What's News
- Added in Preset controller configs.
- New option to specify how the mouse is controlled. Options are "None", "Left Analog", "Right Analog"
- Lowered memory useage of the emulator by 8 meg. What does this mean? No more issues with Gilou999's skin at 720p. In fact I was able to run a game I was testing at 1080i for those of you insane enough to do that kind of thing. As a result savestates are no longer compatible with previous versions savestates. However they will be a heckuva lot smaller now!
- XF1 thru XF5, OP1 and OP2 keys are now mappable to the Xbox controller. Look in the "Configure Controller" menu. Kyuukyoku Tiger is now playable!
- Emulator now clears screen so there is no longer garbage when the game resolution changes.
- No longers asks for the "boot" disk in a multi-disk boot ZIP. If you wanna change the boot disk (or any other "boot" drives) just press X and do it from there.
- If a game has no config, is found in the config database AND has only one disk (within a zip archive) the emulator will skip the game configuration screen and just start the game.
- Code was not properly auto mounting HDF files on newly configured games. Fixed.
- Added in game specific video modes
- Added in game specific savestate autoload