Town will give you if you handle him a Pulhia Tea.
Q. How can I find the Iris - Hotasita Gym Leader?
After you beat Iris, find her in Pulhia City.
Q. I can't go through the Gloomist Forest. What will I need?
Collect Red, Yellow and Blue Shard (one in the desert and othe thers are in city or near there).
Then, go to the peak of Mt. Fullmonn and encounter Latios/Latias.
Q. Where can I find the Lawn-Mower app.?
You have to S-Machine and receive the mission 1. Then you can have it from an old man in Honey Village.
Q. Where can I find HM RockClimb?/I can't use Rock Climb, why?
After you beat E4 with higher level.
Q. Where can I find Steven?
1st-Desert; 2nd- From Golden City (rock puzzle: bottom right=>top left=>...); 3rd: In a city.
Q. How many quests and missions in this hack?
2 missions and 8 quests. You can find the black guys to receive the quest. 2 in house, 2 in cave, 2 outside town, 2 in route.
Q. How many Legendary Pokemon in this hack?
21 Legendary Pokemon: Dialga, Giratina, Arceus, Cresselia, Mew, Mewtwo, Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Ho-oh, Lugia, Celebi, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Latios, Latias, Jirachi, Deoxys, Kerudi, Victini.
Q. Where can I find the trio beast?
After you released them, you can find them in a cave near desert, a grey cave and a cave in a sea route (need rock climb).
Q. How to solve the Ancient Ruins Puzzle?
It's same as Emerald (Regi Trio Puzzle). Search google, youtube or gamefaq, if you don't know about it.
Additional notes
If you can't find the black quest man in Route Z, that's because you loaded the old save for new patch. or you used the old version.
If you can't see anything in the mist Area (Water Cave, Searound Gym, Underwater...), that's because you're using No$Gba emulator, try VBA emulator instead.
If you can't evolve my Riolu, Snorunt...(Pokemon with happiness+time method), check your Pokemon's happiness (talk to a lady in Turzoro City). And the time system (in-game clock):
- Daytime: 12:00 PM - 11:59PM.
- Night time: 12:00 AM - 11:59 AM.
Day and night function:
- Morning (green palette): 4:00AM - 5:59AM
- Day (normal): 6:00AM - 4:59PM
- Afternoon (red palette): 5:00 AP - 6:29 PM
- Evening (blue palette): 6:30 PM - 9:29 PM
- Midnight (black palette): 9:30PM - 3:59AM
Recommended settings for VBA-ReRecording SNV (as in the .ini file):
- Option > GBA Emulation > Savetype > Flash 128K.
- Option > GBA Emulation > Real Time Clock (for Daily Event and you'll need to use the save in game function).
- Option > Input > Configure Controller > Controller 1: to change the control buttons.
- Speed > Set Speed > Other > 120 (or 130).
- Option > Pixel Filter> 2x Magnification > Hq2x.
- Option > Audio > On, 44Khz.
Remember to reset the emulator.
Recommend Emulator: Vba-ReRecording SVN r314 or later.
You can also play it on gpsp or DS.
Known issues
Still have some grammar mistakes.
Some glitches while you're decorating in the secret base.
When you rematch the E4 (higher level), the vs bar only show Cynthia.
The PokeNav and some moves display wrong informations.
Bag Egg/Invisible thing in PC Box: Sometimes you will have this bug when use PC Storage. That's also a common Emerald's bug. Maybe because you used many cheat codes. You should release the invisible thing in PC box and don't check it. With Bad Egg don't try to hatch it, back up your save file and don't use any cheat are some good ways. A Bad Egg may be in Day Care if you have only one Pokemon there. Check the Day Care again. There is another way to get rid of them by use a DMA + clean Pokemon code. Search google or youtube. After that, remove all codes and save again.
The game may freeze (rarely) when you battle some Trainers in Battle Tent. If you get this problem. Reset the game and continue. (you have to save before enter the battle Tent so don't worry your save will be lost).
Save corruption - That's Emerald Rom's problem. Make sure you changed the save type to Flash 128K and check the Real Time Clock. (Delete or move any save file .SAV of the rom first). If you change Save type but don't move the old save file, you may meet this problem again.
Complement Dex Version 2011/08/05
- Update: Fixed Magmar's Shiny Palette, Uxie's stats, descrease the base stats of Darmanitan (-10 SpAtk and HP), increase the level of trainers after the Pokemon League.
Complement Dex Version 2011/04/30
- All missing Pokemon in the main version.
- All Trio Pokemon with 580 base stat and heatran will descrease to 520 (10 per stat).
- Wah (Xiros, Trevor, Zein, JAVS) - Tile Resources.
- sprites-resource - Pokemon Sprite, Tile, OW Sprite.
- - Sprite Pokemon platinum.
- pokesho - New Pokemon Sprites.
- Wesley FG - Tile Resources.
- Kyledove - Tile Resources.
- C.N.C - Tile Resources.
- 874521 - Tile, OW Sprites Resources.
- Cuddlesthefatcat- Tile Resources.
- Alucus and Calis Staff - Tile Resources.
- BoOmxBiG - Tile Resources.
- EpicDay - Tile Resources.
- incognito322- Tile Resources.
- PokemonTilesetStudio- Lavender Tower Tile.
- spaceemotion - Some HGSS Tiles.
- Scarex3wer - Tile Resources.
- PrinceLegendario- Tile Resources.
- PokemonGaia Project- Tile Resources.
- Alistair- Tile Resources.
- TyranitarDark- Tile Resources.
- Gigatom- Tile Resources.
- Newtiteuf - HGSS Tile Resources.
- Yanto-Hyato-Trainer Sprites.
- PeãoMestre~-Trainer Sprites.
- KingdomTriforce-Trainer Sprites.
- Coronis-Custom trainer Sprites.
- Ruby_Norman-Trainer Sprites.
- Wichu- Emerald Rom Base (Pokemon Sprites).
Special Thanks:
- Tool Makers - Awesome Tools.
- thethethethe -Script tutorial.
- loitraitim: Make some tiles.
- mjss123- Pokemon Sprites.
- hauporo- make some Tiles.
- Sin - Icon Pokemon.
- Godlytion- Make some Sprites.
- o0oBahamuto0o- Banner.
- cooley- Script Tutorial.
- Larsie13 - World Map tutorial.
- Epsilon - Title Screen tutorial.
- Wichu- Some useful hints.
- protocy-Beta 1 Tester, Edit Pokemon data.
- Ruka Prince- Beta 1 Tester.
- rosebunny- Final Version Tester, Correct the grammar mistakes.
- CrimsonStardust, SonicBlazePlatinum, AoS Rai Final Version Tester.
External links
- The PokéCommunity Forums - (archived)