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Motus Advance GBA

From GameBrew
Motus Advance
AuthorFrançois Pessaux
Last Updated2004/11/29

Motus Advance is a thinking game based on logic and vocabulary.

This was submitted to the GBADEV.ORG 2004Mbit Development Competition.

User guide

How to play

The aim is to guess, with at most 6 tries, a 6 letters word randomly chosen amongst a reference dictionary. Currently, three languages are available in the game: French, English (Great Britain and not US, that can lead to slight variations, especially on "z" and "s") and Italian.

In order to guess the hidden word, you will have to provide suggestions. Once a proposition is provided, the game will compare it against the hidden word, then will feedback you some clues. The word you will have proposed will turned coloured letter by letter according to the following colour code:

  • Red letter - This letter does not exist in the hidden word.
  • Green letter - This letter exists in the hidden word and is at the right place.
  • Blue letter - This letter exists in the hidden word but is not at the right place.

A game is ended either :

  • When you successfully found the hidden word in less than 7 propositions. In this case you won.
  • If after 6 propositions you did not find it. In this case you lose. However, you still will know which word was hidden.
  • If you surrender via the pause menu and in this case you will also lose.

At the end of each game, you current stats will be displayed.


At each beginning of a round, an option menu allows you to:

  • Start a round using current settings.
  • Allow/disallow submiting words that do not exist in the dictionary.
  • Enable/disable time limit.
  • Save the current stats.
  • Reset current stats.


D-Pad - Move cursor

A/B - Select/Clear letter

Select - Submit the input word

Start - Pause menu


motusadvance3.png motusadvance4.png

Online emulator

Start Game

Can use gamepad or customise in the control settings.
Game Boy Advance Keyboard
C-a.png Kb-z.png
C-b.png Kb-x.png
C-start.png Kb-enter.png
C-select.png Kb-v.png
C-l.png Kb-q.png
C-r.png Kb-e.png
C-pad.png Kb-dpad.png


Tests and debug have been done both on physical console and VisualboyAdvance emulator.


Version 1.1 2004/11/29

  • Sound effects added.
  • Italian language added.

Version 1.0 2004/10/07

  • First official release.


  • Motus Advance has been completely written in C, with the genius DevKit Advance under Linux and under Microsoft Windows.
  • Graphics have been designed thanks to the excellent Gimp.
  • BMP images BMP conversion to the binary format suitable for the Gameboy has been performed with a self-made tool in Objective Caml.
  • Sound samples conversion has been done with Wav2raw written by Sylvain Rochette.

Thanks to the entire free software community thanks to which this game was able to see the light of day. It is also for this reason that it is freely distributable.

This version of the game is a modified port of the version that was previously developed on Ipaq . The internal dictionary representation engine comes originally from my Mérimé spell checker developed a few years ago. The first version was in C, then a higher performance redesign was later developed in OCaml.

The Italian dictionary as well as the translation of the messages were kindly provided by Francesco Stano. It is thus thanks to him that this language is now available in the game.

Also thanks to my wife who was kind enough to be a tester and help improving the game.

External links
