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Pokemon Altair and Sirius | |
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Author | Pokemon Vega Team, Dr. Akimbo, kisekisifr |
Type | Game Hacks |
Version | AS + AS Minus |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2021/02/25 |
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AS + AS Minus Download | |
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Pokémon Altair and Sirius are the first entries in a series followed by Pokémon Vega and later Pokémon Procyon and Deneb, and is often seen as the prequals even though they technically came first.
They are also considered to be the "Grandfather of ROM Hacking" in the Japanese scene, where the games were only in Japanese and untranslated until somewhat recently (the original JP versions were first released around 2010 with some future updates released after).
Minus Version is a difficulty patch that balances the game to be easier and more in-line with the difficulty from the main series games (in general there are level and moveset adjustments on various important trainers). The level curve will be more similar to that of Emerald, though trainers encountered later in the game will be at a higher level closer to that of BW2. Some features include:
- Various locations in the overworld have been cleaned up/tidied.
- Traversing parts of the region will also be easier.
- Some very rare wild Pokemon have higher encounter rates in specific areas.
- Legendary Pokemon will also be easier to catch.
- Moves present in Vega have their animations back-ported to match their Vega appearances.
- Some other adjustments in general throughout the game to reduce tedium.
- Dusclops can now evolve into Dusknoir (same method as in Vega, level it up to Lv48).
- It is now possible to escape from any floor of/Fly from the top of Sky Pillar.
- The Meteoric Legendary Trio now use their battle theme from Vega.
ROM information | |
Original game | Pokémon Emerald Versoin |
File | Pokemon Emerald (v1.0) |
Patch to a clean English Emerald ROM with Lunar IPS. The Altair and Sirius IPS patches are both included, but you should choose one to play. Both games are almost identical (see version differences).
User guide
The Hoenn region, where humans and Pokémon live together with a smile...
One day, suddenly, huge meteors struck the Hoenn region - a catastrophe that befell the entirety of Hoenn. The meteors caused enormous damage to every city...
Despair had stolen the smiles from everyone's faces. However, that's not what our hero saw on arrival. Pokémon and people worked together to rebuild the cities, and the Gym Leaders reopened the Gyms to prepare for new challengers...
Encounter new Pokémon created from the meteor strikes! Fight against Team BH (Black Hole), a team with an evil plan centered around a mysterious and powerful Pokémon!
A story written with a new outlook... New Pokémon appearing one after another... Pokémon Altair and Sirius.
Detailed walkthrough (2019) by Olivia R.
Q. I heard that some Pokémon have different evolution conditions than normal. How do they evolve now?
Before + Condition | After |
Kadabra + Lv38 | Alakazam |
Graveler + Lv38 | Golem |
Machoke + Lv38 | Machamp |
Haunter + Lv38 | Gengar |
Onix + Lv30 | Steelix |
Scyther + Lv30 | Scizor |
Misdreavus + Lv37 | Mismagius |
Absol + Lv30 | Dizasol |
Girafarig + Lv30 | Folifarig |
Tentacruel + Water Stone | Tentyrant |
Electrode + Thunder Stone | Sphericoil |
Roselia + Leaf Stone | Roserade |
Budew + Happiness | Roselia |
Poliwhirl + Happiness | Politoed |
Pikachu + Happiness | Machu |
Slowpoke + Happiness | Slowking |
Feebas + Happiness | Milotic |
Ralts + Happiness | Kirgicia |
Kirlia + Lv30 when Attack and Defense are equal | Gallade |
Breed Marill or Azumarill | Azurill |
Breed Roselia or Roserade | Budew |
Breed Wobbuffet | Wynaut |
Breed Lapras | Pressie |
Breed Clefairy/Clefable while it holds the Lax Incense | Cleffa |
Q. Why isn't Dusknoir in that list?
Sorry. Development was started back when Diamond and Pearl were new and the Reaper Cloth was postgame, it was omitted.
Q. How do I get past Mauville City?
Think three-dimensionally. That is to say, go underneath.
Q. Why aren't the Ditto hiding around Fortree City listed in the Pokédex?
Ditto is just a bonus thrown in for breeding purposes.
Q. How do I catch Lylapse, Ganimede, and Nemea?
Lylapse is in the deepest part of the Abandoned Ship (Required: Surf, Dive).
Ganimede is in the deepest part of Meteor Falls (Required: Surf, Waterfall).
Nemea is in the deepest part of the Cave of Origin (Required: Strength).
Q. Where did Groudon and Kyogre go after the cutscene?
Groudon is in Terra Cave (entered through Victory Road 1F).
Kyogre is in Marine Cave (entered through Victory Road B2F).
Q. Why didn't I get the National Pokédex after entering the Hall of Fame?
The Hoenn Pokédex contains all the Pokémon available.
Q. Why does the sign next to Billy's house in Petalburg City still say "Wally's House"?
The two of them are brothers, so it's still Wally's house, after all.
Q. Where's the Pokéblock Case?
The Pokéblock Case is now a prize from the Pokémon Arena in Lilycove City.
Q. Where do I find Munchlax?
You receive it in the Pokémon Building.
Q. Why can Norman's Snorlax use Self-Destruct?
He visited the Orre region.
Q. Ampharos moves when it shouldn't. This is a bug, right?
It's a technical issue we couldn't solve. So, yes.
Q. Where do I find all the Pretty Stones?
Look absolutely everywhere. TVs can only be examined from the front.
Q. Why aren't the Legendary Trainer's Pokémon shiny anymore?
He's using different Pokémon than the ones from the Multi Battle.
He has boxes full of Pokémon from breeding for perfect IVs.
Q. Why won't the game of hide-and-seek end?
The timing for when it ends is random. Keep at it.
Q. Can Pokémon #202 change Forme?
Only through trading; Altair and Sirius can trade with each other.
Trading is the only way to complete the Pokédex, but there's no reason to do that.
Q. How do I fight Sylvia at her full strength?
Clear the Sphere Ruins and meet all of the Elite Four in Alto Mare.
If you defeat her and talk to Bianca, then something might happen...
Version differences
The version exclusive Pokémon are as follows:
Altair | Sirius |
Starly family | Pidgey family |
Liepus | Lunabitt |
Toxroach family | Rollder family |
Grimer family | Gulpin family |
Hantama | Spelven |
Absol family | Girafarig family |
Grindon family | Tyranos |
Asphere (Altair Forme) | Asphere (Sirius Forme) |
In addition, some Pokemon are more common in one version:
Altair | Sirius |
Weedle family | Caterpie family |
Glameow family | Meowth family |
Duskull family | Misdreavus family |
Some unimportant trainers switched which version-exclusive Pokémon they use.
The Pokédex entries are entirely different in each version.
Link compatibility
While the Minus Versions are link-compatible with regular Altair/Sirius Versions, the way that some Pokemon were adjusted/fixed made it so they're essentially incompatible with the regular versions. These Pokemon are: Dusknoir, Ampharos, Scizor, Asphere-Sirius.
Asphere-Altair from the Minus versions can be battled/traded with regular Altair, but not with regular Sirius. Asphere-Sirius from regular Sirius will be somewhat incompatible with both Minus versions. Depending on emulator, you might still be able to link up and battle/trade with these Pokemon.
It is recommended that you don't bring these Pokemon when linking up with regular Altair/Sirius if they are originating from a Minus version save file.
ポケットモンスター アルタイル・シリウス 紹介動画 (シカゴ)
Pokémon Altair/Sirius - Vs. Meteoric Legendary (Vega) RSE Soundfont (kisekisifr)
Known issues
Re-entering the Hall of Fame after placing the Emerald in its Sphere Ruins alcove causes it to respawn in the room it was found in and closes up the hole giving access to the later half of the ruins. This means you'll have to re-do the portion of the dungeon where you pick up and insert the Emerald to re-enter the later half of the ruins.
Viewing the Alto Mare ending also resets the items that appear in Regirock's ruins. No idea on what is causing this.
(In Minus, a clearflag command was added to a forced one-time event, giving this issue a soft fix during normal gameplay. Though whether this affects something else in the game is currently unknown.)
External links
- The PokéCommunity Forums -
- GitHub -