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OniTaiko DS | |
![]() | |
General | |
Author | Team HKO |
Type | Music |
Version | 1.4x.20 fat |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2012/08/12 |
Links | |
[Binary & Song Packs Download] | |
Website | |
OniTaiko DS is a reimplentation of Taiko no Tatsujin, with the ability to add custom songs.
Copy the .nds file and the data folder to the root of your flash cart.
Download also contains:
- TJA2OWT (TJA to OWATA Converter) - Convert .tja to data.txt.
- OTC (OniTaiko DS Converter) - Convert data.txt to OniTaiko DS compatible .txt format.
- RTC (Result Text Converter) - Convert OTPW to text file if you want to share the result with other people.
When creating your own custom songs:
- Bgm format - 120kbps mono MP3.
- Each song should be placed in a seperate folder along with the fumen file.
- The song.txt file contains the total number of the songs and song titles.
- The songs will be displayed in the order according to song.txt.
If you want to play the songs from the song packs, you can either replace the entire data folder, or copy the song folders over+edit the song.txt files.
User guide
It is recommended not to press any key before playing the first note (or you may entcounter bug).
The yellow note only has the head and tail, please get used to it.
The number of the blowing note is displayed in white words below the note judgment position.
Also, do not shut down or close the cover when saving the score/mp3 starts playing/mp3 finishes playing/reading the data at the beginning.
Song Packs
LIST OF SONGS (NO. 2-27) | ||
No.02: k-on「放課後のタイコタイム」(with song_0.txt) | ||
Cagayake!GIRLS | ふわふわ時間 | |
じゃじゃ馬Way (表+裏) | GO! GO! MANIAC | |
Listen!! | ぴゅあぴゅあはーと | |
桜が丘女子高等学校校歌 [Rock Ver.] | ラヴ | |
Utauyo!! MIRACLE | No, Thank you! | |
No.03: angel_beats「天使の奏 -私のココロ、あなたのリズム-」(with song.txt) | ||
My Soul,Your Beats! (本家) | My Soul,Your Beats! (自家) (裏譜面:Gldemo Ver.) | |
Brave Song | Crow Song | |
Alchemy | Thousand Enemies | |
Rain Song | 一番の宝物 (Yui ver.) | |
Shine Days | Theme Of SSS | |
No.04: Eiya01 永夜「ノックターナルオンサンブル」(with song.txt but missing "/eiya01" for category) | ||
オワタ\(^o^)/エイジア | 恋色の魔ほう12-8 | |
Lunatic Reflection | Cruel Moon NuMIX | |
月夜を二人で抜け出す程度の能力 | ひれ伏せ愚民どもっ!(表+裏) (boss) | |
MAD GiRL | 少女綺想曲 ~ the Dream Duel (boss) | |
ロイヤルストレート☆ブラック | ||
No.05: otds01「鬼太鼓雑パックNo.01」(with song_0.txt) | ||
taboo tears you up | タイコタイム (表+裏) | |
SORA-I アースライズ | SORA-II グリーゼ581 | |
SORA-III ヘリオポーズ | SORA-IV ブンパソング | |
黄ダルマ2000 | F | |
ALL MY HEART-この恋に、私の全てを賭ける- | ALL MY TURN -このターンに、オレの全てを賭ける- | |
No.06:k-on2「放課後のふわふわタイコタイム」(with song_0.txt) | ||
Don't say "lazy" | Girls in Wonderland | |
U&I (Live Ver.) | 天使にふれたよ! | |
No.07:otds02「鬼太鼓雑パックNo.02~レベル10の祭り」(with song_0.txt) | ||
亜空間遊泳ac12.5 | Black Rose Apostle (表+裏) | |
iolite | Golden Cross | |
Vanessa | Bad Maniacs | |
Go Beyond!! (boss) | ジングルベル ハードスコアリミックス | |
タベルナ2000 | IN THE ZONE | |
No.08:otds03「俺の魔法少女がこんなの契約のわけがない」(with song_0.txt) | ||
irony | めてお☆いんぱくと | |
コネクト | Magia | |
Sis puella magica! | PHANTOM MINDS | |
Don't be long | Silent Bible | |
オレの妹がこんなに可愛いはずがない! | 魔法少女!?ゆかりん☆ | |
No.09:ura01「裏表ダンサーズ」(with song_0.txt) | ||
凛として咲く花の如く(表+Long裏) | Dazzlin' Darlin (裏譜面:Dazzlin' Darlin -秋葉工房mix-) | |
蓄勢 ~GEAR UP~(表+裏) | 蛻変~transformation~(表+裏) | |
らんぶる乱舞 (表+裏) | 夜桜謝肉祭 (表+裏) | |
練習曲Op.10-4 (表+裏) | ウサテイ(表+Long裏(boss)) | |
Emotional Rule (裏譜面:Emotional Rule-dark white-) | Real Force (表+裏) | |
No.10:otds04「鬼太鼓雑パックNo.04~NoNoNo | !」(with song_0.txt) | |
neu | Never Fade Away | |
NoN-Fiction Story! | No Way Back (表+裏) | |
NECOLOGY | nebike2000 | |
NIGHT OF FIRE | No Life Queen | |
ぬえちゃんのお○ん○んぺろぺろ (boss) | naTivEfAcE | |
No.11:otds05「鬼太鼓雑パックNo.05~この世界は数字で構成する」(with song_0.txt) | ||
LOVE 2000 | 2000000000 | |
MAX300 | Second Heaven | |
STAGE 0.ac11 | アルムジカac14.0V | |
恋文2000 | さいたま1000~3000 | |
No.12:otds06「鬼太鼓雑パックNo.06」(with song_0.txt) | ||
AKATSUKI | MOON (表+裏) | |
Doon Noiz | 亜空間遊泳ac12.5 | |
旋風ノ舞 | きたさいたま2000(boss) | |
少女綺想曲 ~ the Dream Duel (repeat, see Pack No.04) (boss) | Right or Wrong | |
LEVEL5 -Judgement- | 止マレ! | |
No.13:otds07「鬼太鼓雑パックNo.07~WTF」(with song_0.txt) | ||
ファミリードンドン | Fantasista | |
Far east nightbird | fellow | |
FLOWER | F (repeat, see Pack No.05) | |
Fire◎Flower | 風花来夢 | |
フラドル | 風姿華傳 (boss) | |
No.14:boss01「閻魔ノ舞」(with song_0.txt) | ||
旋風ノ舞 (AC13) | The Carnivorous Carnival | |
リ:ウサテイ | 燎原ノ舞 (boss) | |
L'erisia (Primal logic) (boss) | ||
No.15:ryu「太鼓Ryu☆群」(with song_0.txt) | ||
Sakura Sunrise | sakura storm | |
in the Sky | bloomin' feeling | |
Light Shine | passionate fate | |
PARADISE LOST (boss) | I'm so Happy | |
Sakura Reflection | Scatman (Ryu☆Remix) | |
No.16:otds08「太鼓Ryu☆群」(with song_0.txt) | ||
まほろば | GOLD RUSH(裏譜面:GOLD RUSH (pop'n GOLD MOUNTAIN rush)) | |
Wenkamui | Theory of Eternity | |
SETSUNA | ららら☆ハッピネス | |
ポップコーン★パレード | SHION | |
マトリョシカ | snow snow | |
No.17:otds09「鬼太鼓雑パックNo.09」(with song_0.txt) | ||
V | Kamikaze Remix | |
Dream Tide -夢の潮流- | LOVE戦!! | |
またさいたま2000 (boss) | 極東天国 | |
裏表ラバーズ | 止マレ!(repeat,see Pack No.12) | |
快晴・上昇・ハレルーヤ | 恋愛サーキュレーション | |
No.18:vocaloid01「VOCALOIDM@STER」(with song_0.txt) | ||
天雪ノ乱舞 | トウキョウト・ロック・シティ | |
炉心融解 | ワールドイズマイン .feat 初音ミク | |
ブラック★ロックシューター (自家) | 孤独の果て | |
初音ミクの分裂→破壊 ~仮想歌手の6つの表情のための組曲~(boss) (5m30s) | ワールズエンド・ダンスホール | |
ローリンガール | ロミオとシンデレラ | |
No.19:otds10「鬼太鼓雑パックNo.10」(with song_0.txt) | ||
Fantasista | Infinity | |
LOVE&JOY | ポップコーン★パレード(repeat, see Pack No.16) | |
炉心融解 (Ryu☆ Remix) | Wonder Wind | |
インモラリスト | ライオン | |
No buts!! | last in autumn | |
No.20:otds11「鬼太鼓雑パックNo.11」(song_0.txt) | ||
卑弥呼 | 冥 | |
うらもからだも落花微塵 | Wuv U | |
白猫きゃらめる夢幻のわたあめ | White Rose Insanity (表+裏) | |
Mulberry | パステルドリーム | |
Phantom Ensemble (kors k mix) | Scarlet Seat Girl (boss) | |
No.21:imas01「1641」(with song_0.txt) | ||
パーフェクトスター・パーフェクトスタイル | THE IDOLM@STER | |
ポジティブ! | 魔法をかけて! | |
神さまのBirthday | L・O・B・M | |
“HELLO!!” | ハッピース | |
Do-Dai | I Want | |
プリコグ | オーバーマスター | |
キラメキラリ | バレンタイン | |
Kosmos,Cosmos | THE IDOLM@STER 2nd-mix (IM@S 765PRO ALLSTARS VERSION) | |
SMOKY THRILL | The world is all one !! | |
READY!! | ||
No.22:otds12「鬼太鼓雑パックNo.12」(with song_0.txt) | ||
LOVEずっきゅん | DEADLOCK | |
Jailbreak | Thunderbolt | |
犬吠える | MachineGun Kiss | |
渚のアンドロメダ | わんにゃーワールド | |
Jack-the-Ripper◆ (boss) | Guilty Future | |
No.23:otds13「鬼太鼓雑パックNo.13」(with song_0.txt) | ||
Justice to Believe | まるでマトリョーシカ | |
KUNG-FU MAMA | 蒼の旋律 | |
マジカル・リトル・スペースシップ | 十露盤2000 (boss) | |
亡き王女のためのパヴァーヌ ~きみのこどう~ | 桜前線異常ナシ | |
Stray | ヒャダインのじょーじょーゆーじょー(表+裏) | |
No.24:wafuu「和風乱舞」(with song_0.txt) | ||
花吹雪 ~ Ⅱdx Limited ~ | 隅田川夏恋歌 | |
少女小景再抄録 ~影~ | 黒髪乱れし修羅となりて | |
季曲~Seasons of Asia~(表+裏) | 春遊 ~happy excursion~(表+裏) | |
胡蝶乱舞 | 傾城妓唄 | |
錦上添花 | 夢幻花 | |
No.25:boss02「成仏ノ道」(with song_0.txt) | ||
Red Goose | ドドンガド~ン (表+裏) | |
万戈イム-一ノ十 (boss) | ||
No.26:otds14「鬼太鼓雑パックNo.14」(with song_0.txt) | ||
polygon | THE FALLEN | |
ツキミツヌ | WONDER WALKER | |
Red Rose Evangel | Blue Rose Ruin | |
千本桜 | Heartquake Super Shock | |
ウサテイ2011 | Singing! | |
No.27:otds15「鬼太鼓雑パックNo.15」(with song_0.txt) | ||
Trickster | Venomous (表+裏) | |
XEVIOUS(細野晴臣 監修) | Express Emotion | |
reunion | robin | |
The Sampling Paradise | FLOWER -DECISION short mix- | |
dance storm (表+裏) | READY!! (本家) |
D-Pad - Scroll
L - Ura mode
X - Category (Sort by Score/Level/Perfect/Genre)
Start - Choose a random song
Touchscreen+Start - Slide left and right to change difficulty
Select - Enable/disable hiscore (you will see the dot on the top left corner when it is enabled)
R - Song details
B+Up - OPTW Checker
B+Touchscreen - Gauge mode
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B goes to Extra Mode.
X - Change Set (1-5)
Y - Change Mode
R - Change Drum sound
In game:
Select - Quit song
Start - Pause
A - Resume
鬼太鼓DS -卒業2000- 太鼓の達人 (お刺身)
Tested by the author on R4 v1.18 with TOSHIBA 2GB MicroSD YSMenu.
Also tested on melonDS.
Known issues
Do not pess any button on the DS before the first note, or you may encount bug.
If you encounter any bug, try reloading the song or reboot.
If you hear some crackling sound - enter the game then press A, A, Select, B.
External links
- Official website - (archived)