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This is a 3DS homebrew audio/video playback server, listening on TCP port 8334. This uses ctrulib. ==User guide== Compiling: <code> make MEDIAMODE=<val> CODEC=<val> HIDREPORT=<val></code> * MEDIAMODE must be either value 0 for video, or value 1 for audio. * CODEC must be either value 0 for raw video/audio, or value 1 for encoded video/audio. * HIDREPORT is optional, when the value is non-zero and MEDIAMODE is 0, the server will send a 0x10c-byte block to the client every >= ~1/60 of a second. The first 0x108-bytes are from hidSharedMem+0, the last word is from [ here]. The app will only send the HID block while video data is being received. Besides ctrulib, the following libraries are required: libvpx, libvorbisfile, libvorbis, and libogg. * Configuring libvpx building: <code> CROSS=arm-none-eabi- ./configure --target=generic-gnu "--extra-cflags=-march=armv6 -mtune=mpcore -mfpu=vfp" --disable-multithread --disable-vp8-encoder --disable-vp9-encoder </code> * Configuring libogg building: <code> ./configure --host=arm-none-eabi --prefix=/opt/devkitpro/devkitARM/portlibs/arm/armv6</code> Audio and color format: * The audio is 44100Hz pcm_s16le mono-channel, when CODEC is non-zero the data sent to the app must be .ogg. * When CODEC is non-zero, the video data sent to the app must be VP8 IVF. * The color-format of the video frame is the same as the LCD framebuffer, the width must be 240. * For raw video, the color-format is RGB565. Screen image size: * The height must be at least 320 (sub-screen) or 400 (main-screen). * For encoded video, larger height values allows more than one LCD framebuffer to be used in each video frame. * 320+400 = main-screen image (400 height) + sub-screen image (320 height), 800 = two main-screen images (height 400 for each image), for 3D left and 3D right. * 800+320 = same as 800, except this has a 320-height sub-screen image following the main-screen images. The VP8 video framerate from the client should be only ~20-25fps (this depends on the video dimensions), this is due to single-threaded decoding (higher framerates can't be used due to this not decoding fast enough). Example terminal commands for streaming to this server: * Ogg streaming: <code> avconv -i <inputfile> -f s16le -acodec libvorbis -ac 1 -vn -f ogg - | nc <serveraddr> 8334 </code> * Raw audio streaming: <code> avconv -i <inputfile> -f s16le -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 - | nc <serveraddr> 8334 </code> * VP8 IVF, for just sub-screen: <code> avconv -i <video input path> -s 320x240 -vf transpose=1 -r 30 -f ivf - | nc <serveraddr> 8334 </code> '''Note:''' This app handles certain errors by triggering crashes. This includes service initialization failure (such as CSND), like when the app doesn't have access to a required service. ==Known issues== This has various bugs, including: * Return-to-homemenu(which includes power-button handling) does not work, returning to hbmenu is broken too. * Audio playback starting when the initial connection is closed then another connection opened, is broken. The app does not hang/crash(closing the connection + opening the connection again still works), however no audio is played. * Ogg handling is broken, this doesn't work very well compared to raw audio playback. Unlike raw audio playback, the app will quickly hang without crashing, when playing ogg audio. * This app only waits for just one audio chunk(1-second block), then immediately plays that. This results in audio playback briefly stopping while the app waits for the next chunk when playback of the previous chunk already finished. ==Credits== The yuv2rgb code used by this app is from [ here]. ==External links== * GitHub -