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Template:Infobox-3DS-Homebrews '"`UNIQ--youtube-00000000-QINU`"'
- Fast PlayCoin
This is a fork of PlayCoin (The CIA Version). The only difference is it automatically adds 300 play coins without waiting for user input, then it exits. I just think it's silly to have a menu to deal with when most users probably just want to max out their play coins.
- What it is?
Allows to modify the 3DS's Play Coins counter, in other words providing infinite Play Coins. Usage is self-explanatory, just open the app and wait for your 300 coins. No more than 300 coins can be held at a time, this is a system limit.
- Compiling
To compile, you'll need DEVKITARM with [DevkitARM]( and a recent commit of [buildtools]( in this path. Just run `make` and you can find the compiled files in the `out` folder. Note: `buildtools/make_base:44: *** "Please set DEVKITPPC in your environment. export DEVKITPPC=<path to>devkitPPC". Stop. make.exe": *** [all] Error 2` is a normal error.
- Credits
- MrCheeze for [3DSx Play Coin Setter]( code base, icon and description
- All contributors to [libctru](
- Steveice10 for [buildtools]( and [BuildTemplate](
- yellows8 for [3ds_homemenu_extdatatool]( code base for [3DSx Play Coin Setter]( and [PlayCoin](
- games195 for the [CIA Version](