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Power Manager PSP

From GameBrew
Power Manager
Last Updated2008/12/04

Power Manager (CPU Manager) is a power saving plugin for Custom Firmware with other features.

Inspired by CWCheat and Custom Firmware Extender.


  • Allows you to reach brightness level 99 (same as 100).
  • Plug psp in to charger to unlock the full brightness of the screen (higher then the fourth brightness off the slim).
  • Plug psp in to charger for forced 333mhz cpu clock.
  • Can auto-clock the cpu based on usage (to save more power).
  • Can enable/disable the MAX brightness when plugged in.
  • Works along-side CWCheat for increased power saving.
  • CW-Cheat Companion Mode.
  • Companion Mode is enabled by default, to disable see controls.


Copy PSP folder to root of Memory Stick.

Run "Power Manager Interface" from the XMB.

Select install, select when you want the plugin to run.

After installation is completed you can configure the settings within the app.

User guide

Power Manager Interface

Setting config:

  • cwcheat compatibility mode - Turn on or off.
  • Custom Brightness - Set your own custom brightness (for use with the L+Note combo.)
  • Auto Max Brightness - Enable or disable ability to automatically turn on the maximum screen brightness when plugged in.
  • Always Allow Max Brightness - Allow you to enable maximum brightness anytime, plugged in or not. (for use with the L+Vol+ combo)
  • Low Battery Percent - Allow you to set what you think should be considered to be a low battery.
  • Low Battery brightness" - When battery is low, automatically set a this brightness. (works with Low Battery Percent, set to 0 to disable.)


This function is not fully functional (laggy) so it's not recommended.


PSP Phats normal brightness levels: 1 == 36, 2 == 48, 3 == 72, 4 == 92

PSP Slims normal brightness levels: 1 == 36, 2 == 44, 3 == 56, 4 == 68

Please note that the PSP Slim (2000) screen is brighter then the PSP Phat (1000).

The PSP Phats max is only a little bit brighter then its default max, however the slims is very noticeable.

Pressing screen button while max brightness in enabled will set the brightness for when you disable max brightness or unplug the PSP.

CW-Cheat Companion Mode

This works along side CW-Cheats built in auto-clocker. cwcheat has an auto clocker that is much better then the beta with this plugin.

however cwcheat doen't clock the BUS correctly, when companion mode is enabled, Power Manager will fix this problem.

To use cwcheats auto-clocker feature, open the cwcheat menu and set cpu speed to -1 and set BUS speed to 0.

The Companion Mode is enabled by defualt. While enabled, you can't change the BUS speed. Therefore, if you wish to set your own BUS, disable companion mode. Also changing cpu speed will also effect BUS with this enabled.

While plugged

The PSP CPU will run at 333mhz and the BUS at 166mhz no matter what, this cannot be changed while this plugin is enabled.

However you can still choose to have the brightness maxed or not.


Power Manager (PRX):

L+Note - Enable/Disable maximum brightness

L+Start - Enable/Disable auto-clocker

L+Home - Disable/enable Companion Mode

L+Vol Up - Enable/Disable custom brightness

Power Manager Interface (EBOOT):

Cross - Select

Circle - Return to main menu

Left/Right - Change options

L/R - Flip config pages






  • Added ability to turn on and off maximum brightness anytime.
  • Added ability to set your own custom brightness.
  • Added ability to set power saving brightness when battery is low
  • Added ability to set your own battery low percentage
  • Added ability to automatically enable max brightness when pluged in.
  • Added new cwcheat compatibility mode.
  • Added config file.
  • Changed/added controls.
  • Released with PMI.
  • Other small things.


  • Added ability to turn on and off maximum brightness.
  • Added CW-Cheat Companion Mode.
  • Greatly optimized code.
  • Decreased CPU usage.
  • Replaced hold start while booting or luanching game to enable auto-clocker with ability to switch on and off anytime.


  • Plug psp in to charger to unlock the full brightness of the screen.
  • Can auto-clock the cpu based on usage.
  • Optimized code.


  • Plug psp in to force cpu clock to 333mhz.


  • pspjoke.
  • lokiare1 for the CPU-Modulator source.
  • creators of the psptoolchain.
  • DAX.

External links
