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DescriptionBreakout is an arcade game developed and published by Atari, Inc., and released on May 13, 1976. It was conceptualized by Nolan Bushnell and Steve Bristow, influenced by the seminal 1972 Atari arcade game Pong, and built by Steve Wozniak, aided by Steve Jobs.
A simple Breakout clone for the 3DS [Uses pp2d, citro3d, and of course ctrulib.] -Written by Magicrafter13 [Matthew Rease].
To play this, just download a precompiled binary (3dsx, cia, or elf) from the releases tab.
In - Game
- D-Pad or Joystick to move Left and Right
- A Button to launch ball (when ball attached) or shoot laser if power up has been acquired.
- Select to start game (or return to title)
- Y to open Level editor
- Start to exit
In Level Editor
- D-Pad or Joystick to move cursor
- L and R to switch brick type
- X to save level layout
- B or Start to return to title
- Y to randomize brick layout
- Select play your level
Available on my website. Click Here!
Edit / self-compile
You will need the following libraries to compile this: pp2d ctrulib (If you don't have this, you are either new to 3ds homebrew or you're just crazy. If you've set up homebrew environment, you have this.)