Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Title | Description | Version | Author(s) | Updated |
Batterycheck | Remake of an old PC platformer. | 0.3.4 ALPHA | Archerite | 2021/05/25 |
Danbo | A simple demo that display a Danbo image. | 1.0 | Danbo | 2020/11/16 |
Sar | 3D demo. | 1 | Sam carmichael | 2019/10/18 |
CityDemo | Randomly generated track in a neon city | 1.0 | Owen | 2019/05/10 |
Newo Sky | Procedurally generated Demo / ScreenSaver / Illustration / Walking Simulator. | 1.1 | Owen | 2017/10/22 |
Jet Set Wiily | A remake of Jet Set Willy (JSW) for the Wii. | 2017 | Bootlegger | 2017/07/05 |
Nwancat | Nyan cat for the Wii. | 1.0 | Romano58 | 2016/11/12 |
Amju Rainbow Drop | 3D game designed to be played on the Wii using the Wii Fit balance board (unfinished). | 2016 | Amju | 2015/07/05 |
TwoPointFive | A Wolfenstein style seemingly 3D first person maze. | 1.3 | ThatOtherPerson | 2013/08/19 |
Three Point O | A 3D voxel demo. | 1.4 | ThatOtherPerson | 2013/08/19 |
Newo Tokyo | Demo / ScreenSaver / Illustration. | 1 | Owen | 2013/08/10 |
Headtracking | Basic headtracking demo, based on Johnny Chung Lee YouTube video. | 1.0 | PaulWagener | 2013/02/09 |
Starfield | A demonstration of a particle effect with source. | 1.1 | Owen | 2012/07/04 |
Box2D Balls | A demo of the Box2D physics engine. | 1.1 | 0xtob | 2012/01/28 |
Neo Tanks | 3D demo showing two armies of tanks at war. | 0.2 | ThatOtherPerson | 2012/01/28 |
Rumbler | A simple application that turns on and off the rumbling of a Wiimote. | Penultimate | RTM | 2011/02/05 |
Sintro | A little intro. | 1.0 | Romano58 | 2010/09/30 |
Inkpoly | Screensaver | 1.01 | Dashxdr | 2010/09/25 |
Fire by Dashxdr | SDL plasma fire tutorial. | 1.01 | Dashxdr | 2010/09/24 |
Timeless | Screensaver | 1.00 | Dashxdr | 2010/09/13 |
Da ShAmAn | An amiga old skool inspired demo (uses GRRLIB) + simple 3D. | 1.0 | Da ShAmAn | 2009/10/23 |
Firewii | Fire simulation Demo (using GRRLIB 4.1). | 1.0 | Jespa | 2009/08/20 |
bfi | Brainf*ck interpreter. | 0.0.1 | anarkavre | 2009/07/03 |
Headtracking2 | 2nd half of head tracking demo with floating 3d targets. | 1.0 | Michael | 2009/05/27 |
SteadyHand | Cursor guiding game. | 1.0 | Durda Dan | 2009/02/26 |
Wiimote LED Flasher | Flashes wiimote LEDs in sequence | 0.1b | mdm2k | 2008/09/21 |
Map Maker | Generates cool-looking terrain you can edit on-the-fly with the Wiimote | 0.1 | Jesse Dubay (adb) | 2008/09/15 |
Chrysler | The Wii port of an Amiga demo. | 1.0 | Fit and Bandwagon | 2008/08/04 |
Hex Pistols | The Wii port of an Amiga demo. | 0.1 | Fit | 2008/08/04 |
Jenny Thinks | The Wii port of a GP32 demo. | 1.01 | Fit and Bandwagon | 2008/08/04 |
One Day Miracle | The Wii port of a Linux demo. | final | Fit | 2008/08/04 |
Stercus Accidit | The Wii port of an Amiga demo. | 0.1 | Fit | 2008/08/04 |
Drawing Box | Another demo using Box2D. | 1.0b2 | Bool | 2008/07/25 |
Planet Hively | HVL Musicdisk | 0.1 | IRIS and Up Rough | 2008/07/05 |
Wiilight | Example controlling disc slot light (simple fading effect using PWM) | 0.1 | Bool | 2008/07/02 |
GuitarDemo | Basic Les Paul Controller Demonstration | 1.0 | Navarr | 2008/06/21 |
WiiRayTracer | Simple implementation of a raytracer using the raw framebuffer and the guVector functions. | 1.0 | TheBlasphemer | 2008/06/09 |
WiiMotionDemo | Demo to read Wiimote Accelerometers. Uses GRRLIB. | 1.5 | shdwcoder | 2008/06/08 |
ExistenzE | First Wii oldschool Demo (using GRRLIB 1.6.5). | Final | NoNameNo | 2008/05/07 |
Asteroids | A work in progress Asteroids clone. | 2.2 | Andy Sommerville | 2008/04/15 |
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Showing 1 to 40 of 40 entries