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ModMii | |
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Author | XFlak |
Type | PC utilities |
Version | 8.0.0 |
License | GPL-3.0 |
Last Updated | 2025/03/11 |
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ModMii is a tool that able to download all the files needed to modify any Wii; it can generate custom guides based on your Wii's specifications, and save the files in their appropriate locations for easy offline softmodding. Sample guides (for illustrative purposes only) are available here.
It is also capable of performing many other Wii hacking functions like setting up a usb-loader and creating an emulated NAND. ModMii was also the very first official installer for the widely adopted d2x cIOS.
Even if your Wii's SD Card reader is broken or you just don't have an SD Card, you can use a Hard Drive formatted as FAT32 in place of an SD Card to complete the majority of ModMii's functions (SD Card notably required for Bootmii and making a NAND backup).
The homebrew was entered into the GBAtemp Homebrew Bounty 2011 (Wii, 1st place).
- Softmod any Wii, WiiU or vWii
- Generate custom guides depending on the options that you select
- Update only your outdated softmods based on a SysCheck log from your Wii or vWii
- Check for updates to your Wii\vWii\WiiU homebrew
- Softmod Wii and vWii completely offline without requiring internet on the console
- Safely upgrade or downgrade your Wii System Menu to 4.1, 4.2 or 4.3 protecting against 003 bricks
- Able to build a custom easy to follow guide to setting up a USB-Loader (including how to format/partition your external hard drive)
- Install SNEEK (Wii only), build emulated NANDs (Wii & vWii) and Batch Extract Wii/Gamecube Games for use with SNEEK+DI or UNEEK+DI
- Load NEEK on a Wii without softmodding it using the Abstinence Wizard (i.e. Non-permanent Wii Hacks)
- Region Change Your Wii
- Download\build IOS & cIOS WADs, Official Wii Channels, System Menus, Homebrew\apps, etc.
- Install patched IOSs without a wifi connection on your Wii\vWii
- Customize Bootmii, Wad Manager and MMM config files to adjust their start-up settings
- Build Wii\vWii\Wii-Mini System Menu Themes
- HackMii Solutions Wizard for Wii's experiencing an upside-down homebrew channel or HackMii Installer No Vulnerable IOS problems
- Advanced Custom Downloads Feature to easily patch and change the slot/version of IOSs/cIOSs. It can also build 3 different types of forwarder dol's and iso's (only use this feature if you know what you are doing!!)
- Drag and Drop \ open various file types to perform different functions (e.g. nand.bin check\clone\defragment, WAD modify\unpack\trasmit\info, mym & csm theme creation, dol & elf app launcher, zip HBC transfer tool, patch deflicker video filter, modify EmuNANDs, etc.)
- and much much more!
User guide
Download and run the ModMii Installer.
More information on installing and using ModMii can be found in the Usage page.
What is ModMii? (XFlak X)
ModMii Download Queues Tutorial (XFlak X)
RUNNING MODMII IN 2022 (sthetix)
- Highlights
- Added support to softmod the WiiU (with Aroma), vWii, or both. All ModMii features now also support WiiU\vWii except HackMii Solutions Wizard (inapplicable), Region Change Wizard and SNEEK Installation. Notably ModMii can now build vWii d2x cIOS WADs, vWii EmuNANDs, analyze vWii SysChecks, construct vWii themes and support vWii nand dumps.
- ModMii still does not fully support the Wii Mini however it can now build Wii Mini themes by opening mym or csm files with ModMii.
- ModMii v8.0.0+ requires 64-bit Windows 8.1 or higher and Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 for all features to work properly.
- All .NET Framework 3.5 system requirements have been removed.
- A lot of supporting apps and processes have been improved, removed or replaced by WiiPy.
- ModMii's File Cleanup & App Updater feature drastically improved. It will now check if updates are available for every single Wii\vWii\WiiU app available on Open Shop Channel and Homebrew App Store libraries (over 400 apps!), plus Aroma, Environment Loader & Nand Dumper.
- New recommended NandLoader for Forwarder Channel WADs (OpenDolBoot's nboot)! ModMii can now modify the NandLoader of a Channel WAD (or folder of WADs) to work simultaneously for Wii and vWii! Wii Game Shortcut Creator (WiiGSC) has been similarly updated to v1.1 ModMii Edition.
- New option when modifying applicable Channel WADs (or folder of WADs) to be able to detect, disable, and re-enable Deflicker video filters. Can also apply\remove N64 Expansion Pak and N64 Dark Filter patches for applicable N64 WADs.
- New "Game Image tools" menu\feature supporting wbfs, iso, ciso filetypes (or folders containing these file types). Options include the ability to Disable Deflicker, Re-enable Deflicker, or Extract game contents of Wii and Gamecube games.
- WAD Modifier: Added ability to detect and modify the following additional Channel WAD Attributes: AHB Access, DVD Video Access, NandLoader, Deflicker, Visibility (with optional minimalist banner to reduce filesize).
- New "Inspector Wadget" feature (get it?); inspect and display WAD Information on any WAD or folder of WADs. Displays WAD Info like cIOS tags, AHB or DVD Video Access, NandLoader, Deflicker, etc.
- When building\modifying an EmuNAND using ModMii Classic, users can now also input ANY mym or csm to customize the theme.
- Updated bundled d2x version to v11-beta2.
- Swiss cMIOS r1788 has replaced WiiGator\WiiPower's cMIOS as ModMii's recommended cMIOS; however a cMIOS is still excluded from ModMii's recommended setup by default (adjustable in ModMii's options). Swiss cMIOS r1788 should behave identically to WiiGator\WiiPower's cMIOS and official MIOS except if Y is held during any GameCube mode load it will start the built-in Swiss.
- Reorganized Download Pages. Added a number of WiiU Homebrew downloads to a Download Page 5 (new). Moved PC Program downloads from page 2 to 5.
- Thanks to all those that contributed either directly or indirectly to make this update possible; @Maschell, @GaryOderNichts, @NinjaCheetah, @DacoTaco, @wiidev aka blackb0x, @emilydaemon, @pyorot aka shoutplenty, the Wii\WiiU hacks guide team, the WiiLink team, the Open Shop Channel team, the Homebrew App Store team, @vgmoose, @pwsincd, @Nightkingale, Maeson, NoobletCheese, @CrafterPika, @GabubuAvailable aka Gabubu, @Naim2000 aka thepikachugamer, @playerjmr, @DarkMatterCore, @diddy81 and of course yours truly @xflak.
- WiiU & vWii
- Added support to softmod the WiiU (with Aroma), vWii, or both. All ModMii features now also support WiiU\vWii except HackMii Solutions Wizard (inapplicable), Region Change Wizard and SNEEK Installation. Thanks goes out to all the WiiU\vWii devs that made this possible but especially @Maschell and @GaryOderNichts who are absolute legends!
- Technical details: ModMii's WiiU softmod process is generally aligned with Notably ModMii includes some additional Aroma plugins\apps by default, such as Bloopair, evWii, GiveMiiYouTube, Inkay for Pretendo, Screenshot Plugin, WiiU Disc Dumper, WiiVCLaunch, etc.
- Technical details: ModMii's vWii softmod process includes EULA WAD installation to prevent update loops when enabling Priiloader's Permanent vWii System Settings (vWii) system menu hack. It also includes an upgraded Photo Channel v1.1 (including HAZA and a custom vWii IOS61; which is a copy of vIOS56), Mii Channel (to enable some features which are missing on vWii, such as connecting a DS or moving Mii's to Wii remotes), and 43DB patches (to fix the aspect ratio for the Everybody Votes and Check Mii Out channels). Essentially ModMii does much of what System Channel Restorer & ww-43db-patcher can do but in different ways.
- Custom splash screen added to WiiU\Aroma boot (thanks @emilydaemon!) and can be customized by including splash.png in ModMii Skin themes. Note that ModMii will not overwrite existing splash screens if detected on SD.
- Added support to softmod the WiiU (with Aroma), vWii, or both. All ModMii features now also support WiiU\vWii except HackMii Solutions Wizard (inapplicable), Region Change Wizard and SNEEK Installation. Thanks goes out to all the WiiU\vWii devs that made this possible but especially @Maschell and @GaryOderNichts who are absolute legends!
- Downloads
- Updated bundled d2x version to v11-beta2, thanks @wiidev aka blackb0x!
- Building vWii d2x cIOS WADs are supported for all d2x versions newer than v9 (except base 38 which requires v11-beta2 or newer). If an unsupported d2x version is selected in ModMii's Options, vWii cIOSs are disabled on download pages. If the selected d2x version does not support vWii, it will be restored to default before downloading files for a vWii wizard\guide. If the selected d2x version is not ModMii's default\bundled version, users will be prompted if they would like to revert to default before Wii or vWii wizard\guide operations.
- Swiss cMIOS r1788 has replaced WiiGator\WiiPower's cMIOS as ModMii's recommended cMIOS (thanks @pyorot aka shoutplenty); however a cMIOS is still excluded from ModMii's recommended setup by default (adjustable in ModMii's options). Swiss cMIOS r1788 is a cMIOS with Swiss r1788 built-in. Hold Y during any GameCube mode load to start the built-in Swiss. If Y is not held then it should behave identically to WiiGator\WiiPower's cMIOS and official MIOS.
- Added 2 downloads to grab the complete Open Shop Channel (OSC) Wii App Library and the complete Homebrew App Store (HBAS) WiiU Library. Users can configure the Skipped Apps option if they want ModMii to exclude certain apps from the OSC or HBAS complete app library downloads. By default Legacy HBAS apps are skipped as well as extra\large RetroArch cores.
- All OSC and HBAS downloads (both bulk and individual) are auto-updating and able to check if the currently downloaded version is already up-to-date.
- ModMii's HBAS downloads save download info to SD:\wiiu\apps\appstore.get\packages\ in a format compatible with the appstore. Big thanks goes out to the HBAS team but especially @vgmoose, @pwsincd and @Nightkingale.
- ModMii's File Cleanup & App Updater feature drastically improved. It will now check if updates are available for every single Wii\vWii\WiiU app available on OSC and HBAS libraries (over 400 apps!), plus Aroma, Environment Loader & Nand Dumper. Users can add apps to a Skipped Apps list if they do not want ModMii to update it for some reason. The Skipped Apps list is accessible via ModMii's Options menu as well as the File Cleanup & App Updater menu.
- Added more apps to ModMii's File Cleanup list: PriiloaderWiiUForwarder, UFDiine, MyMenuifyMod, CSM Installer, wup_installer, vWii Compat Installer, Payload-Loader Installer, Wii U Account Swap, etc.
- Reorganized Download Pages. Added a number of WiiU Homebrew downloads to a Download Page 5 (new). Moved PC Program downloads from page 2 to 5. Download Page 2 has been reorganized into "Exploits", "Wii-Only Homebrew", "vWii-Only Homebrew" and "Wii & vWii Homebrew" categories.
- New Downloads:
- Page 1: 3x vWii System Menus, 29x vWii IOSs, Wii Speak [K], Photo Channel 1.1 [K] (including HAZA; referenced below), vWii IOS61 (for Photo Channel v1.1 support; basically a copy of vWii IOS56), vWii IOS80 (patched), 3x vWii Region Select, 2x vWii BC (BC-NAND & BC-WFS), from vIOS80 v7200 to support (manually) building neek for vWii
- Page 2: OSC Wii App Library, HackMii Installer v1.0, System Channel Restorer, Dump Mii NAND, csm-installer, Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii, HBC v1.1.3 WAD [OHBC], HBC v1.1.4-1 WAD [OHBC], ww-43db-patcher
- Page 3: 4x themes for vWiiU vWiiE and vWiiJ (plus base app\theme files)
- Page 4: vWii d2x cIOS248[38], vWii d2x cIOS249[56], vWii d2x cIOS250[57], vWii d2x cIOS251[58], Swiss cMIOS r1788, DIOS MIOS v2.11
- Page 5: HB App Store WiiU Library, Homebrew App Store, Aroma, Nand Dumper, Environment Loader, vWii Compat Installer, Wii U Disc Dumper (WUDD), WUP Installer GX2 (WUHB), Bloopair, Inkay for Pretendo, GiveMiiYouTube, Screenshot (WUPS), Enhanced vWii (evWii), SaveMii Mod (WUT Port), WiiVCLaunch, WiiUIdent, Tiramisu, Wii U Account Swap, 5x PC Programs which were also added to the Uninstaller [UStealth, WiiLink Patcher, NUSGet, Cemu, UWUVCI (Ultimate Wii U Virtual Console Injectors)].
- Advanced Downloads Page: vWii d2x cIOS248[38], vWii d2x cIOS249[56], vWii d2x cIOS250[57], vWii d2x cIOS251[58]
- Updated Downloads:
- WiiGSC updated to v1.1 ModMii Edition; which notably supports building Wii game shortcut channels that work on both Wii and vWii using DacoTaco's OpenDolBoot nboot NandLoader. More information on WiiGSC's other changes can be found under its own release announcement.
- Photo-Channel-1.1-dummy-HAZA.wad is now created\downloaded along with Photo Channel 1.1 in order for v1.1 to work properly
- 3x Channels updated to work on vWii in addition to Wii (USB-Loader, postLoader and WiiFlow)
- nSwitch channel updated to embed v4.2 and was also modified to have AHB and DVD Video access enabled as well as changing its NandLoader to ODB's nboot to support installations on both Wii and vWii.
- Bootmii SD files updated to v1.5
- Converted the following existing downloads to be autoupdating from OSC: MyMenuifyMod, YAWM ModMii Edition, SysCheck ModMii Edition, Priiloader, Load Priiloader, ARC ModMii Edition, fptii, CleanRip, CFG USB Loader and USB Loader GX (GX will actually switch to OSC later on after its bundled meta.xml has been fixed)
- Updated NTSC/KOR/JAP themes by @diddy81 from the Wii Theme Team. KOR/JPN themes had language and country buttons removed to align with their system menus. NTSC themes fixed a non-critical bug where a typo was pointing to an EU function instead of a US function preventing access to Wii Settings' Country setting. All themes on Download Page 3 were also updated to no longer be signed by ModMii as it complicates things for very little benefit.
- Updated DIOS MIOS Lite (DML) from v1.3 to v2.11
- Some WADs previously thought to be fakesigned were updated to truly be fakesigned. ModMii will still consider any Legacy non-fakesigned cIOSs it encounters as valid. Fakesigning is not really necessary anyway unless a vanilla IOS with the original trucha bug is being used\loaded to attempt to install non-fakesigned content.
- Removed the RC24 patch from ModMii's extra brick protection system menu IOSs since it is no longer required for WiiLink. Also the filename format was changed to IOS##v65535(ModMii-IOS60-v6174).wad.
- When downloading Dolphin a portable.txt file is now also created as having portable.txt where Dolphin.exe is saved changes its app data location from the User Documents folder to where Dolphin is saved.
- EmuPriiloader (the version of Priiloader that ModMii installs to EmuNANDs) updated to 0.10.0 (actually done mid-Dec 2024 even for older versions of ModMii).
- Updated Cheat Codes zip download to be static for now instead of autoupdating from The RC24 download has broken a few times and is no longer being updated.
- Updated AccioHacks Cheat Codes "download" and bundled download queue. The "Copy of Cheat Codes for AccioHacks" download does not actually download anything but will save copies of cheats found in txtcodes\ to codes\ in AccioHacks' expected format. It is automatically queued if both Cheat Codes (txtcodes) and AccioHacks are being downloaded together. To have ModMii only copy existing codes without downloading txtcodes just use the bundled download queue instead.
- Removed Downloads:
- Page 1: 3.2 System Menus, deprecated sneek files, some fakesigned IOSs that were not being used (IOS30[30], IOS70[70], IOS80[80]; these can still be retrieved using the advanced downloads menu if a user needs to).
- RiiConnect24 Patcher (replaced by WiiLink Patcher on Page 5); RiiConnect24 Patcher retained in the ModMii Uninstaller only.
- Updated bundled d2x version to v11-beta2, thanks @wiidev aka blackb0x!
- Supporting Apps & System Requirements
- A lot of supporting apps and processes have been improved, removed or replaced by WiiPy; thanks @NinjaCheetah for his work on libWiiPy, WiiPy, NUSGet and more!
- Mostly due to using WiiPy, ModMii v8.0.0+ requires 64-bit Windows 8.1 or higher and Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022. ModMii will warn you that some features will not work properly if system requirements are not met.
- All .NET Framework 3.5 system requirements have been removed.
- Added option to ModMii Classic to download various dependencies now instead of when needed (i.e. ShowMiiVWiiKeys, nand-tools, nandBinCheck, Punetwiin, wiiload, UnRAR, Sharpii .Net Core, OpenDolBoot, wwcxtool, wit, LZ77Helper).
- Updated ModMii.exe (i.e. Launcher\Shortcut-er) to not require .NET Framework, always launch using console host instead of windows terminal, and fix a bug causing it to crash if an argument\filepath contained "&(" or "&&&" separated by nothing or only spaces; e.g. "&(.csv" or "& & &.wad"
- NUS Downloader no longer bundled to grab WADs from NUS; instead WiiPy is bundled\used. This should resolve random errors or freezing users sometimes encountered (which were usually resolved when retrying downloads anyway).
- WadMii\libwiisharp no longer bundled to (un)pack WADs; instead WiiPy is bundled\used.
- SMW-Mod\libwiisharp (ShowMiiWads-Mod) no longer bundled to install content to EmuNANDs; instead WiiPy is bundled\used.
- ThemeMii Cmd Line (TMCL.exe) is no longer downloaded to create themes; instead themewii.exe is downloaded\used which requires .Net Framework 4.5 (instead of 3.5); thanks goes out to @scooby7402976 (aka scooby74029) and @wiidev (aka blackb0x). Themes are also no longer signed by ModMii as it complicates things for very little benefit.
- TMDedit is no longer bundled to construct d2x cIOSs newer than v9; instead WiiPy is bundled\used to streamline building all d2x versions. A legacy cIOS build method has been added to ModMii & d2x-beta-md5-updater.bat for backwards compatibility. Users will be prompted to enable the legacy cIOS build method if an outdated d2x-beta version is detected and an update for the same version is not available. Alternate d2x cIOS versions hosted online have been updated accordingly. Legacy cios building mode automatically switches back off when changing d2x versions.
- Sharpii\libwiisharp\patchIOS no longer bundled for WAD editing and info gathering; instead other tools are used (mostly WiiPy).
- Sharpii no longer bundled to send WADs to the HBC via LAN; instead Sharpii .Net Core is downloaded\used only when needed for this function.
- settings.exe no longer bundled to build settings.txt; instead WiiPy is bundled\used.
- Removed bundled; instead created on-the-fly by sfk when needed.
- writecbd.exe no longer bundled to build cdb.vff when constructing EmuNANDs; instead fsutil and sfk are used to create it. cdb.vff reduces the amount of time it takes to boot an EmuNAND for the first time.
- An older version of wit.exe (& cygwin1.dll) is no longer bundled; instead the latest wit is downloaded\used whenever a game image operation is necessary.
- Updated the bundled versions of Wizapp.exe and sfk.exe.
- wget no longer opens a separate minimized cmd window when downloading files.
- Drag and Drop
- WAD Modifier: Added ability to detect and modify the following additional Channel WAD Attributes: AHB Access, DVD Video Access, NandLoader, Deflicker, Visibility (with optional minimalist banner to reduce filesize)
- New recommended NandLoader for Forwarder Channel WADs! By leveraging DacoTaco's OpenDolBoot ModMii can now modify the NandLoader of a Channel WAD (or folder of WADs) to work simultaneously for Wii and vWii! Before now forwarders built for the Wii had to be converted to work on vWii using tools like Convert2vWii or WiiForwarder2vWii to change the NandLoader to "tiny vWii", and after the change they would no longer work on Wii. Now channels can be converted to work on both consoles without needing two copies of every WAD! Warning: any WADs with modified NandLoaders should always be double checked before assuming it works on both console types. Both OpenDolBoot & OpenHBC NandLoader's should work on Wii and vWii, but in some tests only one or the other worked. Ultimately the results depend on what app\DOL is being integrated with the NandLoader (and its entrypoint address) or if in the case of forwarders also the app that is being forwarded to.
- New NandLoader option when Modifying a Channel WAD (or folder of WADs) to detect and change NandLoader. This essentially makes the Convert2vWii & WiiForwarder2vWii tools obsolete as ModMii can do all they can do and more. Supported NandLoaders include OpenDolBoot (nboot), comex, marcan, OpenHBC, taiko, tiny vWii and waninkoko. OpenDolBoot's NandLoader (aka nboot) is recommended and generally supports channel loading on both Wii and vWii (thanks @DacoTaco!). NandLoaders can either be integrated\merged with a channel's main dol\app using OpenDolBoot, or sometimes kept separate\external if the WAD is structured that way to begin with. Additional NandLoaders can be saved to ModMii's Support\NandLoaders folder and they will automatically be supported; details here. Wii Game Shortcut Creator (WiiGSC) has been similarly updated to v1.1 ModMii Edition; more information on WiiGSC's other changes can be found under its own release announcement. Note that ModMii will only update DOLs and NandLoaders in Channel WADs with 2 or 3 content files (including banner). These are the types of channels users generally modify; and anything more complicated can\should be done manually by unpacking, modifying, and repacking the WAD.
- If a channel WAD is missing a NandLoader, ModMii can repair it when updating its NandLoader or the DOL used by the channel.
- New option when modifying applicable Channel WADs (or folder of WADs) to be able to detect, disable, and re-enable Deflicker video filters. Can also disable\re-enable the dark filter on 10 N64 VC Channels. Disabling the Deflicker video filter is recommended when using 480p display mode to improve video quality. Enabling the Deflicker video filter is recommended when using 480i display mode on a CRT TV. Deflicker patching can be done on-the-fly by USB Loaders so editing WADs for Deflicker will often be unnecessary. Thanks Maeson and NoobletCheese for researching video filters in such detail!
- New "Game Image tools" menu\feature supporting wbfs, iso, ciso filetypes (or folders containing these file types). Options include the ability to Disable Deflicker, Re-enable Deflicker, or Extract game contents of Wii and Gamecube games. Deflicker patching can be done on-the-fly by USB Loaders for most but not all game images; e.g. any games with multiple dols like Metroid Prime Trilogy or The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return cannot be patched by USB Loaders unless using the alt-dol method to load\patch a specific sub-game\dol at launch. The only known deflicker patch not supported by ModMii is for Gamecube games compiled with gxD.a which is (only?) used in "Sega Soccer Slam".
- Better detection and support of hidden channels when modifying a Channel WAD.
- New Visibility option when Modifying a Channel WAD to make a channel visible or invisible\hidden. When making a channel hidden you can also choose to inject a minimalist banner to reduce filesize. Channels with minimalist banners are restricted from being made visible to avoid banner bricks; users will be directed to add a banner first.
- Bulk processing of a folder of WADs to be invisible\hidden or have their NandLoaders updated is also supported, however only supported Channel WAD types will be processed (other types will be skipped). All changes are applied to copies of the original WADs.
- When modifying a Channel WAD warnings given when selecting IOS61 or a specific Title ID that may cause pillarboxing issues on vWii.
- Enhanced information reported on user provided WADs; e.g. if an IOS is for Wii or vWii, installed size in blocks and MBs, Signing Status, cIOS tags and base IOS, cMIOS detection for common cMIOSs, NandLoader (where applicable), Deflicker (where applicable), Content Files, Korean Key, 4x ES module patches (FS:Fakesigning, ES:ES-Identify, NP:Nand-Permission, VP:Version-Patch), etc.
- New "Inspector Wadget" feature (get it?); inspect and display WAD Information on any WAD or folder of WADs. Displays WAD Info like cIOS tags, AHB or DVD Video Access, NandLoader, Deflicker, etc. Additional TMD & TIK info can be displayed by following the onscreen directions. Additional OpenDolBoot info on NandLoader & Main DOL (where supported) can be displayed by following the onscreen directions (i.e. adding "Set ODBInfo=Y" to settings.bat).
- Warnings displayed if stubbed IOS or unhidden bannerless channel WADs are inspected.
- IOS WAD Modifier patches are not always successful depending on the IOS. ModMii will now check which patches were successfully applied and rename the file, if applicable, to align with just the successfully enabled patches.
- nand tools: Enhanced to support vWii nand dumps (i.e. slccmpt.bin) in addition to Wii nand.bin's. Added nand.bin expected size checks. Also added checks for nand.bin's that are missing appended keys and users are prompted to provide the keys to fix it. Also added ability to detect and repair vWii nand dumps by converting opt.bin to keys.bin using ShowMiiVWiiKeys and appending it to a repaired copy of slccmpt.bin.
- A number of enhancements were made to ModMii's Bootmii.ini creator, including adding an option to autoboot a specific channel's title ID and load\edit existing settings. If a bootmii.ini file is dragged\opened with ModMii it will automatically load the Bootmii settings editor function.
- ModMii's App Launcher is now also accessible when opening an app folder containing a boot.dol\elf (in addition to any dol\elf file).
- HBC File Transfer Tool is now also accessible via ModMii's App Launcher when loading a boot.dol\elf or an app folder containing a boot.dol\elf (in addition to zip\7z\rar files). The tool now also displays the contents of archives and prompts for confirmation just before initiating a transfer. Any archives including both a boot.dol and boot.elf are now automatically corrected by renaming boot.dol to bootAlt.dol in a temporary copy of the archive to enable transmission.
- ModMii can now construct themes, not only just for Wii, but also for vWii and Wii Mini system menu versions by opening mym or csm files with ModMii.
- All vWii themes built by ModMii, including the boring Default, have 43DB patches to fix the aspect ratio for the Everybody Votes and Check Mii Out channels.
- Wii Mini theme building requires users provide ModMii with the original theme app file (or the complete Mini System Menu WAD) as these files are not available to download from NUS. ModMii does not support Wii Mini consoles in any other way (unless you count the USB-Loader Setup Wizard).
- For any file or folder without a dedicated function, ModMii will now offer to (de)compress files\folders using LZ77Helper instead of only offering to calculate file hashes using HashMyFiles.
- Any file or folder can now also be opened directly from ModMii Classic's main menu.
- SysCheck Updater
- SysCheck Updater Wizard now also supports vWii SysChecks.
- If Priiloader is detected when analyzing Wii SysChecks logs, users are asked if they want to update it since SysCheck cannot detect Priiloader's installed version. No prompts are made for vWii since Priiloader on vWii is relatively new making it impossible for a very outdated version to be installed.
- When analyzing SysCheck logs, if a non-critical IOS was skipped by SysCheck, ModMii will now assume it is problematic and suggest it be cleaned\stubbed. If a critical IOS is skipped then ModMii will continue to suggest it be updated appropriately.
- SysCheck Updater now gives the option to analyze sysCheck v2.1.0b logs but with a warning. ModMii also now accepts System Menu IOSs as valid if they are v65535 and have Trucha Bug and NAND Access (in addition to v16174 or a ModMii tagged System Menu IOS) to better support analysis of older SysChecks. Users also linked to SysCheck v2.1.0.b19 in case SysCheck ModMii Edition or HDE do not work in rare cases.
- When analyzing a SysCheck, ModMii will now display settings that impact how it is being analyzed; i.e. Update Active IOSs (for Wii & vWii SysChecks), Extra Brick Protection (Wii only), Hermes cIOS (Wii Only) and cMIOS (Wii Only). These settings will also continue to be summarized in generated guides.
- When generating SysCheck wizard guides, the HBC will now be updated using the hackmii installer instead of yawmME\WAD if the current HBC is older than v1.1.0 (previously v1.0.7). While yawmME's meta.xml could be modified to use the "no_ios_reload" argument instead of "ahb_access" allowing it to work without cIOS on HBC v1.0.7 & v1.0.8, v1.0.7 is susceptible to network initialization IOS reload bug so the "ahb_access" argument was intentionally retained.
- Added support to ModMii's SysCheck Updater to download and analyze SysChecks that were uploaded to; thanks @CrafterPika!
- Guide
- New guides for installing recommended WiiU softmods, vWii softmods, or both. Outcomes are generally aligned with (procedure may differ; e.g. using WADs to install cIOS instead of the d2x installer). Sample guides can be found here. Thanks team and @Ingunar in particular!
- Added a ModMii Wizard option to restore the default theme; which includes 43DB patches for vWii to fix the aspect ratio for the Everybody Votes and Check Mii Out channels. csm-installer is used in both vWii and Wii guides to install themes; previously Wii guides used MyMenuifyMod.
- Added an extra Wilbrand Web exploit option for 3.x-4.2 guides; thanks @emilydaemon!
- HackMii Solutions Wizard now downloads v1.0 of the HackMii Installer in addition to v1.2. HackMii Solutions guides direct users to try v1.0 if v1.2 does not work.
- Added IOS56 to Region Change Wizard in case users do not have it installed and thus prevents installing EULA v3. The EULA WAD is now named differently only when downloaded as part of a Region Change Wizard to come after the IOS56 prerequisite; i.e. changed from EULA-NUS-v3 to NUS-EULA-v3.
- HTML guides will now open with whatever browser Windows is configured to use for http. Users without HTML file associations will no longer be prompted to choose what app to open guides with. This change was inspired after shaking my head at this youtuber when he closes the prompt to choose what browser to open his guide with and says "all you gotta do is press the escape key on the keyboard".
- Replaced RiiConnect24 with WiiLink throughout all guide references.
- Other guide enhancements, including references to RiiTag, UTag, Seagate >2TB HDD tutorial (in addition to WD), diagram of proper SD\USB file structure, fixed broken links, etc.
- Added an option to build vWii EmuNANDs (but NOT neek for vWii). Both Wii and vWii EmuNANDs should work interchangeably in USB Loader GX so vWii EmuNAND support may not have been necessary.
- Installing an nSwitch (neek2o) Channel is now optional when building or modifying EmuNANDs instead of always being installed.
- Updated default setting.txt serial number for Korean EmuNANDs to use an "LKM" prefix.
- When building\modifying an EmuNAND using ModMii Classic, users can input any mym or csm to customize the theme (only for SMs 4.1 or higher). Previously only the 4 themes offered by ModMii were supported. This makes quickly changing themes to test in Dolphin or neek super fast and easy!
- When modifying an EmuNAND some info on the loaded nand is displayed onscreen; e.g. SM Version, Region, Console Type, Installed Titles, Space used, whether HBC or other content is installed, etc. Previously only Priiloader was detected.
- All EmuNAND modifier pages can be cycled through by leaving the selection blank and hitting enter, similar to WAD editing.
- Bugfixes
- Fixed ModMii's Game Bulk Extractor so that if extracting a GameCube disc image, the real files will be extracted instead of creating a 'game.iso' copy.
- Sharpii, patchIOS and libwiisharp's fakesigning does not actually work so ModMii now uses WiiPy for fakesigning. Fakesigning is not really necessary anyway unless a vanilla IOS with the original trucha bug is being used\loaded to attempt to install non-fakesigned content.
- Fixed bug that sometimes occurs when modifying a user provided Channel WAD to inject a new DOL using Sharpii. Sharpii always assumes the main DOL is in the same position but some channels have different boot index order and Sharpii can get it wrong (i.e. it may break the channel by replacing the NandLoader instead of the main DOL). Other tools like CustomizeMii and possibly ShowMiiWads have the same issue.
- ModMii can properly handle modifying a user provided Channel WAD to inject a new DOL whether the NandLoader is external or integrated with its main DOL. Channels with integrated NandLoaders (other than the HBC) have not become widespread, but with this ModMii update making it easier to do that may change. Other tools like Sharpii, Customize Mii, ShowMiiWads, etc. may need to be updated to handle replacing DOLs in channels that have integrated NandLoaders and\or external NandLoaders in an unconventional position (as detailed above). Note that ModMii will only update DOLs and NandLoaders in Channel WADs with 2 or 3 content files (including banner). These are the types of channels users generally modify; and anything more complicated can\should be done manually by unpacking, modifying, and repacking the WAD.
- Technical details: When replacing a channel's main DOL, ModMii will check the position of the main DOL and NandLoader in both source and donor WADs, and it will check if they have integrated or external NandLoaders. If replacing a DOL with an integrated NandLoader ModMii checks to make sure the new DOL also has one integrated, and if it doesn't ModMii will automagically integrate OpenDolBoot's nandloader before injecting it. If replacing a DOL without an integrated NandLoader but the new DOL has it integrated, ModMii will replace it and also remove the channel's external NandLoader and change its boot index to 1.
- Fixed WAD Modifier bug that occurred when changing the Title ID of a channel where its type would also get set to 00010001 whether it was that way to begin with or not. 00010001 is a common channel type for WADs users typically edit so it was never reported and I just happened to notice. This is actually still a Sharpii bug but now ModMii uses WiiPy for this purpose.
- Fixed HTA file association "ERROR: temp\tempcheck.txt not found!" bug experienced by a small number of users when trying to open a download page. ModMii now specifies mshta is to be used to open HTA files in case file associations are not properly set in Windows.
- Other
- Improved handling of user inputs and support for filenames with special characters.
- Removed the option to keep NUS and 00000001 folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs\etc; previously this was useful for offline usage of some deprecated apps.
- Users are now only prompted to input "I Agree" once per ModMii version; i.e. asked once then will not be asked again until the next update.
- The ModMii Installer will now add the ModMii installation path as a Microsoft security exception. This is only done if a user has already given required permissions to the installer itself.
- Added yet another small Easter Egg to ModMii Classic. Happy hunting!
- Other relatively minor changes.
- Q: XFlak, how many hours have you spent on ModMii by now? A: IT'S OVER 9000!!!
- This is likely the last ModMii update that will fully support 32-bit windows or Windows 8 and older. This is a small bug-fix only update so that users unable to use the next BIG update will have something more stable to fall back on.
- Reverted the server used by NusFileGrabber back to NUS from RC24's redirect to resolve downloads impacting building themes or sneek.
- Updated sourceforge download links to resolve "Some files required for neek installation are missing" issue.
- Fixed bug in mym and csm drag and drop theme building operations if the path contained an even number of folders.
- Fixed bug where Photo-Channel-1.0-NUS-v2 was not being listed in the Install WADs step of guides for Korean region Wiis.
- Fixed harmless "Get-Disk.vbs not found" bug which only impacted ModMii Skin users. This message was safe to ignore as it only indicated that it was unable to detect the format details of connected drives to include in guides saving users the trouble of having to manually check.
- Updated broken download links for Bootmii SD files, WiiMC-SS and Customize Mii. Even before this release these issues were being automatically repaired when ModMii checked for updates.
- Updated download link for USB Loader GX as the package has problems (for now) with its bundled meta.xml. Even before this release this issue was being automatically repaired when ModMii checked for updates.
- Updated Wiimmfi DNS IP. Even before this release this issue was being automatically repaired when ModMii checked for updates.
- Stay tuned; I promise the next update will be more exciting!
- Removed prompt to retain patched IOS31 if detected in SysChecks as it is no longer required for RiiConnect24.
- SysCheck updater now also checks to make sure BC is v6.
- Removed the following whitelisted slots from suggesting they optionally be stubbed in the SysCheck updater wizard (236,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247).
- Fix for IOSs that were skipped by SysCheck. Previously if "IOS249: Skipped" (for example) was contained in a SysCheck, ModMii suggested installing both the recommended cIOS249 as well as a stub IOS249, but ModMii appropriately never actually constructed a stub IOS249.
- Fixed SysCheck updater MIOS issue where a stock MIOS v10 was not installed when "MIOS v10 (DIOS MIOS Lite)" was listed in syschecks (and cMIOS option disabled).
- Other minor changes, including references to Fakemote as well as updating links to (or archived links where no replacement exists yet).
- SysCheck Updater will now also suggest stubbing\removing IOS 252 and higher if detected (except IOS254 Bootmii). This is to ensure the recommended IOS248-251 are selected by USB Loader GX's Auto IOS setting, which prefers higher IOS slots all else being equal. Users wishing to use unique cIOS configurations should install them to slots 240-247 to avoid being nagged, or simply ignore optional recommendations to stub\remove cIOSs that you want to keep.
- SysCheck Updater will now suggest removing Hermes cIOSs (when detected) if the Hermes cIOS option is disabled. If enabled, ModMii will continue to direct users to install Hermes cIOSs if missing.
- To avoid redundant recommendations, ModMii's SysCheck Updater will not recommend removing\stubbing IOSs if already stubbed by ModMii (e.g. stub IOS is rev 404).
- If the only SysCheck Updater recommendation is to stub\remove some IOSs a custom message is displayed indicating this is optional and all other mods are up to date.
- Added check to SysCheck Updater to abort if it detects a Wii Mini System Menu version (v4609 or v4610).
- Fixed bug causing ModMii to crash if analyzing a SysCheck log that is in French and also references an older version of the HBC (1.1.0 and lower).
- Fixed Bug preventing the selection of alternate d2x cIOS versions and ModMii Skin themes that are hosted online.
- Fixed bug causing ModMii to crash if running a Spanish version of Windows and missing NET Framework 3.5 or trying to install neek.
- Many new Drag and Drop supported file types, features and functions (e.g. nand.bin check/clone/defragment, WAD modify/unpack/trasmit, mym & csm theme creation, dol & elf app launcher, zip HBC transfer tool, etc.).
- New default cIOS (d2x-v11-beta1) and recommended cIOS configuration (248[38], 249[56], 250[57], 251[58]).
- YAWM ModMii Edition replaced MMM and Some YAWMM Mod in all wizards/guides. Now all functions support Wii motion+ remotes and/or do not require manually changing SD:/boot.elf/dol in between guide steps.
- Guide optimizations, improvements and additions (e.g. GPT to MBR conversion, added 2 new HDD format options WBFS & FAT32+WBFS, new/improved Youtube videos, re-ordered/combined/streamlined steps, etc.).
- Added optional step to SysCheck Updater guides to carefully stub or erase unnecessary IOS slots that should be empty using stub IOS WADs.
- UI changes: changes to icons, new default ModMii Skin theme, new ModMii Skin theme selector, optional Launchpad Toolbar, optional Context Menu (right-click) access to ModMii.
- Complete GUI redesign of ModMii Classic Download Pages (excluding Advanced Downloads Page).
- (Re)introduced auto-updating and semi-auto-updating downloads.
- Many new/updated downloads. Notably a dozen new PC Programs were added.
- A custom uninstaller is now bundled with ModMii allowing you to uninstall some or all of ModMii's components.
- App Updater: new feature added to File Cleanup function on main menu. Users now prompted if they want to check for updates to auto-updating apps detected on the device (excluding Dolphin and OSC), or to delete unnecessary files, or both.
- Updated bundled version of NUS Downloader Command Line from v0.2 to v0.6. The old NUSD did not perfectly create TMDs. Imperfect TMDs were not generally problematic and have been used without issues for many years. However, the new YAWM ModMii Edition will prevent installation of any WAD that is not perfect for security reasons. As a result, many of the WADs in ModMii's temp folder from older versions will be deemed invalid going forward and will be automatically re-downloaded. To correct the files in your temp folder all at once, download the items from the bundled "NUS_2023_Changes" download queue.
- Other changes and bugfixes.
Drag and Drop:
- If you can't drag and drop it onto ModMii then it probably isn't Wii related, because ModMii drops it like it's hot!
- Added support for dragging and dropping multiple items at once.
- Added a new option to ModMii Classic's main menu to open a File or Folder with ModMii, behaves same as drag and drop except it does not support opening multiple items at once.
- Includes ModMii Launchpad Toolbar Installer/Uninstaller to add or remove a quicklaunch-like toolbar to your taskbar giving you easy access to drag and drop functions.
- Includes Context Menu Installer/Uninstaller to add or remove "Open with ModMii" to your right-click context menu (or Shift-right-click).
- Added Drag and Drop support for many new file types and features, including:
- nand.bin tools (nand.bin); Extract, Check, Clone or Defragment a Wii nand.bin file
- Extract a nand.bin into folder format structure to use as an emulated nand
- Check a nand.bin using nandBinCheck to confirm it is safe to install on a Wii
- Clone a nand.bin from one Wii to install to a different Wii using Punetwiin; output is also automatically checked by nandBinCheck
- Defragment a nand.bin for modest speed improvement and/or to compensate for new bad blocks in old nand backups
- Examples: nand.bin, anything.bin
- HBC Transfer Tool (zip, 7z, rar)[def]; wirelessly transfer apps to the device selected in the Homebrew Channnel (e.g. SD, USB)
- ModMii supports transferring archives (zip, 7z, rar) both with and without an /apps/ folder (e.g. usbloader_gx or apps/usbloader_gx). Only one app per archive can be transferred at a time, and because the HBC's managing access is limited to the /apps/ folder any files outside of the apps folder will be skipped (e.g. roms, games, resources, etc.). Archives must include a boot.dol or boot.elf file in the app folder (but not both); other files and subfolders like meta/icon/etc. will get copied as well.
- Examples: usbloader_gx.7z,, anything.rar
- App Launcher (dol, elf); launch apps from your PC to your Wii via WiFi, no SD/USB required
- Loads arguments from meta.xml and also allows users to add/remove arguments
- Examples: boot.dol, boot.elf, anything.dol, anything.elf
- WAD Sender (WAD, folder of WADs); install WADs <8MB from your PC to your Wii via WiFi, no SD/USB required
- Examples: anything.wad, or any folder containing WADs
- Sharpii (and WadInstaller.dll) by person66 is now bundled with ModMii to enable this feature
- WAD Modifier (WAD); Modify Channel attributes (Title, Title ID, IOS, DOL, Fakesign) or IOSs attributes (Patches, Slot, Version)
- Examples: anything.wad
- WAD Unpacker (WAD, folder of WADs); unpack WADs
- Examples: anything.wad, or any folder containing WADs
- WAD Packer (unpacked WAD folder or component file - app, cert, footer, tik, tmd); repack WAD
- Examples: Any_Unpacked_WAD_Folder, or any file inside an unpacked WAD folder (e.g., cert, footer, tik, tmd)
- CSM Theme Builder (mym, csm, folder of myms, folder of csms); Create csm files to install Wii themes using MyMenuifyMod
- Examples: DarkWii_Purple.mym, Random_Theme_4.1U.csm, MYM_Folder, CSM_Folder
- SysCheck Updater (SysCheck.csv); update only your outdated softmods
- Old/existing feature listed for completeness
- Examples: SysCheck.csv, or any csv that was created by SysCheck and renamed
- App Updater & File Cleanup (SD/USB Drives or Folders); Update Apps and/or remove un-needed files
- App Updater is a new feature, described later in changelog
- File Cleanup is an old/existing feature listed for completeness
- Examples: W:, X:, COPY_TO_SD, COPY_TO_USB
- Emulated Nand Modifer (EmuNand Folder); Edit an Emulated NAND
- Old/existing feature listed for completeness
- Examples: pl_us, or any folder containing an Emulated NAND System Menu; i.e. /title/00000001/00000002/content/title.tmd
- Load Download Queue (ModMii_Download_Queue.bat); Load a ModMii Download Queue
- Old/existing feature listed for completeness
- Examples: ModMii_Download_Queue.bat, or any download queue that was created by ModMii
- Load Wizard Settings (Wizard_Settings.bat); Load Saved ModMii Wizard Settings from previous session
- Examples: Wizard_Settings.bat, or any Wizard_Settings.bat that was created by ModMii and renamed
- Calculate Hashes (everything else); Calculate file hashes using HashMyFiles
- Examples: anything.doc, ., New_Folder, any file or folder not mentioned above
Wizards & Guides:
- New recommended cIOS configuration. Changes have been agreed and coordinated with A brief rationale for each recommended cIOS provided below:
- Slot 248 base 38: only bases 38 & 58 can play SpongeBob's Boating Bash, and only 38 has USB keyboard support for Animal Crossing
- Slot 249 base 56: plays majority of games and a few that base 57 cannot; preferred for slot 249 to avoid unnecessary IOS reloads under USB Loader GX's Auto IOS setting
- Slot 250 base 57: plays majority of games and a few that base 56 cannot
- Slot 251 base 58: only bases 38 & 58 can play SpongeBob's Boating Bash, and only 58 supports the LAN adapter
- All wizards now use YAWM ModMii Edition (yawmME) instead of MMM and Some YAWMM Mod. Now all functions support Wii motion+ remotes and/or do not require manually changing SD:/boot.elf/dol in between guide steps.
- Guides will have users install Priiloader before installing WADs even if a new System Menu is being installed since yawmME is able to retain Priiloader installations. The only exception is in SysCheck Updater guides where a custom system menu version is detected or the HBC IOS (IOS58) is missing/patched, as the Priiloader Installer will refuse to run without a clean HBC IOS and system menu version.
- Removed step to reinstall the HBC with the HackMii Installer to use IOS58 (where it was included). This step is no longer necessary as the HBC is now updated as part of the Install WADs step.
- Relevant guides now include a section on checking the Hard drive partition style and converting from GPT to MBR if applicable.
- Wizards no longer ask users to select a USB format type (e.g. FAT32, NTFS, etc.). Instead, applicable guides include all format options in spoilers along with pros and cons for each.
- In addition to FAT32 (default/recommended), NTFS and FAT32+NTFS, directions for two new format types have been added: WBFS and FAT32+WBFS.
- Partition style and format type information is included in guides for devices that were connected when the guide was generated.
- Nkit Processing App, GameCube Backup Manager and CleanRip are now also downloaded when setting up a USB-Loader and referenced in applicable guides.
- System Menu 4.3 is now recommended instead of 4.1 if <=4.0. If starting on 4.1, 4.2 or 4.3 the recommendation is still not change System Menu versions. There is no benefit to 4.3 over 4.1, but some users feel strongly about seeing the latest number and their message has been heard.
- Added IOS59 to active IOS download list for Japanese console only as it is a JPN exclusive IOS. ModMii Wizards will only direct Japanese consoles to install it.
- All Youtube videos were either re-recorded or upscaled and a number of new videos were created to support guide changes (e.g. YAWM ModMii Edition).
- Enhanced exploit descriptions to list supported firmwares and other requirements.
- Updated DNS servers for str2hax exploit directions.
- Wii Channels no longer supported by Nintendo (e.g. News, Wii Speak, etc.) have been removed from wizards (still available via ModMii...
- Fixed bug where the MMM's boot.elf was not being saved to SD root when appropriate (i.e. for HackMii Solutions Wizard, and for modding virgin Korean Wii's running system menu 4.2 or lower). This only occurred if MMM was not already saved to the SD card before downloading the HackMii Installer, and ModMii would fix itself if downloads were repeated. This bug was introduced when downloads were alphabetized and MMM became queued after the Hackmii Installer instead of before.
- Syscheck Updater now also accepts "hermes-v5.1" as a valid info tag for cIOS 202 & 224 (in addition to hermesrodries-v5.1, hermesrodries-v6 & hermesrodries-5.1). These are all the same cIOS but the info signature differs based on the installer used.
- Korean consoles now use v1.0 of the Photo Channel, since it has been reported that v1.1 does not work properly on Korean consoles.
- Other minor changes.
Full list of changes can be found here.
External links
- Official website -
- GitHub -
- SourceForge -
- Google Code -
- GBAtemp -
- GBAtemp -