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Wuphax | |
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Author | FIX94 |
Type | todo/Exploits |
Version | 1.1u3 |
License | MIT License |
Last Updated | 2017/01/07 |
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An exploit for hacking the vWii side of the Wii U using iosuhax and wupclient. It replaces the Mii channel of vWii with one that starts sd:/boot.elf.
This is helpful for people who would like to hack a vWii but do not have a required game.
- Download the latest elf release.
- Donwload the hackmii installer and place only the boot.elf from the zip on your SD card root.
- Disconnect all USB devices from the Wii U.
- Put the wuphax.elf into sd:/wiiu/apps.
- Run wuphax.elf from the Homebrew Launcher.
- Press A to back up your current Mii Channel and inject it with wuphax.
- After the Wii U restarts, enter Wii mode and run the Mii Channel.
- Install the Homebrew Channel from the Mii Channel.
- To restore the Mii Channel, rerun the elf and press B this time.
How to Homebrew your vWii! (Pea)
External links
- GitHub -
- GBAtemp -
- ForTheUsers -