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PSPCAP32 | |
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Author | Zx-81 |
Type | Computer |
Version | 1.5.1 |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2009/08/21 |
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PSPCAP32 is a port of Caprice32, an emulator of the Amstrad CPC home computer series running on Windows and Unix. Originally written by Ulrich Doewich, the emulator imitates the CPC464, CPC664, and CPC6128 models.
It is a port on PSP of a mixed version of Caprice32 4.1.0 and 4.2.0 made by Ludovic Jacomme (aka Zx-81).
- Multiple mappings in the emulator window (Standard, L-Trigger and R-Trigger).
- Danzeff On-Screen Keyboard by Danzel and Jeff Chen.
- Customizable IR keyboard (from the file pspirkeyb.ini).
- Save/Load CPC Snapshot files (ZIP, SNA, SNZ).
- Load CPC Disk files (ZIP, DSK and gzipped DSZ).
- Cheat Code (CHT).
- Comments.
- Load Key Mapping files (KBD).
- Settings.
- Joystick Settings.
- IRDA-Joy Settings.
Unzip the ZIP file, and copy the folder pspcap32 to ms0:/PSP/GAME/.
Put your snapshot files generated using the Windows version of Caprice32 on the snap sub-directory, or disk image on disk sub-directory.
User guide
Key mappsings
In the CPC emulator window, there are three different mapping (Standard, L-Trigger and R-Trigger mappings).
You can toggle between while playing inside the emulator using the two PSP trigger keys.
Virtual keyboards
You can toggle the Danzeff On-Screen Keyboard or IR keyboard to manually enter Commands or write your own comments for game.
The IR keyboard allows you to enter letters, special characters and digits.
Edit the pspirkeyb.ini file to specify your IR keyboard model, then modify layout keyboard files in the keymap directory.
CPC (Standard):
Square - Backspace
Triangle - ENTER
Cross - Joystick Fire 1
Circle - Joystick Fire 2
D-Pad - Up/Down/Left/Right
CPC (L-Trigger):
Square - FPS
Triangle - Load state
Cross - Save state
Circle - Analog Joystick
Up - Inc Delta Y
Down - Dec Delta Y
Left/Right - Render mode
Analog - Joystick
CPC (R-Trigger):
Square - Backspace
Triangle - ENTER
Circle - Escape
Cross - Auto-fire mode (on/off)
Up/Down - Up/Down
Left - Dec auto-fire frequency
Right - Inc auto-fire frequency
Analog - Joystick
All mappings:
Start+L+R - Exit and return to eloader
Select - Enter in emulator main menu
Start - Open/close the On-Screen keyboard
Main menu:
R - Reset the CPC
Triangle - Go Up directory
Cross/Circle - Valid
Square - Go Back to the emulator window
On-Screen Keyboard:
Analog - Choose one of the 9 squares
Triangle/Square/Cross/Circle - Choose one of the 4 letters of the highlighted square
L/R - See other 9 squares figures
IR Keyboard:
D-Pad - Cursor
Start - Tab, Ctrl-W
Select - Escape, Ctrl-Q
Triangle - Ctrl-E
Cross - Ctrl-X
Square - Ctrl-S
Circle - Ctrl-F
L - Ctrl-Z
R - Ctrl-C
IRDA Joystick box:
Analog Up - Joy Up, Paddle 2+
Analog Down - Joy Down, Paddle 2-
Analog Left - Joy Left, Paddle 1-
Analog Right - Joy Right, Paddle 1+
Cross - Joy Fire, Paddle 1 Fire
Circle - Paddle 2 Fire
Developed for Firmware 5.0-M33 and should work properly on PSP Slim.
- This version of PSPCap32 supports IRDA-Joystick box designed by good friend Buzz ( Schematic and PIC source code is provided in contrib folder.
- Add "IRDA joystick" device support for both DB9 Joystick and Atari Paddle.
- Add menu for IRDA joystick settings and keys mapping.
- Add option to choose between IRDA devices (keyboard or joystick).
- Improve global emulation speed.
- Cheat support.
- Text editor to modify the global cheat.txt file.
- Memory monitoring engine to find your own cheat code.
- Text editor to write your own comments on games.
- Display first comment line while browsing game files.
- Finally fix issue with "Home -> Exit".
- Add option to disable auto fire in settings menu.
- Improve file requester with virtual keyboard to choose sequentially rom files beginning with a given letter.
- Zip rom files are now decompressed in memory (much faster).
- Emulation speed (small improvements).
- Improve file requester with virtual keyboard to choose sequentially rom files beginning with a given letter
- Add documentation for settings in help menu.
- Bug fix in CRTC emulation (thanks to Carl Murray).
- Bug fix in CRTC emulation (games such as Prehistorik II just couldn't be launched).
- Two drives (A & B) are now supported, but only drive A can be used to automatically start a game. It might be useful with symbOS to put the OS disk on drive 'A:' and application disk on 'B:'.
- Major speed improvements, frame rate reached 55 fps at 222Mhz on startup and 67 fps at 266Mhz.
- Add gzipped disk file support, reduce disk file size from 190k to 20k (you may gzip original dsk file using Of course, gzipped disk files are also browsable using disk explorer inside the emulator, and when possible, they can be run automatically.
- Add eboot's music.
- A thumbnail image is now displayed in the file requester while selecting any file with the same name of a previously saved game (snapshot, disk, keyboard, settings). It might be very helpful to recognize that game later if you have thousand different games in your disk and snapshot folders.
- The virtual keyboard is now usable in the file requester menu to choose the first letter of the game you search.
- In the emulator menu you can go directly to keyboard and settings menu using the L-Trigger key.
- Fix IR keyboard issue with fw >= 3.80 for FAT PSP.
- Fix random black screen issue.
- Source code can now be compiled to build a linux version.
- Many optimizations to speed up the emulation:
- Z-80 part as been rewritten using several hints such as explicit jump tables for instructions decode.
- CRT and sound part has been optimized (Frame rate is now 49 Fps at 222Mhz on startup).
- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off (useful for games such as defend or die).
- Add new hotkeys to setup auto fire speed.
- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog.
- RTrigger/LTrigger keys can be used in the keyboard settings menu to navigate between Normal, LTrigger and RTrigger compose mapping.
- New "Command" feature in the emulator menu:
- You have now to choose the command you want to run using arrows.
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files).
- Remove dead code (such as printer, breakpoint, trace support etc).
- Bug fix in green/monochrome default settings .
- Improve speed (+3 fps at 222Mhz).
- Add new hotkeys:
- Settings such as fps, delta_y or render mode can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu).
- Quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu).
- Display in green (monochrome).
- Option to scroll up or down the screen (when the screen is not properly centered).
- Analog pad can now be used in the file requester to move faster through the disk/snapshot lists.
- Check CPM disk automatically (and run |CPM instead of RUN").
- Bug fix in the disk explorer menu (when the number of files on disk was too high).
- IR keyboard works now also in the keyboard settings menu.
- Bug fix in the render function, sometimes the screen became dark (it should not happen anymore).
- Major Speed improvements, > 50fps at 266Mhz even using GU render.
- Games on disk are now automatically loaded on startup.
- Menu to explore the disk content and possibly load files with Basic RUN" command.
- Sound improvements.
- Bug fix in the keyboard settings menu (when the virual keyboard is displayed, then you can still use the d-pad to select menu items).
- Add several news options such as one to display (or not) the border.
- Code cleaning.
- Major Speed improvements, it's fullspeed now.
- Import CRT emulation part of older version of Caprice32 (less accurate, but much faster).
- Add two new render modes : Fast and Ultra.
- Sound is now played in 16 bits and stereo.
- IR keyboard support.
- Display and save thumbnail images for each save state.
- New speed limiter function.
- Add option to display fps rate.
- Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when L or R are pressed.
- Now compatible with custom firmwares 3.x and PSP-slim.
- Add a simple intro splash screen.
- Support iso8859-1 fonts in print text functions (might be useful to translate menus in german, french).
- Bug fix and code cleaning.
- Add option to change the ram size up to 576k and PSPCap32 can now run Symb-OS. (Thanks to Goebish for his help).
- Save state files are now saved using gzip compression (with SNZ as file extention). It's much faster to save or load states now. You can use gzip or 7-zip to convert old SNA to SNZ. SNA file format is still supported for loading, so you convert your previous saved files inside the emulator.
- A new graphical engine with new smoother render modes. It uses now the PSP GU for rendering, it does not run faster, but it's a lot smoother. Old "soft" render modes are still available, because there are a bit faster.
- Save state dates are displayed in the emulator window (it's now easier to identify and to load the right save state slot).
- Sound is now played at 44Khz (instead of 48Khz).
- Bug fix (load default keyboard mapping on startup).
- Bug fix in Rom file requester.
- Bug fix in keyboard handler.
- Bug fix in PNG screenshots.
- Bug fix in sound tick menu.
- Add fit height zoom mode.
- Speed limiter is set to 50fps (instead of 60fps).
- Emulator menus reorganisation (new menu for settings).
- New feature to save and load a distinct setting file for each games.
- Delete files option (in the file selector).
- Add speed limiter option.
- Screenshots are now saved in PNG format instead of BMP.
- Multiple keyboard mappings feature developped by Pou-chan:
- You can now toggle between 3 different keyboard mapping using LTrigger and RTrigger keys.
- Add help menu.
- Add beautiful icons and background designed by Shadow.
- Modify the UI to be able to use custom background images (transparency).
- Sleep mode is now working (but only when you're in the emulator window).
- Bug fix in danzeff keyboard (wrong key mapping).
- Improve the sound, it's now much more better.
- The percent of battery left is now displayed in the emulator window.
- Add a watchdog to automatreturn to the emulator menu when the battery is very low (< 5%).
- Add option to modify the "sound tick average" value (usefull to avoid sound distorsion on several games).
- Enter directly in the emulator menu on startup (instead of the CPC screen).
- Bug fix in smooth image algorithm (resulting in wrong color display).
- Bug fix and code cleaning.
- New keyboard files from Loic Daneels (more than 470 games).
- New keyboard files from Loic Daneels (more than 380 games).
- Add keyboard change skin option (you can add your own virtual keyboard images in the graphics directory).
- Modify the file requester to memorize separately the last locations/directory of disk image, snapshot, and keyboard (much more convenient).
- Add LED for disk access.
- Bug fix, SHIFT and CONTROL key are now working.
- New keyboard files from Loic Daneels (more than 270 games).
- In the key mapping editor, PSP keys can now be left unassigned.
- Add Analog pad mapping (in KBD file format and in the key mapping editor).
- Modify the exit key sequence, it's now Start+L+R to avoid conflict with IR-shell.
- New Speed optimization (Up to 30% faster).
- Add Screenshot save feature (Save up to 10 screenshots in the pspcap32/scr directory).
- Add Configuration file load/save option (if a file pspcap32.cfg is present, it is then loaded on startup).
- Add Background image.
- New keyboard pack files (from Loic Daneels).
- Keyboard mapping Editor (using the virtual keyboard).
- Bug fix in z80 emulator, visible in batman game (back to original caprice32 code).
- Bug fix in virtual keyboard (several keys such as Copy or Capslock weren't taken into account).
- The name of the current game is now displayed in the emulator menu (this name is used as filename for all saved data such as keyboard file or quick save snapshots).
- Add Fullscreen (fit width), zoom x1.25 and x1.5.
- Add |CPM command support in the run.txt file.
- Option to swap the CPC joystick keys between PSP analog stick and d-pad.
- Add all missing CPC keys in the virtual keyboard.
- Add a file (run.txt) to specify association between the disk name and the name of the program to run (file yyy.dsk -> RUN"xxx).
- New Speed optimization (frame display).
- Bug fix in PSP Clock Frequency option.
- Add Load/Save/Del states menu.
- Shortcut to run the "Cat" command.
- Shortcut to RUN" after disk loading.
- Automatic keyboard file loading (same filename as disk or snapshot file).
- Speed optimization (Z80 emulator, and frame display).
- Add a "frame skip" option in the emulator menu.
- Emulator options menu to change parameter such as sound, clock etc.
- Zip archive support for both disk files (.dsk) and snapshot files (.sna).
- User Keyboard mapping file to specify dedicated mapping between CPC and PSP keys (usefull for games that use particular keys and/or don't support joystick).
- Intial release.
- CPC Emulator for Unix/X11 and Windows by Ulrich Doewich.
- Porting on PSP by Ludovic Jacomme.
Special Thanks:
- Danzel and Jeff Chen for their virtual keyboard, and to all PSPSDK developers.
- Buzz for the IRDA-Joystick box.
- Loic Daneels for the keyboard files, feedback and suggestions.
- David Llort for all the comments, feedback and requests.
- Shadow for the icons and background.
- Goebish for thehelp on ram size / Symb-OS issue.