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Revision as of 00:18, 1 June 2021 by HydeWing (talk | contribs)
[Media:DSPack.rar Download]


DS Pack was initially a PAC MAN arcade emulator. Since version 1.9 the emulator was revised and different machines were integrated like Frogger, Amidar, Crazy Kong Digdug, Super Qix.


Note: In order to use this emulator, you will need to obtain MAME roms.

Download and extract the latest version

DLDI patch the file and put the MAME's ROM files at the root or in the /MAMERoms/ sub-directory on your flashcard.

Since the 1.5 version, it's now possible to display different cabinets (.cbt), captures (.cpt), flyers (.flr), marquees (.mrq) for each games.

Files resources must be copied in the same roms's folder (root or in the /MAMERoms/ sub-directory on your flashcard).

User guide

Supported rom lists

Name ROM Parent ROM
600 600 turtles
Abscam abscam puckman
Ali Baba and 40 Thieves alibaba
Ameisenbaer (German) anteaterg anteater
Amidar amidar
Amidar (bootleg) amidarb amidar
Amidar (Olympia) amidaro amidar
Amidar (Stern Electronics) amidaru amidar
Amigo amigo amidar
Anteater anteater
Bagman bagman
Bagman (Stern Electronics, set 1) bagmans bagman
Bagman (Stern Electronics, set 2) bagmans2 bagman
Beastie Feastie beastf suprglob
Big Kong bigkong ckong
Burger Time (Data East set 1) btime
Burger Time (Data East set 2) btime2 btime
Burger Time (Midway) btimem btime
Buccaneer bucaner puckman
Cannon Ball (Pacman Hardware) cannonbp
Caterpillar Pacman Hack ctrpllrp puckman
Cook Race cookrace btime
Crazy Kong ckong
Crazy Kong (Alca bootleg) ckongalc ckong
Crazy Kong (Orca bootleg) ckongo ckong
Crazy Kong Part II (alternative levels) ckongpt2b ckongpt2
Crazy Kong Part II (Japan) ckongpt2j ckongpt2
Crazy Kong Part II (Jeutel bootleg) ckongpt2jeu ckongpt2
Crazy Kong Part II (set 1) ckongpt2
Crazy Kong Part II (set 2) ckongpt2a ckongpt2
Crush Roller (bootleg) crushbl crush
Crush Roller (bootleg?) crushbl2 crush
Crush Roller (Kural - bootleg?) crush3 crush
Crush Roller (Kural Esco - bootleg?) crush2 crush
Crush Roller (Kural Samno) crush
Crush Roller (Kural TWT) crush4 crush
Crush Roller (Sidam bootleg) crushs crush
Dig Dug (Atari, rev 1) digdugat1 digdug
Dig Dug (Atari, rev 2) digdugat digdug
Dig Dug (rev 1) digdug1 digdug
Dig Dug (rev 2) digdug
Dig Dug (manufactured by Sidam) digsid digdug
Dream Shopper dremshpr
Eggor eggor
Eyes (Digitrex Techstar) eyes
Eyes (Techstar) eyes2 eyes
Eyes (Zaccaria) eyeszac eyes
Frog froggers frogger
Frog (Falcon bootleg) frogf frogger
Frog (Galaxian hardware) frogg frogger
Frogger frogger
Frogger (Moon Cresta hardware) froggermc frogger
Frogger (Sega set 1) froggers1 frogger
Frogger (Sega set 2) froggers2 frogger
Gorkans gorkans mrtnt
Hangly-Man (set 1) hangly puckman
Hangly-Man (set 2) hangly2 puckman
Hangly-Man (set 3) hangly3 puckman
Joyman joyman puckman
Jr. Pac-Man jrpacman
Jr. Pac-Man (Pengo hardware) jrpacmbl jrpacman
Korosuke Roller korosuke crush
Le Bagnard (set 1) bagnard bagman
Le Bagnard (set 2) bagnarda bagman
Lizard Wizard lizwiz
Magic Brush mbrush crush
Make Trax (set 1) maketrax crush
Make Trax (set 2) maketrxb crush
Monkey Donkey monkeyd ckong
Mr. TNT mrtnt
Ms. Pac Attack mspacmat mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg) mspacmab mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, (encrypted)) mspacmbe mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man (with speedup hack) mspacmnf mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man Plus mspacpls mspacman
Ms. Pacman Champion Edition (mschamp) mschamp mspacman
Ms. Pacman Champion Edition (mschamps) mschamps mspacman
Naughty Mouse (set 1) nmouse
Naughty Mouse (set 2) nmouseb nmouse
New Puck-X newpuckx puckman
Newpuc2 (set 1) newpuc2 puckman
Newpuc2 (set 2) newpuc2b puckman
Pac-Gal pacgal mspacman
Pac-Man (Galaxian hardware, set 1) pacmanbl puckman
Pac-Man (Galaxian hardware, set 2) pacmanbla puckman
Pac-Man (Hearts) pacheart puckman
Pac-Man (Midway) pacman puckman
Pac-Man (Midway, harder) pacmod puckman
Pac-Man (Midway, with speedup hack) pacmanf puckman
Pac-Man Plus pacplus
Paint Roller paintrlr crush
Pengo (bootleg) pengob pengo
Pengo (set 1 rev c) pengo
Pengo (set 2 not encrypted) pengo2u pengo
Pengo (set 2) pengo2 pengo
Pengo (set 3 not encrypted) pengo3u pengo
Pengo (set 4) pengo4 pengo
Penta penta pengo
Perestroika Girls perestro
Perestroika Girls (Fuuki license) perestrof perestro
Piranha piranha puckman
Piranha (hack) piranhah puckman
Piranha (older) piranhao puckman
Ponpoko ponpoko
Ponpoko (Venture Line) ponpokov ponpoko
Popeye-Man popeyeman puckman
Puckman (Falcom?) puckmanh puckman
PuckMan (Japan set 1 with speedup hack) puckmanf puckman
PuckMan (Japan set 1, Probably Bootleg) puckman
PuckMan (Japan set 2) puckmana puckman
PuckMan (Japan set 3) puckmod puckman
Scrambled Egg scregg
Super Bagman sbagman
Super Bagman (Stern Electronics) sbagmans sbagman
Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) sprglobp suprglob
Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) German sprglbpg suprglob
Super Qix (bootleg set 2) sqixb2 sqix
Super Zola-Puc Gal mschamps mspacman
The Anteater (UK) anteateruk anteater
The Glob (Pac-Man hardware) theglobp suprglob
Turpin turpin turtles
Turtles turtles
Van-Van Car vanvan
Van-Van Car (Karateco) vanvank vanvan
Van-Van Car (set 3) vanvanb vanvan
Woodpecker (set 1) woodpeck
Woodpecker (set 2) woodpeca woodpeck
Zig Zag (Dig Dug hardware) dzigzag digdug
Zig Zag (Galaxian hardware, set 1) zigzag
Zig Zag (Galaxian hardware, set 2) zigzag2 zigzag
Zola-Puc Gal mschamp mspacman



D-Pad - Select game

A - Play selected game

B - Settings management

R - Display flyer

L - Display cabinet

X - Full screen list

Y - Display the marquee above the capture


D-Pad - Select setting

B - Validate settings

In game:

D-Pad - Play

X - Insert coin

Start - Start game (one player)

Select - Start game (two players)

R - Next level (cheat mode)

L+R - Back to listing

Note: You must go back to listing to save high-score.


V1.9.5 21/04/2012

  • Compiled with libnds 1.5.6+ & devkitarm R38.
  • New roms btime, btime2, btimem, cookrace & scregg support added.

V1.9.4 14/07/2011

  • "fruit bug" in mspacman and other clones fixed (bug was in Z80 emulator) (thanks Tanas & Rayder).

V1.9.3 12/07/2011

  • mspacman / mspacmat / mspacmnf fixed (thanks Rayder).
  • scroll in abscam fixed (thanks Rayder).

V1.9.2 : 11/07/2011

  • zigzag / zigzag2 fixed (thanks Another World).

V1.9.1 10/07/2011

  • Bugs fixed (thanks Another World).
  • New roms perestro & perestrof support added (Warning mature content).

V1.9 07/07/2011

  • Compiled with libnds 1.5.1+ & devkitarm R34.
  • News machines added (Frogger, Amidar, Crazy Kong, Digdug, Super Qix, ...).
  • Alphabetically sorted listing.

V1.8 15/05/2011

  • ROM sets changes:
    • Old mschamp.* must be renamed mschamps.* (thanks Another World).
    • New rom mschamp supported.
  • Settings management added.

V1.7 08/05/2011

  • Compiled with libnds 1.5.0+ & devkitarm R32.
  • Compatible with CYCLODS iEvolution in DSi mode.
  • Romset popeyeman & woodpeca support added.

V1.6 24/05/2009

  • Bugs fixed (sprites positions).
  • Several new roms suppported.

V1.5.2 30/04/2009

  • Keys switched (L / R and <- / ->).

V1.5.1 30/04/2009

  • Bugs fixed.

V1.5 28/04/2009

  • New menu (thank you Cid2Mizard, Kukulcan, Mollusk & progds for your help).
  • Display for flyers, cabinets, captures et flyers added (thank you progds & Cid2Mizard for your help).
  • Bugs fixed (hi-score save, cannonbp).

V1.4.2 21/04/2009

  • Bugs fixed (Jr Pacman).

V1.4.1 20/04/2009

  • Bugs fixed (scrolling, eated ghost's transparency).

V1.4 18/04/2009

  • Vertical scrolling added for all games (except for Ponpoko and Cannonball).

V1.3.1 13/04/2009

  • Vertical scrolling added for Jr Pacman.
  • Bugs fixed (sound, switches, IO, VRAM cleared).

V1.3 09/04/2009

  • Compiled with libnds 1.3.2.
  • Namco sound chip improved again.
  • Added AY-8910 sound in Dream Shopper.
  • 2 news roms Ponpoko supported.
  • Vertical scrolling added for Pengo.
  • Hi-score is saved except for nmouse, nmouseb, woodpek and cannonbp.

V1.2 29/12/2008

  • Namco sound chip rewritten(better sound on DS).

V1.1.1 28/12/2008

  • Removed "watchdog ?" in jrpacman / jrpcmbl the game seems to works now.

V1.1 27/12/2008

  • 8 news supported roms (all pengo.c MAME's driver roms).

V1.0 25/12/2008

  • First version that use DLDI.
  • Compiled with libnds 1.3.1.
  • Files roms are unziped by the emulator.
