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Hi All,
It's me, Lord Prime (lurker since idk when), aka kuronosuFear outside of gbatemp.�I hope you enjoy these translation tools that I made for Yo-kai Sangokushi!
For the images, we'll use Kukkii from the Kuriimu tools (developed by Fan Translators International).
Download link (includes 64-bit Windows compiled executables):
Usage: Sangokushi-LinkDataXtractor
- Searches for "LINKDATA_A.BIN" in the current directory
- Places extracted files in the "\Sangokushi-Xtracted" folder
- Searches for "\Sangokushi-Xtracted" folder
- Rebuilds the contents of the directory as "LINKDATA_A.BIN-new" in the current directory
- Searches for "\Sangokushi-Xtracted" folder
- Generates TSV (Tab-separated-values) for all scripts identified and groups them according to type
- It saves the TSV files in the current directory
- Exports the translated text from the TSV files to "\Sangokushi-Translated" folder
If you're interested in helping out with the translation, you can apply here:
Happy Translating!
P.S. Apparently, it's only called Yo-kai Sangokushi, not Yo-kai Watch Sangokushi