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Die Critters Die | |
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Author | the_darkside_986 |
Type | Other Games |
Version | 0.5 |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2007/03/31 |
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Die, Critters, Die! is a small homebrew game inspired by a Windows game engine included in the book "Teach Yourself Game Programming in 24 hrs." by Michael Morrison, but instead of C++, the game engine is written in C to avoid the overhead of STL classes and the standard C++ library.
It is like Frogger but you control the car in this game. You can easily modify the game be editing the configuration file.
Go into the "1.0" folder and copy the DieCrittersDiePSP folder into your /PSP/GAME/ folder on the PSP.
User guide
The configuration file is "config.txt" and it must have that name and be in the same folder as the EBOOT.PBP.
By looking at the file, you can see how animals and hazards spawn, how the background image and speed is set, and much more. You can change these things and add more things that spawn if you understand the simple syntax.
You can even do a total conversion of the game and replace everything with your own stuff.
Note: increasing the "chance" variable of a spawn rate will make it rarer while setting it to 1 will make it spawn constantly.
Analog/D-Pad - Move the car
Start - Start the game, Pause/Resume, Restart the game
Circle - Play a horn sound
- The game is now very moddable by editing the config.txt file.
- The graphics have been slightly improved, except for the car, which looks worse now.
- The gameplay area and size of the road is bigger, making better use of the PSP screen.
- Some other stuff I can't remember.