More actions
It is now possible to dump 3DS Game Icons (those icons that show on the home menu) directly from your 3DS. The process is detailed here:
Basic Operations:
1/ Setting up XOR pads for decrypting other icon data:
3DS_IconDecrypter --genxor --iconcache="path to icon cache" --unused_slots=X --num_decrypt=Y --decdata="path to dir with plaintext icons" --xorpaddir="path to dir for output XOR pads"
"X" = The number of icons that exist in the cache before the first icon you want to generate an XOR pad for. "Y" = The number of icons you want to generate an XOR pad for.
2/ Decrypting Icons from cache
3DS_IconDecrypter --decrypt --iconcache="path to icon cache" --unused_slots=X --num_decrypt=Y --xorpaddir="directory with XOR pads" --decdata="directory for outputing decrypted icons"
"X" = The number of icons that exist in the cache before the first icon you want to decrypt. "Y" = The number of icons you want to decrypt.
Change log (v0.2):
- Command line arguments are now more flexible
- Performs basic checks on decrypted icon data to determine if decryption was successful
- Now comes with executables for Windows/Mac OS X/Linux
- Source code now available