Pokémon: Giratina Strikes Back is a rom hack of Pokemon Ruby. Started back in 2011, it has an interesting story with the villains trying to call forth Giratina to wreak some havoc in the world.
EEVEE evolves to ESPEON and UMBREON with a SUNSTONE and MOONSTONE respectively.
All evolution stones can be purchased at the large mart in DRALLIA TOWN (where second gym is located).
Swapped eeveelutions' quick attack with their same type moves (Vaporeon now learns watergun at level 23 and quick attack at 16, etc).
All POKéMON that evolved by trade evolve by MOONSTONE now.
66 (well drawn :P) fakemon.
11 gyms.
Run indoors.
New regions.
Fancy new tiles.
Fancy new story with twists and turns along the way.
Rock smash does 60 damage now, so it isn't completely useless.
ROM information
Original game
Pokémon Ruby Version
Pokemon - Ruby Version (USA)
The patch is in IPS format, you can use Lunar IPS or Floating IPS to apply the patch.
User guide
You are a 13 year old boy/girl who's father owns a large company called EDGE Co. in the LUNOH REGION. One morning your father asks you to meet him at his office. There he asks you to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a POKéMON MASTER, because he never had the chance when he was younger. You accept and receive your very first POKéMON, an EEVEE!
And so your adventure begins! On the way you will meet many unique people, and face many challenges including the evil TEAM GENESIS who plan to release GIRATINA from the DISTORTION WORLD and use its power for world domination. Of course it's up you you to stop them, you are the protagonist after all.
Q. Where do I go from Greenburg Town? There is a man blocking a cave entrance.
First talk to the girl in the lower right house, she asks you to find her grandma.
Go into Black Forest, and there will be an area you can get to that the old lady was blocking when you first went through.
Go talk to the rock in that area.
Q. Where do I go after fighting the scientists in VALEN Co.?
Leave Winford City, Prof. Wood will call you and tell you to check out your father's office building.
Go there and go down the stairs behind the front desk.
Q. Where is Bronze Cave?
From Luwick Town, head straight to the right. Use the ACRO bike to jump across the gap in the narrow white bridge (press B and the direction you want to jump).
Q. What do I do after the event in Lunar Cave?
Head straight North into Muerton City.
Q. What do I do after I get the Muerton City badge?
After receiving the Muerton City gym badge the first gate will open to the haunted mansion.
In the basement of the haunted mansion there is a key to the second gate outside the mansion.
Q. Where do I go after defeating Giratina at Mt. Infernus?
From Route 9 head north to Cedarport City, you will need to use dive.
Q. What do I do after I get the 8th badge/how do I get to the Soloh Region?
Get waterfall from the man in the house next to the 8th gym. Use waterfall to get to Wellwood City.
Q. What do I do in Wellwood City?
The Pokéball Research Facility Director is hiding in the Pokémart.
Talk to him and he will give you access to the Pokéball Research Facility.
Q. How do I get the Passport?
You get the Passport from the last gym leader after defeating him.
Q. Where are the Ancient Key locations?
Hardai Pyramid, Victory Road (area with water), At the top of Mt. Infernus, Northsky Cave and Route 20 on an island.