Mobility Vita

From GameBrew
Revision as of 12:35, 22 December 2022 by HydeWing (talk | contribs)
AuthorMarkus95 (Kus00095)
Last Updated2021/08/14

This is a port Mobility! for the PS Vita.

Original game by Auroriax (Tom Hermans).


  • Make the game as difficult as you want with very distinct difficulty settings and accessibility options
  • Very time trial friendly: support for replays, leaderboards, and medal times.
  • 25 levels over four spaceships, good for about an hour of gameplay to complete.
  • Super minimalist art, with a user interface to match.
  • A double layered soundtrack that is relaxing when running around the overworld, but intensifies when you enter a level

User guide

Explore spaceships, and fix their engine rooms to complete your training and become a master spaceship repairman for the Mobility.

It is the year 21XX. As space travel grows more and more mainstream, the fear for technical mishaps in spaceships increases. In response, The People Of Earth set up the Mobility, an on-call emergency spaceship repair service. It doesn't take long for the Mobility to acclaim a superhero-like status, and become highly regarded in every corner of the universe.

One does not easily make it into the Mobility. Once you make it through the selection progress, you'll have to fix several spaceships before you are officially recruited. Scour the spaceships to find their server rooms, which contain a variety of platforms. You can fix any engine room by activating all platforms by landing on the top or sides of them.


mobilityvita3.gif mobilityvita4.gif

mobilityvita5.gif mobilityvita6.gif

External links
