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Two 3ds connected using FileKong
FileKong is the first FTP Client ever made for 3DS. At the moment the homebrew IS NOT finished, that's why it's in Alpha state. Actually i don't have time to work on it so i decided to release it "as it is" (i don't even know if i'll ever finish it since at the moment i'm not motivated anymore to work on 3DS scene.
It has been created without watching a single FTP client sourcecode, i worked just seeing what kind of requests a popular FTP client (FileZilla) does to learn how FTP protocool works and i tried to reproduce it writing from scratch the whole code.
What's currently implemented?
A: Open Directory | Send/Receive a file
X: Delete a File/Directory
Left/Right DPad: Switch between server and client
Up/Down DPad: Navigate in current filebrowser
Select: Take a screenshot
Start: Exit homebrew
Little tip: instant server configuration
If you plain to use this homebrew with the same server all the times, you can consider to edit the index.lua file (lines 2-6) to automatically start FileKong with your configuration saving you time editing them manually all the times.
Note that if you're using CIA build, the index.lua file is inside romfs partition of the homebrew so it could be quite hard to edit it if you're not a bit experienced in such things.
Some usages for this homebrew