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Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity - English Localization | |
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Author | Weyu, JamRules |
Type | Translations |
Version | 2 |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2022/08/23 |
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This is a full English localization patch of Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity (PSPo2I), a project that has been in development for over half a decade.
For those who aren't familiar with them, Phantasy Star Portable (PSPo) and Phantasy Star Portable 2 (PSPo2) were released on the PlayStation Portable, which were ARPGs that had MMO traits while also had a focus on single-player content.
Infinity is an upgraded version of PSPo2 which was never localized to the west, unfortunate for fans of the series, since it's considered one of the finest entries in the Phantasy Star Online/Universe/Portable lineup.
The main additions to Infinity were:
- New content:
- A whole new story mode, and the original story is also included.
- A new race you can play as with its own special power.
- More (difficult) missions, areas, new bosses, skills, abilities, and more. This includes a new mission type called Infinity Mission which has semi-randomly generated maps and the player can customize their stats to a degree.
- More power progression:
- New, and more powerful loot and more ways to improve weapons.
- A Rebirth system which allows you to reset your level to 1 while keeping some of your stats.
- Quality of life:
- You can now "lock" items to prevent accidentally selling them, and among other things, storage space has been doubled from 1000 to 2000 items.
- Rebalanced gameplay from PSPo2:
- Some weaker skills have been improved, and vice versa - two-handed swords are much faster in Infinity for example, which made them more popular this time around.
- New features:
- You can now invite your own characters as AI partners, or those of friends who have shared a snapshot of their character with you.
How to install the patch
Before applying the patch, it is advised that you back up your save data beforehand.
Game information | |
Japanese title | ファンタシースターポータブル2 インフィニティ |
English title | Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity |
ROM information | |
Serial | NPJH-50332 |
SHA256 | D8EF48D7B596708C227A46ABF0386B739AC216F64D4A12B67ACFE9F263591B5B |
What you need:
- This patch and the bundled DLC.
- A program to uncompress the patch download, such as 7-Zip.
- A Japanese copy of the ISO of the game.
- A program to apply the patch to the ISO such as xdelta UI.
- A (Windows) PC to perform the above.
Install the patch (.xdelta file):
- Download the patch and xdelta UI, unpack them.
- Run xdeltaUI.exe.
- In the "Apply Patch" tab, click Open under Patch and select the PSPo2 Infinity English v2.xdelta patch from the files you extracted.
- Similarly, for "Source File", click Open and select your Japanese ISO of the game.
- For "Output File", click the ... and choose a name and location for your soon-to-be-patched version of the game.
- Press Patch, and wait for the program to create the ISO. This may take a while depending on how powerful your PC is, so don't worry if it seems frozen and just wait.
- You will get a notification when it is finished patching, and the modded ISO will be in the folder you specified earlier in the "Output File" input field.
How to use:
- Now you can copy the modded ISO to your PSP, Vita, or smartphone, etc. which typically goes into the "ISO" folder at the root of your memory card. Create this folder if it doesn't exist.
- If you're playing on PC, you can just leave it where it is, or move the patched ISO to a games folder of your choice.
- It is also recommended to keep a copy of the original Japanese ISO for reference.
Important note about the original PSP font and PPSSPP:
- If you're playing on PPSSPP, you should know that it uses a different font than the PSP.
- This patch is designed to work with the official font, so playing on the PPSSPP font may cause typesetting issues, and at the very least it doesn't look as nice.
- You can copy the original font file directly from your PSP console.
- Google "ppsspp english font fix" if you need help with this.
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DLC and extra Infinity Missions
How to install the DLC (DLM.DAT file):
- This file includes various extra missions, mostly Tactical and Trade Missions, and new items you can find in them.
- To install, browse to \memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA\ on your storage medium (your PSP, Vita, or PPSSPP folder, etc.)
- Be aware that this file path and the one below are different.
- Putting the DLC in the wrong folder can cause issues in the game.
- Copy the entire contents of the "DLC (for SAVEDATA folder)" folder included in the DL (the content is named NPJH50332DL) into the above location. Accept any Overwrite File prompts if applicable (back up your previous data if you want to keep it).
- The missions and other content will automatically show up in the game.
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How to install the extra Infinity Missions (.EDAT files):
- These are pre-made Infinity Missions created by SEGA, and have specific special effects and potentially rare bosses in them.
- To install, browse to \memstick\PSP\GAME\.
- Copy the entire contents of the "Extra Infinity Missions (for GAME folder)" folder (the content is named NPJH50332) into the above location.
- Again, accept any Overwrite File prompts if applicable (back up your previous data if you want to keep it).
- Go to the Code Counter, choose Register Code > Register DL Mission and select the missions to be imported.
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PSPo2 to Infinity save conversion
Below is a guide to convert your PSPo2 US save file to Infinity by Anubis1101.
What you need:
- Copies of JP and US or EU versions of Phantasy Star Portable 2 on your PC.
- Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity on either your PC, PSP, or in Adrenaline.
- Open the ppsspp.ini file, located in \PPSSPP\memstick\PSP\SYSTEM\
- Make sure "EncryptSave" is set to "False".
- Make sure "SavedataUpgradeVersion" is set to "True". Save the file, but keep it open.
- Run PPSSPP, load your US/EU savegame in your US/EU version of PSP2, and then save the game.
- Open the save folder in \PPSSPP\memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA\.
- Copy the save folder - should be "ULUS10529" or "ULEU10529", check the pictures to make sure its the right one.
- Rename the copied folder to "NPJH50043".
- Run PPSSPP again, this time load up the Japanese version of PSP2.
- Load your game, and then save it.
- If you have PSP2i on your PC, You can skip to step 11! It'd be wise to do step 10-2 at some point to prevent future issues.
- If you don't, and need to import it to your PSP or PSVita, close PPSSPP.
- Pull up ppsspp.ini again, and set EncryptSave to True.
- Run PPSSPP one last time, run the Japanese PSP2, then save the game.
- Copy the "NPJH50043" folder over to your PSVita/PSP, place it in the SAVEDATA folder.
- Run PSP2i and import using the option labeled "Import Original Game Save Data."
User guide
What is included in the patch
- Localization:
- The game has undergone a complete English localization, ensuring that all in-game text has been translated. The translation accuracy was preserved to a great extent, thanks to the increased window size modification, which minimized the need for compromises. The translation team made efforts to maintain accuracy and fidelity to the original content, with minimal alterations.
- Extensive UI hacking:
- The English localization of the game required significant adjustments to the interface. Japanese text tends to be more concise, so various parts of the interface needed modification to accommodate the longer English text.
- This included resizing windows and text boxes, adjusting window placement, aligning and positioning text within menus, modifying interactive menus, programmed messages, and more. These extensive modifications were implemented to provide a seamless experience.
- Image editing to English:
- Custom images have been made for material that was in Japanese, such as title cards, tutorial images, icons, etc.
- Movie subtitling:
- The movies that appear in the game have English subtitles specially made and timed for them. This also goes for the Episode 1 content, which has the Japanese dub with subtitles added to them.
- Customized solutions:
- In the game's Infinity Mission feature, a naming system based on a place and a name in Japanese was originally used. However, it was realized that this system couldn't be easily adapted to English. As a result, the entire system was redesigned from scratch.
- A new naming system was developed, incorporating thematically appropriate terms that were also compatible with typesetting requirements. Despite the changes, the quest system associated with completing missions of this type was retained to maintain gameplay functionality.
- There is also a quiz type mission which included questions that were impossible to solve without guessing for an English-speaking audience—those have been reworked to be solvable.
- Quality Control:
- While this game does not have a particularly long story mode, it does have a ton of text in item descriptions, side-events, tutorials, etc. resulting in a massive word count total. The original PSPo2 had a lot of content to begin with, and Infinity added another large amount to it, resulting in thousands of different weapons and other items—this is a large game by any measure.
- As such, the localization project involved manual typesetting, ensuring text fit within the game, reverse engineering tech, and creating custom tools for text and media. Memory constraints and character limits posed ongoing challenges. Symbol substitution and reworking translations were employed to optimize space. Countless hours were dedicated to translation, typesetting, tech work, bug-solving, and quality assurance. The localization underwent multiple revisions and rigorous testing. Ultimately, it was a labor of love, with the hope that players will derive hours of enjoyment from the game and the patch.
Infinity Mission explanation
Infinity Mission system:
Infinity Missions can have various special effects attached to them—most of them are straightforward but a few are not, and since the game doesn't have an English manual the team have made a section to explain those.
When an entry lists an Attribute and a value, such as "Arm: Dark +50%" or "Wpn: Light +50%," this means that the drop rate of Dark Attribute armors is increased by 50%, and Light Attribute weapons is increased by 50% respectively.
"Attribute: +3%" means that all items you find will have their Attribute increased by that value if applicable.
There is also a "Drops" effect which increases the overall amount of loot you get. The Planetary Treasures system often asks for specific effects, so keep in mind the difference between the overall drop rate (e.g. "Drops: +10%") and increased drop rates for specific Attributes ("Arm: Dark +50%").
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Missions that cannot be synthesized or traded:
In the extra Infinity Missions included with the DL, there is one named "Mission: Infinity" that cannot be traded nor synthesized. That one has been marked with a × symbol in that tab.
Q. Which platforms can the patch run on?
Pretty much anything you can play PSP games on, such as: the original PSP, PS Vita, PPSSPP, etc.
To run ISOs of the game on a physical console it needs to have custom firmware though.
Q. How much does it cost?
This is a free patch made by fans of the game, for fans. We will never charge money for this, so if you see a third party offering a paid English Infinity game, it's a scam.
Download the patch from the release post to make sure you're getting the untampered copy.
Q. Can I play multiplayer with this?
The official servers provided by SEGA have been shut down for years now, but you can still play online through emulators such as PPSSPP on custom servers.
Here is a link to a guide on how to set up multiplayer on PPSSPP (here is a newer link via the wiki).
You can also play via ad hoc mode on your physical consoles. It may also be possible to play online between a console and an emulator, but that requires a more involved setup.
For the best experience, all players should be running the same patch and DLC version of the game.
Q. Why are the X and O button controls swapped around?!
This is standard for Japanese region games, but you can remap the controls in PPSSPP or download a plug-in for your console to swap them around if you prefer the western standard.
Q. How can I back up my saves?
Your saves are located at: Drive:\memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA\NPJH50332\ and you can just back up this whole folder and place it somewhere safe, and replace if necessary.
"NPJH50332SC" in the same SAVADATA folder contains the Friend Characters you've received from other players online and your own Other Characters, which you might want to back up as well.
Q. What is the free DLC?
These are missions that were distributed by SEGA during the game's active lifespan that provided extra content and online events.
SEGA still has a page up with a DL bundle of the missions, but our patch has translated versions of them included, so you don't need to go there.
Q. What is the paid DLC?
There used to be an online shop where you could purchase costumes and weapons for real money, but it has since been shut down.
This patch does not cover any of the paid DLC. Don't worry though, because you're not missing much gameplay-wise. Most of the paid DLC were collaboration items so you could run around with weapons from other media series for example, but the most powerful gear comes from the actual game and the free DLC mentioned above.
Q. I'm getting the error "Xdelta3: target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT" when trying to patch, help?
If you see the above error or something similar to it, it means you're using a different or corrupt version of the Japanese ISO. Please check the SHA256 checksum to make sure you've got the correct version.
Q. Do all of the passcodes from the original version work?
The passcodes from the original version should work, however please note that Infinity removed the passcodes for the 5 gravure posters and Moyashimon World Unit.
Q. What if I'm already using version 1 of the patch?
Your savedata should still be useable with version 2. Also, you should be able to play multiplayer with each other regardless of the version used.
If you have any of the CWCheat hotfixes applied, for example to address the IM crash, they should be turned off with version 2. Please note that version 2 of the patch should be applied to the original Japanese version of the game, not version 1 of the English patch.
As always backup your files before applying changes.
There are some extra things you can do to spruce up the game experience. For example, you can make Infinity run on 60 FPS instead of the normal 30 FPS, and there are higher resolution textures in the works by Rozalin. For news on that project, please visit the Discord server.
Here is a linkto a guide on how to use the 60 FPS hack. Alternative archived link for the guide.
If you're having any tech-related issues while using them, it is recommended reverting to the normal gameplay experience and see if the problem goes away.
There is now a new PSP2i Wiki which aims to be the #1 source for all information regarding Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity. Please check out the getting started page on the wiki below. This page will explain how to set up the english patch, downloadable content, modifications, and multiplayer. It will also explain how to set up the game in general.
It was found that from the extracted text files, not everything in the files made it into the game. For example, at least two dialogue scenes between two characters are missing, and many characters have lines for events that aren't in the game. This observation leads to the speculation that an additional chapter or act was potentially removed during development.
There are also a few lines in the files for various missions that aren't displayed, but these might be tech-related on SEGA's end.
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity English Localization Promo (artless)
Known issues
1. Untranslated lines from a Japanese save.
If you have a Japanese Title set from before this patch, it will be displayed in Japanese until you change it to a Title that is translated. Similarly, if you have a character created in the JP version of the game that has JP Auto Words or Quick Orders, they will be in Japanese until you change them to EN manually.
Old DL Infinity Missions you imported in the JP version of the game require a re-import as well to get the translated version. To get the translated DLC from the DLM.DAT, please check the installation guide.
2. Emulator save quirks / cannot save error message.
Using save states in emulators can result in your game not saving properly anymore through the in-game save function. This happens because the game has a check for the save file's date, so if you save in-game and then reload to an older save state, you won't be able to save in-game after that.
The main way to prevent this issue is to not mix and match your save types, and/or always end your game session with an in-game save.
If you are having this issue, you can fix it by deleting your current save folder while the game is running (with the character in question), which will then allow the emulator to create a new save.
Note that this will delete any other characters you may have on the save account except the current one, so back up your save data before attempting this if you don't want to risk data loss.
3. Auto Words UI overlap in the Friend Search section.
The Auto Words setup screen under the Friend Search section has some overlap with another UI element, but unfortunately there was no easy way to fix this and it's mostly a cosmetic issue. The same setup screen accessed from the Start button menu in the normal gameplay modes does not have this problem.
4. Open Mission progress wall in Story Mode.
At some points in Story Mode you're asked to run an Open Mission and if you cancel the mission you're running without finishing it, the game may not unlock the next story objective even if you finish another Open Mission.
This is reportedly fixed by running the same mission you abandoned. If that doesn't help, you can try completing various other Open Missions and see if one of them will count. Curiously, this bug seems to be an oversight in the original game programming.
5. Data Install crash.
The Data Install function from the title screen can cause the game to crash on the PPSSPP emulator, so don't use it. Everything is located on your HDD/SSD anyway instead of a spinning disc, so there should be no speed difference. For the same reason, there is no need to enable this on a real PSP/Vita either since you're running an ISO of the game.
If you have this installed already somehow, you can remove it by deleting the folder "NPJH50332GI" in your SAVEDATA folder.
6. Music loop.
While using PPSSPP, the music can start to cut out and loop if you stay in the same event window for too long. Apparently this is an issue with the emulator and also happens in the JP version of the game. This shouldn't be a problem during normal gameplay since it only occurs if you idle on the same screen for 10-20+ mins.
If you leave the game active for extended periods in an event window, the game may eventually freeze up after the music stops and you attempt to transition scenes. This will probably take hours so it won't affect normal gameplay, but we recommend pausing the game or saving and exiting if you're not playing it for a long period.
7. PPSSPP movie playback glitch.
The very first frame of a movie may appear to have some artifacts, but the rest should display properly.
8. Multi Mode crash.
If the game crashes when you select Multi Mode in PPSSPP, try toggling the Wi-Fi off and back on in settings.
9. Challenge / Infinity Mission selection crash.
If the game crashes at selecting Challenge or Infinity Missions, try redownloading & reinstalling the DLC.
10. Infinite mission loading bug in multiplayer on PPSSPP.
The kind of Infinity Mission you don't want. Some people have reported that they cannot get missions to finish loading in multiplayer and they end up stuck on the loading screen.
This mainly seems to affect Windows 7 devices, so if you're having this issue, the easiest way to solve it is to upgrade to a newer version of Windows.
11. Endless Friend Search.
Using the Friend Search mode from the title screen, the search goes on endlessly and can't be canceled. You can still exchange characters by sending your card in multiplayer mode. This may be related to the above infinite loading bug, so if you get that you will probably experience this bug as well.
12. Random freezes & crashes.
Freezes/crashes can occur if you're running different versions of the game in multiplayer, so try to use the same version for both the patch and the DLC. The above is only applicable if you somehow have differing versions of the patch and/or the DLC, or if you're mixing the JP & EN versions of the game.
This is not guaranteed to happen, but if you're having problems, the first thing to try is the above.
13. Internet-Multi Mode (orange color) Missions can't be played.
Internet-Multi Mode cannot be used as the servers have been shut down. This means that any "internet-only" missions cannot be accessed. You can still play online using PPSSPP though, or via ad hoc by using multiple PSP and/or Vita consoles.
14. (Paid) DLC issues.
DLC items need to be imported at the title screen or they will show up as "Download Item" and possibly untranslated. The paid DLC that was available at some point in their store does not fall under the scope of this project.
15. Dialogue window pointer flickering.
Some testers have noted that the pointer indicating the speaker in the dialogue window may rapidly switch between the two speakers on PPSSPP.
This is probably fixed by changing your graphical settings in the emulator. Try a different setting for "Backend" such as Direct3D 9 or OpenGL.
16. DLC data appears as "corrupt" in the Adrenaline menu.
The DLC for the game might not have an icon or appear listed as "corrupt" in Adrenaline. This is expected and nothing to worry about, as the content will work properly in the game.
If you're experiencing actual issues nevertheless, we recommend reinstalling the DLC data and making sure you follow the right folder structures.
17. Some Infinity Missions may hang when returning to Clad 6 (Fixed in v2)
Some Infinity Missions may hang when returning to Clad 6, especially in Episode 1. You may be able to tell if a mission has an issue by starting it, then using the start menu > Mission Data > Quit Mission to see if it freezes.
A CWCheat has been prepare as a "hotfix" for the problem.
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18. The status effect name "Taunt" has been used for two different effects. (Fixed in v2)
One version of Taunt should be Charm which makes enemies target the attacker. The other version should be Rage which increases your power at low health.
A list of the affected weapons and a CWCheat has been prepare as a "hotfix" for the problem.
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19. The titles for "Capable of equipping n X-rank weap." have incorrect requirement numbers. (Fixed in v2)
Each title says that the requirement is 25, the actual requirements are 25 C-rank, 20 B-Rank, 15 A-Rank, and 10 S-Rank.
20. The option for "No Blast Badge" is missing. (Fixed in v2)
For beast characters when changing Blast Badge via the Salon there are only 6 options, whereas the original game has 7. The option for "No Blast Badge" (ブラストバッジなし) is not available. This should hopefully not impact on gameplay in the majority of cases as there is little reason not to have a Blast Badge equipped.
21. Multiple Mirages/SUV units can be equipped.
In the patched version you can equip multiple Mirages/SUVs, although only one of them will activate. This does not appear to cause any notable undesirable effects or crashes.
- Freeze after leaving an Infinity Mission has been fixed.
- The “No Blast Badge” option has been restored, should you want to choose it for some reason.
- Many small translation errors, inconsistencies, and formatting issues were fixed; many item names were updated to be more consistent with official Phantasy Star games or other names within Infinity.
- Some weapon special effects were renamed to be consistent with the official PSPo2 game.
- Beast blast badge descriptions were updated to reflect their function in Infinity.
- Quiz lines in Hal's Action Shot were updated to prevent rollover.
- Monster announcements in Gurhal Heroes were rephrased for clarity.
Fan localization - Infinity Transaltion Team:
- Romhacker - JamRules.
- Translator - Weyu.
- Main Quality Ccntrol - JamRules, Weyu.
- Testing Team - Anumis1011, Fefo, suburbMage, TDS-, Valnaire, xBladeM6x.
Special thanks:
- Everyone who worked on the patch at some point.
- Everyone who helped us with something.
- Anubis1101, for creating the save conversion guide.
- SuburbMage, for creating the promotion video in this post.
- People who have been following us over the years—you know who you are.
- The creator of the "Playing online" guide.
- SEGA for creating this game.