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Template:Infobox-3DS-Homebrews Quick Payload Switcher for A9LH and B9S. It can switch between payloads (to switch between CFWs), and it can rename arm9loaderhax.bin to arm9loaderhax_si.bin and vice-versa. Please Read the documentation below.
This tool, a Lua script that runs on LPP-3DS by Rinnegatamante, is used to quickly switch between A9LH payloads, for those who like using multiple CFWs. It is also capable of renaming the current payload to toggle screeninit/noscreeninit behaviour on a compatible A9LH installation.
Usage (Payload Switcher)
First, install the CIA using FBI/NASA/DevMenu/whatever.
If your original payload is named "/arm9loaderhax.bin", "/arm9loaderhax_si.bin" or "boot.firm"
- Name your secondary payload (the one you want to quickswitch) "/arm9loaderhax_switch.bin".
- Run the app whenever you want to switch, and reboot the console.
If your original payload is named something else (ex. "/banana.bin")
- Name your secondary payload (the one you want to quickswitch) "/arm9loaderhax_switch.bin".
- Create a file named "/payloadswitch-in.cfg" and write the path there (ex. "/banana.bin")
- Run the app whenever you want to switch, and reboot the console.
If you want to switch with more payloads
- Name your other payloads "/arm9loaderhax_switch_up.bin", "/arm9loaderhax_switch_down.bin", "/arm9loaderhax_switch_left.bin" and/or "/arm9loaderhax_switch_right.bin". (This applies even if the user has B9S and not A9LH, name the other payloads like this)
- To switch to them, just hold the correct DPAD button while starting the application. This will make the app replace your main payload (ex. /arm9loaderhax.bin) with that payload (ex. /arm9loadrhax_switch_up.bin").
If your secondary payload is named something else (ex. "/somepayload.bin")
- Create a file named "/payloadswitch-out.cfg" and write the path there (ex. "/somepayload.bin")
- Use the app.
To stop the console from rebooting when using this (on v1.1 or later) Just hold the L button while running it.
For information about renaming the payloads for screeninit/noscreeninit behaviour, read "Modes"
Mode 1: Normal (normal)
To use this mode (which by default only switches between payloads to boot), simply delete any file named /payloadswitch-mode.cfg , or make sure that file has "normal" written, without the quotes.
While in normal mode, if you want to toggle between noscreeninit/screeninit mode (on an A9LH installation that supports it, like Aurora Wright's latest A9LH, which screeninit/noscreeninit merged and relies on filenames to run in one mode or the other), hold R and X while starting this app. R and X will, just for that one time, use Alternate mode.
If you wish to rename the payload AND switch payloads, hold Y and X instead to use "Mixed" mode.
Mode 2: Alternate (alternate)
To use this mode (which by default only renames the payload as arm9loaderhax.bin<>arm9loaderhax_si.bin), create a file named /payloadswitch-mode.cfg , and write "alternate" in it, without the quotes.
While in alternate mode, if you want to use Normal mode once (to switch between CFWs), hold R and X while starting the app. If you want to use "Mixed" behaviour, which will switch and rename the payload, hold Y and X instead.
Mode 3; Mixed (mixed)
Mixed mode is both Normal and Alternate. It will always rename AND switch the payload to boot. To use it, create a file named /payloadswitch-mode.cfg and write "mixed" in it, without the quotes.
While in mixed mode, if you wish to use Normal mode, hold R and X while starting the app.
Now supports up to 5 alternate payloads. Check the README at GitHub for details. ☆v1.2.1
Minor release, to change the unique ID to 0xA541.
Third release. Now supports 3 modes of operation (Normal, Alternate and Mixed). Check the README at GitHub for details. ☆v1.1
Second release. Console reboots automatically unless ""L"" is pressed. Check the README at GitHub.
Initial release, seems stable. Check the README at GitHub.