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Template:Infobox-3DS-Homebrews '"`UNIQ--youtube-00000000-QINU`"'
- LimePlayer3DS
LimePlayer3DS is a graphical music player for the 3ds with metadata parsing and software midi support.
It checks for music in the `sdmc:/music` folder. If it doesn't exist then it just goes to `sdmc:/`, just like ctrmus.
The default path for midi patchsets is `/3ds/limeplayer3ds/8mbgmpat/`.
This path be changed in the config file located at `/3ds/limeplayer3ds/config.json` which should be created (if it doesn't already exist) upon launching the application.
More info about LimePlayer3DS's config.json can be found here:
[For more information on usage of the various features LimePlayer offers, check here.](
- Note
LimePlayer3DS is currently in alpha so not all features are going to be avalible.
- Officaly Supported Formats
Mp3, Wav, Flac, Midi, Xmi, Mus, Hmi, Hmp, Ogg vorbis, and Opus.
- Building
- Prerequsites:
- Building
3ds-dev 3ds-mpg123 3ds-libvorbisidec 3ds-opusfile 3ds-flac 3ds-wildmidi 3ds-jansson 3ds-pkg-config
You may also need [makerom]( and [bannertool]( for cia building (optional).
- Compiling:
Once you complete Prerequsites, run `make` or `make <target>`. Replace `<target>` with one of the targets listed below
- Targets:
+ 3dsx (3dsx only build) + cia (generate cia, 3dsx must be built first) + clean (clean compiled files)
If you want to build with compiler optimazitions, just add RELEASE=1 to the end (EX: `make 3dsx RELEASE=1`)
- Contributors
Check []( for more information
- Credits
+ Deltabeard: For his work on ctrmus which was the original foundation for this application as LimePlayer3DS initally started out as a fork of ctrmus.
+ devkitPro: For providing amazing, easy to use, toolchains that without, this application would have never existed.
+ Astronautlevel & LiquidFernir (and the Anemone3DS team): For their work on Anemone3DS which helped quite a bit when it came to starting with citro2d graphics, and they were very helpful in general.
+ Flagbrew: The GUI code is heavilly based on PKSM's GUI code.
+ Others: If I forgot to mention someone important (for example: your code is used without credit), please let me know.
+ Most of the icons under gfx are from the site []( and are licensed under the [CC-BY-NC-SA](
- Special Thanks
+ The Easyrpg Team: For inspiring this application.
+ smealum, fincs, WinterMute, and devkitPro contributors: For making/maintaining documentation and examples for libctru and citro2d/3d which is incredibly helpfull when working on this project.
+ Testers: For testing, providing feedback, and reporting bugs.
- Copyright
The application is licensed under the GPLv3-or-later. Additional terms 7c apply.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.