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HAM Tutorial Hearts GBA

From GameBrew
HAM Tutorial Hearts
AuthorAaron Rogers
Last Updated2002/10/21

A Hearts game made with HAM.

It was released for the Hearts Compo.

User guide

The popular version of the rules of Hearts can be found at


  • The player with the 2 of Clubs leads first.
  • The Queen of Spades cannot be played on the first trick.
  • Hearts cannot be played on the first trick unless the player has no other suit.
  • If a players wins all of the Hearts and the Queen of Spades, known as 'Shooting The Moon,' that player will get no points and all of the other players will get 26.
  • A game is over when one of the players gets 100 points. The player with the least amount of points wins.
  • When passing cards, they are not always passed to the left. Instead, they are first passed left, then right, then across and finally no cards are passed. This cycle continues every deal.


In game:

A - (Un)Selects a card to play (or pass)

Left/Right - Move the pointer left or right

Start - Finalize passing or receiving

Select - Reset the game

Scoring screens:

A/Start - Move on to the next screen


hamheartsgba2.png hamheartsgba3.png

hamheartsgba5.png hamheartsgba6.png

Online emulator

Start Game

Can use gamepad or customise in the control settings.
Game Boy Advance Keyboard
C-a.png Kb-z.png
C-b.png Kb-x.png
C-start.png Kb-enter.png
C-select.png Kb-v.png
C-l.png Kb-q.png
C-r.png Kb-e.png
C-pad.png Kb-dpad.png


Version 3.4 2003/01/17

  • Bug Fix: Hopefully the AI cannot play the Queen of Spades (ever) or a Heart on the first trick (unless the AI has only Hearts).
  • Increased the wait time after 4 cards have been played. This will help beginners. I will make an option later so that the user can change it.

Version 3.3 2002/11/05

  • Bug Fix: Just noticed that the AI could play the Queen of Spades on the first trick. Doh!
  • Also noticed that the way I setup the deck before it was shuffled was flawed. Luckily, it still worked fine.

Version 3.2 2002/11/04

  • Bug Fix: The big card pointer wasn't in the right place or wasn't updated properly all of the time.
  • Bug Fix: In certain cases an AI player would play a Heart on the first trick when they shouldn't have been able to.

Version 3.1 2002/11/03

  • Score screen: Much prettier now!
  • Added a new bigger card graphic that is used to help you see which card the pointer is currently on. Press 'B' to turn it on or off. This is only a temporary solution until I can figure a way to get easier to read cards.
  • Added an orange outline to point cards (all of the Hearts and the Queen of Spades) played so far in the trick.

Version 3.0 2002/11/02

  • License Information: HAM Tutorial Hearts is now copyrighted and has been released under the GPL. See README.txt for more information.

Version 2.9 2002/11/01

  • Options Menu: Implemented now. Sound and music don't actually work yet and there is no skill level 3, but hey, it's getting there.
  • This version wasn't officially released.

Version 2.8 2002/10/31

  • Main Menu: Completely redone. I think it looks nice now. The bottom two choices are still not implemented.
  • Feature: When an AI player leads, if Player1 has the suit lead, and their current pointer is not on that suit, it will get moved there.
  • Speaking of the pointer, I made the grey color much lighter. This helps make the card more readable.

Version 2.7 2002/10/27

  • Added a couple of new sprites:
    • Pass Left, Pass Right, Pass Across (during the 'pass three cards' phase).
    • Go! (when a player has the 2 of Clubs).
  • Bug Fix: Really stupid bug that happened when you unselected any card except the last one during the 'pass three cards' phase. It would not pass the right three cards.
  • Bug Fix: There was one more situation where the winner was incorrect.

Version 2.6 2002/10/26

  • Bug Fix : Not sure when I broke this again, but the randomness was gone again.

Version 2.5 2002/10/25

  • The intro screens now fade in and out thanks to code donated by Peter Sch.
  • Started changing how I load graphics and making the ones I have look nicer.

Version 2.4 2002/10/24

  • Bug Fix: Graphic bug the computer's card would flash in it's card pile before moving to the trick.
  • Main Menu: Added crappy smiley faces so you know which item you are selecting. I will have to implement the other two choices on the menu soon.

Version 2.3 2002/10/24 Added Main Menu not functional yet though. Bug Fix : Fixed randomness to be much more random. Tweaked the AI when selecting 3 cards to pass (the AI is getting pretty good now).

Version 2.2 2002/10/23

  • Bug Fix: When someone wins, the computer gives the correct player credit.

Version 2.1 2002/10/22

  • Bug Fix: Finally implemented the better AI.

Version 2.0 2002/10/22

  • Bug Fix: Scores now reset at the end of a game.
  • Still working on AI. Almost there...

Version 1.4 2002/10/21

  • Final version submitted to the competition.

Version 1.1,1.2,1.3 2002/10/21

  • Various bugs fixed.

Version 1.0 2002/10/21

  • Initial version submitted to the competition.


External links
