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EarthKnight | |
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Author | Saidan |
Type | Action |
Version | 0.5a |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2005/04/09 |
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EarthKnight is a gauntlet-like game with completely random maps and enemy/item placement. So essentially, no two games will ever be the same.
It was part of the PDRoms Coding Competition #3 (Category 2, 2nd place).
User guide
Each stage is divided into missions, with a mission goal being given to you at the start of each.
Each mission is divided into levels which you must clear to reach the final mission goal.
To clear a level, you must collect 3 items (in any order):
- The Scanner - Allows you to see Teleporter, as it's invisible before you find it.
- The Battery - Powers the Teleporter.
- The Tracker - Feeds the correct co-ordinates to the Teleporter.
There are a few different weapons lying around which you can pick up (you can only carry one). Also you can find extra Bombs and other items (health, Xtras, gems, gold, etc).
On the final level in a mission, you'll find the goal object, this must be completed before you can use the teleporter.
A - Fire the current weapon
B - Bomb (damages everything on the screen)
Start - Pauses
Known issues
There are some graphics glitches, and a major bug that can, on occasion, crash the game on level entry.
Also there has been very little optimization done, so it can get quite slow at times on hardware.
- Added some sounds.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the boss to turn up in the last few levels.
- Added a help screen.
- Added a TEMP mission complete screen.
- Added Game Over Screen.
- Added the Plasma Item graphic.
- Added Xtra Life gfx.
- Reduced the number of exploding touch-plates.
- Added a few more level objects.
- Fixed a bug with the boss stage repeating itself.
- Added a rough main menu.
- Added Pause screen and consolefever screen.
- Moved the player to the middle of the screen.
- Added all Stage 1 mission types and briefings.
- Added Stage 1 Boss intro and Stage Outro...
- Fixed Boss DP sprite priority.
- Did a bodge job boss stage.
- Added random items to the boss level.
- Added some temp cutscenes.
- Players sprite is now above the objects.
- Also fixed Item and Enemy sprite orders.
- Did all the splash screens for Level 1-Final and Mission 1-Final.
- Boss' now take damage from bombs.
- Added all stage 1 mission items.
- Set the starting animation frame of items to be random.
- Added Dying for the player (Still no end of game though).
- Added mission screens.
- Added support for mission briefings.
- Added and implemented mission goals.
- Did a couple of graphics for mission goal items.
- Added player damage for barrels blown up by missiles.
- Added Weapon and ammo displays to the HUD (+ All required art).
- Lab and Office objects are now complete.
- Fixed a random crash caused by sprite priority.
- Moved all missiles to top sprite prority.
- (Maybe) Fixed Mapgens Incompletable maps.
- Added Player bombs.
- Implemented Boss DP animation.
- Boss' can now be damaged and destroyed.
- Added a bit of inaccuracy with the SMG and minigun.
- Added proper random enemy creation.
- Kind of implemented enemy rate-of-fire.
- Added a couple more graphics to the lab objects.
- Did the main graphics for the 1st boss.
- Fixed the Exploding and Non-Attacking enemies.
- Added the Plasma gun.
- Changed enemy missiles to red, and now they look like the missile they should.
- Finished the 1st four map graphics.
- Fixed a map fading bug.
- Did the Title screen.
- Added some soldier graphics.
- Added boss movement.
- Implemented Basic Boss attacks.
- Started to Add Bosses.
- Boss main sprite routines, including animation.
- Collition between player and boss. and between boss and missile.
- Added map fading function.
- Added teleporters and the ability to go to the next level.
- Added level screens.
- Fixed Incorrect weapons.
- Fixed Item problems.
- Fixed fade-out on TIME_KEY splash screens.
- Finally, I think I've fixed the dissapearing and 'stuck' sprite problem.
- Made the players collission detect box a bit smaller (For missiles).
- Added a period of invunerablility for a moment after being hurt (And blinking animation).
- Players weapons now do different amounts of damage to enemies.
- Player gets points for killing enemies.
- Added proper random item creation.
- Rearanged the main game loop to accomodate missions and stages etc.
- Started scripting the Mission briefing screens.
- Started on mission generation.
- Added the intro code (No graphics yet).
- Moved SplashScreen code into its own C file.
- Did more work on map graphics.
- Did some work on the RUINS map generator.
- Fixed the sprites coming over the GUI and Splash Screen problem.
- You can pick up items now (And they function).
- Guns now run out of ammo.
- Implemented the GUI. Shows Health,Points and Lives.
- Player is now hit and damaged by missiles (Doesn't die yet though).
- Exploding touch plates hurt too.
- Enemies take damage from exploding barrels and being close to touch-plate explosions.
- Fixed the random sprites that stay 'stuck' to the screen after they have been deleted (maybe).
- Scripted the entire plotline.
- Added Splash Screen capabilitys (Still buggy though).
- Did a lot of Item art.
- Made enemies spawn at least 5 cells away from players starting pos.
- Did the graphics for 5 enemies, and 4 weapon items.
- Fixed the enemies that dont have sprites for all 4 dirs.
- Fixed the enemy firing accuracy.
- Made it so enemies with the AI_STAND order face the player at all times.
External links
- PDRoms - (archived)