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From GameBrew
Last Updated2025/03/08

BlocksDS SDK is an SDK for Nintendo DS. It's built on the hard work of many talented individuals. Here are its goals:

  • Create a user-friendly NDS software development kit based on GCC, with minimal dependencies.
  • Encourage developers to tinker and enhance the SDK by providing them with its complete source code. It also demonstrates how straightforward it is to build the entire codebase. The only exception is the tolchain, which can be tricky to build. To simplify things, we use Wonderful Toolchains instead of asking users to build it themselves.
  • Strive to maintain compatibility with existing C projects. Ideally, replacing the makefile with one from BlocksDS should be sufficient to build any project that utilizes libnds.

This project is currently in beta stage, and most features are working. Please, check the libc port documentation for more information about the supported libc functions.

If you want to port a project built with devkitPro, follow this guide for instructions.

For detailed information about the design of BlocksDS, check this other document.

For licensing information, check this.



  • libnds:
    • Add a helper to convert UTF-16LE text (like the firmware player name and message) to UTF-8.
    • Modify assert() on the ARM7 to send the information to the ARM9 instead of displaying it on the no$gba console.
    • Added swiIntrWaitAUX() for the ARM7.
    • The Doxygen documentation of interrupt functions has been fixed.
    • The documentation of the firmware personal data has been improved with a warning saying that the struct may not be initialized right af the beginning of main() on the ARM9.
    • Always use fake_heap_start and fake_heap_end in sbrk().
    • Some assertions in the timer functions were missing checks for values lower than zero, this has been fixed.
    • All instances of sassert() in common ARM7 and ARM9 code have been replaced by assert().
  • DSWifi:
    • Add player name information to beacon packets, and add it to the Wifi_AccessPoint struct so that clients can see it. This name can be replaced by any string defined by the developer if required.
    • Add way to get the RSSI of the AP we're connected to. It can be done by calling Wifi_GetData(WIFIGETDATA_RSSI)@snowshoe
    • Always include ASSOCSTATUS_STRINGS array in builds. It used to be removed in builds without sgIP.
    • Some minor documentation fixes.
  • grit:
    • Update documentation (command line interface and changelog).
    • Let the build system define the version string compiled in the binary.
  • SDK:
    • Examples:
      • In DSWifi examples, print multiplayer access points in color red when they aren't accepting new connections. Also, display the player name provided by the beacon frames.
      • There's a new test to verify that sbrk() works correctly in both the ARM7 and ARM9.
      • Update the asserts example to show that asserts that happen in the ARM7 are sent to the ARM9 and displayed on the screen.
    • Documentation:
      • Document flag used for "twl" sections in ndstool and the linkerscripts.
    • Other:
      • Remove duplicated __end__ entries in ARM7 linkerscript files.
      • The fake heap pointers are now setup on the ARM7, not only the ARM9.
      • The fake heap limit setup has been documented.
      • The R4RF DLDI driver included in the SDK has been updated.
      • Update CMake build system to link the debug version of libnds in debug builds.


  • libnds:
    • videoGL now tracks the number of textures using a palettes correctly. Previously, palettes would be deleted even when there were textures using them. @sillysagiri
    • scanf() has been fixed so that it doesn't record modifier keys on the output string.
    • Fix readFirmware() and writeFirmware() on the ARM9. They would silently fail when the source or destination buffer wasn't in main RAM (for example, when the buffer was in the stack in DTCM) because the ARM7 can't access other memory regions. Now, the functions will allocate temporary buffers to transfer data between the ARM7 and ARM9. Also, now they use a mutex so that they are thread-safe.
    • FatFs has been updated to version R0.15ap1.
    • The values used by ledBlink() have been documented as an enum.
    • There's a new define for the WiFi hardware in REG_POWERCNT.
    • There are new definitions for GRF files to specify background types.
    • consoleVprintf() is now exposed on the ARM7.
    • In the GRF struct there used to be a byte of padding in the struct that wasn't documented. It has now been explicitly documented as padding.
    • A helper has been added to check if a buffer is inside of main RAM.
    • Some unused internal FIFO command names have been removed.
  • DSWifi:
    • Local multiplayer support has been added (NiFi). One DS acts as a multiplayer host (Access Point) and the other consoles connect to it.
    • The old operation mode has been renamed "Internet mode". It is possible to switch between Internet and local multiplayer modes depending on the needs of the application.
    • Scan mode now works differently. In Internet mode it shows all Access Points. In local multiplayer mode it only lists multiplayer hosts, in Internet mode the behaviour remains unchanged.
    • CMD/REPLY packet transmit support has been added to the library. This is a way to transfer data between a host and many clients more efficiently. However, regular data packets can still be sent between multiplayer clients and the host if the CMD/REPLY system isn't adequate for the application.
    • Beacon packet transmission is now properly supported and documented. The packets advertise the number of players currently connected to a host DS and whether the host accepts new connections or not. It also shows the game ID defined by the user, which is used to identify the right AP for a game.
    • When connecting to an Access Point, DSWifi is now honest about the transfer rates supported by the DS. If the AP rejects the connection, it will retry with all the rates defined in the IEEE 802.11b standard (even though only the first 2 out of the 4 are supported), which helps the AP accept the DS.
    • Many new multiplayer-related functions have been added to the library.
    • New documentation has been added, which explains how the library works internally, and how to use DSWifi in Internet and local multiplayer mode.
    • Huge refactor of ARM7 code and the corresponding ARM9 code that communicates with the ARM7. sgIP has been largely untouched. The code has been split into several files, and there is now a clearer split between sgIP and the rest of DSWifi.
    • The helper functions to read the firmware and to set the LED blink status have been removed. Now DSWifi calls the libnds functions instead.
    • Functions have been documented, IEEE 802.11 frame formats have been documented.
    • There are new defines for hardware registers based on GBATEK, and new defines for the fields in the hardware registers that are in used. The melonDS forums have a lot of information (by @Arisotura) that has also been used as source when documenting register fields (like W_RXFILTER and W_RXFILTER2).
    • Debug messages have been added to the ARM7 code of the library. They are only available in debug builds.
    • WEP password usage has been documented. It wasn't clear how to use Hex/ASCII passwords.
    • Some unused fields of the WifiData struct have been removed.
    • Private definitions have been removed from public headers.
  • grit:
    • Update GRF export code to use the new background type definitions proposed by @Garhoogin in ptexconv.
  • SDK
    • Examples:
      • New DSWifi examples have been added, including local multiplayer examples that show how to send CMD/REPLY packets and regular data frames of arbitrary sizes.
      • The WEP password input in the AP list example has been improved. The output of the example has also been improved.
      • The "get website" example now uses socket-related functions the way DSWifi expects them (closesocket() instead of close()).
      • The templates and examples now use the new LED defines.
    • Documentation:
      • The documentation of DSWifi now explains how to use the Internet and local multiplayer modes, as well as how the library works internally.
      • The licensing requirements of some libraries (picolibc, libstdc++) has been clarified by @asiekierka.
    • Other:
      • New debug ARM7 cores have been added. They use the debug versions of libnds and DSWifi.
      • The CMake build system now uses a linker group for the standard libraries to prevent linking errors due to circular dependencies. Also, banner title formation has been improved.


  • libnds:
    • Use custom version of swiSoftReset() instead of instruction swi #0 to prevent crashes on DSi mode, where swi #0 isn't implemented.
    • swi*() functions that don't actually use swi instructions (because of bugs in the implementation in the BIOS) have been documented.
    • nitroFSInit() now sets errno correctly if there is no NitroFS filesystem in the ROM.
    • The DSi mode checks of soundExtSetFrequencyTWL() have been moved out of twl sections so that this function can be safely called even in DS mode (even if it doesn't have any effect).
    • Calling irqSet(flags, NULL) or irqSetAUX(flags, NULL) is now safe. Previously, this would cause NULL to be used as interrupt handler instead of disabling the interrupt handler as expected.
    • The type IntFn has been deprecated in favour of VoidFn. Even the interrupts.h header didn't use IntFn, it was only used internally in interrupts.c.
  • SDK:
    • Docker:
      • The Docker images are now built in a GitHub Actions pipeline in the SDK repository instead of locally in the computers of the developers.
    • Examples:
      • In the LibXM7 example that uses NitroFS, set pointer to NULL when it stops being used so that the program keeps track of whether songs are playing or not. This fixes a crash when trying to start a song after stopping a song.
    • Documentation:
      • Document the release process for new BlocksDS versions.
      • Document the existence minimal ARM7 core.
      • Remove references to scripts related to the release process used before using GitHub Actions.
      • Add link to ndslib-archive repository so that it can be used as reference to understand old NDS homebrew source code.
      • Clarify how to build examples in the setup instructions.
    • Other:
      • Use the right system header in dldipatch to fix a compiler warning.
      • PAlib is now available as a pacman package: blocksds-palib


  • libnds:
    • Fix compilation error due to incorrect names of slot-2 rumble functions.
    • Add debug assertions to check that cothread_yield_irq() is never called with interrupts disabled (when IME is 0).
    • Small optimization in cothread_yield_irq() wait loop on the ARM9.
    • Add helper constants for swiUnpackBits().
    • Implement getBatteryLevel() on the ARM7 to mirror the ARM9 implementation.
    • Add function to check if FatFs cache has been initialized or not.
    • Fix code to read official cartridges from the ARM7. The previous code wasn't able to read data when the destination was in the stack (DTCM isn't visible by the ARM7).
    • Add error checks on the ARM7 to crash if DLDI is used before being setup.
    • Fix undefined C behaviour with some left shifts.
    • Add missing system include to ARM7 console header.
  • SDK:
    • ARM7:
      • Restructure default ARM7 code to allow for multiple built-in ARM7 cores. Add ARM7ELF to the default makefiles to easily select the ARM7 core. Thanks, @GalaxyShard.
    • Documentation:
      • Document the new pre-built ARM7 cores.
    • Examples:
      • Use the new pre-built ARM7 core in LibXM7 examples instead of custom ARM7 cores.
      • Update the BIOS bit unpack example to use the new constants introduced to libnds.
    • Other:
      • In the makefiles of DSWiFi, LibXM7 and Maxmod use ar from the ARM toolchain rather than the host to build the library.
      • Improve scripts to release new SDK versions.


  • libnds:
    • Fixed a bug where some assembly functions would be removed by the linker. This happened when a function is supposed to fall through the following one, but it is in a different section. If this other section isn't referenced anywhere, the linker would remove it.
    • A new system to send formatted text messages from the ARM7 to the ARM9 has been implemented. This works by using a ring buffer in main RAM that is allocated from the ARM9, so the user can adjust its size easily. This is still being tested and it may change.
  • SDK:
    • Docker:
      • Install BlocksDS from pacman packages instead of building it from source. This will make it easier to install other third-party packages. It won't be needed to build them from source and install them, you will be able to simply install the package. The slim image only has the blocksds-toolchain package, the dev image has all the blocksds-* packages.
    • Documentation:
      • Update setup instructions.
    • Examples:
      • New example of how to use the ARM7 console to print text on the screen.



If you're updating your previous BlocksDS installation with wf-pacman, run this command twice instead of once:

wf-pacman -Syu

This is required because of the new repository that contains the BlocksDS pacman packages.


  • libnds:
    • An exception handler has been added to the ARM7. This one is a lot less useful than the ARM9 one because it's only called on undefined instructions and internal libnds errors.
    • Add dldiRelocate(), which allows relocating a DLDI driver to a different memory address.
    • Fix DLDI memory pointers not being relocated for non-BSS/noinit areas.
    • Update FatFs to R0.15a.
    • glColorSubTableEXT() now supports allocating empty palettes by passing a NULL pointer in the table argument. This is a small compatibility break because this used to free the palette. However, the old behaviour stays as long as width is 0. In most cases, table would be NULL and width would be 0, so this change is only a problem in unusual cases.
    • Disable MPU safely before calling the exit-to-loader ARM9 hook in case the hook doesn't do it properly.
  • maxmod:
    • Remove non-standard .struct directives.
  • SDK:
    • picolibc:
      • Add asnprintf() and vasnprintf(), matching newlib.
      • Fix memory leak in asprintf() and vasprintf().
  • ndstool:
    • Add a default icon for new .nds files, preventing the generation of invalid banners.
    • Add support for extracting static .nds icons as .bmp files.
    • Allow specifying -bt without a language ID.
    • Fix the -n (latency) argument being a no-op, add corresponding -n1 argument.
    • Fix the -fh (fix header CRC) command not working with TWL-enhanced .nds files.
  • Docker:
    • curl has been added to both the development and slim images.
    • Add new BlocksDS pacman repository during setup.
  • pacman:
    • The pacman server of BlocksDS is now independent from Wonderful Toolchain.
      • The repository with the package build files is now in the BlocksDS GitHub organization in this URL:
      • BlocksDS still uses Wonderful Toolchain as source for the compiler and the standard C and C++ libraries. It will keep using wf-pacman for the forseeable future as well.
      • Special thanks to asie for all his help.
      • Updating old installations requires the user to run the following commands:

        wf-pacman -Sy wf-pacman
        wf-pacman -Syu
        wf-pacman -Syu
    • New libraries are now available as pacman packages (µLibrary, libwoopsi, dsmi) as well as the tool ptexconv.
    • The GitHub pipeline of the SDK repository has been removed and added to the packages repository.
  • Documentation:
    • Update documentation with the instructions to use the new pacman repository.
    • Some outdated licensing information has been updated.
    • The docs generation script has been split into a script that generates it and a script that pushes the built documentation to the repository.
    • The updating guide has been updated for versions between 1.3.0 and 1.7.0.
  • Examples:
    • New example of gesture recognition using the $N Multistroke Recognizer.
    • New example of how to use CMake to build a project with BlocksDS.
    • Update the exception handler example to also support triggering ARM7 exceptions.
  • Other:
    • BlocksDS now has a dedicated URL ( which means that it doesn't rely on GitHub URLs anymore. This main page redirects to the documentation, GitHub organization, and a NDS homebrew development manual.
    • A new prototype CMake build system has been added to the repository.
    • CC makefile variables have been renamed to HOSTCC when they refer to building host tools. This will make it possible to overwrite the host toolchain without also overwriting the ARM toolchain.
    • Use standard C types and fix includes in mkfatimg.
    • bin2c now has an option (--noext) that lets it export files excluding the extension from the name, the way some very old homebrew projects expect it.
    • Some sample defines have been added to the makefiles of the templates to clarify its syntax.


  • libnds:
    • Add compile-time warnings about unused result values to various library methods.
    • Ensure nitroFSInit() checks for successful FAT initialization.
    • Protect the alternate vector base region (0x0000000 onwards) from writing and, if said base is not explicitly enabled, reading. This allows catching null pointer accesses at runtime as data aborts.
  • SDK:
    • crt0:
      • Fix thread-local storage not being initialized properly during global constructor initialization.
      • Fix thread-local storage not being initialized at all on ARM7.
    • picolibc:
      • Add memset_explicit().
      • Improve wctype compatibility.
      • Update ctype case conversion table to Unicode 15.1.0 .
    • Other:
      • Add regression test for setVectorBase().
      • Modify templates to use toolchain gcc-ar over host ar for packaging libraries; this ensures correct operation on systems without binutils installed, as well as when building libraries with link-time optimized objects.
      • Update ARM assembly code to always use UAL syntax.
      • Update official Docker image to Ubuntu 24.04.


  • libnds:
    • Filesystem:
      • Fixed a bug involving incorrect reads of recently written sectors.
  • SDK:
    • Changes to examples:
      • Clean the 8-bit double-buffered bitmap example.
    • Other:
      • Improve FAQ and updating guide.


  • libnds:
    • Filesystem:
      • This version was supposed to include a fix for a bug involving incorrect reads of recently written sectors, but the submodule wasn't updated correctly so the fix was left out.


  • libnds:
    • Peripherals:
      • Add support for the "retail" (ATTiny-based) Motion Pack accelerometer to the DS Motion Card/Pak driver.
      • Clean up the DS Motion Card/Pak driver.
      • Fix the DS Motion Card driver not working on DSi consoles.
      • Fix the solar sensor not being detected on Boktai 1 cartridges.
      • Fix peripheralSlot2SolarScanFast() not working correctly.
    • GL2D:
      • Fix off-by-one errors when drawing textures with GL2D when the textures aren't flipped.
      • Reorganize GL2D setup code to reduce code duplication.
    • Other:
      • Fix return types and improve performance of integer square root helpers.
      • In initSystem(), fix video register clearing ranges and remove redundant VRAM configuration.
      • The GRF "HDR" RIFF chunk has been deprecated and it has been replaced by a new chunk called "HDRX", which is exactly the same, but it includes a version field so that it is future-proof.
      • Fix some issues that prevented LLVM from building the library. Add missing arguments to UDF instructions in the codebase. Add some explicit casts. Use inttypes.h definitions in printf() instead of explicit size modifiers.
      • Fix undefined behaviour warnings due to left shifts of signed integers.
  • grit:
    • Update GRF export code to match the new format used by libnds.
  • ndstool:
    • Use git describe output as version string instead of a hardcoded outdated version number.
  • SDK:
    • crt0 and linker script files:
      • It is now possible to place DTCM variables and data at the end of DTCM instead of the beginning. This means the stack can grow downwards without affecting the variables at the beginning of DTCM. This is done by setting the value of the new symbol __dtcm_data_size to a non-zero value. The linker will helpfully point out if the data area is too small for a given program.
      • The user-configurable symbol __shared_wram_size has been added.
      • Assertions have been added to check that the user-defined sizes produce a valid executable.
      • Support for .noinit sections has been added.
      • Missing copyright notices have been added to linker scripts.
      • Minor cleanups and adjustments have been done to the crt0 code.
    • picolibc:
      • Add implementation of <uchar.h>.
      • Improve powf() accuracy.
    • Documentation:
      • Provide information about the build process of .nds files.
      • Add a FAQ to the documentation.
      • Add IRC channels to the support channels page.
      • Add notes about what to do after installing BlocksDS.
      • Credit all known contributors to all repositories of BlocksDS.
    • Examples:
      • Add NDS Motion card example.
      • Add example of scaling and rotating GL2D sprites.
      • Add inttypes.h include in some examples that require it after picolibc changes.


  • libnds:
    • Exception handling:
      • Add trivial crash handler to inform the user of unrecoverable error conditions, such as stack corruptions with stack smash protection enabled.
      • Add trivial release exception handler to inform the user of data aborts and other exception conditions even in release builds. This is enabled by default; this implementation omits stack and register dumps, making the .nds size increase negligible.
      • Tweak default exception handler to use a darker red for the background.
    • Filesystem:
      • Fix using Slot-2 direct access on .nds files over 32 MB. In particular, this fixes accessing large NitroFS filesystems under NO$GBA.
    • GRF loader:
      • Improve performance by using fast memcpy() over swiCopy().
      • Rework loader to only read requested chunks from the filesystem, as opposed to reading all chunks and filtering them at a later stage.
    • Sound:
      • Add functions to play PSG, noise and sound samples on specific channels.
      • Add soundCaptureStart and soundCaptureStop high-level helpers for the sound capture functionality.
    • Other:
      • Add additional error checks to NitroFS and GRF functions.
      • Add unused result warnings to functions which can cause memory leaks if their result is not deallocated.
      • Document high-level DSi camera functions.
      • Fix console 'K' ANSI escape code not clearing characters on the line.
      • Fix includes for the latest picolibc commits.
  • SDK:
    • New examples:
      • Add ANSI escape code tests.
      • Add sound capture example.
    • Changes to examples:
      • Add .MOD files to LibXM7 examples.
      • Add missing fclose() error checks.
      • Adjust examples using GRF files to showcase the loader's built-in asset decompression functionality.
      • Clean up camera and LibXM7 examples.
    • picolibc:
      • Add support for C11 Annex K functions (_s-suffixed functions).
      • Deprecate BSD-specific <sys/tree.h>.
      • Fix handling NaN in scanf() and strtod().
      • Fix return values for glob().
      • Fix the FD_ZERO() macro.
      • Initial support for POSIX.1-2024 in header files.
      • Other minor header file cleanups.
      • Replace <_ansi.h> with <sys/cdefs.h>.
    • Other:
      • Fix support for placing the Maxmod soundbank file in the NitroFS file system.
      • Make the SD card root directory configurable in default Makefile templates.
      • Remove Teak LLVM from the -slim Docker image. Most people don't need this toolchain, as it is in a highly experimental and unmaintained state; in addition, removing it from the image does not prevent people from installing it on top, but significantly reduces the download size for everyone else.
      • Remove usage of __DATE__ in teaktool.


  • libnds:
    • Console:
      • Fix 'D' ANSI escape code, which was broken in version 1.3.1.
      • Document console struct fields. Some of them are only meant to be used by libnds, which has been documented.
      • The size of some fields in the console struct has been reduced, and the fields have been reordered to reduce padding in the struct. Some fields were unused, and they have been removed.
      • Now it's possible to specify the 16-color palette to be used when loading custom fonts with their own palette.
      • fontCharOffset now works, which means that it is possible to specify that a font should be loaded after another font, so that two fonts can use the same tile block and save VRAM.
      • In order to be able to specify the palette and the fontCharOffset, a new function has been created: consoleInitEx().
      • Mark the defaultConsole struct as const. It is needed to keep that data untouched because the user may initialize the default console several times in a program, and it's important to be able to return to the right initial state.
      • Some variables have been made private.
      • When a character outside of the character set of the font is printed, a space is now printed instead. Previously, it printed tiles outside of the font, which could result in garbage being printed on the screen.
      • New functions have been added to control the console without using awkward ANSI escape sequences: consoleSetCursor()consoleGetCursor()consoleAddToCursor() and consoleSetColor().
    • Keyboard:
      • Make custom keyboards work. This seems to have never worked because libnds overwrote the custom keyboard struct with the default keyboard struct.
      • Keyboard struct fields have been refactored. Some field sizes are now smaller, some fields are now const. The order has been changed to reduce padding between fields and save even more RAM.
      • Ensure that the keyboard is always initialized to the right state with keyboardShow(). This lets you make a keyboard start in uppercase or lowercase state depending on your preferences.
      • Prevent keyboard functions from hanging if no keyboard is actually visible.
    • Other:
      • Fix crash when calling peripheralSlot2InitDefault() in a DSi retail unit. This didn't happen in DS, or in debugger DSi units.
      • Add helper to tell the GPU to apply fog to the clear buffer.
      • Flush RAM before copying console graphics to VRAM.
      • Implement assert() in the ARM9 and ARM7. In the ARM9 it works like sassert(), in the ARM7 it prints a no$gba debug message.
      • Clarify some comments about decompression routines of the BIOS.
      • Stop using ANSI escape sequences everywhere. Use direct console API functions instead, which are more self-explanatory.
      • The functions sysGetCartOwner() and sysGetCardOwner() have been added to be able to check the CPU owner of the Slot-1 and Slot-2 buses.
      • Add documentation to some functions without it, and fix some Doxygen comments.
  • DSWiFi:
    • Stop generating dswifi_version.h as part of the build process.
    • Some warnings have been fixed.
  • LibXM7:
    • Fix a crash when unloading MOD files.
  • ndstool:
    • Fix NitroFS filesystem corruption when no banner is generated.
  • grit:
    • Fix libplum build error with LLVM.
  • mmutil:
    • Fix some incorrect types.
  • SDK:
    • New examples:
      • Using fog in a 3D scene.
      • Sorting 3D translucent objects based on their distance to the camera and drawing them in the correct order.
      • How to use Maxmod song events.
      • How to stream a WAV file from the filesystem using Maxmod.
      • How to use the sound API of libnds to play PSG, noise and PCM audio.
      • How to use custom keyboards with libnds.
    • Changes to examples:
      • The basic Maxmod example now also shows how to play sound effects.
      • The example that loads custom fonts with the libnds console has been improved to load 2 fonts with custom 16-color graphics on one screen and one font with 256-color graphics on the other one.
      • Examples and test now don't use ANSI escape sequences. This makes the code a lot harder to understand.
    • Other:
      • Add page to the documentation about how to debug programs with libnds.
      • dlditool: Use stdbool.h instead of a custom boolean type.
      • Doxygen comments have been reorganized in all repositories so that they are uniform across all the codebase.
      • All Doxyfiles have been updated.


  • libnds:
    • Added memory barriers to libnds functions which remap user-accessible memory.
    • consolePrintChar() has been exposed in the public API. Coupled with internal refactors, this allows using the built-in console without pulling in printf/scanf as a dependency.
    • Fixed function parameters and improved parameters for BIOS RSA functions.
    • Fixed potential memory corruption when micStopRecording() was called twice.
    • Fixed regression in new touchscreen driver on CDC (TWL).
    • Improved documentation for the BIOS CRC-16 calculation function.
    • Minor optimizations to videoGL and console code.
  • SDK:
    • New examples:
      • Added a 3D billboard drawing example.
      • Added a 3D spot lights example.
      • Added a 3D two-pass rendering example.
      • Added a BIOS bit unpacking example.
      • Added a BIOS CRC-16 calculation example.
      • Added a BIOS RSA decruption example.
      • Added a microphone recording example.
      • Added a Maxmod audio modes example.
      • Added a Maxmod reverb example.
      • Fixed a regression in the exception handler example.
    • picolibc:
      • The bundled version of picolibc has been updated.
      • Added an implementation of posix_memalign().
      • Added support for %a and %A formats in scanf().
      • Fixed freopen() not resetting the unget buffer.
      • Fixed hexadecimal string conversion in strtod()strtof() and strtold().
      • Fixed lgammal() corrupting the application-defined signgam value.
      • Fixed potential issue when calling fclose() more than once.
      • Fixed printf() rounding issues for %a and %f formats.
      • General header cleanups have been performed.
    • Other:
      • Expanded the touch input test to allow sampling input on initial pen press only, as opposed to every frame while the pen is touching the display.


  • libnds:
    • New touchscreen driver:
      • The touchscreen driver has been rewritten from the ground up.
      • A new routine for filtering measurements is now used for both TSC (NTR) and CDC (TWL) touch inputs. This should provide more accurate results, particularly on more worn down displays and screen protectors. More testing is required, however.
      • On TSC (NTR), tscMeasure() now uses the 16-clock-per-conversion method to speed up measurement readouts.
      • The duration of the critical (interrupt-blocking) section of the touch driver has been reduced, and the TSC (NTR) driver has had its performance optimized on top of that compared to 1.2.0 and below.
      • On the ARM7 side, touchApplyCalibration and touchReadData have been added to allow more granular access to the touchscreen driver's logic.
      • As these commands were only intended for TSC (NTR), touchRead and touchReadTemperature were moved to a new header, tsc.h, and renamed to tscRead and tscReadTemperature respectively.
    • Interrupt handling:
      • The interrupt dispatcher has been optimized to use O(1) as opposed to O(n) lookups. This is always faster on ARM9, and faster for more than 2-3 defined IRQ handlers on ARM7, which is the common scenario.
      • Fixed a bug where irqClearAUX() would disable the non-auxillary interrupt of the same bit mask on ARM7.
      • Fixed behaviour in setting and clearing of multiple interrupt handlers at a time (bit masks with more than one bit set). Now, setting multiple bits at once with irqSet() or irqClear() acts the same as setting one bit at a time.
    • Memory usage:
      • ITCM use has been reduced by about 320-380 bytes, depending on your codebase's use of libnds.
      • DTCM use has been reduced by 192 bytes - the size of the reserved section at the end of memory is now 64 bytes by default and can be controlled with the __dtcm_reserved_size linker


      • ARM7 IWRAM use has been reduced by 192 bytes - the size of the reserved section at the end of memory is now 64 bytes by default and can be controlled with the __iwram_reserved_size linker symbol.
      • The size of the supervisor and IRQ stack can now be controlled by defining the __svc_stack_size and __irq_stack_size linker symbols.
    • Graphics:
      • A new function has been added to set the object mode (regular, bitmap, window, blended): oamSetBlendMode().
      • A new function has been added to get a SpriteSize entry from the size of a sprite in pixels: oamDimensionsToSize(). Also, SpriteSize_Invalid has been introduced to represent dimensions that aren't valid 2D sprite sizes.
      • New definitions have been added for the bit fields of the BLDALPHA and BLDY registers.
      • The following functions now return error codes: glBindTexture()glAssignColorTable()glGetColorTableParameterEXT(), and glTexParameter(), making it easier to handle errors gracefully when using them.
      • There has been a big refactor in videoGL to handle allocation errors gracefully (or at least crash with an assertion if the code can't recover from the error).
    • Code refactoring:
      • RTC_CRRTC_CR8 and HALT_CR have been renamed to REG_RTCCNTREG_RTCCNT8 and REG_HALTCNT, respectively.
      • GL2D now uses existing videoGL.h helpers instead of reimplementing its own copies.
      • Many fields and functions have been documented, including firmware flash commands, DLDI driver structures.
      • Missing DMA_START constants have been added.
      • The constants used in tscReadTemperature have been documented.
      • SerialWaitBusy has been renamed to spiWaitBusy.
      • oamSetGfx() has been moved away from the header to fix C++ builds.
    • Other:
      • ARM7 SPI bus helper functions have been added: spiExchangespiRead and spiWrite.
      • consoleLoadFont() has been cleaned up. Note that the convertSingleColor option has been removed, as 1bpp fonts are now supported.
      • Decompression of Huffman-compressed data has been implemented. To faciliate this, decompressStreamStruct() has been added.
      • Decompression utility functions are now available in both the ARM9 and ARM7 build of libnds.
      • glCallList() and cardStartTransfer() now use the safe helper function dmaSetParams().
      • wf-fatfs has been updated, bringing minor performance improvements to directory lookups.
      • The magic numbers used to represent MPU memory regions have been replaced by definitions.
      • A missing include has been added to grf.h.
  • SDK:
    • New examples:
      • Added an 8-bit bitmap background loading example.
      • Added an example of combining 3D, 2D sprite, and 2D background display.
      • Added an example of loading sprites of all graphics types from GRF files.
      • Added an example of loading bitmap sprites.
      • Added an example of loading and using affine sprites.
      • Added examples of using regular windows and windows using objects as mask.
      • Added examples of using extended palettes for sprites and backgrounds.
      • Added an example of using a text console in an extended affine background.
      • Added an example of using the mosaic effect in sprites and backgrounds.
      • Added an example of animating 2D sprites by updating frames in real time or by pre-loading all frames to VRAM from the start.
      • Added an example of using 2D alpha blending and fade effects.
      • Added a BIOS decompression example.
      • Added a NitroFS paletted texture loading example.
      • Added a touch input test, and two examples.
      • Added an example of creating graphics effects using the horizontal blanking interrupt.
      • Added a sample minigame based on Space Invaders.
    • Changes to examples:
      • OAM memory and textures is now freed in all examples that allocate them. While this isn't needed in examples as short as ours, it's good practice to show developers how to free resources when they aren't needed anymore.
      • The names of the ROMs and the titles and subtitles in the ROM header have been modified to make them consistent across all examples.
      • Background IDs returned by bgInit() are now used instead of hardcoded layer numbers.
      • videoSetMode() is no longer used to enable sprites or to set sprite mapping modes, that should be done by the libnds sprite API.
      • Tilemaps are now explicitly excluded from grit generation in all the grit files that are used to convert sprites.
    • grit:
      • Fixed reading data from assembly files as input.
      • Fixed uninitialized memory use when loading a picture with an odd width.
    • picolibc:
      • The bundled version of picolibc has been updated.
      • Added an implementation of funopen.
      • Added bounds checking to asctime_r and ctime_r.
      • Added implementations of fgetpos and fsetpos.
      • Added stub implementations for POSIX unlocked file functions.
      • Fixed fgetwc and fputwc not setting the file stream to wide orientation.
      • Fixed regex.h not being usable when compiling C++ code.
    • Other:
      • Fixed NitroFS generation in the combined ARM7+ARM9 ROM template.
      • The BlocksDS SDK now depends on the wf-nnpack package, which provides standalone, command-line compressors for the decompression methods supported by the console's BIOS.
      • The code style of libteak and DSWiFi has been changed using clang-format to improve readability.
      • The documentation has been updated with additional notes about migrating from older and current versions of devkitARM, covering further potential issues.
      • The Teak LLVM toolchain is no longer mentioned in the Windows setup instructions, as it is not available there.


  • libnds:
    • videoGL:
      • Add glGetColorTablePointer() (returns pointer in VRAM to the palette of a texture).
      • Add glGetTextureExtPointer() (returns pointer in VRAM to the additional texture data of GL_COMPRESSED textures).
      • Fix allocation of GL_COMPRESSED textures when VRAM_A is not allocated to the 3D engine.
      • Fix crash in glTexImage2D() with no active texture.
      • Fix error checking in glColorTableEXT() and glTexImage2D().
      • General code cleanup and improvements.
      • Minor optimization to loading GL_RGB textures using glTexImage2D(). Note that using this format is not recommended; see documentation for additional details.
      • glTexImage2D() now fails correctly when invalid sizes are used.
      • Some minor comment improvements.
    • GL2D:
      • Improve error checking when loading textures.
      • Modify sprite sets to use uint16_t arrays for texture coordinates.
    • Add hw_sqrtf() - a hardware-accelerated alternative to sqrtf().
    • Small optimizations to functions that use the hardware accelerators of division and square root.
    • Add support for detecting stack smash canaries.
      • As a result, the debug versions of libnds are now built with the stack protector enabled.
    • Add support for printing standard output to the debug console if the on-display console is not initialized.
    • Change SOUND_FREQ (ARM7) and TIMER_FREQ to always return the correct frequency value, rounded to the nearest achievable one.
      • This has been found in user research to be the most intuitive default; if you'd like alternate options, please let us know.
    • Fix swiSwitchToGBAMode().
    • Improve documentation of RTC structs.
  • SDK:
    • Add error code checks to 3D engine examples.
    • Add GL2D spriteset and tileset examples.
    • Add new tool: squeezer (by @huxingyi), used for generating packed textures for GL2D sprite sets. It has been forked to easily export formats used by GL2D instead of generic formats.
    • Add tests for hw_sqrtf().
    • Avoid using GL_RGB and TEXTURE_SIZE_n defines in 3D engine examples.
    • Fix VRAM bank setup in "text over 3D" example.
    • Improve timer example.
    • Add a test for the videoGL functions that allocate textures and palettes.


  • libnds:
    • Add keyboardExit() function to deinitialize keyboard structures.
    • Add realpath() implementation.
    • Adjust keyboardInit() to only link the default keyboard if no custom keyboard is being used.
    • Fix getcwd() result when called in the root NitroFS directory.
    • Fix Slot-1 card reads not being aligned to 512 bytes.
    • Minor allocation/string handling bugfixes.
    • Fix some memory allocation issues found by GCC 14.
  • SDK:
    • Add examples (paletted textures, rotation backgrounds, 16-bit backgrounds, sprites in sub screen, FAT file attributes, GL2D usage).
    • Add tests for realpath().
    • Fix warnings found by GCC 14 in examples.


  • libnds:
    • Fix C++ builds (there was a missing cast from enum to int, and the Makefile
    • was using the wrong program to link binaries).
    • Optimize some videoGL functions (compile them as ARM instead of Thumb to
    • take advantage of the faster multiplication instructions).
    • Fix bug in readdir().
    • Implement __retarget_lock_*() family of functions to allow libc functions
    • to work in a multithreaded environment.
    • Make glCallList() take a void pointer instead of u32.
    • Add checks to NWRAM functions to see if MBK1-MBK5 are writable.
    • Don't remap NWRAM-A when starting the DSP (only B and C are needed).
    • Fix swiUnpackBits().
    • Fix some casts to respect "const".
    • Fix some warnings.
    • Improve some documentation comments.
    • Deprecate typedef fp (the name is too short!) and PUnpackStruct.
    • Add missing files to the Doxygen documentation.
  • SDK:
    • Add examples (3D object picking, 3D toon shading, building 3D display lists,
    • 3D volumetric shadows, compressed textures, orthogonal projections, using
    • console windows with the default console API).
    • Improve C++ test to prevent regressions like during the last few versions.
    • Document memory map of the DS.
    • Add note about the Makefiles of BlocksDS not supporting paths outside of the
    • root folder of the project (thanks, @lifehackerhansol).
    • Fix linking C++ projects in default makefiles.
  • maxmod:
    • Fix return type of mmEffectCancel() in ARM9 code.


  • libnds:
    • The GRF loading functions have been modified to be actually useful. In some cases it wasn't possible to infer the size of some data chunks of the file (it was impossible to calculate the size of a tileset, for example). The new functions break compatibility with the old ones, but this change was required.
    • Added glTexSizeToEnum() to convert sizes in pixels to GL_TEX_SIZE_ENUM values. Also, the funciton glTexImage2D() now accepts sizes in pixels as well as GL_TEX_SIZE_ENUM values.
    • Added a function to return the default drive (sd: in the case of DSi, fat: in the case of a DS).
    • FatFs has been moved to an external repository (wf-fatfs) which is included in libnds as a submodule. The documentation of FatFs has been removed from this repository.
    • Added some missing 3D polygon attribute definitions.
    • Fixed the return type of swiSHA1Verify().
    • The fatfs.h header has been removed, it is redundant.
  • SDK:
    • Refactor documentation.
      • It now uses Hugo, and it is available as a static website.
      • Some old sections have been updated.
      • The documentation of all libraries has been integrated with the documentation of BlocksDS so that everything is linked.
      • Document how to use Slot-2 flashcards with BlocksDS applications.
      • Reword devkitARM porting guide.
      • A doxygen theme has been applied to the documentation of all the libraries used by BlocksDS.
    • Add lots of examples:
      • 3D and 2D graphics.
      • DSWifi.
      • How to use multiple DSP binaries in the same application
      • General NitroFS usage in an application (such as loading music for LibXM7 or graphics to be used as 2D backgrounds or sprites).
      • DSi SHA1 functions.
      • Hardware timers.
      • Video capture (render to texture, dual screen 3D, save screenshot as PNG).
      • More text console examples.
    • Small change to makefiles that modifies the destination folder of build artifacts.
  • LibXM7:
    • It now uses timer 0 instead of timer 1, so that Maxmod and LibXM7 use the same timer and it's easier to switch libraries.
    • The documentation has been improved.
  • DSWifi:
    • WEP modes have been documented.
    • The prototypes of some functions have been cleaned up.
    • The documentation has been improved.
  • Maxmod:
    • The return type of mmEffectCancel() has been fixed.
    • Some definitions have been turned into enums.
    • inline functions in headers have been turned into static inline.


  • libnds:
    • Breaking change: Refactor input handling in the ARM9. In order to fix a race condition where the touch screen state could be updated between calls to scanKeys() and touchRead() it has become mandatory to call scanKeys() before touchRead(), keyboardGetChar(), keyboardUpdate() and the deprecated touchReadXY(). Most programs are already doing this, but this may break a small number of programs that don't do it.
    • Implemented isHwDebugger(), which returns 1 if the console running the code is a hardware debugger, regardless of the DS model and CPU state. This is meant to replace swiIsDebugger(), which only works if the cache is disabled, and only in DS models (not DSi). The documentation of swiIsDebugger() has been updated to mention its limitations.
    • Fix Slot-2 tilt API introduced in version 0.11.0, which hadn't been tested on hardware. The old peripheralSlot2TiltUpdate() has been replaced by peripheralSlot2TiltStart() and peripheralSlot2TiltRead().
    • Implemented utime() and utimes() for changing file modification dates.
    • Implemented scandir(), alphasort() and versionsort(),
    • Fixed statvfs() and fstatvfs() on NitroFS paths and files.
    • Added stubs for getwd() and get_current_dir_name().
    • Added stubs for getuid(), getgid(), etc.
    • Add helpers to load GRF files generated by grit.
    • Reintroduce logic to read Slot-1 cartridges with card commands from the ARM7 to save CPU cycles on the ARM9.
    • The value of the RAM size field in REG_SCFG_EXT in the ARM9 is now set to 16 MB or 32 MB instead of being fixed to 32 MB even in retail DSi units.
    • Some CP15 defines have been fixed.
    • Simplify logic in ARM7 input handler.
    • Generate default font from a PNG at build time instead of doing it from a preconverted BIN file to make it easier to replace it in the future.
  • grit:
    • Added the -D argument, specifying the destination folder for non-shared data as a counterpart to -O.
    • Fixed a situation in which the first color in an image's palette would be used as transparent if the user-provided color (with -gT) was not present in the image.
    • Breaking change: Fixed GRF file output to properly follow the RIFF chunk format. It will also export new information in the file header, like using special magic values to specify the formats A3I5, A5I3 and TEX4x4, and specifying the number of colors contained in the palette (for 16-bit
    • textures it's 0). In order for the new information to fit in the header, some fields have been increased in size.
    • Fixed palette size calculation for DS textures.
    • Improvements to error messages.
  • libxm7:
    • Make types XM7_XMModuleHeader_Type and XM7_MODModuleHeader_Type private. Developers consider their MOD/XM files as a typeless blob of data, they shouldn't need to cast it to anything, the library should do it itself.
    • The structs that define the MOD and XM formats have been made private, as well as some definitions internal to the player.
    • Some defines have been turned into enums, which will help developers and IDEs identify what to use in which functions.
    • The documentation has been updated.
  • Tests:
    • Add test to read DSi SCFG registers to see which DSi features are available with the loader that has been used to launch the application.
    • Add test to display all configured MPU regions.


  • libnds:
    • Dot and dot-dot entries are now properly emitted in readdir(). In line with common software expectations, they mirror standard FAT filesystem behaviour, that is are present for all subdirectories. For NitroFS, these entries are emulated accordingly.
    • The d_ino field in readdir() output is now correctly populated, to match stat() and fstat().
    • Added nitroFSOpenById() and nitroFSFopenById() functions, allowing opening files directly without paying the cost of a directory lookup.
    • Accordingly, NitroFS file systems which contain a FAT table but no FNT table can now be opened.
    • Optimized glMaterialShinyness().
  • SDK:
    • The default Makefiles have been simplified and now use compiler-provided .specs files. In turn, a few additional features have been added:
      • Support for picolibc's compiler define-based selection of the printf and scanf implementations.
      • The __BLOCKSDS__ define, which can be used to detect a BlocksDS environment during building.
    • Fixed camera initialization with the default ARM7 binary.
  • grit:
    • Added the -ftB argument, which outputs files with .img, .map, .meta, .pal extensions, as opposed to .img.bin, .map.bin, .meta.bin and .pal.bin.


  • libnds:
    • Added helpers to control microphone power independently from recording. This can be used for scenarios in which the DSP is tasked from recording microphone input.
    • Added helpers and definitions for the DSi GPIO registers.
    • Added function to detect availability of NWRAM.
    • Fixed atexit() handlers not being called during a normal main() return.
    • Fixed TSC configuration for enabling 47 kHz input/output in DSi mode.
    • Improved error handling in Teak DSP code execution helpers.
    • The Teak DSP is now powered off before loading a DSP binary.
  • dswifi:
    • Reduced memory usage, especially while Wi-Fi is not initialized.
  • ndstool:
    • Breaking: Instead of providing alternate-language banner text using -bt5 "Text", the form -bt 5 "Text" is now required.
    • Added support for providing mutliple root directories for building NitroFS images. All specified root directories are combined to create the root of the file system.
    • Fixed -w treating other options as file masks.
    • Improved argument handling.
  • SDK:
    • Updated compiler flags:
      • The superfluous -mtune=arm7tdmi has been removed from ARM7 Makefiles.
      • -march=armv5te -mtune=arm946e-s has been replaced with -mcpu=arm946e-s+nofp in ARM9 Makefiles.
      • -Wl,--use-blx has been added to ARM9 linker flags. This allows the use of the BLX opcode for linking ARM/Thumb code in place of trampolines, slightly improving final executable size and performance.


  • libnds:
    • Fixed a bug introduced in version 0.11.1 that didn't initialize audio hardware correctly in DSi mode.
    • Some superfluous audio helpers added in version 0.11.1 have been removed.
    • Move libteak to its own repository so that it can be reused by other toolchains.
    • Modify functions to load DSP binaries to return int instead of bool for more flexibility.
  • DSP:
    • Move crt0 and linkerscript to libteak repository.
    • Preprocess all assembly files, not just the crt0.


  • libc:
    • Fixed an important regression in memcpy() and memset() implementations.
  • Improved file I/O performance:
    • Added support for batch reads and writes of contiguous clusters, improving SD card performance for very large sequential reads/writes.
    • Added fatInitLookupCacheFile(). This allows opting a file into having a special in-memory cache which significantly speeds up file seek operations.
    • Provisionally automatically enabled the in-memory cache for NitroFS files. If you're experiencing slowdowns, make sure to defragment your SD card - this requirement will be loosened in future releases (but it's still a good idea).
    • Integrated profi200's dsi_sdmmc driver, improving reliability and performance for reading from and writing to the DSi's SD card.
    • Optimized unaligned buffer I/O performance for the DSi's SD card.
    • Only cluster table/directory-related reads will now be cached by the built-in sector cache. This allows better use of this sector cache; one can use setvbuf() to enable a larger cache for file I/O.
    • Other minor optimizations have been made throughout the code.
  • Added a new Slot-2 API (arm9/peripherals/slot2.h).
    • Added support for detecting external RAM cartridges (SuperCard, M3, G6, DS Memory Expansion Pak, EZ-Flash variants, EverDrive).
    • Added support for enabling and disabling the data cache on the Slot-2 memory area. Combined with suitable bus speed detection for these cartridges, this allows efficient usage of such an external RAM area.
    • Added support for detecting and using the Gyro, Solar and Tilt sensors available on various GBA game cartridges.
    • Fixed detection of GBA cartridge rumble (WarioWare, Drill Dozer).
    • Modify rumble example to show how to use the new API.
  • DLDI:
    • Moved the built-in sector cache into unused memory occupied by the reserved DLDI driver area. This effectly saves ~20KB of heap RAM for most homebrew.
    • The DLDI driver area size can now be changed by defining the __dldi_size symbol to a value away from the default of 16384, such as 8192 (if your application is highly RAM-constrained - this may break support with some cartridges, however) or 32768 (restores compatibility with MoonShell versions at the cost of an additional 16KB of RAM).
    • The DLDI driver area is now guaranteed to be close to the beginning of the .nds file, which may slightly improve load times.
  • DSP:
    • Add BTDMP and ICU helpers.
    • Refactor crt0.s.
    • Add examples of handling interrupts, including timer interrupts.
  • libnds:
    • Rename some cache helpers for consistency.
    • Fixed a file handle leak that could occur if nitroFSInit() was pointed to an .nds file which does not contain a NitroFS file system.
    • Fixed a rare case in which nitroFSInit() could try reading from the GBA slot on the DSi, causing an exception.
    • Added readFirmwareJEDEC() function to read the ID of the DS firmware flash chip. (lifehackerhansol)
    • Minor optimizations have been done to readUserSettings().
    • Fixed the NDMA_DST_FIX macro definition.


  • NitroFS: Fix file traversal not working without running a chdir() first.


  • Fix NitroFS directory reads occasionally failing on non-DLDI environments.


  • Build system:
    • The default makefiles no longer rely on the toolchain being in the current
    • PATH. Now, the default Makefiles have the default path to Wonderful
    • Toolchain, which can be overriden by the user if desired.
    • The makefiles used by the tests and examples have been moved to a system
    • location so that they are more easily reused.
    • dldipatch has replaced dlditool as the default to apply DLDI
    • patches, due to bugs in dlditool's patch application process:
    • Update your makefiles to take advantage of the updates.
  • Filesystem improvements:
    • Replaced NitroFAT by a new Zlib-licensed implementation of the NitroFS
    • filesystem by @asiekierka. This fixes the performance drawbacks of NitroFAT.
    • In stat() and fstat(), the fields st_dev and st_ino are now
    • properly populated.
    • Fixed stat() not acknowledging / as a directory.
    • Remove NitroFAT support from ndstool.
    • The example makefiles have been modified to stop using mkfatimg.
  • DSP:
    • Initial experimental, incomplete support for the Teak DSP of the DSi.
    • This isn't ready to be used, it's still under development and it's going
    • through a lot of changes. Most of the code is derived from @Gericom's
    • prototype code.
    • Support for building DSP binaries won't be present on Windows until it's
    • more stable. However, if you already have pre-built DSP binaries, it's
    • possible to use them on Windows.
    • Introduced teaktool, which converts ELF files into TLF (Teak Loadable
    • Format) files that can be loaded by libnds.
    • Added ARM9 functions to libnds to handle the DSP, load TLF files and
    • communicate with programs running on the DSP.
    • Introduce libteak, a library with helpers to use the AHBM, DMA, APBP,
    • ICU and timer peripherals. It has been documented and added to the Doxygen
    • pages of libnds.
    • Added a few examples of how to use the currently supported DSP features.
    • Update user instructions and Dockerfile to use and mention the LLVM Teak
    • toolchain.
    • Add NWRAM defintions and helpers.
  • DLDI improvements:
    • The DLDI template now automatically calculates the "size" and "fix flags"
    • fields of the header.
    • The binary R4 DLDI driver, used for DeSmuMe compatibility, has been replaced
    • by a Zlib-licensed impementation built from source.
  • libnds:
    • Microphone samples can now be captured using full 16-bit precision on DSi.
    • Cleaned up and added some missing MMIO/bitfield defines throughout libnds.
    • Implemented inlined BIOS calls based on gba-hpp. This should make code
    • using BIOS calls slightly smaller and faster.
    • Small reorganization of syscalls code.
    • Slightly optimized coroutine threading code.
    • Added documentation about ARM7 audio helpers.
  • Submodules:
    • Before this version, repositories owned by third parties were added as
    • submodules to the SDK repository. This can be a problem if the owner isn't
    • responsive, changes name, deletes the repository... In order to avoid
    • issues, forks have been created under the BlocksDS organization.
    • It is expected to contribute to the original repositories and update the
    • fork to stay in sync. Contributing to the forks is a last resort option.
  • Tests:
    • Added a new test for SWI functions.


  • Revert changes in maxmod that duplicated some symbols.


  • SDK:
    • Native windows support added. Wonderful toolchains now distribute native Windows binaries, and the only required change in BlocksDS was to change a library used by Grit. Thanks you, Generic and asie!
    • The stdio implementation of picolibc provided by Wonderful Toolchains has been patched by asie and this has substantially improved direct SD card read and write speeds.
    • The RTC interrupt is no longer used in any test, example or template. Users are now expected to timer interrupt instead because the RTC interrupt isn't supported on 3DS in DS/DSi mode or most emulators. Check the new code to see how to adapt old code. The RTC interrupt functions will still be supported to preserve compatibility with old projects that aren't updated.
    • Document the ARM9 <-> ARM7 boot synchronization routine.
    • In the dockerfile, set a locale to be able to pass UTF-8 characters to ndstool to appear in the title of the NDS ROM.
    • Add a test to ensure that the libnds modules that use the ARM9 <-> ARM7 transfer memory region don't break.
    • New examples:
      • Getting key input state.
      • Using NitroFAT, DLDI and DSi SD in the same program.
      • Send a buffer in main RAM to the ARM7 from the ARM9.
      • Read battery status.
      • Set the real time clock of the NDS.
  • libnds:
    • RTC:
      • Add new helpers to get and set the date. They use typedefs to move values between functions instead of byte arrays.
      • The old helpers that use byte arrays have been deprecated.
      • Using the RTC interrupt as a way to update the time every second has been deprecated.
      • Documentation:
      • Document values returned by the battery read function.
      • Document RTC helpers.
      • Add some ARM7 modules to the front page of the Doxygen documentation.
    • Memory:
      • Disable data cache and instruction fetch access to DTCM.
      • Rumble detection functions won't try to detect anything on DSi.
      • Change location of transfer region area on DSi so that it's uncached.
      • Import safe DMA helpers written by Gericom and use them from all DMA helpers.
    • Video:
      • Make glGetInt() wait for the GPU to be idle when getting the polygon and vertices count. It is common for developers to forget to wait.
      • Cleanup some helpers and add some missing VRAM definitions.
      • Document hardware bug of the DMA in GFX FIFO mode.
    • Other:
      • FatFs updated to R0.15p3.
      • Support the debug button (only available in emulators and debug consoles).
      • Switch to using ARM unified syntax (UAL).
  • Grit:
    • Switch from libfreeimage to libplum. This allows us to build Grit on Windows easier.


  • libnds:
    • Fix NitroFAT in emulators. It only worked when DLDI was initialized correctly, which isn't the case in emulators like no$gba.
    • Set the right CPU as owner of the Slot-1 bus in NitroFAT handling functions.
  • SDK:
    • Update build systems to generate Maxmod soundbanks in the NitroFAT filesystem if the filesystem is used. This isn't supported by ARM9 + ARM7 makefiles for now, only by ARM9 makefiles.
    • Fix segmentation fault in mkfatimg when not enough arguments are provided.
    • Stop relying on make -j in Makefiles. It is passed by make to any sub-make, so it isn't required.
    • Add basic Maxmod and Maxmod + NitroFAT examples.


  • libnds:
    • Document MPU setup code properly.
    • Cleanup exception handling code.
    • Add asynchronous math functions to complement the previous synchronous ones.
    • Support redirecting stdout and stderr to user functions.
    • Fix code that selects the default filesystem (DSi SD or DLDI).
    • Fix leaking file handlers in truncate().
    • Fix memory leaks in image and pcx modules.
    • Support more rumble packs.
  • ndstool:
    • Fix warnings.
    • Remove non-homebrew-related functionality.
  • SDK:
    • Automatically link with libc and libstdc++ rather than forcing users to do it explicitly.
    • Support *.arm.c and *.arm.cpp filenames for compatibility with devkitARM.
    • Correctly initialize TLS in the ARM7.
    • Improve bin2c.
    • Update libc documentation.
    • Improve and cleanup some examples.


  • libnds:
    • Unify all coding and documentation style of the codebase.
    • Change license of GL2D to Zlib (with the author's permission).
    • Improve sassert() so that it can exit to the loader instead of locking the application.
    • Keyboard:
      • Fix initialization glitch where it would blink for a frame.
      • Fix backspace handling.
      • Make it use cothread functions so that it never blocks the application.
    • cothread:
      • Fixed stack alignment
      • Fixed stack size of the scheduler thread.
    • libc:
      • Fix no$gba debug messages on the ARM9.
      • Add support of no$gba debug messages to the ARM7.
  • mmutil:
    • Fix segfault with samples with implied zero loop.
  • SDK:
    • Improve some old examples. Fix memory leaks in all examples that used
    • getcwd().
    • Fix ARM9 linkerscript to place ITCM sections in ITCM correctly.
    • Add new examples: Exception handling, assertions, no$gba debug console.
    • Prevent mkfatimg from generating FAT images that are so small that FatFs
    • can't mount them.
    • Improve installation instructions.


  • libnds:
    • Document MPU setup steps and CP15 registers.
    • Enable more warnings in the Makefile and fix them.
    • FIFO subsystem:
      • The FIFO subsystem has been cleaned up and documented.
      • Some bugs in the FIFO subsystem have been fixed (the stress test still fails, though).
      • Prevent using cothread_yield() in the ARM7.
    • libc:
      • Alignment of thread local storage sections has been fixed.
      • Support stat() in the root directory of a filesystem.
      • Support statvfs() and fstatvfs().
    • Avoid including the default keyboard data if it isn't used.
    • Allow setting the duration of the lid sleep check, and to disable it completely.
    • Build release versions of the library as well as debug.
  • ndstool:
    • Support multiple languages in the banner.
    • Support more file formats for icons (GIF, PNG).
    • Support animated icons (from GIF files).
  • SDK:
    • Refactor install targets of the SDK components. Now, all components can
    • be installed on their own, and they copy the licenses of the components to
    • the installation directory.
    • Emulate behaviour of bin2s of devkitPro more closely with bin2c.
    • Use SPDX license identifiers in all libraries and components that end up in
    • the NDS application binary.
    • Some cleanup of code formatting.
    • Added a DLDI driver template.


  • Define a default location for BlocksDS: /opt/blocksds/
  • Use mkfatimg (distributed with FatFs) instead of to reduce
  • the number of dependencies.
  • Fix mmutil target in Makefiles in parallel builds.
  • Cleanup of GBA slot peripherals drivers.
  • Integrate libxm7 as a core library.
  • Fix exit to loader code from the ARM7. It has been simplified a bit.
  • Document exit to loader code.


  • Use Wonderful Toolchains to get full C++ standard library support.
  • Remove picolibc and avr-libstdcpp as submodules (all previous history has been condensed to one commit).
  • Multithreading:
    • Add cooperative multithreading scheduler.
    • Enable scheduler in the ARM9 by default.
    • Add examples of having multiple threads, mutexes, and asynchronous file
    • loading.
    • Support thread local storage.
  • Added mutexes to problematic parts of libnds and FatFs.
  • Add initial support and example of DSi camera (thanks, asie!).
  • Support malloc() in the ARM7.
  • Simplify build system of tests and examples.
  • Bugfixes.


This project wouldn't have been possible without:

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