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From GameBrew
Last Updated2009/05/10
Support Author

PSP2600 is an Atari 2600 game console emulator for PSP, which is a port of Stella v2.2 (Atari 2600 emulator that runs on multiple systems).

This port is based on the work of David Voswinkel, who was the first to port Stella to PSP.


Copy the content of the directory to ms0:/PSP/GAME/.

Put your roms files on roms sub-directory.

User guide

Load Rom files (ZIP, A26, BIN)

Put your rom file (with .zip, .bin or .a26 file extension) on your PSP Memory Stick in the roms directory, and go to Load ROM from the emulator main menu.

You can use the virtual keyboard in the file requester menu to choose the first letter of the game you search (if you have tons of games in the same folder). Use the Run key of the virtual keyboard to launch the rom.

Cheat Code (CHT)

You can use/add your own cheat codes in the cheat.txt file and then import them in the Cheat menu.

Using the Cheat menu you can search for modified bytes in RAM between current time and the last time you saved the RAM (monitoring values for example life numbers).

All cheat codes you have specified for a game can be save in a CHT file inside cht folder. For example,

# Enable, Address, Value, Comment
1,36f,3,Cheat comment

Those cheat codes would then be automatically loaded when you start the game.


  • Sound enable.
  • Active Joystick.
  • Paddle enable.
  • Paddle speed.
  • Speed limiter.
  • Skip frame.
  • Display fps.
  • Render mode.
  • Delta Y.
  • Vsync.
  • Flicker mode.
  • Swap Analog/Cursor.
  • Auto fire period.
  • Auto fire mode.
  • Display LR led.
  • Clock frequency.

Flicker mode:

On several games such as Asteroids or Missile Command, the screen flicks/the color are dark. You can use the anti-flicker mode in the Settings menu.

Key mappings

You can toggle between 3 different mappings in the emulator window (Standard, L-Trigger and R-Trigger mappings).

Not all games however can be played with the default keyboard mappings, you can write your own mapping file (KBD) to overcome the issue (follow the syntax from the sample files default.kbd in the kbd directory).

You can save/load and edit your own KBD files in Keyboard menu; and if the keyboard filename is the same as the rom file (A26) then when you load this rom file, the corresponding keyboard file will be automatically loaded.

The Save option save the KBD file in the kbd directory using the Game Name as filename. The game name is displayed on the right corner in the emulator menu.

Virtual keyboards

You can use the Danzeff On-Screen Keyboard (by Danzel and Jeff Chen) and IR keyboard for entering letters, special characters and digits.

Edit the pspirkeyb.ini file to specify your IR keyboard model, and modify eventually layout keyboard files in the keymap directory.


Atari 2600 (Standard):

Cross - Fire

Triangle - L Diff A

Circle - L Diff B

Square - R Diff A

Atari 2600 (L-Trigger):

Square - Hotkey FPS

Triangle - Hotkey Load state

Cross - Hotkey Save state

Circle - Hotkey swap joystick

Up/Down - Hotkey flicker

Left/Right - Hotkey render

Atari 2600 (R-Trigger):

Square - Escape

Triangle - Reset

Cross - Hotkey auto-fire

Circle - Select

Up/Down - Up/Down

Left - Hotkey Dec Fire

Right - Hotkey Inc Fire

Analog - Joystick

L - Reset

R - Select

All mappings:

Start+L+R - Exit and return to eloader

Select - Enter in emulator main menu

Start - Open/close the On-Screen keyboard

Main menu:

R - Reset the emulator

Triangle - Go Up directory

Cross/Circle - Valid

Square - Go Back to the emulator window

On-Screen Keyboard:

Analog - Choose one of the 9 squares

Triangle/Square/Cross/Circle - Choose one of the 4 letters of the highlighted square

IR Keyboard:

D-Pad - Cursor

Start - Tab, Ctrl-W

Select - Escape, Ctrl-Q

Triangle - Ctrl-E

Cross - Ctrl-X

Square - Ctrl-S

Circle - Ctrl-F

L - Ctrl-Z

R - Ctrl-C


Developed for Firmware 5.01-m33 and should also works for all others M33 firmwares.



  • New graphics from good friend Horeus (see
  • New Eboot music (see
  • Cheat support (but it doesn't work with all games).
  • Finally fix issue with "Home -> Exit".
  • Add documentation for settings in help menu.
  • Improve file requester with virtual keyboard to choose.
  • Sequentially rom files beginning with a given letter.
  • Text editor to write your own comments on games.
  • Display first comment line while browsing game files.
  • Add hotkey to change flicker mode.
  • Memory monitoring engine to find your own cheat code.
  • Text editor to modify the global cheat.txt file.
  • Zip rom files are now decompressed in memory (much faster).


  • A thumbnail image is now displayed in the file requester while selecting any file with the same name of a previously saved game.
  • In the emulator menu you can go directly to keyboard and settings menu using the L-Trigger key.
  • Fix IR keyboard issue with fw >= 3.80 for FAT PSP.


  • Eboot music from Observe & Control, big thanks to Gnuth.
  • Rewrite many parts of the code for speed improvements, but sadly not enough to play pitfall2+.


  • Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off useful for games such as space invaders. On given games, the auto fire can't be stopped, so an option to stop it, is available in the settings menu.
  • It uses now only PSP GU for rendering.
  • Speed improvements while using GU render modes.
  • IR keyboard support.
  • Add .a26 as valid rom extention.
  • Add several new hotkeys:
    • settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu).
    • quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu).
  • New speed limiter options in settings menu.
  • RTrigger/LTrigger keys can be used in the keyboard settings menu to navigate between Normal, LTrigger and RTrigger compose mapping.
  • Analog pad can be used in the rom file requester.
  • Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files).
  • Bug fix in the low battery watchdog.
  • Add vsync option.
  • Increase memory heap size in 3.x.


  • Never released.


  • Display and save thumbnail images for each save state.
  • New graphics.
  • Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when L or R are pressed.


  • Compatible with custom firmwares 3.x and PSP-slim.
  • Add a simple intro splash screen.
  • Support iso8859-1 fonts in print text functions (might be useful to translate psp2600 menus in german, french).
  • Bug fix in file requester.


  • New render max mode.
  • Fix GU init issue.


  • A new graphical engine with new smoother render modes. It uses now the PSP GU for rendering, it does not run faster, but it's a lot smoother. Old "soft" render modes are still available, because there are a bit faster.
  • Multiple keyboard mapping feature (Thanks to Pou-chan):
    • You can now toggle between 3 different keyboard mapping using LTrigger and RTrigger keys.


  • Bug fix in the render mode Max and x1.25.
  • New default mapping for the keyboard in order to use the analog/digital swap feature.


  • Merge the code from Stella v2.2 (replacing Stella v2.0 b1).
  • Add several Anti-Flicker modes such as:
    • Phosphor (from Stella v2.2), nice but CPU consuming.
    • Simple, very fast and suitable for black background games.
    • Average, it computes average colors between two frames.
  • Add paddle support, using Left / Right keys or analog Pad.
  • Fix the sound speed/accuracy (For a better quality, set the PSP clock to 333Mhz in the settings menu).
  • Bug fix in Rom file requester.
    • PSP hangs when the rom list was big and already sorted.
  • Remove Gelon's name from graphics stuff (as requested).
  • Add Aenea as the author of the first PSP port (apologies for this mistake).


  • Intial release.


Stella: A multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator.

  • Bradford Mott (original version).
  • Aenea (first PSP port version).
  • David Voswinkel (maintainer PSP port version).

PSP2600: Another PSP version.

  • Ludovic Jacomme alias Zx-81 (developer).
  • Thanks to Horeus for the icons and gfx, to the Stella team for the emulator, and to all PSPSDK developers.
  • Special thanks to Poem58 and all Atari2600's fans for their help and support.

External links
