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- ftp sync
Sync file pairs over ftp and apply patches to them. Useful for using [ftpd]( to transfer ROM save files to and from your DS if you also play on an emulator. Setup a cron job to check for your DS's ftp server periodically to setup automatic syncing.
- Installation
Clone this repo, cd into it, `pip3 install .`
- Config file format
Default config file location: - Windows: `Documents\ftp_sync\ftp_sync.yaml` - Linux/MacOS: `~/.config/ftp_sync/ftp_sync.yaml`
Use either yaml or json. An example yaml file is provided with all of the currently supported options.
If the patcher option is not specified, files will be transfered unmodified.
- Automatic sync behavior
On your first run, you'll likely have to specify one of the to/from commands if both remote and local files exist.
- Will sync if either remote or local file do not exist - Will sync if either local or remote files change, not both. - Will not sync if both files change
- Usage
``` Usage: python -m ftp_sync [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Options: -c, --config-file TEXT Yaml or json config file defining connection and sync pair settings -d, --debug --help Show this message and exit.
Commands: sync Automatically sync a specified sync pair. sync-all Automatically sync all sync pairs. sync-all-from Sync all sync pairs remote to local. sync-all-to Sync all sync pairs local to remote. sync-from Sync a pair remote to local. sync-to Sync a pair local to remote. ```
The singular sync commands (the ones that aren't sync-all\*) take a `-n/--name` argument which specifies the sync pair to use.
Ex: `python3 -m ftp_sync sync -n pokemon_pearl` will sync the `pokemon_pearl` sync pair in the example yaml file.
- Future work
- [x] Windows support - [ ] Add directory sync support - [ ] Sync between multiple sources/servers - [ ] Cleanup old backup files - [ ] Define and enforce config file schema - [ ] Add more patchers (Would love to extract/inject saves from/to VC) - [ ] Make this README better - [ ] If enough people like this I'll consider adding it to pypi and turning this into a real REPO with CI, unit tests, etc - [ ] Suggestions?