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NeoGamma | |
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Author | WiiPower/Fix94 |
Type | Title Launchers |
Version | R9 Beta 56 |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2012/01/12 |
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NeoGamma is a modified version of Gamma, a backup loader for the Nintendo Wii originally created by WiiGator. It allows users to load game backups (also known as "ROMs") from a USB storage device or SD card, rather than using the original game disc.
This allows for easy backup and storage of games, as well as the ability to play games from other regions. Additionally, NeoGamma offers several features such as cheat codes, memory card emulation and more. It is considered a popular choice among Wii modders and enthusiasts.
Copy the "apps" folder to the root of your SD card, so you have an "apps" folder on SD card, which includes a "NeoGamma" folder, which includes the boot.dol (the program), the icon.png (optional, the icon that is displayed in HBC) and the meta.xml(optional, contains the info displayed in HBC).
The rest is optional, but recommended as it will help with some games (for example New Super Mario Bros):
- Create a "NeoGamma" folder on root of the SD card if there's none.
- Copy the gameconfig.txt, the .wip and .wdm files to the "NeoGamma" folder(NOT the one under apps).
- [gameconfig.txt is for Brawl+, .wip files are patches, .wdm files are for alt .dol disc+].
- The "sourcecode" folder is not required at all for end users.
- Ocarina codes - "NeoGamma/codes" or "codes".
- gameconfig.txt - "NeoGamma/gameconfig.txt" or "gameconfig.txt" or "codes/gameconfig.txt".
- .dols - "NeoGamma" (either 4 or 6 digits of the disc id).
- Patches (.wip files) - "NeoGamma" (either 4 or 6 digits of the disc id).
- Menu files (.wdm files) - "NeoGamma" (either 3, 4 or 6 digits of the disc id).
- Config file (sd card only) - "NeoGamma/NeoGamma.cfg".
User guide
Hook Type:
- Only enable if you need it.
- Required for debugging and Ocarina, the different option can differently reduce game compatibility.
- Only enable if you need it.
- You can select which IOS to use to load the code file from storage (only, if at all, required for sdhc cards).
Alternative .dol:
- Only enable if you need it.
- "Disc" searches the disc for .dols and let's you select which one to load then. It should be ovious that only using a .dol different from the main.dol makes sense here.
- "Storage" load a .dol from sd or usb storage instead of loading the main.dol from disc. The .dol has to be in the folder "NeoGamma" and the name has to be the first 6 (or 4) characters of the disc id.
Boot Language:
- Option which language to force. "Console Default" forces nothing, "Auto Force" forces english on NTSC-U games, and japanese on NTSC-J games.
- Forcing the language of the disc is required for some import games.
Force Video:
- Option which video mode to use.
- "Disc" is the default and DOES NOT force anything and is THE option that works. "Wii" forces the video mode set in the Wii settings.
Patch Video:
- Only enable if you need it.
- Patches the video mode(s) inside the main.dol to the video mode the game will be started with. This makes more import games playable with "correct" colors.
VIDTV Patch:
- Only enable if you need it.
- For some games it fixes problems with japanese fonts. Maybe it also helps with forcing 50/60 Hz on games that would only support the other frequency.
Patch Country Strings:
- Only enable if you need it.
- Required for some import games, mostly people with japanese Wiis need this.
Storage device:
- Defines which storage device is used for Ocarina, alternative .dol loading and .wip patches
Search patches:
- Enables looking for .wip patch files in the NeoGamma folder on the selected storage device.
Gamecube Mode:
- "MIOS" is the old behavior, it just starts the MIOS if a GC disc is inserted.
- "internal" starts the included GC Backup Launcher from WiiGator (requires compatible cMIOS). "external" starts an GC homebrew .dol from storage.
Which cIOS to use
d2x cIOS is the unofficial descendant of Waninkoko's cIOS, based on it. Use base IOS56 unless you really need another base for something (like IOS58 for usb 2.0 cams). More info here.
Rev 20+21
- Didn't write down everything about them, skip them and use the latest d2x cIOS.
Rev 19
- Allows using different IOS as base to fix games which require this..
- Decrypted discs only work if IOS38 was used as base IOS. 1:1 discs should work fine.
- Seems to be the best cIOS so far (commendation #1).
Rev 18
- Allows using different IOS as base to fix games which require this.
- sd/sdhc loading broken.
- Can't play games with disc-in-the-drive-check games like Metroid Prime 3.
- Decrypted discs only work if IOS38 was used as base IOS. 1:1 discs should work fine.
Rev 17
- Contains BCA code
- Rebooter status unknown, may be broken, maybe not
- Same issues as with all other revisions No instruments, no Monster Hunter Tri, possible online issues...
- DL minor bug, doesn't load the very last sector of DL discs, no reported problems because of this
- Seems to be a good and stable cIOS (commendation #2).
Rev 16
- Not compatbile with NeoGamma at all.
- Same DL bug as rev14.
- Maybe more issues, don't care.
Rev 15
- Not compatible with the disc channel (rebooter).
- Not compatible with NeoGamma.
Rev 14
- Not compatible with dual layer games, Super Smash Brothers Brawl DVD9 version is affected, DVD5 version works.
- Some accessories don't work.
- Maybe not compatible with some HDD enclosures that work on rev9/10 (issue with one of these would be: can't get HDD detected or can't start any games).
- Maybe not compatible with HDDs that spin down (only 1 report), but all other cIOS from Waninkoko are affected by this as well, issues are freezes in the middle of games.
- Maybe muliplayer issues (strange reports, works for some people and for others it doesn't).
- Heavily tested, no bigger issues other than the above reported (commendation #3).
Rev 13b
- Plays most if not all games (but some accessories don't work).
- Improper 001 handling (main.dol patch).
- Improper 002 handling (main.dol patch).
- Improper patch to play games from usb without disc.
- cIOS is not compatible with the disc channel.
Rev 13a
- Plays most if not all games (but some accessories don't work).
- Improper 001 handling (main.dol patch).
- Improper patch to play games from usb without disc.
- cIOS is not compatible with the disc channel.
- Heavily tested, no bigger issues other than the above reported (commendation #4).
Rev 12
- Totally broken 001 handling.
- Improper 002 handling (main.dol patch).
- Slower than the other usb cIOS.
- Improper patch to play games from usb without disc.
- cIOS is not compatible with the disc channel.
Rev 11
- Not tested! But it's the following is known:
- 1st cIOS that works on boot2v4/LU64+ Wiis.
- Improper 001 handling (main.dol patch or totally broken one).
- Improper 002 handling (main.dol patch).
- cIOS is not compatible with the disc channel..
Rev 10
- 1st cIOS with sd loading support.
- Improper 001 handling (main.dol patch).
- Improper 002 handling (main.dol patch).
- cIOS is not compatible with the disc channel.
Rev 9
- 1st cIOS with usb loading support.
- Improper 001 handling (main.dol patch).
- Improper 002 handling (main.dol patch).
- cIOS is not compatible with the disc channel.
Rev 8
- Improper 001 handling (main.dol patch).
- Improper 002 handling (main.dol patch).
Rev 7
- No dual layer support, the 2nd layer is just not accessible. Most if not all other games should work from disc.
- No usb loading and no DL, but works fine (commendation #5).
Rev 6
- /,No dual layer support
- "an error occured" on half games.
Rev 5
- No dual layer support/,
- only support for decrypted discs.
On top of all this there are differences in HDD and accessories compatibility between the different usb loading cIOS.
Q. DVD+R/bad burn/DL problem?
Sadly this can't be identified further. The drive returns error code 03023A00 on almost everything, on DVD+R without bitsetting with and without cIOS, bad burns and on drives that have trouble reading DL. Only no cIOS + DVD-R/DVD+R with bitsetting results in another error (00053000).
Q. Problems With Ocarina?
Try the different hooktypes.
Q. Problems With Usb Loading?
New possible fix:
- Insert any usb device in the top port while the HDD is inserted in the bottom port.
- NeoGamma is not able to load games from usb with rev12 (maybe rev11 does not work too) of Waninkoko's cIOS
- Make sure you are using the bottom usb port, the top one won't work for HDDs from cIOSrev12 on.
- Also if you have WiiConnect24 enabled, test what happens if you disable it.
- If you have an IDE HDD, try both master and slave jumper settings (experts only, very low chance to change something)/
- Try starting the loader after the HDD was connected and powered.
- Try starting the loader, connect and power the HD, and then selecct mount WBFS.
- Try starting the loader, select mount WBFS, connect the HDD, and then power it.
- Try starting the loader, select mount WBFS, power the HDD, and then connect it.
- Try starting the loader, select mount WBFS, wait until tries left 20, connect the HDD, and then power it.
- Try starting the loader, select mount WBFS, wait until tries left 20, power the HDD, and then connect it.
If all this does not help, get:
- GeeXboX.
- start something from the HDD with it (requires 2 partitons, 1 wbfs and 1 other).
- don't do anything to the HDD, do not unplug.
- exit to HBC, start NeoGamma and try to connect.
If GeeXboX is the only way for you to get your HDD working, please get in contact with the people at irc:// or me
And if even this does not work, try to get 2 partitions on the HDD:
- FAT32 or NTFS
And then try again, maybe try the GeeXboX trick again.
Problem games
Wii Motion Plus games
This includes Wii Sports Resort, Red Steel 2, Zelda Skyward Sword and all other WM+ games.
When using the latest d2x cIOS, just enable the IOS Reload block and there won't be any problems. If not:
In order to be able to play the game as backup, you need to have watched the Wii Motion Plus video(s) once. In order to do that, select alternative .dol loading from disc in NeoGamma, start the game, select "player.dol", watch the video, and then turn alternative .dol loading off again. That's it.
It's possible that this game still does not work and freezes with a green screen. If you get this, try using disc video mode first. If that works (but is back and white bla bla bla...), go find a solution for that problem. If the problem remains with disc video mode, you probably are using a (crappy) main.dol patch to fix the 002 error. If you modified the disc for this, you produced the problem yourself. If not, you are most likely using one of the unusable cIOS revisions (due to the integrated 002 main.dol fix). cIOS revision 7, 13a, 14, 17 and 19+ are the good ones from Waninkoko's cIOS, but it's recommend to use the latest d2x cIOS, which also fix other issues.
New Super Mario Bros
If the game freezes directly before getting any screen from the game, the 1st thing you see is a disc read error or if you get disc read errors randomly during the gameplay, then you need to get rid of its protection (BCA). If it's a green sreen freeze, try disc video mode first, see Wii Sports Resort. If you get 001 or 002 error, that's something else, fix that first then (not explained here).
How to "fix" the BCA protection for New Super Mario Bros in NeoGamma: (there are other ways too...) Enable looking for patches in NeoGamma, put the .wip files on sd card inside the NeoGamma folder(not the one under "apps"!) and start the game. The game may only work with newer cIOS, install the latest d2x cIOS just in case.
Monster Hunter Tri
You need to use a cIOS based on IOS37 or IOS56. Just install the latest d2x cIOS with base IOS56 to slot 249.
Call of Duty: Black Ops
This game needs a cIOS with base IOS57 to work. If you install d2x with base IOS56 as IOS249, d2x with base IOS57 as IOS250 and set NeoGamma's "IOS for games" to "Autodetect", then it should work.
Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands
When using the latest d2x cIOS, there shouldn't be any problems when playing this game. But make sure you have everything that patches the main.dol disabled (Ocarina/Wiird, video mode patches, Country String patching, vidtv, language etc.) When using an older cIOS, you may need the .wip files from the optional folder from this package.
The game has at least 2 protections:
- It checks if the main.dol was modified (MetaFortress protection), ANY patch to the main.dol except the one to get it to work (the .wip files) will cause the game to crash.
- It checks for certain modules in the (c)IOS that only Waninkoko's and Hermes cIOS have, Waninkoko's cIOS rev 9 and earlier don't have any of the questionable modules. Newer cIOS hide the usb module after booting games.
To verfiy if the game really works fully:
- Check if the home menu is working by pressing the home button.
- Open a chest.
All newer Ubisoft games
All newer games (We Dare, The Smurf's Dance Party, Kirby's return to Dreamland, etc) from Ubisoft use the MetaFortress to protect the game against patches.
Make sure all patches are disabled to play these games and a recent cIOS is installed, in case it checks for certain cIOS modules like Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands.
How to Use NeoGamma to Load Project M (plasia)
R9 beta 56
- Fixed error when loading DML with a wii disc.
- Writing the NTSC/PAL video mode to SRAM, seems to fix the PAL DML video mode problem.
R9R9 beta 55
- Added basic DML support(with heavy video mode issues).
R9 beta 54
- Wii: Added support for the changed cIOS stealth mode from d2x v8+.
- Gamecube: Changed how __GXSetVAT is patched, it might work for japanese version of Wind Waker as well.
R9 beta 53
- Try to fool anti cheat protections by clearing NeoGamma's used memory before jumping to the entrypoint(asm code written by pune).
- Fixed text loading from NAND to USB in Sneek+DI mode.
R9 beta 52
- Added basic Sneek+DI/Uneek+DI support.(with lots of help from Crediar) Boot Sneek/Uneek, and then boot NeoGamma.
- Added support for different .gct files on multi disc games. (example filename: RSPP012.gct if Wii Sports PAL had 2 discs).
R9 beta 51
- Added the possibility to boot games with the correct IOS("correct IOS") or the cIOS with the correct base IOS("Autodetect").
- Fixed decrypted discs on newer cIOS(not using the unencrypted read for ES_Identify anymore).
- Fixed a possible DVD Inquiry error(changed some memory allocation).
- Added an annoying warning.
R9 beta 50
- Fixed "We dare" (Credit for this goes to Oggzee and airline38).
- Added the ability to change the hook for IOS Reloading games(2nd hook, very similar to the GC 2nd hook).
- Added some more error checking for usb HDD detection.
- Added classic controller menu navigation.
- Moved loading .gct, .wdm and .wip files to only access storage once for these(fixes sd loading when using one of them + a recent cIOS).
R9 beta 49
- Return to channel feature should actually work now for channels.
- Changed DVD error messages.
- Added cIOS identification with info added into the cIOS by the installer/ModMii(only new cIOS).
- Improved usb HDD detection, expecting at least 100 sectors and fixed mem2 memory allocation(fixes usb detection with cIOS with base IOS58).
- Gamecube loading(ALL modes): Setting the audio streaming while still in Wii mode. Gets most retail GC games to work without cMIOS(doesn't work on all cIOS).
- Fixed possible bugs related to IOS Reload blocking, when it might be enabled, while it's not wanted to be enabled(like at startup..).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Only resetting the drive a 2nd time when required(retail audio streaming game + audio streaming couldn't be set in wii mode).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Displaying some settings from GC-SRAM now, language, video mode, progressive video mode and PAL60 setting.
- Commented out code that related to old cIOS, no more warnings for cIOS rev8, no more 001 main.dol patches for cIOS rev8-13b, usb loading always expected to be there, IOS Reload block always selectable etc.
R9 beta 48
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Changed to the code handler from Gecko OS 1.9.x, thanks go to biolizard89 for porting the Wii debugger code handler to GC.
- Changed Block IOS Reload to only use mode 2 as well as reloading into the cIOS NeoGamma uses(only d2xv4+).
- Added return to HBC feature instead of returning to wii menu from games' home menu(only d2xv4+). Might work with channels and forwarders as well.
- Updated to devkiptPPC r21 and libogc 1.8.6(both modified, see .txt files for details).
- Added cIOS rev21 identification.
- Updated the game disc region auto detection.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Removed warnings when booting GCOS itself(won't work on softmodded Wiis!).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Compressing the GC loader .dol now(about 150KB saved).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Don't boot MIOS anymore on GC mode external when no .dol is found.
R9 beta 47
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Reloader option ".elf fix" now uses the fast reloader instead of the forced reloader.
R9 beta 46
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added a new reloader setting ".elf fix" which fixes .elfs that are copied to a buffer first.
This fixes the Agent under Fire crash after 2nd level(automatically used with reloader set to auto).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Fixed Ocarina & wiird not working correctly with .elfs(only backups and just theorectically not tested).
R9 beta 45
- Enabled secret feature. Don't make me regret this decision!.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Don't disable Ocarina if no codes are found(helps to find error sources).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Enabled patched MIOS for retail disc plugin debugging.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Fixed boot with only 2nd hook enabled.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Fixed Wind Waker NTSC-U mini map freeze for retail discs.
R9 beta 44
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Printing proper warnings about audio streams on screen.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): More plugin size optimisation.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Plugin debugging: Added read audio debugging for retail discs, show filenames for read audio.
R9 beta 43
- Added option to show/hide the rebooter.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added dirty fix to align bad audio streams.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added auto options for the backup plugin, patched MIOS and audio patches.
R9 beta 42
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Moved high plugin memory setup behind the apploader loop(increases compatiblity with high plugin(not patched MIOS or Action Replay + high plugin!).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added warning when audio streams without 32KB alignment are found.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Plugin debugging: Show filenames for dvd reads.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Plugin debugging: Support for games with multiple .dols/.elfs on retail discs(only debugging related!).
R9 beta 41
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): More plugin size optimisations.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added some dvd read error debug messages.
R9 beta 40
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added ability to select the 2nd disc from an actual 2nd disc.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Checking the disc cover once, it seems this helps with disc switching in-game.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Trying to revert memory setup when loading Action Replay(so it does not overwrite the backup plugin).
R9 beta 39
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Changed the debug printf patterns to patterns received from Crediar, more stable + more output.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added option to play around with the Audio Status Request fix.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added patched MIOS boot method.
R9 beta 38
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): More reloader optimisations, the fast reloader should work on everything now(there's a chance it breaks games that worked before with fast reloader, these should still work with forced reloader..).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Freeze with memory card in slot B should be fixed.
R9 beta 37
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Made the debug printf in the loader itself non blocking, should fix the current GC retail disc + Wiird issues.
R9 beta 36
- Added basic cIOS rev20 identification.
- Added IOS Reload block option(only cIOSrev20+, only discs).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added proper dvd reset debugging.
R9 beta 35
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Fix for Wind Waker PAL freeze on mini map, might work in NTSC-U (extracted from MIOSv5, yes no c there).
R9 beta 34
- Only calling dvd inquiry once per NeoGamma boot(should fix init drive errors when using IOS61 for storage access[thanks to luminalace for reporting it], might also fix random inquiry errors).
- Updated the HBC icon with transparency.
R9R9 beta 33
- Added Sneek's video patch for wii games, may work better than the old patches.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Adding plugin debugging to the GUI, even for retail discs(requires usb gecko!).
R9 beta 32
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Maybe fixed Action Replay support(changed suspicious jumptable nr).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): More plugin size optimisation.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Forced reloader is not saved anymore, it's only for testing(if a game requires it, NeoGamma will do it automatically once it is known).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Moved the memory setup before the apploader, might increase compatibility.
R9 beta 31
- Better understandable drive warnings on read error.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Dirty fix for Ikaruga(Thanks to Crediar for pointing to 0xCC006020 for Audio Status Requests).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added lots of debug output(need to build debug version for this).
R9 beta 30
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Fixed audio streaming on retail discs with the help of Crediar(Eternal Darkness, Starfox Adventures ..).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added 4 new hooktypes thanks to Crediar(they all are for the same function, but different patterns).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added possiblity to boot games with the high plugin for testing purposes(that it'S not saved is not a bug!).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Maybe fixed some serious memory setup issue(should be most noticeable when using the high plugin).
R9 beta 29
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Fixed wrong time&date in GC games.
R9 beta 28
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Removed dvd_report_error_replacement to get more free memory.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Calling the callback function directly for everything that does nothing.
R9 beta 27
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Next try to get rid of the random crashes.
R9 beta 26
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added another sleep before video init in GC mode.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Removed pad init in GC mode.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added option to set reloader to forced(fixes 007 Agent under Fire, automatically set to forced on it).
R9 beta 25
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added a sleep before booting BC, hopefully fixes these random crashes.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Output which dvd function is used(just additional info).
R9 beta 24
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added Nicksasa's GC hooks again, they seem to work for a few games.
R9 beta 23
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added warnings if dvd functions could or would not be patched.
R9 beta 22
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Using a png as background now.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Removed sleep from beta 21, didn't help.
R9 beta 21
- Using devkitPPC r21, libogc 1.8.3 and libfat 1.0.7 now.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added a sleep before video init(maybe helps with random crashes on startup).
R9 beta 20
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Virtually disable Ocarina when no codes are found.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Removed debugging only related dvd commands in the plugins.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added plugin memory protection on reloader(_tiny_ chance it fixes some multi .dol game problems).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added report_error to low plugin(_tiny_ chance it fixes some audio problems).
R9 beta 19
- All unused options are now greyed out.
- Allow .gct files with 4 and 6 digits of the disc id.
- Auto Force language now only forces if the Wii's region is different from the game's region.
- Added hidden feature for developers only, only talk in PM about it.
R9 beta 18
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Restored the possibilty to boot single game discs with Action Replay on a multi game disc.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Speed optimisation for the reloader.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Removed unused code.
R9 beta 17
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Dirty fix for Pokemon Box(proved to be not that bad).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Enabled reloader for games booted via Action Replay(but cheats won't work on mutli .dol games).
R9 beta 16
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Finally added reloader support.
R9 beta 15
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Allow the drive to reset. The 2nd disc feature now works(again).
R9 beta 14
- Cosmetical changes to GUI and code.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Calling ICInvalidateRange after DCFlushRange in the backup plugin, maybe increases stability, but results in slower reading.
R9 beta 13
- Finally added saving of the gamecube options.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added Ocarina support (only retail discs).
R9 beta 12
- Added .wip files for Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands(not confirmed to work yet).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Switching to game video mode just before booting the game, fixes some video mode issues during the loading screen.
- When using a .wip patch, it says "patch forced!" now if the old data from the .wip file did not match the data in memory.
R9 beta 11
- Changed alt .dol code, seems bss wasn't cleared..
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): reverted video mode code from beta 10.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added proof of concept Wiird support for GC(only retail discs, only debugger, only VI hook).
R9 beta 10
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Changed video mode code in the GC loading screen(doesn't change anything..).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Using drive command to enable audio streaming now(retail Eternal Darkness still not booting, while the backup still boots).
R9 beta 9
- Added identification of the used cIOS(rev13a+b, rev18 and rev19 only).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Disabled all debug printf and patching of debug printf in the main.dol .
R9 beta 8
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added video mode patches.
R9 beta 7
- Rearranged the menu.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added PAL(auto) video mode, it's PAL480i for NTSC and PAL576i for PAL games.
- Don't bug with the drive info when loading from usb.
R9 beta 6
- Prevent that a stubbed IOS249 is loaded.
- Added warning on dvd read error for drives that can't read DVD-Rs(needs to be improved).
- Hide usb/sd loading option when using an IOS.
R9 beta 5
- Added code that allows to identify where a dvd read error occured.
R9 beta 4
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Partly fixed video mode code, forcing PAL60 works at least for some NTSC games now(but not PAL games!).
R9 beta 3
- Fixed alt .dol disc+ bug causing some .dols to be unloadable.
- Added .wdm file for Rampage: Total Destrucion(by woodoste).
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Hopefully fixed code dump when playing certain backups that are not multi game discs(bug found by Levente).
R9 beta 2
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added support for retail discs.
- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Changed video mode code, only confirmed working video mode is NTSC480i, PAL480i is confirmed to NOT work at the moment, PAL576i seems to work, progressive unknown.
- Gamecube loading: Clearing bss before loading .dol sections for homebrew .dols(only relevant when building a cMIOS).
R9 beta 1
- Gamecube multi game disc selection moved to wii mode(compatible cMIOS + GC mode 'internal' only) see gamecube.txt for details.
- Fixed controls(support 2nd, 3rd and 4th controller, shutdown always possible when waiting for button press).
- Changed to graphics from Empyr69er.
- new Wiird / Ocarina engine (only partial gameconfig.txt support, but it's Brawl+ compatible) .
- Added alternative .dol loading from disc+(read .wdm file from storage to show option names that mean something and also allow parameters, Sam & Max episode selection).
- Added support to apply patches in form of .wip on the fly to the main.dol(discid.wip for main.dol, discid_dolname.wip for alterntive .dols from disc).
- Added WiiGator's GC Backup Launcher.
- Added possibility to run GC homebrew if a GC disc is inserted.
- Changed entrypoint to 0x80dfff00 (should change alternative .dol loading compatibility).
- Removed not game loading or rebooter related code.
- Removed receiving commands from usb gecko.
- Safe memory allocation (important for files loaded from nand).
- Compiled with newer libogc(see libogc.txt).
- Return to loader on exit only works for HBC now(libogc issue).
- added support for renamed ehci module in cIOS rev18.
- Changed rebooter code, should also be preloader compatible now.
- Changed rebooter code with hacks from preloader(skip disc updates, region free, force cIOS).
- Lots of changes to storage access code, this should allow to use IOS36 or IOS61 for all storage access(excluding the config).
- Changed most of the output.
R8 final
- forced config reset.
R8 RC6
- Fixed bug in .wdm file parsing code that caused the last parameter to be ignored if there isn't a newline at the end of the file.
- Added some .wdm files.
- Changed some config defaults.
R8 RC5
- fixed code dump if no storage device was accessed, storage shutdown code dumps if storage was not inited.
R8 RC4
- added support for renamed ehci module in cIOS rev18.
- changed region free code on rebooter(taken from preloader).
- added paused start option for the debugger.
- Lots of changes to storage access code, this should allow to use IOS36 or IOS61 for all storage access(excluding the config).
- Added alternative .dol loading from disc+(read .wdm file from storage to show option names that mean something and also allow parameters, Sam & Max episode selection).
- B button support in the menus.
R8 RC3
- added missing options to the config file.
- added possibility to turn preloader support for rebooter off.
- changed some more output.
R8 RC2
- eliminated compiler warnings.
- changed code to force cIOS on rebooter(taken from preloader).
- added code to skip disc updates on 4.2 system menu on rebooter(taken from preloader).
- Added WiiGator's GC Backup Launcher.
- Added possibility to run GC homebrew if a GC disc is inserted.
- Changed output a bit.
R8 RC1
- updated cIOS warnings for cIOS rev17.
- Hopefully fixed code dumps on exit if launched from a channel.
- Added autoboot code(but disabled, no official version will have this enabled).
R8 beta 17
- added .wip file for japanese New Super Mario Bros.
- re-enabled manual 001 fix for alternative .dol loading from storage for cIOS rev < 14.
- changed 002 code for IOS Version patched games again, works at least on not IOS Reloading 002 games that are patched.
R8 beta 16
- updated cIOS warnings.
- included a gameconfig.txt for Brawl+ (if you get one together with the .gct file, use that one and not the one from NeoGamma).
R8 beta 15
- Fixed code dump when poking values from gameconfig.txt.
R8 beta 14
- Changed Ocarina code a little more to match Gecko OS' code.
R8 beta 13
- Removed New Super Mario Bros patches.
- Added support to apply patches in form of .wip on the fly to the main.dol.
- Changed storage handling.
- fixed another stupid bug in NeoGamma's Ocarina code.
R8 beta 12
- Repaired New Super Mario Bros patch for both PAL&NTSC, but still no discs.
R8 beta 11
- Patch updated to work with New Super Mario Bros NTSC too.
R8 beta 10
- not shutting down storage if Ocarina is enabled(Gecko OS does the same).
R8 beta 9
- updated code handler to latest version.
R8 beta 8
- The code handler init should be in the proper place now ==> Brawl+ might actually work now.
R8 beta 7
- beta 6 had the wrong disc id for NSMB.
R8 beta 6
- Experimental patch for New Super Mario Bros added*.
- Patch is said to be found by hqyhqyhqy, don't know if that's true .
R8 beta 5
- gameconfig is searched on the same device as Ocarina now.
R8 beta 4
- Added partial gameconfig parsing code.
- Next try to fix 002 on IOS Version patched games.
R8 beta 3
- fixed Ocarina.
- expermental 002 fix that should work for IOS Version patched games.
- warning if hook was not patched).
R8 beta 2
- Rebooter should work on preloader.
- Maybe fixed that Ocarina did not work at all.
- Dirty Brawl+ compatiblity.
R8 beta 1
- New Wiird / Ocarina engine.
- Changed rebooter code.
- Changed entrypoint to 0x80dfff00 (should change alternative .dol loading compatibility).
- Skip disc updates for PAL/US 3.2, 4.0 and 4.1.
- Safe memory allocation (important for files loaded from nand).
- Removed not game loading or rebooter related code.
- Removed receiving commands from usb gecko.
- Changed to graphics from Empyr69er.
- Increased timeout to 30 seconds.
- Cleaned up code for decrypted discs.
- Hopefully 100% working gamecube disc detection now.
- Cleaned up code for video modes, gamecube games are started with the selected video mode now.
- Changed rebooter behaviour, hopefully works for all system menus WITHOUT preloader attached.
- Removed 001 main.dol patching for alternative .dols.
- Removed Anti 002 fix.
- Removed dirty fix for Wii Sports Resort.
- Added alternative .dol loading from usb storage.
- Alternative .dol loading from storage now loads .dols with 6 and 4 characters.
- Fixed error that prevented to load games after receiving an error in a previous loading attempt.
- Fixed bug in game selection.
- Fixed no wpad error when no cIOS is installed.
- Added timeout for dvd reading.
- Clearing bss now for alternative .dols.
- Added loading alternative .dols from disc .
- Fixed a "Out of memory" error.
- Fixed a "fst.bin error".
- Fixed alternative .dol loading when loading games from sd.
- Dirty fix for Wii Sports Resort.
- Accepting games with disc ids starting with 'D' as Wii games(Monter Hunter 3 demo for example).
- Changed how the game entries are sorted.
- Added IOS Reload when trying to mount a wbfs device (from 7th try on) to increase compatibility with enclosures and HDDs.
- Changed sd and sdhc card handling, hopefully fixed the corruped config file bug with this.
- Refuse to load a config with 1 or more option out of range.
- Moved game selection to main menu.
- Added option to load alternative .dol from sd card.
- Applying main.dol patches only to main.dol now.
- Added hooktype "none".
- Moved all file access on sd card to the folder "NeoGamma", loading Ocarina works from both NeoGamma/codes and codes.
- Added Anti 002 fix. This reverts the 002 main.dol patch. NOT TESTED! This also might do something else too.
Gamma -> NeoGamma R3
- Ported to the new libogc.
- Warning before memory card in slot 2 is accessed as usb gecko.
- Auto Force Language option added, it forces english for games with region 'E'(NTSC-U) and japanese for games with region 'J'.
- Moved memory stuff before the apploader. Now Red Steel and SSX should be working. (they still (try to) load their IOS themselves).
- Writes the Game ID Address(0x80000000) now into the memory at 0x80003184. Now Sam & Max and FarCry should be working. (they still (try to) load their IOS themselves).
- Save configuration to sd card.
- Added Country String Patching (mostly helpful for japanese users with US and PAL games).
- Load Ocarina from SDHC and USB(when encountering problems, try the different strange options, using IOS61 is only compatible if NeoGamma was compiled with a libogc compatible with it like libogc SVN).
- Added option to patch video modes.
- Added video modes that can be forced(MPAL) / Changed to use slightly different video modes.
- Fake IOS Version in memory (this removes the 002 error).
- Changed to Graphics by: xabarasx.
- Added SD/USB Loading.
External Links
- GBAtemp -
- GBAtemp -
- Backup Loaders comparison - (forum post)