- Disable a Address Space Layout Randomization of PS Vita.
- Authors: Princess-of-Sleeping.
PSMLogUSB (Princess Silly Mini Log USB):
- A modified version of PrincessLog to use the USB serial drivers provided by the PSM SDK. This allows for serial stdout without hardware modification.
- Authors: dots_tb.
Codename PrincessLog:
- A complete logging solution for any homebrew, user plugin, kernel plugin. It is more efficient and overall nicer than ShipLog.
- Authors: Princess-of-Sleeping.
ShipLog v2.0 (Obsolete, use PrincessLog):
- A complete logging solution for any homebrew, user plugin, kernel plugin. It can use network or file logging.
- Authors: dots-tb.
FAGDec (French-American Games Decrypter):
- A PS Vita homebrew that decrypts easily PS Vita user/kernel and games modules and can generate .ppk (compatibility pack for low FWs).
- Authors: CelesteBlue-dev and dots-tb.
ioPlus 0.1, 0.2:
- A PS Vita kernel plugin that allows more IO operations in userland. Fast, simpler, and efficient alternative to kuio (by Rinnegatamante) (3x smaller). It allows elevated IO permissions of user applications and plugins using the original sceIo functions. This includes reading, writing, opening, and folder management within applications such as official games. It may also include getting stats, not sure.
- Version 0.2 is much more inefficient, but supports decryption of files within devices that may open such as PFS devices (WARNING THIS PLUGIN MAY BYPASS SAFE-MODE).
- Authors: dots-tb.
- A PS Vita kernel plugin that dumps Non-Secure World (NS kernel + userland) memory using RAM physical range: from 0x40200000 to 0x5FD00000.
- See wiki for more information on PS Vita's physical memory:
- The output dump stored in ur0:dump/physmem-dump.bin is aimed to be loaded in IDA PRO using
- Authors: xyzz.
- A PS Vita fSELF to run on any activated TestKit/DevKit running FW <=3.67 in order to dump its kernel.
- Confirmed working between 3.50 and 3.67. Will need some changes for lower FWs (sceMotionDevGetEvaInfo is only on FW >= 3.50).
- Authors: TheFloW and CelesteBlue-dev.